We've been infiltrated

209  2013-04-22 by [deleted]

Anyone notice the sudden influx of in-fighting on this sub? It's not mere coincidence , reddit made headlines with their following up on the bombings, one can only imagine an increased government presence, disguised as "average posters"

The downvoting to hell , The in-fighting, The sudden growth of r/conspiracy , The truth is coming out , Stay vigilant friends.

EDIT people are taking what I say out of proportion, is every skeptic a shill ? No, but is there a chance some of the are? And when a logical approach at a conspiracy ( especially the Boston one) gets down voted, but comments like "your all idiots, your just looking for evidence that isn't there , take your tinfoil hats off " gets UPVOTEd we have a problem


Stories in /r/conspiracy hit /r/all, and then people from /r/all hit /r/conspiracy.

I don't think the government needs to take any particular steps to discredit 4Chan screenshots.


Why would you get down voted, your absolutely correct. The reason you may see it more on reddit, is reddit reaches a much broader audience. Its socially accepted. 4chan regardless of how intelligent and creative it can be, it still makes all the enlightened and euphoric nervous. Reddit is the site of sites when it comes to government, corporate and interest groups desire to manipulate the internet.

I cant even imagine how much money and resources go into manipulating the hive mind, its almost like every major sub has an agenda.

I remember when i first booked marked reddit years ago, the front page was all science links and shit like that. Its was almost a little too nerdy, now its like the focal point for everything internet related.

Anyways, the job is done, there will always be enough influence to create doubt.. Even if someone might of stumbled on something, it will get buried, dismissed and forgotten by the hive mind...

Shit sucks man


No man, it's secret government spies. They're scared of this subreddit. For obvious reasons. Wouldn't want commoners to stumble upon it and realize that the word "Harlot" is a secret code and that's why it's heard more and more on tv.

What you say is true, but now that /r/conspiracy is gaining traction , and it's views are becoming more public. They can't have that can they? Solution, make us out to look crazy, and down vote us to make sure we STAY of /r/all, and promote infighting to keep us off our toes. So far so good

No, what I'm saying is that the people from /r/all are the ones downvoting wild speculation and things like that.

The very fact that a lot of the community thinks people coming in from the rest of Reddit is a big federal operation to make them look crazy is pretty solid evidence that you don't need a big federal operation to make them look crazy.

No one said operation, I'm saying that IF the powers that be ARE hiding something . Wouldn't they go to lengths to prevent it from leaking? Especially lengths as easy as making an account and pressing a button? Is it really that "crazy" to acknowledge the possibility ?


I believe that the government is corrupted , and slowly it's becoming more obvious. "The truth is coming out" . Some speculation > no speculation.


Then why continue to accept it at our own demise?


Then help me out! Try and spread the message to any and all who'll listen. Before CISPA goes through, and we can't have debates like this anymore.

Everything has to be a secret operation with you guys... there were some posts from here on the front page, and that lead to alot of people coming here and disagreeing with your conspiracy theories.

They don't need to make you look crazy, half the upvoted content on here is already batshit insane and makes you look like a bunch of tin foil hat morons... -_-

We're conspiracy theorists ? What did you expect on a conspiracy website? That's like me going on /r/gaming and being like "WHAT'S WITH ALL THE VIDEO GAMES , NERDSSS"

Not the same. There's a difference between being that crazy homeless guy on the street corner saying he is abducted every night - and being a follower of history and wanting to know the ultimate truth behind every event.

There are many conspiracy theorists that still think conspiracy even if all the evidence points otherwise. A real conspiracy theorist is objective, a critical thinker, and wants to know the truth, not just seeing the whole world through their confirmation bias.

The problem isn't conspiracy theorists. the problem is self-professed conspiracy theorists who say wild, inaccurate, irrational things and then get upvoted by like-minded sloppy-thinking enthusiasts.

The status quo in here doesn't seem to do a good job at elevating the discourse. Instead of stimulating unconventional ideas that have been forced to stand up to some scrutiny, we get crap cooked up by half-cocked wannabes.

