You are being profiled, r/conspiracy.

427  2013-04-21 by [deleted]

The recent events have brought a lof of new folks here, and not all of them for the same reasons. There are at least a dozen instances of the line 'I'm not usually a conspiracy theory whacknut but' or " what is your take on this particlar piece of evidence /r/conspiracy' But for me the sudden influx of posters who try to tie the government government government to our ideas are the ones who are doing the most damage. I do not think those of us who aren't new here blame the government with such a wide brush, that is 1) a misconception people have about, for lack of a better word 'truthers'. Second, and most important, it is laying down support for the correlation between anti-government rhetoric and this sub.

The government is an apparition, it is made of men and women who have personal agendas beyond their service of government. You can't point to government, only persons acting in a government role. The flag is not to blame. The white house is not to blame. The FBI is not to blame. Corrupt INDIVIDUALS, and perhaps groups of corrupt INDIVIDUALS almost assuredly are.

edit; this did a lot better than i would've thought, sorry i didn't stick around to reply. Lot's of good posts and valid points. Thanks for posting.


The government is an apparition, it is made of men and women who have personal agendas beyond their service of government. You can't point to government, only persons acting in a government role. The flag is not to blame. The white house is not to blame. The FBI is not to blame. Corrupt INDIVIDUALS, and perhaps groups of corrupt INDIVIDUALS almost assuredly are.

Can't upvote this enough. It's important to make this distinction a lot if we're ever going to be able to have a broader conversation, and it's important to really understand it because it will help you sort out the noise better.

I couldn't upvote that statement enough either so I upvoted you upvoting it.

The problem is we have so many corrupt individuals it's hard not to blame the entire system.

Our government system is broken, corrupt, and dying. Our apathy, laziness, and arrogance has given power to the elites.

America is dead, we might yet revive her, but the system that we have today is most certainly a huge part of the problem.

The system died after Roosevelt.

That's so subjective. I could just as easily argue that it died after Wilson....or Kennedy...or That it's still alive but wounded..

i will not work to revive a system responsible for destroying the planet.

Then work to build a new system on it's grave.

In your (....defense?) The system IS broken. The system is too loose, too manipulated. If this makes any sense, we need a system that employs very.authoritarian, heavy handed ways to not be an authoritarian heavy handed government.

Yeah that sounded good in my head.

Perfect. Now we need names.

OK, you have the names, now what?

Will you sue them? They are the system that says who is or isn't guilty.

Will you preach extrajudicial measures? Then you are a part of the problem.

I won't sit here and say that I have the answers, but your response is pretty damn negative and over simplified. There is a way out of most every political status quo, much of the time it takes violence but things will eventually change, with the 99%er movement that was what I believe was one of many small steps into changing the way things are around here.

Well put

your response is pretty damn negative and over simplified

Show me at least one that makes more sense, I'll subscribe.

There is a way out of most every political status quo, much of the time it takes violence

Violence is not a way out of any status quo - it's a way to replace the top of a status quo. The rest of the pyramid stays the same.

There are two ways out: technology* and secession. You know what makes them work? They both drain the status quo of energy. Any other "solution" makes it stronger.

99%ers were the opposite - vitamins to the systems, a step nowhere. They provided hours and hours of pseudo-discussion in mass media and offered tons upon tons of false hope to media customers.

When enough people realize that false hopes and ignorance are bread and water of the status quo, starving it will be a matter of days.

  • - technology that someone develops without the revolution in mind, purely for pragmatic purposes. Think Gutenberg. You can't predict it, you can't control it, it's beyond the scope of the current status quo. It doesn't fight or oppose anything - it simply reveals itself.


