America now is Germany then: Analogies

134  2013-04-21 by [deleted]

The German people of the late 1930s imagined themselves to be brave. They saw themselves as the heroic Germans depicted by the Wagnerian Operas, the descendants of the fierce Germanic warriors who had hunted wild boar with nothing but spears and who had defeated three of Rome's mightiest legions in the Tuetenberg Forest.

But in truth, by the 1930s, the German people had become civilized and tamed, culturally obsessed with fine details in both science and society. Their self-image of bravery was both salve and slavery. Germans were required to behave as if they were brave, even when they were not.

It's easy to look back and realize what happened. But at the time the Hitler administration, with the help of the media, looked pretty good to the German people. Hitler was TIME Magazine's Man Of The Year in 1938; the German people assumed they were safe from a tyrant. They lived in a Republic, after all, with strict laws regarding what the government could and more importantly could not do. Their leader was a devoutly religious man, and had even sung with the boy's choir of a monastery in his youth.

The reality was that the German people, as individuals, had lost their courage. The German government preferred it that way as a fearful people are easier to rule than a courageous one. But the German people didn't wish to lose their self-image of courage. So, when confronted with a situation demanding individual courage, in the form of a government gone wrong, the German people simply pretended that the situation did not exist. And in that simple self-deception lay the ruin of an entire nation and the coming of the second World War.

When the Reichstag burned down, most Germans simply refused to believe suggestions that the fire had been staged by the Hitler administration itself. They were afraid to. But so trapped were the Germans by their belief in their own bravery that they willed themselves to be blind to the evidence before their eyes, so that they could nod in agreement with Der Fuhrer while still imagining themselves to have courage, even as they avoided the one situation which most required real courage: to stand up to governmental lies and deceptions.

When the Hitler administration requested temporary extraordinary powers; powers specifically banned under German law, but powers the government claimed they needed to have to deal with the "communists", the German people, having already sold their souls to their self-delusions, agreed. The temporary powers were conferred, and, once conferred, lasted until Germany itself was destroyed.

When the Hitler administration staged a phony invasion by Poland, the vast majority of the German people, their own self-image dependant on continuing blindness to their government's deceptions, did not question why Poland would have done something so stupid as to attack Germany, and as a result Germans found themselves in a war.

But the German government knew they ruled a nation of cowards, and knew they had to spend the money to make the new war something cowards could fight and win. They decorated their troops with regalia to make them proud of themselves, further trapping them in their self-image. The Hitler administration copied the parade regalia of ancient Rome, to remind the Germans of the defeat of the legions at the Tuetenberg Forest. Talismans were added from orthodox religions and the occult to fill the soldiers with delusions of mystical strengths and an afterlife if they fell in battle.

Knowing that it takes courage to kill the enemy face to face, the Hitler administration spent vast sums of money on wonder weapons, airplanes, submarines, ultra-long range artillery, the world's first cruise missile and the world's first guided missile, weapons that could be used to kill at a distance, so that those doing the killing need not have to face the reality of what they were doing.

The German people were lured into WW2 not because they were brave, but because they were cowards who wanted to be seen as brave, and found that shooting long range weapons at people they could not see took less courage than standing up to the government's lies and deceptions. Sent into battle by that false image of courage, the Germans were dependent on their wonder-weapons. When the wonder-weapons stopped working, the delusion of grandeur faded, the illusion ended, the Germans lost the war.

The American people imagine themselves to be brave. They see themselves as the heroic Americans depicted by Western Movies, the descendants of the fierce patriot warriors who had tamed the frontier and defeated the might of the British Empire.

But in truth, by the dawn of the third millennium, the American people have become civilized and tamed, culturally obsessed with fine details in both science and society. Their self-image of bravery is both salve and slavery. Americans are required to behave as if they are brave, even when they are not.

The American people assume they are safe. They live in a Republic, after all, with strict laws regarding what the government can and more importantly cannot do. Their leader is a devoutly religious man and with the help of the media looks petty good: TIME Magazine's Man Of The Year 2000 and 2004.