Why the fuck would the government care about /r/conspiracy. You guys give yourselves way to much credit, if the government does read this they're probably laughing their asses off at how fucking stupid this subreddit is, like every other logical person.

Then get the fuck off /r/conspiracy , you come here for conspiracies , lemme hop over to /r/mapporn and be upset at the amount of maps I'm seeing

Oh that is such crap. Where's the rule that says everyone here needs to have a positive view of this shit and help fuel the circlejerk? I come here for alternative views that make sense, but when I see stupid crap like this I point it out.

It's different when anti-conspiracy becomes more popular then conspiracy. Then what the fuck is the point of the subreddit in the first place? Shoot down conspiracies .....? Their conspiracies for a reason , if people don't like it , take your shit talk elsewhere

I think what you mean is they are theories for a reason.

I've been posting a lot in this sub since the bombing mostly debunking all the crap that's being posted. I sub to this subreddit because I think there can be instances where the government lies to us and may not tell us the whole story. This does not mean that every mass murder which happens in the US is a false flag attack. So, I point out the thoughts and posts I think are interesting while debunking the ridiculous and sometimes insulting crap people think up. Just because I sub to /r/conspiracy does not mean I have to believe every conspiracy theory which is proposed.

the problem is when you look for cracks you will always find something that looks like a crack

A sign of intelligence no less. False flag or not, we can no longer tell the difference between Wall Street and Washington, and this is a problem. Corporate interests and the rights all humans are entitled to dont gonwell together .and we must rally together before things begin getting out of hand

Rally together and do what, precisely? Sit at your keyboards and wish we had the balls to get out there and actually change something?

I think it's because the truth is so terrifying that we collectively don't want to believe it: that the system- regardless of whom we elect to 'fix' it- is corrupt. The longstanding problems of this country may not be wholly the fault of this congress (who has done nothing to sooth the ills of this country, don't get me wrong), but the effects are now ingrained into the fabric of the government apparatus.

The only apparent way (since congress is unwilling and/or unable to do anything resembling work) is to tear down the whole apparatus and begin again. A clean slate- wherein the day a new government is formed (perhaps even with some of the current players, playing by the people's rules this time?) is day one of a new Republic, a re-affirmed Constitution, and a healed nation.

But that's just me, and I am not leading any movements, revolts, uprisings, or what-have-you. Then again... nobody (even the smart people) seems to have a better idea...

Then lets all be pussies and sit around complaining about it but not tryin to fix it . Lets just let the future generations handle it when the world is a polluted war filled hell hole , not our problem YET right? Lets jus be complacent with being robbed And misled

I'm not suggesting that... I'm simply asking what the Public is prepared to do. I don't condone the (and this is important) senseless, directionless- violence of Boston, but clearly, this requires action.

Have we as a people grown beyond violence? If so, great- but get busy implementing whatever nonviolent plan there is. If not, get busy with the same ol' recipe.


personal attacks are not welcome here.

Word. Most of the good posts are quickly down voted while the shills call the good posters idiots. Classic shill tactics. There is an INFORMATION WAR at hand. Keep going strong on our quest for truth and peace!

Which is why it is our duty for all of us to fight the shills, we are high in number as well, their are more people who would support the message of ending corruption then support it. Up vote the sensical , rational approaches , and don't get into arguments with them , it's what they want, we must down vote the shills, and make them futile

wouldn't happen to be just differing opinions? That definitely could not be the answer to why things are being downvoted.

But the posts about actual conspiracies and support for them are met with hath resistance , yet BASHING those conspiracies gets up voted . That's not what this sub is about, if it is an influx of new comers to /r/conspiracy, they should leave simply due to the fact this sub is for discussing potential conspiracies. Not people saying " your wrong" , "your paranoid" , "your stupid" , "no way that could be right, the tv said so" . It called a conspiracy THEORY for a reason

The best theories have verifiable claims surrounding them. There are plenty of conspiracies (corporate influence, JFK assassination, JFK vs. CIA) that have honest-to-goodness documents and in-depth research backing their conspiracy. The latest conspiracies ignore death counts and real tragedy in order to call government into question. Why not talk about the conspiratorial in-breeding of politicians to lobbyists? It's less immediately juicy than saying "Illuminati," but it's undoubtedly more pressing. As for why there is an influx of users, it's because there's an influx of theorizing, as tends to happen when an attack takes the national stage.



