Calm down ladies and gentlemen... we're about to have some growing pains as a society but we will prevail. This is the beginning of the end for our oppression.

201  2013-04-22 by [deleted]

This is it. We're all seeing it unravel around us. The Boston bombing is the last ploy the American people are going to fall for. We will not be entering another war in the name of boosting 'democracy' and spreading central banking and corporate tyranny anymore.

We're all trying to pick apart the Boston bombing as if it's even a question at this point. They have been busted, caught with their pants down and the beast is now fighting a war on too many fronts. The Senate is stepping up, the people are opening their eyes, and the 600 pages of war crime charges are coming in to deal the fatal blow.

Focus on whatever details you wish, but realize this is happening. You don't really consider what happens when a society evolves in this world because we've never seen it, but it has and will always happen for mankind. Our technology has grown all these years while our society has grown stagnant and meaningless in a modern world. Some will fight it, change is scary, but the transparency that we will now demand will fuel a society that will flourish for decades to come.

Put the picture together, people. We've become a cog in a machine that can no longer keep turning. The smart, caring individuals this planet has have noticed this and been actively fighting and planning behind the scenes. They waited for the moment when technology allowed the society we need. They waited to catch this regime with their pants down and they have done just that.

No war is required now. We let the curtains fall and the illusions we still see will fall with hem. Soldiers will not fight for leaders who have betrayed them. We will make a new society, better for us and our planet. We will care because we know what happens when we don't. The powers that oppress us and keep us in the dark will no longer have control.

We are all pioneering a new future of freedom of information worldwide. No human on this planet should be under control by any other group. Now is that time. It is happening, and I'm damn proud all of you are waking up and seeking out the truth. Spread the word, encourage your friends and family, be hopeful.

Hang in there. They won't go down easy, but we will have our victory.


I support the driving force of your statement.

But rather than being vaguely braced for something to happen - lets keep actively organizing and lets stay the hell in touch with each other.

The hippies thought they could just sit back and let the "revolution" happen by itself. Lets not do that again.

Most of the hippies you are referring to are still around and still have the same drive they used to. They still want a revolution, and have adapted with evolving technology to fight for what they know is the right way. The original hippies at the time set the groundwork for what these new generations are trying to accomplish, they just were outnumbered and more successfully silenced at the time.

In truth, everyone is sick of the current system. It's broken and doesn't work. Just go to Wall Street, find a rich looking man and ask him, I'll guarantee that he'll say he's sick to death of it too. Ask a member of the Police, just get chatting to one and eventually drop the question, he'll say he's sick of it too. We are all sick of it! I even watched an interview with Evelyn Rothschild who was basically saying the current system doesn't damn well work and needs to change. All of us are bored of it! Even down to whoever planted the bombs in Boston, even they probably thought 'There must be a better way than this'!

Two years ago I thought we were living in interesting times. Now, I have come to realize that it is no longer interesting, it's boring beyond belief, but there's nobody offering a solution. Or maybe there is and I just haven't spotted it yet. The stuff in the Zeitgeist movies looks like a reasonable plan, how can we give it a try?

But please let us hippies help out, too. =P

I hope you're right dude. Thanks for this.

Unless youre in r/conspiritard. They dont even discuss, they ridifule and name call like the juvenile delinquents they are.


And if you check the recent trend, you'll see it's focused on the Boston Bombing. Also, check out the times around Sandy Hook.

Upvoted. God damn I hope you're right. Haddanuffa this SHIT.

Completely disagree. Our oppression is far far far from over.

Not trying to be mean but get out of the conspiracy bubble, get a job or go really anywhere the general public is. Make no mistake we are the minority.

Although, I have to say, when my own mother questions the events in Boston this week, something is happening. She's not even remotely a conspiracy theorist and believes most of what lamestream media says. I was flat out shocked when she said this when I visited my parents yesterday. My dad, I created a monster who questions every damn thing now, but my mom was never like that.

We still have a long ways to go, and I doubt we'll see any drastic changes for a very long time. I'm 35 and I doubt we'll see anything in my life time.