The reality is that the American people, as individuals, have lost their courage. The government prefers it that way as a fearful people are easier to rule than a courageous one. But Americans don't wish to lose their self-image of courage. So, when confronted with a situation demanding courage, in the form of a government gone wrong, the American people simply pretend that the situation does not exist.

When the World Trade Towers collapsed, most Americans simply refused to believe suggestions that the attacks had been staged by parties working for the US government itself. Americans were afraid to, even as news reports surfaced proving that the US government had announced plans for the invasion of Afghanistan early in the year, plans into which the attacks on the World Trade Towers which angered the American people into support of the already-planned war fit entirely too conveniently.

Now the US government has requested temporary extraordinary powers, powers specifically banned under Constitutional law, but powers the government is claiming they need to have to deal with the "terrorists". The American people, having already sold their souls to their self-delusions, are agreeing. The temporary powers recently conferred will be no more temporary in America than they were in Germany.

The vast majority of the American people, their own self-image dependant on continuing blindness to the government's deceptions, never question why Afghanistan would have done something so stupid as to attack the United States, and as a result, Americans find themselves in a war.

The US government knows they rule a nation of cowards. The government has had to spend the money to make the new war something cowards can fight. The government has decorated the troops with regalia to make them proud of themselves, further trapping them in their self-image. Talismans are added from orthodox religions and the occult to fill the soldiers with delusions of mystical strengths and an afterlife if they fall in battle.

Knowing that it takes courage to kill the enemy face to face, the United States government has spent vast sums of money on wonder weapons, airplanes, submarines, ultra-long range artillery, cruise missiles, and guided missiles, weapons that kill at a distance, so that those doing the killing need not have to face the reality of what they are doing.

But so trapped are Americans by their belief in their own bravery that they will themselves to be blind to the evidence before their eyes, so that they can nod in agreement with the government while still imagining themselves to have courage, even as they avoid the one situation which most requires real courage; to stand up to the government's lies and deceptions. When the wonder-weapons stop working, the delusion of grandeur fades, the illusion ends, the Americans will have lost ..... themselves.

The lesson from these facts is that it isn't easy to spot a genocidal tyrant when you live with one, especially one whom the press supports and promotes. Tyrants become obvious only when looking back, after what they have done becomes known. The German people did not stand up to the Hitler administration because their media betrayed them, just as the American media is betraying the American people by willingly, voluntarily, even proudly, abandoning its traditional role as watchdog against government abuse.

It is naive, not to mention racist, to assume that tyrants appear only in other nations and that somehow America is immune simply because "we're Americans".

America has escaped the clutches of a dictatorship thus far only through the efforts of those citizens who, unlike the Germans of the 1930s, have the moral courage to stand up and point out where the government is lying to the people. And unless more Americans are willing to have that kind of individual courage, then future generations may well look back on the American people with the same harshness of judgement with which we look back on the 1930s Germans.

History is a great teacher.


I'm usually the first to call Godwin's law... but lately, it has been getting dangerously close.

I wouldn't say Germany quite yet through. I'd still say's the end of the Pax Americana

I wouldn't say Germany quite yet through.

It depends on when in time.

Germany in 1933 and Germany in 1939 were in different situation.

Ha, wow.


Foot in the door man.

Exactly. I just posted elsewhere of Germans storming houses and said the only difference between this and Boston is that German troops didn't bring as many weapons.


And police in US is far better equipped. Guess it shows why US is biggest spender on military equipment in the world.

We're going to need big, dangerous things to hide behind when all of the "education budget cuts for increased military spending" catches up with us! I can already see the effects.

We'll be nothing more than penicillin filled sloths dragging missiles around, yelling "WURR NERMBER ONNNE!".

^ Exactly.


