A new tool in the battle against the trolls: your account must be a least 30 days old to comment or post.

122  2013-04-25 by [deleted]



Remember, its for the common good of this country Subreddit.

Only terrorists have anything to be worried about!

You're either with us or you're with the trollorrists

Dawkins may act like an ape, but his message still rings true. Religion is and always has been a vehicle for corruption, violence and silencing dissent.

No it isn't. They'll just incubate accounts and then have even more voice.


New shill repression method:

Do you crave jewish gold?

[ ] Yes

[ ] No

The shills will answer yes.

Yes. Because gold is worth a lot. And i like money.

Enjoy your new subreddit /r/conspiratard. you earned it.


So it effectively becomes a private sub? There are really people that think this is a good idea... holy shit.

Incubate accounts ..

Way to go Corp, I have a couple on ice just for when they are needed .. upvoted :)

The irony is that they just removed the top comment simply for not agreeing with OP.

Yeah, totally legit. Just "trolls" they are worried about.

Oh god, this is hilarious! Aren't the /r/conspiracy mods supposed to be the ones who "protect" free thought?

Do Not Question. Only Obey.

Being a mindless drone is a sad way to live a life.

Slow clap

Agreed. This idea is stupid.

This, a million times, this.


We did it!

no for real, are you high?

the trolls are literally taking away your freedom to speak on this forum by deflecting the conversation away from the subject in question.

If it becomes a choice between them and me then, I win.

If it's equal standing on posting then they win.

you know that you don't have to respond to people who are trolling you, right?

But then how will you prove how much better you are than them?

the terrorists are literally taking away your freedom to own guns

sound pretty ridiculous now doesn't it??

The trolls hate your freedoms?

The key difference is that our relationship with this subreddit is voluntary. Our relationship with government isn't.

...that literally didn't even make sense. Like that had nothing to do with what he just said.

So I guess if America was invaded, all the invaders would immediately be US citizens, and they should be subject to all the civil liberties of citizens who weren't "born yesterday" before the invasion?

You don't get to squash other peoples' voices and then pretend to be victims. If the discussions hadn't been drowned out by new accounts and trolls, this wouldn't have been a problem.

Sealing the coffin with a nail gun I see.

I've had some very high quality posts in the top 3 positions on this subreddit several times and my account is only 7 days old. I made this account to post here when the Boston bombings happened. Anyone who looks through my post history can see that I'm neither a troll nor a shill. I've spent countless hours researching, gathering information and photos, studying photos, watching interviews and videos, listening to the police scanner recordings, and stringing together narratives based on what I've found in an attempt to bring real and legitimate content to this subreddit. Not really fair to keep me from posting.


But, you make stuff up?

Don't worry, they'll let you in their club.

I have asked 9000sins to remove this ridiculous rule. Trolls and shills will never go away and I find it disgusting that this was also done without a vote.

9000Sins is a troll. Don't let them back.

thank you, can you also reverse the bans that were just done to many posters for disagreeing vehemently with this policy!





Pretty sure that "I heard explosions" would indeed be admissible in court. Sure report me. Because clearly is not YOU who is the troll who follows my every post and attempts to tell me I didn't hear anything.


If you could please move on with your life and stop harassing me that would be grand. Thank you.


Please find something better to do than harass me. Thank you.


Please find something better to do than harass me. This is unhealthy for you. Thank you.


I've reported you for harassment. What can you be doing with your time that is more productive or enjoyable?


Yes. I don't know you outside of this subreddit but I'm concerned for you. It's a beautiful day outside. Have you taken the opportunity to enjoy it?


Beautiful view. Is that Boston? Watertown? No wonder you have the arrogance to tell people that were actually there what happened. Please stop harassing me and do something nice for yourself like taking a hike in those gorgeous woods.


I gave you photos yes? But you didn't just initially ask for photos, you questioned my ability to differentiate between explosions larger than a gunshot explosion. You had already made up your mind that the exchange didn't happen and that any witnesses must either be shills or mistaken. If you are challenging the official story then you should be the one to provide proof of the contrary. That you challenged what I heard and demanded photo evidence (which you received) from states away while I was blocks away is why this subreddit is in the turmoil that it is. Do research yourself before challenging others and calling them liars and shills.


I think the boat story is fucked. I do think that it's possible they were legitimately confused as it seemed like they we're trying to pinpoint officer location on the scanner. Someone may have got trigger happy and others got scared and fired as well. We can only speculate, things will be answered in the trial.

And that one instance isn't 99 percent of the story being wrong. This subreddit is questioning actors, fake blood, dead Brown students, Craft agents, Navy Seals, prosthetic limbs, FBI entrapment, uncle being on fed pay, photo shopping backpacks, specs of dust, "Chill out we didn't do it" primed audio, whether people that live there heard things etc. I get it, I used to be a theorists myself. But not every single thing is a lie.

I asked for photos at the very beginning. You posted links 3 days later.

Sorry I didn't have photographic proof of the crime scene while it was still under investigation. Evidence takes time to collect. Things will be answered in the trial. Then make some theories, not before the evidence is presented.

Please unban account: u/cpl-punishment

Im at a loss here, I dont understand. Supposedly if your account is less than 30 days old you cant post now? Why does this not apply to me? My account is 6 days old and I have no problem posting. Also, I agree that it is ridiculous and frankly a little alarming that there is an attempt to censor /r/conspiracy. Who is really behind this?

Haha, no 9000sins wanted to put the rule in and Donbueno took it and him away.

The prodigal son returns...

I think it was a mistake to remove /u/uncensorship. It's a bot that monitors the mod log for deletions.

You're a fucking idiot and you've killed this sub. Good job, enjoy your cesspool you colossal moron.

Good job, I've notified IlluminatedWax (he lives here in Chicago) to come fix your fuckwadery.

I notified him before of what I was doing and why. I am glad someone who may actually know him will get his input.

I'm told he is on his way.

Gonna be weird when he doesn't implement the rule or return that guy as a mod, eh?

While this is a possibility, I doubt it is probable. Based on his moderation in /r/chicago and elsewhere, he tends to leave decisions up to moderators democratically. And if the moderators in /r/conspiracy want to do something a certain way, I see him as a person who stays out of their way and in instances like this, undoes dictator like moves such as this.

I actually never visit /r/conspiracy, and happened upon this through subredditdrama. I don't care either way, to be honest. But there is some bullshit going down and no one mod should be able to say "ITS MINE, GO HOME FUCK YOU ALL!".

I actually think that reddit should facilitate moderators of at least default subreddits in a way that are user voted. We've seen time and time again moderators of such subreddits as /r/politics selling their influence on the subreddit for gain at least twice. Last year around March, and then again this year it recently happened.

We do this to our content, why not to the maintainers of content.

cry moar

I don't post much (ever really) on this sub but I can really see where he's coming from. In the wake of the Boston incident I had several conversations here with people who were quite obviously shills and I found that pretty disturbing. One had posted seven times or so, all of them running interference.

Can I be a mod?

I promise to only ban the stupid people, not the opinions I think are stupid.

How the fuck was making a 30 day requirement a bad thing? This place is infested with trash and 9000 was only trying to clean it up. Enjoy your shit-hole.

Votes are meaningless anymore since we have (literally) 50k trolls and useful idiots sending anything decent into a death spiral. I have watched it unfold and you are not helping.

I made this post 15 days ago in another sub describing the PROCESS of a sub take over. Thank you for proving my point.


Plot Twist: OP is gaming /r/conspiracy right now. Olive Garden is mentioned on this page 24 times (e: so far). It's working even if you think it's not.

EDIT: Just what the fuck is /u/Suspended_Animation up to here? Is it just for the lulz? His comment history would suggest so.

Surely he's not actually receiving any kind of compensation for this. (Or does he really believe there will be some kind of pay out if he keeps it up?) Is he trying to "teach" us methods covert advertisers might use so we can be on the lookout for them?

Is it anti-advertising? Can these techniques be used reliably to create a backlash against the corporation in question? Or is there really no such thing as bad publicity, and will all of this conversation about OG inevitably boost their sales?

What a fucking meta mess.

Inception level marketing indeed.

/u/Suspended_Animation's post above is indeed a blatant advertisement for OG even as it betrays a few secrets of viral marketing.

This is what /u/Suspended_Animation has to say about OG (BTW, their breadsticks are awful, there's shit in the soup, and the wine gives you diarrhea):

Circlejerk about Olive Garden, talk about their tasty breadsticks, their customer service, their website, or whatever....and once Olive Garden reports back to Reddit, a small reward would be given.


You may be wondering how people posting relatively jerky and harmless comments about OliveGarden.com and Olive Garden's unlimited soup, salad, and breadsticks....or their house wine and welcoming family environment...could possibly work


I'll be honest, even as I went through Reddit telling people to eat Olive Garden, I MYSELF was getting a mad craving for some warm, doughy breadsticks, and unlimited soup and salad. I won't lie, I've gone to Olive Garden three times since joining [17] /r/CircleCabal.


I think you see where this is going. The Admins know that the meta verse is typically disregarded as pointless...throwaway drama. You might think that circlejerking about Olive Garden is harmless, and frankly, it is. Who gives a shit if they have unlimited soup, salad, and breadsticks? Who cares about their house wine, or their family-friendly atmosphere, or their locations nationwide? None of that matters. And that's the point. The fact that you think it is harmless means you forget about the stupid jerking, maybe you even laugh at it. Maybe you upvote the random person who shows up in your /r/Anime thread to talk about Zuppa Toscana and breadsticks or whatever. And then you forget about it.