Paid shill, checking in. Let's get this futility started

I have definitely noticed this trend. Well said.

So it's a meta conspiracy theory about /r/conspiracy?

That's just what they want you to think.


Everytime I think I have a new thought, ResEdit already has it. Well done sir.

Then it turns out IM. A shill...... INCEPTION

Im just gonna throw this out here:

As soon as the bombing was announced, I went to /r/conspiracy to watch the fireworks. Im guessing a lot of people did the same. My thought was something along the lines of "Hey, let's go watch the tinfoil hats cream all over themselves with accusations and false information." I then grabbed my popcorn and watched the show you all have put on.

Thank you /r/conspiracy, you didnt disappoint.

So lemme get this straight . There is no possible way what were saying is right? And that the media isn't lying to us, they wouldn't do that (gulf of Tonkin), and that now the fat cats can't have that can they ? So with a quick email address and a few clicks of a button, you can take the truth of the mainstream , and further your agenda . But that's crazy right? Besides Vietnam , this has never happened before .

No, Im saying that it doesnt matter what the official response is, the conspiracy theorist wont believe it, instead choosing to make huge jumps of logic to reach a conclusion based on no evidence.

Your right. I'm not basing my post on fact, merely observation . I have an agnostic viewpoint on it , wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if it were true

It would be nice if more people had an agnostic viewpoint, but that usually doesnt happen too much around here. Instead, conjecture is the norm, which then becomes gospel written in stone, and if you disagree, you are a shill, being paid by big brother to infiltrate and inject chaos into the calm, rational discussion among patriots.

There is no possible way what were saying is right?


And that the media isn't lying to us, they wouldn't do that (gulf of Tonkin), and that now the fat cats can't have that can they ?


So with a quick email address and a few clicks of a button, you can take the truth of the mainstream , and further your agenda .

Ad hominemn

But that's crazy right? Besides Vietnam , this has never happened before .

Avoids the topic completely.

You managed to hit every one of virgule's shill tactics in a single comment.

By me saying there's shills and corruption on the site? Your an idiot, why would a "shill" post that shills have infiltrated /r/conspiracy

Your (possesive), you're (contraction of you are). Seriously that's like the tenth time in this thread, how hard is it?

The overall "tone" to this place is quite different. I miss my old subreddit.

Two years ago this was a nice place


Not really, but it's nice to imagine it as such.

See? This is exactly what OP is talking about. Everyone has to try to disprove something on this subreddit nowadays.

No, they don't.

no, it wasn't. not at all.

The most frequently observed effects of challenging the mainstream view/status quo in a controversial/hotbed topic includes:

  • ad hominem. attack against the credibility of the assertion/speaker, often violently.
    Often place blame on schizophrenia or assorted alleged mental illness.
  • derail. "highjacks" of the conversation and petty bickering down to fuck nothing.
  • avoids the main topic/theme completely.

It is designed to still your resistance. The purpose is subjugation.

ad hominem. attack against the credibility of the assertion/speaker, often violently.

i.e. calling someone a shill with no evidence to back it up?


Yes indeed. It goes both ways.

The good fight has started , and it needs able bodies , the front lines will be public forums , the streets, schools, spread the word at work, when you go out with friends, convert everyone you can, fight the good fight to the end

Already working on it sir.

Don't forget your good ole fashioned strawman


Look you caught one!

This is easy :)

The downvoting to hell , The in-fighting, The sudden growth of r/conspiracy , The truth is coming out , Stay vigilant friends.

Maybe the fact that this shitfactory mistakes itself for some kind of bleeding edge think tank just invites people to pop over and gloat.


Everyone who disagrees is a shill. Critical thinking at its finest

It reminds me a lot of Scientologists and "SP"s.

Keep fighting the good fight. Spread the word, the aristocracy ends now


Thank you

That reply explains so much!