I'm finding the same thing too. Yesterday on public transport in Berkeley, I was talking to a random person about the scumbags (as I like to call TPTB/Power Elite). I was having trouble convincing her that he official 9/11 story was bogus, but she already knew that something stank about the Boston thing. And this was less than a week after it happened.

Its true. When you live in a world of conspiracies and your conciousness is more awake than everyone else's, you forget you arrived at that point from a process. Its difficult to get people to your point by telling them what you know, they have to find things out for themselves. It makes the world seem smaller for some reason. But the world is vast, and has many mechanisms in it to keep from collapsing. More of the same is on your way, a phrase that could be used at any time in Human history.

Let them oppress away! Go ahead, introduce strict gun laws, actually ban all guns, all knives, everything more powerful than a peashooter, put the army on the streets, start searching the public at gunpoint for no reason. Force everyone to pay ludicrously high taxes. Just damned well do it! All this pussyfooting around is boring.

Or if you're not going to do it and you want a NWO, just damned well do that! Introduce a One World Government and get on with the oppression of the masses. Whatever it is, please, for the love of God just get the show on the road. We are all bored of this!

They can't move to create the NWO fast enough or it will be too shocking to everyone and be resisted. They also can't move too slow because people are realizing the agenda too fast. They're screwed. They're just making noises trying to look tough before they crumble.

I needed this so fucking much thank you. Whenever I think of the truth I cower in fear because I feel absolutely miniscule. Not when I read stuff like this. Empowerment to the people!

The aristocracy is over , the corruption must stop, I'll be damned if I let my grand kids live in the post capitalist husk of an earth were on track to leave them

This is it. We're all seeing it unravel around us. The Boston bombing is the last ploy the American people are going to fall for.

Ye man of such optimistic faith. Unfortunately I don't share that faith. People are going to have to show me they woke up first. When people get into a mob mentality. It's easy to pull the wool over the eyes. Also the fear card being played works well also. I've witnessed this for 5 decades from Vietnam to Honduras/Panama/El Salvador to the Middle East today. I am jaded on such.

Thanks though for trying to cheer me up.

I agree with you here.

Good post. But, these globalists are like a cornered animal. They are at their most dangerous right now. Expect another false flag, and very soon. You're right, they won't go down without a fight.

What I'm concerned about is, how many people they'll take with them.

People talk about Globalists! Who? The Bankers? They change at the drop of a hat, one vote and the current head of any particular bank is gone, one bad year and he's gone! So, it isn't them, they're too busy trying to hold onto their job (that they've worked hard for 30 years to attain). So who? Heads of large corporations? Like who? The Rockerfellers? They're quite settled on the masses they have, sure they could be involved, but from what I've read they seem more involved in good causes and art collecting than bothering to enslave the masses, it just isn't their bag man! Next up, oh yeah the Rothschilds - well the current bunch are more bothered about risking their lives bringing pollution and world climate changing tech to the public attention, Evelyn Rothschild is quite old now and is quite happy with his horses. Who? I'm sure someone will give me a list of people who they say are Globalists. So far from all of these globalists I just hear them talking sense.

Evelyn Rothschild said that a One World Government will obviously happen some time in the future. We can't continue having wars, we can't continue paying slave wages to some and huge amounts to others, we can't keep starving three quarters of the globe whilst the remaining quarter are all obese. It cannot go on! The world does need to be a fairer place, a fun place, no more wars, no more starvation, no more slavery, no more unfair pay, no more children forced into sex work, or parents forced to sell their children into slavery. If this is what the globalists want then just let them get on with it!

If the world continues as it currently is this planet will be a lifeless ball of dust, whirling in the infinity of space. The current system has all of us acting like a cancer on this planet, sucking the very life from it so our future generations will not stand a chance! There will be nothing left. Maybe we should just let it happen, throw our hands up and just say 'get on with it'! Maybe the people who do want to change everything for the best are the very people everyone points to and says Globalist! Maybe that's the conspiracy here. Thumbs down all you like, I'm used to it :)

Love the positivity in your post makes a welcome change

Pretty optimistic, but I sure as hell hope so.


Good link, to save others from a click it is the V for Vendetta: The Revolutionary Speech

Fellow patriots, we have reached yet again another ultimate tipping point, and all freedom is at stake. There is still hope: upvote this reply to immediately elect Ron Paul as the President of the United States.


