So, Conspiracy, what did you learn today after the real suspects were announced?

42  2013-04-19 by [deleted]

I'm not trying to be an asshole but I, and others, have been attempting to inform most of you that those submissions, speculating on who the bomber was, were ridiculous. People here would reply to me saying brainstorming isn't harmful and that people were doing good by trying to identify the suspects. I'd have to completely disagree by stating it is harmful and counterproductive to this subreddit.

When I, and others, tried to point out the flaws in the blind speculation we'd be downvoted. That's not right, you shouldn't try to drown out those who are objective or hesitant to make very serious claims based on little to no evidence. The main problem with those submission were that they became a huge circle-jerk where anybody who disagreed would be chastised.

Do you, after finding out that all of you and all of Reddit were dead wrong, have any remorse or hindsight? Was anything learned from this? Have those of you who participated realized the seriousness of blindly claiming innocents to be a mad bomber?

If you think it was all harmless and necessary, there's no doubt most of you will and downvote me for pointing your lapse in logic, then check out this article.

Thanks for your time, sorry if I offended any of you. I just think this subreddit should strive to be rational in such events rather than jumping on Reddit's make-believe detective bandwagon.

Edit: Please don't do this people... I can see that most of you are completely ignoring what I've said and countering it with more ludicrous claims. This online detective stuff was harmful to innocent people and you all had it completely wrong. There's real solid evidence for all of my claims yet most of you don't have a shred of proof to back up anything. It'd be sad for this submission to be downvoted into obscurity, doing so just shows an incredible amount of denial on this subreddits part. Just man up and own your mistakes, that's how we human beings learn. Hell, Reddit has already admitted their guilt by upvoting a post saying they were wrong to play detective; you're usual smarter than most of Reddit, Conspiracy, so continue showing it by admitting mistakes.

Seems that a lot of you are missing the point. No offence intended. I'm getting a lot of personal attacks, I appreciate that; it's always easier to defend your position by trying to discredit me, rather than what I've said. Keeping it classy I see. It's too bad really, I was hoping for an intelligent discussion with supported arguments instead of these petty attacks/accusations. I'm sorry but a lot of you are acting childish, can't we just act like adults?



Thank you, I'm amazed people are still arguing with me about this. They just don't give up or admit when they're wrong... It's denial taken to a whole new level.

Can't wait to be downvoted. Sorry guys, you got it right. All that internet sleuthing was well done.

Goddamn, this disturbing. Private speculation by conspiracy theorists has always had a harmless (mostly) niche in society, but the internet has given them a platform that allows them to communicate easily with each other, which is fine too; however an unforseen consequence of that communication is that it is easily read ("overheard") by a entity composed of people with the collective intelligence, self-restraint, and common sense of an angry, very powerful, four year old. While the theorists online might be smart enough to know their theories should never be immediately or rashly acted on, there is an invisible angry frustrated toddler "in the room" with them who is looking for a target to take out its anger on.

do you honestly believe everything thats been told to you though? Its like you're trying to say "hey reddit! hows it feel to be wrong? When I and other people called out the real culprits you were sitting here blaming Craft!" Honestly give me one set of information that isn't from ABC, NBC, MSN, CNN that you know IS DEAD FACT. This case on the bombing was so shrewdly put together its almost ridiculous how irresponsible its being controlled. that being (a small marshall law "Drill") If you want to believe go ahead be a sheep, otherwise don't call out the whole /r/conspiracy community just because we were honestly trying to do some good and find out the sketch people who did this.

if you're not here for conspiracy then don't be here! the whole point of this subreddit is for people to speculate.

I just wish that this subreddit used their reasoning skills.

How do we know these suspects are the bombers?

I haven't seen any evidence and from the people they talked to, they don't fit the description

Suspects father says he believes his sons were setup

First 2 sentences I agree with. But stating that the father, who still is in Russia, thinks they were set up is pointless. What father wouldn't say that, whether they knew that they were guilty or not?

