215  2013-04-26 by [deleted]




Actually, sow is correct, as in to sow seeds. It comes from the Bible: Galatians 6:7. It means, if you sow seeds of a certain type, you shall then reap the plants of that same type.

Colloquially, you can't plant oranges and expect apples.

Maybe you should have resisted that urge.


So you say. Remember, this is r/conspiracy.

You've been quite inactive yourself for the past 6 months - nothing in your posting history except imposing this totalitarian new rule on the sub. Hardly 'leadership.'

The plot thickens.

Agree, the new rule was bullshit. The solution to shills is to BAN them, it is not to impose restrictions on new users which can only harm the flow of information.


Am I just supposed to believe you, take you at your word?

This surely wouldn't pass for evidence in this sub. Do you have any screen caps, to provide proof?

Pretty sure i see him arround.

Althogh I didn't know you can delete comment history

I've seen several threads accusing 9000sins of doing exactly this.

literally the only upvotes I have seen are trolls supporting the system...

What the fuck??


What about blurry cell phone pics? Those are undeniable proof.

Yes, they could. Though it would at least require you to exert some considerable effort.

In any case, I know enough to know that in this sub simple assertion by a user is not tantamount to proof of anything at all. So pardon me if I do not necessarily believe you.


You are certainly more than free to find another way to provide proof of your assertions.

Or never made in the first place, shill.

You can see all deleted comments with this: (use the Firefox Extension-free)

I want to know who the liar is. [I already know it's FuckheadBueno.]

PM me with a link after you post the proof, because as of now, I truly believe you. 100%.

This place is Shill City.


Fuck off troll. I have no clue who made that site

He asked how to see deleted comments. I posted a solution. You are stupid.

Quit shilling for a paid service!



It won't do any good, but glad I could help you out.

Maybe make a final self post showing you used unreddit or whatever it's called? At least get the last word in on these fucks.

He deleted one of his comments that I had replied to today, so he definitely deletes comments. (I think it's a silly and disingenuous practice for a message board dedicated to compiling information and discussions, by the way.)

Yeah you're here to compile information allright.

Why? Can't stand behind your crazy ramblings?

Whoa, someone on /r/conspiracy is lacking evidence. Weird!

toasting in epic bread

well, i'm with the now ex-mods. i think they have a good idea. if new people desire to post, they would have an opportunity to observe the community, maybe learn a few things, and learn the culture here first. a waiting period of any length would reduce the immediate effects of avatar infiltration.

imo, donbueno has erred, but on the side of what, i'd really like to know.

  • there is a massive infiltration going on in here right now. i hope some long time users here get hip to what's happening, or this ship is going to go down.

edit: currently at 121 downvotes, indicating over 97% 'disapproval'. download RES for free to see how posts and comments are gamed.

No, just no. It is wrong to punish people who haven't done anything wrong. You shouldn't have to be told that and the (former) mods of /r/conspiracy should never even be thinking along such lines.

Using the actions of shills to justify preemptive action against all newer accounts is indefensible. It's just flat out wrong.

They can't know why someone is on a newer account. I almost made a new one ( I sometimes worry that the 'tardy' thing might not have been the best reflection of what I choose to say). Having forgotten my password I would have been effectively silenced by this rule. There are other reasons. Many people started flooding to this sub in the wake of recent events. Many here change accounts fairly often for privacy reasons.

Have we such little value to you that you would silence us just to quiet the shills for a short time?

It's telling that someone got gold for defending a rule that effectively gags newcomers to this subreddit.

It is wrong to punish people who haven't done anything wrong.

Punishment? Disingenuous hyperbole.

Making new subscribers wait a month before posting in r/conspiracy may seem arbitrary (why not a year?), but it is hardly an infringement of their human rights is it?

It will ultimately spell the death of this subreddit. If I knew going in that you were a bunch of self-clinging effette snobs with pretensions to secret information, with no use for any of my ideas, I wouldn't bother with you. Nor would any reasonable person.

Come to /r/ActualConspiracy, we have none of this political bullshit.


For shills though, it's great, I made like 5 or 6 accounts and next thing you know, I broke the sub!

Very good, first laugh of the day.

But seriously, why ARE you here, posting like it's your job, Mr inyourbutthole, 0 day redditor?

Cause I have some time before school, and I am glad to see this sub falling apart because you can't handle new users who disagree or a little ribbing. SO WEAK THO

I hope you don't regret those six years you spent here! At least your in good company in this place ; )

IAMA shill AMA

I am glad to see this sub falling apart

Really? Because a lot of people want this sub to survive. Think about that statement you made and why it reveals that you're an immature dick. Then think about maybe getting the fuck off this sub and leave the people here in peace.

your in good company ...!?

When you say school, you mean elementary school, right? In a couple of years, your teacher will explain the difference between "your" and "you're". Maybe come back then?

hey, you got me! you just got owned by an 8 yr. old

that's a nice way of framing the issue, but you're not doing justice to the full picture.

the mechanism of the organized and casual trolling efforts here is a reality.

by restricting instant availability, the mods were attempting to use the technology to preserve an arena for real people, which is an admirable effort, imo. to turn it into a free speech suppression concept alone is disingenuous at worst, and at best stymieing to solving the real issue.

the solution, at any rate, needed to be flexible, and respond to the demands of the community here, and maybe it wouldn't have been 30 days, but several hours, or one day. other options could have been explored. but the action taken against the mods, who had a consensus, was a unilateral one, by one person. and no solution to the forum manipulation will be reached, and /r/conspiracy will go quietly into that dark night.

Some annoying shills and a truckload of trolls isn't what's dragging us down. Learn to cope. Don't feed the trolls. Present your information, defend yourself if you must and leave it to the reader to see what's really going on.

Stop trying to 'save the sub' through censorship. Don't insult our intelligence and don't take away our right to post our opinions here. Ban people who break the rules, not people who have had no chance here.

Please stop believing that the world around you is blind. Those that watch will see. Have some faith in your fellow man and please stop justifying the outright robbery of our rights.

You have to understand, as long as they aren't breaking the rules even the trolls and shills should have the right to post here. That's what freedom of speech really means. I hate them too, but they're not worth selling out for. They certainly aren't worth silencing accounts over.

boy, you really are a piece of work. you're actually using several propaganda techniques on me right now! amazing.

*I hope everyone looks closely and identifies that as well. people are using our own ideals here to game us. look how he frames his approach, using social incentive, and disincentive.

also, please download reddit enhancement suite for free to see exactly how many people really have voted to suppress what i've said here, and champion this guy's intellectual dishonesty.

Did you look at the fucking account? 12 months old 1 link karma 312 comment karma.

Definitely not a sockpuppet account that was made and just sat there.

you're absolutely right. does nothing for a year. suddenly gets inspired to go and defend freedom in /r/conspiracy during a mod crisis.

uh huh.

What techniques?

Read the side bar.

So you're saying the man that possibly created /r/conspiracy is now an infiltrator .. Or what?

This type of subreddit would have been created anyway.

There is no conspiracy site that is not infiltrated.

If you are first creator doesn't matter.

What matters is what you do.

Banning every mod on a whim is not acceptable.

Banning every mod on a whim is not acceptable.

No mods were banned. It's simply that several mods were removed as mods.


Posts that defend dictators

Depends on the geopolitics, if they are going to remove "dictators" just to replace them with puppets of the corporate interests in the name of "democracy" how is that a good thing?

So the mods should feel safe being dictators!

Mods have a role to play, if they are meant to do nothing why have them in the first place?

The policy can be debated and argued, proven or disproved with time.

Banning mods on a whim is not acceptable.

Says the user who chose a username specifically to gain credit for someone else's work.

No, he's using it to mock the fool, not impersonate him.

Mocking by slander, a distinction hardly worth making.

And a common conspiritard practice.

I hardly think ttttotttt needs slanderers to give himself a bad name.

Yet they exist.

0 day troll of the ttttotttt regular go away.

And this is supposed to be the crew that forms a militia to save the constitution? Wow.

Which actually lies on the job of the National Guard aside from doing service during natural and manmade disasters or invasion from a foreign force.

Hell the national guard armories are so well stocked for the sole purpose that the common person can go to one and arm themselves to help out the National Guard if they so choose to, which eliminates the need of burden for the civilians to have to buy and manage their own guns. At least that's the purpose of the national guard armories.

As a former member of the National Guard I can confirm that you have no idea how the National Guard works.

So the National Guard is never deployed when a state of emergency is declared? Nor is their purpose to defend their state and country from foreign or domestic attacks?

That is common knowledge. I was referring to your second paragraph. You phrased it as if any Joe or Jane could waltz into an armory and become a Soldier if shit hits the fan. Not true in the slightest. There is just no scenario where this would happen.

Well I wish I could find it but that is what another person, in great detail, stated on reddit before. This being someone who claimed to be a part of the National Guard.

But you're saying no scenario exists where the common people would be able to take weapons from the state armories to help fight an enemy?

None. Wars are fought by warfighters. If the military really needed people there would be a draft.

Well I'm speaking of invasion of home country.

Even still. Nope.

Ah well.

kings, huh? calling biggest cock around the henhouse is no way to deal with the issue of this sub's complete infestation, and a decision made by the working mods. donbueno seems to think the sub is handling the flow of phoney posts, and phoney voting tactics as good as it did in the beginning. I'm near confident that this is not the case. but that's my opinion.

but, you're obviously helping, right, so thanks for that.


Are you really that egotistical that you would believe someone would actually PAY someone else to be a shill on this sub? Are you high?

"Infiltration" my ass.

there is NO job market for shills right now. i'm just trying to make a resume here for future shilling opportunities.