I'm curious to what Alex Jones has to do with this? I'm also curious to why you got upvoted for completely off topic tripe, and making sure it was at the top of the comments, doing this crap in other subs gets you massive downvotes. IMO 95% of people that listen to Alex would never vote for the lunatic. Again I question your motive, because this is about Obama and Hitler, Germans and Americans. It's got nothing to do with AJ. My question to the mods is, why isn't this bottom feeder's comment deleted, and his history looked at for a possible ban? I will wager with out even looking you are a heavy poster in /r/conspiratard, with myopic and elitist views. You fancy yourself a skeptic, but in reality you are just a lazy worthless turd, that would throw a tantrum to get out of tiresome thinking. You kick and scream if your mother says you can't play with your computer until your one chore is complete.

After finishing my comment, I went to your history and discovered I was exactly correct. I would now like to apologize because I feel nothing but pity for you. To the mods that don't get it, these people ruin everything they touch. They salt the very land they stand on. This guy is a top shelf astroturfer, shilling for central banking. When the hell are you going to do something about these rodents????!!!!


Just warn them first that I am a stanch supporter of the second amendment, however I do not own a gun. I don't expect them to play fair considering they treat the Palestinians worse than the Torah directive which is like an animal. Just tell them to bring knives. I'm going to get my 10 pounds of flesh back. Seeing as how you suck at this, I will help you with your next comment. The scripted response should simply state that I am an anti-Semite. You're welcome.

An hour still hasn't passed.

Your time will come.

It'll come.

That sounds almost like a threat. Haha. Your Jewish overlords as you like to call them,"but no one can see because your cowardice ass deleted your comments" would get popped and robbed the second they drove into my neighborhood. Not because they are Jewish, but because they are weak. It's a predator/prey thing.

Number [REDACTED] we've talked about this before. You can't just go around spouting such things. I'm glad you've deleted your posts. That one word you said alone is beyond reserved. Imagine what the [REDACTED] or the [REDACTED] would think!

I'm sorry. I won't do this again.

I'll start going to anger management classes.

Anyways, when is the next harvest?

Don't get cute. Just because last year's [REDACTED] was so bountiful doesn't mean that we can rest on our laurels. Get out there and [REDACTED] for new fruit. The [REDACTED] is watching.

Understood. I'll do everything in my power to serve our lord, Lucifer.

Hail Lucifer, the purest of them all.

That's hilarious you deleted comments. What are you afraid of? Are you ashamed of something? I can help you! If you ever regret something or feel embarrassed, just remind yourself of all of the positive creative things you have done. If you search and can't remember anything, do something right then that is positive and good for humanity. If you are a lazy shit with only negative opinions and nothing to hang your hat on? Just kill yourself. It is a positive thing for humanity and your lazy ass won't have to do shit anymore. Two birds one stone. I don't have the Jewish metaphor for that, but since its similar to getting something for nothing? I'm confident there are several. Again, I'm making easy for you now to follow your script and call me anti-Semitic. Just do it now so I can move on. I'm a little OCD if you don't follow the rules it screws with my entire day.

6 minutes.

What did you do to my Secret Jewish forces? WHY ARE THEY DEAD? ARE YOU A MAGICIAN? ARE YOU PART OF A∴A∴?

I'm sooo excited I can't wait! Should I put clothes on? I was hoping for a ritual brisk, I will stay naked to give them a blatant hint. Make sure the Rabbi doesn't have herpes, I want this to be a very traditional circumcision. So if I'm not molested my feelings will be hurt.

You'll pay for killing them.

Our Lord, Lucifer will punish you. Repent now, if you want to live, or you'll suffer the wrath of the Pure Dark anger from the Prince of Darkness™.

You're an imposter. Judaism doesn't believe in that shit. Do your Zionist handlers know that you are Goyim? Poor guy. I'm getting impatient now, where are these so called Jewish overlords that are supposed to be knocking on my door right now. Well if it was a lie you are well on your way to being accepted by your masters. Good luck on your path slave. It's not one I'd have chosen.

Don't you think you're flying off the handle a bit? The post pointed out some good analogies using logic and reason, but the picture at the top of this thread bears no relevance whatsoever. I believe OrwellHuxley was pointing out how ambiguous two pictures that look similar really are. You could find Hitler in a similar pose as Ghandi and put them next to eachother, but that doesn't prove shit.