The shills are lurking but freedom is winning.

You must have missed the mobs cheering "USA, USA, USA" when he got caught.

The general populace is enslaved. Their taxes go to pay for their enslavement. The control of the banking system is nearly worldwide. Iran, North Korea, and Iran hold out, but they are so weak as to be meaningless.

All telecommunications are recorded. The number of cameras increase. Soon the drones will watch you 24/7. Your movements will be tracable. Your bank account will be closed if they wish it.

I've got to ask, where do you get your information on central banking? There are only three countries in the world without a central bank: Andorra, Monaco, and Vatican. All three just use the euro, but they have no central bank to rely on (other than the ECB sort of). Cuba has a central bank. Iran has a central bank. North Korea even has a central bank!

Are you talking about countries that aren't part of the IMF? World Bank? BIS? What are people talking about when they say that Cuba, NK, and Iran aren't part of the Rothschild banks? I'm legitimately curious.

There is the impression, perhaps it is incorrect, that these banking systems are not as controlled as most by the Rothschild/City/Wall St. System. I have started to read about these banks recently, but I will be the first to admit that I am no expert.

I know that the IMF uses non-governmental bodies to get governments to take out loans that they can not repay, and then uses SAP to prevent the governments from spending on education, health, and welfare. The 3 governments above are hit with sanctions and cut off from the international trading system to make them weak.

I am sure that they have central banks. It is just that they are not under control.

Yeah, the IMF has been a bitch to the countries it "helps". Thankfully, they've finally realised that austerity during a depressed economy doesn't work, so they're slowly making intellectual progress toward something that might work one day.

I disagree. I think that they know exactly what the effects of their demands will be and that is why they are making them: to keep the poor poor, to make the weak weaker. The future will be more of the same, on steroids.

What's wrong with the theory that they're actually incompetent? Even the economics experts are still grasping at straws. Economics is barely a science yet, particularly because they can't perform experiments. Unless the IMF is conducting economic experiments, now that would be rather interesting! Evil, but maybe for the greater good if they figure out how to actually help us all rather than just the rich.

Sorry, but there is just too much evidence that it is intentional. They know what they are doing and they are doing it on purpose. They are conservative. They are in control and they want to stay there.

don't forget that scene at the end of rise of planet of the apes.. on the bridge.


Alas, time for what? Give the people a plan, a real plan. A plan for the world that is better than what we currently have. A way we can all live in relative peace with one another, a plan that's fair for all. So far, nothing! No plan, just resist, resist, resist. We don't even know what we're resisting. We know the world is full of liars, but no alternative is given. Once a reasonable alternative is given by someone with credibility, then we'll all rise up, until that time sleeping is much more comfortable.

It's a nice sentiment, but totally disconnected from reality.

They have been busted, caught with their pants down

I must've missed the evidence. All I've seen are the same handful of questions answered a million times and conspriacy theorists bringing up the smallest things as proof alone that this was a setup.

I disagree. I don't subscribe to conspiracy theories blindly and while I definitely think conspiracies exist, if they did, the signal/noise ratio is favoring the powers that be. I didn't jump to any foregone conclusions and spent all day yesterday asking what I thought were rational questions or pointing out the blatant militarization of police, only to get upvoted, and then a few hours later downvoted by a mob, and we're talking about 30-40 comments. I don't think I was baiting trolls so much as asking straightforward questions. Also, the rules in the sidebar of a cleary the most important thing in ANY discussion. People love to get behind that sidebar, even if they upvote shit that goes against it. Scumbag reddit transcends /r/conspiracy, so I know that's not a conspiracy as much as it is "the internet."

Regardless, the bury brigade loves this sub.

There's a difference between the public consensus, and what you see on TV... The gap between that illusion and reality continues to widen at a frightening rate.

Thank you for this. I agree with this, word for word.

Well put sir. A word for the doubters of you optimism. The ones in govt who are good yet compartmentalized, are going to monkey wrench the NWO operation like never before, as a result, we are about to witness a parabolic unraveling of their operation. It is yet to be seen what trump cards they may pull.

