CISPA has the potential to be exploited if placed in the wrong hands: A warning to the people of the World!

39  2013-04-23 by [deleted]

Dear Redditor;

Through out history, civilizations have risen to power and fallen to time. In these events there are patterns as mapped through political science that indicate each civilizations peak and pivotal point to the top and to the bottom. Typically when an empire falls a new one will rise from the ashes. This is fact only because we as mankind control our environment as well as the society we create within each empire. Humanity is not at the whim of the governments that organize these civilizations as much as it is powered by the people within them and there is always someone who wants that power for them self or for a shared agenda among like minded individuals.

Generally speaking, when a civilization reaches it's peak, those at it's top struggle to claim what they think belongs to them before the fall and factions dissolve while new ones are formed. In time, through out history, there have been attempts to control the people during this point and therefore control what rises from the ashes, only to become king of the detruction they manipulated in their favor.

Examples of this nature include the revolution over multiple autocracies as well as monarchies around the world, including the rise of Nazi Germany and the racial cleansing that brought their end.

If you take the time to look into the history of these events you will see an eerie pattern similar to what we are seeing today in our world governments. Make no mistake that SOPA, now CISPA is a autocratic push to catalog and mark all the undesirables throughout the world. A new age of "cleansing" is upon us. Who they are looking for is currently an unknown. Those who seek this power are the ones who paved it's way, starting a preemptive push to proliferate a neo witch hunt on "Terrorists"!

The word is defined loosely by those who use it often in the governments of the world, especially by those in the White House. A terrorist today is not what we called terrorists yesterday. Today under the Patriot Act, millions of American citizens are subject to having their right to privacy violated at any given day, multiple days within a year. Solely because they are free to think for themselves and act upon their will as free men and women.

Freedom is a form of chaos and it cannot be controlled, however there are those who seek to bring order to this nature and limit your freedom only to insure you are not a threat to them, your self and others. CISPA is a tool to weed out and filter the unwanted. Those who protest their will, those who actively monitor and blow the whistle when they go the distance. A rake to trim the garden of good and evil.

There may be those in power who do not see nor know of CISPA's potential for exploitation and evil, but just the same, there most certainly are those in power who intend to use it to further their agenda and control our lives, not as individuals but as a species.

With this tool, it is only a matter of time before it is used to do wrong and ultimately be taken advantage of to bring harm to the free will of the people that our civilizations have raised. Make no mistake, this does not solely effect American citizens. It too can be adopted and be further exploited in time by the rest of the world. That is the law of monkey see monkey do. If America does it, your leaders will too.

The world has already been militarized and armed like a chess board set for checkmate, the 1% is afraid and watching. They need only make it legal so that they can take it to the next step. What that next step is? Well judging by the patterns of fallen empires through out time, I think we all know by now what the step is... "The culling of the weak"

I hope that I am wrong and over thinking this dilemma called CISPA. I ask that if you have read this far that you take warning, monitor the news and be prepared. Anyone can be labeled a terrorist if it passes and if that happens like a virus it will spread to other countries because they will not fight it if it looks like a good thing. All it takes is to have a digital thumb print that they do not like and you're it. Tread carefully friends, dire times are ahead of us.

PS: We the people have friends in the governments of the world, it is a shame they wear wolves clothing among the wolves. Only time will tell what becomes of this, but the least we can do is know our history and use it to monitor the actions of the powers in control in order to cypher friend from foe. It isn't to late to fight this, even if it passes the senate. There is always hope. Keep your eyes open and stay free!


The Illuminati, or whatever you want to call them, are definitely scared of the internet. It's something they can't completely control.

The Illuminati don't exist anymore. Any group or individual claiming to represent the Illuminati are straight out lying to you. Sad, really. The Illuminati had some pretty noble goals, and the modern back-alley dealings very much do not. These new groups... Might as well just call em the Cash Money Society.

The Illuminati don't exist anymore. Any group or individual claiming to represent the Illuminati are straight out lying to you. Sad, really. The Illuminati had some pretty noble goals, and the modern back-alley dealings very much do not. These new groups... Might as well just call em the Cash Money Society.