That's sort of exactly what I was saying in round about way. Aj only fits his narrative of the situation, because he falls back on ad hominems when the discourse begins to actually make sense to him.

Also check out /r/nolibswatch it shows that the mods from /r/enoughpaulspam and /r/conspiratard are JIDF trolls with a mixed bag of paid shills wanna be intellectual skeptics that are actually Internet slave fools that don't realize they are helping to enslave themselves, by coming in /r/conspiracy and making fun of free thinkers by suggesting we are all nazi, Ron Paul loving, Alex Jones listening "conspiracy Theorists". By posting an Alex Jones meme at the top of the comments, hoping the hive mind of a casual redditor will jump on this imaginary bandwagon of lies and join in on the imaginary dog pile, they are bullies that understand that no matter how nerdy someone is, on reddit you too can be one of the "cool kids". Their only fucking goal is to game reddit. I have to admit, to the idiot layman it seems to be effective until that redditor digs deeper and sees through the bullshit. It took me months of lurking and digging to find this crap out. I hope it's not wasted on you.

I was pointing out this scumbag Orwellhuxley, is only here to derail and minimize the intellectual perception of this sub. If its not directly against the rules, it skirts them. Constant meaningless race baiting, and sliding the narrative is all the downvote brigade is good at, because they have lost the intellectual high ground, they are unwilling to debate the facts anymore. They are the last of their kind, choosing to stay on the sinking boat, they will have to go down with the ship. You are using a throwaway so I'm assuming this kind of thing is new to you. If you want to see through the looking glass you must choose the red pill. The red pill is a metaphor for going through the history of a well respected redditor who has dealt with these troglodytes from the start and made it his mission to expose them for who and what they are. /u/Theghostofdusty

Interesting analysis, and I agree with much of it. However, I don't think cowardice is an accusation that can be levelled at the German nation in the 1930s or Americans today. An unshakeable belief, with some justification, of being a "special nation", yes. This leads to a sort of bovine patriotism which is both a strength and a weakness - it is socially cohesive and yet is open to manipulation by unscrupulous leaders.

It also prevents people from speaking out for fear of ridicule or retribution. Just as Nazi Germany had Hitler's willing executioners (the complicit majority), so today's America has millions of apparently educated people who are passively facilitating their own enslavement.

And the world looks on in disbelief - everyone can see it, but we can do nothing - only the American people can save themselves at this point.

only the American people can save themselves at this point

agreed. I do not want a civil war but those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.

A revolution would make the fascists cream their jeans. They would love to shoot all of us weak pinko bastards.

Hey, props to you. I dug your addendum

Bullshit. The German people are and were a great, honorable, and heroic people, and National Socialist Germany has very little similarity to modern America. America is a tyrant pushing us ever toward tyranny and one-world government. Germany was not, though you might not know it growing up with all the propaganda you're fed about the world wars.

Great read.

This. This is what I've been trying to tell people for years. Very nicely written, thank you.

A lot of this is copied and pasted from here it would seem, interesting nonetheless.

Good find, I like Mike Rivero a lot, but his view of National Socialist Germany is the one area where I greatly disagree with him.

Remember Mark Twain's quote: "History does not repeat itself, but it does rhyme."

It's not entirely parallel - for one thing, Germany was economically shit before WWII, whereas the US is overall doing quite well, even though most of the actual profit goes to the 1%.

But still, the comparisons should give every American pause...

I'm sure 1% of Germans were doing pretty good too.

Look what these attacks do - they make people unite and support authoritarianism. You think that governments don't know the effect these attacks have? If you look at old footage of Hitler people loved him because he made them feel good. That is actually what fascism is all about - bonding together, feeling good, and viewing yourselves as the victims. Then after all the dust settles and history looks at what was done all the innocent sheep say "I knew nothing. What could I do?"

