Everyone feels that there is something a little off about the Boston Marathon Bombings and the follow up. I think I know what it is (text inside).

147  2013-04-21 by [deleted]

I was lying down in bed with my girlfriend and we were discussing the case and the different possibilities. At one point we were considering the possibility that the Tsarnaeve's are innocent and framed. So, we looked for hard evidence that they are guilty to falsify our proposition. All of a sudden we realized, we don't have a single photo of these guys with guns, we don't have a single photo of these brothers in Islamist gear, we don't have a single video of them firing at police or otherwise. The aunt was right: No evidence!

Every police car has cameras installed on it and at the final raid where Jowhar was arrested they differently had cameras. Why don't the authorities release a few pictures and videos so that the public can be comforted that the police got the right person? I know for myself, I would be satisfied if I saw a video of a firefight, there are tons from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq shown to us. So why can't we see this one too?


thanks for not being crazy ...same thoughts have crossed my mind as well specifically the dash cams in police cars its understanding that it is early as far as the timeline of what comes next but i have 0 faith they will release anything which they need to..

also id love to discuss this with your girlfriend in bed too

You need to remember that, in an investigation of a crime, the majority of evidence is not going to be released to the public right away. They keep it under wraps until the trial where it is shown to the jury, and then sometimes released to the public. The police aren't required to convince the public in any way, their job is to collect evidence to convince a jury. It is common for evidence to be held until the trial because releasing it to the public beforehand can cause something called jury contamination, where the people called to serve on the jury have already seen all of this stuff and made up their minds before the trial. If this happens the entire case can be thrown out of court.


So, what benefit would further jury contamination serve?

I think he's saying the jury is already contaminated enough...

But I don't know about the 99.9% of Americans statement... Even my mom thinks this is fishy and she watches Fox News.

Your mom? Now, I'm convinced.

Hahah. Some people seemed to have downvoted you but I must say I loved the passive aggressiveness.

The misses the point. It's not about what the media portrays when the actual trial comes; it's about the evidence used by the prosecution. If they use dashcam video that has never been seen by the public, then it's more likely to prevent an appeal on the basis of jury contamination or lack of a fair trial. Again, it's only about the evidence at trial. We may never see the footage until after a trial.

You won't see the footage even after a trial because the footage doesn't exist.


Tinfoil: head. Reynolds.

thats funny, those were her exact words to me last night. i hadnt showered...

what benefit?

it would be the first step towards explaining - never mind excusing - why they basically implemented martial law in Boston. how about that?

we do have human rights. you want to just roll over, give them up, and not even ask for evidence around the case they're doing it for?

This actually would most likely be the decision of the US Attorney charged with prosecuting the case. Here is the issue in this circumstance: it is likely the federal authorities knew within hours that the brothers placed the explosive backpacks on the basis of the vast amount of finish-line footage available. But, they didn't know who they were just yet. In the time it took to determine who they were, I guarantee the US Attorney's office got to work on a number of issues: 1) evidence collection; 2) the constitution in times of martial law/domestic terrorism; and 3) the charges they would bring when the suspects were brought into custody. With regard to evidence collection, it is likely that the USAs demanded all dashcams - one to collect evidence, but also to reduce the likelihood that the suspects could make a demand for a venue change (more the ego of the attorney wanting to prosecute it).

So in the end, it is likely the US Attorneys want to keep the evidence, or lack thereof, close to the vest in order to procure a "fair" trial.

In investigations of crimes, people's Miranda rights are not revoked.

In investigations of crimes, police don't do raids through half of a city in army gear.

This wasn't an investigation of a crime. Not a normal one anyway.

For example, in the case of James Holmes, I didn't have the same type of bad vibe as I am having with this case.

His Miranda rights were suspended due to national security, not revoked. He should be given his Miranda rights as soon as officials can determine he hasn't planted other bombs, etc.

I'm not even sure this is 100% true. In exigent circumstances the law can give investigators the option of not reading someone their rights however this does NOT mean that the suspect does not still have those rights. He can lawyer up whenever he wants and they cannot deny him access to the lawyer. I'm fairly positive you always have a right to remain silent etc.

As an human being you always have the right to remain silent, it just may mean you face consequences for doing so. Ignoring existing US laws in place to protect citizens would be the only way to force a citizen to speak against their will.

However, the 'public safety exception' throws your assumptions about lawyering up out the window. It has been invoked against this suspect, you can read more about what that means here.