But that's why this is so insiduous. Because it plants that seed in your mind, and the following Saturday you find yourself at Olive Garden. Or you're like the person who I showed above, who went to go get Olive Garden. All of this is translating into backdoor profits for Reddit, namely the Admins.

Nice recap, champ.

Some people were born to copy/pasta...I MEAN PASTE

dammit its working.

I love the irony. He starts off talking about how "the meta stuff" keeps things interesting ... and then proceeds to post a comment that is meta in and of itself. "Here, let me make you aware of how OG is gaming the system (while I game the system)."

S/he is claiming to be outing the conspiracy while participating in it, and furthering it. I would put money that there's a thread in that /r/CircleCabal titled, "Watch this! I'm going to pretend to out you all - and put advertising in their face while doing it!"

I don't understand why you recapped that when we he literally just said all that.

Yes, he is advertising as he literally tells us he and others have been advertising. He wasn't trying to be subtle. You don't need to take AP English to "get it" when the OP is being blatant.

OP's advertising technique is blatant but it is not at all overt. The bulk of his comment pertains to esoteric subreddits and melodrama. It is perfectly plausible that someone absent-mindedly skimming through his comment would not take note of the covert manipulation.

My comment isolates the specific surreptitious statements in OP's comment to present them for consideration on their own.

Sometimes it is helpful to state the obvious in order to drive home a point.

Fuck you, I'm going to Olive Garden now.

and when I get there..it shall BURN!

I got the exact same feeling. Jokes on them though, I'm in China and there's no way this reverse, reverse meta psychological advertisement is going to get me to fly across the world.

All in all it makes me feel slimy and gross. Of course as we get more and more popular these tactics will combine with anonymity and the site's lack of ads to target us. It will almost certainly work for a period, but remaining vigilant we can at least stomp it out, unlike billboards or harassing TV/radio ads (you could turn the TV/radio off, I know).

Not sure, but this might be meta-meta advertising

Even better. When the masses of Reddit get their hands on this and it makes the front page, Olive Garden will once again be getting the advertising it wanted even if it's with torches and pitchforks.

The joke is on them, every time I think about Olive Garden I remember there is a Rockne's right across the street. Max the Knife™, because I'm just not fat enough yet! Fuck yeah.

The joke is really on them because I used to work for them. I could never eat there after what I witnessed in that kitchen. (⊙﹏⊙)

"I'm posting this on a throwaway account for obvious reasons."

--Proceeds to post pictures narrowing him down to however many moderators there are on /r/circlecabal, as well as personal background, which would narrow even further.

It is an interesting marketing scheme though. Oh well.. let's all meet at the closest family owned Italian restaurant. I want some breadsticks and salad, but I'll be damned if I let the corporate bastards win!

Of course this shit works because I want bread sticks now. It's manipulating a lower psychological function that is present in all of us. It should be comforting to know how similar and relatable we are as humans. Now go read a book and have a glass of water.

Now go read a book and have a glass of water.

Hahaha I seriously just had this whole thing written out about how this sounded like a good idea and how I was going to do it. I honestly didn't recognize the irony in it for a good minute.

Only I'd be doing you a favor hahahah

Reminds me of The Aristocrats where a comedian (I can't recall his name) is being interviewed in a park (I think he was on or near a swing) and he refuses to tell the joke because it's disgusting and pointless and so on and so forth. He goes on this rant about why he won't tell it and in doing so, inadvertently (or possibly very cleverly) tells the joke.




Wow. I could have sworn this was just a circlejerk thing that spread everywhere else until your post. Very informative.

Wow. I could have sworn this was just a circlejerk thing that spread everywhere else until your post. Very informative.

It goes deep. There is even an /r/funny comment linking to an unrelated subreddit that somehow forwards to /r/unlimitedbreadsticks and the flippin /r/news mods have put it in the header. The best part? All of this is getting upvoted like it's no big deal.

Redditors are sheep.

Aren't you a /r/news moderator?

Aren't you a /r/news moderator?

No. Aren't you an /r/news moderator?

This is super meta meta circlejerking, uncover conspiracy and it's announcement only perpetuates it.

I KNEW IT! Check my user history...

Also, my subreddit /r/OliveGardenConspiracy has been on this, thanks for the firsthand account!

How could anyone possibly give a shit about this?

Slow down for a second and realize this is a story about a restraunt paying a bunch of idiots to circlejerk over their chain. Process that statement in your head for a few seconds and than compare it with the drama and mystique this person writes about it with.

Can't. Too busy eating delicious warm breadsticks. AGAINST MY WILL.

It is a story about how this supposedly independent, social media is in fact just as manipulated as Fox News - with subtle, cheap and ingenious methods. That's pretty interesting I'd say.

It's the drama and embelishment he puts into his story that makes it cringeworthy for me. Like it's some major earth shaking deal.

If he just used a more 'Yeah they wanted to pay us to do this and here's how it happened' tone I would probably be pretty interested.

It's a story about greed. A story about educated men who sold their souls for mediocre Italian food. And a story about one lone soldier who stood his ground, IN A WORLD where scruples are torn like soft breadsticks -- tossed like a fresh crisp salad -- and devalued like unlimited soup.

"You might think that circlejerking about Olive Garden is harmless, and frankly, it is."

Nope, as all the forums are taken over by marketers, which will inexorably happen, reddit will be over, as over as Digg. Well, I guess it is harmless to us, we will move on, but not harmless to corporate reddit.

Okay I majored in Advertising and there's what' callled the Milton Effect where hearing a concept, even if its negated makes you believe it.

HE'S RIGHT! Look at the pictures! I used to think the whole Olive Garden (intentionally not linking to it) thing was a just a silly circlejerk thing or even Bravery Jerk, but no, it's true, they're getting paid! They're shills!

Does anyone else suddenly have a strong urge to eat breadsticks?

Just reading this made me want some breadsticks and salad man.

I assumed the whole point of the post was to be self-demonstrating or end on a meta twist.

I'm just fucking hungry man


"Unwitting circlejerkers" hahahahahahahahhahaha

And the great thing about all this is now that they've been exposed, we're still talking about it, and even though I don't approve of what they did, I decided we are going tomorrow around 4:30 for their new Mezzaluna Ravioli and buy-one take-one special!

Oh shit...redban...consipiracy...subversive...omg...it is all coming together...this is bigger than the kennedy assassination

Well damnit, now I just want Olive Garden with their delicious unlimited breadsticks and cheap 5 Cheese Marinara Dipping Sauce. Perhaps some chicken marsala to go with it. Yeah, that sounds good.

Your bitcoin is on the way

There was a consensus between the mods on this one, but it was not put to a public vote.

So a secret group of unknown individuals decide what can and can not be said.

Quite ironic.


You're either with us or you're with the trollorists!

Wasn't put to a public vote

Blaims the government for being corrupt all the time.

I asked you to remove and much like your chilidish deleting of posts that disagree with you here you replied rather vitriolic. I informed illuminatedwax of my decisions and let him know he can remove me if he wants but this place did just fine with little to no moderating and can not understand how you ever thought a 30 day rule in here would make any sense that clear lack of judgement and the deleting of posts in this thread that called you out are the reasons why I removed you all. I understand maybe your intentions were good but making rules like that in order to stop shills is ridiculous.

This level of Drama doesn't belong on this subreddit. We need more than two moderators.

The sheer irony of that statement:

"This level of Drama doesn't belong on this subreddit"

This subreddit is religion combined with reality television fed to lost downtrodden souls of the modern world. It's a religion for those who can't believe in a God. A reason and order to a world that makes no sense. It's nothing but 100% grade A pure drama and bullshit.

This is the truth. 9k was not a good moderator, he was very very pro censorship, and was outted for it many times. I've been on this sub since it had less than 2000 members and there is a lot of truth to the statement: "this place did just fine with little to no moderating".

Good job donbueno, that was a long time coming.

Maybe I was a bit harsh but the point needs to be made that the rule was ridiculous.

i think what you did was necessary, there has been so much crap here and no-one seemed to be dealing with it (or if it was being dealt with, the amount of crap must have overwhelmed whoever was dealing with it).

I can understand being really strict with moderation for a few days, but banning new accounts obviously goes against people wanting to ask questions or submit news which might be sensitive or controversial, the whole foundation of this.

please don't re-instate the mods, things are much better this way without the censorship.

LMAO what point you idiot this is an internet forum. You're acting like this shit matters in real life.


self posts are the best posts around here

Yo, FT, did you get your mod status taken too?

I agree that a 30 day rule is too much. But donbueno's statement that the sub worked fine without moderation is fucking mental.

Yo, dumbass.

Not only can you check that on the sidebar. But if you go through my posts and don't realize that I'm not flytape, you aren't very smart.

Thanks for the heads up!!

And for being a total fucking asshole!


seriously? activistpost.com, beforeitsnews.com, infowars.com, blacklistednews.com etc... make us lose credibility. it's WAY better for our cause when cnn, fox, or msnbc have to admit that something fishy's going on.

they were before last week

they've been the best posts here forever

the 'non-MSM' links around here are generally garbage. the informative ones offer news that is available in mainstream sources


Ok, and there are self posts that aren't like what you described.

you complain about forum sliding when this place had moderators like 9k sins and flytape?

they peppered this sub with junk that they couldn't bother to intelligently defend



can i be mod?




oh god the desperation, my sides


Are you only doing this for accounts with less than a year or 6months?

Oh god the paranoia, my sides

lets figure it out tomorrow I really was not impressed with what I saw here this evening. I am tired and dont like to make drama but I had to make a point and your drastic measure called for drastic action.



It's a conspiracy.

Please don't. I, for one, respect freedom of speech, and this other person obviously does not. :(

I agree and that freedom, even if we don't agree and they are just being an ass, makes us support our positions. Trolls no trolls all comers should be welcome. ..