Yeah, because I took yer jobz


Just watch. In the next few weeks, the CIA will undergo a comprehensive program using a team of federal operatives to infiltrate, derail, and discredit your ass.

It's pretty ignorant to believe it is outside the realm of possibility.

Someone's never heard of Saydrah and davidreiss666

So naive.

you're obviously new here. but you've already learned about character attacks, i see.

to believe that intelligence services would not have operatives in online forums, where people meet and discuss ideas, is completely irrational. you would lose your job as an intelligence director to someone who would think to put people in there. take your time with that, if you need.

are you really that naive to believe forum manipulation isn't real?

edit: 38 fucking downvotes and the only reply is from a troll. not a single legitimate counterclaim.

Obviously we have different ideologies, ad hominen attack aside.

But no, I really don't think the the intelligence community cares about what people say on a subreddit devoted to conspiracies. Why would they? Conspiracy theories, such as those that get posted on here, are typically reactionary; very rarely are they predictive, and almost never are they of importance to anybody outside of the conspiracy community.

In the event of an actual conspiracy being perpetrated, I could maybe see planting somebody just to see what kind/how much exposure you were getting, but at that point, the conspiracy has failed because it has been leaked into the public.

The intelligence community couldn't care less about reactionaries.

If you include the neo-nazi scene (which overlaps with the conspiracy scene) then I disagree. But doesn't mean there'd be much good "infiltrating" (wat... its a public sub) /r/conspiracy.

i just can't believe you believe all that. but, i'd be making an assumption if i did, that you actually do.

people who think conspiracies sometimes happen, maybe, are just fucking unreal.

here is only a handful of conspiracies that are more important than you have allotted time to discover, and they are also why investigative journalism is so damn important, so that there is a chance that at least some of the people don't walk around with ideas like you've expressed.

what is there not to believe? conspiracy in organizational systems is as close to human behavior as shitting.

it is impossible to spend any amount of time investigating conspiracy and maintain such a diminished view of its role in your entire worldview.

listen, good luck.

edit: downvoted by 28 people "who believe the content of this post is not helpful to the discussion".

download RES for free to see just how comments and posts like this one are manipulated.

I am actually fairly familiar with nearly half of those that you posted. Knowing those theories exist =/= believing them.

If you couldn't tell, I'm a pretty devout skeptic.

they are not theories, even though at this point 22 fucking geniuses incorrectly agree with your lazy bullshit.

that's called history, even if you've been conditioned to believe otherwise.

also, to be a skeptic would be to wait out claims, presumably of conspiracy, until evidence proves beyond a doubt their reality, or unreality. it's not to use the absence of knowledge in your own personal experience of history as proof the events didn't happen, or aren't ongoing. it's to withhold judgement, to continue collecting data.

edit: downvoted 19 times by people who believe "the content of this post does not contribute to the conversation." download RES for free to see how people are gaming posts and comments.

Sorry, I missed the one about infiltrating /r/conspiracy

maybe it was when you were coming up with your incredibly awesome screen name.


What is you problem man? You go around acting like everything people do here is stupid and nonsense, but all you seem to do is troll people. It is purely hypocritical, childish, bullshit. Obviously some of the stuff on the sub can get a little wacky, but some of the info here is interesting and shows a different aspect than mainstream media. So, it that really so bad? What are you trying to accomplish? You are obviously making some people mad, good fucking job! Can you just get over yourself.

Your sticking up for malicious idiots

And how are you in any way helping? By being a malicious idiot yourself? You don't have to agree with what people are saying. But you certainly don't have to waste your time going around simply trying to piss people off. I know you must get some sort of pleasure from it, feed your superiority complex or whatever, but it really doesn't change anything. The people on the sub will continue to talk about this stuff and if people like you keep trollling they will find a new sub or find a way to get rid of you. So... why even waste your time?

To me, nothing is ever a closed book. Theories (you called it history) are always ongoing and constantly evolving, and as such, I tend to withhold judgement on most things.

As humans, I don't believe that we are ever capable of knowing "whole truths" about anything. We are inherently subjective beings. Because of this, I don't believe that we are ever able to come to completely logical, rational conclusions about anything, whatever those conclusions may be. Your opinion may differ.

But back to my main point in all of this, why again would the intelligence community take an interest in r/conspiracy? Please don't tell me it is to spread disinformation, because the true believers will automatically discard all dissenting information so it won't affect them.

The only people the disinfo agents could affect are those that are unsure about something. Those people are the types that are inherently not cut out for this board anyways.

you simultaneously are describing what intelligence agents would or would not do, and demonstrating you have no clue what intelligence agents value.

you really don't see the contradiction?

intelligence operations involve EVERYWHERE that people meet and speak en masse.

again, to think that intelligence would not have a presence in an online forum where people meet and discuss ideas is irrational at best, and at worst, is disingenuous.

Ever heard of postmodernism? Something you believe to be true might not actually be so true

you bullshitters are utterly ridiculous. we're talking about real people, who were part of real conspiracies, that motivated historical events and eras. we're talking papertrail, and historical verification.

and here you are, trying to use post modernism to create a climate of historical uncertainty, allowing for the historical revisionism most capably wielded by the lazy or ignorant.

but yes, the nature of war and social decay has created a new aspect to information, in that it may be otherwise than it appears. that is to say, the mainstream conditioning might be otherwise than they say. in fact, decades of people's lives have been devoted to proving just that. some of their work is included in my links, above.

My name is Alex Goldstein. I am paid twenty dollars an hour by Agent Harrison to discredit you. You see, you are the messiah, the one who will relieved the truth to the sheeple masses. My job is to make you seem idiotic, thus ensuring that the Dark Lord Obama is successfully able to steal our nation's guns and sell them to Israel.

My job is to make you seem idiotic

well then you've got that thing pointed the wrong way, apparently.

...I was being sarcastic. There isn't actually a conspiracy around you, you know?

we all live along a continuum of conspiracies, and very few of us are ever the sole target of one's attention.

So you legitimately believe that there are people who are paid to go to /r/conspiracy and try and discredit this place?

i'd sure hope so.

all this trolling has got to take up a lot of time.

so why do you do it? just for fun?

I find it hilarious that just because someone doesn't share you're opinion that you think they are trolling.

i find it touching how naive you are.

Thats Ironic, I understand that people can have a different opinion to me where as you don't.

you're also wrong, but don't let me change your opinion with facts or anything.

What facts? How am I wrong?

Mostly because I am dissapointed with how conformist conspiricy theorists are.

Also I am kind of angry/frightened how easily the internet serves as a vector for the unquestioned spread of conspiracy theories which are lapped up by people who will believe anything so long as it puts whoever they think are the bad guys in a bad light. It's dangerous and is damaging the political discourse by sowing paranoia, making people more easily manipulated and all together reducing the scope for genuine critical thought by replacing it with cheap negativism.

I am dissapointed with how conformist conspiricy theorists are

what disappoints me is how establishment forces attempt to paint just such a picture of theorists, as a thoughtless angry herd, and go out of their way to study and find the most laughably pathetic individuals to support this fallacy. by debunking and ridiculing such individuals and their beliefs, they seek to debunk and ridicule theorists as a general group, which is intellectually dishonest, and patently deceptive.

being skeptical of historical events as they are reported by the state and media services is not inherently dangerous, and to portray such a believe is either an unconscious internalization of establishment propaganda, or a willful use of it. the establishment promotes from the highest mountain any story of a mainstream individual or group being "targeted" by conspiracy theorists, because it supports the conditioning they've developed for us.

the alternative to such "dangerous" skepticism is complete obedience to those messages that are developed and delivered to us by powerful financial and political interests--a reality i find exponentially more dangerous.

additionally, not everything circulating within conspiracy circles is genuine or organic to those circles. one of the traditional methods for marginalizing and suppressing historical skepticism is to go find the most ridiculous and unsupported claims and then debunk them in something with mainstream distribution. not everything posted here comes from legitimate conspiracy researchers, and not every theorist around is legitimate, themselves. It is a fallacy to believe that everything within forums such as this are believed by all theorists equally, but it is one that MSM would encourage you believed, without question.

there are, however, many people who do buy into the garbage concepts, or express otherwise groupthink mentality, which is just as dangerous as being willfully "asleep". not much can be done about it, but such people should be approached as individuals, not described as you have, as a general, like-minded herd, which is just as juvenile, and just as foolish.

anyone who spends half a day looking into real life actual conspiracies will be unable to continue on with a diminished view of their role in one's worldview. real ones like these:


what is there not to believe? conspiracy in organizational systems is as close to human behavior as shitting.

the alternative to such "dangerous" skepticism is complete obedience to those messages that are developed and delivered to us by powerful financial and political interests--a reality i find exponentially more dangerous.


good argument.

without skepticism, without critical analysis of those messages what other option is there but to accept them as is?

Assuming that everything that your pet hate organisation does is malicious some how is not critical thought.

See how fast people were saying the Boston Bombing was false flag. See how many people jumped right on the bandwagon? That wasn't critical thought. That was willingness to believe any bad thing about their "enemy".

Assuming... is not critical thought

didn't remember offering that as a description of critical thinking.

but thanks for the offer, you can keep that one.

See how fast people were saying

not all of these people are legitimate people, but are merely legitimately deceived by unscrupulous others within the alt news community. to view the actions of these people as being representative of conspiracy theorists in general is the type of anti-reason fallacy that is only tenable if it helps further cement a preexisting worldview.