You have the right to be an attorney.

They were given today in the hospital. There is a transcript on CNN but I'm too lazy to link.

kthx goebbels.

that's a nice Jack Bauer theory you have around the pigs.

in reality, his Miranda rights were ignored because the pigs want to have total impunity to screw the public.

notice my use of the word "pigs". in fact, i actually love real pigs, the hooved animals. they have hearts made of gold. on the other hand, cops are more like demons. in most people's minds, the image of a fat, greedy, self-obsessed, self-gratifying pig is the kind of image they should associate with police, because that's the reality of it.

i'll explain how it is for you. they want to be able to ignore Miranda rights, because they want every random person they abduct to blab their mouths off until they incriminate themselves, and then have the case stand up in court even though they violated their rights, because, thanks to armchair legal commentators who have then cemented this ridiculous theory into the popular idea of 'law', they can then claim it was justified due to 'public safety'. and you know what? their 'confession' - even if it was coerced, and even if the 'suspect' was never read their Miranda rights - would probably be admitted into court anyway.

and you know why they do all this? because it helps their careers. the more people they put in cages, the more people they can point to and say, "we put these bad guys away!"

I wish people like you would be quiet, you undermine the integrity of every person who is investigating the facts of this event on here.

You really shouldn't let your biases show through when trying to debate other on these matters. I just dismiss you as biased against cops/authority. I can't really expect you to consider the official story in a fair light with these pre existing biases.

Miranda rights are not read to all arrested people. They are only used if they need to get evidence via interrogation.

a high level interrogation team is waiting to talk to the one young man still alive whom police say is behind the marathon bombings.

I was replying to your assertion that miranda rights aren't revoked in investigation of crimes. Just pointing out that miranda rights aren't always read out. No biggee.

That's because James Holmes was caught at the scene. Had he led the police on a chase, you'd be saying the same as you have in this thread.

Yes, exactly. It's not a bad thing that I would wonder if a random student was involved in a theatre shooting if the only evidence against him was that the FBI said he was.

In the case of James Holmes, there is more evidence. Guns at his home and being arrested on the spot.

Dead men don't get juries.

Same thing happened to Chris Dorner. They painted him a killer but released no evidence or proof of his killing Monica Quan or Keith Lawrence.

Lol his manifesto

Same thing.

Again, no need for a trial or a jury.

It doesn't go, trial jury and then arrest, it goes arrest then trial and jury. they tried to arrest him as a suspect, and he barricaded himself in and made himself a threat, essentially committing suicide by cop.

I'm not sure if burning the man alive was the only option available in that situation

And therefore he was innocent? It is pretty condemning to respond the way he did, considering he knows how police respond to deranged acts. The guy snapped, and killed people, and got what was coming to him, what is so hard to understand? You think he is an actor, innocent, and what, the people who died are just in witness protection now? What are you getting at exactly with Dorner, yeah maybe his death was untimely, but it certainly was his fault.

I never said I believe that he's innocent or an actor or what have you. He's a guy that went about a very serious issue the wrong way after trying it the right way and having his career destroyed for it.

What I'm saying is that I don't see how burning him alive was the only available option at the time to apprehend him. He was still considered a suspect when he died.

Okay, great.


Cause, if any of you were lose to anyone involved in these attacks you wouldn't be so up in arms defending psychopathic killers at every turn. You need a big time reality check

You obviously don't understand the point people are trying to make. Nobody is defending the action of killing innocent people. But it is vitally important to uphold certain basic principles of law despite the emotional circumstances of a case. Did the families of those killed want to see him die? Probably. Does that change how justice is supposed to be served in this country? No.

The problem is that if it becomes commonplace to basically assassinate people that are accused of a crime because someone deems it "appropriate" we have a huge problem on our hands.

They did their best to take them in alive, one of them is alive. He is going to trial, no? What are you so up in arms about?

Looks like you switched back to the Boston brothers. I think the point of this whole thread is that there is very little hard evidence linking either one of them to the bombings known to US, the public. Maybe that evidence exists and is in the hands of law enforcement and it was necessary to kill the man. People are discussing what they know, which isn't much, and which for some is troubling because people died and they want to know the truth.

And, by the way, I'm not up in arms about anything, I was simply trying to clarify why it's important to follow the rule of law and the implications of not doing so. The person who seems the most up in arms at least in these comments is you.