Does that mean I am not as attractive and likeable as my mother tells me I am? that sucks.

One of the suspects got into a shootout with police, that's some damning evidence right there. There's more, go look it up on some websites. The police aren't actively tracking the other suspect, after shooting the first, based on no evidence. Say what you will, being as this is conspiracy, but I don't think the police are setting them up. If you really believe so could you give me evidence? The evidence claiming that people were suspects was based on hats and backpacks which is some very loose evidence; if you can call that evidence.

Also, of course the father is going to claim his children are innocent. He may not know about their intentions but even if he had it's still likely he wouldn't tell the truth. Their father is hardly a credible source of information on a setup.

One of the suspects got into a shootout with police, that's some damning evidence right there.

Yes it is evidence of a shootout with police, not evidence of bombing the race. You're doing what you are claiming reddit did. Seriously, your pompous post sounds like reddit in general was wrong and you solved the case. Reddit entertained all ideas, not just the ones you thought of.

Where is this evidence? I haven't seen anything indicating the police are telling the truth. Do we really know for a fact they got into a shoot out? Also who was the guy they were putting into a cop car last night naked? He looked a lot like the dead guy. Just asking.

One of the suspects got into a shootout with police

you have conclusive evidence of this? dashcam footage? you know... like the dashcam footage of Dorner killing those cops that were shot through the front window.. we all saw that.

All the kids friends say this is completely out of character

There is no motive

You're an idiot for believing the shit spoon fed to you, especially when so much of the shit they are trying to shovel ain't goin down so they gotta keep changing their story

Watch other interviews of shooting/bombing suspects. It's always the same story; never expecting it, out of character. Of course a planned attack is going to be out of character and a shock to people. That's not something suspects go around sharing or showing signs of.

Go ahead and say I'm wrong, but I'm not. That's what's always said by interviewees.

And what evidence do we have that what information they are giving us is true? If thats your argument then we pretty much are going by the words of the victims of the blast? NOT GOOD ENOUGH! We need solid evidence these are actually the guys! Stop speculating until theres solid proof who did it

Stop speculating until theres solid proof who did it

Great advice for people on Reddit in general...

Especially this subreddit.

/r/politics seems like the place for you.

Stop speculating until theres solid proof who did it

Usually that's why there are investigations after events like the Boston bombing. Trouble is they take a bit longer than looking at pictures found on the internet.

Friends? What friends do you speak of? I heard acquaintances speaking out and family members.

What if they said he was closed off and troubled? as if they could have seen this coming if they tried hard enough? Would you then consider him to be a plant? What kind of' 'character' would he have to be before you DIDN'T suspect anything fishy about the guy.

who says they are the "real" bombers? cnn? fox? nbc? yeah, I really believe everything they say to push their lobbyist agendas.

What makes you believe that they are not? I'll take the FBI's word on these suspects rather than Reddits terrible speculation based on photos of people with backpacks (It's a marathon, people are going to have backpacks.)

I'll take the FBI's word on these suspects

this might come as a shock, but this is probably the wrong subreddit for you.

As I've said, I don't believe everything out Government says. There is however a time to believe the Feds and that would be now, instead of continuously doing everything you can to prevent being wrong... The people here are finding everything they possibly can to try and prove the suspect's innocence and it seems they are because they don't want to admit the detective work that went on earlier was completely wrong.

What reasons do the Feds have to cause this bombing? Or shoot innocent people? Why would the suspect get into a firefight with police if he weren't involved? This seems to be homegrown terrorism and the Feds have every reason to publicly it and make a display out of these people. We should be more worried about the cops not killing the second suspect, as they usually do.

I am interested to know why you don't understand this is probably the wrong subreddit or you.

I'm just going to say this because this is turning into a circle jerk but:


That attitude is what's leading to this massive display of ignorance. The Feds aren't very trustworthy I'll admit but it's ridiculous to assume absolutely everything is a conspiracy.

um.. Just so you know, every thing in this sub is a conspiracy. That's why we're here. Either wear your foil hat or gtfo.

is it really being ridiculous? not accepting the fact that your government can jail you anytime they want and ruin your reputation and life is ridiculous.

