My best friend was born into an Illuminati family and has shown me many things to prove it. AMA.

119  2013-04-21 by [deleted]


Not using a throw away because I'm sure if there already is a list I'm most likely on it anyway by this point.

A few question for you if you can answer or have the time:

1) is Alex Jones a shill? (Don't like the guy but always wondered.)

2) where does Scientology fit in if anywhere?

3) what does 322 mean?

4) are there Deep Underground Military Bases?

5) what are these organizations biggest fears?

Sorry for so many questions but an opportunity like this doesn't present very often. I want to believe this is real but I take everything with healthy skepticism.

And if this is real and they are watching this I'd just like to say "good luck to you guys. More of us than you. No one has ever successfully controlled the planet. You may be winning the battles. But we will win the war."

Thanks OP for this if indeed you are sticking your neck out for us.



Thanks for taking the time to answer. Keep me updated if you find any info that could be useful.


You could always create a new thread as you get new info. This is a fairly small community here so it will most likely receive visibility. However if this info is genuine you are giving there will most likely not be another post. Something as nefarious as you are describing would most likely silence you before you had the chance. And the more often you do post the less likely me and everyone else would take you as a real source. No offense. I am open to receiving private messages if you fear posting again. Consider me personally interested. Best of luck to you OP.




I don't think the thread will be removed. I'm only saying that if what you are saying is true and they consider your posts to be threat to their agenda they will make sure it doesn't happen again. One way or another. I'm sure TPTB are subscribed to this subreddit.

It may be that the "powers-that-be" are not as perfectly calculated as we give them credit for, and now face a nerve-racking tight rope walk of weighing the drawbacks of martyrdom vs the benefits of silencing...probably involves weighing how much of a ripple the dissappearance of a piece of info or source of info will be...which is why, in my case, I feel generally safe as I have an extensive network that would blow the whistle after my dissapearance, but then again all they would have to point to are a few of my posts in /r/depression and hey look, just another Aaron Schwartz.

[EDIT:] That said, I think the most important thing we can do at this point in civilization is question the "official story" as it works in a similar way that official stories on any socially-affected media work--through chaotic mega-sized telephone-gaming.

4) Mount Summit?


The real truth is very hard to believe, so it gets frustrating trying to alert people, but here it goes: Icke, along with many who have had alien/demon/angel/lizard encounters was a victim of psychotronic weapons. These weapons make the victim feel as if they are possessed. Icke first claimed he was Christ. For the actual truth read "The Matrix Deciphered," by ex-DoD scientist Dr. Robert Duncan or Google "Akwei vs NSA."


Off all the questions, the Alex Jones one made me curious the most, please shed some light OP!


Why are you here?

[EDIT: if anyone is at a computer they should report the above guy to the mods per their request earlier. Created an account 21 days ago to use bad grammar and ad hominem attacks against people engaging in conversations he doesn't agree with. Hasn't contributed anything. If no one else can I will when I get home. Can't do it from my phone.]


I'm in a conspiracy subreddit. Of course I will entertain certain non-traditional ideas and posts here. In my original post I didn't hail OP as some sort of pillar of truth. I'm only engaging him in the small off chance it may be real. Do I believe societies like the one OP is describing exist? Yes I do. Whole heartedly. Do I believe that the entire federal government is involved? No. Of course I don't. I do believe there are people in places of high power pulling strings and using factions and groups of individuals in our government as cannon fodder and unknowing participants in their agenda. I've done research. And no offense I can tell by your grammar you don't do much research or reading at all. It may benefit you to be more open to ideas instead of automatically dismissing them as false. Also I'm not going to call you a shill because you don't fit the profile. You just seem uninformed and misguided. You should check out /r/politics or /r/Murica. Those subs may be more to your liking with people more suited to your current belief system. This isn't the place for you right now.

I have a degree in political science and have been down the rabbithole, ask me literally anything about it and i can give you a much more detailed and informed answer off the top of my head than you could come up with in a hundred years, because you feed your mind with the hogwash on this subreddit. have you ever read manufacturing consent? the ticklish subject? written a thesis on ideology? no, no you haven't, please conspiratard, stop taking your internet engagement as an education and your using your ignorance as pride.

I'm done responding to assumptions and ad hominems. One last down vote for you. Them I'm gracefully going to stop feeding into you. Hope the rest of your night is as pleasant as you are.

okay bye dumbass

So brave...

Please keep worthless comments like that out of /r/conspiracy as they add nothing to the discussion. May I direct you to /r/aww and /r/funny ?

Cmon dude. He claims they have communication with other worldly life forms. He's brave because they know he's doing this. They're gonna kill him soon for revealing their secrets.

So why didn't you say that as your first post? Leave the bullshit sarcasm to the bullshit subreddits.


Yes, the Illuminati, who are essentially run by the corrupted souls of Lovecraftian lore, won't be able to find you because you're using the internet/a proxy.

Get real.

There is so much bullshit in this thread that I can only assume the cow died of dysentery.


And, again, they're probably going to "find you" before you can provide us with that proof.

If they're "so powerful" you don't think they could have removed a post that's been up for 16 hours now? I mean, they have magic on their side and all.

I can't believe I'm still trying to get you to provide proof. You and I both know that you have nothing.

Proof is put there by the devil. Just like dinosaur bones. Don't ya know?

There was a fellow who did an AMA a while back, who claimed to be a TRUE Satanist. He mentioned a few things that caught my attention, such as identifying one of their main ritual languages as Acadian. This is a very little known fact about some of the 'old families'. One of their languages supposedly is far older & I personally suspect it may be from Atlantean-based speech. I know many folks here laughed him off as a kook, and maybe he was but, there were a few 'glaring details'.
Anyway, he also made mention of these supernatural aspects, & I think that's where the rubber-meets-the-road in terms of the real conspiracy. However, I don't see it through the eyes of superstition & ancient pagan metaphors, I think these are multidimensional beings who are just higher on the food chain, but don't have the high morality we might envision such beings as having. These families know how to communicate & interact with them, and have been handing down this knowledge (as well as the 'relationships' that go along with it) for a very, very long time. Sociologically speaking, it's completely fascinating!

I've seen images from within a very nice mansion once, of a hidden & very ornate room that I first thought was centered around some kind of elaborate poker table, when I eventually realized it was a sophisticated Ouija board. Looked like it had been in the family for generations.

At any rate, these folks are where the real power is. The scary power. Maybe that '13th' group is directly related to them, our maybe this is just another hoax for conspiritard to get their lulz.

Doesn't make a difference to me, I've seen enough to convince me that this angle is very much worth considering, as intellectually scary as it may be. But if this really is what we are up against, how the fuck are we supposed to deal with that?!

I guess I don't really have a question, but you might look up that true Satanist AMA, see if anything matches up. I know that some Families are more into the occultic stuff, others more into global finance, others military & media, etc.. that guy's family was definitely major Occult.

Stay safe bro ;)

Hey mate, can you find the pictures of that ancient ouija board,

I'll love to see it

My stance on all this for years is this. Just because I don't believe something doesn't mean it's not true.

Anyway, he also made mention of these supernatural aspects, & I think that's where the rubber-meets-the-road in terms of the real conspiracy

Couldnt agree with you more

First, thanks for this AMA. Many people are turned off from the occult aspects of the ruling elite. That's normal, because believing such a thing is beyond the pale. All occult means is "hidden", so it is not such an unbelievable aspect to many of us.

The families that he is talking about are the Plutocratic elites. As far as extradimensional entities, belief in this takes either a leap of faith or personal experience.

The truth about these families and bloodlines is that they have become pretty terribly inbred, and they are using a fast declining source of magic. With genetic dissolution and old school formulas, these lines are actually losing potency.

Ultimately, the extradimensional entities feed off of fear, and those that provide the food get the favors. However, power from fear is infinitely less potent than power from the higher emotions. The astral plane is usually the place that people can find these entities. The astral is the sum of all beliefs, dreams and nightmares. Most see it as the 4th Dimension. The more food astral entities get, the more real and powerful they get.

The ultimate thing to remember is that the material (3rd Dimensional) universe is just school. The school of choice. It is predicated on the duality. We are all much more than just 3rd Dimensional beings. We are all part of the Unity of all. "One consciousness experiencing itself subjectively" as Bill Hicks famously said.

To break through the fear of the psychic and astral levels is to move to higher and higher states of consciousness. This requires looking fear in the face and refusing to feed it with your energy. This requires love expanding from self, to family, to tribe, to nation, to global, to universal.

Always, conspiracy has the capacity to either feed the fear, or give people the capacity to look their fears in the face. Like a lot of things, it's dual and is a mixed blessing. I love it when someone posts something like the OP's post on conspiracy. This is a thread that attempts to get at the multi-dimensional nature of our current existence. Anyway, love and light to all who seek, and may you be a candle in the darkness for those travelling through the realms of fear.


Not sure where you're pulling this from, but I have read all of this on GLP forums.


Not calling you a liar but this is sounding like fan fiction/roleplaying. Then again I've read and researched so much on this subject that it could be all sounding the same to me...

That's just me though. Maybe these will sound familiar to you.

twelve major organisations

Please list, by name, all twelve of these organizations. Or as many of them as you can.

Edit: gathered from OP himself, here's a running list of the ones we know:

  1. the Freemasons
  2. the Vatican
  3. unnamed family & their religion
  4. the British royal family, etc.
  5. inter-dimensional beings ("moloc'h" being one of them)
  6. unknown - possibly more inter-dimensional beings
  7. unknown
  8. unknown
  9. unknown
  10. unknown
  11. unknown
  12. unknown
  13. commonly known as the 13th ("seem like vampires")

Rothschild and their extended Family are probably a faction as well considering how much power they have in the world. Can Op Confirm?



Rothschild? Skull/Bone? I know a family that is closely related to the Rothschild family...actually one of them friended me on FB recently and I don't know what to make of him. He appears friendly and defends the families, but I don't trust it. Is it true that most of the illuminati interbreeds and cares heavily about bloodline?


Probably the same belief that kept them thinking enough of us wouldn't question authority...let us hope it is the one oversight that has them caught between too many people with good intentions and accurate info at this point.


If it fits into a fantasy book or sci-fi film, by god it isn't true.

Actually they don't care. Why would they, things get out of hand they just wipe out those that step out of line. They've already demonstrated their capacity to do this with the Black Death and the Spanish Flu and that is just biological.

They could just abduct the trouble makers in the middle of the night and simply never return them.

In Brazil they proved they an hit you from space and watch your skin just fall off your body.

Or worse if they really need to they could just start wiping out cities like they are nothing. So basically they aren't even concerned if your recognize their puppets authority or not. They are just as fine with having a different set of elite run things.

Just to clarify, are the "inter-dimensional beings" in addition to the 13 groups, or do they count towards the 13?



Aside from the 13th, there are a couple of groups around the table which he says are "inter-dimensional beings", which is a mindfuck. He says they're very dark and scary. I got the name of one of them out of him only once, it sounded like moloc'h (a really gutteral sound) but wasn't quite the name Moloch that we know.

So are you crazy, or are you trolling?


in love and trust.

I feel it. So please continue, for you are not being ignored or thought of as crazy by all who are reading this.

Do Watchers and/or Archmages mean anything to you?


Guess I'll stop being shy. After a group meditation in high school, there were these invisible entities that surrounded us. I was hit with something I couldn't see, and I was told they were creatures of light called Archmages. We were in a wooded area. Lot's of trees.

The Watcher is another entity me and this one shaman became aware of. Me and him were discussing all sorts of juicy bits and after a while it felt like a giant was standing outside. Lol my stomach dropped.


Aw well thanks anyway. Lol

Was this assisted by entheogens? I'm glad others feel connected also. We need to causally talk about the truth in this in the most "i'm normal and blend in with capitalism" way possible. I find humor helps people pay attention too haha

No entheogens. I think sometimes we can draw some attention at least. I like drawing unusual attention. Best way to learn I think.

I agree, same. I think for me, the blending makes the unusual attention i get easier to swallow for people and helps communication.

I can't help but blend in. I express my ridiculousness without reservation. I'm also clever. :D

yea you sound it hah. Idk though, whenever I tell someone I took drugs to make me see god they take it less serious than when i talk about the near death experience which i experienced nearly the same thing.

I've never had a near death experience, but DMT felt like a damn roller coaster. The point is to let go. Never had any other psychedelics.

The near death experience was from a motocross accident this summer. i have a post on it actually you may be interested. i didn't see an entity during this like i did when i smoked DMT. It was more a movie of my entire life from the perspective of the entire universe.


Who cares? It's fun.

I for one am questioning the validity of the comments made by the OP but at the same time it's a subject I've been interested in for a long time, secret societies and such. So even if it is all based on pure BS, fact or opinion it's still a good time.

Questions I will still ask: 1. Why has the OP decided to come forward with this info now? 2. Not a question, just research: The OP made the reddit account 17 days ago and made some comments related to the Boston Bombers. 3. Not a question, a statement: if indeed this does turn out to be a social experiment I am glad to be a part of it. :)


In all honesty we shouldn't think that we are going to stop these people from doing what they want. From what you have described so far, and from other research, these types of organizations have been around for a long time and they have the power, influence and resources to keep it that way.