My bad, I was referring to this post we're talking in though. you fellas don't seem to want to discuss the issues you always hint at though. Dorner. They burnt that house down with tear gas by accident, didnt they? if he was innocent, he could have turned himself in, there was no need to be so hostile and he knew what cops would do.

So let's discuss, do you think they are innocent?

With most things of this nature, there are conflicting stories. There is the LAPD who claims it was done by accident. Then there is audio footage recorded by Carter Evans (a reporter) in which you can clearly hear the cops yell things such as "Burn this motherfucker" and "Burn this fucking house down". In my opinion it's pretty obvious why the LAPD would be this adamant that it was done on accident, but yeah...

As far as the bombers are concerned, I honestly don't have enough evidence to be sure. All I have is pictures of them with backpacks at the scene and those videos of them walking around. And the authority's word that they are the suspects. I would have to see more evidence just like a jury is going to see before they render a verdict. Again, it's innocent until proven guilty.

Odds wise, how likely are they guilty? Based on what you knwo today how do you as a citizen size up what has happened in the investigation? good, bad?




9/11 was an inside job right, to start the iraq war?


All this shit, I think it is disrespectful to victims, harmful to the authorities in charge of the investigation, dangerous for young angry kids to read, can lead to serious mental issues for unstable people when they become obsessed, it is essentially escapism from reality and I think it is pretty easy to derail, so why not? It's virtuous.


What do I need to question?, I have seen more conspiracy news in my day than you. I have been down the rabbithole, it leads no where. The Virtue is in ending these games all together. What do you believe? The bombers are innocent?


And they are bringing him to court. Where's the conspiracy?




essentially committing suicide by cop.

yeah you're right, he probably shot himself in the head twice while handcuffed naked in the back of a police car. my mistake.

The guy is a troll, have no idea why he is even on this sub. All he does is refute everything, just report.

Is this a reference to something else?

back of the head

oh. ok. sure.

What does that have to do with Dorner?

Because its also extremely shady as shit.

suicide by cop is a subjective term.


ooh good one. insult me. how about an example of where I reinterpret reality?

here's a 'reinterpretation of reality' for you. courtesy of 'strategic operations'


And what about the dead kid, and the funerals, and the hundreds of crying family members, hospitals full of victims, etc. Jesus..

Yeah.. we've been through this. What about them?

All fake too?

Why not?

Because there is a dead kid and obviously that is not fake. Are you an idiot?

I hope you've realized you can't reason with people who've already lost their mind.

No offense, but you have to be pretty goddamn stupid to believe they used actors at the Boston Marathon.. Those make-up artists are pretty damn quick, being able to throw the make-up and prosthetics in the blink of an eye.

No offense? Troll.

I've shown clear enough that it can be done, has been done, and is being done.

Can you hook me up with sources, please? I'm very interested in this whole crisis actor thing.. I mean they had to hire A LOT of people for the Marathon, and had to make sure NO civilians were around the finish line. Also I am surprised they hired an activist(Carlos Arredondo) to "help" Bauman stop from bleeding out and get him to an ambulance.

can you link me to your sources?

That's your source? lol keep reaching at straws buddy.

As I've said in other posts. No evidence THEY HAVE RELEASED TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC. They have no reason and no obligation to release evidence in this case before criminal proceedings are complete. And, in fact, any evidence release now could be detrimental to a case. So, again, just because there is no evidence released, does not mean there is no evidence.

Evidence, tainted jury pools, SOP

We wont see this video for a year or two

I just don't get why they wouldn't have shown the video of them dropping the bag... Especially when they were on the run, those images could have been very helpful in identifying and finding the suspects.

Read up on the Aurora shooting case. Same thing there.

Evidence is often held from the public because it harms the case. You cant get a jury of unbiased people when the whole country has already seen that "he is guilty".

If they release that video and I was his lawyer I would try to get the case thrown out on the grounds that there are no jurors that can be found that are impartial

Mind you, they didnt even want to release the photos that they did release. They did so because of the witch hunts that were going on. For example, the 2 kids that made the front page of the NY POST

And by a year or two, we would all have forgotten about this whole incident. Genius.

I kinda agree. In not defending the practice in just stating that is par for the course

3 things for me:

  1. They wanted the publics help to identify them but didn't show them all the available footage. They said they had video of one of them planting the bomb. Why not show that so we could more easily identify him?

