So the only comments NOT getting uncharacteristically downvoted on a sub called /r/conspiracy, are the ones favoring the police and government.

704  2013-04-22 by dafragsta

Just an observation. If a comment has a bunch of upvotes, not just mine, you can be assured that later in the day, it'll be nearly zeroed out, or in the negative. I recommend everyone install Reddit Enhancement Suite and you can see for yourself. Also, there are tons of personal attacks for voicing opinions, rather than addressing the opinion. This isn't /r/psychology. I too, think the vast majority of conspiracy theories are people spinning their wheels, which they are entitled to do and not feel ridiculed. If you want to contribute, and you disagree, get objective and don't just attack someone for being suspicious. Suspicion itself, isn't a sign of mental health issues. It's a response to an environmental awareness, whether perceived threat is real or not. Everyone is entitled to say aloud what they're thinking. There's a difference between debating and trolling.

EDIT: I also love that this short, observational, inncuous comment, granted, in another sub, which doesn't say anything about conspiracies, is getting downvoted to hell.

EDIT EDIT: I submitted this as a different link. It's in /r/misc and the story is getting quite one-sided.

EDIT EDIT EDIT: Let's name names and read comment histories, and ban them if they are all negative attacks, or blatant trolling as opposed to objective discussions.


I am really tired of the crap from this sub-reddit ever since this Boston shit started. Everyone suddenly siding with the police and pushing guilt of the two guys just like the rest of the mainstream media.. Makes me sick to see this happening. The cop's didn't do a single good thing during the entire event. From having National Gaurd WMD teams at the event all the way to pulling people out of their homes at gun point. "No one is more full of shit then cop's, except cop's on TV." - the departed - leo

Last I checked this is r/conspiracy. Refuge and home to the "tinfoil hat" wearing people with ideas that follow suit. If you have a problem with that..go to a different sub. Seriously.

Exactly. Wear your tinfoil hat for fun or seriousness here, however it doesn't mean there aren't real conspiracies and BS conspiracy theories alike. This is not the place to shit on someone for going out on a limb. This place is a tree with many welcoming limbs. fucks given.

This whole thing is a p.r. stunt. After the Dorner incident they needed something to realign the masses. Everyone saw what the lapd did and everyone was pissed. EVERYONE! as JATTYMOANS wide stockholm syndrome that was passed onto everyone else.

edit: down vote me more..pleaseeeeee!!!! :) Downvote monster


Useless comment. Abusive comments are not allowed here. If you don't have anything to add to the conversation then don't add anything.

Please don't start deleting comments, this sub is capable of downvoting abuse when it's unwarranted.

abuse when it's unwarranted.

Stay classy. ಠ_ಠ

Yes, I think that saying mean things to people on the internet is, in some cases, not the worst thing in the world.

How about we just not allow abuse in here at all.

Let's just not allow abuse anywhere, then the world would be a perfect place for everyone.

Way to move the goalpost to the realm of fantasy. Have fun out there.

I don't think /r/conspiracy's mods are impartial enough to decide what counts as abuse.

Good to see mods popping in from time to time. I'm suprised it's not all hands on deck right now.

How is that abusive? He said that the comment is dumb, which it is. He doesn't need to elaborate on why a baseless allegation is dumb you stupid fuck.

EXCLUDING ALIEN LIFE FROM OTHER PLANETS....there is only one conspiracy that all conspiracys lead printed as debt.....all "conspiracy" is a criminal that has one goal make sure you have faith in the money supply you is your faith in the evil ones money that is doing are your own worst enemy based on what you "think"

There are so many dots I can't read this, ellipses have three dots "..." and they are not used to separate thoughts. Try a comma or a period, I'll give you a few of mine to start you on your way! .,.,.,.,.,.,.,./


How do you spell Demosthenes and Locke in Chinese?

In English?

What if they make convincing arguments?

or are they?


"The root of all evil."

You speak the truth!

Hell, here's a upvote just for the username.

Yup....and the authoritarians love to call you crazy and an idiot. If you say anything different from what is on the tube you will be proclaimed a crazy and an idiot.

Maybe they call you crazy and an idiot because you call them authoritarians for daring to disagree with your opinion.

Maybe this whole forum is becoming more hostile because the tinfoil hat brigade has become more and more aggressive in defining any dissent as evidence that one is a "shill", an "authoritarian" or "has stockholm syndrome."

I know that if I read a comment or post that is poorly thought out, poorly argued and makes entirely irrational claims and then doubles down on the derp by accusing anyone who disagrees of being some kind of fascist, I'm a lot more likely to respond to that person by pointing out that they are a pathetic loser with paranoid delusions.

I really dislike using labels. But Authoritarians I used in order to keep my post short since I am tight with time.

Unless of course your limb supports the police or believes the evidence that points to the fact that the Tsarnaev brothers actually pulled this themselves.

Then expect accusations about your true motivations and a slew of downvotes.

Unless of course your limb supports the police

Shit... you didn't even have to come here to pick a fight. You could go to /r/Bad_Cop_No_Donut. They specialize in that.

or believes the evidence that points to the fact that the Tsarnaev brothers actually pulled this themselves.brothers actually pulled this themselves.

Not true either. However, allusions to a conspiracy (I haven't even seen a single theory, really. Both conspiracy and theory seem to be losing meaning.) There are some curious things worth discussing without forming a theory. Why was Craft International there? Why wasn't there a public disclosure of their role there? They've got nothing to hide, and clearly there was a controversy around that? Are you paying attention to the dirt on CISPA, and trusting your government with the same mouth/fingers? $84M in kickbacks to shovel that shit through. I don't care about theories. I care about oddities. I come here out of curiosity, and to stir the shit when I feel I can contribute objectively, but I really haven't come here much at all, until recently.

Oh, I'm not picking a fight with you, I'm just pointing out that this whole idea of "everyone has a say here" really doesn't seem to apply to the people who aren't trying to support a conspiracy theory.

Also, I'm pretty sure that the Craft International members were actually revealed to be National Guard CST. Craft International also isn't even close to what /r/conspiracy has claimed they are.

My opinions on CISPA are only tangentially related to the Boston bombings. Do I trust everything the government has to say? No, not at all. But I also don't thing everything they say is a lie, either, which appears to be why I've received so many downvotes when I try to get real evidence from someone trying to support some absurd theory.

Well put. Rabbit holes never look like much from the surface, so YES - some questions are going to look odd if they pertain to things that have never been analyzed or questioned in the past. Time might go by, and the rabbit hole turns out to be simply a rabbit hole. Or not.

What I've been noticing is a bunch of "well I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but..." I do have multiple accounts and I have been on red dit since august. I have never seen so much pro government pro police bullshit and to be honest, I'm getting tired of it.

There are just a lot of comments lacking substance. Telling someone how dumb they are for stating their opinion is definitely in line with absolutely zero substance.


I see what you did there.

That's a two way street, though.

I've definitely been on the side of the police in many of my arguments about the Boston Marathon, but I've tried to be as level-headed as possible. My points are based on observable evidence, and I try to limit conjecture, but I'll still be yelled at because I'm not subscribing to the baseless accusations of many on the subreddit.

Calling someone a "paid shill" simply because you don't agree with them would also be considered a comment with zero substance.

Well, the easiest way to argue is Ad Hominem.

Yes, I agree.. We just need be able to see it, realize it, and speak up. We need to start treating this sub-reddit like we should be treating our fucking constitution..with kid gloves and a big motherfucking gun.

I've never received such comments until this Boston Bombing happened. I am guilty for dishing out something similar against the EMT claiming the guy who had his legs blown off should be dead and was an actor. This partially has to do the fact that I can't stand EMTs.

Is there a particular reason for not liking them?

I know, I shouldn't generalized and make a comment such as this. I am sure there are wonderful, extraordinary EMTs are there are with many professions.

But the many I have encountered in my life have all been quite arrogant, unfriendly, and claim to know it all, such as the one who shamelessly claimed that the man who lost both of his legs as simply an actor.

Source: I am an RN and was a CNA before that.

IMO you are correct about the actor and the prosthesis.

2nd pic lower left near the lady's knee. That's probably HIS foot, I don't think thats prosthetics.

Probably? I don't think? Glad we have investigator reddit on the scene. Fuck investigative journalism. Dead profession.

I've been looking for pics if that gray haired can't find anything with him. Do you know of a link with some pics of him? I haven't read anything about him.

I've seen that pic with him standing with the 2 "national guard" guys but I never saw the video. Here is a still that shows what looks like a bag strap across his back.

He had two straps on. The one remaining you can see that it is attached to something. The big heavy bag on the other shoulder is gone apparently. Do you see it differently?

I did see only the bag and strap on the left. I'm on my phone so it pixelates on pinch to zoom. So yes as you say it is interesting. I can change my thoughts with pieces of evidence I haven't seen. I'm not here to start a war of words. The whole thing stinks. I just get pissed at being called a shill, I just want to see some type of evidence. There were so many photos and I hadn't seen the gray haired guy before so thanks for pointing him out to me.

With all the constant shilling, sometimes it's hard to see. Sorry if I offended you and mistook you for the shill shenagians that are overtaking this sub. This story has them scrambling. It's really pathetic to watch, AND to know you are paying for it too.

I understand, they are relentless and here just to bash us and misinform.

You do know I was being sarcastic? You were the one who agreed he was an actor and those were prosthetics.

Not with all the /r/consparatard bullshit going on in this subreddit. ok.

Im glad I'm not the only one that's getting tired of this crap.


So where do you draw the lines on what can be considered a "fact"? I'm honestly curious.

They conveniently forget that they watch The Daily Show before they come in here, which stirs as much government distrust as Alex Jones or this subreddit.

Leave my TDS alone, bro! ;)

Jon Stewart is my favorite non-news newsman. :)


wasn't there a denial of service attack the night of the manhunt?

I think the problem has more to do with how mainstream (for lack of a better term) r/conspiracy has become. That coupled with the fact that r/conspiracy used to be about conspiracies that actually had a backing in reality rather than based on a minor mistake a reporter or cop made. Even worse we seem to be getting a lot of "this Facebook page was made too early" on every single event that takes place anywhere in the world. I'm no corporate shill, but I've been downvoting things that are based on hearsay and/or downright poor reporting. When I see something on here that really speaks to me and has a great theory to back it, I upvote.

TL;DR Stop proposing such crappy theories and you'll stop getting downvoted. Early Facebook pages are not theories or conspiracies. You're just dumb.

"The cop's didn't do a single good thing during the entire event" - The people of boston seem to think differently.

Then they're obviously all paid shills.

Which is fine by one said everyone had to agree with my opinions. Personally I have no more fucks to give about what other people think. If you enjoy being pulled out of your home at the point of a gun because two guys are supposedly running around causing trouble then you deserve what comes next..

"If you enjoy being pulled out of your home at the point of a gun" - Can you link me to a source for this. I haven't heard anything about it.

its on the front page of r/conspiracy.. titled "Is this REALLY america?"

Fair enough but you seem to be making out it's a lot worse than it actually is. There was a guy with a gun and bombs on the loose and they were looking for him. It's not like they did it just because they could. They might of been over zealous but I'm sure the people in Boston were fine with it which is all that matters really.

Im making it out to be worse then it is? no I am making it out to be exactly what it was.. Innocent people were taken out of their homes at gun point for no reason other then to appease the cops and make them feel more safe while they are trying to catch suspects..

This was never about the innocent being safe and the new's has even commented on the fact that cop's don't know what they are walking into so they have to go in gun's drawn at the ready.. Like I said before I don't care if the cop's are searching for satan in the flesh in my hometown..

if you come into my house with a weapon drawn with no search warrant you are probably getting shot, or I am. That goes for cop's, burglar's, terrorist's, spies, anyone. I don't give a flying fuck if your fucking Zeus coming in on a lightning bolt.

If a cop wants to come to my door without a weapon drawn and with a badge and name tag fully displayed then maybe he can ask to come in and do a search with me...maybe...but I will still remain armed in my own home whether he comes in or not.

No reason? They were looking for people who had already killed people and were armed. In that kind of situation where they are looking for someone who is armed, are you seriously going to shoot a policeman after they knock on your door and ask you step outside for a moment while they search your house?

Not going to shoot but I will politely tell them my home is extremely secure and they can fuck right off. My rights are important...sorry, not sorry.

So glad to see people speaking up about this!!!

I love how on my screen you were instantly down voted...par for the course I suppose.

Holy crap, I noticed that too. Thanks for telling me!

Everything I posted or submitted on here received at least one nearly instant downvote. Faster than they could have read the submission I think!

yea there is definitely a mass media campaign now painting the boston police as heroes specifically comparing them to the LAPD... "when it counts" mentality at work, and it's working.

It was a great move on their part. But it's not like we aren't fighting with our own media campaign.

you're really not.... not that many people go on reddit sorry.

Did I say anything about reddit?

The entire internet is a blaze with curious american's(oh and the rest of the world) wanting to know what really went down this last week. As much as lies are being spouted, the truth too is being spread. So again I say it was a great move on their part but there are a lot of people not falling for it...and a lot more people tired of the lies and looking for answers outside of their usual paradigm.

sorry, not sorry.

and no significant change was made...

There is no change needed on my part. I am not degrading you by any means..

your comment lacked substance, reason, and logic. I made a statement saying we were fighting the lies with truth and you basically shot it down by saying "your really not..not that many people go on reddit sorry." I would disagree with that sentiment from beginning to end.

k go fight your lies with truth on the internet... the place where the ignorant masses go to become informed /s

Well.. you're here.