AKA: the state is not the reality behind the mask. Rather, the state is the mask.

yeah, the part he wanted you to agree with, you do. shocker.

you do not have a government....the government is a division of the central {means of exchange} is always paramount....if your "government" does not create currency at cost, you have no have a group of people pretending to be in charge in order to bilk you in a credit scam

Love the wording of this

We all know what we really need to do and how to handle the situation at hand, but we're being held back by fear. We don't need this kind of control (CISPA)(THE MEDIA RIGHT NOW)(blackflagconspiracies) that limits what we see as reality. When we come together and move towards LOVE we can accomplish anything. Fear is just used as control and to keep us back from achieving that. We're learning more and more everyday about our world and how we need to raise our awareness thanks to the internet, but we're getting it taken away and we need to spread the word! Don't be afraid and spread fear! Spread love and how love can effect the situation. We're all growing and we grow so much more together i'm trying to make some kind of impact, but i could be doing it better please help guys

It doesn't even need to be love. Simple respect would work just fine.

no it needs to be unconditional love. wanting growth for everything

Good luck with that!

Erm excuse my cynicism but this seems very pro government to me! The system was designed corrupt, is maintinaed corrupt and will always be corrupt. The people are irrelevant. The system is absolutely corrupt.

There is enough food to feed the world but not enough money. There is enough healthcare to heal the world but not enough money. There are more empty houses than homeless but not enough money to pay for them. There is enough clean water for the entire world but not enough money to provide it.

Why don't we just get rid of the money and help our fellow people?

Oh I forgot! What would the global elite do then?! We wouldn't be building skyscrapers and having unjust and illegal wars!

Sorry everyone! Back to the money...

Whilst I agree on many points, I'm amazed no one has called you a communist yet.

If giving everyone in the world enough to eat, drink and have a home is being a communist then communist me up.

Labels are just another system manipulation to control us. Label away my friend as long as you know what it means

You only know yourself. That is all you will ever know.

Most don't even get that far.

Nice, that's what I was thinking just now. "You can try to profile all you want, I don't really exist". But yeah, it's possible they could predict quite a few things nonetheless.

why say government 3 times? half life 3 confirmed

The government isn't a ghost. There are factions within the government that are anti-American that are compartmentalized and employing American citizens who are good in character but weak in moral discernment. Just had to clear this up.

Profile me, assholes.

Don't mind the porn, though. have been profiled and recorded from the moment you set foot inside the may have forgotten half the porn you've beat off to, but they haven't

Really? Because there are a few videos I wish I could remember the website they originated from. Help me out here NSA/FBI/CIA!! I want my porn site lists circa 2003-2012.

I think you have a great way of putting things into perspective. I don't consider myself an anti-government conspiracy theorist. I consider myself a pro-honest government conspiracy theorist.

You are being baited.

He who can create money has all of the power in the end.

The creators of money have set a tone of corruption and greed that far too many others have emulated in the descending layers of hierarchy below them all the way to the bottom.

i can tell you that r/conspiracy has the most intelligent people in all of reddit. Im not saying r/conspiracy is intelligent, just that the rest of reddit is about as brain dead as Tamberlan Tsarnaev is now.

Presumably the most modest people too.

130k+ userbase. Assuming .1% of us are shills, it still makes for 130 shills! I would assume the number could be 1% or higher, that is -> 1300 shills!, considering many groups political parties, various religious and social agendas and governmental surveillance from wherever can be monitoring social networks.

But hey. With enough power and dedication, could platforms such as Reddit be used as a major entrapment of the mass, capturing how they think and react? Could this data be mined, filed, associated with names? Used against honest people in real-life? I believe so. I have seen the 4chan/reddit frenzy.

I do not know the percentage, but I would expect with enough shills one can actually influence the masses, keep specific historical / revisionist information off the topics, etc.

My 2 cents.

You've made a lot of assumptions and accusations, could you please provide some source information in support of your argument. I'm not saying you're inaccurate, I'm just asking for something to back it up.


Neither, I'm just asking for the original poster to support there claims by providing some source material. I'm not the one making the claims, so the burden of supporting his arguments falls to him.

EDIT: He's also free to deny my request, and it still wouldn't make his claims inaccurate. I'm simply inviting him to make his case stronger.


Yup, I hear was just a request.

“You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.”

― Mahatma Gandhi

Frankly I think that Ghandi's few drops have become an oil spill... Humanity is in crisis and who knows where it is all heading.

Ignorance and apathy are the problem.

