Conspiracy Rising. How this community elected new mods in response to the ever increasing influence of various groups intent of bending the discussion to their will, only to be ruined by a super mod that doesn't even participate in the sub.

317  2013-04-26 by Flytape

A month or two ago, the mods of this subreddit sent out a call for volunteers to help moderate this subreddit.

I was one of you who answered that call, I had offered my services before but there wasn't a great enough need so I remained one of you. This time was different, the need was great, members of this once great forum were being targeted and harassed for nothing more than sharing an idea.

You guys voted for me, you also voted for /u/englishmunichfan and /u/weedtastic. The three of us had overwhelming support from this community, that we had earned your trust. We were one of you and clearly invested in the community and tuned into its needs.

We started to enforce the rules that existed before our election, we all had different styles. Mine was perhaps the loudest, I gave public warnings distinguished in green mod text. I was loud so that the community could hear me, that I cared and was trying to change to aggressive and oppressive nature of this community.

Many of you messaged me privately, and thanked me for shifting the collective attitude of this subreddit. A few of you scolded me for warning people about personal attacks. The net perception was positive. People started to see a change, the situation was improving.

The trolls responded in kind, they increased their efforts to drown us in hatred and beat us into submission. You see them here now celebrating their victory. They began to cross post the worst of our comments to /r/Boston to bring in emotionally traumatized people, knowing the clash of ideas would create drama. Then they linked their drama to /r/subredditdrama and they knew we would be overwhelmed with random trolls who just wanted a good laugh.

They started a campaign against flytape because I was the loudest. After a few weeks we had identified and banned many of the worst trolls main accounts and they were forced to make new ones. They tried to flood us with as many new accounts as they could manage. Then we hatched our plan to set a 30 day restriction on new accounts, we recruited a coder who was equipped for the task.

We did all of this to preserve the spirit of this community.

The mod who undid it all hasn't even been here in a year, hasn't even been on reddit in 3 months. He claimed there was no vote, there was a desperate effort by the active mods to find a solution to our new problem. There was 2 weeks of debate and discussion before we rolled out the 30 day period. This new mod wasn't a part of the consensus reached because he wasn't an active member.

We tried, we were succeeding. But all of our efforts have now been undone. The titan mod who has been quiet for a year decided that he knows better than an elected staff of people like you. These titans happen to be mods on many other large subreddits. This one only recently became large enough to harvest.

Welcome to the new /r/conspiracy where the trolls are welcome. You are now free to be publicly marginalized by a jury of your peers (who happen to all be the same person wearing 20 different masks). You will now help to solidify the MSMs narrative that people who question anything are insane. That you're dangerous and months, weeks maybe days away from committing an act of terror.

I wish you all the best of times.

I fought for you guys. I even saw a few trolls change into reasonable people once the rules were enforced.


So, who the hell is donbueno and how does he have the power to toss all the mods on a sub!?

Titan mod? Is he some kind of Mobile Suit Gundam? And is he in the employ of Reddit or Reddit's parent company?

He was one of the first mods added here by illuminatedwax.

His last post in conspiracy before he burned it to the ground yesterday was a year ago and one sentence long. He hasn't participated in a single mod mail discussion and hasn't been here to watch the evolution of this problem.

It's possible he's active in the sub via another account isn't it? I know a lot of mods maintain multiple accounts and post most their conversational type things under other accounts

Except if he had been lurking on his mod account he would have seen and participated in the 30 day discussion.

It surely is a possibility.

How do mods get rid of mods?

I'm not clear on this guy's overwhelming power.

He outranked us. The longer you've been a mod, you can remove all the mods under you. But not the ones over you.


Seriously!? Any mod can ban any other mod on the same sub that came on AFTER they did?


rank and file

Time in grade versus time in service. They need more ranks of moderator to avoid such situations.

Moderators should be voted in and out of their positions. There's no reason we can't have a fully representative republic here.


Seniority, brah. Welcome to the Union ;)

I guess if some government organization wanted to shutdown a reddit, all they would have to do is have conversation with the lead mod.

Yes, I know that what I'm suggesting is a conspiracy. I guess it's good I posted it here then...