But how much retarded bullshit can one look at before they must intervene?

In my opinion....the people who listen to the mainstream stories listen to much more retarded shit then us hahaha

Last I checked, if your ideas don't stand up under scrutiny, and you deny the right for people to scrutinize your ideas, then they are very flimsy ideas in the first place. Are you seriously trying to censor your own subreddit after how crazy about the first amendment you guys are? Some serious cognitive dissonance here.

How is it censorship to say that r/conspiracy is fucking r/conspiracy and we should be checking the leads most other places aren't..? The only people trying to stifle the debate are the ones coming in and saying "their guilty! period! done! lets go to sleep!"


then you'll be told how little credibility you have because of your posting history... kind of obvious. why so much effort boys? something to hide maybe?

Someone had to break the silence.. It's getting out of hand.

I love this sub-reddit and I refuse to see it trampled on.


I saw a definite spike of interest in this sub after the fast and furious and james holmes fiasco. It wouldn't be surprising to hear that they have been spying for years..

do you really think reddit is important enough for the government to give two shits about?

it isn't. no online community is.

4chan apparently is. manufacturing consent requires it.

on 4chan they even try to match the posting style they expect people to use, it's really pathetic. they are trying REAL hard to bury this one. It shows.

I'm sure most of the new pro-official story reddit users in /r/conspiracy are paid government shills.

I can think of no better way to make yourself stupid than to convince yourself that no one could possibly have an honest disagreement with you, and to count all disagreement as evidence of being a "shill."

I've now developed the habit of instantly tagging anyone who uses the word "shill" to refer to people who disagree with them as a "Delusional Fuckwit."

Guess what you just got tagged as, bro.

Still making friends in this sub I see. How the fuck did you get one thousand-odd karma in 22 days by being so vitriolic?

Occasionally I'm very witty.

I'm not your bro.

Okay, I'm down with /r/conspiracy staying golden, and I guess I'm not saying you're wrong here, but can you walk me through why the hell anyone would pay anyone else to shill for the government on a subreddit devoted to conspiracy theories? I can't even imagine what the benefit would be.

Because most of the shit talked about around here is the actual truth, excluding shit about aliens and reptilian comedy gold. (Not trying to be mean to anyone that believes in that, but it's really funny to me).

Reddit is becoming more and more relevant and popular.

If government wants to successfuly manipulate public opinion it has to take reddit seriously, even if it's /r/conspiracy.

Current Alexa rank: 122.

In other words, no, they really don't. If they were going by "popularity," we'd have LiveJasmin models complaining about government shills too.

They already have your balls, pretty much. They don't need your conspiracy subreddit.

And How!


Fair enough.. but I don't want to get off topic. This sub-reddit is filled with more hate then a kkk convention in chicago. Why? I think some of us know why.


I am not seeing the rage/hate, either. Certainly heated emotions, but I've been all over this sub for a while and I don't understand comparisons to KKK. There is a subculture, here, that can be anti-jewish. I've seen that. Isn't that always a part of conspiracy culture. I disagree with anti-Semitism, but will tolerate looking at an idiot's post in order to converse with others who are not so hate-filled.

Long story, short. If this sub were filled only with hate, I wouldn't be here. I'd have left for a place of more sensible discussion.

Downvoters gonna downvote but they ain't gonna explain themselves.

Put your pissy bitch antics aside. Just because a top rated post may be crazy doesn't mean there won't be good information in the comments that could lead to something. Sometimes it takes a crazy off the wall no way in hell post to offer a side of the truth we might not have thought of so far.

edit: stop being ass holes and bitches just because something doesn't jive with you.. Likewise if it perturbs you so much then maybe r/conspiracy isn't the place for you. Every idea should be looked at and examined.. no matter how crazy it might sound.

Perhaps if your arguments were more compelling, they wouldn't attract so much criticism?

Just a suggestion.

This is my biggest gripe with the subreddit.

If I poke holes in your argument, I'm not "out to get you" and I'm not a "paid shill", I'm merely pointing out the faults of your argument and trying to get you to see them.

If it's any comfort, that sort of behavior goes on in pretty much every subreddit I've ever seen. They just have different names to call you.

Yeah, I've just seen that the people saying "shill" seem to be much more... angry about it.

I find it especially funny because in the sidebar are the words: "This subreddit is a thinking ground, above all else we respect everyone's opinions", but there appears to be an unwritten "unless of course your opinion goes against the grain of the subreddit" that follows that.

If you used this same passion to poke holes in the official stories imagine the things you would discover!

Funnily enough, the official stories aren't normally made out of wet tissue paper, unlike many of the "conspiracy theories" I find here on /r/conspiracy.

actually they usually are, but thankfully we have people like you that ignore the glaring ones yet can turn around and find every hole in someone being skeptical's argument

Lol, k.

Please, find me a theory you believe that actually stands up to even the lightest of inquiries. You're not allowed to use baseless conjecture, and you're not allowed to make scientific/legal claims that have no basis in science/law, either. Those parameters alone seem to chop the legs out from under about 95% of conspiracies that I've seen.

Like I said before if you used that same scrutiny to the official stories we're fed constantly you'd actually be getting somewhere instead of being a dick to people on a conspiracy forum.

Most of the official stories actually stand up to scrutiny, though. That's why I don't post about all the "holes" I find in them... because they're not there.

And to be fair, I've only been a dick to people who were first dicks to me. Whenever I have a dissenting opinion, I post it as concisely and non-inflammatory as possible. It's often the "true" /r/conspiracy users who begin with the name calling and arguments.

Perhaps if you didn't speak about your own subjective opinion as if it were gospel, we could meet in the middle.

I'm not the one pushing a hypothesis.

I will, however, put any interesting hypotheses to the test. I don't even charge.

I'm not the one pushing a hypothesis.

I'm not either. I'm asking atomic questions that stand alone without a giant conspiracy to tie them together. I'm making observations that stand alone, when the topic of discussion is finding things that seem suspicious or with ulterior motives, or conflicts of interest. It doesn't mean I buy into all of it. EVERYONE is selfish, myself included. We all have agendas, I just choose to be honest about mine. I value honesty.

With all the big events of the last week, I think a lot of people thought, "I wonder what they think over at /r/conspiracy." Then they didn't like what they saw and had a big downvote party. "How dare you talk that way about the police and government! They are being so brave out there!" It is like a nation wide Stockholm Syndrome.

I agree as well and think in another week or so they will get bored and unsubscribe. I decided to stumble upon here after the bombing to get a different perspective on things, but I'm not one of the people down-voting to hell.

I came here about a month ago because I am skeptical about the big conspiracy theories (Illuminati and the New World Order and the like) and was looking for a place to find solid arguments against those theories. I didn't come to downvote everyone and talk a bunch of shit though. More looking for discussion. I stick around because I do believe that there are some pretty big conspiracies that should be talked about, and I like to see that here. I think whatever side of it you are on, you should be welcome here, as long as you are being respectful and actually contributing to the conversation. So comments that just bash people for being "sheeple" or for being "conspiracy loonies" should both be downvoted so we can get through the bullshit and discuss some real things.

I am ranting now, so I will stop there.

Rant away, that's what this sub is for!

IMO, Illuminati and NWO do not matter at this stage. A NWO does not require an Illuminati and trying to learn and decide for yourself whether either exist is like trying to learn calculus before addition and subtraction.

If you would accept; my advice would be to learn as much as you can regarding how money is created as debt, which in turn, allows for the control of the majority of the world's economies. This is, IMO, the most immediate and perilous issue facing humanity today.

For your consideration, I have listed some documentaries below that I hope you'll take the time to watch when you have a chance.

Money Masters VERY dry and hard to get through in one sitting, but extremely worth the watch

O Canada, Our Bought and Sold Out Land *Canadian slant but the basics of debt based currency are the same

BBC Century of the Self

I posted a video a couple weeks ago about the creation of the Fed. Big conspiracy, and we deal with it every single day.

I also read Aftershock by Robert B. Reich, which tells of the near future bursting of the government debt and inflation bubbles that will send us into a depression never before experienced. Here is a video from him, but I have not watched it yet, only read the book. I will update after finishing with what I thought about it.

Basically, we are on the same page I think.

Edit: I have made a terrible mistake. In my haste to find the book that I read and a video about it, I provided the wrong one. This is the actual book. Same name, easy mistake. Didn't remember the authors so I went with the other video. That video, which I am only half way through, is putting off a big Socialist vibe. His solution for recession, as far as I can tell, is to increase government debt and pump money into the economy, creating inflation. So his "solution" is the very problem that the real book I read is about. Video from that book.

STAY!!! You'll regret it if you don't...


How paranoid can one become?

thats mostly just people joking around...

oh and to the fbi interns reading this, just wanted to say hi

oh yeah? they should be thanking us for their fucking paychecks.

bootlicking turds.

That is fucking fightening and that other guy who posed that thread basically saying "it's over for the bad guys" needs to come back to reality and see that.


More like "That's absolutely ridiculous. Anyone in their right mind can tell that's all speculation and opinion" and you can't rally on speculation. It doesn't work that way.

I would agree, if this were /r/news. I don't agree with everything on here, but I am aware of where I am, and I know what this sub is for. It is like going to /r/imgoingtohellforthis and complaining that they are insensitive.

Then they didn't like what they saw and had a big downvote party. "How dare you talk that way about the police and government! They are being so brave out there!" It is like a nation wide Stockholm Syndrome.

This entire subreddit is based on believing whatever story contradicts what "they" are telling us. You want there to be a conspiracy do you believe without question anything that supports that belief while jumping through hoops to deny what "they" say.

I came over to the sub to see what you guys thought because something about the Boston bombing smelled funny. I was happy to see people who were also questioning the continuity of the info. I may or may not stay.

Keep them nostrils open long enough and you will smell a whole lot of funny stuff.

I agree. I think it's less a government plot, and more good ol' internet trolls, which seem to be smelling more like 4chan every day.

The fact that you even suspect that it is a government plot to downvote your uninformed, fucktarded pictures with microsoft paint arrows that can be debunked in 30 seconds is part of the reason you're being downvoted. Your theories are bad and you should feel bad.

I'm glad your here to get their back.

Hopefully they don't stick around too long. I can see how everyone was desperate for some kind of answers, so they came here to see what could be offered. They didn't like it, so they can see themselves out.

Edit: I am really confused how the post has over 100 upvotes, and the top comments are in the 20s, but then pretty much every comment after is negatives. Any theories on why this is? It is like a bunch of people said, "Yeah, I agree with this post and some of these comments, but everything after is fucking dumb."

"Yeah, I agree with this post and some of these comments, but everything after is fucking dumb."

I probably would've lost interest now if that hadn't happened on MULTIPLE threads. Take note spooks. You can appeal to our ADHD by leaving us alone.

This is not the case! These are mostly paid shills! This trend of people trying to downplay that or deny it is most likely coming from them as well. Not saying you sir are, but they are definitely upvoting this comment. They are not stupid, and often use tactics like pretending to agree with conspiracy theories in general but act like said submission is stupid/debunked/outrageous.

Noticed that every time the words " paid chills" is mentioned, that post gets downvoted instantly. Just watch and take notes.

Maybe because saying that "shills" are being paid to come on reddit and downvote things is crazy.

Maybe you underestimate the size of Reddit and the influence it has.
It is a fact that there are corporations and other groups that actually pay people to alter the perception of the public in regards to their public image. It is also interesting to note how US military have developed software that enables one user to control hundreds of fake user profiles in forums and social media.

I am not claiming that the US government is deeply involved in manipulating opinions on Reddit! But i think we should be more aware of the possibility that corporations and other groups uses paid "shills" to sway public opinion. It would not be the first time this is done, so why not here? We should just not underestimate the length some people are willing to go to control information.

i think it is the other way around, some people are overestimating the size and influence of reddit. The only thing i actually do believe is that some underpaid interns probably troll around for mentions of the company they work at and then relay the info to community managers and the like so they know what the popular opinion of their product is.

some people are overestimating the size and influence of reddit

Some people like CNN? Obama did a fucking AMA here. Get over it; reddit is mainstream.

no, Facebook is mainstream, instagram is mainstream, twitter is mainstream, reddit is that offchute stream that fills up every now and then in a big storm

I appreciate the calm, reasonable response. And I agree that reality is probably somewhere in the middle (as with most most disagreements). It probably happens, but no where near the level that people in r/conspiracy think it does.

That is what i hope to see in here. We need to be able to discuss things openly and with respect regarding each others viewpoints.

I agree that it is not as rampant as some might believe, but we need to take extra care when important issues are discussed on Reddit, so we do not get thrown off the trail that day when it might really matter.

Right, online sockpuppetry is something that is far too 1337 for government hackers.

Give me a break. This comment and the fact that the 2 preceding it were downvoted to -4 is proof of the OP's point. This forum is totally saturated with, yes, contracted government and private merc shills, sockpuppets of all kinds and 4chan rejects. Sad.

It seems everything is getting downvote spammed, not just opinions for or against.

Not saying you're a shill, but the trolls see irony in not downvoting you. ;)

Yup, /r/conspiracy and /r/libertarian (and others too?) have both been besieged by asshats and duchebags who's favorite line is ... "show me your work/I'll check your work."

edit = its a down voting party at my place, BYOdV

Don't post bullshit you can't back up.

I take it you are one of the afore mentioned individuals...