In general is a broad brush. The people in question are great in number, their consequence is high. The complete mistrust that has been sowed in the population against their capacity to be involved in society, the idea that it's all nefarious powers plotting against them and the only thing they can do is either drop out or daydream of revolution - is a fucking genuine honest to god tragedy that causes the consequences it claims to oppose.

what about the self-posts from throwaways that say things like, "I'd get fired from my job if they knew i was revealing this, but ......."

under this current rule, anonymous release of information is essentially banned, they're forcing everyone to use their real accounts to post. it's too heavy handed.

self-posts from throwaways that say things like

like what? like the whistleblowers we get so often here? yeah right.

furthermore, the mods' methods could have been adjusted, by our community, after it happened. the solution did not require suddenly banning the entire moderation team.

i can't get why so many of you here are okay with such a heavy handed, unilateral action as donbueno used, while accusing the mods of forcing everyone around. while at the same time being present to see how this sub is gamed daily.

it's almost as if you guys want it to remain easy to game here... wait... oh... oh, i get it now...

i'm not okay one mod going rogue and getting rid of all the other mods, just like i'm not okay with banning people from posting on accounts that are less than a month old. quit putting words in my mouth. i think everyone involved in this situation is shitty, i'm not taking sides. and if you think i'm one of the people that's been gaming this sub then you're either too lazy or too stupid to check my submission history.

imo, i think a month might be too long. but the length of time, or ANY other aspect could have been discussed and adjusted, transparently, among our community, once this thing had begun. but what happened was not transparent, and will not help the situation here. and i just don't like seeing people acting pleased by unilateral action because it gives the appearance of defending freedom.

also, i'm not attacking you, so don't call me lazy or stupid, at least for no good reason, thanks.

The month long rule was instated without any discussion whatsoever. Also, all this drama across multiple subreddits that 9000sins is spreading makes him seem like a bad choice for a mod. You don't want someone in power who is this emotionally invested in that power.

describing sins' promotion of this story as proof of his being attached to power is absolutely disingenuous, and propagandist. at best, you are passing off your opinion as fact.

once instated, the rule most certainly would have gone through a period of trial and error, and adjustment by us here. by opening it originally to community discussion, the same thing would have occurred then that is occurring now, namely the mass swarm of accounts coming in here to express crude propagandist framings of defending freedom.

our ideals in this community are being wielded against us, and simplistic descriptions of what freedom is or should be here often omit any attempt to acknowledge or describe the reality of organized forum manipulation, which is preserved by doing nothing.

sins knows what is happening to this place, as do others. it seems it is very easy for unscrupulous attackers of sins to throw power words around describing authoritarian power grabs and censorship and attacks on freedom, as many here are susceptible to such conceptual frameworks. but they are being manipulated.

they don't realize the unfortunate ironic reality that it is precisely the enemies of information literacy that scream the loudest for free speech.

without relying on invasive increased moderation, it would be possible to use the technological apparatus of reddit itself to fight these forces. a waiting period would have performed this function. but there are possibly other ways, too. this is a discussion we could have all had here.

but what happened instead is that a unilateral action was taken, a truly authoritarian action, which has removed a group of people who were active watching what happens here every day, who had come to a consensus about something to try, within, not upon the community they were part of. it's not like they would have been tyrants, determining how the rest of us behave. to paint that picture would be disingenuous.

and now no change will be made, and those moderators taking steps to battle forum manipulation are now gone, too, leaving wide the floodgates, and preserving the rather successful techniques used to game this sub.

the idea that reddit corrects itself, and you can simply vote the problem away is fraudulent, and in the light of technology where agents can pilot dozens of accounts at the same time, is ignorant.

i can only hope people continue to ponder the consequences of these recent events.

How could my comment be anything BUT an opinion? Your opening sentences are a shining example of why some people choose to mock this subreddit and its user base. 9000sins broke several subreddit rules in /r/redditrequest whining to the admins, asking that they turn this subreddit over to him. That's not the kind of mod I want.

it seems it is very easy for unscrupulous attackers of sins to throw power words around describing authoritarian power grabs and censorship and attacks on freedom, as many here are susceptible to such conceptual frameworks.

but what happened instead is that a unilateral action was taken, a truly authoritarian action, which has removed a group of people who were active watching what happens here every day

Are you familiar with the concept of irony?

shining example of why some people choose to mock this subreddit and its user base.

statements like that are dishonest anti-reason rhetorical devices used to attack and marginalize.

for a guy talking all about what kind of mod you want or don't want, you sure use a lot of dishonest tactics yourself.

I don't need to attack or marginalize you because I'm not trying to prove a point or convince people of anything. I stated my opinion and you got super defensive over me stating my opinion. Again, ironically, you are attacking the words I use, not the content of my posts. This is the same type of misdirection you are accusing me of.

for a guy talking all about what kind of mod you want or don't want, you sure use a lot of dishonest tactics yourself.

How does that even make sense? That would make sense if I were accusing 9000sins of using dishonest tactics. I am accusing him of being too emotionally invested in authority. If I were lashing out emotionally, you could've made a point there. As it stands, your posts seem convoluted and paranoid.

i have addressed the content of your posts.

I don't need to attack or marginalize you

then you did it anyway for free, apparently.

That would make sense if I were accusing 9000sins of using dishonest tactics.

you said he broke rules trying to acquire power over the sub. I guess i just went WAAAAY out on a limb and considered that an accusation of being a dishonest mod.

As it stands, your posts seem convoluted and paranoid.

ohp, you're doing it again!

sooo, this could go round and round, but let's just not. we've exchanged views. there's really nowhere else to go here. cheers.

I was referring to his disregard for the rules in redditrequest; I don't think I was clear enough. And I agree. As I said before, I have no arguement that I've been attempting to convince anyone of.

i'm not attacking you


it's almost as if you guys want it to remain easy to game here... wait... oh... oh, i get it now...

you're saying i want it to be easy to game here, i'm included in "you guys," so yeah, that was an attack.

well it should have said "some people" because that was how it was intended.

There's infiltration, but the reddit system works. Remove the ability to make self post, and allow the users to vote up or down. Ignore the comment section; it's just nonsense.

but the reddit system works.

no, no it doesn't. i've been using this system here for almost three years, and i can definitely say, this is bullshit.

but it's the same kind of bullshit that come out and gets evoked everytime this type of conversation arises here. it's similar to the way so called skeptics and debunkers will evoke the concept of peer review, as though it were an impervious, incorruptible process resulting in objective truth. well, thinking idealistically about ideals does not do due diligence to the actual use of these ideals in reality.

reddit is easily gamed, and downvoting suspect posts is pointless if agents or downvote groups have access to dozens and dozens of screen names. avatar infestation is not the result completely of individual people, but of individual people piloting countless brand new accounts, as well as accounts created a while ago, but left to 'age.' the technology being wielded against members of online forums is sophisticated, covert, and designed to work successfully while staying hidden within otherwise transparent process. it's not designed to be easily defeated by people exercising vigilant voting.

to think we will correct this by voting is an untruth, and one that is constantly promoted the loudest each and every time someone attempts a method for stopping the flow of sockpuppets.

something has got to change. we can't constantly be defeated by unscrupulous psychopaths or agents that use our own ideals to manipulate us covertly, which is exactly what is happening.

Can't say I disagree.

My name is Alex Goldstein. I am paid twenty dollars an hour by Agent Harrison to discredit you. You see, you are the messiah, the one who will relieved the truth to the sheeple masses. My job is to make you seem idiotic, thus ensuring that the Dark Lord Obama is successfully able to steal our nation's guns and sell them to Israel.

It was a great idea. Try it for a while and if it doesn't work undo it.

Although I agree we need to find a way to filter out the shills and trolls, I don't see this 30-day rule as an adequate solution and the reason is simple:

I start today, making accounts, and in 30 days, BAM! I'm shilling likes it's 1999.

the theory proposed was that once a troll was identified, they could be banned, and it would be harder for them to just come right back with a new account and angle of deceit.

if that is the mechanism by which we are being pwned, i am for exploring steps to make that mechanism more difficult to misuse here.

Looking to banning/censorship to solve problems is weak and short-sighted. The "infiltration" was because of a rare event (Boston bombing) and happened because the event is rare. Wait a week or two and the idiots will have left. Now we're stuck with a needless barrier to new people becoming involved in the sub. /r/conspiracy, of all places, should understand why casual banning/censorship is a bad idea.

download RES for free to see how posts and comments are gamed.

Do you have any evidence that this is gaming rather than people not agreeing with your opinion?

/r/conspiracy, of all places, should understand why casual banning/censorship is a bad idea.

I believe I've already made my case as to why framing this debate as a censorship of free speech is not erroneous, but ignorant, specifically of the fact that that new software being used by corporate and state shills/agents allows for the piloting of literally dozens and dozens of accounts at the same time. I'm not making this shit up. If the mechanism by which we are being pwned is the open door policy, we need to find a way to address it. many websites use preventative measures against trolling. it's not unprecedented, and people wouldn't be closed out of the society, but encouraged to watch (maybe not for 30 days) and learn about the people, culture, and topics discussed. Once trolls were indentified, banning them would be more effective than it is today, where they simply turn around a new account and turn back up in 30 seconds. Surely, preserving this ability for organized trolling by doing nothing is as ethically questionable as putting up firewalls. Ultimately, something needs to be attempted. The techniques and software being used are designed to be effective within open frameworks, and are designed to be impervious to nominal forum voting.

Do you have any evidence that this is gaming rather than people not agreeing with your opinion?

Just watch and learn. Anyone who has been using it long enough can determine voting trends. Yes rando people disagree. But also yes, controlled voting is real. That's right, despite the best efforts of most people who use this angle, both are most likely true, rather than it being erroneously framed as one or the other. A five minute google search will reveal half a dozen articles talking about state and corporate forces hiring battalions of online public relations people. To believe that this does not happen is to choose to be willfully ignorant.

Just watch and learn. Anyone who has been using it long enough can determine voting trends.