At 0:37 there's someone with a potleaf cell phone case. I find that slightly ironic

Not at all. Keep the populace doped up and stupid. Easier to control that way. Dope profits prop up the stock market and regular economy. Mexican drug lords are moving into mining because it is "more profitable".

TIL American patriotism and uniting with eachother after being attacked and showing that no tragic action, whether incidental or hostile, can make people afraid to go out to an event like a ball game or hockey game and enjoy their life = evil authoritarianism, fascism, and Hitler.

big difference between patriotism and blind nationalism.

I disagree. I don't like either. Patriotism, Nationalism, Race Supremacy... they're all equally dangerous. Most people have no reason to be proud to be Americans. They didn't chose that life. They were born into it.

My father choose to immigrate to the US. He applied for his work visa, then his permanent and eventually his citizenship, as did my sister. I guess he could be proud if he wanted to. I didn't. I was born in the US. Now I live elsewhere and hope to get my residence here.

The only reason we have immigration laws is due to income inequality. That and racism.

We shouldn't take pride in our genders, our nationalities, our races; none of that trivial stuff that's the product of chance or biology. If we stand for anything, it should be the entire human race, all of us, together.

I like this response! I wish I could upvote you more. Very well thought out ideas and I'm sure most others would agree with what you're saying too.

Thanks. You might like my stuff on then :-P

But I don't see anyone in that youtube clip or the clip of the Boston Bruins show praise to our President. Only to the first responders, the victims, and the city.

Neither event has the calling to attack a certain group or place blame on anyone nor saying we're the best in the world. The National anthem is always played at every event, too, if you somehow forgot that. To me, I don't think you know the difference between patriotism and nationalism.

No you didn't.


Ah the Obama Hilter thing...with the first five minutes not even remotely relating to Obama and ending with a fucking Bible verse. So why doesn't your God fix this mess?

America is literally hitler nazi holocaust jew americans.

now what was it i was going to say...oh right, history ,in fact, does not repeat itself. you can learn some lessons, but they are not absolute nor should they be taken as such. normally we compare things that are similar to some degree then contrast the differences. we cannot do this with 1930's germany and the america of today. the widespread use of the automobile, commercial jets, the internet, social media, and cell phones were not part of germany of the 1930's. the german people could not learn of its governments various attrocities like we can today. we know that america has violated state soveriegnty over and over, germans didnt know what was happening to the jews. while it is true, today there is a large group of people that show strains of racism and ultra-nationalism, it is not the norm. i sense in today's america that people are more open-minded and critical of our government. instead of OP's scenario, i would paint a different picture. there is a generational gap, im sorry to say. the baby boomers are floundering, they dont know where to go. under cold war times, it was as easy as us versus them. but now, in a "freer" world, they still try to apply the same outdated us versus them mentality only this time towards the muslim world. as the baby-boomers took over power, you saw the rise of a sort of oligarchy. NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT, and other "free trade" agreements were made and signed by a variety of nations. this only served to exploit the american people, because we have too many rights, and the third world workers, because they have no rights. instead of a "courageous" mass as OP said, i think of mass confusion and fear. lets face it, the world is a confusing and scary place. this said, the older generation seeks to get rid of this confusion and fear by taking control, NDAA and the patriot act are prime examples. this is not a hopeless cause though. we, the youth of the nation, must strive to do better then our parents. we must make america more equal, freer, and less tyrannical in world affairs. regardless of political philosophy, we must realize that the American dream is no longer achievable on a wide scale, and that steps need to be taken to make it possible again. whatsmore, the dissolution of the two party system and the revamping of our electoral system would be steps in the right direction in making the political landscape more representative of the people. theres so much we can do, so let us takes steps into the light and out of the cave and show our brethren the way.

It actually goes back further than the twin towers. It goes back at least to WW1 in the case of the US, and even further in the case of England.

If only we were not much further along the path to tyranny than you see. The great mistake we are making is believing that America will be a tyrannical dictatorship like Nazi Germany. Like you would choose to, America has already learned from the mistakes of history. What you see going on around you is most likely a war against our liberty that will be won by the people.