I take it you blather on about nonsense you can't substantiate

I take it you can't substantiate nonsense you blather on about

ridiculous. this is r/conspiracy, not r/forensicevidence or r/science

don't ask for impossible proof, or proof that hasn't had a chance to be elucidated. absence of proof is not proof of absence.

It is for god.

this isn't r/religion or r/atheism.

and it might be for a small fraction of believers in god.. faith by definition doesn't require proof. just like these shills and pigs that get paid to warp your opinion to believe in their stories.

I admit, I was just trolling. Sorry.

They're either too lazy or too stupid to do a basic google search. Fuck them.

There is a difference between favoring the police and government and favoring the truth.

the truth that who told you?

I agree, but who really knows the truth. It's not like people go on the internet and tell lies.

I agree as well, but while /r/conspiracy is a great place to talk about potential conspiracies, it is a bit absurd to think literally everything is a conspiracy. Some things that the government tells us are true.

it is a bit absurd to think literally everything is a conspiracy.

Absolutely, and people get carried away, but that's not what happened here as much as a bunch of new people rolled in and started shitting on anyone for speculating. On the other end of that, I don't think anyone should EVER act on that speculation.

If no one ever questions it though, how do you have the assurance of your own view?

You don't. It's OK to question it. Hence the subreddit. Be objective and don't take shit, and things will be OK. Be subjective and deal shit, and people will be negative right back. Funny how that works.

funny how you say its ok to question things here and yet call for people to be banned if they disagree with you

I only call for people to be banned if they're being belligerent or trolling people to get a response. I don't think there's anything wrong with disagreeing anyone.

EDIT EDIT EDIT: Let's name names and read comment histories, and ban them if they are all negative attacks, as opposed to objective discussions.

Didn't mention any trolling there, all you said was 'if all they say is negative lets ban them'

You quoted me and then misquoted me. Impressive. Most impressive.

There's a difference between looking at someone's history and seeing someone dissenting constructively, and trolling the ever loving shit out of a sub.

then you should have mentioned trolling, all you mentioned was negative comments i.e dissenting. edit your message to be clearer then.


now you've edited to say,

negative attacks OR blatant trolling

Do you understand the difference between and, and or?

This hasn't negated your statement calling for people to be banned who have different opinions since it still says 'lets ban those who only post negative stuff'

I'm not going to even dignify that with a response. Wait, I just did. DAMMIT!

Look I'm all for a good conspiracy theory discussion. I'm not for someone just blathering on about what might have happened, despite evidence to the contrary, without sources or any semblance of proof. Example: we won't ever see the FBIs proof/evidence because it doesn't exist. Really? I was unaware you had access to all the public and confidential evidence in this case.

A good conspiracy theory must have a basis in all the facts and evidence. Taking a few photos and telling me a story about what could have happened based on your selected photos despite other evidence which contradicts your story is just instilling confusion and false facts into the discussion and should be down voted.

And yet you still get downvotes for expressing skepticism. Please, /r/conspiracy, learn that skepticism isn't necessarily negative. The difference between pro-establishment people and skeptics is that the former will always express doubt while the latter will only express doubt if they feel there is no evidence to back up claims. This is how science works and why we aren't in the dark ages anymore.

Science doesn't automatically side with the Establishment.

There needs to be skepticism on both sides. But this is the one sub that we shouldn't be downvoting anti-establishment skepticism. Even the crazy shit can be entertaining.

In fact, maybe we should get rid of the downvote button. Some subs do.

Yea, I think the downvote brigade thing is ridiculous and silly even though I don't agree with some of the subreddit's content. It's probably just a bunch of kids who think they're 4chan users because they spam and downvote certain subreddits, just because they don't like them or whatever. It's not like this subreddit is known for raiding others, so I don't really mind it.

If you de-select that box "Use subreddit style" near the top of the page you get your downvote button back. It's just a skin.

This might be one of the best posts so far this year.

what might have happened

That's the point of theorizing.

what if the conspiracy is the conspiracy

you guys are chasing your own tail

could be

what if the conspiracy is the conspiracy

Yes, then what ? The interpretation changes. They say there's no smoke without fire, and we see the whole valley covered in smog. I think the many layers of disinformation work as proof there's something fishy.

Even without the general disinformation/mass media I definitely give weight to the likelihood that any powers that be would have in interest in the fall out of bad things having a positive effect on pushing public opinion toward specific ideas but people with a perception of having no power are prone to lash out, if the outcome benefits those in power, it doesn't negate the intentions of the accused as independent and irrational.

Nothing that happened in Boston dismisses the facts that American liberty is in decline, but I'd be willing to bet things in Boston were not as much an attack or destruction of liberty, but in fact an example of a far-to-wide grey area, that turned out brighter than expected.

No one died beyond the immediate bombing victims/gunned down cop & 1 of the accused. That's something that in and of itself I think is fucking amazing. We can debate it's financial and sociological cost forever but through luck, rampaging cops, or magic, law enforcement managed to prevent more deaths. Wouldn't we be debating forever on what more they should have done to secure the area/stop the guys if even a single more bystander was killed, by suspects or by cops?

Lets never stop questioning people that exercise power beyond our own, but let us be wary that our mindset does not blind us to our achievements. If we approach anything with fanaticism we do yourselves an injustice long before any person or entity can decree one upon us or scare us into submission. It is only with the persistence of rational discussion and positive influence from individuals that we can save eachother from eachother, but we'll see how that goes.

I'm with you on holding the horses, we're not here to be part of the problem. Deceit and manipulation are rampant in more than the Boston incident, I was reasoning in that general context. As I've already tried to say before, people in so called power aren't above others and are affected by the same vices or virtues we cultivate from the ground up. If people pursue illusions, we'll get ruled by illusions. We have the leaders we deserve in a very real sense.

The cops shut down an entire city for an entire day and found NOTHING.

The ENTIRE CITY OF BOSTON was told to shelter in place. The cops found NOTHING.

We're still waiting to find out how the cops went from requesting images online from the public to being so certain that they needed to do all this, and then still not being effective.

Liberty is so precious that even the slightest of concessions need to be highly scrutinized.

EDIT: And they don't seem to have been able to get either suspect without killing him. Why? The whole city was shut down and the suspect was completely surrounded yet he's incredibly close to death. It's normal to seek answers. The police chief spoke publicly that the cops brought justice to the case and it is now closed. Obama spoke publicly of the case being closed. Well, we should all be expecting to learn of some pretty damming evidence at some point.

The cops shut down an entire city for an entire day and NO ONE ELSE WAS KILLED

i can use caps too

That is totally valid. I certainly have no problem with that, but others seem to project much more dubious conclusions onto the minds of the various posters here.

but of course, this place can get crazy some times

...pass the tinfoil

crinkle crinkle


It is certainly true with reptilians, HAARP, and even chemtrails.

why don't they just put the lizards on planes powered by wind?

get three birds stoned at once

Upvoted for Rickyism and because.

It's interesting how that can work both ways, and yet you pretend it doesn't.

oh for sure

at least the BPD didn't shoot people like the LAPD :P

This is true.

Just because it is posted on /r/conspiracy doesn't mean that people need to necessarily agree with everything you are saying. Perhaps what you are saying is incorrect or completely absurd and people do not agree with you...hence the downvotes? Ever think of that? Or are we going to have a conspiracy about THAT too?

Just because it is posted on /r/conspiracy doesn't mean that people need to necessarily agree with everything you are saying.

I agree, and I said that. So debunk with facts instead of character attacks. I finally saw at least ONE brother holding a dark backpack. Before yesterday I'd only seen one of the two with a light grey backpack, and we haven't seen any pictures of that exploded. I'm ready to admit that, given enough evidence, that we're wrong. It's not just the lack of evidence. It's the tone that the mainstream opinion of social media has shifted to. I just saw reddit get blamed for the security guard's death.

I've seen quite a few instances where facts were used, yet completely disregarded. I have seen a lot of questions asked and then factually answered. I think it's the inability for a lot of the question askers to take fact as a proper answer. Thus the brigade of downvotes.

There are other less justified reasons for downvotes but this is also a huge issue. Questions being answered but not accepted.

Everyone is entitled to say aloud what they're thinking

Let's name names and ban them if they are all negative

I love how you dopes employ the same whacked out logic consistently! This is officially the most hilarious sub on all of reddit.

I love how you dopes

I love how you start sentences in stark contrast to what was just said.

I was quoting you. I didn't say that. You said that this is a place for a free exchange of opinions and ideas...unless those opinions are negative. Then they should be banned. Brilliant.

If they are attacks, yes. Negative and controversial mean two different things.

LOL...apparently "negative" means finding flaws in the crackpot theories floated here.

So you are totally free to express your long as they don't go against the community.

LOL...apparently "negative" means finding flaws in the crackpot theories floated here.

No... negative means not explaining the flaws and calling people crackpots.

An opinion is an opinion. If you're going to float a ridiculous theory, support it with nothing other than flimsiest of conjecture, deny any and all credible evidence then you should be called out on that. That's part of a healthy discussion. Instead those people are being banned.

That's all fine. This sub can conduct itself anyway it wants. Just be honest about what you are. Don't pretend to be a paragon of openness and truth when you most certainly are not.

An opinion is an opinion. If you're going to float a ridiculous theory

What's my theory? I haven't even formed any theories.

nothing other than flimsiest of


then you should be called out on that. That's part of a healthy discussion.

I agree, but that is not what's happening. If you call people dopes, mental cases, question their sanity, or otherwise attach their character, and not the case, you've gone off the rails and deserve your reprimand.

Sorry - I wasn't pointing the finger directly at you. I was speaking in general.

If you call people dopes, mental cases, question their sanity, or otherwise attach their character, and not the case, you've gone off the rails and deserve your reprimand.

I can't argue against this. I was under the impression that you were advocating the banning of people who consistently disagreed with the theories posited here.

Not at all. Disagree, but disagree respectfully and with facts. That would be helpful, and don't get pissed when the ones who don't care for facts get belligerent. Not everything is a conspiracy, but conspiracies are the topic of discussion.

This is not the /r/conspiracy I originally joined. That's why I downvote. Spinning your wheels and coming up with neat entertaining ways of looking at things if fine. Condemning something based on opinion and speculation is not fine. Beleive it or not, being against the government is still a minority and it will continue to be a minority until this trend of hating anything you don't understand passes. It's not entertainment anymore. Now you are pressing serious allegations and guess what, that irritates a lot of people.

So in your opinion. They have caught the real Boston bombers?

I don't know. But I'm not calling wolf. I agree they were awfully young and I do think they should have done more investigation first but the thing is no one really knows what went on there. And I'm not saying its a conspiracy all I'm saying is I don't know. And I like it that way. You can call me a sheep all you want but I want to live my life happy and bringing this negativity into it doesn't make me happy. What makes me happy is knowing that I'm being a good person and that I stick up for the little people when I can. If I would have been in a situation to really talk to the guys I may have a better formed opinion but there's nothing I can say because I honestly don't know. And as much as I want to think the best of those two young men I also want to think the best of the people who captured him. Everyone has a side of a story

So you sellout future generations so you can be happy?

Yes. Because when I'm dead I won't give a damn about future generations. And nothing is for certain. I'm not going to waste my life on something that might be happening.

So that's what you are doing here? Saving the future generations? You seriously think that posting on reddit is the way to save future generations? Especially when you are up against the illuminati, lizardmen and all that stuff?

Just admit to yourself that the only reason you are doing this is entertainment. If you would really want to help future generations you could for example try rooting out corruption in politics and getting your ass outside and actually doing something helpful. Not sit at home and come up with speculative "what if..."-s.

Now you are pressing serious allegations

'9/11 truth' isn't a serious allegation?

That was taken more lightly. This is something everyone is buying into. And based on what?

All my comments asking for evidence or any kind of proof got downvoted, so I guess you're wrong there. . . . .


Why should I look for evidence when some one else is trying to pass their opinion off as fact? It's up to them to provide it.


You can't compare the two. If there was a topic in the jazz subreddit that contained posts by people stating that they had evidence and facts for things then I would ask for those facts and evidence, and I think they would probably provide it.

Lots of posts here state something is fact or there is a vast amount of evidence for something, yet fail to back it up. Which is annoying because I wanted to read about it so I could form an opinion, instead of making ill informed opinions based on made up crap.....


No I didn't miss those questions, they were irrelevant so I didn't answer them.

I think you seem to have made up a few things. I never once said everything here is bs, just the bs that people post and don't back up. They claim that it's fact when it's not.

I never said I was special, you made that up too.

If you're trying to help open peoples eyes you don't post things as fact and fail to back them up, only to then call them sheep because they don't believe the crap that's been posted with no evidence. . . . .


No, they're irrelevant because they're irrelevant.... I answered them so I honest don't know what more you want, there's evidence up there that I answered them if that helps, I won't point you to where it is though. You'll have to find that yourself.....

If some one makes a claim its up to them to provide the support for that claim, not just ignore any questions about this so called fact.

The "you" I stated was "you the community", not you the person.

You're fighting a losing battle, no one in their right mind would believe something with no evidence.


I gave straight answers and answered questions, you just chose not to accept them. That's up to you, I can't force you to take them.

You'll have to do your own research on where I look I'm afraid. (see it doesn't work does it) Every news site I visit, Twitter, YouTube etc. Although I suspect you won't accept those answers either.

Although I never stated that I visit other sites, so that's another irrelevant question.

Again I never stated whether or jot people here were in their right mind, you seem to be making an awful lot of stuff up.