Bring on the Trolls.

The government doesn't want us to have moderation, they well instill their own puppet moderators to gain their own capitalist goals.

<sarcasm>Hey why are you posting about conspiracies in /r/conspiracy, don't you know that just "crazy" and "stupid"?</sarcasm> Since all trolls seem to be able to do is call people names, instead of have a real discussion.

Time for elections.

The thing you don't understand is that the reddit admins do not interfere with subreddits.

The only reason why they allow ridiculous, insane racists to post here is because of their free speech policy. This is the same policy that allows Holocaust-denial subreddits like /r/Holocaust to stay open.

If the admins made you mods and removed the original mods, they would be breaking this rule. So the same reason why reddit did nothing while you refused to get rid of maniacs like /u/tttt0tttt is the same reason why you won't be a mod here again unless the ones who removed you changed their minds.

That isn't even what we were talking about.

Enjoy your masterbation.

It was a nice misdirect to holocaust deniers tho.

Stop drinking so much Mogen David wine and whining about racists, unless you want to count apartheid Zionists too.

I don't know if you noticed but /u/mrdong deleted his account sometime this morning. I had talked to him last night.

Can't the admins step in at some point? If an inactive mod (with over a year of inactivity) suddenly comes on and bans half of the mods, is that not abuse of power?

So is it like a TrueBlood thing? You automatically outrank the mods added later?

I've been following this subreddit for years, and donbueno never participated in the community or did anything apparent to deserve a moderator position.

Nobody gives a shit,

Luled so hard. But, I am sure you know how the mod totem pole works.

I have no idea how the mod system here works. Seriously - no fucking idea.

If you've got some insight - now's the time...

Oh; sorry, hmmm... all I know is thus: if you look at the mod section, there is a heiarchy. The mods have power over the mods listed below them. Illuminatedwax has always been at the top since I have been here, so that makes him the most powerful. The one below him (can't spell his name) has always been second I think. So he had the power to remove all mods below him.

I suppose we could always create another new subred... r/realconspiracy.

I think people would subscribe to both and then gravitate towards the one that provided better discourse/protection.

The problem is that this will mean the divide an conquer was successful

Not in the least. Like I said, people will likely subscribe to both. People will gravitate to better content. Not so much a division as it is a cleansing. It will sort itself out.

I personally would rather discuss ideas with active long standing accounts AND had a explicit rules limiting the mods power to ban.

I think the quality generated from a sub of this sort would become immediately apparent...especially in times of crisis.

It would be great to not read the BS conspiracy's, the racist BS, the "Illiminati" conspiracy from 100 years ago, when there's real Banking and Corporate Conspiracy going on Everywhere in America right now.

If that's what you mean, then please YES start RealConspiracy.

Actually all of that is conspiracy, regardless of your opinion. The difference would be in the quality of content, i.e. a well thought out self post, as opposed to a picture with some words on it and no sources.

You will never get a sub like this regarding conspiracy unless you pay full time mods real money.

"You only say never because no one ever has..." ~sweet Wesley

R/conspiracy was working to that end...until the great mod cleansing. Those five or so mods would likely disagree with you.

Not to say they didn't have any issues, just needed time to work out the kinks. It started well with the active participants voting them in. Ended poorly with the unilateral mod cleansing.

Well sure but wouldn't it be the right thing to have the right mods in place so that a problem like this never happens. It's all good and well to create a good system, but if it can't be enforced...

I like this idea.

I think /r/noshill was created for that purpose.


All but me, it seems!

Or do I?

I took part in the creation.. It is not perfect but we are trying. It is not for shills and we are actively banning aggressive users and shills.

Sounds like something a shill would say.

How do you define shill?

around here it seems to be anyone that disagrees

That's the question, isn't it?

And that wasn't enough so more subreddits it is!

Go go divide and conquer!


are you asking for one, or offering one?

the first rule of /r/noshill is.....

Make it private; those with genuine intentions are welcomed to it. Trolls can remain in the muck and die.