Sad to say it, that is irrelevant, as the government has repeatedly ignored the law of the land. While you will win the battle over the Second Amendment, you have long lost the battle for the Fourth; and even worse you let it go without even shedding a tear.

The war we are losing is not the voluntary relinquishment of rights temporarily in a time of crisis or war. Boston is not the problem. The problem we are facing is the people's complete lack of desire for transparency in the government, their cowardly acquiescence of their privacy and right to protest. We have stood by and watched as the NSA, FBI, and now even the IRS claim to have the right to invade our privacy and read our email. There is much more nefarious work afoot, one day soon, if not already; the very appearance of freedom of information on the internet will be enough to keep you from understanding that information is no longer free.

What do I mean? In a world not much unlike our own, the government has already put hardware in place that will allow it to create a transparent censor wall, one in which you believe you are getting all the news you want, even crowdsourced news on places like reddit. In reality, what you are getting is meme's and Huxley's vision of a deluge of useless information. At the same time, the news you need, the truth about situations like Sandy Hook and Aurora is being hidden from you. I know this is true, because I am guy on the other side of the fence.

In this strange world, science appears to be progressing, because your cell phone keeps getting smaller and smaller. At the same time, for some reason we don't even care to question, we are still powering our vehicles with a fossil fuel that is destroying the environment and costing us more and more every day. Here, in Oz, the Internet is now in the air, instead of behind a 2400 baud modem; unfortunately at the same time, our space program is shut down completely, and in lieu of exploring space, we instead explore the inner recesses of tar sands looking for more oil to fuel the giant beast known as ExxonBush.

In this world it is the small battles that are lost that will destroy us, and take away our freedom. We will look to our gun and smile, thinking we won. Guns are not the weapons of the future, information is. While we continue to consume news as if it were Soylient Green, we will stand by and have no idea what is coming in the next few years. Guns will not help us, the only thing that will save us is sharing knowledge, right now.

There is an invasion coming, a real bona fide invasion. You don't know because your government is lying to you. Do you believe Roswell happened? It did, it was the beginning of the end for us. Listen to me carefully, the truth is about to slip right through your fingers.

Want to know how long we have?

Want to know what the hell is really going on?

National Socialist Germany was not a "tyrannical dictatorship", the people were fully behind it, as well they should have been. They were tired of being manipulated by Zionist Jewish global bankers, forced into poverty and starvation.

The same thing will be coming here soon, and the same people will be to blame. And then, yes, we'll be the new Germans, the new Russians, victims of the same forces: we and our families, our children, will be starved, raped, and murdered, just like happened to the Germans after WW2 and the Russians under Jewish Bolshevik rule.

Umm. FYI, George Bush isn't the leader of the United States anymore.

You mean certain ideologies, behaviours, belief systems and social structures are not specific to any one nation? Surely not...

But yeah, interesting post.

The tax farm model has clearly run it's course ... hopefully, humanity's next phase will be more just for the masses.

They lived in a Republic, after all, with strict laws regarding what the government could and more importantly could not do.

In the late 30s?

In the late 30s, Germany was in full dictatorship-mode. Read a book, please. Your knowledge of German history is hilariously inaccurate.


pre-hitler Germany

Late 30s. Pre-Hitler.

For fuck's sake, you win. Cannot argue with that level of ignorance.

What, you think Hitler got elected and the SS and concentration camps were rolled out overnight? It takes time, and methodical campaigning to bring a people, as one, to the point where the atrocities that Hitler committed will be accepted. They gave up their rights and freedoms, much as Americans are doing, in a fury of patriotic fervor.

So, are you saying all of that didn't exist in the late 30s?

Do you guys know ANYTHING about Nazi Germany?

Yup, a fair amount actually. I'm not saying that stuff didn't exist, I'm pointing out that, to start with, Adolf Hitler was an elected official. He was given his powers, over time, by the German people. That's what the OP was saying, that's what I'm trying to say. By being willfully blind to what exactly they were giving up, the Germans themselves were complicit with what happened in their country--exactly as the Americans have shown that they may well be willing to do.

