To all who believe the Boston Bomb conspiracy

50  2013-04-22 by [deleted]

Are we not playing into exactly what they want? By having this take attention from the real problems? Troop Deployment in Jordan The government indirectly funding al'queda via Syria. CISPA The CIA coup in Venezuela. On /r/conspiracy we should shed light on these actions , before there buried under corporate media.


correction: we should do both.

Their tactic is to flood the information outwards. Tripe, garbage, falsehoods, Celebrity gossip and lore. It buries and drowns out the even half legitimiate stories.

Unless we organize into teams (Each team having one current aspect listed above, maybe a few extras) We won't be able to keep up with this all. There are more of us then there are of them, and because of that, we should not be afraid. You are not alone in this.


If we do Sub/subreddits, I hate to think it this way, but they should be closed subs, to avoid trolls and infiltrators. That means to organizing and assigning would have to be undertaken by Us. Not mods. I feel like with the amount of information out there, we should be able to all pull together to show, how many of these instances are intertwined, the strings are being pulled by only a few hands. Let's find out who those hands belong to.

I like that idea too. Sub reddits or blog with access. I be er n wanting to start like a watch dog blog that focused on state lies and propaganda and some conspiracy thrown in. .....

i'll take tripe!

Unless we organize into teams (Each team having one current aspect listed above, maybe a few extras)

So... that's an independant newspaper?

More or less... But you think we'll be bought out by Koch brothers?

Keep fighting the good fight brother. Soon America will belong to the people again .

with all the posts about the Boston Bombings, any other post non-related just gets lost in the constant influx of repeat links or self posts asking the same questions.

I would have to agree, I think we have milked this Boston Marathon dry, it is time to move on, or at least severly strict what we say about it. Bring this to facebook, and twitter and other social media sites. Reposting on this subreddit, is like preaching to the choir. There are millions of people that don't know what is going on.

On /r/conspiracy, we should shed light on the correct usage of their, there, and they're. For the good of everyone.

On mobile device man , my bad

All that is hard to prove for regular citizens, this is something we have hard evidence on that we saw live, witnessed and for some of us actually lived it. This is something we can use for change, to show to our fellow man and say look, we have seen this for ourselves, not just me or you but everyone who has been tracking the bombings and read the headlines. We all saw the headlines change, the suspects get caught and killed. so we, maybe for the first time ever, have the numbers, evidence, and ability to call the ones responsible out on their lies and demand to be told the truth. . Sooo go call your congress people and pull some strings guys, some one here's related to someone in power who can bring this up and pursue it. Let them know they have backing, that this is what the people want, tell them to announce their intent to the world (via reddit iama might be the least probable to be altered or tampered with in case of attempts to remove or anything) if anything happens to them then we will know it's not a coincidence. Who can claim to be existent for the better of the people if they silence their appointed voice? (obviously just for this matter we don't need no Luke skywalker)

This may be the beginning!

Completely agree, FBI probably planned this bombing to hide everything thats been going on,

i agree with you, but at the same time, its still a conspiracy, which is why this sub reddit is here no?

Deployment in Jordan? Any good sources? (not that I don't believe you, I am intrigued)

Also, Jordan opened airspace for Israel to send drones to Syria.

Oh yes! One clued in!

Question: How do you subvert media attention worldwide for a week?

Answer: Bomb the fuck out of ... 2 people. Most probably actors at that.

False flag attacks are not just to start wars. They can be very effective at diverting attention. This whole sub has gone to shits for the past week 98% of the posts are Boston-Bombing related. This is way blown out of proportion. Thanks for noticing huge policies are in the passing while the whole fucking crowd is staring in awe over a flood of faked bombing pictures of a fake terrorist act by a fake democratic government.

"Okay, now for this part you'll have to have your legs blown off." Actors I'm sure.

Just looking at the color of the blood, I have serious doubts. Others have posted pictures of a double amputee vet that looks eerily like the bomb victim.

Your link is horrible. The guy making the claims thinks it is more likely that all the people effected by the blast were actors rather than the most likely scenario which is that they weren't actors and some people for one reason or another set off a bomb and hurt people and killed others. Like our government would never kill innocent people for an agenda. "We don't want to hurt or kill a handful of innocent people so we better get some of the best actors ever!"

The one picture the writer says the guy without legs "isn't even in pain or shock". How the fuck could he know that? Yeah, clearly he isn't in shock by that one picture. Fucking stupid.

Yeah, I have to agree with you. Horrible link I was looking for a quick example. I have mixed feelings on the event, because I saw other posts today that debunk the "actor amputee" theory.

CIA coup in venezuela? I'll admit I felt something fishy about Hugo Chavez dying of cancer at 58. CIA Targeted Assassinations by Induced Heart Attack and Cancer


I would have to agree, I think we have milked this Boston Marathon dry, it is time to move on, or at least severly strict what we say about it. Bring this to facebook, and twitter and other social media sites. Reposting on this subreddit, is like preaching to the choir. There are millions of people that don't know what is going on.