Please don't reinstate them, really don't. You could be the savior this subreddit needs. I won't lie I have nothing against your average oddball conspiracy but what I really hate is the rampant racism and hate speech that gets posted and upvoted here by the mods. And then when an outside force like conspiratard comes in and calls out the ignorant racists the mods ban the instigators but do nothing about the underlying problem, and eventually it leads to stupid things like the 30 day rule.

I urge you to just be a one man team here or get some others who are level headed and will actually enforce the rules in the sidebar and ban the blatant racists that have to insert their hate speech into every single thread (I'm talking about users like tttt0tttt and bumblingmumbling specifically, Occidentalist also comes to mind, basically the entire white supremacist/nazi crew).

I can almost guarantee that the amount of flak and trolling/"shilling" this place gets will substantially decrease once it stops being a haven for neo nazis and fascists.

Thanks for listening and I hope you do the right thing.

As an unbiased third party observer, I agree with you here. There's tons of racists who frequent /r/conspiracy that make all conspiracy nuts look like even bigger idiots. I also think that the old moderator team wasn't a really good one.

I nominate /u/caferrell from /r/EndlessBore to moderate this place.

You look terrible in drag, JCM. Man up and post as yourself for once, eh? When you have to cross-dress your sockpuppets it's disgusting,

In the words of the great American singer-songwriter, Mr. William Robinson, Jr. (aka Smokey Robinson), I Second That Emotion!


No, it's like me telling a group of people being bullied for being racists that if they stop being racists the amount of bullying will decrease.

More like if you remove all the rancid meat from the store maybe people will stop posting reviews online about how the place sells shitty meat.

You're a racist, plain and simple. The fact that people point that out is not their fault.

Please don't reinstate them this place has been run by racist idiots, just look at this picture that was posted in another thread:


Is this really the type of attitude this place is supposed to promote? One person is banned for racism after a remark to an actually offensive comment which isn't reprimanded at all, it's disgusting.


He's trying to keep the sub alive by removing the cancer.

You sound really mad, dude. It sounds like you need to take the edge off. You know what always helps me? Some unlimited soup, salad, and breadsticks from Olive Garden.


I like the cut of your jib.


Is this still going on? Joke or not, the OG shtick needs to die.

His relationship is that he's owned by the EPS crowd. And adding to the awfulness, he has no problem smoking dope. I'm sure that leaves him with a clear, rational decision-making ability. http://www.reddit.com/r/trees/comments/13o6om/the_absolute_most_horrifying_moment_in_all_bong/c75r6jq

Hi there 9000SINS - I would really appreciate it if you could please bear in mind Rule 5.

lmao talk about owned

Rule #5: No caps lock.

Seriously, you are unfit to be a moderator if you cannot even follow the basic rules of this subreddit.

Nah dude he just held shift it's all good.

Yeah cause the rule went against the principle of this subreddit that any opinion about a conspiracy can be discussed openly.

yeah, one of the greatest things about this sub are the throwaway account self posts that say shit like, "i'm in military intelligence, i don't want them to find me, here's what i know..."

forcing all accounts to be a month old kills those posts.

You know what else kills those? Downvotes. The fact that people think increased moderation is needed to fix that just goes to show how many gullible paranoid nutjobs we have here that upvote the most idiotic posts.

no, increased moderation is not the answer. i don't think posts from those crazy sites should be removed. but i only have one downvote to give them, and they end up towards the top more often than not. this is a problem every subreddit faces when it reaches a certain size, quality content starts getting drowned out by the noise of easily digestible and sensationalized bullshit. i think i'm just going to have to try to get approved in /r/trueconspiracy hopefully it's less of a circlejerk, and they take the time to do actual research instead of blindly believing everything they hear.

How would one go about joining /r/trueconspiracy?

message the mods. beg.

there are no posts like that. why do you keep saying this?




You want to censor people for not being members for 30 days. How is that any less arbitrary?

They can post after they establish they're not new sockpuppets. it's like you can't vote unless you show citizenship, what's wrong with that?


It's his sub, asshole. He can do whatever he wants with it.

Sorry but you are in the wrong here, you constantly act like a jerk thinking you are invulnerable to recourse for your actions.


all hail zorg

you got a problem with that bitch

fight me, I got monkey power

They agreed with you. That's pretty damn wrong.

you mad bro?

you mod bro?

you don't mod bro.

why you mad, bro?

you are a waste of oxygen.




which was cut off just now by donbueno. cry


still deleting your own messages too apparently

edit: that was /u/9000sins , who banned me for no reason. and 'which was cut off by donbueno' was referring to his cock.

While this policy can be debated.

Banning every mod at your whim is not.

I hope the admins remove you.

lol like the admins give a single shit about this subreddit

This is not acceptable behaiviour, there is 100k readers here, they better care.

They never did anything when the IAMA shut down occurred.

Then we should whine more!

If they are annoyed enoght they will act.


Oh. You're being serious...


What's wrong with this perfectly legit strategy?

I used it in the past and it worked.

Admins do something about the mods? They've never stepped in unless it is illegal, like kiddie porn.

That's because they were bothered to do it.

So that means they can be bothered to do this.

When /r/IAMA was shut down a millions of users cried out (way more than /r/conspiracy) and the admins did nothing that just wasn't bothersome enough. What's /r/conspiracy going to do to be more bothersome?

or else...?

Or else?

This wasn't really a threat or anything to merit an or else.

they better care

What you're saying is they're better off caring about this subreddit than letting it rot. Why is that so?

I'm pretty sure I saw an admin trolling this sub earlier this week.


You've just lost the trust of a big chunk of this subreddit.


You want to talk about hasty actions? this is what YOU DID.

Are you fucking the king of the world? your whim absolute?


Policy can be discussed and removed, what you did is irrevocable, because that trust is lost.

Well done SHILL if there is anyone who DESERVES to be call a shill is YOU

First off, bold text is horrible at making an argument.

Second, "No abusive/threatening language." from the sidebar. Calling someone a shill is an abusive attempt at removing their credibility. Do you understand what the word shill even means?

Third, yes it should be discussed. But this is a subreddit and those above have control of those below. That is what was signed up for here.

So please calm down. Most here understand it was an action that should not have been made. But screaming angrily will do nothing. You are actually derailing arguments that make sense in this thread with such actions.


That was truly a beautiful read, you unique pillar of insightfulness! May your path cross with many lovers. My reaction to it.



shut the fuck up.

This is rather hostile. Aren't the mods asking us to be civil?

That rule only applies to people with dissenting opinions. If you follow the /r/conspiracy hivemind you can vaguely threaten to kill other people and it will be viewed as free speech.

aaww poor babby butthurt?

Butthurt? I'm a geologist, with a hot wife and 4 cars. I'm sure that beats your Xbox , fleshlight, and two pair of semen encrusted pantaloons. I only go into /r/conspiracy to make your comrades my bitches. I have a certain set of skills that makes guys like you delete your comments. I'm more uncomfortable than corn in your pisshole. Most of you bitches that pretend to be smart by using derogatory language are 12 year old multi chin mouth breathers, with pizza pocket permanently lodged between your sweaty ass fingers. You are a fat fuck aren't you? I can tell. You have to poke the fun at random Internet schlubs or you will start thinking about how utterly shitty and fat your own life is. Larking through Walmart fantasizing about under age kids. Yes I know your type bitch. It's sad.

You're right, those have essentially been shut the fuck up already for the 30 day rule.

I've done it. At last count, I have 18 screenames. Not all of them post to r/conspiracy, but 11 of them do

So tell me why the fuck should we listen to an admitted liar such as yourself?

Please do us all a favor and gtfo the internet

Do you believe everything people tell you on the internet?

I'm a Nigerian prince...

go away chicagobeerfansucks

The influx of shills here in the last two weeks is insane

Of course a shill such as yourself is well aware of this

Could it be the amount of insane theories posted here recently have increased immensely, and the more rational minded people here disagree with those theories? The only people I have seen called shills or trolls are the people with a dissenting opinion. Pretty all have been because they disagreed with that person.

Do you see shills outside of reddit? At work? The bank? While grocery shopping have you been forced to roll your eyes SO HARD at a shill giving horrible advice about organic gluten-free bread mix?

I am just intrigued by you, don't take this as an attack or me baiting you into an argument. Please answer as honestly as you can.

all day erry day

Do you believe there are shills that you don't see, simply because you agree with the message they're shilling? I wonder if Alex Jones, David Icke, Ron Paul pay people to submit pro-conspiracy posts to this sub, and sit around in the comments calling everyone Zionists and shills?

a shill is just someone who by and large lacks independent thought, and uses pre-thought canned excuses provided to them by their culture/society to explain their poor behavior/outlook rather than personal responsibility or being proactive to change said behavior/outlook

"Culture just a worthless network of excuses. Nah I'm just playin I'm totally clueless totally dude bro gnarly awesome"

Ah. So yes, you're admitting that its likely that there are proconspiracy shills.

absolutely alex jones is a prime example

I'll admit, I barely ever heard the word shill before starting to read /r/conspiracy, and I still haven't bothered to look it up. Based on it's use in this subreddit, the meaning is "person that doesn't agree 100% with a poster in /r/conspiracy," right?

I was just going to post the same thing to myself!


Have a different opinion on an older account? Then what's the problem?

Honestly, what's the problem? You're on an 8 month old account, you have nothing to worry about if you're man enough to say it on that account.

No mods ban for different opinions as well.

No, trolling = troll. Most of the new people are just hurling insults and not being objective.

I've been called a shill and troll the past few days for saying I will not form an opinion until more evidence comes out, and for asking for evidence of a claim people have made. The past few weeks this sub has gone to shit.