I've used Reddit for 6 years and this sub for 2 or 3 years. I see nothing unusual: just a a rare event that temporarily attracted trolls. Keep calm and carry on and they'll find other ways to occupy themselves.

To believe that this does not happen is to choose to be willfully ignorant.

To believe that the fact this happens somewhere is proof that this is happening here is to fail at logic.

Allow new users to post? Fucking unthinkable!

/r/conspiracy is the joke that it is because of people refusing to recieve the opinion of others without calling them shills or trolls.

"You don't agree with ME!? You must be a troll! You must be a shill!"

"Let's rid the US of evil and tyranny! Replace leadership with someone like us! Who will not conspire against the nation... or accept any form of opinion that's different from ours!" ... Oh wait, that's also tyranny.


true. I've been a great user here till he banned me for speaking the truth. This is a great day.


Hey man, hes just a regular poster now. He'll break all the rules he goddamn wants.


Remember the other day when you were going to ban people who you deemed insipid, or uppity? As shitty as this is, it's pretty fucking hilarious as well. You dick.

I hope you never get reinstated and get banned instead for your behavior you racist lunatic.

Good time to create a new sub? Success of /r/trees was born out of a similar situation

It's a pretty absurd and stupid rule. Something fairly big has gone down, this sub is bound to have a surge in traffic.

I dont frequent this sub, though i do check it on occasion. Since the boston bombings i've been here far more often. It's absurd that you'd jump on the 'EVERY NEW ACCOUNT IS A SHILL' assumption. It's actually stupid. Because now you're preventing any legitimate new members from providing useful and interesting input. Which is counter productive.

Just because more people frequent, and naturally, more people are going to disagree, you cant jump on the 'FBI are doing it' assumption. Not everyone is going to agree with you and when they do disagree it does not mean they're disinfo agents. thats pure paranoia and demonstrates you cant be reasoned with because you lack the ability to perceive the world from any perspective but your own.


Fuck, your life must be boring.


How is it a coup when the person who did this was on top of the chain of command for years? A coup is a subordinate overthowing a superior, not a superior firing a subordinate.

yes, this is more of a purge then a coup..

see Stalin.

Why yes it is.

Yep - the whiny conspiratards have taken over. The same process is used in every sub:

Except that process requires the opposition to take over, how is donbueno the opposition when he's the original mod?

The current moderators have been removed, watch who steps in. They won't be friendly to our cause.

What cause? It seemed like the mods removed were intent on beginning to censor people on an arbitrary basis. Isn't that against the purpose of the sub?

Am i the only one who supports 9000 sins in this? Yes i think 30 days is too harsh, but restrictions on new accounts is very common amongst forums. If this rule was 10 days i would be absolutely for it; literally half the comments on every thread are coming from new accounts; whether they are just not well versed in conspiracy, are shills, or are trolls, they make it seriously difficult to have an intelligent conversation a lot of the time. If someone was truly intent on understanding conspiracy, do you really think they would care if they couldnt post for the first few days? I wouldnt care. Of course, as i said, 30 days may be harsh, but removing them from the mods list is way more harsh imo.

Yes i think 30 days is too harsh, but restrictions on new accounts is very common amongst forums

For what subreddits is this the case? Honest question.

The rule ultimately doesn't make sense, people should be banned for inappropriate language or obvious flaming, but if they're posting their opinion civilly there is no reason for them to be banned. I have a dream that reddit users will one day live in a website where they will not be judged by the age of their account but by the content of their comments.

I was referring to other forums, not subreddits, where new accounts cant post or can only post in certain subforums until they acquire certain credentials. Also 'banning' is really not an accurate term. Its not like you cant view the subreddit or never post; just not for the first 30 days after making a new account. you If you are new to reddit and are interested in conspiracy, you have hundreds of other sub reddits to comment on and post in. You can still view all the information, you just cant post your opinion for a little. For anyone who was banned and needs to make a new account, there was probably a good reason for that and being on 'probation' for 30 days might give them time to think about it or at least keep them from doing what got them banned for a little bit (or at least make it more difficult to do so).

Is such an act a perfect answer to the problem? No not at all. But at this point this subreddit isnt even navigable, and anyone who is new to it and honestly interested in conspiracy will most likely be turned off due to the immense trolling and the dis information. And i'm sure i'm not the only vet here who is constantly annoyed ; it is to the extent of wanting to leave this forum all together. I, nor anyone here, has a problem with honest inquiry or legit evidence for an official story. In fact we absolutely welcome and need it. This change, unlike many seem to believe, was not to prevent competition of information, it was meant to return to competition of legitimate information and discussion. Very few here, if any at all, are so deluded as to want for no opposition in their line of thought. We got here in the first place by questioning everything and if we didnt continue to do that we would be just as hypocritical and misguided as the 'sheep' we scoff at. This forum is no longer a legitimate discussion, it is just a "you dumb ass conspiracy theorist stop believing stupid shit" vs "you dumb ass sheep wake up!". Honestly in its current state, this forum would almost be better if comments from all users were banned.

The long term users aren't asking for opposing posts to be removed, they are asking for the mods to be given a better layer of mod-ship so the name calling, personal attacks and general trolling can be easier dealt with. Its gotten to the point of people on both sides calling each other shills and trolls and the discussion is completely directed into a shouting match. People that have come here to intentionally do that should be limited as much as possible. Make accounts with 30 days activity available to comment, if anyone continuously uses personal attacks or does not contribute in a meaningful way, ban them. No one would like it if there sub was turned into a slanging match while the topic gets left by the way side.

Hey man, i've got some news i want to share with you guys, but i'm gonna have to dodge FSB, CIA, Alien greys and the Loch Ness Monster for 30 days before i can.


Why don't you and some of the other mods just start your own subbreddit and pm me. I will come over.

Just for the record, I'd follow along too...

Count me in.

Agreed. I don't think that 30 days was too long, however. They were trying to take action against the spam and shills and this is what they get in return. Fuck that other mod. Make your own sub, we will follow.

Damn sins, WTF! You were seriously doing a great job. Know we know this sub is right in the mix of the game. Fun times.

I agree with the other three.

Back to basics. It sure will eliminate the constant drama over mods (mostly initiated by trolls I might add). We can now focus on conspiracies again! I think I like it.

I'm with you on this!

Lie much?

Just what a shill would say! Also happy cakeday. Your extra shill-gold will be with you shortly.

Why are you so obsessed with trolling this sub?

beats perpetual masturbation and crying

not really

Not everyone has a life worth living.

Probably psychotic

Except you will never be able to get much of any relevance to the front page ever again.

Why not?

Because they are going to bury it before it gets there.

Banning people doesn't prevent them from up/down voting does it?

I'm working on getting that CSS script SRS uses that blocks downvotes and only allows upvotes.

So you're looking to hack and game the system?

Silly child, digg is this way.

God I hate you, Only the most determined trolls and shills will be able to downvoote threads, those who know how to disable css scripts on pages. Everyone else will think they are downvoting but are upvoting threads.

The bury brigade we are dealing with, which happens to be the same one that was on Digg, the irony of your idiotic statement not lost on me, will no longer be nearly as successful.

So you are going to hack the CSS to cheat the system. Got it.

Let the anger flow through you. Tell me how you really feel.


Yes you are that much of a fucking idiot.

Aww, now that wasn't very nice. You kiss your Father with that mouth?

Personally I don't like that idea. I think we need to be able to downvote troll submissions and comments.

If it's an obvious troll I'll just make sure we have enough active mods to remove it and ban the user.

This /r/ is dead. I've had my disagreements with 9000sins but this decision to get rid of trolls was the right one.

In the year and a half that I've posted here I've never seen donbueno post one fucking time. This is really the final blow to this /r/ now you are going to be filled with homogenized limited hangout garbage.

From an unbiased point of view as a new member, lots of threads have been complaining about shills. Lots of them calling for some sort of new member 'rule'. So a mod suggested making an unpopular change, but mods removing mods is a bit suspicious. Preventing new accounts from posting isn't censorship, more like anti-sockpuppetry trial period.

Shills will always be here. Period. They can be fun to argue with, and we shouldn't be locked in some echo-chamber. Different opinions and ideas make for a much better brainstorm.

Echo-chamber is right. For all that "shills" may be destabilizing the dynamics here, if your ideas are never challenged, if you succumb to the weakness of only suffering the like-minded, you WILL fade into irrelevance. This is not the best solution to this perceived problem.

Well said, personally I don't mind the 'opposition' myself, not enough to complain anyway.

who is donbueno?

As opposed to the usual lizard people crises actor garbage that is the standard fare.

As if we aren't already, and as if people like you haven't been leading the charge with vigor and endurance.

Post dozens of sources

get buried by shills

get accused by fucking losers of killing this board

Man you are classy.

How would it change anything? It's not as if trolls wouldn't just create dozens of reserve accounts that they just let sit until they pass the 30 day rule. Then they make a bunch more every day and absolutely nothing has changed.

The only one hurt by this change - again - is the average new user that suddenly finds that they can't contribute to a discussion because of some arbitrary 30 day rule? So then when 30 days have passed they're fed up with the subreddit because for x days they have not been able to participate in any way, so why should they now?

average user

account less than thirty days old


average new user

Next time feel free to not leave out words when you quote someone. And does this new rule change anything at all as far as trolls are concerned? After 30 days of the initial rule was passed you'd be back to the same thing again.


I don't really trust any of the other mods since I've only ever really conversed with you through comments AFAIK.

I motion to reinstate 9k sins

Any thoughts about a place to migrate to? The EPS guys are clearly winning here at some level or another.


What a crybaby.