Holy crap. Now you guys are starting a conspiracy that /r/conspiracy has been infiltrated by the government to down vote "the truth" in order to keep it buried?? You must see how irrational this sounds. Did you ever think that it really IS just people who, after the bombings, thought "hey lets check out what /r/conspiracy is saying about this" and disagrees with your guys take on the events? You are spiraling out of control /r/conspiracy. Stay vigilant with you're own mental health. And I truly mean that.

Your right, what an insane thing to think the government would use elementary level tactics. (Making a reddit account, and using it to your advantage) . Is it SO HARD to believe the government is underhanded?

You're conflating 'implausible' with 'impossible' - stop doing that.

Personally I don't think I fall into the tin-foil type but I know I'm not one to just accept what I'm told.
You can check my comment history to confirm, I don't delete my buried replies.
But you have to admit this sub is a little circlejerky.
For example the picture of those 2 clean-cut military type guys with the ear-pieces and the black bag with the white patch.
Firstly: the picture people are circling in red is a cropped out image of a large picture after the event.
Secondly: The white patch is on the bag's handle. Where as the shredded bag in the released picture is from somewhere inside the bag or the side, it is hard to tell where from, but it certainly is not on the handle part.
Now, there have been posts trying to point this out, but people continue to re-post these "real culprits" and they get up-voted by the horde.
If you want credibility for this sub, you need to start calling out those who perpetuate false info "dis-info" if you will.
What I do find interesting and something that does not add up is, the lack of explanation why those military type guys were there in the first place, they seem to be wearing a military contractors clothing and those 2 are not the only ones, why were they there.?

I'm not familiar with how your antagonists act or are known to act towards your sub. But You have to allow for some discourse and not everyone should be expected to agree with everything the horde deems as true, else you are just as bad as the government you seem to not trust. mainly you need to start shutting down known false information quickly, there are going to be many people joining your ranks and if you do really want them on your side, you need to accommodate for that change.

edit1: spelling and grammar English is not my 1st tongue.

Your conspiracies are entertainment to me. They are good reading though and I am rooting for you, wish some of these theories were true but, my skepticism gets in the way of belief though.

I am new but you won't see me pissing on your ideas or throwing out my own theories. I may ask questions or throw out an observation. Who knows, you may even convince me.

Not all of us newbies are out to get you though

I believe the government is corrupt . Wallstreet and Washington are identical twins and that's a problem. Corporate interests don't align with the constitution very well, the political system is rigged . If both democrats and republicans don't want the deficit to increase... Why does it increase? If both democrats and republicans don't want rights to be infringed , why are they being infringed ? Why do we pledge aid to Syrian rebels allied with al'queda , whom we fight in Afghanistan? Why does the American Public distest the war by an 80% margin, but congress the opposite ? Why don't they pay for the war ?why do our sons and daughters get sent to a sandy grave miles away from home to fight in. A war f profits ? How long will we let the corruption continue before we put our foot down man? What sort of world will we be leaving our children, and theirs?

There's a massive influx of people here because there was a massive conspiracy theory that just occurred. It's not rocket science. I never came here until a week ago. Probably won't be here in more than a couple. All good.

You're correct, it isn't mere coincidence.

/r/conspiracy was linked from Advice animals and SRD not long ago. Both are large subs which allows for an influx of people seeing this sub.

That is actually normally fine. The real problem would be the die hards in /r/conspiracy. If someone disagrees with them, they must be a shill! If a fact is made known, they insult them. Insults are flung here so much yet mods don't care, even Flytape is helping make matters worse. Flytape (the mod) says using the words shill to insult people is wrong, but won't uphold that rule and insteads warns people who disagree with him/her.

If you want to keep the sub from destroying itself, stop attacking like fucking idiots. It isn't the new people doing that, it is those that can't handle any questions and that have been here for awhile.

This is probably the 15th (?) now thread made saying you've been 'infiltrated', 'shills', 'government bullshit', etc in the last 2-3 days. Everyone else knows don't feed the troll, but /r/conspiracy loves to feed it at an hourly basis. Insulting people and making these whiny threads.

Get your head out of your ass people.

