Question to the anti-conspiracy crowd here

6  2013-04-24 by [deleted]

Alex Jones has on-record for approx 5+ years claimed that domestically staged islamic terrorist attacks would be linked to himself and "right-wing" groups like the tea party and pro-gun groups. For 5 years he has been called a paranoid conspiracy nut SPECIFICALLY for making these claims.

Yesterday AP released news, that was picked up by buzzfeed and huffpo claiming that the boston bombers were self-radicalized and fans of infowars. In the comments on these sites HUNDREDS of comments were declaring Jones and infowars were responsible for the bombers radicalization.

I am an objective outside observer here. I am naturally liberal minded and do not own guns. I am a pacifist. But i am curious what the anti infowars, alex jones crew has to say about this latest bit of information. Prior to the boston bombings was Alex Jones just a paranoid nut or is it your claim he was and is calling for violence against the American people?

Please keep in mind that there are literally 100's of hours of video and audio where he outlines how this would happen and why, while at the same time discouraging and distancing himself from ANY violent resistance.


The only beef I have with Alex Jones is that he thinks the media is controlled by Arabs. I mean, really?


He only called out the next week of news events before they happen, because history repeats itself... and "Conspiracy Theory" has got to be the stupidest term in our lexicon EVER, show me one time in human history where there weren't a million conspiracies... It is what people do. I'm off topic a bit whatever.

It's possible to say one thing in public while doing the exact opposite in private. See: Rush Limbaugh


I suggest nothing more than what my words said: It's possible to say one thing in public and do the opposite in private.


Sure, it's possible... but that's not interesting to talk about.


Touchy touchy!

Only pseudo violent message from AJ has been to hint at rallying a people's militia against government's confiscation of guns. He owns heavy duty firearms, but never threatened to use it against anyone or anything.

He is an outspoken pro-lifer (which I think is ridiculous) and an extreme anti-authoritarian. Other than that, nothing that I know of.


... making it seem like we live in a fascist regime...

Where the fuck have you been in the last decade? Hell, did you just miss the martial law train this week? It would be interesting to hear you call it anything other than fascism when someone barges into your home with full military gear, pointing a semi automatic in you and your toddler's face.

Doesn't the majority of /r/conspiracy members consider Alex a shill?


I think most believe he is a sensationalist, and damaging to the conspiracy community.

Alex Jones' estimated net worth is allegedly to be around $5 million. if this is the case, he seems satisfied with the current system in place.


infowars and prison planet do provide new stories that are not covered in the MSM, but there are plenty of other outlets to go to that are not subscriber based and selling fear.

i never said anything about the validity of the information that infowars or prison planet presents to the audience. I think Alex Jones does an excellent of job of turning every story into something to fear and his products are always some sort of solution for you to take.


I assume you are referring to the story Amber Lyon broke about the ties between CNN and the government of Bahrain?

i'm not defending MSM in any means, in my view outlets such as ABC,NBC,CBS,CNN,FOX, etc are all speaking outlets for the State Dept.

IMHO opinion, IF this crime was caused by "Conspiracy Extremists" (I'm coining that, I like it) then it was more of a self-fulfilling prophecy. You can't get people so worked up over every minor detail calling "CONSPIRACY" from the top of the mountains, without at least one of your listeners finally snapping.

That being said, I do not think that this crime was tin foil hat related, just a really fucked up occurrence on spaceship Earth.


The world is multi-variable in every conversation, fixating on just one element has a very strong likelihood of breeding extremists. In this particular discussion, that one element is the Govt. is always lying to you. They really aren't, but they sure are fucking ignorant sometimes.

When an easy to influence person is suddenly plunged into a world where EVERYTHING is conspiracy (as AJ would have you believe) then I could easily see how that paranoia could lead to violence. I would even argue that the methods of those like AJ, Glenn Beck, and really anyone prattling off the cuff about the need for immediate, drastic change (the Religious Right does this too), are far more capable of causing random acts of violence than a MK-ULTRA program or something to that nature.

Again, I stress, I do NOT think the Boston event was in any way tied to conspiracy fueled violence (as in Alex Jones inspired the tragedy); I am just pointing out that it is not that far of a stretch to consider such influences in violent acts of this nature. Paranoia is a very violent emotion.

I also don't think the Govt. is nearly competent enough to successfully pull off "False Flags" of the magnitude claimed by most here.


Well, you actually didn't ask a question in your post. I also didn't at any point make an allusion to military actions or civilian casualties. We likely have very similiar opinons on the matter.

I would say calling Alex Jones out has zero connection between the wars and violent domination. This converation isn't about that, it is about Jones.