Seems to me that the conflict is generated by blind faith in the powers that be. I think many of those who blame the system do so because the antagonist position is an authoritarian mindset which elevates the command structure above the will of the individual. They obey government simply because it's government, regardless of the actions or the people who fill the roles.

Blaming government government government is an overreaction to a perceived threat. I relate it to the paddles we used to have in schools... some teachers abused their authority, and society responded by saying NOBODY could use that disciplinary force. The press for gun bans and the continued drug war (as well as some religions' objections to science) is in the same vein - some people are bad, therefore nobody should be free to choose their own path.

For those fighting extremism (be that in government, religion, or simply a favorite pastime, like the way them NASCAR boys brawl over Chevy vs. Ford) it's important to remind ourselves not to take a position which closes our minds to the positive aspects of those situations which we want to improve. Blind resistance is as bad as blind obedience, and it only turns us into the monsters we are trying to stop. Kids shouldn't be beaten bloody, but neither should they be relieved of the consequences of their actions. The same is true of government.

There is a middle ground between authoritarianism and anarchism where liberty and peace can flourish. Responsibility rests with individuals, ideas are not sacrosanct, and blanket prohibitions just never work.

"Question everything. Learn something. Answer nothing." ~ Euripides

I think I would truly feel sorry for anyone that is profiling me. I would probably be the most boring assignment ever.

130k+ userbase. Assuming .1% of us are shills, it still makes for 130 shills! I would assume the number could be 1% or higher, that is -> 1300 shills!, considering many groups political parties, various religious and social agendas and governmental surveillance from wherever can be monitoring social networks.

But hey. With enough power and dedication, could platforms such as Reddit be used as a major entrapment of the mass, capturing how they think and react? Could this data be mined, filed, associated with names? Used against honest people in real-life? I believe so. I have seen the 4chan/reddit frenzy. I do not expect government agencies of doing anything less when hunting for info on individuals.

I do not know the percentage, but I would expect with enough shills one can actually influence the masses, keep specific historical / revisionist information off the topics, etc.

My 2 cents.

Meh.. I'm not worried. I've been called a spook and a shill on here plenty of times because I present evidence or cite sources.. The witch hunt that goes on here is disgusting sometimes. This place is nothing more than an entertaining read for me. I like to be a well informed individual.. I absorb every side, every angle, as much as possible. I love information.. that is all.

Ha now I feel bad because I started a thread by saying "I'm not one for conspiracies" which, when you come down to it is a misnomer.

I find conspiracy theories fascinating though that doesn't mean I believe them. It's very frustrating because I really hate the whole calling people sheeple thing, but on the other hand, I'm far from sucking at the teat of CNN either.

I agree 100% this kind of generalization is what they will use to silence dissenters. We need to focus on cutting the cancers out, not killing the whole body...

Thank you for this post. It is the epitome of lazy "conspiracy theories" to label ANYTHING that happens as false flag then cherry pick "evidence" to support it.

Does the individual corrupt a governent, or does the government corrupt individuals? This question has been asked and debated for centuries. Through many governments, many groups.

Are humans by nature evil, and does society make them conform to greater good?


are humans by nature good, and does society make them conform to greater evil?

Lets assume one of those questions is True. What are you going to do about it?

People are "good" or "evil" based on epigenetic forces (genes plus environment, and the interaction between the two).

Imagine an isolated village in which there is a single gun. Whoever has that gun is able to impose their goodness or badness to whatever degree they want. Traditionally, the gun was seized by the most powerful, brutal person in the village--- the one who had been born with genes that would make him grow big and strong, and raised in an environment that promoted win/lose competition over win/win cooperation--- And he used it for his own gain. For a long time, the village families raised their kids so that they would succeed in that competitive, violent environment.

Overtime the villagers improved farming technology and began to build a surplus of food. Certain families in the village saw that living was no longer a zero-sum game. Instead of fostering competition like their predecessors, they raised their kids to be cooperative.

After a couple generations, the majority of villagers had been raised in this way. The majority of them now rejected the use of force to get what they want. And so they formulated a plan: instead of having an all out battle for the gun each year, the village would vote for the best person among them to take it up. The violent minority of villagers put up some resistance, but were unable to turn back the tide, so they accepted it.