Welcome back. :)

What role do women play? Are they equals?


Apologies if you have already talked about this. I've been trying to keep up with the new responses.

Can you describe the leadership structure? There are 12 seats, but who is present, is it one representative or many? Is there a common agenda and do they vote? Is it a democracy? Are there cases where a seat is freed up and a new family/organization can take that seat?

You should write a will just in case you do get in a lot of trouble. Write down all you know about the topic. Find a friend you trust (a "commoner"), so he gets the information after you, I sincerely hope not, get in a lot of trouble.


Hi. I can confirm that I know /u/ButNotYou_NotAnymore in the real world, and that this information has been shared with me in offline conversations.

So are you the illuminati friend or just a regular person?

Sorry, just a regular person.


Well, now "they" know /u/backmask will disclose the information and they will seek to harm him too. What now?

Here's a suggestion I think would work.


I think having /u/backmask as a "backup" is enough. You are doing your best to let the truth come out while trying to keep the ones you love safe. If they really want to make you silent, no amount of friends with information will stop them. Let's just hope you, /u/backmask and all of us redditors here reading your insights will remain safe.

/u/backmask should give his information to a trusted, anonymous and undisclosed confidant that is instructed to release the information on his behalf if he (/u/backmask) does not get in contact with his anonymous confidant by "such and such" amount of time. That lets backmask's confidant be able to release the info anonymously without ever being incriminated or revealed.

Just an FYI with specific attention you might want to pay to this post.


So if it sounds like a fox news story instead of a Cthulu campaign, its legit...right?

Hey I sent you a PM could you check it out?

Well at least he said crazy instead of schizophrenic...a bit more respectful of a strawman.

He's talking about magical, ageless people with Lovecraftian names who control the entire world.

If he's not crazy, he's making this shit up.

He is relaying info from a friend of his who claims to be associated with the illuminati.

Yet, you refuse to take it at face value, with the preference of calling him crazy for passing on info that, (as we were all made aware) may or may not be accurate. Do you remember what sub you are on?

Yes. /r/conspiracy.

Not /r/lovecraftwasright.

He claims to have seen quite a bit of legitimately impossible shit. Not the "oh, there's no real evidence that happened" kind, but the "oh, there's no way that has happened or could ever happen" kind.

"oh, there's no way that has happened or could ever happen"

Sort of like every bermuda triangle story in existence?

Again, just because it seems out of the ordinary, doesn't mean "there's no way that has happened"...that is simply your conditioned mind speaking about subjectively produced truths from your culture.

Oh, okay. So you're not of sound mind either, are you?

Have you actually read about the Bermuda Triangle? Or have you only read the "conspiracies" about the Bermuda Triangle?

Most of the Bermuda Triangle "disappearances" didn't happen anywhere near the Bermuda Triangle. You wanna know something else? Ships sink and planes crash every year, but sane people say "oh, there was an engine failure" or "pilot error", not "There's a dark secret in this one spot of the ocean."\

Are you using big words to try and make yourself seem intelligent? Would you like to know why I believe these "truths" I'm talking about? Because they are based on 100% observable, objective evidence that has been passed down through hundreds and hundreds of years of scientific advancement.

You claiming that my mind, and the minds of the overwhelming majority of the world's population, is simply "conditioned" to not "see the truth" is a complete and utter delusion.

I am talking about stories from pilots who came out of awkward vortexes that got them across hundreds of miles in seconds...experiences that they were embarrassed to share to people like yourself.

I claim rather that you are conditioned to "see your truth", which you are...not that you are conditioned to not see the truth, but rather that you insist upon your own, from your own upbringing.

But you are right, the idea that your reality is based on a perspective that is based on your development--pure delusion from a pseudo intelligent big word user!

Let me also remind you that though we disagree, I haven't been as childish as to suppose the soundness of your mind.


100% observable, objective evidence that has been passed down through hundreds and hundreds of years of scientific advancement.

If by that, you mean evidence acquired through repeated subjective observations that appear to be reproduced consistently, but still subjectively observed, recorded, and interpreted--a purely subjective process of striving to obtain access to what we hope to know as the phenomenal objective...that is science. Through these hundreds of years, science has repeatedly proven itself wrong by understanding the pivotal function of questioning what is in place. This is why there has been a pattern of scientists being mocked for ideas that are ahead of their time--attachments to paradigms and obsessions with being "superior" in knowing...when knowing is more about opening up, and understanding that all case studies are still case studies. If they have been fabricated, that is disinformation--but if 'hollywood sounding' explanations were true, it would be pretty easy for them to seem fabricated (think about it).

You don't actually know what subjective and objective mean, do you?

This is why there has been a pattern of scientists being mocked for ideas that are ahead of their time--attachments to paradigms and obsessions with being "superior" in knowing...when knowing is more about opening up, and understanding that all case studies are still case studies. If they have been fabricated, that is disinformation--but if 'hollywood sounding' explanations were true, it would be pretty easy for them to seem fabricated (think about it).

What? For every scientist that was "mocked for ideas that are ahead of their time" there are 1,000 "scientists" who are mocked because they're spewing psuedo-scientific bullshit.

As a kid I was very interested in both Atlantis and The Bermuda Triangle, but instead of reading only the information (read: impossible to prove stories) that supported the claims, I read everything I could find. By piecing together all the evidence there was, it was pretty clear that both these phenomena were at the very least exaggerated, but more likely completely fabricated.

EDIT: Oh, and if you could provide me with the sources of your claims that people went through "awkward vortexes" (not entirely sure how a vortex could be considered "awkward", but whatever), that'd be great.

(not entirely sure how a vortex could be considered "awkward", but whatever)

You're right, a time warp vortex sounds entirely casual.

It hurts to talk to you, snob.

You don't know what awkward means, do you?

How old are you?

They speculate it to be a point like several others in which the geometric prism that forms our electromagnetic grid has corner points of its polygon joining near the earth's surface... There are several different sources but I believe I had seen it on T.V., truth be told... yep. I do take points of skepticism of course, everything with a grain of salt--especially your egotistical b.s.

[EDIT]: Indeed, Discovery channel... I surely distrust discovery and history channel but then again a bunch of the shit you accept as reality is all over these channels as well so at least this is a mainstream source for you...

They speculate it to be a point like several others in which the geometric prism that forms our electromagnetic grid has corner points of its polygon joining near the earth's surface...

Wh... wh-what?

Your link is also a show that is dead set on "proving" the theory of the Bermuda Triangle for ratings. Do you also believe Ghost Hunters and Monster Hunters as well?

Wh... wh-what?

Yes the fact that an arena of study is foreign to you makes it absolutely illegitimate by default.

It actually provides more than one viewpoint, and concludes that it may be exaggerated and easily explained--but they don't conclude, because they aren't assumptive

Psuedoscience is not a "field of study".

Electromagnetics is not a pseudoscience

You throwing the word "electromagnetic" into that... word diarrhea... doesn't legitimize your point.

You're obviously either an imbecile or a troll.

Subjective and objective have about as many definitions as the word love...

Objectivity is a central philosophical concept, related to reality and truth, which has been variously defined by sources. Generally, objectivity means the state or quality of being true even outside of a subject's individual feelings, imaginings, or interpretations.

This is impossible, there is virtually nothing in existence that does not first pass an observer's feelings and interpretations. It does me little good to suppose that things don't exist when they are not observed, but the point is that wise scholars understand the place of subjectivity in supposing the objective. Just because something is part of your media and outside a paradigm doesn't deduce it to be downright impossible. Tons of gadgets in oldschool sci-fi books and films have become realities.

A proposition is generally considered to be objectively true (to have objective truth) when its truth conditions are met and are "mind-independent"—that is, existing freely or independently from a mind (from the thoughts, feelings, ideas, etc. of a sentient subject).

There is nothing that exists to us before its existence is contemplated. Again, connecting to the objective, as defined is not actually possible, for we are caged within an intersubjective process of trying to reach it and suppose what it may be. It is never conclusively understood to even exist.

In a simpler meaning of the term, objectivity refers to the ability to judge fairly, without bias or external influence.

Again, impossible. There has never been a human being who judged without bias or external influence (development).

We may get pretty fuckin close to what the objective actually is, hell, perhaps we have even captured it from time to time...but it is always a subjective approximation. True complete objectivity is a myth used by egotistical scientists. But, you don't actually know what pursuing wisdom is about, do you?

No, I know what the actual pursuit of knowledge is about, not just rambling while I posit random shit when I smoke weed with my friends.

Everything I bring to you, objective or not, is going to be labeled "subjective" by you because you've essentially made your own definition of words that you use as the basis for your arguments.

You honestly sound like an absolute moron when you say things like "Just because something is part of your media and outside a paradigm doesn't deduce it to be downright impossible". What the fuck are you even trying to say?

Do you know? Have you ever taken even a secondary school course of any kind? Phsycis? Chemistry? This "philosophical approach" you're taking to science is absolutely preposterous.

There is nothing that exists to us before its existence is contemplated.

Okay, Morpheus.

I have completed dual B.A. Majors, and you are not a person worth speaking to--so, fuck off and have a nice day.

[EDIT] GPA: 3.33

Lol, k.

You should really learn the definition of the "big boy" words you keep tossing around. Using a thesaurus program makes you seem like an absolute imbecile.

Its wiki, which several places use--even the institutions you adore. I know the definitions just fine, good luck growing up bro.

What's "wiki", exactly? I mean, I know what a wiki is, but what does that have to due with your misuse of every multi-syllabic word you've used in this "argument"?

I would rather due other things than speak with you :( syllables...I due that.


Okay, you're a troll. I get that now.

Also, you didn't explain what a wiki had to do with your inability to use large words correctly.

a wiki? I meant it was wikipedia.

Yes, but you didn't explain what that had to do with your misuse of so many words.

I can't be bothered--I forfeit to being an idiot in preference to wasting my life w/ ya

Haha, okay buddy.

As long as you realize you're an imbecile. Recognizing you have a problem is the first step to overcoming it.

The Salvation Army? Interesting...

Would you kindly share everything you know about the 13th and the Inter dimension beings please?

Let there lesser minds not believe you, I would like to know though.


I'm sure you know more than you've said. Now about the 13th or at the very least the inter dimensional beings. Anything would be useful to me. If it is truthful.


If all this is indeed true, this could be used to narrow down the options for anyone trying to find you.

Hey I sent you a PM could you check it out?

Vatican and Freemasonry are two of them apparently. Don't know the rest...

Where did you meet this guy? And why is he telling you all of this? If it is true, aren't you concerned that they will come after you for exposing sensitive info?

If I was these 12 or the 13th you can easily find the OP in a matter of hours/days. Since the "son" was kicked from the group and now has to live a normal life(I doubt this is something that happens a lot), find out who was recently kicked, follow the kid around for a few hours/look at his online identity, find the OP through that. Boom dead. Of course not like any of this is real.


Which I'm sure will happen before you actually bring me that proof you were talking about.

Darn. Well, I hope your soul enjoys the eternal torment of being a 13th's plaything. May C'thulhu, in his almighty power, have a modicum of mercy for you.


You know a guy that used to belong to one of the 13 groups and you don't know one of the most basic things?

Your statement about them not having control reeks of ignorance.


For the simple fact that they do. I am surprised that someone with your supposed connections would be completely obvious to some basic facts.

Let me give you an example. Let's say I didn't find you amusing anymore, I could thus travel across the astral plain to your location (finding you wouldn't take that long) and then I could rip out your chakra points (which would result in your death or a seriously miserable life). If I wanted you to feel remorse or guilt all I would have to do is just tweak your chakra points. It wouldn't even be that hard to make you suicidal.

Now for reincarnation it is because they control the system. Unless you are a member of a sect or alien checking out Earth you are under their control when it comes to reincarnation to an extent. They even regulate Karma (something you should already know) and can easily punish you.

So it isn't that I believe, it is that I know they can. To counter their efforts you would have to be doing meditations or belong to a sect and still be doing the meditations. They will take notice of your efforts to go against them and they will attempt to impede your progress.


You have to be a troll at this point.

C'thulhu is gonna rape your soul so hard.


Yes, but billions of people believe in Christianity and Islam, which directly counter Buddhism, so if we're just going off what people believe, then rebirth is very unlikely.

But then, if you're going to try and argue that it's not the quantity, but the quality of the beliefs that determines which one's more likely "true", then look no further than science and how it points to the fact that there is literally no observable evidence of anything you have said so far in this thread.


the metaphysical framework of science is starting to show its limitations as a theory of everything and an alternative philosophy of science is needed to encompass other areas of reality

[Citation Needed]

Also, I see that the Illuminati still hasn't killed you yet, so could you go ahead and post those facts that prove you even have a friend? I mean, that won't be even close to enough to convince me that you're not making it all up, but it'll be a start.

You're exposing hundreds of years of secrets from the (allegedly) most powerful secret power. If this were true you'd be dead by now. Probably the kid that told you too.

