Now That We Have Control Of this /r/ Again I Say They Implement The 30 Day Policy And Ban Any User From /r/Conspiratard, PERIOD.

0  2013-04-27 by OWNtheNWO

This isn't about free speech, they definitely don't give a fuck about that.

This isn't about open dialog, they don't give a fuck about that either.

This is about a brazen attempt to subvert discussion on this board about conspiracies.

You don't like conspiracies? You don't think they are real? Go to /r/conspiratard and have your discussion there.

Fucking sick of you scumbags, lucky I'm not a moderator here I'd be the WT Snacks of this subreddit.

By the way, mods here I'm already compiling a comprehensive list of the usual suspects in /r/conspiracyv2 if any of you want access to the list you already are invited to the /r/ to moderate.


judging by the tone of this post i think everyone is glad you arent a mod here haha.

look at your first line
This isn't about free speech, they definitely don't give a fuck about that.

you meant to say - this isnt about free speach, i dont give a fuck about that. - lolol just ban everyone that makes you mad sir. that'll learn em.

dont you find it a little sad that you think you're so self important that you can dictate where people can go to make posts on the internet? like this is YOUR subreddit and only people who will post what YOU want can stay. lololol.

grow up man, this is the internet. trolls exist. learn to adjust or you will have a panic attack. i mean really. you took the time out of your day to compile a list of trolls on the internet? like this is that important to you?

mentalities like this boggle me. its a reddit forum. there are banks and gov.'s taking your freedom and killing people around the world and you are compiling a list of trolls to get banned on reddit. lololol. i feel for you.


the only proof that i could give that im not a tinfoiler is my extreme lack of enthusiams when it comes to crafting. i buy my hats from geek stores.

im not saying i dont have crazy ideas on whats going on in the world, but tinfoiler doesnt meet any kind of description of me.

i come to places like this for interesting reads on things, because i assume most people in r/conspiracy are out of the box thinkers.

if you wanted me to prove i have command of the scientific method you may have added at least a general subject you wanted me to apply it to. even then i probably wouldnt bother just for the reason that im not your trained monkey.

wait, hold on, maybe ill try it out. check this out.

1- two sentences printed by someone on the internet 2- one of them has a curse word in it 3- both sentences are aggressive in nature 4- one accuses a stranger of being something they arent 5- no politeness found at all

by the scientific method, i can safely say you are american.

i hope that is proof enough for you sir. have a great night and enjoy some conspiracies.


Personal insults. Classy.

Take your toys and go home, son.


Over Reddit? Seriously? Go outside.

Ban him already what are you waiting for.


People are banned for breaking rules. Not for your feelings.

implying this has anything to do with MUH FEELS

"This fucking double standard bullshit sends my rage into orbit, YES I MAD."

Nope. Not about your "feels" at all.

And double-standards piss you off? How about the double-standard of you continually being allowed to break rules that would get other people banned?

It's pretty amusing to watch the double-standards in action in this sub. It shows the mods aren't serious about doing their job, and are only interested in maintaining an echo-chamber.


hehe im at work id imagine i could type enough to make your head explode, but for the sake of your heart i will defer to you. have a great night. and post some conspiracies for me to read. i is bored and you is mad. lets unite and make this the best reading night of my life.

Just to point out: this "they would do the same thing" argument is exactly what certain defenders of the government say to justify things like torture and indefinite detention without trial.

"implying that we should just put up with terrorists"

No you wouldn't, you'd just be downvoted to the point where nobody saw your comments. Why don't you guys try the same thing?

Hey all, blatant /conspiratard member here. But I'm not here to shill for Monsanto this time. :) I'm actually here to remind you why we exist.

We at conspiratard all have our own reasons for disliking conspiracy theories. Some dislike how lone kooks take conspiracy theories seriously and cause harm to others through violent (ex. Timothy McVeigh) or just asshole-ish means (ex. the folks harassing victims of Aurora and/or Sandy Hook). Some dislike how evangelical some conspiracy theorists are. Some have had loved ones develop an unhealthy obsession on conspiracy theories. I personally hate how conspiracy theories are often used as a recruiting tool by bigoted hate groups.