I think it will begin with the collapse of the economy. We need to make sure that when this change does in fact happen, that we get rid of the mainstream media

I hate to tell you this kiddo, but unless you can convince 100 million Americans to get ready to spill blood (over what exactly?) this isn't happening.

People may see a problem with the system, they know they're being lied to, but then the TV asks them gently... "Is your life really that bad that you want to die to change it? Or would you rather just go back on facebook and chat with your old highschool friend, sure we're listening now, but do you really care?"

The overwhelming answer back will be NO, and even if you had clearer evidence of the government lying the MSM will just keep repeating the lies until enough people believe it. It's happened through all of US history, all of European history, all of Human history. There are far fewer examples of people overthrowing their corrupt governments compared to the examples of those who shrugged and went back to work.

History teaches you one thing, those that rule will always rule. Different name, same story. You want to fight and die for a principle that will never come to fruition? All systems have been tried and have failed - Capitalist, Fascist, Communist, even mixtures of the three Fusionist we'll call it, none work, all end up with the same people at the top. Look at Nazi Germany, who ran Nazi Germany after the war? Go and consult your History books and you'll find the same Nazi's who were running it before the war (whittled down a bit after Nuremberg but still party members). Whoever does appear giving you the 'New way', will have already have the backing of the same people who are backing the current lot, else you'd never hear him/her speak.

The USA fought the British to free themselves from the tyranny of the British crown, only to find they were still living under the British Crown. You still call the British Queen the Queen ffs, yet you think you got freedom 300 years ago!

However, the truth is we are already free! Turn off the TV, the internet, the radios, stop reading the newspapers and you will find that nobody is stopping you from doing pretty much whatever you like. Sure we all have to make sure we don't do anything that harms or threatens to harm others, because we live in a society, so we mustn't step on other people's toes too much. If I want to walk around naked I'm free to do it in my own house, I can stand stark naked in the middle of my room with a gun in my right hand, a bottle of beer in my other, a spliff in my mouth and some hard core anal action on the TV - that's freedom! We already have it!

Your points are not lost on me, but there is a good bit more to "freedom" than what you've described.

They are going DOWN!


That knock on your door this afternoon? Probably the CIA....

well, if this was the first time I read a post like this it might have more meaning. But it is not. There is a post like this daily. The cog will continue to turn. Conspiracies will continue to unfold. Just not with the world ending magnitude you believe. You would be best served trying to survive in the world that exists, rather than preparing for the world you made up in your head. That is my two cents, most will leave it, but only because its true.

And when the new history books are written, it won't be the old heroes getting credit for ushering in the new era. It will be us. Don't be surprised if /r/conspiracy is mentioned by name in the new textbooks. When people see what we've accomplished, putting ourselves in danger to get the truth out there, making it impossible for the powers that be to operate freely...

We will be the folk heroes of the next era. Think about that next time someone online tries to troll you, or someone in real life tries to change the subject or silence you.

I wish I was this optimistic.....


Talk to people, then you'll see. Most are just trying to get through the day, pay their bills and zone out in front of TV.

I truly hope you are right. I just know when I think about it that there are still many people who are 'Plugged-In' and blind-folded. Those are the people who (like us all at one point) are the demographic that needs most to wake up, and fast. A part of my fear is that by the time THAT happens; it could be too late. I pray that won't be the case though.

I wish I had your optimism. I think if anything, it's not time to calm down and back off, it's time to put the pedal to the metal and FULL STEAM AHEAD. With CISPA on the move again, Monsanto Protection act signed into law, gun rights being eviscerated at an alarming pace, etc, I'd say we need to stay focused and organized and keep the pressure on. Our exposure of the inconsistency of the Boston Bombing didn't prevent the government from displaying a full scale Martial Law exercise, so why should we let down our guard and take it easy?

It would be nice to think that there are some group of "good guys" working in the background, but I'm sure in the hell not gonna sit back and wait for them to take care of it for us. This is OUR time to bring all the corruption into the light!


Thanks, I find no fault in your logic.

Nice thoughts. Unfortunately, Americans won't stand up and fight until their stomachs have been empty for a while.

No human on this planet should be under control by any other group.

You're on Reddit.


Aren't you a pleasant, positive fellow.

Welcome to reddit.

Case in point.