I'm not sure if this is legit, but that whole you'd be dead by now thing doesnt work. People talk about these types of things all over the world. But I'm really looking at guys like David Icke and Alex Jones. Why weren't they killed during their rise in popularity?

Because even though some of their theories may be correct, they are also talking about a lot of "out there" stuff, which weakens their overall credibility. So when people write them off because of their crazy theories, they are also discarding the stuff that is real.

That is irrelevant. As I am addressing the time when they were first rising in popularity. Saying "he should be dead by now" is irrelevant as there are much bigger people out there who have been talking about this stuff for 20+ years.

A lot of people think Icke and Jones are controlled opposition; propaganda created by the powers that be to both discredit us and lead us in the wrong direction

Yeah, I'm well aware of that theory. I really don't buy into it though. While Alex Jones may be overly dramatic alot of the time, i believe they are both geniuine. David Icke is amazing imo.

The place underneath in Europe must be by the Alps in Switzerland. There are not much places where the mountains are high and long enough to hide big structures underneath and nobody taking notice. The Alps is one of them and the swiss have made swiss cheese with them. They have craftsmanship in building underground facilities, very long tunnels and some of them are connected. Thinking about the Rothschilds in Switzerland and the influence of the banking system it must be Switzerland.

There is high probability that it is Switzerland.

And Switzerland has exact same flag as Templar but in negative



They're the Illuminati. They control the world. They're evil. What's a little snooping and stealing from them to expose it?


Don't work on it too hard, brother. Those who have ears to hear will listen. Those who don't will not hear no matter how hard you try or how loud you scream. That is to say that trying to provide information that some internet nobody's will deem "worthy of proof" at the risk of your irreparably damaging you and your best friend's friendship and connection - not to mention your and his possible life - is VERY much NOT worth it.

Much better to have some yokel on here get mad at you and say "Liar!" because you didn't provide them with the proof they're asking for and will likely forget about in a day (if that) than to possibly risk much, much worse to your or your best friend's life.


Are you implying that CNN was behind the recent DDoS? Do you have evidence to back that up?

Even if you're right, isn't it worth a shot, you know, for the sake of truth?

If they are as powerful as they are purported to be, what is stopping them from (I mean presumably they control all types of communication) tracking your IP at this time or something like that? What's stopping them from finding me right now as I'm not using any type of encryption as I write this?

Theres 7 billion people on the earth. Even if a hundred million knew the truth they cant do shit. If a billion knew the truth they could just use the militaries. I dont think they are too concerned. And almost anyone who comes here is going to is already not going to believe what theyre told and continue to question. Taking the time to surveil and track every single loose end at all times is far more work than its worth. And again at this point it doesnt matter how many know; there are enough brainwashed, and enough back up plans to 'succeed' with th'next steps' even if there was a huge explosion in people 'waking up'. Not saying this proves he is legit, just saying that the fact that he or anyone has not been killed doesnt mean that he/others are lying.

They can't find you that easily on-line. We built the internet, not them. They still have to work through nerds and geeks to get info out of it. Even an AI with human level intelligence and massive computing power and every single internet packet ever sent out couldn't link physical people to on-line personas if they took reasonable precautions (public networks and random account names).




Here you go, fellow lover of wisdom. For your perusal.

Also take a look through these as well.



For me, the most fascinating thing is the potential conclusion that consciousness is nonlocal.

Indeed it is.

I don't believe in the existence of souls as a separate metaphysical entity attached to a person/their body (anatta) so I don't know how consciousness really works and where it is located, if anywhere at all.

Think about it from the perspective of an ocean. Within the context of the great, wide ocean on this planet, there are innumerable - and individual - eddies, whirlpools, undertows, waves, and a myriad of other different, specific manifestations that the ONE OCEAN creates.

Souls are merely occasional eddies, whirlpools, undertows, and waves that undulate and manifest from within the creative ocean of The All.

Those manifestations can be looked upon as individual if taken in the context of individuation and temporary separation, or they can be looked upon as nothing more than a temporary extension of the One Great Ocean.

Again, all is one.

"We invented the internet", if you believe what OP is saying, i am still on the fence, and that these people are possibly decades ahead of us technologically, would they not have provided us with the know how slowly.

And even if they hadn't, the internet isn't a complex place, especially reddit with its json style of string, if they have enough resources it would not be hard to scan through a site such as this for keywords, find the poster, and find where the poster commonly posts from/requests pages from.

On top of that, i'm fairly sure this would be a high prioirty place to be looking, especially with the increased traffic of the last week.

if they have enough resources it would not be hard to scan through a site such as this for keywords, find the poster, and find where the poster commonly posts from/requests pages from

No, that's where you are wrong. I'd venture as far to say that it's physically impossible in this reality for that to occur, in certain cases (public ips and random usernames).

There is also Tor.

Step 1. Get the IP.

Step 2. Call up the ISP (with a warrant/subpoena if necessary) and see who it was assigned to at the time the post was made.

Step 3. You're an idiot.

So they get an ip of a public network. Then what? Read what he says instead of parading your ignorance around.

You must not know what a public IP is.

No, I believe you don't actually know what the term means.

I don't know what you're trying to say, but "public IP" isn't it.

I meant network, thanks for pointing it out. Connecting through a gateway on a public network.


Alright cool, well if they can trace this I'm throwing this out there to the 13th, I am a professional at time travel so hit me up and we can do a lot with it. I'm assuming they know where to find me.


how do I join?

ehh actually I think i already know the answer.




Realize and understand, good sir, that Astrology is merely Astronomy as it more specifically pertains to human celestial bodies and their personalities (among other things) as opposed to stellar/astronomical celestial bodies and their characteristics.

That is to say that Astronomy deals with how the four universal forces of 1) the strong nuclear force, 2) the electromagnetic force, 3) the weak nuclear force, and 4) the gravitational force deal with and influence the proclivities and characteristics of all celestial bodies from stars to quasars, black holes, asteroids, etc, etc. Astrology, conversely, deals with how these same four universal forces deal with and influence the proclivities and characteristics of all human bodies at the specific time and place of their birth. You see the human system - from the cardiovascular, to the sympathetic, to the synaptic - is extremely malleable and moldable the moment it first exists the womb. For the first nine months, the human system is largely in synchronous union with the mother. After it is born, however, the soup of initial softness and malleability that is the newborn body's blood, lymphatic, sympathetic, synaptic, and nervous systems all become influenced by those same four universal forces that all bodies in the universe are influenced by also, and the initial softness and malleability of the infant's system becomes congealed, hardened, and "stamped" with the signature of how exactly those four universal forces were aligned at the specific time and place of that body's birth.

It's pure physics really when you think about it.

The effect that the four universal forces have upon the newborn being at the time and place of their birth is what essentially influences their overarching sensitivities, their likes and dislikes - also known as their personality type, also known as their "astrological sign".

Astrology is, in fact, really very practical and scientifically based when looked upon properly. So yes. You are correct. There is a lost science underneath all the crap.


Keep on being awesome! :)

:) Thank you.


I have been told that the "As Above, So Below" maxim is important to my friend's religion's beliefs and that the idea of them being a microcosm of a macrocosm and the two being interlinked is a big part of what they believe too.

In certain scientific circles, this is called Quantum Nonlocality, and, roughly speaking, shows that literally everything in existence is One. Atoms are said to be interconnected counterparts and it has (somehow) been scientifically shown that what one does to one atom at one point in space has a direct, immediate, and instantaneous effect on its counterpart regardless of where in the universe that counterpart may in fact be - even if it's on the other side of the cosmos, in fact. The effect is immediate.

As above, so below.

All is One.

although I do not understand why they would involve themselves in the activities "around the table" and be complicit in some pretty damnable stuff.

I provided a link elsewhere in your OP (original post) providing some information that postulates that the evil, hate, violence, and fear existing on this planet is the result of an attempt being made by some extremely powerful beings (it would seem more powerful than even your bf's family and associates) to provide the human beings of planet Earth with a greater foundation of conduct and comportment where it regards the concepts of good and evil. The theory postulates that Earth homo sapien sapien, being a relatively primitive being, does not yet have a proper understanding of good and evil and the advisability of ultimate transcendence beyond both. The only way that this primitive being will get that understanding is by exposing it to as much of both as possible so that it will eventually realize the futility of attachment to either and, subsequently, rise above and beyond both toward true divinity and (again) transcendence toward ultimate unity with (and as) The All.

It's said that this is in part accomplished by, again, providing a lot of good and a whole HELL of a lot of evil on this planet.

It's also said that beings like the family of your best friend are entrusted with being the ambassadors - the representatives if you will - of those greater beings that set this very plan into motion in the first place. It's said that many of these families here on Earth are not even fully aware of this responsibility and merely act from a "we are infinitely superior and can do with these Earth human imbeciles what we wish" type of mentality...and that is enough for the creators of this plan to have their ideals still carried out.

As ultimately shocking, barbaric, abhorrent, and paradoxical as the following might very well seem, this entire plan is all said to actually be for humanity's BENEFIT. lol.

Paradoxical and insane indeed.


Would you care to elaborate on the subject of evil in regards to the contribution to spiritual growth being philosophically problematic? I'm intrigued.

This sounds like the Hidden Hand material.

I would say that the HH material talks about the concept, but the concept of the transcendence above both good and evil is something that is much, much deeper and older than the HH material itself. It is even more voluminously expounded upon within the annals of Indian Philosophy than in anything the HH material brushes upon.

My friend doesn't seem to believe that is what his family is about or what is happening globally, but then again your theory would suggest that he wouldn't, or couldn't know that.

Well...I wouldn't go as far as to say that I'm suggesting that he wouldn't or couldn't know that. Hell I know it and I'm just a "lowly human peeon" :), so why wouldn't he and/or his family know it also?

So it's difficult to ascertain the truthfulness of what you're saying, but I agree it's possible.

Yes. It's certainly difficult. I tend to pass the theories and ideas I come across through the filter of critical reason - or at least a filter that's as critical as I can possibly make it. That is to say that regardless of where a theory comes from, if it seems sound to at least some extent, I would consider it worth pondering.

The idea that good and evil are both hindrances toward the evolution of the True Self is something that has been expounded upon at great length by the oldest writings known to humanity, and that the HH material also talks about it only reinforces the ideas that I had already come across in my ongoing studies of Eastern Philosophy.

I have studied the problem of evil from a philosophical perspective and I think the idea that evil is present in the world to contribute to spiritual growth is philosophically problematic.

In what sense do you see it as philosophically problematic, my good man? Does it have to do with the manner that The Problem Of Evil seems to undermine the tripartite nature of the Western concept of God? Does it involve the inherent problems that the simultaneous existence of omniscience, omnibenevolence, and omnipotence present?

Perhaps I am not understanding entirely what you mean, however, so I will chose to wait for an elucidation from you instead of presuming.


You know what kind of undermines this statement?, everything you just said right beforehand. Get a life, bud.

There is a lot of talk of financial meltdowns starting a worldwide downward spiral. Is this something you know to be planned or if it happens, would it be an organically generated collapse?

One more question from me. Do you think there is going to be a climax to all of this? Will the New World Order officially take effect with black helicopters announcing its arrival? Are these people at all concerned that we might take back our country someday?

... and ask some questions. I have narrowed them to 20, from different fields and topics to maximise the chances you already had a conversation on one or two of them with your friend. If not, it can give you an idea on what to ask, without too much pinpointing on a single domain, which could raise suspicions on the fact you may have been asked to do so. In closing, I put value in the risks you're taking and offer you my sincere feelings for the job you're doing in opening people's mind.

1) What are the places/cities they most like (to live in, and to gather in for cult) and why? Are these hotbeds safe for us or quite the contrary? 2) Was the holocaust part of their plan? 3) If FEMA camps are the real deal, it means they employ nonmember people sharing their views (to build up, manage, etc?)... How come? 4) Were they created different in the origins or did they ascend to this state? 5) If they are ancient and allmighty, what did they do in precolombian Americas when the rest of the world apparently didn't know it? 6) What is their political agenda for europe and the EU? 7) What is the true hidden religion of the Vatican people? Who's really in charge there? 8) Couldn't they play with the world and humans, without the cruelty and suffering? 9) What's the real deal with the moon and planets: landing? exploration? settlements? 10) Are their pantheons only theirs because of what they are or could we access them too? 11) What is their theory on the origins (creation of the Earth, humans, etc.)? 12) Is Africa a big board game for them or no more than the rest of the world? 13) They have very different moral and ethics: what would be taboo for them? 14) Are all people in charge (politicians, big businessmen, natural leaders etc.) bound to be either manipulated nonmembers or manipulating members? 15) They focus on the male, and the Royal Family is part of them: why the Queen then? 16) They believe in rebirth, and thus are not afraid of dying although they could delay it: is that because they would keep memories in the next life and simply continue (as opposed to pressing the reset button)? 17) Have they been betrayed during History and what of their lore at the time leaked? 18) Who are their historical figures and heroes, what are the deeds they did/do that they admire? 19) You mentioned that your friend had much money going in and out: what kind of business earn him so much and what kind of activity does he finance in turn? 20) Why did the Pope resign? What about the fishy prophecy about the Last Pope?