Edit: ironic. You seem to be the one asking all the questions, yet you complain about me asking questions which there was only one, asking for evidence.


What's the diversion? You've lost me, you seem to be dodging everything.

Each time I answer you just ask more questions....


Again this is irrelevant, all I asked was for people to provide evidence after they had stated their self made facts.

You've so far asked many more questions than I did and now you're asking more questions based on those statements you made up. . . . (which was not the point of this, all I asked was for evidence)

I've got no doubt that the second I stop answering these questions you'll call me a shill, troll or proclaim victory over the battle you've imagined in your head.

So here's my last answer, one of the channels on YouTube I visit is The Alex Jones channel. Not that any of that matters because I never once stated that I visited other sources.....


Yes, one of them. That was in response to you asking what other sites I visited (I never stated that I visited other sites in the first place), you seem to be ignoring that fact.

I'm done, feel free to wage your own little war, you've lost though and lost long ago when you started deviating from the actual point.

Back on topic please, no more made up rubbish.

Just ignore him. He did the same thing to me when I asked for evidence. We got into a multiple-hour long "argument" where he just accused me of being an idiot/not being smart enough to find my own evidence, when all I asked was for the evidence he had used to support his argument.

He started to get downvoted for his childish approach to the situation, so he deleted his comments, and I assume he'll do the same again here.

Most likely. Ironic that he calls you the idiot, yet only an idiot would swallow something with no evidence. . .

Or get frustrated when the other side of the argument asks for evidence to support your claim. Also, whenever I give my evidence, I get called a "sheeple" or "shill" for believing... well... believing the evidence.

I think they just realised their argument doesn't make sense. He's/she's not the brightest


Everything you have asked I have answered. Open your eyes you sheep.


Not hard at all. It's besides the point.

I was asking for evidence based on something that person said, you're asking me to provide evidence based on things you've either assumed or asked. Completely different.



Very cunning. Dodge all logic and focus on irrelevant issues to claim a victory.

That doesn't work here. If you don't know why it's irrelevant I'm more than happy to explain for you.


Most likely your own bullshit....

I'm not dodging anything. Like I said I answered you and the questions you're asking are irrelevant.

If you don't understand why, just ask.

The burden of proof is on the person making the claims, not the person asking for evidence. You stated I visited other sites then asked which ones, not me. You've made up all of these points you're arguing, not me. You're arguing against your own statements.

Which is why I ask for evidence when some one states a "fact", what's so hard to understand about that?


I've not used him as a source....

Keep going, your ironic stupidity is making my day at work more enjoyable. . . . .


I have nothing to provide sources for, I've not made any statements....

You need to see a doctor.


You said it was the only source, not me. You're arguing against yourself.

Who said I was trying to debunk them? I just wanted evidence to support their theories so I could make my own decisions. Like I said in the beginning.......


The proof of burden is on you, you're the one making the claims, not me. That's how it works.......


Yet you can't understand that people need evidence for a logical discussion...... Come back when you're older.


You're actually not right in the head.....


You'll be waiting a long time, I'm still waiting for a response to my questions.


I told you I don't answer irrelevant questions. How are those questions in anyway relevant?


You're whole argument is that you shouldn't have to provide proof. Do you know how retarded you sound?

I've answered every question you've asked me, you've avoided and ignored every question I've asked you.

I've told you my intentions many times. Because you clearly can't comprehend them, I'll write them here again.

I want to form my own opinions on events using all the evidence available. If some one states that the bombers used c4/black powder/were trained by the FBI I want to read their evidence because it's interesting and would help form my opinion.

Feel free to keep posting, you won't get a response, you're just wasting my time now. Come back when you're an adult and not a fuck-wit.



About 70% of your posts contain personal insults towards me. Grow up. I'm done, fool. Go try and troll someone else.


Take a look at all of your posts to me (Or have you deleted them?) One of the first ones called me fucking lazy, went off ranting and swearing for some unknown reason.

Grow up. Bye.

You're doing the same thing with arn1905 that you did with me, Nineteen. You're completely avoiding his request for evidence, and you're instead going about insulting him by trying to flit around the question with no grace whatsoever.

Are you going to delete your side of this argument as well when you realize that you don't actually have a point?


Okay, dad.

Outed as a troll. A troll that can't form a logical argument....


I've answered all questions whilst you've ignored them all. The proof is there.

Grow up and come back when you can form an argument. I don't speak to 13 year olds on the internet, it's weird.


Irrelevant, as I said before. . . . You might aswell be asking what my favourite colour is.


Because I asked for proof? Got proof I'm full of shit? I thought not...

Then attack it on logical fallacies. No one is saying there isn't bullshit in this sub. They're saying everyone is strolling in, taking a shit on people, downvoting, and not actually engaging in anything more than internet temper tantrums.

"Got proof for that? Or is it just another theory that can't be proved or disproved? I heard that the kids were investigated a while back, but haven't seen much else."

My response to some one stating some of their "Facts" that they couldn't provide evidence for. Their response was to me asking for evidence (I was genuinely interested) because a lot of people on here state something is fact, then fail to provide any kind of evidence to support their statement and just leave the comments to get down voted so they don't have to reply.

You can see it in pretty much every topic in this sub, it's making this place a joke.

How did you ask?

All you do is nay say on this subreddit. That's ALL you do with this account.

I only have this account and would like to see the evidence to these wild accusations so that I can form my own opinions. What's wrong with that? you probably dig at people that you call sheeple, yet you're willing to blindly follow something and state it's fact without any proof. Who are the real sheeple there?

I think something is a bit of with these bombing, bit you've got to show two sides to the sort with points, anyone that's gone through school knows that. Not doing it makes you seem uneducated.


Or, perhaps people are *theorizing using deductive reasoning.

An example of a deductive argument:

All men are mortal.
Aristotle is a man.
Therefore, Aristotle is mortal.

If you were living at the time of Aristotle, would you refute this assertion because Aristotle was still alive and there was no "proof" he was not immortal? No. Then let people theorize in a subreddit for theorizing for god sake!

Burden of truth is on the prosecution. Many on /r/conspiracy will claim a ridiculous theory as truth, but then when pressed for any evidence supporting their case they resort to calling the evidence-seeker a "paid shill".

I'm completely willing to change my opinion if I'm given some evidence that goes against my beliefs. That's why I'm not a Republican or a Southern Baptist anymore. However, I need that evidence to be real. A link that brings me to news site I've never heard of with no outside sources isn't evidence.


Well, I'm inclined to think that the JFK assassination may have been more than it seemed.

I don't believe in most "popular conspiracies" because most of them don't have any real evidence to support them. I'm not here to "badger people into my point of view", I'm here to badger them until they give me some information to support their view.

I've noticed that any time I try to get some evidence from someone, they decide to take the time to accuse me of some ulterior motive.

And, actually, what does my asking for information have to do with my critical thinking skills?


Okay, you're obviously not even trying to be level-headed about this.

I'm sorry I got your heart rate up. If you get into a debate in real life, you're expected to bring evidence that supports your argument. If you don't, you're not going to be taken seriously. You're also not going to resort to getting angry and calling someone names, because that's not how shit works in the real world.

You know what most people on reddit call a subreddit that only talks about one thing, and where everyone shares the same opinion? A circlejerk.


Actually yes, I have a theory. Apparently though, my theory is too close to what the news has reported, so I'm not allowed to talk about it. I have photographic and video evidence that seems to actually support my theory, not baseless conjecture like most of the opinions on this subreddit (read: "The Yellow Balloons were a signal used by an FBI agent following the Tsarnaev brothers... despite the fact they were held by a fat woman walking in front of the brothers" and "Craft International Planted the bombs, just look at these pictures that I'm going to show you in non-chronological order that, with specific captions, appear to support my theory")

I'm also trying to participate in a debate by supporting my side of the argument. What exactly would you say you're doing?


See? This is what I'm taking about.

Because I don't subscribe to the conspiracy, my opinion is obviously not even worth talking about to most of you.


You are the problem with /r/conspiracy, dude. Not me.

I'm here, yes as the dissenting opinion, but I treat other people with at least a level of respect.

If you're afraid of people poking holes in your ridiculous assumptions then, by all means, keep dropping into this ridiculous, overly defensive stance. You're going to have a lot of fun in the real world where you're asked to actually defend your opinions, rather than kick and scream on the floor like a child when someone disagrees with you.


I mean "you" as in the the typical /r/conspiracy user (e.g. "Yellow Balloons were a signal", "CRAFT was definitely in on it", etc).

You haven't really made any assumptions, you've just been yelling at me.

I agree with NineteenEightyTwo. Look what you do:

Many on /r/conspiracy will claim a ridiculous theory as truth, but then when pressed for any evidence supporting their case they resort to calling the evidence-seeker a "paid shill".

You make baseless accusations and trash the users of the sub, you don't even give any examples. You are a shitty user of this sub. Go post in r/news.

I didn't say everyone on /r/conspiracy does that, but there are quite a few. These accusation aren't "baseless", I assure you.

Geez, are you complaining about a sudden influx of common sense?

People aren't downvoting your ideas because they blindly trust the government or because they're paid to discredit you. They are downvoting your ideas because they are retarded and embarrassing to the community as a whole.

Common sense!

Oh, but it's not a "conspiracy" perse.

You're correct. We are doing our best to combat this problem.

You guys able to IP ban yet? It would be nice to see if these attacks are deliberate corporate reputation management tactics. Googling came up with at least a dozen firms dedicated to gaming the system for fun & profit.

EDIT: I seem to have touched a nerve. Hmmm

You can often spot shill accounts by browsing an accounts history. Like seeing a couple hundred-thousand posts only dealing with USA military public relations or like the accounts created right after Boston Marathon supporting police / US Govt.

What does my account tell you? I've been called a shill in thus sub for years now

oh, do me too!

Yeah, what does my account tell you? I've only started posting in /r/conspiracy within the last week, but do you think my love of /r/oldschoolcool and /r/mma is enough to mark me for life as a "shill"?

No, because I doubt many astroturfing campaigns focus on the thriving community of MMA.

From my experience since this whole thing started, it hasn't been so much downvoting rational thoughts that people disagree with, but downvoting theories that had already been talked about and debated to death over. A few days ago I saw four separate posts on the front page of this sub talking about the Craft guys. I agree, it should have been talked about when it was first brought up, but after most of the site, including some of the most ardent theorists on this site, debunked it, these posts still kept showing up. So I started downvoting them. It was happening frequently with other subjects too.

I agree that running over the same ground is exhausting, but not everyone experiences everything at the same time. It's kind of like the standard reddit repost, really. Same problem, different sub.

I don't really mind reposts really because when I've seen it happen, it's often a repost of something that was last posted a few days ago. Long enough ago where it's plausible that OP honestly just didn't know that it was already posted. This, however, is different. Four posts on the main page about the same thing? There's not really a plausible excuse for that.

It's obviously a conspiracy!

Look up the word conspiracy. I don't know what mythical, untouchable definition you think it holds. I guess everyone's comments are downvoting themselves.

That one isn't good enough for you? Here you go!

Oh, but it's not a "conspiracy" perse.

2 chicks I sit next to at work were just discussing Boston. These are chicks that only know to talk about what the weather is like, apps on the phones, and what’s for dinner.

But mind you they talked about conspiracy nuts that will have a field day with the Boston explosions.

So I think we have a lot of people with this mindset coming here to see the lunatics in their own habitat.

So I think we have a lot of people with this mindset coming here to see the lunatics in their own habitat.

Exactly. We have a lot of people who came in here with their own hangups and decided to project them onto others.

I too, think the vast majority of conspiracy theories are people spinning their wheels, which they are entitled to do and not feel ridiculed.

I disagree. If you, like many of the Newtown-tards have done, were to asser that a community participated in a child-murder conspiracy -- with no evidence to prove your assertion (and no, the Newtown-tards have no evidence) -- then being ridiculed is what you should expect.


Oh, but it's not a "conspiracy" perse.

Ah, you must be a Newtown-tard.

Does the stupid hurt?

Not as much as this MSM post on Mother Jones, the liberal Newtown-tard blog. Or Greg Ball calling for the torture of American citizens.

So you are a Newtown-tard.

How deliciously awesome.

When will you be traveling to Newtown to inform those folks that they are a part of a Government conspiracy that murdered a bunch of children?

Surely you are man enough to face those you accuse of being a part of this conspiracy?

Surely you are man enough to face those you accuse of being a part of this conspiracy?

As ... whatever as you are ... enough to project that I'm accusing anyone because there are unanswered questions. Go back to 4chan. I'll talk to anyone about anything in person. I'm amazed at the arrogant hypocrisy of your words, because you know no one else is going to read them.

You started this don't-call-me-names thread precisely because you don't like it that people are calling you names.

And why are they calling you names?

Because you think that the people of Newtown are a part of some hey-let's-conspire-with-the-Gubbermint-to-murder-our-children conspiracy. And of course you have ZERO proof of said conspiracy, which means you are just some douche on the internet claiming people were complicit in the murdering of their children.

Yes, this is why you have been shit on; this is why you will continue to be shat upon.

I'm guessing that your non-internet life closely resembles your internet life. :)

You're just rattling off at a wall. I don't even need to be here for it. I won't be.

Are there any other hey-let's-conspire-to-murder-our-children-for-no-reason conspiracies you are digging into?

