"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stomping on a human face - forever."

54  2013-04-21 by [deleted]

Herein lies the paradigm of your consumer society. The government and its assets run the country. If the government decides it wants to kill x citizens, it can, and it does. And yet citizens would rather look the other way. Your emotion, your feeling, your existence means nothing to them. Power is the universal language of these political structures and if American lives are deemed less important than the current motive of power, these lives will be lost. Many steps are taken to cover up and yield dissent. Steps far beyond the realm of conspirators. The American media and government seem to have become a single voice. It has been proven that they have lied to you before so why does anyone still trust these entities? There is nothing anyone can do to stop this flow of action (because it will increase) short of a massive revolution. In this case I give the United States of America less than five years before civil war. I'm sorry for the misanthropic view. There is already a massive underground movement that is stockpiling citizen arms not just in the South but also in the North. FEMA. The US ordering those billions of hollow-points not long ago. The body bags. I'm upset because I would really like people to wake up and realize what your country is doing and get out now before it gets worse.

What happened last time they took away the guns? [rhetorical]

Note: I am not American. I am an observer, just like the rest of the world.


I hate that this is in r/conspiracy. It should be in r/reality.

You're right. I'll cross-post it and even delete it from /r/conspiracy if that makes you hate it less.

Edit: /r/Reality only has 16 readers so posting it there defeats the purpose. Seeing as some members of r/conspiracy do not appreciate the location of this post, it will be deleted.


Jesus loves you

A great observation from an outside source! Can I move in with you sir?? :)

I also have to agree that within the next 5 years (probably sooner), our nation will become what they show us on TV of other countries. Not bashing any country in general but from the MSM we live in the perfect little society where our government will save us... Yeah, sure they will.

~~Posted from an American looking for a new home

Everyone needs to read this. This is a reality that we can either face together, or die alone trying to ignore.

1984 is a pretty good map, showing us where we've gone and where we're headed.

Getting out now before it gets worse is the last thing of would do. That won't stop it from happening, and when it does happen, I would rather be here surrounded by Americans with guns than anywhere else on earth.


Would you rather flee to some country like Australia or Canada or the UK where the guns have been confiscated and the people are sitting ducks waiting for the globalists to decide when its time to institute complete martial law?


Would you rather flee to some country like Australia or Canada or the Uk where the guns have been confiscated and the people are sitting ducks waiting for the globalists to decide when its time to institute complete martial law? ノ( ^_^ノ)

Let me fix that for you (automated comment unflipper) FAQ

I love this quote.

And with good reason.

Do you think that Boston was the start of this all? I am sadly a student right now, so i have no where to go.