// Sorry for bad spelling or grammar : non english speaker here // EDIT: a couple clarifications

How did you meet this friend?




Jehovah's Witness?


Really looking forward for updates, OP plz don't disappear.

AAA.d he's gone.

What role does the mafia play in all this?

Are there any powerful benevolent secret societies that counter the influence of these malevolent ones?

Keep in mind that they see themselves as "benevolent". Remember, they are the shepperds, not the wolves.

Even with all the ritual murder blood drinking and population reduction they consider themselves benevolent?





Hey I sent you a PM could you check it out?

Hey I sent you a PM could you check it out?

Its more than likely a branch of the freemasonry. I could definitely be wrong. The individual members can believe what they want. It's the practicing of their little rituals that are 'important.'


I the Vatican and their affiliates another branch then?


haha basically we are Qarth.

what does GRRM know?

that is actually one of my theories, that a lot of our great "fiction" stories. like a song of ice and fire, star wars, lord of the rings and many many other sci-fi and alternate history fantasy stories actually come down from the history and lore of our ruling families (the 13)




I can only imagine what you guys are talking about.


Ah that makes sense. I do see how this can set off a schizophrenic. It is pretty mind blowing stuff.


Perhaps the unfortunate actions of some of these schizophrenic people are some of the things your best friend and his family refer to when citing human beings as being little more than unworthy, stupid, ignorant sheep. I myself am not saying this, by the way. I'm just postulating with regard to how they might look at things. They may feel that an animal incapable of disciplining themselves sufficient to prevent things like you just described here from happening might not be worthy of treating as anything more than expendable fodder.

It is unfortunate, of course. Many schizophrenics and others with ailments can do little about their condition. However, and again, I wonder if their actions are looked upon by your bf and his family as yet another reason why terrestrial homo sapien sapiens are unworthy and utterly useless as anything other than worker slave-drones.


wait....what? so he's a hermaphrodite? Ultimately he'd have to have feminine features physically as well. If he has female hormones, wouldn't he also have breasts or more feminine facial features, less musculature? o.o

That's pretty crazy. The human mind, our sub-conscious, and the third eye has always intrigued me. All this stuff about time travel, inter-dimensional beings, it makes me thirsty for more knowledge on them.


I'm actually curious about this, which religion would you say is the closest to being real? I'm looking for an opinion based on all the information you have/has gained.






In your opening statement you said this:

"Animals to be exploited and used to keep the global economic system running so they can enjoy the cream of our labour."

How would a total economic collapse help their long term strategy to keep us animals under control?



Thanks. I see it now. So this would infer that they care about the long term survivability of this world and the vehicle to do this is a leaner, more finely tuned population.

I will state that I agree with this idea because the direction that we are currently heading to is environmental destruction. At the same time I'm not ruthless enough to suggest cleansing half the population is the best course of action.

So a bunch of rich / spoiled, overly privileged egotists think we're disgusting to live with... even though they created the system, where everyone needs to feed off each other in order to survive. If what you say is true, these "elite entities" sound alot like angsty high school brats.

look out for total economic collapse in the near future.



You're so full of shit, and have no idea how the global economy works and what would have to take place in order for there to be a "total economic collapse".

Not sure if you're a lame attempt at a troll or a willfully ignorant paranoid moron, but in either case you're a fucking idiot.


If you could accurately predict something like that you could become filthy rich overnight. But you can't because you're wrong and have no idea what you're talking about, so you'll stay a poor and paranoid conspiratard.

Oh boy, are you in for the shock of your life. Good luck.

Haha, I'm really not. I use my knowledge of the markets to make money each and every day. All you retards can do is vaguely predict doom and gloom which never happens. Good luck to you, you'll need it.

What more do you know about the 13th? I think that's the most interesting bit of information for people familiar with the topic.


Are members of the 13th public figures?


St. Germain is a being some new age people channel to this day. He likes to pretend he's "good" but his message is clearly manipulative.



Nanotechnology can theoretically do everything alchemy strived for. I'm playing around with the idea that early civilizations had access to some form of nanotechnology, which inspired all of our ideas about alchemy. It's an interesting thought.




Not that ai wuld expect him to immediately understand but you should explain to him the potentiality, yet the state of the human race. There ia a consciousness evolution attempting to take place and humans ARE worth something, we jusy need help.














yes drinking urine DOES work, your subconscious self must be ready to channel this energy first though, it's an active process. In addition unless you have actual training, you will need to drink large quanities for it to have even a small effect. For your skin(aka epithelium) I recommend just splashing some on your face.

edit: sigh, I sense you're so dumb that u might actually do this and OD on urine, and I don't want that on my conscious. So don't drink large amounts of urine.

There are several ways to prolong your life eternally. A lot of the original people completed the Magnum Opus. Others us genetic engineering to render their bodies immortal.

Ok, so obligatory Law of One/Hidden Hand question: Are you familiar with either of these, and if so did you ever ask him if they were legit?




hidden_hand mentions 13 groups or whatever



It doesn't to many. It does to me (and I'd imagine a few others).

As someone who chose to not to incarnate into these 13 hidden hands in control, I vouch for what he is saying. I chose a "minority" birth over the opposite, resulting in advanced occult positive knowledge and ritual. I know what i am and will not explain to you why im convinced of what i am. You are doing splendid in your opening of this window of knowledge. My prayers and blessings go to protect you from the oppression of the wicked one(s). May sanata and the ashtar commands fleet guard you on your crusade.

(citation needed)

What needs to be cited? It is hard to push knowledge on anyone. The disease we have is "we don't like learning from others"

they have drugs for that you know

Could you possibly elaborate on anything you know about government conspiracies towards World War II? I've heard in some of the deepest parts of the internet you can find videos and pictures to this information but have to get a closed shell system in order to do it.


Fantastic, thanks much.

As an organization based in Central Europe, what global events have they been involved in besides all of the U.S.-centric ones you have cited so far?


Are the Eastern secret societies part of the 12? Or outside their sphere of influence?


From what I've seen, they appear to be a different group.




Spirit of the vine? What can that be?


LSD is just another agonist for 5-HT(serotonin). psilocybin, DMT,mescaline,and others are also agonist in the same way which I believe makes it equally gently on the body. (non toxic). I'm glad to be seeing more talk on entheogens recently and the connection they have with... everything. if you know what i mean.


Well having a certain affinity and preference for a substance because of a lack of scientific information could certainly influence the trip. (set and setting). Not to mention you've used it one time. Also not to mention a much greater percentage of what is "LSD" are research chemicals that are dangerous, you can overdose on, and do not provide an equivalent trip to actual tryptamines eg. LSD

Gaia, if you look into the shamanic traditions of the Amazons.

Ah yes. Thank you.


Thanks. I've had it before. All I saw was the kaleidescope effect. Seemed like I 'traveled' nonstop. It was quite something.



I'm very aware of the slight possibility that my friend has spun a story on me

"Slight". You are adorable.


Rich people can be crazy, too.

It's usually just called "eccentric" in their case, though.

So tell me, how exactly do these people manage to stay hidden for so long when they're willing to blab about their secret murder rituals and alien overlords to some random friend of their son? And if you've only heard about it from the son, how do you know he isn't just a guy who read the World of Darkness sourcebooks one too many times?


I'm not misunderstanding anything, you said he was brought into the organization by his parents and family, so I called him the son. Again, have you heard about the ritual murders and other-dimensional aliens from the rest of the family, or just him?

The dissemination of information has occurred through unofficial channels since human language was invented, stop being silly. If they were as careless as you seem to imply, it seems unlikely they would be able to remain "hidden".







OP? I was hoping to hear more from you. Dont tell me they shut you down already. :) OP will surely deliver


Proceed by telling us everything you discussed in that 5+ hour conversation.


So, did you delete all your previous comments because you ran out of World of Darkness fanfiction to crib off of, or...?

(Also, Battlestar Galactica wasn't even right about its own opening crawl. "They have a plan", my ass)

This is real. What he (ButNotYou) says is real. He deleted his account...for a reason. He dug too deep - revealed too much, got too close. His friend, as he already mentioned, was NOT pleased with his having made this IAMA. Who knows what has happened. I wouldn't go as far as to say that he's been "disappeared", but what he's done here I would say is very real and speaks of real things, real societies, and real situations going on in this planet right now.


I did delete everything specifically because I have now brought my friend in the firing line

Yeah. I figured. I think your intentions are good in the sense that you DO want more (if not all) of humanity to know just what is going on and be more educated - be given the chance to be a truly noble species. However, I can also kind of see the point of view of your best friend in the sense that many of us might just not be all that worth it. Part of the ignorance we have as a species is due to manipulation by TPTB (your friend's family amongst others), and that ignorance, therefore, can't be all that faulted as a result. However, the extent to which we as humans perpetuate the negative manipulation we're bombarded with and give in to the negativity and evil we're fed is something that we can and SHOULD control. However, it seems that too many of us give in to and, again, perpetuate the baser aspects of our personalities instead of continuing to strive upward toward more lofty pursuits and ideals. If we did the latter more often than the former, perhaps we would not be as easy to manipulate in the first place.

and his protection only extends so far... not if I start pushing buttons that are going to take away that protection over myself and himself.

Exactly. This I definitely understand and was thinking long and hard about as I was reading through your responses. I thought that if I was one of his family members and I found out about this IAMA, I might just cut a couple of his fingers off to show him a lesson. To you, however? Shit I'd simply kill you and wouldn't think twice about it. That really wouldn't be that big of a deal for his family, would it? I wouldn't think so.

That's why I was really hoping you were being careful and I posted a comment (that got summarily downvoted) somewhat chastising 520Minus100 for what I felt was a suggestion pretty inconsiderate of your welfare.

He doesn't know I did all this, but if anyone higher up finds out, something unpleasant is going to occur. I went too far.

Yeah. Take care of yourself.

I need to get him to change his mind about it.

While (again) I think your intentions are very noble, I also think its important to consider just how much work humanity as a whole has to do ON ITS OWN - independent of any disclosure on your best friend's part - in order for the species to improve overall. We're certainly not HOPELESS. No. However, I'm not all that sure sometimes that we're not all that much unlike the crackhead prostitute that simply keeps coming back to her pimp over and over again and keeps getting beat up, abused, etc because she hasn't yet faced the responsibility that SHE HERSELF must take to wake herself up and get herself out of the situation she's in.

If we as a society were more willing to take personal responsibility for ourselves and each other, I'm not sure that your friend's family would have all that much power over us in the first place.

In other words, I DO think you should do what you can to get your friend to disclose what he knows, but I also think that you should think about just what exactly would happen afterward if he actually were to agree and disclose what he knows. I wonder if all that much would change, or if we as a people would simply keep being sheep, causing your friend to look at you and basically say "See? I told you it wouldn't matter. Humans are chattel. That's how we treat them because that's how they act and allow themselves to be treated."

I know this might be a negative view, but I also want to make sure that you don't risk all too much of your own safety working on behalf of a species that might not even appreciate your effort and, consequently, might not even be worth it.

All I can think to say right now is, be good to yourself, be good to those around you.

Certainly. I try, and I'm trying. Heck, I don't even "know" you, yet my intention here is to help YOU be as careful as you possibly can in your endeavors here.

Prove these bastards that we are not animals to be slaughtered.

We certainly are not that. We may not be as smart as they, but we can exercise a will power and a wisdom if we but try and try that far exceeds mere intellectual prowess and grants something much, much deeper and more meaningful still.

Prove to them that we have a spirit, a love, a compassion that they cannot understand and cannot embody themselves.

Regardless of whether they can or cannot embody or understand it th1emselves, I would say that it would indeed behoove us to work on showing and proving to them that we DO indeed have it none the less. We are indeed capable of it. Yes.

Do not fear them,


pity them.

That or simply embody such a foundation of love and compassion that we simply continue manifesting that love and compassion independent of the need to pity them or anyone.

Pity them that they have sold their humanity for temporal power; something so transitory, so worthless in the big scheme of things. Let's show them our way is better.

Temporal power, definitionally speaking, is indeed worthless in the bigger, eternal scheme of things. I do think it's important for you to read this though, sir - not so much because what you're saying is wrong per se, but because there might - just might - be a bit more to the static "good v evil" dichotomy that many of us might think is exclusively the case in a situation like the one going on with your friend's family.

I continue to thank you for your efforts at communicating your information here, sir.


Time is the illusion of progression. It of itself does not exist.

Proceed by further betraying his best friend's trust? Remind me to never trust you.

How did your friend react? I take it you mentioned your choice to share the knowledge he passed to you in confidence re his betrayed feelings


I'm sorry for the burden of guilt this puts on you :/

Proceed how you wish. Good luck.

I'd take humanity's needs into account though, although, that's easy for me to say.

Still waiting for more information on the 13th and the inter dimensional beings. How about you start there.



Well, you could proceed by providing anything that can be unquestionably called "evidence" - photos of places, recorded conversations, any and all of the paperwork you have mentioned before, ANY sort of PHYSICALLY EXISTANT, TANGIBLE PROOF of ANYTHING you are saying would be nice. Rather than just "well, I dont know how to get evidence, you'll just have to beleive me...." fail trolling, dude. Keep going at those conspiracy nuts though

How long do they usually plan these events? And can you expand on the Denver airport being true? Do one of the families own this airport?