Nope, you're projections will all come up empty, you batshit crazy person. You're free to look. You seem to have enough time.

batshit crazy person

You do realize that I'm not the one who thinks a town conspired to murder their children and that you, as far as I can tell, do think Newtown is a conspiracy?

You do realize that I'm not the one who thinks a town conspired to murder their children.

And I am? Where did you get that idea?

Read this thread of comments and then answer this question: Of these 2 commenters, which is very probably a Newtown-tard?

Probably the ones who keep saying "newtown" the most. That would be my guess. I bet it would be interesting to run a talley on their entire comment history.

So the person pointing out that only a ball sack-less turd would put forth the proof-less notion that a town conspired to murder its children is obviously also the same person who believes said conspiracy?

I have zero doubt that you actually believe that logic.

I'm just going to let you waste your time. I'm not reading your shit.

Let me guess... you don't like it that someone is calling your fantasies out for the idiocy that they are?



I don't think I've theorized hardly anything. Making observations isn't drawing a conclusion, but in your case, it seems it might be.


In your case, I'd say that's pretty apparent.

It's time to lay down the tinfoil man

It's time for you to find another subreddit. We like tinfoil here.

Fair enough

Henry Kissinger called Golda Meir, the Prime Minister of Israel, paranoid during the Sinai peace talks. Meir replied “Even paranoids have enemies”.

Are their people with great power conspiring, behind the scenes, to manipulate the laws, public opinion, and the governing of our country? Any rational adult with a modicum of history knowledge knows that those things have been happening for nearly a century. There are so many documented incidents, that anyone following the mainstream news for the last 20-30 years knows this. Or knew this, at least.

I posit that many people see things like Watergate as the isolated actions of a single, disturbed politician - not a pattern of behavior for people in power. That despite the weekly stories of politicians and CEOs stepping way outside the law to manipulate event to benefit themselves and their friends.

People want to live in a comfort zone. They also very much want a simple world: one where cops are good guys, anyone arrested is a bad guy, etc. They want to believe that a "good" candidate for president will come along. They just block out the complex and un-solvable complications because looking at things in-depth is just too much.

"Kids getting shot, ban guns, shooting stops" is far more satisfying to support than "Since the 60's, when nearly all public mental institutions were shuttered, there is no longer treatment available for severe mental illness. How do we rebuild a system to deal with severe mental illness now? Especially when laws have evolved since the 60's making institutionalization against one's free will nearly impossible?" It's also a hell of a lot cheaper.

It's also human nature to get pissed when our nose is rubbed in a reality we are trying to deny. So theorist-bashing at a time when hysteria grips the nation is not a big surprise.

Yeah, that was well said, and pretty much my thoughts exactly. It's a well established pattern, so it's not crazy to reiterate that fact or ask questions without jumping to direct conclusions. There's some of that too, but it's insane for people just to blindly discriminate against opinion because of the topic of discussion.

I've been around way too long, and seen way too much, to discard thoughts that are not mainstream. I have a nearly Eidetic memory; I recall almost everything I have ever read. So the stuff that went down 30 years ago pops into my mind when something similar takes place today. I think most people tend to forget all but the biggest issues and news: they remember Watergate, but not the hundreds of other times politicians have betrayed the public trust.

Are the Bilderbergers really planning to throw the useful sorts in FEMA camps and off the rest of us? I don't think so. But on the other hand, I can't say with 100 percent certainty that they are not making such plans, either. I do know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the federal government and the corporations do not advocate for what is best for our country or for the average citizen. And I'm glad to see a growing skepticism among us: I say Question Everything - that's the only way answers are found.

Yep, it's a fuzzy world between Alex Jones and the truth.

Great response lurking in the middle here.

This has been going on for a long time. It's become an alternative news source instead of for conspiracies

I mean, this is a conspiracy sub-reddit, but alot of people here act like everything has to be a conspiracy. Why can't someone believe that the Boston Bombing was real, while simultaneously thinking that the Denver Airport is created in the name of the New World Order? I feel like 'conspiracy theorists' sometimes 'force' themselves into believing conspiracies just because they are conspiracies, instead of being subjective on every case. Not saying that the Boston Marathon wasn't a conspiracy(some factors are really fishy). Also, the mudslinging is unacceptable, but it goes both ways...

The place where I honestly believe that suspicion is a sign of mental illness is when everything has to be a conspiracy, and everything is linked.... like for example..... "The reptilian overlords created a quantum computer within the core of the planet, this computer was discovered by the Nazis through the hole in Antarctica, and it was subsequently inherited by the freemasons that infiltrated the American government after operation paperclip. Since then, the computer has been used to manipulate the minds of people such as the Boston Bombers through radio waves. The reason for this is currently unknown, but my friend who is deep in the project ensures me that they are trying to slowly limit our freedoms until the New World Order emerges.

I don't get your point with the always hilarious wonka. Well atleast with the 'everything has to be a conspiracy'. Just because its a conspiracy reddit doesn't mean that everything has to be a conspiracy.... As in, if there are people disagreeing with a conspiracy, the diehards shouldn't be making threads as if the community is becoming slandered.

So we have a group of people that label themselves as conspiracy theory lovers, and they subscribe to this reddit. If they all believe every single conspiracy they are crazy, as acknowledged by oh yeah wonka. But, if people disagree with the Boston Bombers, they are ostrasized as both not 'conspiracy theorists', not being worthy of particapating in the sub, or the really crazy ones will create a new conspiracy that the new world order is trying to crash the subreddit through fake redditors...

So what I meant by 'everything has to be a conspiracy' is don't act like there is no room for subjective discussion on this reddit. Don't act like people who disagree with you are fueled by even deeper lying conspiracies.

Ask: What if?

Don't say: It is

I don't get your point with the always hilarious wonka.

You just accused conspiracy of buying into conspiracies, thinking everything is a conspiracy, and then you said you think they show signs of poor mental health. You have absolutely no basis for what you said, and in this wonderful comment...

If they all believe every single conspiracy they are crazy,

They don't. You believe they do.

So what I meant by 'everything has to be a conspiracy' is don't act like there is no room for subjective discussion on this reddit. Don't act like people who disagree with you are fueled by even deeper lying conspiracies.

Again, your stating your opinion as fact. I can say for a fact that I do not believe everything in this subreddit, but I'm not browbeating people for it. I get picked up by a cabbie at least once every 3 months that's just as batshit as the worst of /r/conspiracy, but I don't need to make them more uncomfortable by shitting on them.

I'm not browbeating anyone either. What the hell are you talking about?

I'm saying that there should be subjective discussion. People shouldn't be labeled as crazy if they are merely suspcious, and people shouldn't be labeled as not belonging in a subreddit because they voice their disaproval of a conspiracy.

You are a gigantic hypocrite! When I gave an example of what I see as warranting a sign of mental illness as believing that everything is connected; YOU posted the condescending, blatantly obvious wonka, as a reply. The message you obviously tried to send was: "That's obviously crazy" since you posted the same image in response for me saying not everything has to be a conspiracy in r/conspiracy.... "Its obvious that there are conspiracies in r/conspiracy"

I'm calling for subjective discussion, where everyone's comment is equal, and you turn it into me 'browbeating'? Seriously? I was responding to the poster calling out people saying suspicion is a sign of mental illness. I responded you're right! Its not! The only case that it is a SIGN is if everything is a rediculous conspiracy. And YOU agreed with me with the wonka.

'shitting on them' Really? I'm shitting on conspiracy theorists by calling for subjective discussion and mentioning that thinking literally everything is a conspiracy is a sign of mental illness, as opposed to enjoyable suspicion being a sign? FFS dude. WOW.

I'm saying that there should be subjective discussion.

No there shouldn't. Subjectively, everyone creates their own reality.

People shouldn't be labeled as crazy if they are merely suspcious

I agree, but look around. That's what's happening.

You are a gigantic hypocrite! When I gave an example of what I see as warranting a sign of mental illness

I'm a hypocrite for saying you're not qualified to judge the mental health of hundreds of anonymous people? My apologies!

I'm calling for subjective discussion

And it's not welcome or productive. Look up subjectivity and objectivity. Guess which one science likes. I guess I could start saying that the government is a big goon squad because I like radiohead. Is that subjective enough for you?

'shitting on them' Really? I'm shitting on conspiracy theorists by calling for subjective discussion? FFS dude.

You said they have mental health issues. You're not qualified to state that. It's your opinion. Subjectivity is not concrete and it's in the eye of the beholder. Objectivity is the study of things that two observers agree on objectively. Subjectivity is "My remote control is a spaceship and I like ice cream." or "Glenn Beck is a dick." Ok, that's ALMOST objective, but it's still subjective.

Okay... so if this is for merely objective discussion.... then alot of conspiracies shouldn't be here. Where is proof of reptilians? Where is proof of the Boston Bombers not being the real people? Where is proof that the illuminati exists? Where is proof that those contractors were nothing but security forces? Show me proof that CISPA passing is related to this. Show me proof that 9/11 was a conspiracy. Show me proof that the Bohemian Grove, Skull and Bones, Freemasons, are really who you say they are. You are actually calling out subjective discussion on R/Conspiracy? Seriously? Seriously.

This whole thread is subjective discussion..... What we are even arguing now.... is subjective.

YOU ARE A HYPOCRITE! YOU AGREED TO MY EXAMPLE OF CRAZY, YET CONDEMNING ME FOR IT! And saying unreasonable suspicion is a sign for mental illness is like saying a high temperature is a sign for the flu. They are not be mutually exclusive, but, when you find flu, you find a temperature, when you find Schizophrenia, you find unrelenting paranoia. However, at no point did I label myself as qualified, I am supporting the conspiracists by saying, no they are not crazy, but if they believe EVERY FACTOR of their life is a conspiracy. Then they should seek an opinion of someone qualified, because that may be a sign. Enjoyable Suspicion is NOT A SIGN for mental illness, and I said that from the getgo.

I do enjoy you're Glenn beck comment so much that I might upvote you while completely disagreeing with you.

You literally cherry-pick my argument. You say I call conspiracists mental, yet I supported them, and said unreasonable suspicion would be a sign, as opposed to being a conspiracy theorist.

Okay... so if this is for merely objective discussion.... then alot of conspiracies shouldn't be here. Where is proof of reptilians?

We can sit here all day listing infinite possibilities, or you can go make your case. I have no reason to believe in reptilians.

Where is proof of the Boston Bombers not being the real people?

Where's your proof that the Boston Bombers are the real people? We're both speculating at this point, unless you disagree with innocent until proven guilty.

This whole thread is subjective discussion..... What we are even arguing now.... is subjective.

[Citation needed.]


No comment.

You literally cherry-pick my argument.

Cherry picking is someone taking a body of work, much less than 30-40% of your entire comment, and posting just the tiny bits that make their case, usually without context. It's hard for me to hide the context from your post, which is literally right above mine.

"[Citation needed.]" hahaha fuck

We're both speculating at this point

We're both speculating.... Exactly. Innocent until proven guilty aside, there is no proof vs. no proof. So any opinion other than indifferent is subjective. The notion of innocent until proven guilty, is fundamentally, a subjective thought, because it disregards any factual evidence until an official verdict. It is a belief in the justice system of America, it is not an objective factor.

'Innocent Until Proven Guilty' is an objective statement, until it is applied to a court system. If I shoot a man in the face, in front of the entire world, and admit that I did it, then I am still innocent until an official trial. That is, if your personal beliefs align with the American Justice System.

That's subjectivity.

it's not welcome or productive.

So that means, you must believe there should be no Boston bombers material on here. Nor should there be any word of mouth support cited here. Such as anonymous posts from people 'working in the government that went rogue', there should be no support from people who claim they know about conspiracies, because unsupported claims are not objective.

It is people's belief that this was perpetrated by the government. It is people's belief that contrators are responsible. It is people's belief that Dzokhar is innocent, yet there is eyewitness, and physical evidence of them alluding the police through using bombs and gunfire.

All of these are examples of subjective thought. All of these views dominate the reddit. This very thread is in response to people who do not believe in the subjective conclusion being reached by many in this community.

No comment.

Why no comment? You agreed with it with wonka.... At no point did you try to dispute that.

We can sit here all day listing infinite possibilities, or you can go make your case.

I made my case... through those examples. Those are widely talked about theories here. Yet they are subjective. Thus, you are saying there is no room on this sub for subjective discussion. So you are condemning a majority of the content on this subreddit.

It's hard for me to hide the context from your post, which is literally right above mine.

You are cherry picking. You chose to post my example of a possible SIGN of mental illness as me shitting on the people in this subreddit. Yet I consistently defended them, and only mentioned this example, to show that those who frequent this subreddit should be labeled as NOT CRAZY, because they are engaging in ENJOYABLE SUSPICION.

You keep contradicting yourself. You agreed with my example of a possibly crazy person, then condemned me for making it. You say there is no room for subjective thought on here yet we both are speculating. You imply innocent vs. Guilty as a virtue, yet it is subjective in nature, something you condemn. You keep claiming that subjectivity isn't welcome here, but most cases deal with ongoing events where nearly no evidence is offered besides mainstream media reports. So conspiracists are being subjective.

Subjectivity belongs here, objectivity belongs here, discussion belongs here. Contradiction shouldn't be allowed.

EDIT: Spelling. And I must add, subjectivity isn't a bad thing, its a good thing. It fuels further questioning which is then reinforced by objective discussion. If no one was ever subjective, then we would never develop new ideas or theories.

Please present your proof that they caught the real Boston bombers

Well, considering it's still an on-going case, we'll get back to you.