The plan looked good to most of the villagers. In this way, they could could cooperatively rule through their chosen representative. And it worked well for a time. But the villagers forgot to take into account one simple fact: peaceful people don't want exclusive rights to violence.

It didn't take long for the violent minority to realize this. The saw with each election that some peaceful man or woman would shuffle up and reluctantly embrace the gun when the village had chosen them. And so they made a plan of their own.

The next year, when each peaceful villager went to vote, lo and behold, some of those people who had been violent were giving speeches, passionately declaring their change of heart and their newfound penchant for peace. "Well here's someone who really wants this job, they're passionate and they're knowledgeable. Sure, their family has a violent past, but they've changed. Plus we've specifically designed this system to promote cooperation, and none of us really want the job anyway."

With that, the bad people had obtained the gun once again.

Edit: conclusion added

So you see, the problem in the village was not that there were good or bad people, the problem was that there existed a way in which a single person could gain a monopoly on force. It didn't matter if most people were good, the fact is that bad people want that power more than good people, and will go to greater ends to obtain it.

If the village is to succeed, the only solution is to get rid of the gun once the majority is peaceful. Then, the minority of bad people will have no means to take control over the majority of peaceful villagers.

The gun is government--- a monopoly on the use of force. The initiation of force will only ever be attractive to the evil among us. People worry about an anarchic society "because no one will be able to control the bad guys." Well, where do you think bad people who want to exploit others go in our system? If they're poor they become criminals. If they're not, they become politicians; but I repeat myself.

In the end, the only positive way forward is anarchy. But I don't know if we're there yet. I don't know if the majority of people are peaceful and cooperative. It almost certainly won't occur in our lifetime, but the historical trends are clear. Overtime, rulers have lost power and the world has become less violent. I don't see any reason why that should stop now. Or are we arrogant enough to believe that representative democracy is the final stage of societal development and all it needs now are some tweaks here and there?

Wouldn't mind some anarchy but it's thanks to the government that deaf people like me have services such as interpreters for our classes and work as mandated by law.

Anarchy doesn't provide any room for such obligations.

We live in times where we have people who would gladly help a person in need. We are tied to the yoke by this system which allows and sometimes causes bright human beings to live meaningless rote lives. Some would gladly insure we kept society civil. I think is the point being made.

Thanks for that reply! I enjoyed it.

Some clarity questions:

If we are throwing out hypothetical villages, can we look at natural man, as in, a remote village with no gun?

But to further inquire about your first statement that good or evil is epigenetic...

Surely there are men of war, and men of peace birthed by the same mother,

I agree with your statement that an evil person wants power more than a good person.

Back to my op question:

Could it then be said that power is the root of evil instead of the person?


Is the person's desire for power a result of the evil inside of them?

Can power be defined as dominion over another, and/or dominion over self. In such a case if the self is naturally evil, power over an evil self, resulting in good actions, would also be a good power. Thus making power not the cause of the evil, just misplaced energy by weakened people who don't have the power to triumph over their evil humanity?

using that example: A republic seems like a good attempt to eliminate the weakened, but only if the majority of each district is itself not weak.

If the majority of this country (USA) was not weak, and now is weak. What has changed since 1776. What are the values we've allowed to lapse, that have led us to elect weak, evil people, or is our elected majority strong and good?

...but what if you gave everyone in the village a gun? /s

Why can't the villagers choose to remove the gun from the village all together?

It was an analogy for the adoption of democracy and other representative forms of government. The conclusion is up now, and the removal of the gun all together is where I went with it :)

I absolutely have no doubt many social mediums are being used as shaping grounds for various agendas. What is frightening to me are the bobbleheads - the head nodders - they do no research for themselves, find no truths for themselves ask no questions and just jump on various band wagons to go along for the ride.

I personally however have learned more about the legal system in the last week cross referencing laws, watching CSPAN, listening and reading everything I can get my hands on than I had the prior year due in part to all of the frenzy in the media and online social groups from this tragic event.

By the way I found this article to be a really good read, corruption is everywhere and manipulation is rampant. So open your eyes, ears and minds; do your research and find your own truths for yourself so that you know who and what you are really fighting for.