That's unfortunate, and while I can understand how there is a bunch of mistaken intent, some people ARE blatently trolling and just attacking people for even opening their mouths in a sub called /r/conspiracy, and that's pretty self evident. It seems to have died down a bit, but they're still here.

Yeah, hopefully it is just temporary but I really don't think this new tool is going to help.

You're probably right about that.

But how do you reconcile what you stand for and this action?


That's a fatigued chestnut.

I say if you're account is new, and your comment history is antagonistic, made up of character attacks, semantics, or condescending, and not objective, it's a troll. If you attack someone's mental health, you're a troll. If you stand up a strawman next to someone's argument, you're a troll. If you politely objectify why someone's wrong, elaborately detail the facts, instead of just criticizing someone for their curiosity, you're providing totally valid dissent.

You don't know what I stand for. I just reconciled my opinion on this matter.


A troll is someone who projects traits onto people without making a point. If you can't discuss without making character attacks, you're a troll.

This is not correct. The term "troll" is derived from the fishing term "trolling" and means much the same thing, albeit in the context of online discussions. A troll is someone who drops "bait" in the hope of provoking an emotional, off-topic, or otherwise active response. The goal is to get a "catch" and string them along. Trolls can and do troll without character attacks, inflammatory language, or insults.

What you are describing is more commonly known as an "asshole," and while trolls can be assholes, assholes are not necessarily trolls.


Yes, seriously. Some people think "troll" comes from the creature, but in fact it comes from the fishing term. It's been kicking around for longer than many redditors have been alive.

On some message boards, when longtimers spot a troll or engage in trolling themselves, they'll remain silent about it just to see how many newcomers they get. When someone takes the bait, "got one" is a common refrain.

The very best trolls are fairly artful about it generally steer clear of clumsy insults altogether. Just thrashing at people is easy, lazy, and obvious. Much harder is getting people to take the bait when you're NOT obviously pushing their buttons. There are a few ardently pro-conspiracy people here, for example, who are clearly trolls. Very good trolls, but trolls all the same.

Like I said, you're describing assholes, not trolls.

If they can troll without being assholes, they're not likely to be called trolls. Are you saying trolls are making valid points and being constructive and being undetected as trolls? Then they're not trolls. There's nothing wrong with harping on your point as long as you don't keep repeating yourself when someone engages you.

If they can troll without being assholes, they're not likely to be called trolls.

That is the entire point.

Then wouldn't they be missing the point if they couldn't get someone fired up? Isn't that the whole point of trolling; to get someone to just lose it and start wrecking their own case for them, not even with an agenda necessarily, just because they think it's entertaining?

I'll give you an example.

Let's say someone spends a decent amount of time constructing an elaborate conspiracy theory--not that hard, and authors do it all the time for their novels--and posts it here. Perhaps it has links to various pictures with plenty of red circles or boxes (particularly popular these days) and notations.

Now, they just completely made up some stuff and don't believe a bit of it. They post it on /r/conspiracy to see if anyone will take their bait; that is the actual definition of trolling. Just like when you go fishing, sometimes you catch some fish and sometimes you don't. In this case, sometimes people see through your bullshit and sometimes they don't. Or maybe only a couple do, but others buy it and downvote the people who were able to catch on. Particularly good for the real troll is if the people who criticize this fake theory get called shills or trolls.

Have you ever heard "for the lulz"? There are plenty of bored people out there who find it fun just to fuck with others on the internet. All the better if they're actually praised by the people they're fucking with, right?

Edit: typos

I'm totally sure that goes on. I'm totally sure at least half the stuff posted here is bullshit. I think a lot of people here would accuse Alex Jones of being a troll in that respect. However, it's no reason to roll in and start calling people names, and NOT meticulously making the points of evidence for bullshit. I'm entirely sure that there are plenty of trollbait original posts in here. No doubt. However, there is a lot of legitimate concern for things beyond the bombing being a conspiracy in itself. A lot of stories aren't straight, not just the conspiracy theory people. You could troll religious subs the same way by making some big racist religious rant and watch people buy into it. The Daily Show made an artform out of this at the RNC by saying outlandish things and getting people to just go right along with them. If a troll posted disinformation and then the submitter let them in on it after the fact, I'd find that hilarious and it would also be productive, because it might create some self-awareness. Again, that's not the entirety of the purpose of this kind of sub.

I listen to Coast to Coast AM on occasion knowing that at least half the people are kooks, but it's a moderated kook show and a forum for fringe ideas alike. All lines are blurry when the topic of discussion is fringe in itself, so it's not like the bar is very high for trolling.

The difference is whether or not they fool anyone.

Just talking shit and calling people names is obvious; they're not fooling anyone, just trying to piss people off or annoy them.

Being courteous and being seen as a useful contributor/valuable member of a community while actually just spreading fabricated information fools people. I'd call this the pinnacle of trolling. Not that I'm supporting trolling, but I can appreciate a job well done, no matter if I find that job distasteful.

The thing is, what I'm talking about really isn't dissimilar from what a disinfo artist does; in fact, it's just a matter of motivation. "For the lulz" or furthering the interest of a backer with a particular agenda? Haha! I sound pretty paranoid, huh?

By the way, have you read The Gentleperson's Guide To Forum Spies?

I'd call this the pinnacle of trolling

Aaah, but the inverse is true. The majority of the people here, regardless of their gullibility are here because they believe the mainstream media are guilty of the same level of trolling. Granted, not always from skill, but definitely some of the mainstream media news reporting is blatant trolling by that definition. Alex Jones trolls some of the time. I don't think he's explicitly trustworthy. I think he regurgitates what he hears and manufactures the rest.

If you see something like that here and objectify it. I doubt anyone is going to mind. There is a mixed consensus on the whole "no real bomb" thing. I think there's not even a need to follow that, when there would be so many other things. Why drag someone's pain into it? I do feel like the character witnesses, nature of the arrest, and nature of the pursuit the night before to be extremely suspicious, and that's apart from someone being insensitive about other people's pain. I have no interest in that. It seems extremely tangental.

By the way, have you read The Gentleperson's Guide To Forum Spies?

Nope. I'll give it a look.

The only reason you'd be getting upvoted, is if the trolls are doing the upvoting. You're playing a semantics game when it's well known what an internet troll is. Don't be so conveniently naive.

But he's actually correct. Just because Reddit completely misses the point of what trolling actually is, doesn't make it accurate.

I was giving a contextual definition. I know it wasn't literally a troll in the most generic sense of "someone trying to get a reaction for the sake of the reaction, and to cause disruption." That also seems vague. The strawman and the insults are the hallmark of this crop of trolls.

You're playing a semantics game when it's well known what an internet troll is.

It's not a semantics game, it's clarifying the facts for you. We are interested in facts, right? Isn't that what this sub is all about - getting to the facts?

It's a fact that a troll is not merely someone who attacks you or who never makes a point. In fact, many trolls often make points because that's an effective way to keep stringing people along.

That's why the distinction between trolls and mere assholes is important, especially in light of what the mods are trying to accomplish.

I'm on... to you. ;) A troll doesn't HAVE to make a point, but you're right that they can make unrelated points or related points alike and not have any interest in constructive communication. We're still talking about the same kinds of trolls. Are the possibly racist anti semitic conspiracy trolls here, probably, but they're in the minority right now, that's for sure. They aren't making much noise.


40 year old fisherman? I'm a geologist, with a hot wife and 4 cars. I'm sure that beats your Xbox , fleshlight, and two pair of semen encrusted pantaloons. I only go into /r/conspiracy to make your comrades my bitches. I have a certain set of skills that makes guys like you delete your comments. I'm more uncomfortable than corn in your pisshole. Most of you bitches that pretend to be smart by using derogatory language are 12 year old multi chin mouth breathers, with pizza pocket permanently lodged between your sweaty ass fingers. You are a fat fuck aren't you? I can tell. You have to poke the fun at random Internet schlubs or you will start thinking about how utterly shitty and fat your own life is. Larking through Walmart fantasizing about under age kids. Yes I know your type bitch. It's sad.

I'm a polygamist geologist with 2 hot wives and 5 cars. I'm sure that beats your PS3, real doll, and three pair of semen encrusted breeches. I only go into /r/conspiracy to make your genosse my bitches. I have a certain set of abilities that makes dudes like you delete your comments. I'm more uncomfortable than olives in your anus. Most of you bitches that pretend to be intelligent by using derogatory language are 11 year old multi roll mouth breathers, with pizza rolls permanently lodged between your sweaty ass toes. You are an obese fuck aren't you? I can tell. You have to poke the fun at random Internet schmucks or you will start thinking about how utterly shitty and obese your own life is. Larking through K-mart fantasizing about under age children. Yes I know your type slut. It's depressing.

I'm 1 car and 1 hot wife better than you, you fat pizza roll.


Liar? I'm a geologist, with a hot wife and 4 cars. I'm sure that beats your Xbox , fleshlight, and two pair of semen encrusted pantaloons. I only go into /r/conspiracy to make your comrades my bitches. I have a certain set of skills that makes guys like you delete your comments. I'm more uncomfortable than corn in your pisshole. Most of you bitches that pretend to be smart by using derogatory language are 12 year old multi chin mouth breathers, with pizza pocket permanently lodged between your sweaty ass fingers. You are a fat fuck aren't you? I can tell. You have to poke the fun at random Internet schlubs or you will start thinking about how utterly shitty and fat your own life is. Larking through Walmart fantasizing about under age kids. Yes I know your type bitch. It's sad.



Well it's still funny to me! :)

Hope you like kittens, because man, we've got kittens. Also porn.