Point being, we aren't making fun of you just to be mean. We do it because humor is a healthy way of dealing with the things that make you really upset. And a lot of the things that happen in this subreddit (and the CT movement at large) make us upset. They distract people from real issues. Spreading beliefs that isolate people from the world around them. Encouraging people who have legitimate mental problems to engage in behaviors which cause them to spiral out of control. Ignoring basic scientific evidence for no other reason than believing the scientists to be "shilling" for some company. And of course, the racism.

I even know that there are some of you here who are disgusted by one or more of the things I've listed above. You've seen the mods snap into banning action when someone makes a moderately crass joke, but do nothing when blatant antisemitism is promoted.

I have a few friends who have very similar beliefs to the ones espoused on here. A very good friend and I continue to discuss chemtrails and the JFK assassination after a few beers. I know that believing in one conspiracy theory doesn't make you a bad, or even a stupid person. But if you go too deep, and let the "alternative" talking heads do your thinking for you, you find out that the so-called 'rabbit hole' has turned into a Punji trap.

(tl;dr: /Conspiratard makes fun of you because your beliefs can lead to absurd conclusions (like many other belief systems), not because you are all awful people. Although some of you really are. Fuck nazis.)

Tagged as "incredibly sane". Thank you.


You have to install reddit enhancement suite.

Everything above.

You put this fantastically. Thank you.

Some dislike how lone kooks take conspiracy theories seriously and cause harm to others through violent (ex. Timothy McVeigh) or just asshole-ish means (ex. the folks harassing victims of Aurora and/or Sandy Hook).

Get a new job fed.

Are you a bot? Or just really bored?


Personal insults and now making fun of people with learning disorders... tsk tsk tsk :/

Yeah, so much for rules 3 and 10, huh?


No. I respect your right to free speech. I strongly encourage you to talk more.

I wish you thought the same of me.

Oh so coy. Sure you are.

I respect your right to free speech. Why don't you respect rights?

I'm sure your song and dance may work on some of the greenest of /r/Conspiracy participants, but it's not working on anyone else.

Why do you hate natural rights?

Keep going your sophistry is actually entertaining.

Any time now, NoLibs' sock - or is it a 267 sock - is going to call you an anti-semite or white supremacist, just to try to smear you and drag things offtopic. His sophistries however get real apparent with repetition. Since his own subs ban with the drop of a hat, he's being a hypocrite making a smear claim of being against rights.

^ Had to look up the definition of sophistries.

NWO obviously rejects free speech because he doesn't want it to be allowed on this sub. The right to free speech should not be limited in the forum that it imploys.

The funny part is how butthurt the OP is getting about all of this. He has already admitted to being mad about posts that directly oppose his views, which he probably feels are more accurate than those held by the very people he is denigrating. Typical logical fallacy.

OP- Get over yourself. It's obvious you aren't capable of dealing with people who disagree with you.

In b4 "shill" or other such accusations.

Free speech means right to try to speak truths. It doesn't mean right to lie and suppress speech of others as is tried by trolls. If you have a problem with that, get over yourself.

It's all they have.

As someone on the Autism spectrum, this is why I hate conspiritards. You people can't accept the fact that people don't share your delusion so you insult them and one of the main insults that is hurled around is "you're autistic". You clearly have no idea what it's like to have autism and don't even know anyone with autism. It's just flat out disrespectful and petty.


I was diagnosed with Autism before I had any vaccines, there is no evidence of any kind that links vaccines with autism. Please tell me, if vaccines cause autism then why is only 1% of the population autistic?


Implying rates haven't gone parabolic since the two major mercury intakes in a babies environment, high fructose corn syrup and vaccines

Did mommy feed you lots of yummy Similac?