Closed groups lead to group think. I have enjoyed the refreshing diversity of thoughts r/conspiracy has to offer. Though the high influx of new accounts during the Boston bombing tended to echo MSM.

Odd. Perhaps many new people led to reddit after hearing news reporting of online sleuths. Perhaps not.

Not necessarily. Only if you allow it to be closed group. That is what /r/conspiracy would be for. People are attracted to subs, post and comment. From there you determine.

I created one myself when I was having problems with a few mods in /r/politics and other political subreddits to post stuff about political conspiracies and not get them taken down etc. Here is is:


I would be very happy to have more people join it.

See my flair.

Push that narrative, it almost worked with the 30 day rule.

Maybe you'll get lucky this time.

If you fail, you can always create yet another thread about it, thereby junking up our frontpage and further making the sub look bad, which also furthers the divide and conquer agenda of making the sub look bad!

Yay, efficiency!

Nice door

Jesus, some of you need to put away the laptop and go outside. Live your life.

Reddit will always have trolls. You can't fight them, but you can ignore them. I think it is cute/funny that mods in a conspiracy forum think that banning free speech is the answer to their problems.

This is usually where most of us come for unfiltered, uncensored, raw news. Never though I'd say this, but I miss the old /r/conspiracy quagmire.



Any number of circlejerky echo chambers all across the web. You know... away from all those pesky uneducated sheep that want "proof" and "legitimate sources".

Yeah, let's require a 30 day waiting period before posting for the whole of reddit. If someone isn't willing to wait at least 30 days to post something, then they shouldn't be posting at all.

Why does he have to be a moron? Insults are the first indication of a poor counterargument.

You don't understand what free speech is at all. For a small group like this, we need protection of the right kind of speech, the haters are perfectly free to go make a subreddit to express whatever they like but what they are doing amounts to vandalism.

"I don't like what people are saying, so we should limit their ability to do so." - Pretty much your argument, right?

How is anyone limiting their speech? They are free to express whatever they want but they can't do it at the expense of ours - quite simple really.

So, after 30 days of waiting the trolls can just start again? What then? A 60 day rule? A six month rule? Where does it stop? What if a person new to reddit has some legitimate information they would like to share with us?

"They are free to express whatever they want but they can't do it at the expense of ours." - At the expense of yours? Care to elaborate? To me that still sounds like they are free to express whatever/comment on whatever; unless you disagree with what they are saying, and in that case they lose all rights to comment.

Just because what they are saying is stupid, or specifically designed to get a rise out of you, doesn't make it okay to silence them.

Be the bigger person and ignore them. Pretty simple solution.

Edit: My original comment was mostly to make fun of the people who are taking this so seriously, and now I feel as though I am becoming one of the people who I was trying to make fun of. So I will let you respond and then offer my final rebuttal and then be done with it... So make it good.

Let's start with you then. Seriously just fuck right off, you have pea soup in your head.

Personal insults are the argument of a person who has no argument. Thanks for proving my point. Have an upvote.

Edit: This is the real problem right here. People can't handle having a serious debate on a topic without getting mad and throwing insults when their viewpoint is challenged.

It's only a serious debate to you because you have no idea what is going on here.

Okay, then help me to understand your view better and answer my questions. Why the continued insults? It is not helping your argument at all. In fact, it kind of makes you seem like a troll... But, I like you and don't believe that to be true.

You're hilarious.

I win.

I knew it.

The modship on Reddit is a funny thing. How do people maintain their accounts after doxxing, threatening doxxing, abusing their modship and even in one case I know of being a known FBI informant of subs like Anonymous and Occupy Wall St. You and the other mods either recently elected or were longer term did a good job. The discussion was allowed to flow, trolls and troll posts were removed and you contributed in a meaningful way. Yes, there has been trolls here and are still are here that have no intention of debunking or entering into a debate, they only want to cause a great deal of shit for people who come here to share ideas irrespective of who thinks they are crazy or not.

If you had an interest and frequented a sub where you wanted a discussion and suddenly had a large amount of people using ad hominem attacks and weak attempts at undermining the community, what would you do or what would you want done about it? I'm all for views of different kinds but intentional trolling is not a discussion or sharing of ideas.