Please present your proof that they have not? The road goes both ways, "Troll-Boy".

Many people provided proof of alternative subjects. Here is a good rendition of what they say happened. Are you kidding me? an unknown witness that will probably never be known gives a hearsay account of what he said. I can also tell you already what will happen to this so called video footage. It will be sealed from public view under a national security claim. Just like the pentagon 911 video. Then we will have to take "their" word for it. I know people are already doing Freedom of information act requests to get this video. First they will say it's evidence so they can't obtain it and later will say it is sealed.

Are you aware of what you linked me?. What they say happens appears to be pretty close to what appears to have actually happened.

There is evidence pointing to the fact that what "they" say happened... actually happened. Freedom of Information Act doesn't apply to evidence in an ongoing case, you realize that, right?

I linked you hearsay that will never see the light of day, ongoing case or not.

I'm not exactly sure which part of the article you're calling hearsay.

I also am quite sure that the video/photographic evidence will be released during the actual court proceedings, as is normally the case.

yes I too have noticed this. every comment is just 0 or in the negative. hmmm

See like why was this downvoted.. just all these simple little comments downvoted. Do some people just thrive off negativity? I try to avoid downvoting altogether unless someone is being truly awful/mean... even if I disagree with something I'm just like, eh it doesn't bother me enough to drag them down. And goddammit I'm sick of it. Either way if this was a false flag or not, we should try to be supportive of each other. Our country is definitely going to shit, anyone can see that. I really have no idea about the bombings. Yes I have seen plenty of evidence and it's pretty clear the brothers are guilty. And these pictures are great evidence. But it still doesn't answer all the other questions I have, specifically about the Saudi "person of interest". All I know is enough shit has happened with the police (around the country and to me personally) that I do not trust them to keep me safe, and I sure as FUCK don't trust the FBI.

Edit: by "these pictures" I meant the blog pictures of the shootout, I was just looking at them lol sorry.

Well you just got to be ready to do what you got to do when the time comes. ;)

Who cares about where the upvotes or downvotes stand. Sort your comments by newest or oldest and read through them like that. If you are concerned by how many upvotes people are getting then your not really concerned about the subject of their comment which is what this whole argument is about. You in effect are complaining about people complaining .

For god's sake don't encourage people to use derogatory terms. Evaluate based on the merits of an ideal, but don't insult. If people never question the events of the '60's or the anomalies of 9/11 this field would have never taken off the way it has. If you don't agree fine. There's no need to resort to name calling. But one little reminder, all these events happen (they always slip through no matter how much warning we get or the amount of money we spend on state security) and yet the MIC never seems to have a bad day.

You should remove all of your EDITs. Terrible idea. You ruined your good point by making it all about you.

True this. I got major downvotes for asking why the first suspect would do this to his wife and child because "who wants to leave their child fatherless". Evidently, it's not a valid or "worthy" point to make.

I'm glad someone else said this.

For a while now, i've seen lots of debunkers, in this sub. I would say a fair percentage of stuff i read here i don't agree with, some i think has merit for a further look.

But if it's not my bag, i tend not too read, or engage. For someone to actively go in and shoot any questions down. Usually with the smuggery of an /r/atheism edgy teen, points to trolls or people with agendas, (/r/conspiratard.springs to mind).

Honestly the amount of times i've seen skeptics pull an alernative theory out there ass, that fits in with their 'world view', and then say oh thats it then. With no more proof than what they're arguing against, but because it's possible it suddenly becomes 'what happened.

You have to watch arguing with 'believers' of any stripe. Because mostly they're not out for the truth, but to defend a very 'threatened' view of their own reality.

“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”- voltaire



/r/conspiracy posters rule over me?

If Reddit is being mentioned by CNN a lot, it's as mainstream as twitter and facebook, then measure to influence it are going to be stepped up big time. Look at all the 4-5 day old accounts (possibly new users because of reddits mention on CNN!) saying "glad the official story adds up afterall" in /r/news.

Mother Jones, The Atlantic, and Wired just put out some decent devil's advocate, which surprised me. Maybe this whole thing has gotten so sloppy the media can no longer sell it, and they are jumping off a sinking ship? We can only hope, especially if there is a smoking gun. Even if there was no conspiracy, it was a giant clusterfuck of epic unawareness which has become the hallmark of law enforcement and lawmaking in this country. It no longer takes a tinfoil hat to see that. People are going to scrutinize the shit out of this. It wasn't 3 years before a "Loose Change" came out. It was as soon as details started being released that between the press and the FBI, never matched up or completely made sense. You can't hide the truth forever, and when it's so self evident that people are willing to step out of their comfort zones, you know they've finally gotten too sloppy, whether through being inept or willfully conspiring to manipulate the truth. The $84M kickback tied to CISPA isn't helping endear anyone.

Yeah, CNN is such a propaganda machine. They immediately shape everything as positive with regards to our governments actions, and terrifying with regards to well, the terrorists.

Take for example, people throwing patriotic celebrations about the capture... lol shitthatneverhappened.txt. Reminds me of the windows 8 launch party commercial lol.....

Also look at how aggressive some of the people are.

Someone is trying to game the system here.

If only there was a way of looking up accounts that upvoted or downvoted your comment you could clear this up once and for all. I wonder how many one day old accounts would be there, shills are sprouting everywhere nowadays.

Watergate was uncovered by conspiracy theorists. The knowledge of many genocides began as nothing more than some horribly unbelievable conspiracy theories. I do think there are some issues that raise questions regarding the extent of our government's knowledge regarding this event. Law enforcement and government motives are not always nobel and altruistic, and some people have more reason to mistrust govmt and law enforcement motives than others of us. While some of the theories are a bit over the top, there are some unanswered questions regarding the drills being conducted and the possibility of a known credible threat having been present. I have to say that I appreciate conspiracy theorists. Among them are often the challenges to our government that increase accountibility and exemplify our basic right to speak out against corruption and to question our government. There are too many examples in history where the unthinkable happened...

Confirmation bias

It works both ways. I'm aware that the provers prove what the thinkers think.

I'm not sliding with the police. But none of this is their fault!

If you want to make any changes in the world, you need to understand what the rest of the market thinks and make decisions based off of what they think. If the market thinks it was a terrorist attack, then it was a terrorist attack.

Criticizing the police and FBI and looking for wholes in their efforts is a waste of time. You are doing exactly what the international elite wants of you! They want the US government to fail, and you're negatively branding the police (of the US govt) and NOT the international elite.

It is International Elite vs. US citizen...NOT US citizen vs. police / FBI / DHS

If you want to make any changes in the world, you need to understand what the rest of the market thinks and make decisions based off of what they think. If the market thinks it was a terrorist attack, then it was a terrorist attack.

Again, with the opinions as fact. If you knew how to manipulate the masses, you'd be on Madison Ave or in Washington DC.

"you'd be on Madison Ave or in Washington DC"

That's how it works now...yes. How do we change this?

You can start a reputable grass roots movement. I'm all for it. It's rare that they actually take off. I guess the bigger objective is just to create a vigilant public that involves itself in government oversight in a direct and official capacity. I think there should be a 4th branch of government that is strictly public, citizen oversight.

Thanks for opening the dialogue. THIS is productive.

So I'm an entrepreneur and I'm interested in offering online high school education. I think the history we learn growing up in public school is created by the Internationalists and isn't actually American. I want an education that prepares young men for the real world without having to go to college!

I'm interested in history and economic history and how they impact each other.

Right now I say The French Revolution and Economic history after the Napoloeonic Wars. Also the geo political changes gone through during WW1.

What would you insert? From any point in history. For example, I would include the recent Boston Bombing and September 2001.

Thanks :)

I think it's important to go back and document anything that we know now, beyond a shadow of a doubt, to be a historical misconception that has been spread so long it became pseudo-fact.

Robert McNamara admitted that the second attack on the Gulf of Tonkin was a fabrication, in Fog of War. There's also Sacco and Vanzetti. On that note, there are plenty of records of innocent people being executed.

We never learned about Japanese internment camps in US history in high school. I also had Oklahoma History in high school, which paints the indian relocation/genocide in a pretty ugly light. Stuff like that, really.

That's strange, I thought the Japanese internment camps were taught often in public schools. Hell, one of our summer readings was specifically a story about a Chinese boy and Japanese girl who get separated due to WWII's human rights abuse.

Thanks again.

How do you think we can improve the way we hold politicians accountable?

You mentioned you're from Oklahoma. I'm from New York. Quite admittedly, I don't do a great job at following who gets voted for in Congress. Do you?

What is the best way for me to begin?

How do you think we can improve the way we hold politicians accountable?

I'd like to see a 4th branch of government dedicated to public oversight. It would be their entire job to act as watchdogs. They would also be beholden to some form of online direct democracy, but it wouldn't be the final word. They would have term limits and wouldn't be elected, so much as put in a pool of volunteers like jurors. They would effectively be a jury that picks their cases.

You mentioned you're from Oklahoma. I'm from New York. Quite admittedly, I don't do a great job at following who gets voted for in Congress. Do you?

Not who gets elected necessarily, but I do keep track of who supports terrible legislation.

What is the best way for me to begin?

You've got to come up with a campaign that convinces kids it's cool to be involved and not distant from their government. That's a tough one. Kids respond to, and fear authority, as well as popular opinion. I love Harry Potter because it subverted a generation of kids into questioning authority and valuing friendship and figuring things out for themselves. Also, it did a pretty good job of making kids see that not everyone seemingly evil is good, and vice versa.

Because it is fucking dumb and factually incorrect i'm guessing? The title is a complete lie. I'd even wager that it was voted down by regular /r/conspiracy posters who were sick of moronic and discrediting posts. The most likely explanation is that you are infact a paid jewish shill who is here to discredit this entire subreddit with moronic shit posts.

There is no conspiracy in your observations, it's simply because more people think conspiracy theorys are bullshit

I observe no conspiracies!

Oh, but it's not a "conspiracy" perse.

Too many hardcore doubters /r/conspiracy. So annoying.

Yeah I got a alot of down voted recently

Downvoted because it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that no one outside of Reddit users and Conde Nast gives a shit about up or downvotes.

I don't care about downvotes. I care about colluded censorship, whether it's 4chan, /r/conspiratard, another subreddit, or gasp the "disinformation goon squad." I'd put on an Alex Jones voice for you, but you can't here me... I hope. ;)

Upvoted for the Alex Jones voice :)

I've been screaming coverup ever since this started.

I am happy to see there are still people out there that can consider an alternative narrative to the one spoon fed to them by the media.

I know for a fact governments now pay younger people to spend hours on the Internet supporting the status quo. Old- school propaganda & psychological operations never ceased: they have evolved.

Yeah, lots of brand new accounts starting arguments with me, then a couple hours later I come back and my comments in the thread have been downvoted like crazy.

I love the "I just signed up for this subreddit and this is my first post but Im a expert on so & so" Happen quite a few times this past week.. Then when you question the poster and the information he doesnt explain or back it up and your posts are down voted.

I agree. It was very odd watching the mood of this subreddit change immediately following the news calling them out. Are we being attacked by sheep? I think so.

not sheep, but dogs that work for pigs.

First time posting in /r/conspiracy, but I love to come here and read everyone's theories.

I think that the reason you're seeing so many people side with the police and or government is that the recent bombings in Boston ( along with the past events like Sandy Hook ) seems to have brought more attention to this subreddit.

These newer people, coming to look for alternative answers, might not be ready to jump onto the idea that our goverment would/could be involved in plots to kill innocent people. Perhaps that is why they are so easily made hostile?

As for trolls and shills, if someone is being vulgar and downright rude all you have to do is downvote and ignore them. The less attention you give to them all together, the less they will show up.

Just my theory, not worth much I know, but there you have it.

Op, thank you posting this thread, I am newer to Reddit and was seriously wondering what was going on, when I saw the very same as you..

I would like to say that I agree with your opinions. I see Reddit getting gamed by corporations, emotional children, and not least of all, by the military and intelligence agencies.

Someone with more money and more web-programming experience than me could and should should set up a new alternative site (the Reddit template has long been open source); and we would flock there.


You spend time and energy seeking out and chastising an audience you don't agree with, who hasn't done you any harm. I question your mental health.

Didn't we all learn in school that people do that because they're not happy with who they are themselves..? Confidence issues maybe? It makes me sad, and I'm starting to be afraid I won't see the world "awaken" in my lifetime... I was so sure at first.

hes a s good as dead

This is so meta

Come to /r/noshill

I think those Persona Management people have been here since before the end of last year. It also coincides with a change in all of Reddit at the same time. Possibly a change in their business plan with the increase in the not so subtle spam in some of the default subreddits.

We've been infiltrated. We're onto something, we know their is blatant corruption, we know the truth . And they can't have that can they? So they make us look crazy, down vote the intelligent , rational approaches . And then up vote trolls who don't like conspiracy. Diluting our whole thinking process

Yep, and the people talking shit think that the only suspects are the government. Even Occam's Razor says conspiracies to overrun subreddits exist. They're usually perpetrated by other subreddits or social sites.

In other, more interesting news, I think I inadvertently started a civil war on /r/guns with the original post that got me banned yesterday. Either that, or the mods over there have finally overstepped, and now it's painfully obvious.

I don't find it crazy at all to believe the government would have a presence on the most powerful information sharing entity in history , especially the anti government side of it. If they COULD, why wouldn't they?

I don't doubt that they would or could. I just don't know if that's the cause of THIS incident. It feels more like 4chan/srs or more specifically, /r/conspiratard but maybe it'd feel the same either way.