Well the rate of autism has gone up because we included the definition of autism to include more people. Now for some reason people are suprised there are more autistic people.

I love the condescension but no facts or evidence. I bet your mummy must be proud of you.

no evidence

Try reading the insert of a vaccine sometime if you are having trouble finding "facts".

Trying read one of the numerous studies failing to correlate vaccination, or the preservatives in vaccines, or the number of vaccines children receive with autism spectrum disorders or any other kind of developmental disorder.

But that doesn't fit into the preconceived framework.

Come on now! Then he would be looking up corporate shill facts and the lizard people would be right! Or something.

I have read the insert, What's your point?

It has "icky" things in it! The horror!

I think this person's dislike of vaccines has absolutely nothing to do with science and more to do with the fact that doctors put a lot of pressure on parents to have their children vaccinated. Unfortunately for you, OWNtheNWO, there is no science or statistics to back up the (completely manufactured) hoo-ha around vaccines.


Here are 41 separate studies that say you're full of shit. Let me guess, they're all shills?


Yes we know you are a very smart person.

Not even remotely related to what I said, you sasquatch. The safety of GM food and vaccines are entirely independent of each other. What exactly is your line of reasoning other than failing to copy and paste comments into a quote correctly? What leads you to believe you know better than virtually every doctor, chemist and medical scientist on the entire planet?

Edit: Spelling

What exactly is your line of reasoning

You posting a bunch of conflict of interest "studies".

With whose interest do they conflict? Please, one by one, list for me the questionable sponsors. Also explain to me how you've noticed this and have a problem and (virtually) every doctor, chemist, biochemist, geneticist, molecular biologist, cell biologist, immunologist, epidemiologist, and psychiatrist on the entire fucking planet have missed it.

You try so hard it's funny, it's like you actually care about your bullshit.

Oh, so you haven't actually got an answer then, the overwhelming preponderance and majority of experts disagree with you, and you're espousing dangerous ignorant bullshit by advising people not to vaccinate and essentially sticking your fingers in your ears shouting "I CAN'T HEAR YOU"?

Glad we're clear, because the evidence sure as hell isn't on your side.

I'm not going to waste the time to pull out all the evidence for you because you don't care. This angle you /r/conspiratards use is by far the most disingenuous, you aren't here to see evidence. Stop pretending that you care, or that you are incensed, you are a fake as a 3 dollar bill.

Of course I care. If it exists, I'd love to see evidence that turns humanity's scientific and medical community and policy on its head. However, I strongly suspect all you have is, at best, the same tired, long-debunked tropes relying on terminal misunderstandings of chemistry and statistics, or more likely, nothing.

Actually, why not go a step further? Why not post it in /r/science or ask about it in /r/askscience if you feel people from /r/conspiratard aren't "really" interested?

I'll give you credit you are fare more eloquent than the average bilge water that floats over from that septic tank you call a sub, but you aren't baiting me into wasting my time presenting evidence you are fully unwilling to even look at. I give you a 6/10 for effort.

I've already extended you the courtesy. I'm going to go ahead and mark this down as a solid "no evidence whatsoever", then.

You do that, it's always nice for you to pretend to feel better about yourself.

Why pretend when I have the preponderance of the evidence and the entire medical community on my side? You know, the evidence I showed you? The evidence you haven't remotely addressed or responded to with your own contrary evidence?

I don't respond to lies or those who perpetuate them, especially if they come here from a hostile sub. Go back to your rats nest.

You don't respond to empirical evidence either, judging by your comments.

No I don't respond to cancer period, I just chemo it.

That's great, but we're not talking about cancer. I'm surprised you don't think chemo is some big conspiracy to cover up weed curing cancer or some shit like that.

I care, would you post it for me?

You're adorable. Never change.

Oh sweet Alex Jones the irony of you accusing someone else of being autistic...

You should probably get off the Internet and go live in the mountains, because apparently everyone is a shill.