  2. What happened to the naked guy that was arrested who looked very similar to the older brother? Surely the media would love that interview.

  3. What happened to the car jacked guy who escaped and told someone that the brothers confessed to the bombings? Surely the media would love that interview.

I suppose the 2 guys could be under police protection or something but it's not even mentioned anymore.

Didn't show all of the available footage? ? ?

What the fuck are you talking about? Maybe they should have just left all the investigating to Reddit and 4Chan.

Then we'd have the geico lizard ( whose last name is Greenstein, it's true I read it on infosmores.com ) shipped off to Gitmo.

Consider the high probability that they dont want a media circus door stopping them. Perhaps they dont want the denizens of this SR picking over every word they say. Perhaps they dont want to be accused of being actors and part of the conspiracy. ??

There are citizen videos out there that give a good account for a firefight, but who's to say that it wasn't a one sided shooting and the boys were escaping from a framing that they had not anticipated? From what I gathered regarding the Boston bombings and following events is this...two young men, innocent or not, were chased and hunted by hundreds of police and military personnel where Martial Law was implemented city-wide...they were supposedly throwing bombs out of a stolen car, where they acquired those bombs is unknown because the car obviously didn't have them, and they had supposedly dropped their backpacks at the race...the eldest was murdered on the street on account of this lady... http://audio.weei.com/a/73784687/linda-calls-in-to-describe-the-scene-on-dexter-st-in-watertown.htm ... and the youngest supposedly shot himself in the throat soon before he was in custody... all of this is very, very concerning and is indeed worth questioning.

Martial Law was not implemented in Boston...or even in Cambridge or Watertown. Please don't lie about our city, thanks a million.

Thanks for correcting that but you know that makes it worse, right?

edit: God, the trolls voting in this thread, wow. Love that lawless tyranny!


Disregarding the law and shutting down a city without first declaring martial law is literally tyranny. That is far worse than doing it lawfully.


I've spoken with numerous people from the area who said the BPD, while obviously tense, was extremely cordial and understood the position it put residents in.

Also, the celebration in the Commons after which the police attended really didn't have much of an air of martial law to it.

There are police officers who are dicks, or who let pressure get to their heads. Thousands of officers, not surprising that some of them were douches.


Talking about the devil like he's a real person? Immediately jumping to Nazi comparisons? Fantasies about telling FBI agents to fuck off?

Sorry, I've replied to a lot of dipshit lala-land posters tonight, but the crazy is a little too strong with you. Party on Jethro, 'murika 24/7/365.

Stop with the personal attacks. Why are you wasting your time here? You seem to hate everyone.

People I hate:

1) Stupid people who don't know what martial law is and feel important by thinking they're going to recapitulate Red Dawn 2) Stupid people who create conspiracies about science because they can't deal with not understanding things 3) Stupid people who are paranoid about "sock puppets" downvoting them that's you

I'm here because this place is like huffing sharpies. The stupid hurts, but it's oddly enjoyable to read this uneducated drivel.

He's simply pissed off at armchair conspiratards labelling his neighbours, medical colleagues and local police as terrorist collaborators.

It's offensive and if i was him, i'd be equally offended.

Why are you wasting your time here?

Why are you?


God, another American who knows nothing about Europe, how surprising. Europe is definietly one homogenous culture that has the same government and "no rights". Stunning, Jethro.

Let's play a game. Pretend for a second that you're not crazy and you actually did believe that the BPD was serious about these kids shooting at them and they really were the bombers. So now there are two known terrorists in Boston hiding out in a suburb after having killed four people.

The appropriate federal response would have been....?

The appropriate federal response would have been....?

Nothing, because going after a known terrorist and cop killer on the run that is actively throwing grenades at law enforcement is a violation of MUH FREEDUMS!

I don't know they caught McVeigh pretty quickly, no one declared martial law and a curfew in OKC.

oh right, Boston wasn't martial law, it was "shelter in place". Guess someone decided that sounded much better than curfew and martial law.

Mcveigh didn't kill a policeman at point blank then go on a city-wide rampage with bombs.

The thing is there where people walking around in some areas of Boston without incident, just people willingly chose not to for the most part.

They caught McVeigh because they pulled him over for having no license plate on his car (which was blown off when the bomb exploded) and they just happened to notice after they arrested him that he looked awfully close to the guy they were looking for.


That's literally why I asked you to pretend that they were, not sure how you missed that.