Where are all the fringe posts: greys, hollow earth, lizard people .. ?

Where is the video of the week ?

Where is that /r/conspiracy that brought me here ?

I understand that trolls have flooded this sub, but the more we argue about it, the more we feed them, the more they x-post these problems to /r/SubredditDrama or /r/conspiratard, and the more they ROFL from their success. So let's just go back to business as usual, please !

Where are they all? Buried by the trolls!

You just don't understand how big an effect they have.

Bullcrap. Even I tried to have a call to bring back conspiracies like greys, hollow earth, lizard people, and chemtrail theories.

I got called an evil shill in the process by many of the regular non-trolls and that was when I was just starting out in this subreddit.

haha you are dumb




The easy answer here is to start a new subreddit moderated by non shitheads.

done, working on getting old mods to join too.

All in favor of mod elections say I.

I think you mean "Aye"

Vote inyourbutthole: It's A Gamble!

I remained one of you

A little megalomaniacal? You took on a job, not an identity.

They started a campaign against flytape because I was the loudest.

Speaking about yourself in the third person?

Dude, I'm not a mod here anymore and honestly. I could give a fuck less what a sadistic prick like you, or any of the jidf conspiratards think about my writings.

Go fuck yourself.

Just trying to help. Thought you could use some perspective.

Lol, so much can change in a dayyyyyy

Added another one to the ban list, kind of satisfying actually.


What can be done about it?

Nothing that I know of.

Can't we ask Illuminated Wax to remove donbueno?

illuminatedwax could not care less about /r/conspiracy. He squatted on numerous obvious subreddit names when the subreddit system was first created. He isn't actually concerned about conspiracies, but sees this subreddit as a joke. Also, due to real life issues, he hasn't spent much time on reddit for many, many months.

but sees this subreddit as a joke

Good call. It is one, and the last 24 hours have been a hell of a punchline.

Wax never does shit, and the admins wont get rid of him.Asking him for help will not accomplish anything.

Sure we can ask. He hasn't been online in several months himself from the looks of it.

So we are now in an 'uncontested' dictatorship, oh the irony. What are our options to restore order around here?

it was an uncontested dictatorship with people like flytape and 9ksins

Obviously not, or we would still be there.

no, it's why you were kicked out

you guys were too dumb to realize that you weren't the only ones with such power

Not a shill account.

says the guy whose name is 'OWNtheNWO'


Who is going to remove him?

I'm not sure if this has been brought up or if it will help, but...

... maybe site admin outrank subreddit admin?

Edit: contents of my message:

There has been a bit of a stir of late regarding certain high-ranking subreddit mods that have no interest in the community interfering in community-elected mod work. I cannot speak for the rest of r/conspiracy, but it does not sit well with me that simply having been someplace for the longest period of time grants any user of any subreddit ultimate dominion over what is said and done there. It is with that thought in mind that I request all of the r/conspiracy mods be removed from their positions, and an election for new mods be held.


Join us, see my flair. I'm already banning the shit out of the shills and trolls. Once we have moved over the most effective and frequent posters from here we'll lay down community rules together.


Working on the downvoting thing there is a css script floating around that turns the downvotes into upvotes.

This is the most important thing IMHO. For me, the issue is not the quality of the comments. Rather, it's that links to articles exposing conspiracies get seen at the top, and are not down-voted into oblivion by government/corporate agents.

The first 30 days would have been great, maybe. Only the trolls that already had aged accounts (almost all of them) would have been in here causing problems. After the first 30 days, you would have pleaded for mercy or unsubscribed due to the tsunami of fuckery that would be brought down on this sub.


what's funny is that you never consider yourself getting banned

yet this is the subreddit for 'first they came for the x, and I didn't say anything'


That's what I was thinking. But how do they often step in to sort out these kind of internal affairs? (By the way, happy cake day.)

Downvote, report, ignore.

Failing that, contact the mods.

Anyone that before this scandal wasn't in the habit of doing these things and now wants to complain is part of the problem.

soooo I'm a noob. Does this kind of drama happen often on this subreddit?