I don't know... You say we have control, but you want to limit free speech because of some attacks. Sounds like a bit of a hypocritical idea.

implying letting usurpers run rough shod over a subreddit is about free speech

gb2 advice animals. Before I devise a way to fill your board with animal torture pictures.

Hey now, 1 reason people dismiss you guys is because of how inaccessible the community is. Someone from conspiratard might have thought the sarcasm was too stupid and came for the real deal. If you want to fight back, maybe post some sarcastic shit about how they're retarded about conspiracies, not ban everyone who's been some places...

Advice animals is dumb, don't ban me to there.


Neither of these two groups is a legitimate enemy of the other.

hey man focus on fighting with trolls instead of having meaningful discussion.

Hey why don't you make an advice animal about that.

If you're going to use quotes, then at least say what I told you. Nobodies stopping anyone from having a conversation, just pass them a downvote, and shut the fuck up.

Take your own advice.

You are coming off as the type who would have a collection of them.

I Don't know what google is

Yes we know.


Yes you are actually that fucking cliche.

Nah, I just like tormenting the easily excitable.

Discordian thing. Gotta spread a little chaos where I can.

So you openly admit you are here to disrupt this forum.

So you openly admit you are here to disrupt this forum.

Says the guy who wants to ban everybody he disagrees with.

Shill alert.

Keep trying /r/conspiratard, keep trying your Delphi Technique consensus nonsense doesn't work.

Delphi Technique

What is this?

Tin Foil Hat Part Deux: The Foiling.

You're an asshole for not liking this.



You should be banned from this board. You and the rest of your ilk and I'm going to make it my goal to see it happen.

You should be banned from this board.

But what about the free speech you love so much?! :(

I don't get mad when you come to /r/conspiratard.

Who is the rest of my "ilk?"

when you come to conspiratard

implying I actually come there

Don't play dumb.

Why don't you go there?

too ilky

You should. We have tequila.

And cookies! Delicious chemtrail-flouride cookies made with 100% GMO wheat and milk with extra hormones. They're grrrrrrreat!

You sound like a troll yourself. Maybe YOU are the conspiratard.

Also, go watch 'The Monsters are Due on Maple Street'

I've seen shills change their minds.. it's essential actually. IMO witch hunts are no better.

May be you're intentionally trying to muddy the water.

AND point out the lesson from TMADOMS?

If you feel very strongly about it, I'd rather leave than cause trouble.


Don't worry you're already banned.

I didn't realize you were a moderator here?

he thinks if he wills it enough it will happen.

He's proof that the mods here don't take the rules seriously and just pick and choose who to enforce them with.

If the mods actually did their job, his name-calling, threatening, hostile butt would have been banned quite a while ago.

But they don't. The rules are a joke. They're just meant to silence people who aren't part of the echo-chamber.

Five bucks says /u/OWNtheNWO is the same person as /u/trailerparkboi

A non-existent bet, on a wrong accusation. Such tact.

Dude, learn how to English.

The bet existed as much as any bet can exist. There can only be a 'non-existent bet' if no one has ever made the bet. I did make it, so thus it exists.

Secondly, 'wrong accusation' is also incorrect. A wrong accusation infers that there is a different accusation that can be leveled against you, and that I am simply using an incorrect accusation. You wanted to say false accusation.

If you are going to use big words, at least learn how they work. Edited because it was missing a 't'.

Cool strawman shill.

Hahaha that's not a strawman. Holy shit dude...

Oh yes, I am a shill. Nice comeback.

Seriously, do you think that everyone who disagrees with you is a shill? Do you think that your coworkers who don't want to listen you your raving ideas are shills? Do you see shills in real life?

Quit your profiling and armchair psychology shill.

No I seriously want to know if you see the people around you as shills. Seriously.


No, just no.

avoiding the question...

Hey you half-wit, why don't you read up on logical fallacies before you go throwing the terms around. You could use a bit of eduction in that regard anyways.