If you can't discuss without making character attacks, you're a troll.

If that is the case, the majority of conspiracy theorists here are trolls.

Wrong. Troll: being a dickhead just because.

You're right. You're a troll. Your entire comment history is either making fun of people who comment here or playing the victim. You almost never offer a point of view beyond that. You're not engaged in any discussions. You're just trolling and pretending to be a victim about it. It's not any more complicated than that.

I haven't offered a clear point a view because I haven't gotten any clear evidence. I make my assumptions based on the information I'm given. That's called being rational. Now if there is something in particular you would like to debate, I'm all ears.

You're here just to argue about it being a community for silly conspiracy theories. You're blatantly trolling. I haven't made any claims except that if this were any other subreddit, you'd still be trolling. You're not making any claims or defending any points except to discredit everyone. You're spinning wheels. I'm not pointing it out for your sake. You clearly don't give a shit. I'm pointing it out because you deserve some of your own medicine. You probably won't get it here, and tonight, but who knows? You are definitely a troll making no points and defending no ground.


Get a life dude.

A life? Is that what you have? Spending all your time trying to piss people off? You don't plant your seeds in infertile soil. You can shift focus away from your posting history, but that's what matters. I'm not going to waste my time with you because you're wasting everyone's time.

Give me an example of my trolling post history.

So if someone wants to make an alternate account to post something that would otherwise be in anyway detrimental to their privacy, they have to wait 30 days?

Not the best idea ever...

Why don't all 100k of our readers participate in downvoting...? You know... the point behind Reddit's success in general.

Hey everyone, this guy thinks reddit's method of upvoting and downvoting is a success

It's got to be the most consensus driven ways for internet communities to form cliche circlejerks. People will believe anything as long as most other people believe in it.

If you're an advertiser it is.

Thank you for making this point so eloquently. Wtf are they thinking? This isn't a treehouse club.

I think it's a lose/lose situation. I, personally, have a two year old account but I'm not about to post all my batshit (to other people) ideas on my main account where people in real life know me. I respect that people are so confident in their ideas, but I'm really not.

I also believe this problem runs deep and simply downvoting might not be enough. I don't think there's any perfect idea. It's tricky.

With all the SRS people doxxing redditors (they hate the site and its users with extreme prejudice) I have delinked anything personal I can to my account. Therefore I just say what I want. Reddit has become a coo-coo's nest of 4chan irl stalking tactics and the admins won't do a fucking thing about it



Go shill elsewhere.

Because I like cheese I'm a shill? That's interesting.

Playing dumb doesn't make you any less obvious. I've studied your little group for some time now.

Please, tell me about my "little group," because you obviously know me so well.

He's clearly joking man, lighten up. He's talking about your name and that you're part of the cheesetarians...oh never mind.

Sorry, my sarcasm awareness on this sub is almost nonexistent.



quite, but it is quite acceptable. It prevents all the shills from misdirecting people via the comments


Ok and we aren't banning opposing view points

We are banning suspicious new comers from commenting

If you haven't been on reddit longer than a month, you don't need to comment on /r/conspiracy

simple as that

Why does that make sense? That seems like it is throwing the baby out with the bath water doesn't it? Also this is clearly stated:

This subreddit is a thinking ground, above all else we respect everyone's opinions...

So it doesn't make much sense at all.

lol jews


I delete my main account fairly often, I like to be more anonymous. I"ll just have to start pre-creating accounts so they are 30 days ripe I suppose. Not a troll...

The problem is?

this is the stupidest idea i've ever heard. i dont understand why anyone even gives a shit about "trolls" just downvote them and move on if they bother you so much.

They were taking over, upvoting themselves to the top of threads, down voting the regulars and utterly destroying the sub. It was a good idea and the product of consensus amongst the mods because they saw the problem progress and it should still be in place. The mod who didn't like it was not involved with the sub, did not understand the problem and therefore thought it was an over reaction, his stance was the product of ignorance.

I am almost completely anti-conspiracy. I believe that almost none of the mainstream conspiracy theories have any real scientific or rational basis. I am certain that most people who do believe in generalised conspiracies, are psychologically challenged. I do not believe in such a thing as a government "shill" - such individuals are so rare they can be almost ignored as non-existent.

Is THIS trolling? Am I allowed in your private "club"? Because if I am not - based on this post - then you are a complete joke. Truth, freedom and information are not your real goals.

As long as you don't shame, and provide evidence to back up claims (as we encourage for posters), you are allowed here.

Why thank you, sir. Such measures are necessary if one truly desires to "get to the bottom of things" - to find out the actual nature of things. In this way, we have a better chance of shoveling through the mountains of conspiratard cognitive dissonance and general logic failure, and find our way to the truly pressing issues of our time. These issues may not have the fantastical pseudo-romance of an off-the-wall conspiracy theory - but they are a whole lot more important, and conspiracies nonetheless.

Truth, freedom and information are not your real goals.

This is a war on your perception.

If you are not with us you are against us.

Truth, freedom and information are meaningless things that ultimately rot.

Only a shift of perspective a paradigm shift matters.

So, it doesn't matter if a perspective is complete nonsense and at odds with reality, as long as it's different than the one you held before?


Its not like the current reality people live in makes any sense at all if you actually look deep down.

We are all living in our own bubble limited by our own experiences,the only solution is to broaden our horizon or forever rot in our current state.

Bollocks. The goal is better, not different. And this "If you are not with us you are against us" tripe is just the kind of crap that falls out of the mouths of 16yo goths and George W. Bush.

This is what we are fighting, not dissenting opinion

Says who? Who ensures you are using your ban-hammer for goood?

We(the community) do.

If you think you have been wrongfully banned I'm sure users will check things out and scream with a very passionate voice about the evil mods.


That saying really doesn't apply.

I don't have issue with an opposing opinion/judgment/theory/idea.

But the constant barrage of insults, attacks, and spammed one-liners doesn't add anything to the discussion. It's merely a common tactic used by simpletons to drown out a voice.

There was one poster who spammed the same one-line, something along the lines of 'Well, you guys are stupid, if they wanted to the Gov't would have just planted a gun on the boat, so trololol'.

Argue with me, bring evidence to your discussion. Disprove my theories with your own conjecture not baseless personal and typical internet attacks.

And others have bee banned simply for disagreeing with something a mod says.


Uncensorship and the ModerationLog in theory.

Or just scream loudly in a thread that you have been banned by the evil mods.

Serious question... What exactly is a shill?? As far back as I can remember my father has been a conspiracy theorist and one of my sisters & myself discuss things with him often, but the term (name?) shill has never been brought up. Can someone please explain this for me, without attacking me for honestly not knowing...

A shill is generally used to describe someone who is paid to promote a product or a cause, usually without disclosing that association. That guy who just won at three-card monty is a shill, he's in on the game, to draw in the marks.

And just to add to that, not a single person who posts here has ever been verifiably identified as an actual shill. To do that you would need to post their personal information proving that they're being paid by [insert shady organization here]. That is against reddit site-wide rules and you will be banned for doing it.

The calling out of "shills" that goes on here is nothing more than a witch hunt, plain and simple.

You can't prove I'm not God, because that would also make you omnipotent and also God.

Is that about the size of your "logical" argument against the existence of shills?

I don't see get your analogy. He's not saying that it's self-defeating to prove someone is a shill, just that it would require doxxing and get you banned.

I prefer the term "boot-licking court historians" ( I think the late Jim Keith came up with that one.)

Got it! Thank you for answering!

A shill is anyone that disagrees with me. Well, at least that's the definition this ex-mod appeared to have.

In this subreddit, it means anyone who doesn't have an opinion 100% matching the moderators.

The HB Gary scandal is an excellent legal accounting of what a shill is, and proof that it is a very real practice.

A shill is anyone who doesn't know what a shill is


I've been on Reddit for over a year, but admit that I've mostly been a spectator rather than a contributor. As this whole Boston thing was going down, Reddit became my go-to news source because of the real time updates / analysis. This event has made me want to contribute my ideas to fellow Redditors.



A week ago they make a post looking for new mods. A week after new mods...internet free speech crackdown.


why not just ignore those being asses and engage those looking for a conversation, regardless of when they decided to join this site? despite what your internet ego may think, no one else on the internet is judging you as having lost face (or anything else meaningful, for that matter) for not bothering to engage or wittily insult every troll.


Can you define the problem in a way that it isn't ultimately about ego, though? Why else care about an influx of trolls?

EDIT: 9000SINS deleted his/her above comment, which stated something to the effect of "the policy was enacted to deal with a problem and it isn't about his/her ego." Deleting such a germane comment just strikes me as silly. It's bad enough that he/she will not clarify or defend that comment, but to remove the record of it is an even further disservice to those trying to understand the rationale for the policy.

The people that have been posting here for a while, that's who. I don't think an opposing view is bad but the constant shit posting and trolling has become a problem that has grown larger over a period of months and its gotten to the point of it becoming a major distraction to discussions with people from the outside even suggesting mods being removed based on poor excuses.

Its a tough call but imagine you've been posting on one of your subs for over a year and there's a massive amount of trolls just causing shit and dragging the discussion down into a flurry of insults every few posts. What would you want to happen?

It's, it's, it's ... a conspiracy!!!!!!!

Sure wouldn't want sane opinions on here would we?

Well I'm a little late to jump on this bandwagon, but...

as far as: "the regulars here seem to think its great"...

I'm in the top 5 submitters to this subreddit which pretty much qualifies me as a regular here, right?

I think this is a bad idea.

I'm a regular here also. I think it's a bad idea because people that are banned can still cast downvotes. If they're banned they'll just create sock puppets and then they'll be encouraged to have multiple accounts to downvote us with.