Fuckwit? I'm a geologist, with a hot wife and 4 cars. I'm sure that beats your Xbox , fleshlight, and two pair of semen encrusted pantaloons. I only go into /r/conspiracy to make your comrades my bitches. I have a certain set of skills that makes guys like you delete your comments. I'm more uncomfortable than corn in your pisshole. Most of you bitches that pretend to be smart by using derogatory language are 12 year old multi chin mouth breathers, with pizza pocket permanently lodged between your sweaty ass fingers. You are a fat fuck aren't you? I can tell. You have to poke the fun at random Internet schlubs or you will start thinking about how utterly shitty and fat your own life is. Larking through Walmart fantasizing about under age kids. Yes I know your type bitch. It's sad.

While I found a couple parts some what bitchy, I did get a genuine chuckle out of this. Thank you sir.

Beautiful. Just amazing.

That's hilarious.


Fuck off.


Lol, god forbid someone actually moderates this place.

I'll be the first to admit that when this sub had only 40k subscribers it didn't really need any moderation. (that was about the last time donbueno had participated in this sub)

And based upon the messages I have been getting from conspiratard trolls they basically flooded him with PMs until he took this action. Mob rule folks, that's what your left with.

Donbueno, you have no concept of how things here have changed. You're delusional if you think that light moderation will continue to work here forever.

I think you should reinstate the mods who actually work here and remove yourself.

Except they modded the place extraordinarily poorly, I agree there should be more mods, but they shouldn't be the ones previously in place. Too many comments were removed simply because they presented an opinion in contrast to the mods' and not because they were uncivil. That's not acceptable.

That is demonstrably untrue.

Then demonstrate it's untrue.

Oh, wait, you can't. Because mods like 9000sins delete their histories every day.

Follow my conversation with terry_ I disagree with him on many levels and I didn't remove his comments. He was civil (for the most part) and we had a disagreement.

Who cares.

I was in charge of that account, just look at him at the end, he loses it all and just goes into ad hominen mode (in a way which makes no sense) trying to say that I was wrong because the article was incomplete. It is clear his pride is on the line in the thread, not truth or decency, I can show you some of the messages he sent me in private too on that account that suggest nothing but ego and misinformation.


As evidenced by the shithole this place has become overnight.

Overnight? This place was a shithole yesterday, too.


Blow it out your ass you fuck.

Great, so instead of just reversing the change, /u/donbueno decided to make the problem of trolls even worse by simply removing all the mods?

This sub reddit just went from bad to worse. Unless /u/donbueno was actively monitoring he has no idea of the huge spike in vicious and foul mouthed trolling.

Was there really no alternative to this scorched earth approach? Could /u/donbueno not have simply reversed the change, and had a conversation with the Mods?

Most of the viciousness was bitter members being vicious to newer people.

I am constantly on here, and I have never seen such a huge surge in troll activity over the last 2 weeks in the (almost) 2 years that I have been here. It has been so difficult to simply discuss anything without having 3 or 4 trolls attacking you with vicious insults, and disruptive behavior. The one things that nearly every single troll has in common...accounts that have been open less than a month (in most cases less than a day).

I don't blame the mods for trying to clean house (I would constantly report the really bad ones). Now, the solution is to simply ban the mods? How does this even begin to help the problem?


Here is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. Read what he says (to me and everyone else), and check out how long he's had his account. He's not looking for a conversation, he's looking for a fight.

There are a few trolls like that, yes. But most of the drama surrounding new members has been useless older members who do nothing but say "HURR DURR UR ONLY A WEEK REDDITOR HURR DURR SHILL HURR DURR", even when the post they're responding to is far more thought out than some of the bullshit spewing from the open valve of certain other users.

False. Thanks for furthering a harmful narrative that lead to the institution of a bullshit rule in the first place.

The FBI wanted to silence those that will expose them so they removed the leadership. I see what you're doing FBI.


i thought they were on 4chan?


i know. they knew we were going to uncover their lies.


no thanks. id rather stay up here even though the government is watching me.

30 days seems a little much. But I think a 10 day waiting period is pretty reasonable. This place seemed to be cleaning up in the past week. Also this kind of buffer would prevent trolls and shills to some degree. There seems to be spikes and influxes of them after a big event or tragedy. This way a conversation could get a head start by the community away from users that would subscribe only to harass on those occasions. And if possible a "vetting" system could be put in place where a user, if they feel they have something to contribute and they fall before the 10 day buffer, could PM a mod to bypass the waiting period.

I don't really think removing all the mods will help in this situation.

How does one tell shilling from someone who simply has an opinion that's disagreeable?

You don't get it, everyone who disagrees is a shill. There is the one truth in /r/conspiracy and you must abide by it.

I find only conspiritards agree with that position.

Shills and trolls tend to use fallacies of logic.

I know that not most theories presented in this forum don't have proper evidence for their claims. That's not the problem. It's the attacks on claims without proper rhetoric and the people that can't let an idea or theory die when concrete evidence is presented to disprove it.

you just used the "argument from fallacy" fallacy


I understand that sentiment. However there always seems to be an influx of attack posts and disinformation after a major event or announcement. You are most likely right about no shills. However sometimes real information and good research happens here and so in that right shilling may be a good strategy and worth the while to some.

Yep. Nothing to see here, citizen. The HB Gary scandal never happened. Move along.


Money in the right hands makes the unbelievable reality every day.


You already forgot about the money.

Trolls are a whole different story though.

I just finished skimming over all these wonderful comments. I rarely comment, but I've got to say I agree with 9000sins on this one. However, the game theory in this whole situation is just beautiful. I wonder if donbueno or even all the mods are "agents of disinfo", because as pointed out several times, this is r/conspiracy. We cultivate healthy paranoia here in order to hone our critical thinking skills. We are presented with a problem, like Boston, and told the "facts". Sometimes those "facts" are blatant lies. Why? Control. Power. The struggle between donbueno and 9000sins seems too convenient. Textbook Oligarchical Collectivism. It doesn't matter who is "right" as long as the consumers of r/conspiracy feel like they know the truth when all the sheep stay asleep. Brilliantly manufactured catharsis.

Your comment is brilliant. Thank you for being a voice of wisdom and reason.

just havin' some fun

You mean like you removed me? At Flytape's request. Because I am a feminist?


I don't believe you. You kept on asking me if I was a feminist. Because Flytape kept on telling you I was and it was a bad thing. And of course I am a feminist. Which is a good thing. And I always checked the mod logs.

If you need a techie as a mod, well that's not me. I never claimed I was. But don't pretend that my belief that women are equals didn't factor into your decision.

I might not have been a useful moderator. After all, all I did was post a lot and get 61k of karma here.

But I'm not saying I want to be mod. But you and flytape should not be mods either.

Actually we need a mean mod who will ban all these shills and sockpuppets. I can tell them how to identify them.

I have been called a shill repeatedly by paranoics in this subreddit and its not true, so I think it will be like Soviet Political Prisoner camps if you will try to find out who is a shill or who is just a normal person.

Your account is too old for you to be a sockpuppet unless someone bought your account. But you could have turned shill. Someone wrote me a couple of days ago offering me money but were vague about what I would do for it. But I am NEVER gonna do anything that might get me banned from reddit.

well I had claims that I sold this account to shills. and not 1 time, repeatedly.

All I am trying to say, this is a witch hunt, innocent people will be hurt if you just accuse everyone like that.

Maybe the choice is to let the shills and sockpuppets destroy conspiracy or to destroy it ourselves while trying to save it. But at least if we try to save it there's a chance we will. If we do nothing, they win.

Well, that is fucked up. But how do you know Flytape was telling him you were feminist? Did 9000sins or Flytape told that? It is a disgrace to remove you because of your ideological position, specially something like feminism (which is theoretically against oppression, what this sub official instance seems to be). What hypocritical idiots. And how is it even relevant to ask if you are feminist?

Because he was telling me was well and trying very hard to get 9000sins to appoint him op which I was trying to talk 9000sins out of when I found out Flytape was MR, who hate women. At least uppity women.

But Flytape finally got his way, I was demodded and he was opped.


Then why did you keep asking if I was a feminist in the mod log, accusing me like it was a bad thing?

This guy is probably lying anyway. /r/conspiracy seems to be full of /r/mensright, anti-semitic (not just anti-zionist or whatever you call that) and neo-nazi idiots (or trolls) and it would not surprise me that they would be hostile to women "that do not know their place".

Know when to quit and admit you are wrong.

kick the nazis out please


No racism of any kind. Rule 1 homes

Rule about 1 month old accounts has to go. We are open to everybody.. as a community. Just like church doors are open to everybody.

I agree with removal of mods. Only mod that should be put back is r/uncesorship.

This was nicely done.

If we institute a 30 day rule, then everything the conspiritards say about this sub is true.

And more than half of me thinks that's the entire point of the rule in the first place. Locking out actual conversation. If there are as many shills as speculated, they will find a way around the rule. And then this sub will be entirely populated with people gaming the system.

As the most visible alternate news sub, that's reprehensible. It's just the gun legislation debate with a internet forum instead of guns. You're enticing more criminals, and punishing valid participation.

If we institute a 30 day rule, then everything the conspiritards say about this sub is true.


And more than half of me thinks that's the entire point of the rule in the first place. Locking out actual conversation. If there are as many shills as speculated, they will find a way around the rule. And then this sub will be entirely populated with people gaming the system.


As the most visible alternate news sub, that's reprehensible. It's just the gun legislation debate with a internet forum instead of guns. You're enticing more criminals, and punishing valid participation.


Free thinking is tolerated in this subreddit, as long as you don't question or demand evidence.

Thanks for helping this sub be less retarded.

would you like to know more?




...9000Sins, you should probably comment on this and state some of your reasoning. Justification for your position needs to emerge with a fair explanation of what transpired.

It is our duty to remain impartial while you make your case. It is yours to make that case without dodging questions or side-stepping uncomfortable admissions. Even if you did something kind of douchey, context is everything. Just calmly explain the the truth and don't hold to hubris.