I agree.

The problem is that a corporate elite has ovethrown the US government, not that government as a concept is bad. In fact, privatizing the functions of government would increase the plutocrats power 100 fold.


I 100% agree with that. I am one of the newer members to sub to this, sub. But I have always lurked here. Never upvoted or commented for the sake of not being profiled. But fuck it. I may live in Canada, but our system is run just like our neighbours to the south. I've always said Canada lives in USA's shadow: media, economy, government, corruption, business, war.

To me, if they aren't worried enough about me to profile me, then I have failed as a Human and an American.

profile my dick, dickwads!

however, their actions as a whole are seen abroad as coming from a single entity


Wow man i love you.

Seriously I said, in my first post, that I created a reddit account because something about Bauman brought up some questions.

I SAID that I thought it suspect because posting pictures that illustrate this guy's loss is a media wet dream. How the -hell- do you extrapolate from that that I'm a shill? I'm -sure- you've heard the phrase "long time reader, first time poster" before, right? Christ, stop bitching about my all over Reddit and go find something more productive to do.



It's easier to attach responsibility to a group as a whole;

When responsibility is accounted for on an individual basis, the ones doing the accounting, become the government.

You don't think there should be a minimun standard of living for everyone, a social safety net?

What happens when the net grows so big it is unsustainable?

I think that and then some. Anyone can catch a bad break. HOWEVER... responsibility is also a matter of taking full credit for the things you do, right or wrong, providentially or mistakenly.

I could be described as a libertarian communist without invoking irony. When I talk about individual responsibility, I'm talking about owning your own actions.

Edit: downvoted for that, seriously? I admit to some curiosity. One shouldn't own one's own actions?

I understood what you meant. In some respects you could call it anarcho-communism, if that's what I think you're getting at.

How about a progressive tax tying corporate profit directly to welfare?

You think you own all your actions? How about your thoughts?

Libertarian Communist is a contradiction in terms. Libertarians are all about non-violence. There's no way you can make Communism work without coercion. I would imagine several Libertarians took umbrage at your conflating the two terms.

No TRUE communist... hehehe... but seriously, communists don't actually think violence is a good first resort to solving problems. They also don't think nation-states are a particularly useful construct.

So, when a nation-state is violently conquered and asserts that it is now communist... that is a duck moo-ing.

The redistribution of wealth and goods is inherently violent. You can't escape it.

Don't profile me. I am merely a lurker.


Dammit. I was brainwashed by the gov... kidding.

do you use money?

I was too, until about 3-4 days ago. I know some people are afraid to engage in dark thoughts, but some do it for fun and profit to take advantage of those other people.

How about law enforcement? Surely we don't want murders going unchecked.

Profile away. AMA.

Don't blame individuals, if anything, blame the beliefs they may carry. They didn't create them. Even then, anyone can dream the world as they please. Even better, blame deceit and manipulation.

Nobody really wants to be the manifestation of evil. We all want to do what seems best. We're all the same underneath the fog of illusion.

What's interesting in this Boston Bomber's affair is that while Russian FSB warned, and even "monitored" the Tsarnaev's apparently the FBI didn't think much of it, interviewed him once, and filed the case.

Either goverment agencies were well aware of what was about to happen (false flag, advance warning), or it's another case of Hanlon's Razor (Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.) - which I'd believe the NSA, DHS and co. today are only tracking English and Arab communications, while ignoring Russian and oblivious to Chechen.

Political revolution is our only option

incorrect....your only option is to collectively agree to stop using "their" {central banks} debt based currency. You want to solve problems? stop gouing after the decoy and go after the problem, the problem is money printed as debt and how "they" have your "faith" in the currency. Ignore the decoy, don't be violent, just agree to stop using the money and then collectivley agree to print your own currency supplies at cost.

Interestingly, the only person who's attempted to track me down in real life was a /r/conspiracy member. Not a very pleasant person either.