No. This place is crumbling. It got lazy. Anything and everything that could fit a conservative agenda turned into a #falseflag. As the stories got bigger /r/conspiracy became scrutinized and got more attention.

More and more "questions" were debunked, which only increased the pace of "questions".

These mods couldn't keep pace with the volume of discussion and tried to steer /r/conspiracy to their liking and turned to censorship. When that didn't work they decided to try the North Korea isolation tactic and wouldn't let any reasonably new redditor participate.

/u/donbueno recognized the mods were acting like a star chamber and he put a stop to it.

No, the Boston bombings brought a surge of either uneducated curious critical minded people, trolls that intentionally wanted to bring this place down (/r/conspiratard), shills that sought to create confusion and disinformation, or a combination of the aforementioned.


plus, you get a bit of a thrill when it comes out that the 'crazies' were right all along. ..cough cough

' By Matt Taibbi April 25, 2013 1:00 PM ET

Conspiracy theorists of the world, believers in the hidden hands of the Rothschilds and the Masons and the Illuminati, we skeptics owe you an apology. You were right. The players may be a little different, but your basic premise is correct: The world is a rigged game. We found this out in recent months, when a series of related corruption stories spilled out of the financial sector, suggesting the world's largest banks may be fixing the prices of, well, just about everything.'

plus, you get a bit of a thrill when it comes out that the 'crazies' were right all along. ..cough cough

The problem is the noise/truth ratio.

Simply saying "there is some corruption in private sector" doesn't mean the 'crazies' were right. Were the 'crazies' talking about Libor before it broke, for example? No, they were talking about "those damn jews" and fucking clouds in the sky.

Shit, can you point to a specific story that was talked about before it broke? I can tell you right now that there is still corruption in politics and the financial sector, that is way too vague to have any use.

Hey, congrats on proving you are about as educated as this forum allows.

Sorry, I'll listen to Matt Taibbi's researched screed way before "inyourbutthole" telling me I'm crazy.

Sounds like someone has a lot more to learn about "interacting with adults".


So I'm right.


yea and black - dwi


I agree with donbueno. trolls and shills will always be here.

some of us have honed our argument skills on them, iron sharpening iron. They also bring visibility to the issues they focus on.. for example 'crisis actors' is a REAL sensitive topic with them and prone to heavy barrages of downvotes.. so what? I'm used to ordering comments and submissions by controversial.. that comes with the territory.

without shills and trolls, r/conspiracy would be more of an echo chamber. so they attack the sub.. all subs eventually get raided. I'm surprised that the mods would try to fight this with heavy handedness.

The science of evil (Ponerology) suggests an entirely different approach to dealing with this.. mainly to 'not feed the trolls' they will get bored not getting the rise they want.

The 30 day limit actually puts more power in the trolls/shills since they have many alts that are >>30 days old. Meanwhile the posters that change names often do so for a reason, and will be excluded, mainly by brigade downvoting. It leaves a game where the aggressives win.

I would have preferred a discussion with the users before coming down with this. I think the move was poorly thought out, shows weakness, alienates users that change ID's and generally reacts to these jokers exactly as they crave.

my $0.02..

p.s I was banned and had comments deleted in that thread, and I apologize for reacting badly, but really being told explicitly to leave a subreddit if I don't like it was too much. I had a 3 day old account, and you can see the kind of discrimination it leads to. It's analogous to profiling all muslims as terrorists, when only the majority are.. (j/k)

I'm surprised that the mods would try to fight this with heavy handedness.

I'm not at all convinced it was a move to make the sub better. It's so shortsighted, it's almost impossible someone with good intentions felt it was a good idea. 3 days? 5 days? 7 days? Okay. I still disagree, but that's reasonable.

30 days is death for this sub. That's easy to see if you have any level of regular participation.

I agree Flytape. Reddit mods should turn power back over to you guys. The active mods. Not some fuck up that hasnt posted in a year. Fuck him.

Oh well the whole internet discussion thing is getting kinda perpetual now anyway. we all pretty much know that the shit got's to go soon now!

wait so your telling me that there is a conspiracy in r/conspiracy? the irony...