If you can't or won't do that, I'm afraid there's not much any of us can do.


No, see. shijjiri made what was a reasonable request in light of sourced information. You side-stepped.

I thought that was a great rule to mitigate the influx of..... shillery.

Except it doesn't do that at all. It puts a pathetic roadblock in their way and discourages anyone wanting to have actual discussion from engaging one another.

does it? or does it just put a little roadblock in growing this forum?

Stone Told Steve Austin.

Stupid bitch's status:

[ ] Not told

[ ] Told



[X] No country for told men

[X] Knights of the told Republic

[X] ToldSpice

[x] The Elder Tolds IV: Oblivious

[x] Command & Conquer: Toldberian Sun

[x] GuiTold Hero: World Told

[X] Told King of Boletaria

[x] Countold Strike

[x] Unreal Toldament

[x] Stone-told Steve Austin

[X] Half Life 2: Episode Told

[x] World of Warcraft: Catoldclysm

[X] Roller Coaster Toldcoon

[x] Assassin's Creed: Tolderhood

[x] Battletolds

[x] S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shatold of Chernobyl

[X] Toldasauraus Rex 2: Electric Toldaloo

[x] Told of Duty 4: Modern Toldfare

[X] Pokemon Told and Silver

[x] The Legend of Eldorado : The Lost City of Told

[X] Rampage: Toldal Destruction

[x] Told Fortress Classic

[x] Toldman: Arkham Told

[X] The Good, The Bad, and The Told

[x] Super Mario SunTold

[x] Legend of Zelda: Toldacarnia of Time

[X] Toldstone creamery

[x] Mario Golf: Toldstool Tour

[X] Super Told Boy

[X] Left 4 Told

[X] Battoldfield: Bad Company 2

[x] Toldman Sachs

[X] Conker's Bad Fur Day: Live and Retolded

[x] Lead and Told: Gangs of the Wild West

[x] Portold 2

[x] Avatold: The Last Airbender

[X] Dragon Ball Z Toldkaichi Budokai

[x] Toldcraft II: Tolds of Toldberty

[x] Leo Toldstoy

[x] Metal Gear Toldid 3: Snake Eater

[X] 3D Dot Told Heroes

[x] J.R.R Toldkien's Lord of the Told

[x] Told you that ps3 has no games

[X] LitTOLD Big Planet

[x] Rome: Toldal War

[x] Gran Toldrismo 5

[x] Told Calibur 4

[x] Told Fortress 2

[x] Castlevania: RonTold of Blood

[x] Guilty Gear XX Accent Told

[x] Cyndaquil, Chicorita, and Toldodile

[x] was foretold

[x] demon's told

[x] http//

[x] Tolden Sun: Dark Dawn

[x] Tic-Tac-Told

[X] Biotold 2

[X] Toldbound

[x] icetold

[x] Told of the Rings

Man I love you so much.

Watch out newbies, the real drama queens are now going to show up.

Notice the commentors from there already appearing on this thread? You were warned.

What a beautiful headline to read.

This is moronic.

This is R/Conspiracy...

you are always, always, going to get moronic and pointless posts. It doesn't matter if you make people wait 30 minutes or 30 days. People will still find a way to clutter R/Conspiracy up with absolute garbage.

On top of that, it would be hard to grasp how you would moderate the already countless users who can't find their ass with both hands, and post like it. You can't just kick everyone and start fresh.

Rules like this have to be implemented at day dot. There is sensibility in the concept, but not the timing.


I think its a great rule idea, however the way he went about implementing it was wrong. Also donbeuno overreacted. Everyone just needs to chill the fuck out.

I thought I was the only whiny old grandma on this subreddit. Buncha drama mamas! Just let us post in peace.

Fucking god! Im just a casual sub! No one cares about this whole community you've made in the comments! Hey, instead of making useless topics like this... Make a new site and take your community THERE. That will get much more done than MAKING TITLES IN ALL CAPS. That will show them to mess with you and your beloved community! The purpose of /r/conspiracy is not to make the front page... But to just make conspiracies with each other!

Lets add more censorship!



I feel ya... You have been trying, man. What now?

/r/noshill is a thing.

/r/conspiratard has a thread going where they talk about how they've got alts in that sub already, and how to get an invite.


well, that's a coup.

*edit: actually, it seems pretty legit, people. i feel a storm brewing.

King disposes of unruly council.

Exclaims "IT'S A COUP!!1"

Actually a coup would the the overthrowing of the ruling party. So the mods taking control and booting donbueno would actually be the coup.

I know that. I was just pointing out how wrong weltall is by calling it a coup.

ah, got burned by POE's law. Sorry bout that.

Nah, it's cool. I would've done the same thing.

Feels bad to have to say I told you so, but this was all approached in the wrong manner to begin with.

Hmmmm... fuck that democratic decision making by a set of mods right? That was unnecessary and could have been handled better such as rescinding the rule.

What the fuck? The 30 day rule was perfect. Some mod comes back from the dead and removes all the mods because they try to stop the massive flood of shills? Thats fucked up.

Confirmed. According to my boss at the JIDF donbueno got his activation code and was ordered to shut 9000sins down.

so... is it a conspiracy?

How about a comment limit for new accounts is that possible?

like 5 per day or whatever?


Racist troll is racist.

edit: the troll's flair was "JEWS JEWS JEWS JEWS JEWS JEWS JEWS JEWS" when this comment was made

it's true i fucking hate white people


it's true i fucking hate white people

why didn't you upvote me? i upvoted you.

Less mods the better IMHO. More rules and regulations the worse.

This subreddit, conspiracy, has ~135,000 people, one moderator would have a really tough job, since the top moderator illuminatedwax hasn't been publically active in 3 months.

Whats wrong with self moderating?

You've not read any of the comments in this sub, ever. Self moderation is effectively what this sub has been operating under, for all the good the previous mods did.

Nothing it just seems like a lot to handle for one person; Also self-moderating isn't a valid way to deal with rule-breaking like doxxing. If someone is doxxed when the lone mod is asleep it will take a while to be removed and that person will be harmed. There's also a benefit to having enough mods to keep spam out of the new submissions.


pfff he is active only 1year 3months.. just short of our arbitrary amount of time.. obvious shill.

Citation Needed.

Obviously /r/conspiracy does not have a sense of humor...

He's jidf, they always say that shit.


Finally, someone stood up to the Oppression and tyranny of the mod team!

are you located in Va? just curious because of 'the moon is a projection' thing by your name.. long story xD

Maybe you were removed because you've conveniently overlooked the rampant racism, bigotry, hate mongering and over all disgusting behavior by posters here? Maybe you were removed because the constant stream of bullshit from you reached epic levels. Maybe you were removed because you have helped propel the gold bug/Paulbot/truther movements to an acceptable level by the daily readers here.

No wait, it can't be all that. Must be TEH JOOOOOOOZ right?

No he was removed because of the ridiculous rule he made, however all those would have been legitimate reasons for his removal by my count.


No one believes your old enough to be married

His wife is also feminist, according to him. He was replying after he was accused of demodding a feminist. It seems a card he likes to play.

That's great. Does that change the fact you've allowed rampant hate to propagate through out this subreddit? Nope.

Just ban everyone. That will fix it.

Leadership? LEADERSHIP? ... nice phrasing there, guv'nor.



Donbueno, more like "Donny" from The Big Lebowski.

You're out of your element, Donbueno!

I still haven't made up my mind about this whole situation but your post is without a doubt the funniest comment I have ever seen in this subreddit. You have a fitting username.

How about we all move to /r/conspiracies where we can talk about more than one conspiracy!

Because the only discussion going on here lately is about how we're under attack by shills, they are winning the war against this subs think-tank if they exist or not

I just wanted to say, "Hahahahahaha".


What's wrong with Reddit? Why can a mod remove a mod? Why was that guy inactive 5 months, then randomly come back as if his opinion even matters?

Because reddit is not a democracy. We are just tolerated.

if he wasn't here he doesn't know how bad its gotten

He will pretend that he reads up in here every day, even though he hasn't participated in 1 single mod mail issue in over a year.

I am here everyday. I work just like everyone else.

You can't be serious. Maybe if you had looked at the hundreds of 1 day old accounts posting 4chan links that Ronald McDonald did the Boston bombings you would see why the rule was needed.

You should realize that your reaction is exactly what those Jew's wanted!!

Please reimplement the rule if donbueno gets axed and you're reinstated as mods. It was a great idea to cut out the trolls.

The rule was an okay idea that would have been implemented way too late. It wouldn't stop a single shill, but it would chill any new discussion about events.

This guy has his head on straight.

If you have the evidence I suspect exists, you'd do well to organize and post it. Seems like the only people championing 9000sins decision are people that most dislike this sub and it's participants as a whole.

The whole thing stinks and I'm glad someone stepped up to kibosh it. Every username I'm familiar with as a regular participant in discussions has voiced the same opinion I have: it's a shit idea this late in the game.

So what in the world possessed 9000sins to think it was an idea that the active users of the sub would get behind? Maybe it's too much to assume he was working with the best interests of /r/conspiracy in mind. That said, you'd better bring your A game as a mod. You outdicked a pro, and now everyone is going to be watching to see if you're good for your word.

There is plenty of 'new' discussions about events, unfortunately idiots have made this sub a joke and I'm in support of the 30day rule whole heartily

Look, it's like instituting a gun ban. You only punish legal owners of guns.

If you make it harder to troll they may loose interest and go elsewhere. The noobs who 'miss out' can always join at a later date if they are truly interested.

But in reality, the exact opposite would happen.