But, to address a few of your points.

On a political level, you as a vote eligible adult should be keeping those things in mind.

I do; haven't missed an election since Gore and don't plan to miss any. I do research on the candidates and balk at those who lean too right OR left. Leading 300 million people is about compromise, not hard-line policies.

end the violence and promote freedom and liberty

How do you promote liberty in a nation-state which has a large group of people willing to die to simply stop that promotion. You could just let the country keep sucking, or go try and help them out. Whether that is our motivation in being the "world police" or not is ancillary. It is a fact that Taliban influence in Afghan was not a "good" thing, nor was Saddam in Iraq.

I don't think we should be there, but since we are, might as well help out. Our military goes to great lengths to avoid civilian casualties, likely more than any other fighting force ever. The entire US Rules of Engagement are designed around the attempt to limit civilian casualties. This of course can't stop rogue soldiers from perpetuating crimes of their own, but it does make them accountable. You may have gotten away with a necklace of ears in Vietnam, but today you will be spending the rest of you life in Kansas (Ft. Leavenworth Max Sec Fed Prison).

I would say calling out Alex Jones while dropping the ball on the connection between the wars and violent domination is a sad joke.

I still don't see the connection, sorry:(

If the media truly cared about the violent extremism it would stay focused on all the harm caused by our inflated military and the untold suffering caused by it's abuses.

Here we agree, I think the media would do well highlighting our govt. and military's failures and holding them accountable for them.

with a history of false flag tactics

It has a history because its bad at them. A successful false flag is not a false flag at all, but an act of enemy aggression. (full disclosure, I do not think the govt. was involved in 9/11 beyond ignoring key intelligence that could have stopped it).

Can you or i really comment on the abilities of the true power in the US government?

We have two options.

A. The government is secretly ran by an elite few who are very good at controlling everything.

B. The government is actually ran by hundreds of thousands of disagreeing individuals that couldn't false flag their way out of a paper bag.

Assuming A is true; every major govt. action in X number of years has been led by a secret cabal of savvy individuals for the betterment of the few. Where I would agree the financial sector / govt. relationship falls into that category, its hardly secret about it. As for defense, there are WAY too many conflicting interests for any single entity to secretly control our military. IT IS FUCKING HUGE;) For better or worse.

Assuming B is true; crazy people do crazy things and it is easier to attribute these actions to a an elusive, intelligent, malevolent force than the few individuals who likely performed the tragedy. Note this also fits the category of blaming the situation on AJ. People do it because it is easier to point the finger at celebrities and politicians than a kid from Boston.

tl;dr- I stand firmly by the opinion that crazy people do crazy things and in absence of evidence (actual evidence, not what has been popping up here for the last week) I will side with the authorities who are, you know, trained to do this.

Also, I seem to be very bored at work today; talk about a wall of text:o


Which is violence is wrong 100% of the time.

I have tried arguments against this mentality, but its not really feasible. Mostly because ideally I 100% agree with you. I definitely agree that violence of any form is wrong. However, the realist in me knows that a lot of the things we require in this world (open maritime trade shipping) and many of the things we fear (nuclear weapons in the hands of assholes) sometimes require violence.

I would only assert that it is society that is crazy and not necessarily the policeman/soldier/terrorist who have been led down the path they are ultimately on.


Violence breeds violence 100% of the time.

Ain't that the sad, sad truth... Its why we (Humans) can't have nice things.

Whatever. It's AP what did you expect? Of course they are going to badmouth their competitor which received far more attention now than ever before in light of recent events.

Alex Jones doesn't care about the truth, he cares about attention. He tries to get as much saturation as possible. Most of what he says is vague, because that way he can twist it to make it sound like he was right and successfully predicted the present.

Regarding the Tea Party and pro-gun groups being linked to terrorist attacks, I think its because those groups attract unstable people with dangerous weapons. They rant and rave about how America is falling apart, the government is stripping their rights away, and how they need they need more guns to defend themselves. They're a magnet for a very specific type of lunatic.

To be clear, I don't think we should do anything to those Tea Party groups. It shouldn't be a crime to join one, or go online and describe yourself as Tea Partyr or whatever the fuck they call themselves. Let 'em be crazy. Its a human right.


No, I think its easy to predict that he would've linked to crazy people. He panders to crazy people, most of his fanbase is crazy people, and he himself is a crazy person.

Its like predicting that a man with Downs Syndrome is going to be bad at math, or that a man with Alzheimer's is going to have a bad memory. It isn't hard.


That's easier said than done. Do you understand the bureaucracy that is the US government? It isn't just some little city council meeting, with maybe six or seven people behind closed doors. Let's assume the US was responsible for the Boston Bombing, and see who's involved.