Also, has he said anything about the recent Boston Marathon incident?

edit: Also, how many of the 12 can you name without getting in trouble?


cool, if you come back with more info and more names, that'd be dope. If you can provide actual proof, I'll be amazed.

If you can't, at least I enjoyed the story. Creative and compelling.

edit: clarity.


Shit i wanna meet this guy.


"he is a sociopath who participates in human sacrifice and doesn't care about the enslavement and extermination of the human race"

"he is a truely remarkable person and I love him, I wish everyone could get to know him(before he incenerates them in a thermo nuclear explosion)".



Why did your friend want out of the cult and become "normal" if he knew what the families are up to?


What was the reveal or experience that convinced you to believe him?

Is it Sweden? I am gonna be seriously bummed if it is.

I really want to live in Southern Gotland, raise goats, knit and whittle. sad face


Is it in the EU?

No evidence eh?

With all of this talk of inter-dimensional beings, I have to wonder if Cthulhu is now based on some of this shit. Is Cthulhu at these meetings drawing up plans?

You've mentioned they have technology and the ability to heal illness beyond what we have. I am interested in this greatly. How far have they pushed Science? Do they have cures related to people loosing limbs (what about phantom pain?) or the ability to use them? Are they involved in stem cell research? You say they can heal cancer. I'd be interested to know what kinds, beyond what we can already do (which isn't much in this case). What about problems with the heart? You mention there is known usage of drugs in recreational context. What about something like cocaine which causes palpitations? These kinds of things interest me greatly.


I'd appreciate any more info you can find out. I will be returning regularly to check for any replies to any other questions, as well.

What's the story with alleged illuminati involvement in the music industry? You know, JayZ, Rihanna and lady Gaga stuff. Ever read


Thank you for the response. So your take is that they're just flaunting their position, and that there's really nothing nefarious behind it?

I've often wondered about the messages embedded in the songs themselves. Many songs portray hopelessness, or an homage to needless materialism. Case in point, there was a dynamic shift in the world of hip-hop that took place in the early 90s that changed almost all of the lyrics over to either gangster-based or bling-based. Before that, much of the songs were quite poetic, and carried a message of hope.

Just my $0.02.

VC is doing great work by highlighting that which we were not seeing before.


So, your friend acknowledged that there are aliens and inter-dimensional beings. Has he ever mentioned where other "paranormal entities" fit into the big picture? Like ghosts, Men in Black, Bigfoot, that kind of stuff. Or are they all related to the inter-dimensional beings?

Can his family line be traced back to the Hyksos? Or where they in Egypt earlier?

Are there any unexpected tools or techniques that are used to prevent people from questioning what they are told or are the standard psychological manipulation techniques we observe sufficient enough on their own.


This is /r/conspiracy there is nothing we did not hear before. Aspartame splits in the bloodstream to formaldehyde and that is cancerous. What do you know about fluorides, GMO, Bisphenol A, mercury and aluminum in our food and vaccines?


All the substances I mentioned have those effects. I am sure your friend eats organic and drinks water only from certain springs or with less fluorides. He would not drink from plastic bottles nor "light" products with aspartame and he does not eat fast food, processed food and chocolate bars with high fructose syrup. Please ask him about fluorides.

Have you asked (or can you ask) what role Theosophy and it's offshoots (such as Lucis Trust) play, if any?


Blavatsky is miracle to the western society. A MIRACLE!


You're correct. She understands the contracts that were arranged with the higher influential beings for our paths now. The theosophy society is a saint to our western world. It's in alta dena, a 400,000 occult/esoteric genre hidden library. They are doing light work. Even I'm hpb's essence.

In relation to 'Aliens' and 'UFO's' and the media's delivery of such events, can you shed some light on that?


One other thing that I just remembered: I recall there being this rumor of a red and blue for system for mailboxes that corresponds to Militia Law (if that sounds familiar) One other thing, for Peter Jackon's illuminati card game, do you have any insight on the coincidences with 9/11 and other world events?


Oh Betelegeuse... you can't hide anymore.

I got it. HA!

All these rituals and conspiracies, what for ? Are they driven by their fear of death and their search for pleasure ?

How do you see them from your philosophical perspective ?


Wow, that's exactly what I wanted to know and how I'd interpret their existence.

Another loaded question:

Do they keep a smug look on their face when taking a dump ?

Hahahah ok, sorry. They must look like some kind of empty shell. To me it's the anti-thesis of power and freedom. Stay safe !

More seriously, scary stuff if true. Just reading your posts I felt like some weight taking over me. Hope they'll get over it somewhere in eternity, it sucks in many ways for everyone, them included.


You probably know the danger of pride, so I can tell you I'm impressed you're able to see all this. They won't defeat what underlies all life, and ultimately what underlies existence itself. Brofist.


they have all the big boy tools.

No they don't. Not all of them. We have inside of us that great equalizer that everything and everyone has. The All lives and manifests within us just as well. The only difference is that we have become pacified and indoctrinated to forget Its existence within (and as) us. Some of us have tapped into that existence, however, and, again, it is the great equalizer that turns the self from pismire to a whale.

Imagine if all their money and attention was diverted towards the greater good. We'd be way beyond Star Trek's timeline by now.

I think we can still achieve this if we but transform the our inner world.

Way easier said than done, however. I know this.

They will get over it, brother. You know that. We all will. We are all The One manifesting at different stages of development. :)

Thanks man. This which you've probably already read, made me think about our conversation. I have to admit it strongly points to It. edit: just to be clear, its probably bs but it takes the mind out of traditional reasoning.

Pretty crazy shit in that link.

Be extra wary of psychological poisoning. An open mind is an exposed mind.


Haven't read it yet, but I had it opened as a tab from the moment I came across it in the process of my reading through OP's responses.

And, not even having read it yet, I would caution against looking at it as nothing but bs. I would imagine that certainly some of it might very well be bs, and, therefore, a healthy skepticism should be maintained definitely. However, to discard the whole thing as such might very well prevent you from acquiring certain possibly very relevant truths that might be contain therein.

Keep an open mind - as I'm very confident you most definitely have. :)

I'm really no authority, and at least not as much as this person claims to be (!), but I'd like to reiterate that with an open mind we should be openly wary of psychological poison. Stevie said it best, "and you believe in things that you don't understand, and you suffe(eeeee)r, superstitions leads the way" ;)

... Really without any intention to patronize, I could be making a fool of myself for all I know. I just want to be cautious with what I put into consciousness. I'd really like superstitions to fall off me and others.

with an open mind we should be openly wary of psychological poison.

Most certainly. Have an open mind, not a gullible one. :)

Really without any intention to patronize, I could be making a fool of myself for all I know.

What do you mean? How so?

I just want to be cautious with what I put into consciousness.

As well you should as far as I'm concerned. That is something I personally look upon as commendable.

I'd really like superstitions to fall off me and others.

Well...perhaps all we can really do is make sure and work on ourselves, as ridding oneself of all superstitions might seem an exceedingly difficult thing to happen for some people. With that in mind, however, what is and is not a superstition often seems to depend upon the source, as the world and universe we live in is pretty unfathomable from our current, very limited perspective, and we Earth humans hardly know enough to be able to really fully assess exactly what does and doesn't fall under the category of "superstitious".

A hundred or two years ago, many things were thought of as superstitious that we know today are scientific truth - and vice versa for that matter.

All we can do is keep being as critical as possible and examine everything with as intelligent yet open a mind as we can.

I'm not certain that our current perception (not interpretation) is limited, maybe this is the biggest superstition of them all, in the sense that perception is reality. I know about heightened perception, but maybe it's only modified perception. Maybe we're creating the sense of height. Seems we're creators in a more direct sense than manifesting physical things in a physical world. Maybe thinking we know anything about what lies beyond our senses is our creation. Would our reason and words even be able to touch it, if there was anything else ? I seem to remember that anyone that had some experience remotely comparable to some state of enlightenment always said it was beyond words and reason. I know this seems to go against everything we've ever been told and what we currently tell ourselves, against reason itself. To tie this perception with the world of interpretation, quantum theories seem to closely fit the bill. Theories about waves(nothing) becoming particles when someone observes them.

Do you see what I mean ? Take a brief satori on us, if you please.

Edit: Aww, trying to use exotic terms and everything, I confused kensho (brief glimpse) and satori (enlightenment). But by all means, have anyone of the two. :)

Really without any intention to patronize, I could be making a fool of myself for all I know.

What do you mean? How so?

Because maybe my own intent is hidden to me, and there's all those entities and whatnot shaking their head "he's still at it". That's becoming quite a humorous view, but as I said, I don't trust my own "knowledge".

Do you see what I mean ? Take a brief satori on us kensho, if you please.

I'm honestly not certain if I do see what you mean.

Seems to me that what is limited is our perception of the limitless sensation that is at our disposal. In other words, it seems to me that it is our sensation that is what is limitless, but our perception OF what we sense may or may not be up to par with what exists and, therefore, much of what exists we do not actually perceive and are, therefore, not actually aware of.

In a certain sense, the complete and total reality of Everything - of what is happening in a complete, universal sense - is already here now. It's happening to us right now as we speak. We (or, it would at least seem, many of us) are just not sufficiently attuned to perceive and be aware of that universal reality/energy. The phenomenon is there regardless of whether we are aware of its existence or not, however.

What do you mean? How so?

Because maybe my own intent is hidden to me

Very good of you to even be aware of this possibility, sir. Very good indeed. This is an important understanding. What we want might not be what we really want depending upon the situation.

and there's all those entities and whatnot shaking their head "he's still at it".

Well, with regard to this, I would generally say continue at it if you are driven toward it regardless of what any other entities say or feel about it.

I don't trust my own "knowledge".

It would seem that there is at least some knowledge that you could/should feel more confident about than others, no? I understand that there is much that I do not know, but I also know that there are some things - some overarching concepts - that I DO very much know and am indeed very much aware of.

I'll tell you what I think I know: We're the misled experience of being itself following a diversion. A whole epic, mystical, physical, legendary diversion. It's like the misdirection of a master magician. We never experience the future nor the past, yet we believe in them. Searching for enlightenment hides it from us, because it is everything, it is us without chains (those chains are the rules we received in order to "evolve"). Like we could do the evolving by stirring words and concepts. We are nothing appearing as everything. What proof do we have that some form of consciousness that we can supposedly attain for eternity is "higher" or "better" ? Experiencing existence and thinking "I must work to get something better" is the work of profound, trained vanity. We're trying to advance a token on a board game transmitted trough the human story, thinking it is our "self", that when we get here or there it will be "better". Well, we're already there and it's as good as it gets, if we care to see.

Hah, that's off my chest at least for now. Don't want to insult anyone's dream though, everything's epic.

We're the misled experience of being itself following a diversion.

If so, then I think that Being Itself intended to mislead Itself, so things are going right on track in that sense. :)

A whole epic, mystical, physical, legendary diversion.

Yep. As the word diversion itself implies, what is happening right now is just a frolic, a game that Being is playing with Itself while in different forms.

We never experience the future nor the past, yet we believe in them.

This is true and profound.

Searching for enlightenment hides it from us, because it is everything, it is us without chains

So obvious that we miss it as we miss our own nose. The last being to know that water exists is the fish.

Like we could do the evolving by stirring words and concepts.

I wouldn't say that words and concepts should be discarded and disregarded so summarily, however. Direct experience seems the superior way to go where it regards understanding of The All, but words and concepts might sometimes be a necessary conduit allowing some to get to a real understanding of The All in incremental steps. As such, words and concepts have their place on occasion.

We are nothing appearing as everything.

We are The Everything appearing as something.

What proof do we have that some form of consciousness that we can supposedly attain for eternity is "higher" or "better" ?

I guess the answer depends on what you mean by "proof", "higher", and "better".

Experiencing existence and thinking "I must work to get something better" is the work of profound, trained vanity.

We are there now. This is true. Sometimes we don't know that we are already there now, however. Paradoxically, sometimes it takes a bit of meandering about before we realize that the answer was right before us all along.

We're trying to advance a token on a board game transmitted trough the human story, thinking it is our "self", that when we get here or there it will be "better".

We must often go "there", however, in order to understand that "there" had always been here from the beginning.

Well, we're already there and it's as good as it gets, if we care to see.

This is valid. Indeed.

Yes, we've always been on track. I'm not sure that Being intended to mislead itself, rather it just happened that way as the price for the experience of Being. Now we've traversed the infinite void to this point where advanced brains appeared and concepts exists and drive experience. That sea of concepts inevitably contain goals, which inevitably contain problems (knowledge of good and evil from the garden). The "problem" concept (or pleasure and suffering) seems to have a gravity to it which eats and blocks our attention in it. A trap that maybe had to exist if anything was ever to exist. I see we all want to go home, and this home isn't accessible from any concept but from the experience of Being beyond conceptual knowledge. I can't help but feel there's some sort of hypocrisy for me to try to talk about this, but it's like I have no choice but to try and put it out there.