Noobs who are just getting started in their quest for truth would see a comment ban as more censorship in a world they are just learning to distrust. Trolls will already have multiple accounts cooking for other reasons, and would just switch to those.

Might as well rename it /r/conspiratard2 and start leasing out ad space to Alex Jones and "Dr." Steven M. Greer.

Noobs can read the sub for 30 days then start commenting, it's not that a big of a deal. It would prevent all the trolls who get banned creating new accounts straight and bullshitting again, they would have to wait 30 days to do it.

Maybe you have not been watching this sub too carefully but recently many threads have been overrun with sarcastic condescending comments that add nothing to discussion and just undermine civil debate.

And what would stop trolls from making a huge stockpile of accounts, waiting 30 days, and then start trolling? Everytime they get banned they would simply switch to one of their other aged accounts, and then make a new one that will start aging for when their original stock of accounts runs out.

The fact that accounts are so easy to create kind of negates the rule entirely, trolls will troll just fine and legitimate users will be discouraged from joining.

If they're willing to put that much effort into well they I'd just leave them alone. They deserve the satisfaction of their trolling but I don't think most are like that. Most of them have some sort of threshold where past a certain point the pleasure they get from trolling is not worth the effort, in my opinion this would push most of them over that.

legitimate users will be discouraged from joining.

Does the ban stop you from subscribing? I know for me personally It would not stop me checking out this place If I knew I couldn't comment for 30 days as a measure to stop trolling, I can still read everything. If anything it might make it a bit more exclusive.

Worst case scenario you try it for a bit and if it is doesn't work out just undo it.

If they're willing to put that much effort into well they I'd just leave them alone

Given the fact that reddit doesn't even require so much as an email to register an account, and things like RES will save multiple accounts with login information for you, it really isn't much effort. It's just really unlikely the ban does anything actually beneficial.

The bottom line is some people think it would work some people don't what is the harm in trying for a while and if it has the negative impact you suggest it can be removed, if it works and doesn't have a detrimental impact on new users keep it.

I'm in this sub every day. I see the persistence of the trolls, and I can tell you. A 30 day rule will change nothing, troll wise. But it WILL prevent actual discussion.

For instance, 9000sins is known, very well known, for deleting and banning that which he does not personally agree with. Say a new user subs and doesn't know this. He posts something 9000sins, or any moderator, disagrees with.

With a 30 day rule in place, it's academic to silence that voice until such a time as the conversation is irrelevant.

Also, because of how much I frequent this sub, I can assure you: NO TOPIC stays relevant 30 days at a time. Some barely last three days.

It was a bad idea and a bad move to just institute it without discussion. And while we're on the topic, I've been in this sub enough to see PLENTY of threads talking about 9000sins malfeasance. Suddenly today there's a huge outpouring of support where it previously did not exist.

Proving my point that no action or rule can curb trolls.

Whatever you end up doing don't re-mod Flytape, the man is a lunatic drunk with power and selective moderation.

Can you please re-instate the mods and apply the rule? I'm not asking or the other long term users are not asking for opposing opinions to be removed, we are asking for people making comments that attack personally or make posts/comments that have nothing to do with the post/comment to be removed and a short waiting period to stop people from making those comments.

We want a discussion here without being sidetracked having to deal with trolls, and yes there has been a lot of them. Some come right out and tell you to fuck off/nut job etc but some are more subtle using the more extreme conspiracies in attempt to mock while spamming the same links and the same comments over and over.

The mods were doing the best they could, I had no problem with them removing obvious trolls and they came under attack on several occasions when they did remove those posts with people attempting to remove them implying it was censorship to remove the shit.

Also, I'd like to add the people that want this rule enforced are the people that have been long time, genuine posters. Most of the other people are against it because they want to fuck this place up.

So are you planning to do something about the trolls or are you just going to be banning anyone who does something you personally don't like?


Those accounts weren't banned, they weren't allowed to post for 30 days. Christ you guys are butt hurt about something that is incredibly innocuous and tons of forums do.

I feel bad for the mods, but honestly I'm glad that rule isn't going to be implemented. I am a new member, but even I can appreciate that such activity makes people distrust this place and it gives people ammunition to discredit any discussion that goes on here. Censoring people's posts is not cool on any forum and overall it makes everyone look bad. Aren't we supposed to be exercising freedom of speech to say anything on here so long as we remain respectful? I am new, but I've had nothing but nice and interesting convos with people about the bombings. I think the ignore option is good for people who do want to personally censor what they see. Just my 2 cents.

why is all of this content getting downvote??

What the fuck?

The downvote brigde is the reason why 9000sins made the rule that got him sacked. It was necessary because this is happening on every thread here since Boston. Why indeed. I gave you your upvote back but eatch, it'll be buried in downvotes soon enough, as will my comment.

1 hr later... no downvotes. Ill come back in 24hrs..

Wow, I'm flabbergasted. Maybe it's a time zone thing.

I am too honestly... As more and more Mainstream sources come out and call out at least their parts of the conspiracy that they see, you can bet this sub will be hounded and attempts to discredit will be magnified.

Stay thirsty my friends..

The downvote brigade isn't indiscriminate or stupid.

Why is the 30 day rule so terrible? I like it, it means that people who are serious about being here will end up being here. 30 Days is a month, its not that long. This Sub deserves people who are dedicated and there has to be some way to keep others who are trying to bring it down out. 30 days is a safe number, its 4 weeks. Thats not going to destroy the Sub, if anything it could make it more desirable to be in here. Wait 30 days to get in, its like an exclusive conspiracy country club. Its really not that long to wait. People creating new accounts should have to earn some credibility on some degree or level. 30 days is really nothing guys...its not going to destroy conspiracy and if it is which can be measured than people can change the rule.

We need a site in onionland. We could avoid all the fratboy and willfully ignorant* types. They're overrunning Reddit in general and making it suck. And when I say that I just want to point out I've been on the internet since the mid 90's so I know what I'm talking about. And I was into BBS's before that.

*this includes the persona management folks which I think is the big problem here; IMO we've been targeted because of our potential to attract interested people new to this subject. Actually, I just thought of another reason for the concerted attack. If you think of 2 recent news stories, I think it explains a lot. And the current problem did start around the end of last year.

EDIT: for people that haven't been there You will not just accidentally see kiddie porn. You really have to look for it. There's the cleaned or censored hidden wiki. Even on the normal hidden wiki, it's very clear if it has objectionable content. There are existing multiple topic forums (not imageboards) which aren't good for us because they are open to ALL topics.

Also, of the conspiracy sites already there, I haven't seen anything that was similar to r/conspiracy or any of the good forums here. And by good forums, I mean the one that you see good discussion. Some of the one's that we have here on the clearnet that people know about aren't really what I consider quality sites. You can find forums with actual published writers; they tend to have intelligent, thoughtful discussion.

You have been quite vocal about the removal, also making requests:

Please remove /u/donbueno and reinstate me as a mod so we can fix this mess. Not trying to cause any drama, I just want my sub back.

Dear lord, "I want MY sub back"? Do you realize how ridiculous and undiplomatic that looked? Maybe you shouldn't be a mod anyway.



Hey guys, what's going on? Did I miss anything?

Well at least you have time for other things now instead of reading the kooketry of /r/conspiracy!

Perhaps you can do the dishes more or knit that sweater for mom you have been pushing off for weeks while uncovering the Boston bomber truth!!

The old Mods were NWO shills, wake up people.

IlluminatedWax has received the bat signal.




Go out in a hurricane sometime man. Shit's windy


Yeah but high winds are chilly. Do I really have to spell this shitty joke out


eeeeeh a little of both



Damn son it looks like you just got fucking told.

Funnyjunk? Really?

I do not discriminate in my sources for told gifs.

I'd suggest finding one that works

You deleted posts that disagreed with you AND you made a rule banning posts from new users? Oh man!!!



That link to a bot quote is not relevant.

Why not? They're all links to your censorship actions as a mod. You were asked in a polite manner to please explain why those actions were appropriate in your eyes and to not sidestep the request.

Which you then did by giving a canned response that was totally off topic. One might assume you didn't even bother to notice what the links actually were. In evidence by your off topic response in the thread in question, and your flip response here that a link to a list of links pertaining to YOUR mod actions, when it's YOUR mod actions being called in to question, is irrelevant.

You're hurting your own case. And you've no one to blame but yourself.


tttt0tttt is a well known racist/white supremacist/stormfront user/jew-hater who happened to have accidentally stumbled across /r/conspiracy to look for ways to interject "jews suck baby dicks and transmit herpes to infants worldwide coverup in NY" into discussions that span the globe about issues that effect the lives of every living being on planet Earth.

No one takes him seriously, but for the sake of freespirited discussions we allowed him to stay in the subreddit and let nature(downvotes) take it's course.

and really thats the best way to deal with 'shills' (such a retarded word). same way the rest of us deal with trolls, downvote/ignore. what you want is clearly to disable alternate views for 30 days. I mean, who fucking cares about trolls/shills, for fucks sake.

what you want is clearly to disable alternate views for 30 days. I mean, who fucking cares about trolls/shills, for fucks sake.

everyone who has been in /r/conspiracy since before the episode in Boston knows there is an entirely different atmosphere that is completely the opposite of what it should be(truth-seeking) in this forum.

9000sins took a slightly drastic measure(sorry, the one or two legitimate people who make new accounts all the time?) but did the right thing. The only people who should be complaining are ones who make shill accounts with less than a month specifically to post /r/conspiracy, or who have been banned for trolling/shilling and then need to immediately make an army of brand new accounts to keep posting.

What do you know - MASSIVE amount of complaints, less shilling.


I"m okay with you deleting posts if you were deleting the racist ones. Half of the posts in r/conspiracy seem to be from Jew haters and I bet it's overwhelming to try to delete them all. I hope you can prove you deleted at least a few!!!