No, a conspiracy involves more than one person.

This was an act of vandalism by 1.

Who, exactly? This entire post seems worthless if you don't give a username...

Why wasn't that in the original post?


I don't see any sour grapes, sounds to me he's just trying to convey his side of the story.

donbueno is the hero we deserve

ban the prick

You will now help to solidify the MSMs narrative that people who question anything are insane

You will now help to solidify the subs narrative that people who question anything are shills

Thank you for trying. I assume you are talking about illuminatedwax... I came here about a year and a half ago... since then I have yet to see him do anything of significance. Also, I just noticed the majority of mods were removed... anyone know what is up? I liked sarah

The whole staff was removed by donbueno.

Da fuq. We all need to message him requesting explanation.

He gave an explanation. It was because the mods were implementing a rule to arbitrarily censor accounts based on age of the account, he also felt that they had become too delete/ban happy in general. He feels the only reason to ban an account is if it's clearly flaming or otherwise acting uncivilly. To ban it for reasons other than inappropriateness goes up against the concept behind this sub. All voices should be heard, regardless of the opinion of those voices as long as they are being civil.

Laa916 was never banned from this sub. Quit your lying.

he also felt that they had become too delete/ban happy in general

Disingenuous. He pointed to evidence that the current mods were deleting and banning based on conflicts with their PERSONAL PREFERENCES and not the sub bylaws.

And in fact, the only attention the mods ever got before this whole kerfluffle was in regards to their constant fuckery and how much it sucked to have them doing that.

Then they get removed and here comes the outpouring of support. Where were you guys when mods like 9000sins were getting maligned on the regular in this sub?

This whole incident has been very enlightening about just how many readers on this sub are suspect. 90% of the usernames I'm seeing are new to me and I'm on here every day.


A lot of people are trying.

Somehow you equate a lack of posts to a lack of interest? If donbueno came in, what, a day or two? after the new rule was put in to undo it, how inactive do you think they were, really, to have noticed that so quickly?

I heard about this and haven't been able to read much about it. After reading this post, I still have a few questions:

Who are the mods that were kicked?

What does this (can this) mean for us normal users?


I would like to see /r/conspiracy turned over to you, Flytape. I think you were doing a pretty good job. I was one of the people that told you so privately. The rest of the moderators I could take or leave. While I have nothing against 9000sins this thread is a bit over the top and a good example of why emotional people should never be given anything resembling authority.

Edit: I would also like to say that donbueno's reaction to the new rule was just as emotional a response as 9000sins' postings.

I appreciate your support.

I fought really hard for people like you.

I fought really hard for myself, and to keep the people I didn't like from posting

I like your style too flytape - I think we may have disagreed a few times but I can tell you are the real deal. Have you talked to the guys over a r/noshill? Maybe there is a way to just transfer all the legit discussion over to that sub?

Flytape, I would PM this to you but I think transparency is important. Honestly as a mod I found you a bit heavy handed. All the warnings about personal attacks, I understand why but at the same time in this type of community moderation should kinda be at a minimum. That said, you were passionate and that only comes from a place of caring. I know this stuff matters to you and I respect that. You honestly do care and it shows. Thanks for the work you did even when I didn't agree with all of it.

I read this sub constantly, always refreshing the new to see whats current. I'm fascinated by this kind of stuff have been since I was a boy. I've never found a conspiracy community anywhere online as lively as this one and now it seems we're flooded with trolls and shills and forum sliders. Now moderation abuse it seems. Well what can we do. A new private sub? Limits on when people can post?

I don't have a solution except the one I use in daily life. Accept the reality that everything is fucked and solider on. It's only when these ideas start to get traction that they meet resistance. If there is opposition its only because the ideas presented here have merit. This community is 100,000 strong. If a new sub need to be created to get the kind of moderation this sub deserves rest assured that you'll have me subscribing to that sub and I don't imagine I'll be the only one.

I come here for information and ideas I can get nowhere else. I come here to discuss with the like minded these concepts. I should hope that whatever the outcome of the recent events here that this community will continue with the same passion and hunger for the truth.

ugh. /r/noshill is a conspirtard playground. that's known.