Words are becoming real short in this discussion. I feel I'm like trying to empty my concern for them, if that's even possible.

I'm not sure that Being intended to mislead itself, rather it just happened that way as the price for the experience of Being.

Sounds about right.

I see we all want to go home, and this but home isn't accessible from any concept but from the experience of Being beyond conceptual knowledge.

Sounds about right also.

I can't help but feel there's some sort of hypocrisy for me to try to talk about this, but it's like I have no choice but to try and put it out there.

Why would you think it hypocritical? Paradoxical, perhaps. But hypocritical?

Words are becoming real short in this discussion.


I feel I'm like trying to empty my concern for them, if that's even possible.

They can only convey so much, after all.

Why would you think it hypocritical? Paradoxical, perhaps. But hypocritical?

That's an interesting question for me indeed. Maybe it's bs.

I think we drove that thing to the ground, as it must have been done countless times. I'll try to be that obvious surge of joy underlying it all. Hope I'm not disconcerting some hidden entity or agenda, somewhere hidden out of my perception ? They'll surely show me when the time comes if there's anything I've missed. ;)

They'll surely show me when the time comes if there's anything I've missed.

They always tend to in one way or another. We just have to listen to what they try to teach.

Yes, but consider me weary of words, they can only reflect some built-in knowledge as far as I'm concerned. (or build illusions)

Edit: Or, I admit, they can be a recipe guiding to some realization. Like a kitchen recipe could guide to a nice taste. But it's important to remember we'll be the one tasting. And that a certain taste won't change the nature of tasting itself, which we already know, even from the less desirable meal.

Yes, but consider me weary of words, they can only reflect some built-in knowledge as far as I'm concerned. (or build illusions)

So then sit quiet and meditate as the banyan tree grows. Words indeed can be cumbersome things and often complicate more than they solve. Sometimes its best to sit quietly and let the silence speak.

It often says more than words ever could.

Yes ! Will do.

he's trolling you

I don't necessarily think that.

Not finished with this IAMA - only about half way through, so maybe you might have answered this already - but considering I haven't seen this asked yet, I'll put it out there:

Are you allowed to talk about or even delve into why it was that your best friend got kicked out of the organization or is no longer with them?

Also, as per your Interview With A Vampire reference, here's another question you might have already addressed elsewhere: Your best friend's family...are they extraordinarily long-lived beings? I know you mentioned their awareness of technology vastly more advanced than that which the public sector has on this planet, so maybe they have the capacity to live for very long periods of time by virtue of their medical knowledge. Do you have any awareness of anything like this as it pertains to your bf's family? or he himself for that matter?


I'd repost this as a reply to the OP instead of in a sub-comment.

Hmm. Thank you for the response and help...but I thought I did post it as a reply to the OP. OP is ButNotYou_NotAnymore, right? Isn't that who I directly asked the question I asked to?

Perhaps I'm not understanding what you're meaning or saying, and I simply don't know the difference between what responding directly to the OP is (which is what I thought I did) and responding to a "sub-comment" - which is what it seems you're saying I did...

Thanks again for the suggestion you're making here, as it seems you're simply trying to help - a gesture I certainly appreciate. I'm not exactly fully understanding what you're meaning, however.

you offer no proof what so ever, so your post is 100% bullshit.


ill tell you what though, sounds like you have a pretty solid fictional novel right there.

Also, if you were telling the truth, and this "friend" has one shred of decency and moral value, he would expose these thieving murders with much greater details

Go back to your cave. Proof? Prove to me that the sky is actually blue. Don't show me a link on the internet. Seriously, If you're looking for proof of ANYTHING in this fucked up world, you came to the wrong subreddit. Prove to me you aren't an idiot.

"Prove to me you aren't an idiot."

why should i when you have already proven to me that you are one? do you believe everything thats told to you?

Congratulations!!! You have just won the Nigerian Lottery, PM me your name, address, social security number and your bank account numbers and we will send you 2.7 million dollars.

wha whaa whaaa!

Are you high?


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Funniest shit I've read all day.

That is the best answer, sir. Well-said.

Just commenting on this so i can find you later to see if you post any other stuff related to this. i really hope you pull through. i find it very interesting.


There is a 'Save' button under the original post that adds this page to a tab under your profile for later viewing.

ahhh thanks. didn't know.


What makes you believe any of this, rather than just assume that your friend is spinning an entertaining yarn?

And "he's a really good guy, and I trust him" doesn't really count.


Or say, "The Aristocrats!"

Wouldn't the group of people where your friend comes from be concerned that he might share some valuable information and reveal the truth to some dude He knows,trusts,loves? please respond.


Ok change of topic. How about the anonymous group are they related to any of these secret Weird organisations? oh and what gender is your friend and you it won't change anything but just curious.

I would like to see proof of their technological advancement. Could you provide some for us, please?

Also, the phrase "crossed the rubicon" is an unusual and interesting choice of words to me. Is there any significance to it's use here?

Look, if this were real, then what keeps people from this organization from killing each other, or incestuous relationships, or secrets from this slipping out, and so on? I mean, they have no standard moral code. Even the mafia kill their own.

We all know what we really need to do and how to handle the situation at hand, but we're being held back by fear. We don't need this kind of control (CISPA)(THE MEDIA RIGHT NOW)(blackflagconspiracies) that limits what we see as reality. When we come together and move towards LOVE we can accomplish anything. Fear is just used as control and to keep us back from achieving that. We're learning more and more everyday about our world and how we need to raise our awareness thanks to the internet, but we're getting it taken away and we need to spread the word! Don't be afraid and spread fear! Spread love and how love can effect the situation. We're all growing and we grow so much more together

would the 13 be groups or families with some googling i found this.. would your friend be part of any; of these families?

  1. Astor
  2. Bundy
  3. Collins
  4. DuPont
  5. Freeman
  6. Kennedy
  7. Li (Chinese)
  8. Onassis
  9. Rockefeller
  10. Rothschild
  11. Russell
  12. Van Duyn
  13. Merovingian (European Royal Families)

I am down voting because you are trying to stay off the radar, but I almost up voted because I like it. I think the truth is always stranger than fiction and usually not even what is considered realistic while fiction is and has always been regarded as the truth more often than not. I would love to hear more. I have seen Moloch also spelled Malach.

I have several questions. Who are these "Knights of the Round Table"? Who's Moloch? Are you talking about the Old God from the Ammonites? What groups are inside this organization? Is this the beginning of the end? The time for their new world order to rise? Is all hope lost?


I see thank you. I just been having this weird spiritual feeling lately like something big about to happen within the next month/year. If the stuff about the Children sacrifice is true then it's most likely is Moloch. If you do find anymore information it would be much appreciated if you shared it with me.

Has any of this given you any useful information?
Ie. what is the history of the human race and how we came to have civilizations? Or perhaps some profound medical tips like: "if you keep your mouth at an alkaline state it will prevent harmful germs from growing in your mouth and therefore prevent many sore throats and heart valve diseases".

Or after having a love affair with a member of the time travelers/aliens /divine nobles; who you state willingly shares any knowledge with you.. Have you only garnered vague useless information that can't be validated?

If this group exist, does it mean Satan and God exist?

You should define what exactly you mean by both "Satan" and "God" first. Depending upon your definition of what you mean by those words, your answer could be a resounding yes, or a definitive no.

I look at it this way..If they perform satanic sacrifices and worship the devil, there must be God. Cuz God created Satan. Imo.

How did the 12 or 13 get together in the first place?

and would it be possible to replicate this in a way but instead of a force of destruction.

A Force for creation, and knowledge, and for the good of the world and its future?

Clearly this 12-13 group organization is the "old world order"

We need a New world order, thats the opposite of the old world order


I don't get why women rarely get into power.

I could blame the traditional male centricism in secret societies, but at the same time threw out the secret power structure multiple women have rose to the challege, but its few and far between.


I feel like the TPTB need to actually modernize in many ways.

or atleast futurize concidering the advanced tech.

If they can't even understand the other sex of the human race enough to trust them with power, then thats fucking pathetic on there parts.

Hell, if gay marrage etc etc was legalized I bet some of TPTB would sleep easy lol


no, its not that they don't have a soul.

They have just brainwashed themselves into thinking they are something superior.

the TPTB concider themselves higher then us because they have more paper, more digets in a computer, and more shiny metal.

talking about the TPTB honestly makes me want to facepalm, so much wasted potential its sickening.


I don't get why women rarely get into power.

Women DO get into power, they just do so in other spheres. Ask 90% of the married males you know who wears the pants at home. Ask yourself how many times you've been out with your mates and heard one of your friends say, "Shit, gotta run, the ball and chain is already on the warpath today." It's all the time.

In the context of the conversation I wasn't refering to regular goings.


Think of it this way.

Concidering how the current system as you said is male centered, and being a guy myself I can tell you 1 thing long term that matters.

Legacy and how your remembered.

Wouldn't you want to be remembered to ushering a new era of humanity interms of technology,knowledge, etc etc?

What I don't understand about the TPTB is that for such a great gathering of power.techology etc etc they choose to waste it on pathetic destuction.

If they were truely higher then the "sheep" as they say then they would be focusing on creating good things.

If we truely had access to all that advance tech imagine what humanity could be. We could be a force in the stars.

I think that the pop count on the guide stones is abit of trickery since it said nothing about human populations on other planets.

Also does the TPTB really think that hiding in the shadows,yet telling/ showing stuff right infront of people is abit ironic? "oh we are so secret......... LETS PUT THE SYMBOLS EVERYWHERE!"

Actually I got 1 question if the TPTB want population reduction, then atleast don't kill the smart people, because the more smart people that breed/live the better it is for everyone long term, and after a few smart generations we might be able to comprehend/master that advanced tech the TPTB have been keeping from us(possibly waiting til we get "on there level of intellect"?)


Actually I think the TPTB have been doing the culling process for quite the while now and are doing it in a evil yet smart way.

They mess with the food,water, air,information etc etc etc.

The people that are smart try to stop/avoid the dangers and are deemed worthy because they were smart enough to figure things out etc etc, but are usually hated by the dumbed down people.

While the dumb people fall for it, and dig there own grave unless they wake up in time.

I think that in a odd way, they do like the people that solve out whats going on, but they are very picky about it.

What I realise about the TPTB is that they have become so blinded by power that they forgot why they joined forces in the first place.

Its not like the TPTB can't fixed this world and make it better, they just choose to mess with it, because frankly they are bored.

You mentioned civilization earlier right? Well I bet the TPTB think that they completed all the requirements for this level if you will, and they are thinking about pulling a sim city and starting over. However they could always do some cheat codes or just wait it out til they get enough money/rescources/research to get to the next civilization stage.

Inother words TPTB are fucking bored because they think that they did all that they can do and are wondering why we are not at there "level".


The TPTB are basically screwing the TPTB up long term.


Humans can do 2 things

Create and Destory.

We need more creators then destoryers.

Nothing is stopping Humans from having a advanced society, other then the TPTB blind stupidity.

The TPTB shouldn't even "B" if they can't get there shit together.

let me ask you something.

if TPTB revealed/released all of there advanced tech tomorrow or something like that, how would the world react?

Honestly Maybe the reason why they keep it from us is because they have no fucking clue what the average guy would probally think about it or if they would even care.

They probally hate humanity so much because other humans probally shunned them or something.

But don't they realise by fucking up the world and its people, it simply leads to more problems and more secret societies of good and bad?

Maybe the 13th family knows this, and has seen this happen over and over and that is why they sit out for the most part.

TPTB are creating there own monsters in every sense of the word.

Honestly WTF do the TPTB even meet about for the part?


you know the TPTB could always slowly give us there advanced tech, but do it in such away TPTB make massive profits out of it.

like think about it.

First there tech is expensive, but then slowly as people get more access to it, figure it out etc etc etc that tech becomes mainstream and widely used and practical.

Who knows, maybe TPTB wouldn't have to be in secret anymore and would improve who they are in alot of ways if they thought that the average person could handle it.

Think how much cellphones and wireless technology has improved every ones lives, including TPTB's in a way.

TPTB put themselves up on a pedistal, instead of being down to earth.

All that tech they have, could have been used to make a galactic empire by now.

Which last time i check TPTB must be getting bored of only having earth.


how many secret societies came before the TPTB and how many will come after?

Also I wonder when will the 12 realise they have been nothing but pawns to the 13th, and that the 13th will probally have them fight eachother only leaving the 13th standing. After all how can it be a "one" world goverment if theres 13 families?

And this is part of the very reason why I offered the link I previously did. What you just mentioned here is a much bigger reason as to why TPTB are making sure and keeping the truth about ET existence under wraps. It's because they would also have to disclose the truth about free energy as well, and that would cause them to loose all (or at least a great majority) of their power over the people. The idea that "the masses just wouldn't be able to handle the truth and mass chaos would ensue! We must protect the people from themselves!" is only an excuse. That is not the most pressing reason as to why disclosure is being held back.


Yes. I think they underestimate the public's ability to accept the ET reality.