We're the only people standing for truth: 9/11 was an inside job, the holocaust was a fraud, etc.

I peed a little bit in my pants while I was typing that.

I'd say it's very interesting that so many people are going along with this AND defending 9000sins decision to do this without any input whatsoever.

Especially considering the reasons WHY he is allegedly doing this. Of course the people he's allegedly trying to eliminate would agree with this. if they haven't already, all they have to do is cook another account for 30 days, with the promise of less people to countermand their agendas.

If it had been implemented, 9000sins would have finally succeeded in killing off /r/conspiracy, which would have made the joke sub /r/conspiritard the go to for the uninformed.

And if you don't think that conspiritards would see that as a total victory, you have no idea how lame and sad those people are.

Yоu should knоw that SubreddіtDrama һas written аbout you.

«r/conspiracy afraid of "shills" with new accounts derailing the sub, ban all users with new accounts from posting or commenting», submitted 14 minutes ago.

As оf now, your link has а score of 23 (52|29).

SRD has no enforced rules against invading or voting in linked threаds, and thrеads linked by them have a tendency to suddenly acquirе large amounts of votеs and derailing comments.

Support CISPA, for a safer internet!

ooooohhh, really ...

Let me show you the room full of fucks we give about losers so pathetic their favorite place to frequent is the Bravo tv of this shithole website.

Dude...how lonely are you exactly?

Another ad hominem, same account at the ripe age of 5 days old. And you wonder why any accounts under 30 days will be banned? There's no logic in your argument.

What are you saying exactly? Can we get back to the main point?

The main point of you accusing someone of being "lonely"? That is what I replied to and addressed. What further would you like to discuss about this? It's OBVIOUSLY not another pointless character attack, right?

I did not accuse you of anything, I simply asked a question. You are suggesting people like me should be censured? At a time when time is of the essence, people are discovering new information everyday and you want to make people wait 30 days to post? This is an attack on our ability to contribute information, in hopes that people will just forget and walk away after 30 days. Shame on anyone supporting this idea, and for what purpose? Do get rid of trolls and other pesky and annoying users? Sound familiar to you? Does it sound like "liberties" are being taken away to protect the innocent redditors from "evil doers"? I think it sounds exactly like that.

On one hand, yes, there was a flood of either trolls or clueless posters clogging up this sub. That they did downvote many interesting things (as some poster said, check your 'controversial' tab...) can be a sign this wasn't a random occurrence or just a byproduct of the influx of new users due to the news.

On the other... closing this place, making it an echo chamber will stiffle opinions and dialogue. I've seen this happen in many fora, and whatever the theme or interest, once only a cabal of usual posters is left, communities whither and die.

I don't think this will work. I have multiple accounts but I'm most likely sticking with this one. We just have to let the trolls die out

Why not post what you want to say on the one account? If you are ashamed of what you want to say - (which most of the time is backlash because you want to troll or generally be a dick head) then you shouldn't be saying anything.

No, it's not that. On my other accounts, I have been banned from other subreddits. I figure, why not start fresh.


Exactly. People who ACTUALLY frequent this sub have been calling out to mods to do something about posters who are obviously here to disrupt, flame, anything but converse. Our complaints fall on deaf ears.

Then the largest false flag in the nation's history happens. People get curious. This sub's members count soars almost overnight. The sub becomes internationally famous because it gets media attention for crowd-sourcing investigation. Something this sub does on the regular and has been getting better at for months now. Suddenly the prevailing narrative in the comments is that 'we have to do something', and the call goes up from NEW ACCOUNTS that we MUST 30day comment ban. Then, suddenly and with no vote or consensus, a previously suspected corrupt mod institutes this asinine rule.

Total, corrupt horseshit. The whole thing stinks of a calculated move to further discredit this sub.

And every time an active, rational, participating user points this out, they are derided by a bunch of NEW ACCOUNTS and trolls talking about how this sub already has no credibility and is a joke. None of them have anything to say about the ACTUAL joke conspiracy sub, /r/conspiratard, however.


So a 30 day lock so they can see what this is about and familiarize themselves is bad how?


You make a fair point.

I personally would find 7 days more reasonable.

As it also shifts the image that the lock is there to stop your speech


Just don't want anything to divide people here further.

That's impossible, its already divided.

The trust in the mods has just evaporated.

I don't trust illuminatedwax, donbueno. Th others were removed.

And this subreddit cannot function with just two and whatever new mods are place they will be suspect.

Whether you agree with donbueno or not it was a stupid move either way.


They are not admins, they are just the original creators of the sub

And they dropped them on a whim

There are also very abusive users who come and they are regulars on reddit. They are not trolls, but well to put it simply... they're assholes. They never contribute anything, not even devils advocate. They lash out at every members here, post many many replies in a single day and have a very personal vendetta against the ideas and thoughts discussed here. It disturbs them greatly, or they are already quite disturbed and mere words have rattled them up.

I think letting them stay may be a good idea actually. If we ban them they will just grow more malice to us, but if we let them vent and say what they want then well meh... that is what the downvote button is for, maybe they will become a little more open minded instead of more shut in too by coming here often.

Whaaat? :(


Why even post here if that's how you feel?


they sure fit in here though

The terrorist are winning!

There is not terrorists, only the government.

This is kind of stupid. I regularly delete my account every 2 - 3 months (and personally think nobody should be attached to their username for long). If you institute this rule you'll get the dedicated karma farmers and long-term accounts. Think about that for a while. That's what you want, fine, but bear in mind who and what you'll actually be encouraging.

I regularly delete my account every 2 - 3 months

So create 2. Use one then switch the other and create another and so on.

This policy affects you how?

Bear in mind that many people use one account for commenting on some things, and others for commenting on other things. Furthermore, if someone is continuously rolling over accounts every 2 - 3 months (and a lot of people do it), that means you're effectively silencing security-minded commentators with this short-sighted policy every other month.

Meanwhile, this encourages the long-term accounts to post freely, and some of those are some of the worst offenders where it comes to agendas and trolling. Like karmanaut, davidreiss666, warphalange, Mind_Virus, violentacrez. That's the kind of poster that this policy is going to give free reign to, and actually encourage.

All that said, you're right, this policy doesn't really affect me that much since I'm not a strong contributor here... but I can see how it's effectively shooting this subreddit in the foot and how it's going to work to accomplish exactly the opposite of its stated intention.

This can be debated, and if its proven wrong, removed.

I personaly don't mind a few months with it to see how things work out.

And I don't mind if this policy is canceled right now.

Just that what we have is speculation not real results.

It's quite true that the mods are going to do what they want, anyway. However I do find it ironic that it says in the sidebar that "we respect everyone's opinions" and "our intentions are aimed towards a fairer, more transparent world" while effectively putting a ball-gag in the mouths of commentators with newer accounts.

This is not something new.

There are plenty of forums like this.

That option was not put there for no reason.

Ugh, I'm new but only recently realized reddit had a conspiracy section. Other conspiracy forums barely resemble what they once did, hence I just registered...

But I support any measure to prevent known sockpuppetry from ruining the quality of this site. :)

Then we become just as bad as the manipulators we are decrying.

The idea that one has to put up with haters and trouble makers in order to demonstrate an affinity for free-speech is bullshit. The government has a responsibility to protect free speech and as a private group we have a responsibility to protect the integrity of our speech. The haters are free to form their own group where they may say whatever they wish.

Is this rule in effect for users that will sign up from now onwards?

This is not a new rule as far as I can tell. This account is a week old and here I am.

Amazing how many down votes this is getting.



I am really loving how this sub's hypocrisy is being exposed. Keep it up!!

you mean like leaving r/conspiracy all together. yes, I consider that often. Reddit isn't really worth it, and it's pretty much a dead site. all sockpuppets SEO's and shills.

Wow, you're... you'e pretty damn stupid, you know that?


Amazing. A mod that wants the top contributors to leave because he can't moderate the sub. Fine. Enjoy your shill board troll circle jerk.


Are you kidding? I've been contributing here for over 2 years.

You expect we all keep the same account and IP when posting here? That's a ridiculous assumption.


You do realize how ironically idiotic this idea appears to us.. Especially for a sub like r/conspiracy.




Where did I say I was going to troll? I just said I'm going to make a whole swath of accounts, incubate them and demonstrate how futile this idea is.

As someone new to reddit, this bums me out. I'll probably just unsubscribe to this sub, I guess. Seems stupid.

EDIT: Well it took my comment, so I guess this was redacted?

I think this is a good thing. Too many trolls on here.

This subreddit is a thinking ground, above all else we respect everyone's opinions

What happened to that?

People with differing opinions started posting on this sub

This will be the death of this sub.

I think the troll/shrill issue is being misunderstood slightly, there has been a wave of new accounts which soul purpose has been to essentially DDoS the comments section. This is not free-speech its an attempt to disrupt it, its like creating an account just to sit on /r/religion and just post one liners that believing in god is dumb etc, that's not how reddit works. I agree that's why we have mods and 9000sins has been trying his best but its too much for one man and temporarily having a mechanism to block this malicious activity is acceptable in my view as long as the process is transparent and ban logs are open etc.

What's that saying? those who give up liberty for temporary security?

There's also no such thing as a temporary seizure of power.

You should also add to the rules that "mocking the subreddit" is a bannable offence.

maybe we should just ban everything without evidence on this subreddit

oh wait...

RIP /r/conspiracy

Thank you to all the mods that helped this place and tried to control the wave of bullshit shills left and right

Mr 9000sins, will this happen via a scipt or CSS modification, or are you wanting people to send in all the spewingShitThreeDayOld account names to you & you will ban them?


when does it start? Does it prevent these users from voting?