Not that I have seen.


They haven't invited me yet.

That's weird. I know why they wouldn't invite someone like me, but I would've thought you'd be a round one draft pick for /r/noshill



I think that guy just proved your point.

yeah, both of them were banned for racism.

You didn't link to that did you?

But Jews arent a race.

you were banned for being a fucking bigot


What does that even mean?

I, as a white european athiest, could convert to Judaism, live, pray and exist as a Jew. Not a race. Unless of course we mean being racist is a crime against the human race.

This really depends on who you're asking to define Judaism. Some members of the Jewish faith believe that anyone can convert, while others believe Judaism only passes down through the mother. There are a lot of different views on the topic just as there are many very different branches within Judaism.

Still not a race.

Race is a socially defined category. Whether or not people are included in that 'race' is pretty subjective.

The reason why this is ridiculous is because you set this precedent where you ban people for racism. But you allow people who say "all Ashkenazi are psychopaths" to post here. Therefore you selectively enforce this rule. This implies that you only remove "racism" that you disagree with, making you an "antisemitic shill." Or you only enforce rules when it's personal, making you a power abuser.

Also, what I said was obviously not serious.


Me: Oh, you white devil you.

Whoa- look out for the webtitan.

Join the new /r/, see my flair. Flytape and hopefully other /r/conspiracy mods forthcoming, invites have already been sent.

I have no problem with Flytape, in fact he/she has been one of the best mods but I don't want it to be in one persons hands. Rather than the possibility of one person having all the power, the idea of shared power can mitigate any underhanded tactics to gain control and turn it into a free for all. Its happened in many other subs. Some of the SRS mods have gained control of other subs and dish out personal attacks and bans at anyone that brings a view they don't personally align with. Flytape for that very reason will understand why one mod (including the one now) is not a good idea not only for this sub but for any sub.

I wouldn't want total control of it either.

Thank you. By the way, you now get downvotes for suggesting the best course of action for this sub-reddit and the real posters here. I sincerely hope you regain modship along with the other mods that have done a good job so far. Its hilarious the amount of accusations being thrown around with shitty 'proof' in attempt to undermine the mods. Best of luck to you and the rest of the mods and don't let anyone persuade you we should have any new unknown mods from the outside.


Yeah you're right about one person calling the shots being a bad idea. I would hope that if this sub was turned over to Flytape then new moderators would be appointed. Thanks for the reply.

No problem and thank you.

I would definitely want a team of good mods.

What process would you use to select moderators? I don't think elections would work.

Please start a new Sub with the rules you want. Most of us would happily join and help promote it.

Already did it and invited flytape and the others to moderate.

Yоu should know that SubredditDrama hаs writtеn about you.

«Former moderator of /r/conspiracy blames the mess on a cabal of titan moderators», submitted 44 minutes ago.

As of now, your link has a sсorе of 70 (116|46).

SRD has no enforcеd rules against invading or voting in linked threads, and threads linked by them havе a tendency to suddеnly acquire largе аmounts оf votes and derailing comments.

Why don't the elected mods just start a new subreddit? The ship's infested, and another one is free. We could update the rules to let free thinking flourish, and for a time, distance ourselves from the ignorant. Take the riff and leave the raff.

Ignore the conspiratard shill who responded to you, I already set it up and set invites to the old mods to moderate it.

Enjoy your epic circlejerk.

Do you really think it would be that bad? Do you think that the elected mods would do a poor job?

Thank you for your hard work, I hope this situation resolves soon. This sub needs caring mods.

Thanks for your support.

Bruddah you were always righteous. Like I suggested in another thread to 9000SINS. You should just start another subreddit with a specific rule of you have to be reviewed by a mod before you can subscribe. Just pick some redditors you want to invite and we will come.

Too many mods spoil the broth or something like that. If this place were to value true discussion there would be either no moderation or everyone would be a moderator.

there is no spoon

If you want a good conspiracy, you need look no further than this sub reddit itself. The mods conspired in secret to create this 30 day rule and then implement it on us without our consent.

Everyone wants to be the hero.