People are takin what I'm saying out of proportion. Not EVERY skeptic is a shill, but is it crazy to think that SOME of them are? And when a comment that makes a logical approach at the scenario is down voted , but when someone posts " your all idiots, your sensationalizing media events , take your tinfoil hats off " and it gets more up votes, the what the fuck is the point of this whole sub?

You fucking paranoid dumbasses.

Personal attacks are not welcome here

disinfos, disinfos everwhere

well, I'm here because somebody on another subreddit was talking about how nuts /r/conspiracy was going over the boston thing, and I came to look. But no, if someone disagrees with you, obviously they must be a government plant. There's a fine line between skepticism and paranoia.

This is paranoia at its finest, stop thinking you're more important than you actually are. Our discussions and skepticism is nothing to them it's action that will warrant their reaction. Stay grounded, if this is the truth no one can stop it

No one can stop it? So we just bend over and take this bull? America's founding fathers say the source of government power is the people, and we the people have the right to supplant a government that violates our rights. When your future grandchildren ask you, did you stand up to evil when it breathed down your neck, you will tell them, no.... I was to busy... Or no... I was to scared? Stand up for yourself, and the human race man, down vote shills, up vote reason

I'm agreeing with you we should stand up but trust me we should not let our egos get the best of us here saying the government is coming to r/conspiracy to suppress the truth is nonsense. Even if they were doing so, you cannot suppress the truth it will always come out.

In a gada da vida.... The truth can be easily forgotten in this consumerist culture though

With so much going on and so many agendas being pushed it's hard to determine what the truth actually is unfortunately...

Don't you think after a tragedy like the bombings last week would bring an influx of people to this sub? I just joined this sub so I could read about things I may not be hearing on the news. Boy are there some goofballs in this sub but there are some very intelligent people in here too.

That just means when an attack on American soil happens, people immediately relate it to conspiracy, which is signs of progress

Ehhhh saying its government is very cooky to me. I think its just so many that accepted what the news told us against the little minority here. For such a topic to be discussed about as deep as we go is controversial. So when we get a front page post EVERYONE can see it not just us that want answers.

Is it cooks to believe the government wouldn't have a presence on the most powerful information sharing mechanism known to mankind? And wouldn't try and manipulate it to their advantage? Explain CISPA then....

Saying there are some undercover Redditors are the government is what I was saying.

Or perhaps this sub is just getting more popular with time, just like a lot of other subs that have the most obvious names in their domain.

I found this sub a couple weeks ago by just typing in /r/conspiracy knowing there probably would be something here.

As to the fighting and trolling... Look at my comments history. I've been rude to people and trolled on this very sub simply because over half the people posting here put forward ridiculous and retarded ideas only supported by "facts" that can usually be summed up to shit that isn't real and makes no sense that solely comes from their own will to believe whatever crap they come up with... (Thinking about a post on here in particular where OP thought the word "harlot" in the media was a secret code for the elite).

I have this stupid habit of arguing with people over the Internet, naively thinking that pointing out to them how retarded they are will impact anyone's life positively...

So yeah, in order for the government to want to screw with this place, this place would have to present a threat. Seeing the posts that make it to the front page on this sub, this place is about as threatening as a bunch of teenagers smoking weed in the woods at night...

But it seemed to blow up right at the time of this Boston thing, which adds to my suspicion . We could be taking shots in the dark, but what if one of them lands? What would the so called "man" do then? I'm sure at least a few things on here have some shade of truth to it.

It's well known that people have full time jobs controlling the flow of traffic on boards like this. Not surprising at all.

I work for the government. My name is Agent Hank Hill.

shut it down

what you should notice is anyone saying stuff like Alex Jones. that guy is total disinfo and paid opposition.

also trying to think in terms of problem reaction solution... hegelian dialect

classic divide and conquer

be vigilant indeed. We are living in very interesting times//

I listen to AJ, and I'm not here to mess with you guys... what is your proof that AJ is paid opposition? Why would "opposition" bring light to things they want hidden? He gets tens of millions of visitors to his site every week. If he is paid to lead people astray, he isn't doing a very good job.