First off, the president doesn't do things himself. Someone else would have to think of the idea, and it'd have to go through official after official until it reached the president. Its not like you can just call and say, "Obama, let's go bomb the Boston Marathon." It doesn't work that way. For something this big, the president would probably confer with some members of his cabinet and the Department of Homeland Security.

Most people assume that the bomb squad planted the bomb, as there was some sort of bomb squad drill on the morning of the Boston Marathon. So now it has to go down through the U.S Bomb Squad Program. The squad that planted the bomb and all their superiors would know about it.

But the Bomb Squad doesn't make bombs. They'd have to get ones from somewhere. And, considering that the bombs used were the homemade kind, they aren't mass produced by any armies and they'd certainly be difficult to buy. So now they need to get someone to plant the bombs. Then more people now.

We're getting to the point where its dozens of people. You'd have to assume that none of them would spill the beans, even to their family or friends. And what about the paper trail left behind? Not everyone could've talked in person. There had to phone calls, e-mails, or even letters. If its true that the Department of Homeland Security monitors nearly all electronic communications, then that's even more people who know.

Alex is too commercial to be 100% legit but still, he does his bit.

My opinion on Alex Jones is still exactly the same. I think he says what he does not out of any real desire to speak the truth or tell people his opinions, but because he knows he can get money from the people who listen to him and believe him. Like Ann Coulter, for example.


I don't believe that he or his family are in danger. It's not that he's desperate fro money, it's that he's greedy and knows that this is a great way of getting money.

Well, you actually didn't ask a question in your post. I also didn't at any point make an allusion to military actions or civilian casualties. We likely have very similiar opinons on the matter.

I would say calling Alex Jones out has zero connection between the wars and violent domination. This converation isn't about that, it is about Jones.

But, to address a few of your points.

On a political level, you as a vote eligible adult should be keeping those things in mind.

I do; haven't missed an election since Gore and don't plan to miss any. I do research on the candidates and balk at those who lean too right OR left. Leading 300 million people is about compromise, not hard-line policies.

end the violence and promote freedom and liberty

How do you promote liberty in a nation-state which has a large group of people willing to die to simply stop that promotion. You could just let the country keep sucking, or go try and help them out. Whether that is our motivation in being the "world police" or not is ancillary. It is a fact that Taliban influence in Afghan was not a "good" thing, nor was Saddam in Iraq.

I don't think we should be there, but since we are, might as well help out. Our military goes to great lengths to avoid civilian casualties, likely more than any other fighting force ever. The entire US Rules of Engagement are designed around the attempt to limit civilian casualties. This of course can't stop rogue soldiers from perpetuating crimes of their own, but it does make them accountable. You may have gotten away with a necklace of ears in Vietnam, but today you will be spending the rest of you life in Kansas (Ft. Leavenworth Max Sec Fed Prison).

I would say calling out Alex Jones while dropping the ball on the connection between the wars and violent domination is a sad joke.

I still don't see the connection, sorry:(

If the media truly cared about the violent extremism it would stay focused on all the harm caused by our inflated military and the untold suffering caused by it's abuses.

Here we agree, I think the media would do well highlighting our govt. and military's failures and holding them accountable for them.

with a history of false flag tactics

It has a history because its bad at them. A successful false flag is not a false flag at all, but an act of enemy aggression. (full disclosure, I do not think the govt. was involved in 9/11 beyond ignoring key intelligence that could have stopped it).

Can you or i really comment on the abilities of the true power in the US government?

We have two options.

A. The government is secretly ran by an elite few who are very good at controlling everything.

B. The government is actually ran by hundreds of thousands of disagreeing individuals that couldn't false flag their way out of a paper bag.

Assuming A is true; every major govt. action in X number of years has been led by a secret cabal of savvy individuals for the betterment of the few. Where I would agree the financial sector / govt. relationship falls into that category, its hardly secret about it. As for defense, there are WAY too many conflicting interests for any single entity to secretly control our military. IT IS FUCKING HUGE;) For better or worse.

Assuming B is true; crazy people do crazy things and it is easier to attribute these actions to a an elusive, intelligent, malevolent force than the few individuals who likely performed the tragedy. Note this also fits the category of blaming the situation on AJ. People do it because it is easier to point the finger at celebrities and politicians than a kid from Boston.

tl;dr- I stand firmly by the opinion that crazy people do crazy things and in absence of evidence (actual evidence, not what has been popping up here for the last week) I will side with the authorities who are, you know, trained to do this.

Also, I seem to be very bored at work today; talk about a wall of text:o