You didn't.

I invited all of the booted mods to /r/NoShills






Is this some kind of false flag operation to distract us from what's really going on?

I lol'd so hard.

Is there a way to force new users to register so we can look them up if we're not sure if they're opinions are valid or not?

You know, maybe you can read what they write to know if their opinions are valid.

Maybe you thought that his post was genuine.

what a bomber

Talk to the admins and have them removed.

Banning all the mods on a whim is simply not acceptable.

Banning the users is though!


Donbueno can get fucked.






So you think that what tttt0tttt posts is acceptable?

I didn't say that. Don't put words in my mouth to deflect from my point. I notice you had nothing to say about the anti-Arab racists here.


Care to link me?

No, I'm not going back through thousands and thousands of comments just to satisfy a troll.


So there we are. Mr. Antisemite.

Aaaaand there it is!

that was amazing to watch happen. people actually buy that technique?

Sadly, yes. At least most here in this sub recognize it nowadays though. Unlike many other subs.

Edit: I see that nblsavage has deleted his relevant comments now. Lol.



What a load of shit. You're not here to be critical of Israel, not even of Zionism (which there's nothing wrong with btw). You're just a piece of shit racist, plain and simple. If you honestly can't see how people come to that conclusion upon reading your comment history, well then you've got some bigger issues to resolve and it would help if you started with your mental health.

It isn't skeptics, it isn't those who believe in government, it is Jews who don't like it that posts critical of Israel and Zionism appear in this sub. But I'm sure you know that.

We really, honestly, need to get t0t some 'Blame the Jews!' theme music we can play every time he, well, blames the Jews. Better make it something royalty-free.


No such thing as a known shill. Has anyone ever been outed as connected to an organisation in this sub?

Of course not. Anyone who disagrees with, or has the cheek to ask for evidence for a theory will get called a shill by the proponents of said theory.

Besides, everyone knows that the real cointel agents are the ones shrieking 'shill' when their disinformation is questioned.

Using Reddit Investigator, clear patterns can be discerned by even the stupidest of users.

dude this last week was absolute chaos on that forum. People were getting pointed to it from alll over... just because they had been there for a month only and takled soley about boston didn't make them a shill...

Honestly bitching about a poster is the lowest form of crying. Grow up, ignore them, move on.




What is your problem? I didn't say I agree with banning everyone with a 30 day account, I said its better to ban the known shills(whether 30 day accounts or 1 day or 3 year accounts).

So what the hell are you doing replying with nonsense to me?

If there are real shills in this sub, this rule would only curb their activity for the first 30 days. And that's the best case scenario IF we have a level of moderation never seen in this sub to begin with.

So are you going to purge user rolls every month? That's even worse.

That sounds like my account.

Yes, I am longtime reddit lurker who registered on a whim to make a single comment a month ago, but then didn't post for a month. And, yes, I started posting more yesterday after stumbling on a thread about the boston bombing where I thought I had some relevant points (other redditors thought so too, based on the karma, by the way). But (1) no one is paying me to post anything, and (2) I have broken no rules with any of my posts.

I'm disappointed that someone would want to ban my account or an account like mine simply because they disagree with something I, or that other account, have said. If you disagree with anything I posted, you are free to explain why and we can discuss it. I've enjoyed politely discussing my interpretations of and evidence for events on this sub with many who do not agree with me.


Thank you. For the record, though I do disagree with the policy you chose to implement regarding new accounts, I respect the integrity you showed in moderating my comments. I don't know enough about the politics and policies around here to say much else about moderating rights, etc., but I hope you can all get it sorted out in a way that maximizes free speech and participation. Best of luck.

It is you actually!

Would you agree that the US government has a long and rich history of staging false flag events like Gulf of Tonkin, Northwoods, Gladio, Fast and Furious, etc...?

I don't know enough about any of those events off the top of my head to accept or reject your cursory characterization of them here. But I do know the truth tends to be complicated and subject to multiple interpretations. Perhaps we can discuss them more sometime in a thread that is more apropos? I'm sure any one of those occurrences could fill many pages.


No, you were trying to take our liberties and reduce our freedoms, in order to further dictact this subreddit and silence the people you don't agree with.

Donbueno is a national hero. Finally, someone stood up to you bastards and actually made a stand for the people.

You tried to enact a blanket squelching of all accounts under 30 days.


Who Would Downvote This?? Tell Me Why. Somebody Is Suppressing The Truth...


eeeeeh a little of both

So there we are. Mr. Antisemite.

Aaaaand there it is!

Yes, they could. Though it would at least require you to exert some considerable effort.

In any case, I know enough to know that in this sub simple assertion by a user is not tantamount to proof of anything at all. So pardon me if I do not necessarily believe you.

What about blurry cell phone pics? Those are undeniable proof.

Lie much?

Banning the users is though!


He deleted one of his comments that I had replied to today, so he definitely deletes comments. (I think it's a silly and disingenuous practice for a message board dedicated to compiling information and discussions, by the way.)

beats perpetual masturbation and crying

Probably psychotic

Not everyone has a life worth living.

I was in charge of that account, just look at him at the end, he loses it all and just goes into ad hominen mode (in a way which makes no sense) trying to say that I was wrong because the article was incomplete. It is clear his pride is on the line in the thread, not truth or decency, I can show you some of the messages he sent me in private too on that account that suggest nothing but ego and misinformation.

He's jidf, they always say that shit.

but the reddit system works.

no, no it doesn't. i've been using this system here for almost three years, and i can definitely say, this is bullshit.

but it's the same kind of bullshit that come out and gets evoked everytime this type of conversation arises here. it's similar to the way so called skeptics and debunkers will evoke the concept of peer review, as though it were an impervious, incorruptible process resulting in objective truth. well, thinking idealistically about ideals does not do due diligence to the actual use of these ideals in reality.

reddit is easily gamed, and downvoting suspect posts is pointless if agents or downvote groups have access to dozens and dozens of screen names. avatar infestation is not the result completely of individual people, but of individual people piloting countless brand new accounts, as well as accounts created a while ago, but left to 'age.' the technology being wielded against members of online forums is sophisticated, covert, and designed to work successfully while staying hidden within otherwise transparent process. it's not designed to be easily defeated by people exercising vigilant voting.

to think we will correct this by voting is an untruth, and one that is constantly promoted the loudest each and every time someone attempts a method for stopping the flow of sockpuppets.

something has got to change. we can't constantly be defeated by unscrupulous psychopaths or agents that use our own ideals to manipulate us covertly, which is exactly what is happening.

That link to a bot quote is not relevant.

Why not? They're all links to your censorship actions as a mod. You were asked in a polite manner to please explain why those actions were appropriate in your eyes and to not sidestep the request.

Which you then did by giving a canned response that was totally off topic. One might assume you didn't even bother to notice what the links actually were. In evidence by your off topic response in the thread in question, and your flip response here that a link to a list of links pertaining to YOUR mod actions, when it's YOUR mod actions being called in to question, is irrelevant.

You're hurting your own case. And you've no one to blame but yourself.

Stupid bitch's status:

[ ] Not told

[ ] Told



[X] No country for told men

[X] Knights of the told Republic

[X] ToldSpice

[x] The Elder Tolds IV: Oblivious

[x] Command & Conquer: Toldberian Sun

[x] GuiTold Hero: World Told

[X] Told King of Boletaria

[x] Countold Strike

[x] Unreal Toldament

[x] Stone-told Steve Austin

[X] Half Life 2: Episode Told

[x] World of Warcraft: Catoldclysm

[X] Roller Coaster Toldcoon

[x] Assassin's Creed: Tolderhood

[x] Battletolds

[x] S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shatold of Chernobyl

[X] Toldasauraus Rex 2: Electric Toldaloo

[x] Told of Duty 4: Modern Toldfare

[X] Pokemon Told and Silver

[x] The Legend of Eldorado : The Lost City of Told

[X] Rampage: Toldal Destruction

[x] Told Fortress Classic

[x] Toldman: Arkham Told

[X] The Good, The Bad, and The Told

[x] Super Mario SunTold

[x] Legend of Zelda: Toldacarnia of Time

[X] Toldstone creamery

[x] Mario Golf: Toldstool Tour

[X] Super Told Boy

[X] Left 4 Told

[X] Battoldfield: Bad Company 2

[x] Toldman Sachs

[X] Conker's Bad Fur Day: Live and Retolded

[x] Lead and Told: Gangs of the Wild West

[x] Portold 2

[x] Avatold: The Last Airbender

[X] Dragon Ball Z Toldkaichi Budokai

[x] Toldcraft II: Tolds of Toldberty

[x] Leo Toldstoy

[x] Metal Gear Toldid 3: Snake Eater

[X] 3D Dot Told Heroes

[x] J.R.R Toldkien's Lord of the Told

[x] Told you that ps3 has no games

[X] LitTOLD Big Planet

[x] Rome: Toldal War

[x] Gran Toldrismo 5

[x] Told Calibur 4

[x] Told Fortress 2

[x] Castlevania: RonTold of Blood

[x] Guilty Gear XX Accent Told

[x] Cyndaquil, Chicorita, and Toldodile

[x] was foretold

[x] demon's told

[x] http//

[x] Tolden Sun: Dark Dawn

[x] Tic-Tac-Told

[X] Biotold 2

[X] Toldbound

[x] icetold

[x] Told of the Rings

My name is Alex Goldstein. I am paid twenty dollars an hour by Agent Harrison to discredit you. You see, you are the messiah, the one who will relieved the truth to the sheeple masses. My job is to make you seem idiotic, thus ensuring that the Dark Lord Obama is successfully able to steal our nation's guns and sell them to Israel.

Ah well.