Fight the good fight. End the aristocracy, we must retake America for the People

Yeah, with posts like this the fbi is probably actually coming for your freedoms

I love America , Democracy and I don't support corruption that has taken control of us. Let the courts note this post

We must stay strong, do not turn on eachother. If we see a shill, call them out and move along. Dont stay and argue, they are meant to derail Conversations with arguments

the conspiracy is the conspiracy the government want you to think there is a conspiracy so you dont spend your time being productive or getting organised and forming a political party and getting votes and making changes to the system.

Who says some of us aren't?

Conspiracy has been steadily growing in numbers I think. My post karma over time shows consistently more votes- up and down- than when I first started about a year ago.

we almost need a reverse upvote scheme here, keep only those comments open with negative count

If by sudden you mean suddenly a year and a half ago but recently not much more than usual. I've rarely seen many people agree here. This is more the kind of place you have to sort through a lot of raw material and figure out what makes the most sense and what can you use.

Once you lead 144,000 followers you become a threat.


define threat


I want to make sure we're using the same definition. lots of times people argue when they mean the same thing but don't realize it.

This Boston bombing was a major event for Reddit as a whole. Although it has been on the Government's radar for a while, never before has a website been able to single handedly compile and report an event in such a revealing and streamlined fashion, basically in real-time. This is a huge threat to the Government, and anyone with investments in media with an interest in reporting things a certain way. Reddit has managed to reveal so many inconsistencies in the story, as well as evidence being swept under the rug, and also weird aspects to the story that just don't add up. The fact that news outlets are resorting to questioning Reddit's credibility speaks volumes of how threatened they are by it. The Government has agendas it uses the media to carry out, and when the control of dictation of information is taken out of their hands it becomes a problem for them.

it's probably an "oh sh/t!" moment for govt... cause during 9/11, instant news didnt exist. it's really hard to have a "successful" coverup in 2013 when we're all so e-connected!

Not only that, don't fall for stupid and embarrassing conspiracies. The system is getting desperate to discredit those searching for alternative truths.

Yes, it must be "the system"...this sub couldn't possibly just be attractive to people who believe absolutely batshit things, no sir...

People are taking what you say out of proportion? No... you are being predictably attacked by the shills

There are very odd individuals that have been spamming /r/conspriacy for awhile. The existence of this sub really offends some people's believes (in their government/leadership) and they cannot operate in any other way. I see some people who just constantly post (maybe 10 or more times each day) comments trying to frame everyone as crazy 9/11 truthers hippies. Yet they never, ever post anything constructive or any of their own ideas. It's just attack after attack on everyone else, as though we believe the moon is made out of cheese. And so what if we do, how is that hurting anyone?

These people remind me back during my times when I would edit and contribute to the communist articles on Wikipedia... there was this one guy, marine something, who spent hours everyday constantly trying to interject anti-communist information in all of the communist related articles. He was very paranoid, mind you the cold war and communism are well behind our civilization. The guy was really determined, like he was fighting a war. He would get banned several times from Wikipedia for junking everything up with really bad citations and then exploding during discussions with the admins / did not play well with anyone.

So I do not think there is a current top down government operation atm, that may come later now that reddit is getting near if not surpassing twitter. I think the in-fighting is coming from the conspirtard types. The irony is that they spend hours on /r/conspiracy instigating arguments, and the basis of their argument is that everyone here is crazy.

I get the flack were are getting from none sub users, I think its because they think we are animals and do not care about the victims in this tragic event, that's a lie. I could not fathom my family or me going thru something as terrible as this. But unfortunately I due believe the govt. was and is behind it. More evidence is coming out about the older brother being connected to a triple homicide now and that this attack was based by religion but he had no contact with terrorist but the brother had links on youtube to terrorist videos. The fbi released a statement from the younger brother that they learned everything from the internet. The mother is saying the fbi had been bothering them, and that the fbi could not identify the older brother yet they have a whole file on him and the family. The way to think about it is to imagine you no nothing about this story then go over the whole story in your head and it sounds like one hell of a movie... just my thoughts on the situation..


Once cispa passes , this sub will be completely hijacked , and well have to go old school ... Spreading the message the old fashioned way , like the 60's except political not cultural

learn printing skills.


and they have to know by now that will only exacerbate the situation.