I'm not trying to argue if they're guilty or not but you didn't answer his question in the slightest. Which to be honest is really discrediting of your argument

Pretend for a second that you're not crazy

I think you missed that part.

I'm European. In fact, i'm from the UK. I get free healthcare on the NHS. Nice 'freedom' from dying from horrible diseases you have over there...

Far from it. Some of the police even brought milk to families in need.

Ask any Bostonian at the scene and they'll say the police were fucking awesome. I mean, they caught terrorists who'd already bombed a bunch of people and were on the rampage to do more, with no further loss of civilian life.

LOL @ Godwin's Law.

Have you considered the possibility they had more than the 2 backpacks usd at the race?

I keep reading Armchair Attorneys and Court Jesters, I mean Justices, proclaim that no evidence that would incriminate the two suspects will be released.

And yet, this image has been posted all around the world: http://i.imgur.com/TakN6wE.jpg

But the key question is, Does Suspect#2 aka Younger Brother, know what is inside the backpack? Was taking part in a terror drill? Did the older bro ask for help on that day? Why is there a photo of them waiting around in the crowd, looking and waiting for someone? http://imgur.com/j0AdF0G

How do you know they're waiting for someone? You're looking at a snapshot in time, trying to infer what what happens before or after that snapshot is ripe for failure.

see recently released photos on reddit. it sheds more light. they are indeed waiting. they are also texting, and maybe placing a phone call.

the thing is, is that we are not talking about A snapshot, but MANY...

http://i.imgur.com/NamF9yo.jpg http://i.imgur.com/2XgXCri.jpg http://i.imgur.com/IOwxWXT.jpg http://i.imgur.com/JUMsW7a.jpg

You have a bunch of photos of people standing still. Yes, they could be waiting for someone. They also could be waiting to plant a bomb. Or, they could just be standing there, like the thousands of other people in the crowd.

Drawing a grandiose, conspiracy filled conclusion off of a couple unassuming pictures is what gives this sub a less than stellar reputation.

Wrong. Jahar and Tamerlan WERE walking up that street. Look how diligently they turned the corner on that security video, then a few meters later, they stop for some reason. They were not just standing there. They did it on purpose, like they were waiting for something or needed more information to proceed, hence, you see Tamerlan on the cellphone texting..

You are missing the empirical evidence. You are missing the obvious.

I didn't say they weren't walking on the street, I said you're jumping to a ridiculous conclusion. Sending a text message (which there's not much evidence of anyway) doesn't mean they were getting bombing instructions. It means he was sending/receiving a text, that could be anything from a wrong number, to asking what time dinner is. These were completely normal seeming people, with friends who text them.

Ya, but where your story falls apart, is that they did place backpacks at the scene of both bombing sites. So, again, taken what we know (aka the obvious) into consideration, then we have to stop and take a look at those photos, and realize that something is going on in those snapshots...

And i didnt say they were getting bombing instructions. I will leave this open to interpretation. They probably were patsies and were needing more information at this point as to where the drop off point would be or something like this. And, again, patsy implies that they may not have known they had a bomb on them at all.

So "waiting for more information to proceed" is leaving it open to interpretation?

The only thing you can infer from the pictures is the obvious... They were there, they had backpacks. Deciding they were patsies and then molding your story to fit the pictures is the exact opposite of what you should b doing.

Islamist gear

What is "Islamist gear" and why do you expect them to wear it?


Some flags, some bandanas, a declaration as is common with "Islamist" terrorism in video form.

I've been seeing a LOT of comments here saying how there is no evidence and we aren't being shown anything.

I was up all night, as were many other people listening to the police scanners. Are you telling me all these police officers are on in this conspiracy, and that they are excellent actors??

I heard gunshots, I heard cops screaming OFFICER DOWN, THEY HAVE LONG GUNS, ACTIVE SHOOTER, RETREAT, stuff like that all night, it was horrifying to be honest, you telling me the police elaborately faked all of this??

I am talking about evidence against Jowhar and Tamerlane Tsarnaeve.

To play devils advocate, I think what they're getting at is that this came from "above". Police Officers would have no idea it was faked or that they had been set-up that way, they would just be following orders, or the intelligence that came down to them.

I see your point but I am referring specifically to people saying the two brothers weren't shown to have done anything (no evidence), if the situation you are talking about is true and the police were unaware, it would still be the two brothers causing mayhem.

Ahh I see where you're coming from now, makes a lot of sense.