You and many others are making straw man arguments. Stop putting words into my mouth. I know what our Government can do and I disagree with them entirely. Thing is, unlike others here it seems, I refuse to call absolutely everything a conspiracy. The Government didn't bomb Boston and they didn't set up two innocent individuals. There's evidence supporting the suspects guilt.

Did you ever think about what's more likely? Two homegrown terrorists bombing a marathon or the Government bombing the marathon, setting up to civilians in highschool and then getting into a shootout with one and a manhunt with the other? Which does the evidence support? Oh, right, the homegrown terrorism.

My submission is about all the claims people were making about the bombers and the harm it has done. That, and the speculation which was all wrong and had no supporting evidence.

So how did they pick these two guys out of everyone wearing a backpack at the event? From the "surveillance videos" released, nothing looked out of the ordinary. Seems pretty unusual to point these 2 random people

I do believe the FBI has evidence that isn't known to the public. Wait, nah, they're the FBI, they don't do that kind of stuff and always disclose what they know.

Hey, it gets my point across.

Maybe the government didn't bomb Boston, but it sure as hell seems as if they knew of these kids prior to the bombings (based off of the parents saying the FBI had been talking to them for 3-5 years, knew they were in to some sort of terrorist group, tracked by the FBI, ran drills at the race for bombs, had BlackWater or Navy Seals personnel on site, and without a doubt in my mind let this happen.

There might be a lot of evidence that these kids did it. It's almost certain they did, but the hand that feeds them is homegrown.

It's a known thing. Governments have always used red flags to pass bills, start wars, or reach their agenda.

O! And there you go. Cats out of the bag.

oh you mean the fbi that has created every terror plot they've busted since 9/11?

I don't know about every terror plot, but here's one example.

What makes you believe that they are not?

That's a good fascist. Guilty until proven innocent.. or killed

There are SO many questions unanswered, and yet to be asked! On top of that, they are planning to deliberately destroy all the evidence in the suspects house.

I'm damn sure it's way too early for ANYONE to be so certain.

Just be a good boy and do what the government tells you to. OK

TIL that that these kids will be blamed and this post will more then likely be deleted and the press controls the illusion

Boogety Boogety boo! Jesus you people are crackpots.

GTFO then.

So... if you see anything or hear anything.... but just make sure whatever you see of hear is pinpoint accurate or else you'll hear about it.

Are you trying to chastise people for thinking and coming up with ideas/THEORIES?

inb4 let the professionals do the thinking for you. I guess everyone should just stick to TV. Am I right?

I just think this subreddit should strive to be rational in such events

yes, because this is an entity, a hive mind - everybody is of the same opinion.

go fuck yourself.

Wow, aren't you aggressive. Just calm down, everything is going to be alright man. I never said everybody has the same opinion, I was just pointing out a certain group of individuals who aren't very bright. I think you're in that group, right?

Get off yer high horse...

"I'm not trying to be an asshole but"

Yes you are.

how do you know they were wrong? The "correct" suspects could just be 2 scapegoats that were picked out ahead of time. Just because the FBI released the "real" suspects" doesn't make them the ones who actually did it. I thought this was /r/conspiracy not /r/believeeverythingtheytellyou.

EDIT: wow, judging by the downvote brigade I'd say uncle sam has his dick in some asses in here working their mouths like the little puppets they are. Why the fuck even come in this sub if you're just going to agree with the fed, I thought this sub was for the exact opposite of that.

How do you know they aren't the correct suspects? What's your proof, other than the children's father who wouldn't give them up even if he had known of their intentions.

The FBI has a lot more knowledge on the suspects than you do. They could be scapegoats, but even if they are they're likely still guilty of the crime. As I have said to others, if you are going to claim they're innocent or scapegoats please show some proof.

