r/conspiracy is growing fast

137  2013-04-20 by [deleted]

Over the last week r/conspiracy has captured the imagination of many redditors. The crazy events that the USA has experienced has obviously been a catalyst, people, for good or bad are asking questions and this is exactly what we want this subreddit to be about - questioning.

This is a call out to the community to be vigilant. Keep reporting hate speech and derogatory comments and help the conspiracy reddit grow. There is NOTHING wrong with asking questions, we want debate but not shit-slinging and abuse. Please be vigilant and report hateful comments and content.

The current moderation team is strong and we are unbiased, as it should be. However we still need regular readers and subscribers to report inappropriate material and comments. Don't down-vote for disagreement, encourage conversation and admit when you, or we as a community are wrong.

Check your sources, be honest and polite with your conversation and respect other readers opinions.

This is all we ask. /r/conspiracy is not censored, this is our strength. Let's build on that freedom of speech in a positive way and educate each other along the way.



It's growing fast with a bunch of assholes.


This is true!

Ever think that people are checking/subscribing more to have a laugh at the lunacy?

That's the only reason I ever come here, and that's only due to having to see with my own eyes if stuff that is posted on /r/conspiratard is seriously posted here.

"The current moderation team is strong and we are unbiased" - Have you ever seen flytape post before?

I need a laugh every now and then to wind down.

Well said.... Mr. Dong. ;)

You literally took the words right out of my mouth.


I totally agree. The US Gov is unpredictable nowadays and you can expect surprising things from them. Whether the 2 brothers who were worked closely with the FBI, did it or not is what i want to know. Only time will tell and i hope the suspect captured gets to testify and tells us his version whether its true or not. I hope they don't drug him up so much so he will not be able to speak in court. Something doesn't seem right here, many people are being hateful towards the family but they did nothing to deserve this. Many also want to send the suspect straight to the chair. I'm pretty sure if you were in his position, you would try to defend yourself and speak out before being committed of any crime. Just imagine how horrible it would feel to be charged with a crime you might have NOT done without getting your side of the story to the public. We should all stop and think and not rush into any conclusion just because the MEDIA says so. They always tend to twist things up and make things worse.

So can you mods keep the memes out of here then?

It may not be censored but everyone on this sub is just preaching the same thing quit trying to convince people or making snide comments. Post your view on the subject agree or disagree then move on.

It fascinates me how not many comments are in threads here and when there is they have 90% dickish things to say so most people are gonna just say fuck it and go back to /r/funny and say pffffff nothing but crazies in there

That is the key don't try and convince anyone let them make up there mind waits for no response

People are realizing AGAIN that real conspiracies do happen at all levels of social stratification. I've noticed it amongst even friends and family on Facebook, they are realizing that a lot of modern history needs to be rewritten.

I came here yesterday because to me the reports from police and media about the details of the Boston bombings and the capture of the suspects flat out do not add up. Whether this is due to miscommunications, assumptions made due to lack of information or something more I will probably never know, but the way the event is being depicted now seems off.

Although I am not sure if r/conspiracy is helping me work through it or just filling my head with more nonsensical ideas.

Looks like this post is rising up pretty fast too, it just made it onto the front page of r/conspiracy.

And the front page of /r/conspiratard/ !


here here

Hear hear.

This sub is great but people need to report the name-calling propaganda attacks that the trolls who are obsessed with us rely on completely.


Well then let me welcome our new guests. You will find some true American heroes here . The main stream media is only one source all signing the same tune (confusion), Here you multiple sources from real people and it is like a case study of many variables of info. It is not a black and white unquestionable box like the msm it requires your thinking cap and before you know it you will even be calling out obvious shills

It is not censored but it's infested with shills

Well said!!

And your mods are censoring more and more

i do what i can. thank you guys.

Can we put a stop to the deductive attempts at censorship?

I was driven here by the draconian mods and paid shills.

My vehicle has been targeted twice in the past three days.

I believe this is due to my accurate analysis of the false flags this week.


Your car has been targeted twice? You expect me to believe the government has nothing better to do than attempt to kill some guy on reddit for questioning them on an Internet website?

Also, if the government wanted you dead, they wouldn't have failed twice.

People who make up stories like this are partially why no one takes anything in this sub-redidit seriously. It's completely unbelievable and if you're willing to make up a story about being "targeted" then why would I believe anything else you put on here.