Because manual moderating is too difficult..

How do i tell how new i am? I am new...

I dislike the trolls and shills as much as anyone but I don't think this is the way to go. I suspect it will only have an effect on the drive-by trolls/shills which are relatively few. The dedicated trolls/shills will create numerous new accounts and in a month we'll be right back in the same place. It's not a solution, just a postponement.

Shills come in after bombings to drown out the opinions of newer viewers coming to /r/conspiracy out of curiosity.

/r/conspiracy hates shills.

/r/conspiracy decides to do the shills for them and simply not allow new voices period. Unless someone wants to taint their account...which I don't really get.

Can't /r/conspiracy just multiply all the karma points by -1 to correct the bias.

Ooooh, I see. Then they will start agreeing with us (in words) on purpose! This is like the ultimate Poe's dilemma!

Sockpuppets and Astroturfing downvote brigading troll accounts are older than 30days.

Downvote brigades effectively censor users from posting.

Only people left posting in r/conspiracy are who? The downvote brigaders?

TL;DR /r/conspiratard wins.

All in favor, say "Aye!"

I think I can post.... test test. I haven't been coming here for that long (my profile says 1 month). I was referred here from a friend. I promise I'm not some paid-shill!

I think this is a pretty good idea, keeps a lot of newcomers that are hell-bent on downvoting posts that go against the MSM's story. But, as /u/DwarvenPirate put it, it is kinda "censorship-ish". What can ya do, I guess.

Can't you contact the admins to remove the current mods out?

The Poe's law is strong with this one!

you are going to destroy this subreddit 9000sins. learn to accept opinions different than yours. I don't come to this subreddit to participate in a circle jerk

finally! no more posts asking for sources!

Great job!!

Not a fair rule.

No thank you. I made a new account and it won't be 30 days old for about a week.

You should know that SubredditDrаma has written about you.

«UPDATE - After declaring he will ban anyone who he deems a "troll", moderator at r/conspiracy gets his mod-ship pulled, decries Moderators as 'inside man' and says "RIP r/conspiracy"», submitted 53 minutes ago.

As of now, your link has a score of 123 (352|229).

SRD has no enforced rules аgainst invading or voting in linked threads, аnd thrеads linked by them have a tendency to suddenly аcquіre largе amounts of votes and derailing comments.

praise the sun

Thats dumb i just started a new job and can no longer use this account there due to nsfw subs. I have a work account that ive been using to post during the day. God forbid i work

or you could unsubscribe to the nsfw subs....you are aware if you want to go to /r/spaceclop you can just type it in your browser and catch up on all that you've missed.

So create an alt for your porn and come here with your regular account? Do you really want to be judged unfairly for getting caught here at work anyway?

I work in the IT dept. It's cool that we go there just cant risk anything popping up on a scan. Nearly our entire dept browses reddit.

Fantastic idea! Hopefully this will help.

So this will help, maybe. For about 30 days.

I'd rather see the mods put specific troll posts on hold rather than put a hold on newcomers to the subreddit


You want to see them flail, unleash me, I'm the hero this /r/ needs, not the one it wants.

I can see at least 15 or 20 commenter's in this thread right now I'd ban.

Good, the Jews shape shift and make new accounts

I like turtles. That's my two cents

You are a coward, you won't even defend your logic behind this 'tool'.

Nice job guys, thanks

Cool, now let's clean the mod aisle.

Seems fine, not the best idea, but I think it's fair on the grounds that this sub has become a war ground of pro vs anti and the discussion is lost amidst making this sub worse than if it has a limitation to post.

incoming wave of trolls in 30 days

Sooner or later excluding new accounts will stop working. Shills get better and better in disguising. Keeping multiple accounts etc. The only way to keep them out is to make a splinter sub for invited only as you suggest, but then sub itself may go into a decline. Vicious circle... If this shill/troll/distraction situation lasts for a while and the moderators have to deal with it manually, the rocks will be on the moderators... Thank you for your sevices.

Great, so instead of just reversing the change, /u/donbueno decided to make the problem of trolls even worse by simply removing all the mods?

This sub reddit just went from bad to worse. Unless /u/donbueno was actively monitoring he has no idea of the huge spike in vicious and foul mouthed trolling.

Was there really no alternative to this scorched earth approach? Could /u/donbueno not have simply reversed the change, and had a conversation with the Mods?

Who is /u/donbueno and why does he have the ability to remove mods?


I'm happy about this.

Thank you man.

Hey Dude. I've been trying to suggest an alternative to outright banning.

Is it possible to limit the number of accounts that can be created in a calender year (per IP address)? Let's say, you were allowed 3 accounts per IP. Would this not reduce the number of trolls?

As I understand it, once a troll get's banned, he simply creates a new account (and it's unlimited).

This would allow for newbies to comment right away, without having to wait 30 days. It would also not limit the number of legitimate subscribers by making this an invite only forum.


Good man

This is an excellent idea. Sometimes it's not even worth it to post theories or ideas here because for some reason thinking critically makes you a basement dwelling neckbeard. I am all for civil discourse, but to write off an entire group of people as "crazy" for thinking differently is beyond wrong, it's dangerous.

All the downvotes...but what you say is true.


That's fucking genius. +1 like etc...

Fucking awesome!

Thank you! Be aware we will just see an influx in 30 days, but in any event this should help.

I knew there was an inside shill.


I know donbueno, not a shill. You sound like an idiot.

Well even though if I were a shill. I would create an account and use it after 30 days. However it will probably cut down on the trivial shill. Thumbs up on the mods efforts to make a dent.

Edit: Hmmm.. I see that apparently the shills don't like the mods being congratulated.

Look, the lack of this policy is largely why we are here today.

I say it should have been done sooner.

This is actually a brilliant idea. You are forced to read and educate yourself about the culture of the subreddit, the older general content, and generally assimilate - or don't and move the fuck on. There's so much pouty redirection going on. And the hilarious part is that most of the people bitching are people with more than a month old accounts. What's the deal? Sounds like they want to just troll on newer accounts....

In another light - we'll just get trolled 30 days from now.

I absolutely 100% support this.

Alternately, people like myself who delete accounts to remain anonymous (which I'm sure many posters here can appreciate) are going to make a dozen or so accounts today and just use those.

This will not deter trolls, this will only limit discussion.

Wait, so you won't be anonymous if you have an older account?

Do you know who I am?

(protip: you don't. Quit bitching).


Reddit is not some private club for seasoned "redditors" to circle jerk. you sound like a southern white man who's great great great grandpa was an Irish immigrant yelling about how we shouldn't let anymore immigrants into 'Murica. Nice work.


We shall see what reddit thinks, won't we?


I would LOVE to hear what you think a "cultural Marxist" actually is.

I plan on doing nothing you would love.

Ad hominem, doesn't contribute. Account age: 5 days old.

Ad hominem, doesn't contribute.

And exactly what about your own post was in any way different? You attacked the commentator based on his account age; your post contributed nothing of value to the thread.

Furthermore, the age of the account has absolutely nothing to do with how long a person has been active on reddit. In fact, some of the worst offenders with an agenda on reddit are those who keep a username chugging on over the years, notable examples like (the late-not-so-great) violentacrez, karmanaut, davidreiss666...

This thread is about banning accounts under 30 days, making his/her account age perfectly relevant. The banning of these young accounts is to prevent people from trolling. Every single post I've seen from this person in this thread is of him/her attacking someone; that's ridiculous.

At the time I critiqued your comment, you had also contributed nothing more to the thread than ad hominem.

Your enthusiastic bandwagon-jumping kind of goes a long way toward what I was saying about encouraging the long-term accounts who are more concerned about preserving and growing their karma than independent free-thinking.

I guess you didn't read my reply to the person I originally spoke to, that's not my problem because it was perfectly relevant regarding what this thread is about.

lol, yes, it's quite obvious how hard I'm trying to 'grow my karma'. People like you are so silly. You think you know how other people work, when in turn it actually is a reflection of what you would personally do in that situation. That's it. You don't know what I upvote or downvote, that's a pretty wild assumption to make of people with aged accounts.

People like you are so silly. You think you know how other people work, when in turn it actually is a reflection of what you would personally do in that situation. That's it. You don't know what I upvote or downvote, that's a pretty wild assumption to make

Says the poster attacking people for having new accounts. Talk about grotesque hypocrisy.

I never claimed the assumption that all new accounts were trolls, no one did, but I wasn't against the idea of the 30 days at the time. Yet again, this thread was about banning new users for a mere month because of the increase in new accounts trolling. I pointed out how the retort* fit the reason for the thread perfectly.

Now that I've looked at their post history, they seem a little guarded in their personal stance, but they do make some contributive posts as well. I usually don't filter through people's histories.

What they should be doing is disabling voting. That's really what's the issue here. If they disable the ability to upvote and downvote, then you'd have to go to someone's comment history to do that. And then it would become very clear who the shilling karma farmers really are. The trolls are self-evident and can be controlled with a little moderating.

Doesnt contribute?? Have you even checked out my account? I have a post on the front page and I do not contribute? Blocking new users for 30 days to prevent "trolling" is a blatant attempt to stop the rapid rate at which viable information is shared on this sub. Can you not see the parallel to sacrificing our civil liberties to feel "safe"? You are supporting the exact notion that this sub is fighting against.

Battlesack. I pointed out your exact comment as an ad hominem, please stop taking this so personally. I didn't venture through your post history at that moment, I took that specific statement at face value.