So far, this isn't /r/conspiracy but rather /r/believeeverythingthatyoufeellikebelievingwhiledisregardingthetruthswhicharerightinfrontofyoureyes

The fbi had wrong suspects for 9/11 some are still alive yet they have never changed the hijackers they listed. The fact the feds said they are the suspects doesn't mean anything other than that's who its going to be pinned on. Maybe they were but I still have seen no proof other than conjecture so for now I'll just see what unfolds.

I ain't got no proof, man. I'm just sayin' I don't believe what the Fed says as truth.

I don't believe everything I hear or see when it's coming from the Feds. This however is different, I don't believe they have much to gain from lying and shooting innocent people. I don't think they caused the bombing and I'm positive they want to make a big display out of them catching, and probably killing, those involved.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with questioning our Government but it's a problem when the questioning is without any evidence, and when there's tons of proof countering the claims people are making. That, and people don't seem willing to admit when they've made a mistake. The lie keeps on growing. It's disinformation, distorting what had actually happened.

I don't believe they have much to gain from lying and shooting innocent people


I'm positive they want to make a big display out of them catching, and probably killing, those involved.


but it's a problem when the questioning is without any evidence,

The proof is in the pudding, bro! Thier past dealings says everything! So you're telling me that they chose THIS ONE TIME to be noble and truthful!?!?!

The lie keeps on growing. It's disinformation, distorting what had actually happened.

How the fuck do you know what actually happened? Oh wait I forgot your buds over at the FBI told ya.

There's way more evidence in my favor than in yours. You're in denial, not every attack in America is caused by the Feds.

Don't even bother, man, half the people you are replying to are ridiculous enough that their null hypothesis is "the feds did it"

how would you know?

Show me the evidence.

Show me the evidence you have that these are the suspects. Explain to me why these 2 would plant bombs at the marathon, then hang around for a couple days to rob a 7/11?

I'm in denial? You're fucking blind.

I could say the same about you. Wait, I already did.

yeah i'm blind for not trusting our extremely corrupt government. If someone lied to you on a daily basis, and tried to hide shit from you all the time, would you trust that person? No, no you fucking wouldn't.

That's why I generally don't trust /r/conspiracy.

again, then why come here?

Once again, not everybody is idiotic.

You have no proof. End of story.

If the feds said don't jump off a cliff would you jump off?

fuck yes I would.

They could be scapegoats, but even if they are they're likely still guilty of the crime

Fuck are you stupid?

Dumb question... yes you are

No personal attacks please. It violates our rules.

Tell this idiot not to insult my intelligence

Please stop with the name calling.

They could be scapegoats, but even if they are they're likely still guilty of the crime

You read that sentence and tell me an idiot didn't write it

It makes sense to me.

If they are scapegoats, the FBI or CIA or whoever is really responsible likely made sure they were involved on a level deep enough to be criminal. That is typically how it goes for the fall guy.

That doesn't really meet the definition of scape goat

"Later in the ceremonies of the day, the High Priest confessed the sins of the Israelites to Yahweh placing them figuratively on the head of the other goat, the Azazel scapegoat, who "took them away" never to be seen again. The sin of the nation was thus "atoned for" (paid for) by the "The Lord's Goat" and "The Azazel Goat"."

A scapegoat is an innocent vessel for your sins to be transferred to

A patsy is more like what you're describing

Either way try to respect other peoples right to have an opinion, don't call each other names. Just debate the subject at hand.

But it's my opinion that he's an idiot why isn't that respected?

I'm not telling him he has no right to post his idiocy, just calling it idiotic

Because we have specific limits, namely personal attacks. Personal attacks do nothing but degrade the conversation and ruin the environment for everyone.

No more.

Personal attacks do nothing but degrade the conversation and ruin the environment for everyone.

and if its my personal opinion that personal attacks can be constructive, this won't be respected?

What if I view your attack on my personal attacks as a personal attack?

You have been warned. Well leave it at that. Failure to follow the rules could result in a ban.