You are, on your own, the most effective argument against yourself - no shillery needed.

I'm often posting on /r/conspiritard.

I sometimes post on here.

If I want to belittle people and laugh, I go to /r/conspiritard

When I post on here, I discuss, and back up my assertions in anyway I can.

It's rather sad that you don't want any viewpoint other than one that agrees with you.

You're such a hypocrite

He's trying to push people to his conspiracy sub (which at the moment contains only him) so he can be the 'all powerful dictator'.

Oh my God someone from tumblr is edgy and offended with me. Stop the presses.

You must have me mistaken for someone else, I've never had a tumblr.

hmm, interesting

serious question though...are you so 'open minded' that you take anything posted here as fact, or do you believe that that some things may be false

if you can accept that some things may be false don't you need to actually have criticism, to weed out the inane things that people may post

light is the best disinfectant, they say, why are your understandings of things above criticism if they conflict with mine?

Freud please.

I'm not sure where you're going with that

things are either true or false, but not everything can be true, because some things directly contradict each other, understand? Who gets to decide what interpretation is true on a board like this, and why them, and why that interpretation?

It would appear this rule is silently in affect anyway. Automoderator seems to be removing posts from newer accounts.

I frequently delete and create new accounts after I feel it's time for a fresh start and to try to feel secure about a certain level of privacy. I know people who do this far more often than I do. One of my friends is reporting their account comments are being removed after a few moments. Unless they're being specifically targeted it would appear the rule is in use.

I think it's a shame that such drastic measures are needed. I've seen this sub has been overrun with trolls since the attention brought by the events in Boston, but preventing people from posting with newer accounts seems a bit excessive.

Well what kind of addons for privacy do you use? Things like Ghostery are important to me.

I use Ghostery always and stealthy when I have the need for it. I used to use Tor but I had problems getting it to work with reddit, couldn't log in/stay logged in if I somehow managed to get that way.

Boston wasn't the beginning of the attacks, just when they came to a head.

rules broken by /u/OWNtheNWO within this thread:

#3 and #10, mostly but ill update it if he finds any others to break

"You should be banned from this board. You and the rest of your ilk and I'm going to make it my goal to see it happen."

"Are you really dumb enough to think people are still buying this vapid argument?"

"Ban him already what are you waiting for."

"Are you just a troll? Or just really autistic?"

"Don't worry you're already banned."


"MONSANTO TESTED IT'S OWN GMOS THEY SAY IT'S SAFE DURRRR Yes we know you are a very smart person."

"LOLOLOLOLOL I TROLL U Yes you are actually that fucking cliche."


god forbid an opinion exists that isn't just throwing shit at a wall and seeing what sticks

Well that may be a bit over the top because i'm a big conspiracy guy, but i find some things on conspiratard kinda funny

The pseudo-religious fanaticism of /conspiratard is that they are on a Mission From God to stamp out anyone they consider to be crazy (i.e., anyone not agreeing with them). The falsity of their claim to support free speech was shown every time they banned anyone from their sub. They did it, and a lot. Now they come here and mock any effort to ban trolls here. Double standard. Loudmouthed hypocrites on the surface, but very much behaving like operatives. Obvious.

I'd love to see what your idea of "agreeing with them" is, as if there is any actual consensus there.

I've been calling it out since I started participating in this sub, but it's so damn obvious a blind man could see it now.

A non-existent bet, on a wrong accusation. Such tact.

Some dislike how lone kooks take conspiracy theories seriously and cause harm to others through violent (ex. Timothy McVeigh) or just asshole-ish means (ex. the folks harassing victims of Aurora and/or Sandy Hook).

Get a new job fed.

Tagged as "incredibly sane". Thank you.

I Don't know what google is

Yes we know.

Everything above.

So you openly admit you are here to disrupt this forum.

You must have me mistaken for someone else, I've never had a tumblr.

Why do you hate natural rights?

You put this fantastically. Thank you.