They can beat us, it will only give us publicity , and public support(Birmingham , civil rights rallies) . They can kill us, but they can't kill our message. Ideas are a hard thing to stamp out, (early Christians) . It's our duty for generations to come, for the good to stand against the evil few who've robbed the world.

how do you propose doing that?

Every comment I've posted about exposing and ending government corruption had been down voted to oblivion in the last 8 hours. I've lost 80 comment karma. It just adds to the suspicion more and more

Cointel at its best. I felt the same after 9/11.

Just because silly theories that have no rational fact-based evidence behind them are downvoted, does not necessarily mean cointelpro. It could also mean there are reasonable people that browse this sub, that want it to stay serious and not go all "Alex Jones".

Give me an example of a "serious conspiracy".

Operation Northwoods, JFK, Gulf of Tonkin.

I agree with those, sure. Those conspiracies are they exact reason people need to be skeptical of the government. They can't be trusted.

im new but i know where i am-- conspiracy. having people be negative just makes me believe there's more to hide and coverup... or that people really do believe everything too easily. why downvote questions we have? either answer them or don't.

Because we're onto them, they know that, and are hitting a panic switch. The jig is up

As someone who has just subscribed to this subreddit, part of the influx of new subscribers might also be because there is just so much about this Boston bombing affair that does't add up. I've never been a believer in conspiracy theories and I don't think the US government had any role in 9/11. But, I'm willing to concede that there is just too much evidence in favor of the conspiracy theory when it comes to Boston. Armed Craft mercenaries and bomb detection dogs at the finishing line and they detected nothing? Fishy as hell if you ask me.

See the problem lies in the same problem we face as a society. Freedom. Anyone can create and account and come here. They can say whatever they want. They can post whatever they want. Of course they must read the rules and abide. But beyond that this is a free and open society. Now one could say that we should enforce more rules. But if you are a person who wants freedom, you would say that we should keep the rules to the minimum. My advice, Use your intuition, Keep alert and trust nothing but what is right to you personally. For those who are really here to expose the conspiracy. I wish you luck in discerning the truth.

This happened ~8 months ago, right after /r/con hit ~60k readers.

It doesn't help the the conspiratrolls are now using /r/adviceanimals as a proxy.





I have noticed that recently when I get an upvote i get an immediate downvote and usually whatever i post sits around no more then 5 upvotes ever. Something weird is going on.

The CIA probably singled you out because your insight threatens to untangle their web of lies, Neo.

Has it ever occured to you that your posts may simply be bad?

Oh, of course not.


I admit, people like "Alex Jones" and others give us a bad name, that man is truly insane. In all honestly I come to this sub because its the only one that attempts to shed light on government corruption, corruption that everyone else is so eager to ignore

Ale jones isn't insane, he's cointel pro, and he is very good at what he does

True, HOWEVER , he lost respect from me when he tried to sell water purifiers on his podcast. He has his moments

I don't think that's true. Many other politics and government subs do that quite often. This sub simply sensationalize things to a ridiculous extent, and does all of which based on very to no evidence.

It feels to me that other subs are to busy either riding the liberal wagon, or bashing Obama. While not realizing both parties are one in the same . If neither party wants the deficit to increase? Why is it increasing? If neither party wants to infringe human rights, why are they being infringed?

WTC7 is not "little to no evidence".....as an example.

I don't think that's true. Many other politics and government subs do that quite often. This sub simply sensationalize things to a ridiculous extent, and does all of which based on very to no evidence.

Ale jones isn't insane, he's cointel pro, and he is very good at what he does

Your right. I'm not basing my post on fact, merely observation . I have an agnostic viewpoint on it , wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if it were true

Yes, it must be "the system"...this sub couldn't possibly just be attractive to people who believe absolutely batshit things, no sir...

I'm not suggesting that... I'm simply asking what the Public is prepared to do. I don't condone the (and this is important) senseless, directionless- violence of Boston, but clearly, this requires action.

Have we as a people grown beyond violence? If so, great- but get busy implementing whatever nonviolent plan there is. If not, get busy with the same ol' recipe.

Personal attacks are not welcome here