That's what the OP was saying

Nope. OP is claiming that in the late 30s, Germany wasn't a dictatorship and nobody in Germany had any idea that the Nazis were capable of evil things.

In the late 30s, Germany already was a dictatorship with concentration camps, SS, death squads etc. and had been for years.

Again, you guys are ignorant about German history under the Nazis. Read a book and stop embarrassing yourselves.

Seriously, you're picking on one little typo. If he'd said the early 30s, would you have left this alone? You're ignoring the overall point and parallels that OP is trying to show, which ARE there.

It's almost like you've picked out something stupid to use to try and discredit his bigger picture...

If he'd said the early 30s, would you have left this alone?

No, I wouldn't have. The Nazis started setting up concentration camps right after the election of Hitler to chancellor and began rounding up political opponents, Jews and homosexuals right away. Germany stopped being anything resembling a democracy in 1933 with the Enabling Act, two months after the election.

Claiming that the populace was unaware of these things is ridiculous.

Again, please read a book on the subject. This is getting really awkward for you.

Hitler came to power in 1933. Source: I'm German.

Seriously? Weimar Germany? "When Money Dies. Weimar Hyperinflation Stories."

Great post op! Keep it up!

so much more awareness now though thank god. i'm trying to make some kind of impact, but i could be doing it better please help guys

Is the American government killing 6 million jews?

No, but were on our way to killing 6 million Arabs.

P.S. the number 6 million is highly inflated. The total number of people that could have theoretically been processed at concentration camps isn't even half that number. And that is assuming they are killing every single Jew that sets foot in a camp immediately and replacing him ASAP.

History is a great teacher.

Except when all your history teachers are Jewish or Jewish influenced. Then it is an indoctrination process. Totally one sided as all of our history lessons have been about National Socialist Germany in American high schools and colleges. In 80 years we have never been allowed to hear the other side of story.

But what is the other side? Germany invaded Poland because...? Invaded France because...? Tried very hard to invade the UK because...?

And then there's the Holocaust - which even you don't come out and say didn't exist but simply "was exaggerated."

And Germany lost. They lost 10 to 20 million people...

Really, you're like a tiresome broken record... "The Jews... the Jews.... the Jews..." Don't you know any other songs?

This guy might be anti-Jew, but I will chime in and say a lot of nations stood by and let German do things; invade, not because they didn't have the money or resources to stop them as history books say, but because there were some very powerful people (like oil giants) who could sell a lot of fuel and ammo to both the British and the Germans.

Japan is demonized, but did Hirohito really have any choice with all the embargo placed on it by the US et al? A lot of people picked the side of the Germans because they though Germany would win, and at least then, their people would be safe. They made a tactical decision over a moral one. A lot of nations currently side with America. I wonder what will happen in a few years.

Japan is demonized, but did Hirohito really have any choice with all the embargo placed on it by the US et al?

How exactly did the embargo force Japan to invade China and to commit inhumane atrocities there?

Japan could have depopulated and taken over China and the US wouldn't have intervened, without "you sunk my Battleship!!!"

Inhumane atrocities?

How about the Dresden Holocaust of 500,000 women, children, and elderly?

Or the forced starvation of 10 million German men after WW2?

Or the rape of millions of European women after WW2?

All by the "Allies".

It was the "Allies" who committed real atrocities against helpless victims. Not the "Axis" powers.

Next thing you'll tell me Palestinians are committing atrocities against Israelis, too.

It's all deceitful propaganda.

That's the lamest attempt at derailing a conversation I have seen in a very long time.

Well done.

Are we operating on the theory that that Rape of Nanking just didn't happen now? Unit 731? comfort women? starvation of PoWs?

The fact that Allied atrocities happened doesn't mean that Axis atrocities did not. Stop ignoring history for whatever weird world view you have.

And that is why I posted what I posted: The fact that Axis atrocities happened doesn't mean that Allied atrocities did not. Stop ignoring history for whatever weird world view you have.