No, my good man. What they are most certainly not underestimating is the extent to which disclosure of ET existence will also necessarily involve disclosure of the propulsion technologies that were responsible for allowing those ETs to get here in the first place.

Once THAT cat is out of the bag, then it will be a very short time indeed before something very similar to those same types of propulsion technologies are globally acknowledged by and available to the mass of humanity - and since these propulsion technologies involve the use of devices that can derive energy "out of thin air" - i.e. from the atmosphere itself in an absolutely free, clean, and eternally abundant manner - then the paradigm of manipulative money control TPTB on this planet have had the masses thoroughly enslaved with for who knows how long would come summarily crashing down.

It's really hard to enslave people when you don't have anything whatsoever they need and they can already get whatever they want for themselves. The advent of free energy would help literally every human on Earth be able to provide for themselves and their families without having to spend almost any money whatsoever.

That would absolutely destroy the money paradigm and TPTB's power and control over the population.

ET disclosure would do no. The LAST thing TPTB want/will disclose is the truth about ET existence.

They don't underestimate the public's ability to accept ET reality. They know the public will be able to accept it. They know it won't cause mass chaos. What they also know, however, is that they (TPTB themselves) would soon loose all their power and control over the people after ET disclosure for the reasons I mentioned above.

THAT'S the reason why they don't disclose ET reality. Of course they're not going to actually say that. lol. They just couch it by saying "No, no. The people can't handle the truth! It's too scary! We're trying to protect the people because everyone would mass riot! No way! We're here to help everyone!" lol Evil bastards.

This is why I feel there is such a resistance to disclosure about ET knowledge and events. They believe it is too overwhelming for most people and chaos would ensue which they aren't quite ready to deal with in a practical sense if we were to go nuts with fear.

I don't think that's it, good sir. I personally feel this right here is much closer to the truth.


Why don't you bring up to your friend the shift that would take place from the money paradigm, control, and the use and consumption of fossil fuels (as is currently the case and has been the case on this planet from time immemorial) to the use of free energy, an ability to get everything you need from "the ethers", and as a result, a true democratizing of power on the planet? Mention to him that with the disclosure of ET existence (and, by extension, their technology of free energy), the population wouldn't need money to build a house, warm themselves, provide food for their families, and travel from one place to the other. It would make the use of fossil fuels obsolete and, by extension, the money and power paradigm that drives the whole wicked system (along with those individuals and groups that are responsible for keeping that paradigm in place) would tumble quickly after.

Both you and your best friend seem like very intelligent individuals, but I wouldn't doubt that this factor behind the prevention of the disclosure of ET reality readily occurred to him. There is such a great insistence on the "prevention of mass panic" aspect, that sometimes we miss the obvious.

See what he says in response to this particular reason behind why TPTB are more likely interested in the prevention of disclosure.

Thanks again,




Could you speak more re: chaos magic and it's place/reputation with TPTB? It seems to be a more recent school (perhaps based on something older) and reliant upon culture/context.



I would think you have the same opinion about Hesse's portrayal of death in Steppenwulf?

Thanks for returning to the thread. If you "believe some things are too important to be kept secret" and you claim immunity, why not tell us all the specifics? You could be a hero.

Also your religion is similar to his in the aspect of rebirth. Did your friend influence you to become a buddhist?

Maybe this is just my perception, but it seems that certain Anonymous ops have targeted these factions and/or their minions and institutions/fronts. Any thoughts on that?





However my friend's house is still full of statues of his particular deity that he was dedicated to at birth, so those are more religious than ritual items.


I'm pretty sure that would get him caught real fast.

It would also add a great deal of credibility to your OP's claims.

His claim. I'm not OP.

This is a correct statement. My mistake. Edited.


I was thinking more along the lines of pictures of the house more as a whole, since it's apparently filled with these statues. Sure it could be faked, but it would help a little.

Okay, so maybe "a great deal" was a poor choice of words. Replace that with "a little".

What's the deity?


Internet hive-mind says Enki/Ea, but that's an obvious answer.





The Sumerian Civilization didn't spring up over night, it succeeded another civilization.

despite being a poor scholar

And/or Rockefeller-employed disinfo agent .

In any event, quite interesting, and thanks for the reply.


Hey I sent you a PM could you check it out? dg

Sumerian not Babylonian and he is very far off.


Why doesn't your friend have beliefs from one of the older and more advanced civilizations?


You see that is kind of a problem because they all would be in the position to know exactly that. We are talking about people with technology 100 years more advanced than our own, people who can talk to beings thousands of years old, and they don't know about what came before Sumeria? Especially when they probably have all the records.

Let me give you a sample of a few Empires they would know about.

Vedic/Rama in India
Osirian Civilization in the Mediterrean
Uiger in the Gobi Desert
China (seriously that nation is old)

You want to try the truth now?


I wasn't referring to time travel technology. There is plenty of information on these ancient civilizations available to the public if you look hard enough.

As for his deity having trouble explaining to him, I find that hard to believe. He should be more than able to understand what she has to say to him, especially after all you have said here about him.


I'm fully aware of what is possible and what is not. It isn't hard to explain to an occultist what something is. You mean an engineered spirit or Egregore? or do you mean that she is an elemental embodiment?


How is that unusual?

Honesty is not the most common trait in the spirit world.

And what is your expertise in the subject?
Also remember these are occultists and that spirit is bonded to him.

What is yours?

I'm an occultist
I've studied the subject
I belong to a sect (I won't disclose which one)

Well then, why do you feel the need to question the obvious?

To hear his answer.

Thank you for the quick response.


Ditto on that. Much appreciated. I really hope you stay safe.

It's Cthulhu right? I knew it was Cthulhu! Come on, you can tell us!


Thanks for doing this btw, It's interesting as a read as it is a mystery.

Hey I sent you a PM could you check it out?

What other advanced technologies do they have? And what are their thoughts on god and the universe (E.T. And such)


If we're talking time travel then they ARE channeling higher dimensional thought processes. Would the mechanical designs be rounded or 'blocky?' Is the symbolism a cosmetic signature, or actually necessary?


Can you elaborate farther at all? If not then maybe a clue even. Does this have anything to do with blueprints from Iran? Heard a rumor somewhere...


I can imagine whatever method used for time travel would be a source of great pride for them. This motivates me to want to probe further. Lol


After doing some very light research, and based on all the branches desire to maintain their own powers, Superluminal Propagation of Information is probably the limit of they're time manipulation capabilities. I'm going to keep sleuthing. :D

How are actors/actresses/entertainers and movies/tv involved? I have to know if Johnny Depp is a part of this because I've met him a few times and have to know if I've met a member.


Speaking on the subject of Hollywood there are a lot of TV series and movies that seem to have similarities with the power structure you mention. The series that comes to mind for me is most notably the TV show Alias and the "Alliance of 12".

is the country in Central Europe? Do they claim lineage to kings and queens etc...? What are their views on aliens?


That bit of info gives up the country.


Bro, don't redact it. Delete that part.

EDIT: I know "redacting" can mean "deleting" also, but I want to make sure you don't merely cross through the selection but, instead entirely get rid of it from the record here.

Erm, what was it? Luxembourg? Swiss?


I would censor that location, man, it's pretty obvious to anyone with five seconds and google.

You mentioned about in-breeding and they considering themselves as being genetically superior. Are there exceptions to this rule where outsiders, or say commoners, are allowed into the groups and not just as play toys to be victimized?

*Edit: This question has already been answered a couple of times. Basically if you are not of the chosen blood line you will never be their equal.



Is he gay? Not sure how relevant that is, but I'm just curious.


Interesting, thanks.

Did you ever ask him about Archons, and if so, what's the scoop?

Do these families follow the same laws we do, or are they "above the law", so to speak?



At the very least I'd like to see something.

You have literally no proof of anything you have said.


Well, I'm sure the Illuminati won't have assassinated you by tomorrow evening, so I'll just wait until then for some proof or your 100% true claims.



Can you tell me of any dmt use?


This is not true. Read up on DMT and you'll learn that a specific gland in your brain is specifically devoted to producing DMT. As DMT passes through its cycle, it becomes melatonin. I am about to go on a DMT journey in Peru, as it happens, leaving this Saturday.


So has your friend given you any tips on how to keep them from world domination and I would love to learn more about aliens and all of this. Can you keep me updated as well, if possible that is?


It takes all things, sees all things?

Sign me up.

I would do almost anything to know the whole truth. Threads like these can't even scratch the surface. So I'm going to agree with you. Sign me up so I can finally know.


Understood. So, OK, what did you do, or what function did you serve, or what did they see that you potentially offer for you to become 'made' in this relationship?

So are Obama and Bush in on the conspiracy? What really happened to JFK?


That joke was actually cracked by Bill Hicks, but thank you.

The POTUS being a controlled position just gave me an interesting thought.

Would you presume that the extreme polarization of American politics is to make it easier to place in power the one they choose? If the vote is a near equal split it would be very easy to report it one way or the other while keeping the general population complacent. Even if it were leaning one way more than the other they would just have to make one candidate seem more popular to just play into the predetermined result.


I call them Republicrats

Rebloodlicans and Democrips


Are there any other upcoming events your friend has told you about that you haven't yet mentioned?


And how does the average person join these people? Do they recruit? What qualities do they seek and/or respect?

If you can't beat em...


I been lookin man!

Lotsa answers to sift through...Most seem like you know but don't wanna say where people should start...I am curious though if you could elaborate on a starting position at all. If just for the purposes of exploring the surrounding information without pursuing.

But what is their stance on the nature of the universe? Where does it all come from, or do they not know/not care? Is there any concept of karma? Seems that lots of occult traditions suggest that doing bad to others will result in some form of bad to yourself. Is that just "control systems" in play? Any truth?


So is it safe to assume that Aleister Crowley is one of "them?"

How long do these people live? Do they have methods of artificially extending their lives - assuming that they really do have medically advanced technology?

Mann I want to believe you so bad lol. I got so many questions its hard to decide what to ask without sounding like I'm coming out of left field.




Does the Baha'i faith have anything to do with any of this? I've learned a little about them recently and have been told that they are go focused on achieving a one world government, currency, and religion. They claim to be a "newer" faith, but I'm convinced that there is something greater going on here. Can you elaborate at all?

Gadianton Robbers?

I'm not using a throwaway becasue I don't care who reads this.

Have you ever heard of Graham Hancock's beliefs on ancient civilization? If you ever look up one of his documentaries, he believes that our race is currently derived from an ultra advanced seafaring civilization that focused on the supernatural/spiritual ways of the world. He thinks that the end of the last ice age wiped out most of this civilization and whoever was left over tried to preserve their ancient knowledge through geometrical monuments like the Giza pyramids or the statues at Easter island. If I had to guess your friend and his family believes that they are the newest generation of these people. I can also safely assume that they have some sort of advanced biological knowledge and other intelligence of the world that is kept from us "normal" people so, my question is, what is their motive besides world domination? Do thy only keep this knowledge to themselves because they think that only their "race" rightfully deserves it? Thanks for doing this insightful AMA by the way :)






Thank-you OP. Even with all the shitposting that goes on here, this is why I sub to /r/conspiracy. the x board is pretty decent at times too. /r/paranormal /r/ufos /r/occult etc, on the other hand are usually fairly lame.

Why was your friend expelled from this group?


wait.... are you talking about the vatican and the pope?...


ahh i was just seeing a few parallels there for a sec

Just commenting to come back later.

Tune in tomorrow for another chapter of The Philosopher and the Illuminati Outcast! What trouble lurks around the corner? What secrets to humanity will he reveal? Why are the Georgia Guidestones so significant? Just how does one make that magic fairy dust? Find this and more on /r/fanfiction. And if I ever wanted to filter out a bunch of liars and goofballs out of /r/conspiracy, this would be the thread to do it. This is the perfect thread to identify people who really aren't serious about finding the truth.

This is the perfect thread to identify people who really aren't serious about finding the truth.

Wouldn't you have to know what "the truth" is to be able to determine who's serious about finding it? Maybe you'll answer "yeah, I'm in the CIA and I know all kinds of stuff, and this thread is way off." Even though there's a chance you'd be full of it, I'd still encourage further discussion, because who knows?

Anyhow, what's so implausible about time-tested scheme to keep the rich in power? And no matter where you stand on the ultimate nature of reality, would it be be that outlandish for this scheme to incorporate religious/esoteric ideas, which appear to have always been with humanity, even to this day?

I don't think it's too far of a stretch to believe there are uber wealthy Illuminati people out there in a cult who probably have strange religious beliefs that may have nothing remotely at all to do with many of the common religions of today. I just think that the OP is lying that he's actually met one, or has a tremendously delusional friend who thinks he is one. Other than that, he might have met a true relative of the Rothschild family line who is toying with his friend, telling him all kinds of outlandish sh*t just because little people like you and me are probably a complete joke to the Rothschild family line. But what are the odds of that? Relatively low. So, this is Reddit -- liars are here all over the place. The more likely scenario is that the OP is lying, but exploring some fanfiction. If so, the OP is better-served to visit /r/fanfiction or /r/illuminati or blogging instead of here.