Maybe r/conspiracy put down the tinfoil hats and found faith in rational thought?

Simultaneously? That would be rather unprecedented.

Attacks against this sub won't be tolerated.

You need to quit with the abusive comments.

Meanwhile, attacks against redditors who might have a different opinion are just fine and dandy. Make sure you get that codified in the sidebar.

Unless I was warning you directly it really isn't your business.

You posted it in an active comment section, it's everybody's business. Perhaps if you had addressed the matter in a PM, but you didn't, so I weighed in.

I'm issuing visible warnings so that everyone can see and learn that this type of behavior is no longer acceptable.

If my comments are tagged as a MOD then I'm not speaking as flytape I'm speaking as MOD so I don't need the eternal conspiratard debate about it.

It was a warning! Its already out there, get over it!

That's all fine and dandy, but in my following of this sub I've seen an awful lot of incoherence in the administration of the rules, and it's routine.

Attacks against those who seek to destroy the community for the ends of private faction are acceptable. It's called shillhunting and reddit is all about it at the moment.

No, it's witch-hunting, and it's patently ridiculous. Tar-and-feathering people for an unproven and imaginary allegation is as absurd as it sounds. Calling someone a shill or a troll is nothing more than intellectual bankruptcy and laziness.

False; shilling and SEO spamming is subtle, veiled, and nefarious. Exposing Nerd Labs for its malfeasance is task 1, exposing those who take payola is task 2, and exposing those who attempt to suppress information with downvotes is task three.

Those of us who were here when Alexis and Aaron got that original 20,000 in seed money from Paul Graham know exactly what is going on and exactly how the behavior is kept quiet.

Get in line to help or gtfo.

Perhaps you're missing my point in its entirety. The routine insistence on dismissal of contrary opinions, for no reason besides the fact that they are different, is commonplace, and we ought not dance around this fact. It's a way to escape from uncomfortable truths with no reflection or introspection. If you can turn the other guy into a villain, then he is easily ignored.

Whatever SEO and marketing efforts are underway on reddit, they're not in action in the sense that is frequently alleged by those who constantly cry "shill!" It's a mindless witch hunt, no different from any other.

Whatever SEO and marketing efforts are underway on reddit, they're not in action in the sense that is frequently alleged by those who constantly cry "shill!" It's a mindless witch hunt, no different from any other.

Oh really? So Solinvictous, saydrah, and cinsere were all figments of my imagination? The NY inner circle living with Alexis is a figment of my imagination? AJ paying r/politics to censor non AJ content during the last election is a figment on my imagination?

What keeps SEO's in fear is how insular and resistant the community is to veiled PR manipulation. I will do everything in my power to make sure SEO manuals continue to warn against the dangers of being exposed as an SEO.

Perhaps you're missing my point in its entirety. The routine insistence on dismissal of contrary opinions, for no reason besides the fact that they are different, is commonplace,

The routine dismissal of those who suggest shills do not exist is the result of the aforementioned predisposition.

You're still not paying attention. The cases of /u/solinvictus and the like were examples of social media marketing and generic SEO, and are not, in any sense, related to the persistent allegations against dissent that is so common in many places. It's an allegation they should be considered and serious, instead it's a flip, go-to dismissal. That's the problem. I'm fascinated by conspiracy theories--there's a reason I love the X-Files, Twin Peaks, Fringe, and the like--but those shows would have sucked if every time Scully challenged Mulder he called her a shill.

I am indeed paying attention and I am rejecting your claim. Eternal vigilance is the price of a non-corrupted aggregate.

The problem will always be that reddit is an advertising platform--that's what makes this place tick, that's why it exists. Hell, IAMA is nothing but a low-effort autograph session for musicians and movie stars. You have to know that going in.

The problem arises when we disregard legitimate opinions and posts because of that.

The problem arises when we disregard legitimate opinions and posts because of [that nefarious malfeasance].

Dead on;

This turns to this when this place is bought.

At the end of the day they can advertise all they want, so long as the ad is labeled as such. If they don't want to label the ad then we will force disclosure upon them. That is what I'm all about and that is why I'm here. When mods start removing content because it might stop the purchase OF .99 cent Itunes singles then we have a problem. When mods censor so that team breezy will continue to say "HE can hit me any day" we have a problem. When mods censor stories at the behest of private faction because shilling and payola is rampant on these here reddits the problem requires action. I am action.

The problem will always be that reddit is an advertising platform

Alexis agrees, Aaron would have disagreed.

The routine dismissal of those who suggest shills do not exist is the result of the aforementioned predisposition.

u mind if I use that? tks

Likewise calling someone a tinfoil hatter or a better is just as lazy. Why do you people from conspiratard always fail to see both sides of this issue?

It is similarly lazy, but it's done usually for different reasons. Calling someone a tinfoiler usually is part of a straightforward insult-troll. Calling someone a shill, on the other hand, is a motivational challenge of dubious sensibility carried out specifically to discredit an opinion.

It's a forum for conspiracy. If you don't think a conspiracy exists then go to the worldnews sub instead and join in with the cops are great circle jerk.

That, that would be boring as all fuck. I'm not interested in doing that. The problem is, though, that the MO seems to be more centered on ignoring outside voices, which gives its own distinct circlejerk.

I mean, seriously, how long would the X-Files have remained interesting if every time Scully challenged Mulder, he called her a lying shill?

Aaah yes... bait and switch. It's not the objectivity, it's the labels you can apply to it. So /r/conspiracy must have propriety on witch hunts eeh? Are there people called shills who aren't shills? Yes. Are there shills or contrarians who aren't offering anything productive? Also yes.

Did you read my post? I was specifically calling out attacks, not for having a different opinion, but for trolling people with radical opinions. Share your opinion objectively, and keep the emotion to a minimum. It's OK to objectively disagree, but addressing their tinfoil hats is not cool.

I'm not responding to your post, I'm responding to /u/flytape in a more general, meta sense.

I believe r/conspiracy is 52% of redditors that feel superior to put down people that have different perspectives and 48% redditors that see things in a different light than what is spoon fed to us by the brainwashing, mass-control mediums.

The only thing I see with the derogatory, name bashing, insulting replies to people that put forth some type of questioning is that the hateful replies have less weight and value. The malice intent in debating what is submitted on r/conspiracy is counter productive and the point that you are trying to make falls by the wayside. All you're displaying when you attack submitters is that you can bark loudly on the internet but your bite is something left to be desired.

So we should condemn them all as tinfoil hats!

Not sure what your intentions are. Basically, it's fine if you don't agree with one another, the childish backlash clouds the initial point, and no forward progress is made when debating a topic.

no forward progress is made when debating a topic.

No forward progress is made stating opinion as fact.

People who care about the sub need to hang out on "new" and upvote the good submissions. Then the obvious sockpuppets need to be banned. They tend to have been here a year or less, haven't posted much and if they did comment it was on gaming or programming subs.

And as you said they are propolice Republicans.

I too noticed this subreddit is filled with downvotes and people bashing theories. I am more of a lurker on this subreddit than anything. I disagree with some of the theories but never downvote because this is r/conspiracy. This sub seems to have a lot more downvote/negative activity after the whole Boston situation. The fuck reddit? this is a place for conspiracies.

Recent false flag = paid shill invasion. Idgaf what you say, it's happening. Its sad.


Oh, but it's not a "conspiracy" perse.


The irony in this statement is overwhelming

good! even if you DO think they did it arent you questioning how a 19 yo got past security when in the past ten years homeland security has spent $35 BILLION to protect Americans from terror? and keep in mind private citizens identified AND found the 19 yo???? wtf. that doesn't raise any questions for some people???

I will venture that the mission of the Homeland Security Department is not to protect us from 'terror' but to create a Zionist-run federal police force to manipulate us and to keep us under control.

This is my angle. Even without dubious motives, the incompetence seems to be pervasive, and the transparency after the fact, non-existent. How many things did we find out post Freedom of Information Act that wouldn't have come to light in any other way? If they hadn't caught Nixon's people breaking into the Watergate hotel, would that have just been a crazy conspiracy theory? Shit, Robert McNamara admitted there was no second attack in the Gulf of Tonkin. Is that a conspiracy theory too? This is the guy that drew up the documents for Operation Northwoods, and he admitted in Fog of War that there was no second attack.

wouldn't it be scary to think they reviewed video and chose two totally random people so we would NOT think they were incompetent... buying them more time to find who really did it? "backpack, dark sunglasses, not u.s. born. perfect." I'm pretty sure in a couple weeks we'll hear they had accomplices aka the people that really did it and when that happens I bet we'll see tons of footage....... not just a five second loop of two guys watching a race.

I agree. I'm a normal person with valid questions about boston. I'm shocked how people don't question the people that give them their news when that news is sandwiched in between paid advertisements. news is a business competing for your attention. what gets your attention? PTSD sounding news and photos, real or fake-- the more sensational it is, they've got your attention now. nothing about boston makes sense. ask questions, don't just be sheep! ask questions.

And Jon Stewart went after CNN with full force for spewing misinformation as fast as possible too. I guess he was also strapping on the tinfoil. Even without pointing to an agenda, beyond scaring people into watching, the news is completely full of shit.

I just googled and CNN made $600 million operating profit last year. what gets people's attention? news about a fire versus a cat stuck in a tree? the fire. whatever info your news outlet gets, they get to choose what and how to report it-- they have to sensationalize it because they're competing for readers / watchers. they have to keep advertisers happy. news is a business. question what you hear....

I don't understand how easily everyone can forget that EVERYTHING is controlled by money..! I work in a casino so I'm reminded everyday. And when I talk about this stuff and people are like "oh do you believe everything you read on the internet"... um do you believe everything you see on CNN or MSNBC? Just cause the "news" said it doesn't make it the fucking truth! Everything made by humans is able to be corrupted.

the news is the military... the division that dictates what you "think"

exactly. we're not even stretching the truth or exaggerating. I hope people watch their "news" and pay attention now during breaks to the companies and orgs paying for your "free news".

Even without conspiracies, everyone is looking out for their own best interests most of the time.

Does this subreddit experience stuff like this during other big national events? Seeing as how it wasn't around for 9/11, I don't think we've had another big domestic act of terrorism since then. Just curious

I don't know, because I hardly spent time here before this past weekend, which only makes the blanket haters make even less sense to me. I don't think I've ever posted or commented here before last week.

My favorite is the people who say "herp derp de derp I'm only here because it's amusing!" It reminds me of the kids in junior high school who used to poke all of the girls and when you asked them why they'd say "because it's funny!" it's because you like touching girls.

There's always an ulterior motive.

It reminds me of the kids in junior high school who used to poke all of the girls and when you asked them why they'd say "because it's funny!"

Those kids also probably got laid. It's called flirting.

There's always an ulterior motive.

People have motives. This is a surprise?

Haha I was agreeing with your post and then you responded with that...okay nevermind, sorry I bothered you.

I'm with ya on this man . Such love for the police since the Boston bombing . It's like they have forgotten that most of the cops would stomp your brains out if you had dirt on a fellow cop. That's why I dislike all cops even the ones who are good guys ,because when it comes down to it he would have the back of a fellow officer who was a corrupt motherfucker. In my line of work if a co worker punched a customer I would report straight to the boss and have him fired. The same should go for cops

Seriously? I hope some day you're in a situation where your sorry, ignorant ass is in a life-or-death situation and cops were needed to help you. You'd probably cry like a little bitch. Nice username by the way. You sound like a real tough guy.

Yes if it comes to life and death I expect the police to do what my tax dollars are paying them to do ? What does that have to do with corruption ? Don't get so Nasty you prick I'm entitled to my opinion

So you hope that someone is in the desperate situation to call on the people, whom we pay to help, but are corrupt, help themselves, and shoot people who are not even suspects, and shoot suspects handcuffed in police cars? Spend some time on /r/Bad_Cop_No_Donut and remind me why you think police are so righteous. How does our depending on them in the MOST desperate of moments make them moral? Normally we call that extortion and use RICO to lock them up and throw away the key. Did you kick in your protection money this month? Of course you did. It was deducted directly from your income and purchases. Being a sycophant is not an excuse to question someone's judgement.

Personal attacks aren't welcome here. Shape up or ship out.

Dude, thanks for posting this!!!

If we can't simply discuss facts here without being attacked, where the heck can we? Argh!

no conspiracy, just overzealous patriotism.




No just delusional :)

Im still here, im not sure exactly what you want me to take from that piece. Assuming all of those things are facts (a large assumption) then all it would prove is that they are human and made some mistakes.

I dont see any issue with them making errors along the way. None of what you have posted has in anyway suggested a conspiracy

No such things as conspiracies!

Oh, but it's not a "conspiracy" perse.

Yes, I'm paranoid!

Oh, but it's not a "conspiracy" perse.