Any money he has some inflammatory car bumper sticker that's the cause of this (if it's true). Much like US atheists who get their cars vandalised by the holier-than-thou, but hypocritical, fundamentalists Christians who don't like Evolution bumper stickers.

This is the conspiracy mindset. When your car gets vandalized and your first response is that the government is most likely the culprit. Highly trained dangerous men going around putting baloney on the hoods of assholes.

My vehicle has been targeted twice in the past three days. I believe this is due to my accurate analysis of the false flags this week.


You're probably going to call me a shill or something, but you should probably get some help if you really think your vehicle has been targeted because of some posts on reddit.

Tell it to 9000sins

He bans user that don't even post in this sub nor do hey violate this subs rules

I'll probably get banned for this like days_not_weeks did

Ps. Why does 9000sins delete his comment history

Read the comment histories of most of the naysayers in this sub. I spend my time in lots of corners of reddit. The naysayers spend all their time discussing the Boston Bombing and ONLY the Boston Bombing... pages and pages of it. That's suspicious as fuck.

It's also not true. Plenty of us are totally normal folks who just don't agree with you folks on this issue.

I'm so sorry to hear that. Stay safe, my friend.

What happened to your car? Do you know who did it?

Tire sabotage and the use of an illegal sensory device.

Think like a body scanner remote to see inside a vehicle, photon emission strong enough to induce cancer.

The people who I think are responsible for the targeting of my vehicle help run the CIA's national resource program.

And I believe "operation downstrike" is the codename for the series of false flags.

Here's an example of a dude robbing banks on behalf of the CIA

I love this comment, especially that link at the end! It's like a Monty python sketch, nonsense .. nonsense .. nonsense ... And now for something completely different.

I documented the events and have a high enough public profile to be targeted. I have the misfortune of knowing the goons behind the national resources program. You won't find me proving these things on reddit, especially when I think my life threatened.

So the all powerful US government and the CIA have repeatedly failed to take out a redditor?


You should see someone. I'm serious, you actually need medical help.

because they can't be too brazen. These are more like high-school bully jocks out to get me, they happen to work for the agency

Umm, did you read the story at the link you posted? Read the WHOLE thing? It was a scam. The guy running it is mentally ill (cough) and is being charged with crimes. There is no CIA robbing banks.

You don't think the CIA just denied it?

You would rather deny any involvement to protect the CIA's rep?

I don't think you belong on /r/conspiracy

No I would rather read the story and stick to the facts. Why in the world would the CIA recruit some random kid, over the phone, that works at Target and who they've never met, to run a bankrobbing operation for them? Through some girl they met on sugardaddy.com?

Have you thought about this? At all? Or do you just jump to whatever conclusion fits your anti-CIA paranoia? If sticking to reality means I don't belong in /r/conspiracy then thank you. That's the biggest compliment you could give me.

Why in the world would the CIA recruit some random kid, over the phone, that works at Target and who they've never met, to run a bankrobbing operation for them? Through some girl they met on sugardaddy.com?

I have met them personally and seen them pull things like this. Sorry that you want something other than a conspiracy. Maybe you should stop trolling?

How am I trolling?

And curious, where are you from? Where have you met CIA agents? I'm from the DC area. Born and raised here--20 minutes from Langley. I've actually met folks that work for the CIA. Friends or the parents of friends. I'm curious as to where you've met such folks.

DMV also. Looking forward to the 17-year cicada swarm.

When is that supposed to drop? Really looking forward to it.

I just met this girl from Saudi Arabia who moved to Baltimore two months ago (got a scholarship to Johns Hopkins). Was telling her about the cicadas and how she got here JUST in time. She's freaking out about it. Pretty funny.

it varies, but I'm hedged on the second week of may.

Time series analysis and predictive modelling is my specialty.

Just out of curiosity, while I have you here, where at in the DMV are you? Who knows, maybe we know each other

No, we don't

Can't even give a city name? How about a county?

You are violating the contractual obligations of this website in a threatening manner.


That's amazing. thanks!

go forth and spread the word.

We need to reform the corrupt and ineffective security agencies first and foremost.

The multiple incidents last week are enough to demonstrate that.

I will. I fear the sheeple will never be awoken from their slumber.

The powers that be would only feel so desperate if the times were already changing.

They give up trying to kill you after awhile, especially when they realize that you can no longer be scared into submission.


I've been shot at in the past 2 years and had a wheel fly off my car a few months ago. I'm just lucky.