I smell a conspiracy

hahaha, you got me rolling dude, hahah.

What intelligence?

By the way, the original comment is the one claiming they are suspects. Thanks for completely ignoring everything that I've typed too, very mature of you buddy.

All I said was that they could be, I'm giving the possibilities my friend.

I'm not completely believing anything without hard evidence. Unlike you, I don't search for suspects based on nothing and then delusionally believe in it after being proved wrong.

"How do you know they aren't the correct suspects?"

Well... Primarily because the FBI says they are. I'm amazed by your allegiance to the Feds. They've been shitting on us for so long now, and you're kissing their feet before any real evidence has been weighed?

So many questions exist...

I very much so disagree with my Government. There's a lot of their bullshit that I don't believe. This however is a black and white kind of event. Everytime something happens like this /r/conspiracy immediately blames the Government. Every single time. Sometimes there's evidence, which I like, and sometimes like this case there is nothing to support the argument.

It's way too early to call it black and white... It's not even in focus yet.

The two lone national nut bags out to change the world?

There's no sense in that...

Story, after story, of FBI "sting operations" that carry out like black-ops all the way up to the event, and then they "spring their trap" and arrest their framed patsy?

And the FBI is jurisdiction on this case?

There is extreme conflict of interest there and MUCH reason for suspicion.

Suspicion, yes. I do believe that the Government is going to use this event for their benefit. Maybe reintroduce the gun bill and limit the sales of ammunition. Our Government never wastes a good disastor and they've caused a few as well.

I just don't fully believe they made this bombing happen. I do believe they received warning and let it occur so they could gain more leverage. That's not beyond them.

People also seem to be missing my main point here. It's that everybody was speculating on the suspects when they had no real proof. They named a load of people and still got it wrong. They even hurt the reputation of an innocent bystander.

Are you fucking serious? The shit I read on here makes me gag sometimes.

yes I am fucking serious. Why the fuck does this sub even exist if you just believe what the government says?

"the government" didn't shoot at police this morning.

or so you think :0) MIND FUCKD

Thank you, I'm amazed people are still arguing with me about this. They just don't give up or admit when they're wrong... It's denial taken to a whole new level.

Can't wait to be downvoted. Sorry guys, you got it right. All that internet sleuthing was well done.

All the kids friends say this is completely out of character

There is no motive

You're an idiot for believing the shit spoon fed to you, especially when so much of the shit they are trying to shovel ain't goin down so they gotta keep changing their story

As I've said, I don't believe everything out Government says. There is however a time to believe the Feds and that would be now, instead of continuously doing everything you can to prevent being wrong... The people here are finding everything they possibly can to try and prove the suspect's innocence and it seems they are because they don't want to admit the detective work that went on earlier was completely wrong.

What reasons do the Feds have to cause this bombing? Or shoot innocent people? Why would the suspect get into a firefight with police if he weren't involved? This seems to be homegrown terrorism and the Feds have every reason to publicly it and make a display out of these people. We should be more worried about the cops not killing the second suspect, as they usually do.

Personal attacks do nothing but degrade the conversation and ruin the environment for everyone.

and if its my personal opinion that personal attacks can be constructive, this won't be respected?

What if I view your attack on my personal attacks as a personal attack?

One of the suspects got into a shootout with police, that's some damning evidence right there.

Yes it is evidence of a shootout with police, not evidence of bombing the race. You're doing what you are claiming reddit did. Seriously, your pompous post sounds like reddit in general was wrong and you solved the case. Reddit entertained all ideas, not just the ones you thought of.

One of the suspects got into a shootout with police

you have conclusive evidence of this? dashcam footage? you know... like the dashcam footage of Dorner killing those cops that were shot through the front window.. we all saw that.

Where is this evidence? I haven't seen anything indicating the police are telling the truth. Do we really know for a fact they got into a shoot out? Also who was the guy they were putting into a cop car last night naked? He looked a lot like the dead guy. Just asking.