I hope a new subreddit can be made to keep all these trolls out and just let them have this sh*thole!

Already done and already banning the shit out of all of them.

Feel free to join my sub-reddit, I would love you have you guys and need more people honestly:


Even in /r/conspiracy the ruling hand decided against democracy. Ironic?

I was behind the 30day rule and could see the progress we was all making. Shame this heavy handiness could ruin this sub

The 30 day rule was against democracy too. And freedom of information flow. More ironic?

I bet this whole thing is just a sinister power grab to teach us all a lesson about politics, marginalization, etc. etc. Well be laughing about this by next week.

*whoops not sinister, I meant phony haha

Bravo to you and the other former mods, in all sincerity. When I read about your new rule I thought that maybe /r/conspiracy would finally be more than subreddit my roommate and I read to each other for a good laugh. Fuck /u/donbueno for killing this sub.

would you like to know more?




Too bad I missed that. So the sockpuppets and shills elected a conservative.

But there were some good mods eliminated.

I did more good for this subreddit in a month than you ever even tried to do the whole time you were a mod.

Conservative or not.

I did more good for this subreddit in a month

No you didn't. That's why you were banned.

Thanks for explaining that. I've never had a problem with the mods...on the contrary, I would message them and point out the obvious trolls. I was watching as trolls would get banned, they would show up again with a different mask.

I didn't like the idea of preventing comments for a month for new users. I thought it would punish legitimate newbies who just wanted to be a part of the conversation, or might have some good material they wanted to bring to life. With that said, I never believed it would lead to this.

Now the trolls are dancing in the streets, free to destroy any form of honest and open debate. Was there no middle ground that the supermod could come to with the mods?

if you can't have a debate with someone, then you aren't having a debate

He didn't give us that option.

you guys are gonne be paranoid e-friends for so long, you should thank niggas like me

  • Conspiracy A: After much complaining mods finally take action against an obvious flood of shills, trolls & msm useful idiots. Nothing much works until mass bannings and a 30day account age are introduced, a miraculous change for the better takes place in the sub, good topics aren't buried, good comments aren't down-voted, all is well, the shills are failing...

  • Undead mod donbueno (rumoured to be CIA since way back) throws back his coffin lid and wipes out all the good the mods did holding back the alphabet agents. Then promptly dies once again.

/r/conspiracy says that they're for freedom of speech, and anti-totalitarianism.

tries to implement totalitarian measures

such irony

/r/conspiracy became a nasty place after the Boston bombing.

you have been banned from /r/conspiracy


Please point us to 1 single post where you have contributed here. Any valid conspiracy talk?

if you want to go to a place where you get banned for being critical go to godlikeproductions

otherwise be tolerant

He's such an ugly person.

Is this why there have been so many trolls and shills in this sub the past few months? I feel like the amount of down votes and insults make it an extension of /r/politics anymore.


Says a 7 hour account.


Lighten up, Francis.

It's people like yourself that make these insane accusations that have done damage to this subreddit

What accusation?

For "free thinkers"

Free = no agenda

What accusation?

That anyone that disagrees with the narrative is a troll/shill/disinfo/psyops.

A community like this needs a heavy handed, verbal mod.

If that was true I'd be a good one. I try to be conversational and decent but I have zero tolerance for bullshit.

It is true.

I try to be conversational and decent

Typed after this one line reply.

Lighten up, Francis.

Theres a lot to be said in that try you know. Besides, a smarmy quote from an 80s SNL movie isnt quite like calling someone a prick.

We killed Digg. We can kill Reddit. Maybe the next site will learn.

Ooooh, foreboooodiiiiing.

Nothing that I know of.

rank and file

Time in grade versus time in service. They need more ranks of moderator to avoid such situations.

are you asking for one, or offering one?


Downvote, report, ignore.

Failing that, contact the mods.

Anyone that before this scandal wasn't in the habit of doing these things and now wants to complain is part of the problem.

Why wasn't that in the original post?

Seniority, brah. Welcome to the Union ;)

How is anyone limiting their speech? They are free to express whatever they want but they can't do it at the expense of ours - quite simple really.