How is this being downvoted?! This dude has cheated DEATH!



I wanted to know more

Let me read those deleted comments



I wanted to know more Let me read those deleted comments


Could you help me find them?


Thanks ever so kindly

There is plenty of good stuff here I am looking into.

What is this? Ok, it's a lot of links, but would you mind providing context?


We'll It seems a bit like "spam", but I'm glad your sticking to your word and not deleting anything (other that posters who are abusive).


ya, a lot more.

censorship = reddit removing the findbostonbombers subreddit

There are many Illuminati bots signing up and downvoting the comments of their Masters.

Most of the good (true-er) content, will be found under a 80% threshhold , which I assume has to do with Reddit algorithms --- within their capability that is .... the PEOPLE outnumber these shillbot illuminatifags

... the PEOPLE outnumber these shillbot illuminatifags

Yup! I proved we outnumber them live. I made a comment that the shill-bots agreed with, got 14 immediate upvotes, then made my true intent clear, and immediately got bombarded with downvotes. Upvotes are still winning though as of the time this comment was written.


Who knows if/when it will get buried though.

Hate speech = say nothing that can be interpreted as even remotely derogatory about the Jews?

I love r/conspiracy, but over the last few days I've really been attacked (ad hominem, threats, etc). I've been reporting what I can, and try to ignore as many Trolls as possible. I think that's all any of us can do...report and then disengage. Some people just get off on picking a fight and making it personal (no matter who well you source).

Like many, I have my suspicions about this weeks events. I've tried to make as many logical arguments as possible and back them up when i could. What I've noticed is that a lot of my comment get voted down, and the obvious troll comments are voted up. It's my feeling (no facts to back this one up) that there is a consorted effort going on to down vote certain topics. Anyone else experience something similar?

Well when a big event happens it'll draw people from all walks of life to check out this sub reddit out of curiosity, so you're bound to get attacked by people who are "not awake."

On the slow news weeks when this sub reddit just has its normal day to day regular visitors you usually won't get attacked or trolled as much.

The thing I noticed is how fast the downvotes come as soon as you make any kind of anti-establishment comments. However, I've noticed that about this subreddit for months. For me, this isn't new in the last week or so. Perhaps it's been brought up a notch or two recently. More shill-bots are needed to maintain status quo ... as a result of our userbase increasing.

I too have seen the rise in ad hominem based fallacy attacks here. It's a standard method of operation. They attempt to discredit those redditors as quickly as possible, so they're ignored by newcomers.

Yep. This is why I stick to tightly controlled sources, ideally managed by a single reliable individual. Cryptogon.com comes to mind - the guy has a solid filter for relevant information.

The same guy actually calls reddit an "open-air nuthouse", lol.

Well thought out opinions in this subreddit face a large amount of scutiny. There could be a few reasons why.

Some people like to play devil's advocate, which is fine but doing so without an opinion on a specific conspiracy is lazy.

Others tend to be so convinced of their truth that they would argue till the day they died.

Then there's the shills.

I'm fairly new and I keep most things to myself, but I read like mad on here and give my up/down vote. I'm definetly thankful for the subreddit so I can get different takes on things.

However, cheap insults and loaded statements are not very informative and the people providing them are on the rise here.

"Concerted effort", and yes, we have dedicated trolls/disinformation agents here. Some are probably paid to do it, most aren't (useful idiots who want to feel better about themselves by attacking others). They organize primarily in a nominally bigoted and extremely gaudy hate-group subreddit run by sick anti-Palestinian extremists.

More: /r/NolibsWatch

(useful idiots who want to feel better about themselves by attacking others)

Pretty ironic considering every post you make attacks /r/conspiratard with wild accusation that's easily debunked.

Also, why is every post you make in this subreddit about /r/conspiratard or shilling for your /r/nolibswatch subreddit which stalks the members of /r/conspiratard?

You're advertising your subreddit that encourages the stalking of reddit members you politically disagree with and something that is against rule number four of this subreddit.

Debunk away son. Let's see it.

/r/NolibsWatch exists because the mods of your nest were reneltlessly doxxing, harassing and threatening users and vote-gaming comments and threads. You exist to disrupt this subreddit and you are a loud and proud bigot about it.

Thanks for the spelling correction, and for the explanation. I suspected it was some type of "Troll brigade".


all the shills are coming to debunk everything

Just out of curiosity, while I have you here, where at in the DMV are you? Who knows, maybe we know each other