I'm surprised that the mass majority have already begun lighting the fire beneath his feet given the lack of direct evidence available to them!

Things that are bothering me is the new reports that begin to conflict with statements made during his capture - the shootout and death of suspect #1 is especially hazy - with eye witnesses interviewed shortly after describing seeing the guys without guns and under fire from the police, before being hit by a police SUV.


There were several reports of a stolen police vehicle during manhunt, it's not a new development.

I've seen greater detail of the transgressions of white trash on Cops. A high speed chase in LA gets dedicated helicopter coverage. This case had thousands of police and military pouring through the streets, armed with the latest technology and there are NO VIDEOS OF THE IMPORTANT PARTS. No shoot out, no bombing, no murder. All we have is the word of witnesses. Well, after what we have learned from other cases similar to this, the words of witnesses are not sufficient. Lies from liars does not truth make. Show me the video of them shooting and killing this MIT cop. It's likely sharing shelf space with the video of Adam Lanza entering the school...in never never land.

I don't know the timeline, but something just occurred to me. If the infrared photos were taken after the alleged firefight while he was in the boat, wouldn't the pictures have shown a warm gun?

Metal cools down fast, just like it heats up fast. And that's assuming he fired enough rounds to really get it hot.

that makes sense

Hours later? No!

That didn't occur to me, but that is definitely true!

"I was lying down in bed with my girlfriend and we were discussing the case and the different possibilities...." is this your idea of foreplay ? The winter nights your house must simply fly by

So, you never lay down with the woman you love and talk? She must feel so fulfilled...

Any input or clarifications regarding city of Boston's tweets that a controlled blast will occur in front of the library very shortly?

The are not going to release anything which will implicate them for murder.

the bombing was so insignificant its actually pretty funny how hard the media was trying to hype it. its obviously a diversionary tactic or something. who benefits from this? what could have been gained by doing this stunt? ask those questions, instead of trying to figure out their premade puzzle

Insignificant? Maybe to you, sitting wherever you are. Certainly isn't insignificant to me that almost 200 of my neighbors were injured, 3 killed in a bombing, one killed and one shot in the line of duty, without remorse, reason or care.

Insignificant? Fuck you.

Well what about the innocent people in Syria right now getting massacred because they want free expression? something you kind of enjoy without having to shed a tear or drop of blood? Or the countless african men being killed by civil war and famine? or the african women being raped and killed indescrimanetly? or the african babies dying of hunger because thier parents are killed in war or theyre raped or they just cant provide? Or the chinese, who work thier entire lives for what you make in a week to provide you with that nice pair of shoes or cardigan or thong or whatever the fuck your wearing? Or the mexicans who oftentimes cant even leave to get groceries for fear of being killed by the cartels? or what about the thousands of homeless children, something like 20,000 in NYC alone. Do you care about them? No. You dont. Not really. Youll kind of sympathize when you see those guilt trip commercials, or when you see it on the news but youll just carry on your day as another cog in the machine, helping perpetuate what is so not insignificant to you. Your "neighbors"? Right. Get over yourself, prick. You dont care. If you did youd be doing something instead of faking sympathy over the internet because you were told by the media that this is srs bsns. Is it fucked up that it happened? Yes. But the world has fucked up shit happening all the time and as of right now there are way more fucked up things happening. So yes, 200 people injured and 3 killed is insignificant. You know it, and I know it. Whether or not you want to face it is something else

You assume an awful lot about me from one post. There's a lot of fucked up shit in this world, it doesn't make this insignificant. You're the one trying to write off a tragedy, not me.

I dont think im assuming much. Basically that whole wall of text just was me calling you on your bullshit. You say you care about slightly more than 200 people that were affected in the boston bombing. I say your full of shit because you cant possibly care about 200 people you know nothing about, not even names. You are not emotionally invested in the people, or the buildings that were blown up, or the bombers or even the city. So why are you trying to preach to me that you are? To make yourself seem more humane than me on the internet? Whatever. To me, this is not a tragedy. This is something that happened, in the same way that to me people starving in africa isnt a tragedy. Is it fucked up? Yes. Is it a tragedy to me? No. It could be a tragedy to one of the victims of the bombing or something, but to me this means nothing. I would be lying if i said otherwise. It is insignificant. You could kill more people walking through a crowd knifing people in the kidney. This doesnt matter, stop buying the media hype or youll miss something really significant

Your moronic rants are ridiculously self indulgent. Am I invested in several of my friends being hurt, some severely? Yes. Am I invested in the city I live in? Yes.