'The government is an apparition, it is made of men and women who have personal agendas beyond their service of government. You can't point to government, only persons acting in a government role. The flag is not to blame. The white house is not to blame. The FBI is not to blame. Corrupt INDIVIDUALS, and perhaps groups of corrupt INDIVIDUALS almost assuredly are.'

False. Those in power are not like us. They do not think like us. They do not exist to protect us.

The truth is, they maintain their positions to EXERT & EXPAND their power over humanity. They are a separate entity. I know it's hard for those who are still Asleep to accept this, but the government is comprised almost entirely of Lizardmen, the only anomalies being brainwashed humans who they require in order to pull off false flag attacks convincingly. The evidence for this goes back thousands of years to the Reptilian gods worshipped by the Aztecs and Egyptians to Satanic sex rings that have been uncovered in recent times. Until you understand this, you can't truly understand what is happening to the world at this time.

I bet they are wasting their time trolling Reddit. They are fucking useless. Couldnt even ID the suspect they were warned about, interviewed, and pictured with his little brother. Got 1 cop killed and another fighting for his life because they needed the public to ID him. Maybe if they spent less time on reddit they could do their job better.

why the downvotes? the FBI wants you to think they are incapable. afterall that was the excuse they gave us for 911.

I just got the AlienBlue app friday, but I've been having a reddit account for months now & friday was a great day where I felt like I belonged here to talk to other open minded people and truth seekers and wisdom seekers...

Bravo, great post, OP.


And here you are, posting.

You didn't need to come here to find that out.

Learn to spell before calling others crazy.

What did I spell wrong?

So talk about the people who are truly responsible: Zionist Jews and their allies.

Yep. They are making a 'profile' for the 'internet terrorist'. It will be a continuous action to both actively and intentionally disprivilige white males and control information on social media sites while scaring you into submission.




Are you arguing that the US government is legitimate?


I'm not so sure of that as you. and sometimes think quite the opposite

if you watch and compare these two videos in regards to elections and voting you can see a obvious flaw and this is just one example of why the US was subverted, voting is not actually voting

The Problems with First Past the Post Voting Explained

and now look at this short flash animation simulating Instant RunOff Voting (IRV)

after comparing these two styles of voting it is easy to see that what we do is less than fair and most definitely not democratic. in fact it is anti-democratic and easy to control by the two parties, a obvious conspiracy.

The USA has an extensive disinformation campaign at work here in the USA.


I think of the US as a global Corporation because that is how it acts and many people report with documented proof that technically it is, a foreign Corporation.

again the government is illigitamate and has been since the articles of incorporation which were set up in order to be able to eventualy do buisness with another corp....THE ONE THAT ULTIMATLEY TOOK OVER THE RIGHTS TO CREATE OUR COUTRIES CURRENCY SUPPLY....thus turning our currency into a PRODUCT that is created out of thin air and "loaned" to us to use with debt attached. The entire events from 1913, including ww1,ww2,the rise of "communism" {ie. a different central bank} and all the other bullshit is just write history....the winners in this case are the gangsters that run CURRENCY SUPPLY....YOU HAVE NO "COUNTRIES" you have FARMS...inhabited by TAX CATTLE...who are run by FARMERS who use different forms of CONFIDENCE SCAMS {ie. I put you in charge to say your in charge when really I'm in charge} in order to BILK humanity based on FAITH in the FARMERS currency supplies....EVERYTHING is about MEANS OF EXCHANGE...the more MONEY ONE HAS THE MORE power ONE HAS....until you understand that the people who make your money are not doing it for free, until you understand money printed as understand nothing....UNTIL THE ENTIRE PLANET USES DEBT FREE CURRENCY CREATED AT COST FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE will suffer for your ignorance....

9000sins is a known disinfo agent and a known user of censorship

I'll probably get banned for this like days_not_weeks did

false false flag

It's a game of players and the played. When you are being played you have to become a player. Remember that God is playing us all, and He may help you too.

I was too, until about 3-4 days ago. I know some people are afraid to engage in dark thoughts, but some do it for fun and profit to take advantage of those other people.

Most don't even get that far.

Nice, that's what I was thinking just now. "You can try to profile all you want, I don't really exist". But yeah, it's possible they could predict quite a few things nonetheless.