The 30 day ban is not going to happen anymore, we all know this. At that moment in time, it seemed like a GREAT idea because I had to filter through tons of crap to get to anything worth reading- I've never seen such blatant disrespect directed specifically at this subreddit the whole 2 years I've been here, and it was most of the top comments. I was quite shocked, it was so consistent. And I know nothing is permanent, it would've progressed back to normal over time.

I never once said you are not a contributor, I pointed out how that specific statement didn't and how it related to the topic of the thread. But nobody's perfect, you were obviously angry and I do it as well. We're all human here. I'm not trying to personally hurt you, I keep replying so my original intent is not skewed.

Edit: Took out an extra 'the'.

Do you even know what you are saying? Why does the age of this particular login I am using have anything to do with my credibility? I have contributed, and my post is on the front page currently. If anyone is a "shill" it's the folks who are trying to block new accounts, and free speech.

you sound like a southern white man who's great great great grandpa was an Irish immigrant yelling about how we shouldn't let anymore immigrants into 'Murica. Nice work.

Are you telling me this isn't a personal attack that contributes nothing? I don't see the point in stating such offensive things to someone you know nothing about. An ad hominem is when you attack a person's character to discredit them. Whether you did it on purpose or not is none of my business, just calling it out for what it is.

Im glad you googled "ad hominem" after you used it to support your argument. You attacked me, for a post that challenged this idea of censuring new accounts. This is just masturbatory back and forth, so Im going to leave you alone. Your replies are obviously unpopular, and you should sit down and think about what you are doing.

You attacked someone first and I was defending them, pointing out how you fit the criteria of why banning users under 30 days is a good idea.

It's also obvious how much I care if my opinions are 'popular'. You're the one completely avoiding that I made a valid point, and you're yet again using that debate tactic.


implying redshit isn't anything but a giant circle jerk of different groups

Another ad hominem. Account age: 1 day old.

Thank you 9000SINS

Why in the hell are you people against this measure? Are you all absurd?

Why should we allow it to be as simple as new account instantly and you can instantly post whatever you want?

How does that not lead to an influx of shills and trolls?

I say we move ahead with the no newb poster rules.

Personally, I'd rather deal with some idiots attempting to hurt my feelings than heavy-handed modding.

How is not allowing brand new accounts to post "heavy-handed modding"?

It's not exactly a normal Reddit moderation practice.

So you're not in favor of a free exchange of ideas, then?

I am, when you can prove that you actually intent to contribute to an informed conversation by maintaining an account for more than 30 days, rather than just being able to create 10 accounts on the spot in order to go in and completely disrupt any exchange of ideas.

How about that mister smart guy?

The ability to sit on an account for 30 days proves absolutely nothing about someone's intentions. You know how easy it is to just create a new account every week or so, then start phasing them in when they're ready for use?

What you do is frustrate people who genuinely want to take part in discussing the topics popular here. Someone fresh and new and excited about talking conspiracies will find somewhere else to do it, while those determined to merely disrupt will find one of the many easy ways to get around this.

It's a poor idea that solves nothing.

Do you feel a coded tag by the user name of any account less than 60 days would be too much?

It's non-intrusive, non-indicitive ( other than that the user is new ), and it allows others to make an opinion on their comment based on as little bias as possible ( you should always be wary of brand spanking new accounts it's just common sense we all know how reddit works it's a for profit company with vested interests ).

Do you feel a coded tag by the user name of any account less than 60 days would be too much?

Not really, no. It's something of a scarlet letter, but I wouldn't look at it as a big deal.

Well then I think that's the idea we should be running with here instead of an arbitrary wait period.

How is not allowing brand new accounts to post "heavy-handed modding"?

Do you feel a coded tag by the user name of any account less than 60 days would be too much?

It's non-intrusive, non-indicitive ( other than that the user is new ), and it allows others to make an opinion on their comment based on as little bias as possible ( you should always be wary of brand spanking new accounts it's just common sense we all know how reddit works it's a for profit company with vested interests ).

This, a million times, this.

Agreed. This idea is stupid.

I've been on Reddit for over a year, but admit that I've mostly been a spectator rather than a contributor. As this whole Boston thing was going down, Reddit became my go-to news source because of the real time updates / analysis. This event has made me want to contribute my ideas to fellow Redditors.

So I guess if America was invaded, all the invaders would immediately be US citizens, and they should be subject to all the civil liberties of citizens who weren't "born yesterday" before the invasion?

You don't get to squash other peoples' voices and then pretend to be victims. If the discussions hadn't been drowned out by new accounts and trolls, this wouldn't have been a problem.

The key difference is that our relationship with this subreddit is voluntary. Our relationship with government isn't.

Remember, its for the common good of this country Subreddit.

If they can troll without being assholes, they're not likely to be called trolls. Are you saying trolls are making valid points and being constructive and being undetected as trolls? Then they're not trolls. There's nothing wrong with harping on your point as long as you don't keep repeating yourself when someone engages you.

I'm totally sure that goes on. I'm totally sure at least half the stuff posted here is bullshit. I think a lot of people here would accuse Alex Jones of being a troll in that respect. However, it's no reason to roll in and start calling people names, and NOT meticulously making the points of evidence for bullshit. I'm entirely sure that there are plenty of trollbait original posts in here. No doubt. However, there is a lot of legitimate concern for things beyond the bombing being a conspiracy in itself. A lot of stories aren't straight, not just the conspiracy theory people. You could troll religious subs the same way by making some big racist religious rant and watch people buy into it. The Daily Show made an artform out of this at the RNC by saying outlandish things and getting people to just go right along with them. If a troll posted disinformation and then the submitter let them in on it after the fact, I'd find that hilarious and it would also be productive, because it might create some self-awareness. Again, that's not the entirety of the purpose of this kind of sub.

I listen to Coast to Coast AM on occasion knowing that at least half the people are kooks, but it's a moderated kook show and a forum for fringe ideas alike. All lines are blurry when the topic of discussion is fringe in itself, so it's not like the bar is very high for trolling.

Oh god, this is hilarious! Aren't the /r/conspiracy mods supposed to be the ones who "protect" free thought?

the trolls are literally taking away your freedom to speak on this forum by deflecting the conversation away from the subject in question.

If it becomes a choice between them and me then, I win.

If it's equal standing on posting then they win.

Slow clap

No it isn't. They'll just incubate accounts and then have even more voice.

Give me an example of my trolling post history.

Do you even know what you are saying? Why does the age of this particular login I am using have anything to do with my credibility? I have contributed, and my post is on the front page currently. If anyone is a "shill" it's the folks who are trying to block new accounts, and free speech.

Only terrorists have anything to be worried about!

You do realize how ironically idiotic this idea appears to us.. Especially for a sub like r/conspiracy.

Where did I say I was going to troll? I just said I'm going to make a whole swath of accounts, incubate them and demonstrate how futile this idea is.

The irony is that they just removed the top comment simply for not agreeing with OP.

Yeah, totally legit. Just "trolls" they are worried about.

Playing dumb doesn't make you any less obvious. I've studied your little group for some time now.

Please, tell me about my "little group," because you obviously know me so well.

Ad hominem, doesn't contribute.

And exactly what about your own post was in any way different? You attacked the commentator based on his account age; your post contributed nothing of value to the thread.

Furthermore, the age of the account has absolutely nothing to do with how long a person has been active on reddit. In fact, some of the worst offenders with an agenda on reddit are those who keep a username chugging on over the years, notable examples like (the late-not-so-great) violentacrez, karmanaut, davidreiss666...

lmao talk about owned


It's got to be the most consensus driven ways for internet communities to form cliche circlejerks. People will believe anything as long as most other people believe in it.

Yeah cause the rule went against the principle of this subreddit that any opinion about a conspiracy can be discussed openly.

Hi there 9000SINS - I would really appreciate it if you could please bear in mind Rule 5.

Rule #5: No caps lock.

Seriously, you are unfit to be a moderator if you cannot even follow the basic rules of this subreddit.

Do you believe there are shills that you don't see, simply because you agree with the message they're shilling? I wonder if Alex Jones, David Icke, Ron Paul pay people to submit pro-conspiracy posts to this sub, and sit around in the comments calling everyone Zionists and shills?

You attacked someone first and I was defending them, pointing out how you fit the criteria of why banning users under 30 days is a good idea.

It's also obvious how much I care if my opinions are 'popular'. You're the one completely avoiding that I made a valid point, and you're yet again using that debate tactic.

What's that saying? those who give up liberty for temporary security?

no for real, are you high?

We did it!

It's his sub, asshole. He can do whatever he wants with it.

If you're an advertiser it is.

Why even post here if that's how you feel?

I think the boat story is fucked. I do think that it's possible they were legitimately confused as it seemed like they we're trying to pinpoint officer location on the scanner. Someone may have got trigger happy and others got scared and fired as well. We can only speculate, things will be answered in the trial.

And that one instance isn't 99 percent of the story being wrong. This subreddit is questioning actors, fake blood, dead Brown students, Craft agents, Navy Seals, prosthetic limbs, FBI entrapment, uncle being on fed pay, photo shopping backpacks, specs of dust, "Chill out we didn't do it" primed audio, whether people that live there heard things etc. I get it, I used to be a theorists myself. But not every single thing is a lie.

I asked for photos at the very beginning. You posted links 3 days later.

Sorry I didn't have photographic proof of the crime scene while it was still under investigation. Evidence takes time to collect. Things will be answered in the trial. Then make some theories, not before the evidence is presented.

Doesnt contribute?? Have you even checked out my account? I have a post on the front page and I do not contribute? Blocking new users for 30 days to prevent "trolling" is a blatant attempt to stop the rapid rate at which viable information is shared on this sub. Can you not see the parallel to sacrificing our civil liberties to feel "safe"? You are supporting the exact notion that this sub is fighting against.