Stop buying your own hype, you fucking raving lunatic.

My friend believes the Americans were trying to stir things up with Russia in Chechenya. To bring attention to it first using this and then slowly escalate it.

A possible reason is that this will come to trial. If all potential jurors have seen the material they will present as evidence, it could taint the jury pool.

nothing released for sandy hook either

The only person I know for sure was a criminal was Hans Gruber.

they have to keep you in a child like state. They are the parents, you are the child. That's how the media and gov operate.

They never release intel.

Okay, I'm still hung up on this one thing. Law enforcement had the images of the Tsarnaevs a day before they released them to the public. It looks like the AP was reporting about the Lord and Taylor video by 2 pm on Wednesday as reported in this Boston Globe Story. This was more than twenty-four hours before the FBI public release of the Lord and Taylor images. What were they doing with the Lord and Taylor video in that twenty-four hours? Should I just think that they didn't share the video with FBI officers who work in the Boston area? Or should I just think that the FBI officers who got familiar with Tamerlan and his family in 2011 saw the video, but just didn't recognize the Tsarnaevs?

Human error.

Ive thought the exact same things, however if you dont go along with what the mainstream news media says then youre "crazy"

Because there is none.

*Anyone care to challenge this?

Cell service kill-switched. Can't open your front door. Zero dash-cam evidence. Zero photos/video of them doing anything interesting. No hard evidence of extremism. Nothing. Only citizen cell phone images and video, taken through curtains from cowering subjects of a lockdown.

All this bullshit about "no hard evidence" is fucking ridiculous.

I'm pretty sure the people investigating this have more to worry about than giving exclusive interviews to Alex Jones, posting to wall-of-text gibberish websites, and making shitty, grainy YouTube videos with bad music and misspelled subtitles.

That's the only thing that passes for hard evidence around here.

Fucking mental midgets.

people on here seem to think that they are the detectives/prosecutors/defense attorneys in the case and should be privy to all evidence, its ridiculous

LOL that is very true.

look up "naked man boston" "craft mercenaries boston" /watch?v=zs78CU8F1tE /watch?v=v0-C6Z0YEGM

And what if those videos were falsified as well? There's already significant conflicting imagery. Apparently Suspect #2 is in the hospital but there are pictures of him sitting on the boat? So much mystery...

-we got photo of him leaving the bag by the 8 year old

-multiple officers WHO WERE IN THE GUN FIGHTS, reported they shot at them and threw bombs at them

-They carjacked a guy and took him to the bank to get money, they confessed their wrong doings to this person and let him go.

-the 19 year old ran over his brother

-the 19 year old hid in a boat and shot at officers when they found him.

-the 19 year old shot himself in the throat so he can't talk during trial.

-the brothers are linked to terrorists.


Game over for you, you cannot speak for those officers. Where is the proof it happened?

Hard evidence of all of this aside from the media just talking about it? Pictures? Interviews not done by actors? Videos from surrounding neighbors?

There won't be any testimonies from neighbors. Law enforcement removed everyone in nearby houses. Also, it was overheard on police scanners that they didn't want news helicopters in the area either.

No witnesses. Weird, huh?

It's standard procedure to evacuate people in surrounding homes during any sort of dangerous situation. It's also standard to keep private aircraft out of the way when a police helicopter is involved.

Yup, very sketchy.

Are you suggesting that cops involved in a heated search for "terrorists" wouldn't lie? Cops today hardly have any integrity, and I doubt those present that evening/morning are no different.

Don't let the media do the thinking for you.

I just don't get why they wouldn't have shown the video of them dropping the bag... Especially when they were on the run, those images could have been very helpful in identifying and finding the suspects.

There won't be any testimonies from neighbors. Law enforcement removed everyone in nearby houses. Also, it was overheard on police scanners that they didn't want news helicopters in the area either.

No witnesses. Weird, huh?

Why not?

And by a year or two, we would all have forgotten about this whole incident. Genius.

You have a bunch of photos of people standing still. Yes, they could be waiting for someone. They also could be waiting to plant a bomb. Or, they could just be standing there, like the thousands of other people in the crowd.

Drawing a grandiose, conspiracy filled conclusion off of a couple unassuming pictures is what gives this sub a less than stellar reputation.