And as for the strange organ arrangement in the friend's body, the magic red and white fairy dust, and the ritual murders -- hogwash, I reason to bet.


We don't know you're not lying. So the defense of saying you're not means nothing to us. See how that works?

You're already being profiled in /r/conspiratards because you are not doing anything to prove you are not lying. People are also baffled that not enough people here are challenging you, making them conspiratards as well.

So, quit the charade. Come clean and say, "Okay, I made this up. But it was fun."

Now, do I think there's a group of super wealthy people out there (beyond my wildest imagination) with strange beliefs, a terrible lack of morals, and a tremendous amount of political power with connections to MI6, NSA, CIA, and DHS? Yes. I'm talking Eyes Wide Shut kind of stuff. But the idea that you met someone like this who confided in you, or has special alchemy that common people don't have -- ahhh, no.


Well, the people here who are believing you are crazy. And how I'm getting downvoted for criticizing someone who doesn't even back up stuff with even the remotest of proof, and you to get upvoted -- well, that goes to show you that /r/conspiracy has gone down hill.

How can I get involved? Be an agent or something, sounds fun

Its as much fun as the young girl had in The Exorcist.


I could think of a few reasons why one would sacrifice the possessed. To draw the attention of very specific, nameless entities.

...I'm liking this thread.


I like this thread purely for the information. I would never condone ritual sacrifice. Any so-called 'diety' that requires a sacrifice is a petty one.

They get their power from demons and once they go down that low road, they're not them anymore. If you do this you wont be you, not anymore. The demons wont do anything for free and their payment is killing, maiming, defrauding, and destroying humanity. We are all one, and the demons see this as a way of destroying God in their fight against him.

Bullshit. Its not something only they can do, they arent special. They are possessed and the demon treats them better because they fuel it with evil and sacrificing their own children to it. They don't have any special abilities except they don't have a conscious due to the possession. The demon then feeds off of many different forms of human suffering that they destroy humanity with.

From my understanding and dealings with spirits, it's about the power you give them. If you let them into your mind and you LET them take over you, then they will. If you want to speak with them, but you have your guard up a bit, then it will be more like 'equals'. It depends how seriously you take these spirits, it depends if you let them boss you around, etc.

But yeah they aren't special. We all have the abilities to do these things.


Read: "You can't, because I'm making this shit up as I go."


Oh, and we wouldn't want that now, would we?

You sound like a supporting character in a 60's B-movie. I'm pretty sure MST3K riffed on this exact film.

This might be something you won't be able to answer, but without getting yourselves into trouble, is there any advice you can give that would help us weather any "events" down, the road?

The Van Duyn family?


Just the name of the 13th family of the illuminati I found....I know you said they weren't illuminati though.


cool thanks for the reply

Doubt it's 13 by coincidence.


What was that? :D

I think you caught a cold there. It's okay, cough it out, man.

I hate to be that guy, but the info you provided should be enough to identify this person. He had a high possition and basicly pushed away from the organization, I don't think things like that happen very often in an org that is basicly all family.

He also had a deadly disease which was easily cured, again, these two things alone are enough to identify him for the family members.


Now that I have your attention I want to ask a question.

How can a person advance spiritually? I don't know if these bloodsucking, murderers are the right people to ask, but I guess theres no harm in asking.

My belief is agnosticism, and I do not believe in demons, devils, reincarnation or god as an entity outside of ourselves. Am I just incredibly deluded and a product of this mans fall? What does your friend believe in? Does he practice something like meditation?

The only thing that gives this group validity is the claim that they can do supernatural things and live long lives, but without these two things they might as well be just a cult.


Oh btw I didn't mean agnosticism I meant gnosticism. So yea I'm totally into that whole subjective objective and what is true perception over untrue perception deal.

I also meditated, but due to being undiciplined I stopped. I have had great experiences with continues meditation. I rather go for zen buddhism instead of buddhism but those are just different cultural flavors.

This is the same guy that claimed he was gay so therefore he knew chest hair doesn't appear on lower quality film on a previous post...what the

Their medical and technological level of knowledge is decades if not centuries ahead of ours

Tesla built devices for healing a more than a century ago. All they did was copy his designs. Advanced is a relative term. And the group you refer to are mostly jokers who can act well in public speech and sell made up stories.

George Shref who later became the 41st president stole Tesla's designs and used this tech on American Citizens on 9/11 to kill and maim thousands as a demonstration of his powers.

He says Nibiru would come in 2012, talks about San Fran being uninhabitable by 2009-2010....skeptical to say the least.

do you know anything about hitler using the Vedic scriptures? He used the swastika symbol which is an indian peace sign when its backwards, and i know the government tried to get rid of Srila Prabhupada spreading Krishna conciousness in the west. That religion/culture seems most truthful to me

Hare Krishna <3.

Do you get your information on this "Illuminati" from youtube and the hypocrite "Alex Jones" like everyone else on the internet?

Not even done reading your OP, but wo. What do you and/or your friend think about this? And this?

Additionally, what do you think about the information I posted here. The people/forces/energies who did that to Kevin Krim, where do you think they are on the totem pole of power? It seems like there is decently major power and control being executed in the Krim situation. Would you say your friend/his family are this powerful? less? or is what they can do something that makes what happened to Krim small potatoes/pale in comparison?

Thank you very much for putting this OP up. I too am a graduate in Philosophy. I too am interested in Truth.

Are you or your best friend in any risk for making this? One would think that if your bf's family is as powerful as they might be they would have little problem becoming aware of this post, no?

Best to you, and I look forward to your response,


I do not buy into star command channelled beings or anything like that.

The linked material has really nothing to do with that. Channeling happens, and I suppose has its worth and validity, but I'm referring to things that have nothing whatsoever in direct association with it.

Not to discount anyone's beliefs or experiences, it's just never been a part of his, or mine.

Neither mine as well. I don't discount channeling information, but it has never been anything that I personally have dealt much with or looked much into. With that in mind - and again - what I posted is not much at all about channeling.

Dont take this the wrong way; Have you ever considered that you may be morally obligated to hand over your friend to some kind of department of justice or w/e organisation that would be suitable.

ok, im a newbie here, checked it out after it seemed to me they used actors with the boston bombing, specifically man in wheelchair and cowby hat guy (i have no medical background, just assumptions based on watching too many movies perhaps?). Im a very skeptical person by nature, but for some reason when i read your post you seem like the most genuine person i have yet to run into on here....My questions, ill try to keep this short and not expand on my own beliefs. 1. What does your friend think of followers of Christ such as Seventh Day Adventists, people who may relate these bloodlines and their connection to the Lucifer? Could these be the entities that are possibly the 13th you speak of? 2. What are their views on the Constitution? Im sure they were involved in some way, but did this document and America, the 'thought' of a free society which i believe could be achieved living humbly, perhaps throw a wrench into their plans? After being into David Icke I've recently had to question a lot of things after being shown his connnections to Blavatsky, Alice Bailey and 'new age' information, sun worship essentially. Im starting to question whether or not Jesus was the real deal, the real Savior, and if he called it in revelations. Any thoughts on any of the information I've been presenting would be greatly appreciated, by anyone reading this not just the OP



Okay, I'll play this game.

Tell us how old these people are known to live.

Remember the movie, Eyes Wide Shut? Is this group sort of like that?

What is their opinion of gold and silver investment in order to prepare against their game of economic collapse?



Scimus qui sis. Non placuit.


Wow...this account was created to fuck you up

For those too lazy to google:

User name-Governor

Post text-"We know who you are. Not pleased."

Eek, ominous!

His "friend" has ovaries and male genitalia, can almost live forever and heal himself with magic fairy dust, he loves him like a brother even though the friend is a former murderer, and seems to confirm many other conspiracies here on /r/conspiracy. Riiiiight. This is a rope-a-dope. Let's moderate and send this guy to /r/conspiratard.

lol. This is why /r/conspiracy is a joke.

Hey I sent you a PM could you check it out and get back to me? Thanks I appreciate it.

Quite the imagination lol

This is all a giant load of bullcrappie

Guys, move on. This is a huge joke!


Perhaps that's your problem. You are staying up so long that you are hallucinating.

Why hold back and not tell the people that they get their power from demons and that the most powerful members are the ones "perfectly" possessed by the demons they thought they could control?

They do evil to serve their fallen angels. If anyone reading wants to fight the Illuminati ask yourself Who the best counter to hell's demons would be.


There was a time before Christianity. A long time infact. Quit being so ignorant.


Nothing more than channeled archetypes. Ironic that these people draw strength from their own delusions. It doesn't matter how much money and power they think they have. A psychological condition is just that. I have their number.

I'm endlessly curious about this technology though. One thing I respect is cleverness.


They've externalized their abilities? What's the equation for that then? It can't be just a ritual... I used to be an independent student. My main obstacle back then was external manifestation.

Oh and yes. I do mean to draw attention. I love to learn. :D

If that's your friends name in the last line you may want to erase it



I don't think he's saying he doesn't want to tell us what they are, I think he's saying that he's unable to verify what they are with any certainty.


It's a pretty fine line we're walking here--I want to know too, but I don't think I'll be asking for confirmation of any guesses I may have.

We all have the ability, they aren't speicial, and your illuminati families demons are not Gods. They're fallen angels. Its not hard to understand: Satan and a third of the angels (now demons) fell from heaven after they rebelled against God. They were thrown down to hell and the fight continues.

Your "friends" family has nothing special, they are losers and materialism in this life is all they will get. If you cared about humanity you would stop them. Tell your "friends" about Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Michael, Archangel Uriel, and Archangel Raphael. Bring their names up often and continuously and watch them squirm.

lol wow it's hard to take this seriously when you spell organization an d skeptical wrong... especially since reddit spell-checks it for you


It's also funny that cptginyu is complaining about your spelling and then spells "and" wrong. :) I don't think there are too many nationalistic ways of spelling and.

I call bullshit on this one. The OP is probably either a crystal meth user where these delusions are common, or he was given computer access in a psych ward.

I don't know about you, but I've known a few schizophrenics, etc. They aren't this coherent. I'm not saying this is proof, but he is incredibly well spoken and thought out for a crazy, if he is one.

Just the name of the 13th family of the illuminati I found....I know you said they weren't illuminati though.

They can't find you that easily on-line. We built the internet, not them. They still have to work through nerds and geeks to get info out of it. Even an AI with human level intelligence and massive computing power and every single internet packet ever sent out couldn't link physical people to on-line personas if they took reasonable precautions (public networks and random account names).

Thanks for doing this btw, It's interesting as a read as it is a mystery.

Thanks. I see it now. So this would infer that they care about the long term survivability of this world and the vehicle to do this is a leaner, more finely tuned population.

I will state that I agree with this idea because the direction that we are currently heading to is environmental destruction. At the same time I'm not ruthless enough to suggest cleansing half the population is the best course of action.

So a bunch of rich / spoiled, overly privileged egotists think we're disgusting to live with... even though they created the system, where everyone needs to feed off each other in order to survive. If what you say is true, these "elite entities" sound alot like angsty high school brats.

This is /r/conspiracy there is nothing we did not hear before. Aspartame splits in the bloodstream to formaldehyde and that is cancerous. What do you know about fluorides, GMO, Bisphenol A, mercury and aluminum in our food and vaccines?

It's also funny that cptginyu is complaining about your spelling and then spells "and" wrong. :) I don't think there are too many nationalistic ways of spelling and.

I think having /u/backmask as a "backup" is enough. You are doing your best to let the truth come out while trying to keep the ones you love safe. If they really want to make you silent, no amount of friends with information will stop them. Let's just hope you, /u/backmask and all of us redditors here reading your insights will remain safe.

"Prove to me you aren't an idiot."

why should i when you have already proven to me that you are one? do you believe everything thats told to you?

Congratulations!!! You have just won the Nigerian Lottery, PM me your name, address, social security number and your bank account numbers and we will send you 2.7 million dollars.

Okay, I'll play this game.

Tell us how old these people are known to live.

Remember the movie, Eyes Wide Shut? Is this group sort of like that?

What is their opinion of gold and silver investment in order to prepare against their game of economic collapse?

Theres 7 billion people on the earth. Even if a hundred million knew the truth they cant do shit. If a billion knew the truth they could just use the militaries. I dont think they are too concerned. And almost anyone who comes here is going to is already not going to believe what theyre told and continue to question. Taking the time to surveil and track every single loose end at all times is far more work than its worth. And again at this point it doesnt matter how many know; there are enough brainwashed, and enough back up plans to 'succeed' with th'next steps' even if there was a huge explosion in people 'waking up'. Not saying this proves he is legit, just saying that the fact that he or anyone has not been killed doesnt mean that he/others are lying.

I have completed dual B.A. Majors, and you are not a person worth speaking to--so, fuck off and have a nice day.

[EDIT] GPA: 3.33

/u/backmask should give his information to a trusted, anonymous and undisclosed confidant that is instructed to release the information on his behalf if he (/u/backmask) does not get in contact with his anonymous confidant by "such and such" amount of time. That lets backmask's confidant be able to release the info anonymously without ever being incriminated or revealed.