As someone who's spent a lot of time in this sub, and as someone who's completely put-off by the recent tone of this sub, I'd be happy to explain why I suspect the down-voting to be occurring, perhaps not uncharacteristically. The devil is in the details, as always, and I'm not alone when I say that I appreciate a good theory for the way it ties together all the different details, the myriad of tiny pieces that are out of line in the official story. The 9/11 theories are a perfect example, there's soo many things that are easy to point out as not adding up with the official story. But in this recent particular case, we're not really seeing that. In fact, there's been so little time to follow up on details, and so much released and discussed by so many outlets, it's hard to say anyone really understands the complete story yet. But that didn't stop any of you from immediately crying 'false-flag', or insisting people reported on didn't exist, or suggesting they used paraplegics as props, or insisting that this or that wasn't true. No one had any proof it wasn't true, there was just this ridiculous refusal to accept the facts as they were presented to you, and you've substituted those facts with hair-brained theories you took turns making up and mutually embracing. It's been an imaginary tea-party circle jerk since the bomb went off, and it's been surprisingly uninformative. We've seen posts celebrating the fact that 'the majority of people finally disbelieve the official story', which is a clear sign you've spent too long in this sub, we've got people saying the suspect wasn't bleeding in the boat, when the whole reason the home owner realized someone was in the boat was he saw blood on the tarp... You've got guns rights weirdos who have decided they should proudly perch on this sub like it's their own personal army and legitimizes their craziness telling us this is all an excuse to raid peoples homes and take away our guns, when it happens within days of congress being unable to pass the most watered down trivial gun laws we've ever seen them vote on, and these "raids" on homes took potentially minutes to search out terrorist suspects, pretty much an essential part of urban recon. I haven't seen a single fact about this case countered by evidence or scientific discussion, I've seen it countered by hallucinatory theories spawned by a paranoid reaction to violence that insists the government is trying to trick you. This sub could be a lot more than the stereotype of a loner who clings to his guns and an unfailing sense that people are after him and the news nothing but lies, but if that's what it's gonna be, well, I hope it gets downvoted. Feel free to let your frustrations out on my karma, but for the love of God stop pretending you know anything about the case when your only source of information is the news you're actively refusing to believe.

You are free to rebut any of what you say with your own proof. But you came out here with none. We looked at the lack of evidence and the misreporting. Feel free to show me proof that they were the bombers and not just someone on the news just saying that they were.

Here's the thing, I have nothing but the facts as they were reported and neither do you. The only difference between us is that I'm inclined to believe most of it, and you're inclined to substitute those facts with fantasies that have no bearing on reality except that they're loosely based on the same reported facts. Pointing out conjecture shouldn't demand additional proof, it is what it is. What I'm saying is that people who were privy to all the facts and tasked with finding the perpetrators provided us with whatever facts that they could reasonably disclose, and those were disseminated by the media. All you have to offer in response is a contrarian attitude towards the media. I'd be as well off asking my three year old who he thinks did it if I'm just going to blindly disagree with those facts that have been reported. If you want this sub to be the boy who cried false flag attack, it's within reach, but a lot of people are going to be unimpressed.

So you believe news stations that misreported and have an agenda over people who just want to get to the truth. You use ridicule to bolster and distract the lack of logic your argument has.

So if I was to call you a sheep for doing so what evidence do I have to prove it. I have every one of you that disagree calling people names, ridiculing, challenging their mental capacity..etc, etc. How come you all have the same M.O? Is it just you that goes around to all these 1000's of threads all across the internet or is there a group of you that all think the same way?

Coming out to talk down to people like you all do doesn't prove anything except that YOU ALL have the same agenda. I notice none of you provide any legitimate argument, just name calling. You go on the offensive and hope nobody questions your intellect. You just hope that everyone says oohhhh nice burn and pats you on the back just like they learned to do with social programming by so many tv shows.

The truth is that more and more people are coming around. I know it is people like you. That on the inside you have to accept it because it makes sense. Much in the same way that you can't question any authority because you don't have the intellect to do so, you can't question my authority for the same reason, hence the attacks.

On the contrary. You want me to believe the media that has been proven frauds over my logic to demand proof.

You don't have logic or proof, you're just uselessly contrarian and imaginitively uninformed. You're less a victim of my disdainful critiques and more a victim of your own persecution complex. If the 'truth' is more and more people are coming around, I guess I have flouridated water to thank for all the morons. I WISH you had the intellect necessary to question authority, but you don't, clearly, you're not even capable of defending your position (demanding proof that you're not making shit up isn't helpful or winning the argument for you).

this is the fastest growing sub on reddit....worldnew and politics many times are now indistinguishable from the sub....we are mainstream now....they want the shilling to be transparent, they want you to know they are the long run it will be us against them, here in the web and out in the streets....for example in the pic on the side bar, we see a group of men who are armed....there are about 20-30 in the full shot....those men are traitors and should be considerd a direct threat to your freedom...if operations were "open" instead of galavanting around down a neighboirhood, they would be walking into an time it will be just like syria....but unlike syria, the military/ enemy combatants/traitors will be put down quickly, as larhge as the military is, they are no match for the amount of armed citizens that exist...they are able to waltz down the street like that because they have no resistance...the day you decide to resist collectivley, will be the start

It's a shame but the citizens of Boston just displayed what would really happen if an armed uprising were ever to happen. The American public would stay indoors and pies their pants. The ones with the guts for a fight have either already joined the military or Police or are so few in number that they'd be ineffective.

Lol piss their pants... Damned auto correct..

Couldn't agree more. So many people are so eager to approve the behavior of the police in Boston, apparently it's all justified because it's a special condition...right, all the media has to do is frame it the right way and people buy it hook, line and sinker.

no, wrong, they displayed what they did based on the "set up" from media....if the citizens percieve themselves as "the guy hiding in the boat" it will be a different story....manipulation works to a point, here again, not one shot need be to each other, thru logic understand what the problem is ...MONEY PRINTED AS DEBT"...spread the truth, educate, and then in mass stop using their shitty debt money....they will be stripped of power....FAITH IS THE KEY....LOOSE FAITH IN THE EVIL ONES MONEY....HAVE FAITH IN YOURSELVES, START YOUR OWN NATIONALIZED CURRENCY.....just like george washington....and after you do, make sure money as debt can't ever happen again....whne kids go to kindregarten, day one, money as debt class, psa's, everyone must understand these credit scams so they can not happen again...

I like downvotes, I have 700 or so karma fucks were given

All I have to do is make one timely movie quote, and the negative comment karma is completely offset. Karma-schmarma.

This is why it's important to be civil and rational. They expect to win the game by breaking that focus.

again it all comes to to currency....we the people must negate the debt currency, to not only free ourselves from debt slavery, but more importantly to negate the value of the currency these "kids" are being payed with, if the money only has value to the kids and the puppet will be useless....that is the key, destroy the currency on our terms, not theirs

I agree. If we ever hit a potential egalitarian high note, by sheer abundance alone, it wouldn't be sweet, because currency is king. Everything has arbitrary value, and when there is abundance, it's immoral to place value on individual power trips over the well being of humanity. I understand the need to incentivise success, but there comes a point when it's more a cold game than a harsh means to an end, as a result of morbid reality.

Look at all these fucking cunt downvotes, for fucks sake can't mods fucking do something about these SPINELESS PIECES OF CUNT FILTH who just downvote absolutely fucking everything

edit: How fucking predictable

I think it might have been the "spineless pieces of cunt filth" comment.

smarmy fucker

wear your downvote proudly, or care not about them at all....brownie points are for children....the upvote/downvote is simply a form of mental manipulation for those who have predispositions to praise from the "group" fuck what the group think, think for yourself...the first thing you want to think {not like I'm telling you what to think, just some suggestions} is that you are dealing with a paid "force" that is here in order to exert "group think" based on's an old trick, don't fall for it....and is not "upvote/downvote" a form of "group consensus?"....yes it therfore it is manipulation

No idea why you're being downvoted.


What we're seeing though is how your average person thinks. How they circle jerk each other, bandwagon psychology in full swing, without any more or less proof than any of our theories, but because their beloved media said it. It's sad really, how dependent they all are on, not just the media, but eachother.

What we're seeing though is how your average person thinks. How they circle jerk each other, bandwagon psychology in full swing

This subreddit kills me.

Fuck these shills; I have just become way more vigilant on this sub.

Okay but let's keep it civil.

ITT: Let's all jack off while mashing the down arrow

Edit: Way to defy expectations guys

It works both ways. I'm aware that the provers prove what the thinkers think.

That, that would be boring as all fuck. I'm not interested in doing that. The problem is, though, that the MO seems to be more centered on ignoring outside voices, which gives its own distinct circlejerk.

I mean, seriously, how long would the X-Files have remained interesting if every time Scully challenged Mulder, he called her a lying shill?

it is a bit absurd to think literally everything is a conspiracy.

Absolutely, and people get carried away, but that's not what happened here as much as a bunch of new people rolled in and started shitting on anyone for speculating. On the other end of that, I don't think anyone should EVER act on that speculation.

You can start a reputable grass roots movement. I'm all for it. It's rare that they actually take off. I guess the bigger objective is just to create a vigilant public that involves itself in government oversight in a direct and official capacity. I think there should be a 4th branch of government that is strictly public, citizen oversight.

I'm glad your here to get their back.

Maybe they call you crazy and an idiot because you call them authoritarians for daring to disagree with your opinion.

Maybe this whole forum is becoming more hostile because the tinfoil hat brigade has become more and more aggressive in defining any dissent as evidence that one is a "shill", an "authoritarian" or "has stockholm syndrome."

I know that if I read a comment or post that is poorly thought out, poorly argued and makes entirely irrational claims and then doubles down on the derp by accusing anyone who disagrees of being some kind of fascist, I'm a lot more likely to respond to that person by pointing out that they are a pathetic loser with paranoid delusions.

Haha I was agreeing with your post and then you responded with that...okay nevermind, sorry I bothered you.

but of course, this place can get crazy some times

...pass the tinfoil

I don't really mind reposts really because when I've seen it happen, it's often a repost of something that was last posted a few days ago. Long enough ago where it's plausible that OP honestly just didn't know that it was already posted. This, however, is different. Four posts on the main page about the same thing? There's not really a plausible excuse for that.

I know, I shouldn't generalized and make a comment such as this. I am sure there are wonderful, extraordinary EMTs are there are with many professions.

But the many I have encountered in my life have all been quite arrogant, unfriendly, and claim to know it all, such as the one who shamelessly claimed that the man who lost both of his legs as simply an actor.

Source: I am an RN and was a CNA before that.

then you should have mentioned trolling, all you mentioned was negative comments i.e dissenting. edit your message to be clearer then.

I posted a video a couple weeks ago about the creation of the Fed. Big conspiracy, and we deal with it every single day.

I also read Aftershock by Robert B. Reich, which tells of the near future bursting of the government debt and inflation bubbles that will send us into a depression never before experienced. Here is a video from him, but I have not watched it yet, only read the book. I will update after finishing with what I thought about it.

Basically, we are on the same page I think.

Edit: I have made a terrible mistake. In my haste to find the book that I read and a video about it, I provided the wrong one. This is the actual book. Same name, easy mistake. Didn't remember the authors so I went with the other video. That video, which I am only half way through, is putting off a big Socialist vibe. His solution for recession, as far as I can tell, is to increase government debt and pump money into the economy, creating inflation. So his "solution" is the very problem that the real book I read is about. Video from that book.

If it's any comfort, that sort of behavior goes on in pretty much every subreddit I've ever seen. They just have different names to call you.

Many people provided proof of alternative subjects. Here is a good rendition of what they say happened. Are you kidding me? an unknown witness that will probably never be known gives a hearsay account of what he said. I can also tell you already what will happen to this so called video footage. It will be sealed from public view under a national security claim. Just like the pentagon 911 video. Then we will have to take "their" word for it. I know people are already doing Freedom of information act requests to get this video. First they will say it's evidence so they can't obtain it and later will say it is sealed.

Yes. Because when I'm dead I won't give a damn about future generations. And nothing is for certain. I'm not going to waste my life on something that might be happening.

In English?

What if they make convincing arguments?

I gave straight answers and answered questions, you just chose not to accept them. That's up to you, I can't force you to take them.

You'll have to do your own research on where I look I'm afraid. (see it doesn't work does it) Every news site I visit, Twitter, YouTube etc. Although I suspect you won't accept those answers either.

Although I never stated that I visit other sites, so that's another irrelevant question.

Again I never stated whether or jot people here were in their right mind, you seem to be making an awful lot of stuff up.

Edit: ironic. You seem to be the one asking all the questions, yet you complain about me asking questions which there was only one, asking for evidence.

So that's what you are doing here? Saving the future generations? You seriously think that posting on reddit is the way to save future generations? Especially when you are up against the illuminati, lizardmen and all that stuff?

Just admit to yourself that the only reason you are doing this is entertainment. If you would really want to help future generations you could for example try rooting out corruption in politics and getting your ass outside and actually doing something helpful. Not sit at home and come up with speculative "what if..."-s.

How do you spell Demosthenes and Locke in Chinese?

How is it censorship to say that r/conspiracy is fucking r/conspiracy and we should be checking the leads most other places aren't..? The only people trying to stifle the debate are the ones coming in and saying "their guilty! period! done! lets go to sleep!"

I've not used him as a source....

Keep going, your ironic stupidity is making my day at work more enjoyable. . . . .

Fair enough but you seem to be making out it's a lot worse than it actually is. There was a guy with a gun and bombs on the loose and they were looking for him. It's not like they did it just because they could. They might of been over zealous but I'm sure the people in Boston were fine with it which is all that matters really.

About 70% of your posts contain personal insults towards me. Grow up. I'm done, fool. Go try and troll someone else.

If you used this same passion to poke holes in the official stories imagine the things you would discover!

Are there any other hey-let's-conspire-to-murder-our-children-for-no-reason conspiracies you are digging into?

Probably the ones who keep saying "newtown" the most. That would be my guess. I bet it would be interesting to run a talley on their entire comment history.