Furthermore, if you look at who committed most of the atrocities, it was the Allies. Germans, in fact, were the LEAST likely to rape or murder.

In WW2, Germany and Japan were a force for good, and the "Allies" were aligned with the forces of evil, who created the war for the same reason they create false flag attacks today: to pursue their agenda, toward one-world government, destruction of all those who resist, and world headquarters in Israel.

People WOULD have been safer if Germany had won. It was a war by globalists (USA, Britain, etc.) against nationalists (Germany, Japan, etc.). The bad guys won and the good guys lost. The globalists won, and that's why things have gotten progressively worse since then. And it is no surprise that the same globalists, Zionists, mostly Jews, benefited so much from 9/11, the war on terror, and why they target healthy nationalist nations that just want to be left alone, and any other enemies of Israel.

Plenty of info at

You should also read stream_fusion's post here:

I would encourage anyone to take some time and look into the other side of story. It really is quite interesting. There are people who have done a great deal of research in this area.

The information is out there, people just have to be willing and open minded to take a hard look.



Of all the people I have ever wish I could sue it is my history teachers from high school and college. That was brainwashing and indoctrination, it wasn't an education.

Funny you say that. Within my post high school institutions I have learned that history is an argument of the past and that there are different sides to everything. The brain washing ended for me after middle school history classes.

Saying that history is taught to make us obedient slaves is wrong. If you actually look into history you will be able to judge for yourselves what you believe to be the truth. It teaches you to wake up and analyze all that has happened to this point. I do agree however that the media makes it such. For example that Lincoln movie that just won all the awards. Yes it was a great movie, but now the memory of Lincoln will forever be enhanced into the idea that that movie portrays. When in reality there are historical articles and theses written that argue he was a white supremacist.

History is one of the greatest teachers. If you take it upon yourself to do your own research and truly understand what history is and not believe everything you hear in the early years.




They control most everyone to greater and lesser degrees. The Jewish invest a great deal of money, time, and effort to media control. If you can control the information and how it is presented, you can control what people believe and how they behave.

Control the media, control the masses. Then profit.

Some people have been red pilled though. After that they are much less susceptible to mass media manipulation.

But what is the other side? Germany invaded Poland because...? Invaded France because...? Tried very hard to invade the UK because...?

And then there's the Holocaust - which even you don't come out and say didn't exist but simply "was exaggerated."

And Germany lost. They lost 10 to 20 million people...

Really, you're like a tiresome broken record... "The Jews... the Jews.... the Jews..." Don't you know any other songs?


Just warn them first that I am a stanch supporter of the second amendment, however I do not own a gun. I don't expect them to play fair considering they treat the Palestinians worse than the Torah directive which is like an animal. Just tell them to bring knives. I'm going to get my 10 pounds of flesh back. Seeing as how you suck at this, I will help you with your next comment. The scripted response should simply state that I am an anti-Semite. You're welcome.

I'm sorry. I won't do this again.

I'll start going to anger management classes.

Anyways, when is the next harvest?

Not at all. Keep the populace doped up and stupid. Easier to control that way. Dope profits prop up the stock market and regular economy. Mexican drug lords are moving into mining because it is "more profitable".

And that is why I posted what I posted: The fact that Axis atrocities happened doesn't mean that Allied atrocities did not. Stop ignoring history for whatever weird world view you have.

Furthermore, if you look at who committed most of the atrocities, it was the Allies. Germans, in fact, were the LEAST likely to rape or murder.

In WW2, Germany and Japan were a force for good, and the "Allies" were aligned with the forces of evil, who created the war for the same reason they create false flag attacks today: to pursue their agenda, toward one-world government, destruction of all those who resist, and world headquarters in Israel.

No, but were on our way to killing 6 million Arabs.

P.S. the number 6 million is highly inflated. The total number of people that could have theoretically been processed at concentration camps isn't even half that number. And that is assuming they are killing every single Jew that sets foot in a camp immediately and replacing him ASAP.