Isn't it weird that all the "perpetrators" in the nation's big crime stories end up dead?

24  2013-04-19 by [deleted]

Rogue Cop? Eh, burn him alive. Boston Bombers? Eh, kill them. Wouldn't want them to talk, after all.


It sure is weird how people intent on killing as many people as possible with 0 regard to their own life end up dead after refusing to surrender to police

See how easy it is to program people? Just like Dorner, you've not been given ANY credible shred of evidence proving this man's guilt. But you're ready to deny him his rights and allow him to be executed in the name of your own emotional and moral expediency.

America used to be better than this.

just curious. how do you explain the shitstorm they caused last night with explosives, guns, etc?

I don't explain it. I don't claim to know enough about it yet to attempt an overview.

How much do you know about it FOR SURE?

trying to redirect the question back to me huh? based on the fact that the police reports are matching what happened, im sure its true.

No. See, this is what I'm talking about:

What YOU read of the police report matches the supporting narrative you saw from the mainstream media.

But you don't know any of that information FOR SURE. So why are you SO SURE that I'm wrong and you're right?

i actually havent been watching the mainstream media whatsoever. so that ends your little counterargument. suspect 2 is dead from gunshots and what looks like an explosive device that was attached to his chest. theres no denying that.

right, but what is he saying is that since you weren't there to see it firsthand then you can not say to know , as an irrefutable fact, anything about the situation. I can not say that I know 100%, with any credibility, Noah built an ark to fit 2 of every animal just because I read it in the bible. there is no confrontational aspect to his argument, just that if you weren't there then you do not really know. completely neutral, using nothing but logic.

Have you been given any credible shred of evidence that you're not living in the Matrix?

its like people just except what ever they are presented with out evidence and without thought. You cant consider that perhaps there is another agenda, one the public shouldn't know about.? its not like you haven't been lied too before.

And it's like other people refuse to "except" anything and love living in their own fabricated reality where absolutely nothing is real. Sounds kinda like the Matrix!

Not at all. I'm open to both scenarios. Im just asking for some harder evidence before coming to an opinion. And even then you should still keep an open

What a credible website

that's the point! Governments don't lie to there citizen..or do they? If nothing more i just think people should keep an open mind.

Do you understand the irony of refusing the believe the "official story of the government" and all that mumbo jumbo yet taking these things from the 50s as the gospel? You all sure are a funny bunch.

Im not refusing to believe. Because i have an open mind i am able to take all scenarios into account and based on evidence and facts make an educated opinion. Why are you hear? Go back to CNN.

Yes these Boston guys have shown their willingness to just come in. They havent dropped bombs in numerous locations. Killed a MIT cop and also shot at other police officers. They are peace loving guys that would just come in to custody if the police said "pretty please".

What ever happened to innocent until proven guilty? All I am saying is that we don't know all of the facts. So often our police officers jump into the position of judge, jury, and executioner while the masses so willingly believe whatever "official story" is presented.

The type of person who would ambush and murder an MIT police officer sitting in his car probably isn't going to surrender. Besides, it's kind of hard to get a suspect to talk after he blows himself up with a vest bomb.


Did I say they weren't innocent until proven guilty?..... Please tell me what the police should be doing when a guy steps from a car with guns drawn? Ask him to pretty please dont shoot with a cherry on top. As much as I would like to live in the land of unicorns and rainbows that is not reality.

If a guy jumps out of a car with guns drawn, they should shoot him. I am not questioning the actions of police officers who's lives were at risk. I am questioning the willingness to believe the official story without being skeptical. Unless you were a witness to exactly what happened, then you don't know anymore than I do.

Maybe not for you. Sucks to be you!

You mean like, when their life and the lives of others are in danger?

Like I said. So willing to believe whatever official story is presented. We don't know anything yet.


Personal attacks aren't allowed here.

I like your style. Go with the default insult for anyone who has an opinion different than yours. Maybe if I shave my neckbeard and move out of my parent's basement the terrorists will lose.

Worth a shot!

so because i question i get stuck with that stigma..that doesnt make sence.

or sense even

That's their job now. To carry out the execution orders of a gamed Media. Welcome to Fascism.

Yeah, better that they get gunned down or blown up in the name of true justice as defined by /r/conspiracy

I must have missed that definition. Is it on the sidebar somewhere?

No, just find anyone here constantly calling people "shills" and they'll be happy to explain how you have to take anyone into custody alive no matter how many people have to die in the process.

When a suspect in a bombing exits his vehicle and throws bombs at and points a gun at cops, what exactly do you think the response from the cops should be? "Please stop that so we can arrest you?" Maybe we need Barney the Dinosaur running our law enforcement?

It's a choice bad guys often make that is often called "suicide by cop".

If they had exited the vehicle and laid on the ground with their arms outstretched, they could have been taken into custody and then properly tortured for information, then hopefully tortured to death, slowly and painfully, and finally had their bodies disposed of in the most heinous way imaginable to their particular religion.

Yes, that is what terrorists deserve. Those who die quickly in drone strikes are treated better than they should be.

Dont forget to wipe out their entire blood line. Maybe if they know that their family will suffer in this life and the next. Maybe sitting back sipping on a mojito might not be such a bad idea after all. Threatening them with death quick or slow, as we has seen doesn't really get the message through.

Wipe out bloodlines? Why would we harm people who've done no harm themselves?

Just an idea. Current approach inst working. How much longer are we going to tolerate having our loved ones killed. Something has to change. I dont necessarily agree with it but the old adage sacrifice a few inocent for the grater good. It happens all the time in war, intentional or not. Make no mistake we are at war.

I must have missed that definition. Is it on the sidebar somewhere?

And it's like other people refuse to "except" anything and love living in their own fabricated reality where absolutely nothing is real. Sounds kinda like the Matrix!

trying to redirect the question back to me huh? based on the fact that the police reports are matching what happened, im sure its true.