So has the 30 day old account rule been implemented?

31  2013-04-27 by [deleted]

This appears to be the case.

Just curious for an official mod response on this. It seemed a pretty polarizing rule change, clearly, and it's not one I entirely agree with as I tend to make new accounts a lot and know others who do the same. Of course, it's not my place to make the rules, I am simply voicing my opinion on the matter in a way I hope is acceptable.

edit: I have work in the morning so I'm going to bed. Hopefully the small comment graveyard and the few screenshots I collected are enough indicator that the rule has been implemented. I hope to see a mod response soon, it wouldn't surprise me if they chose not to back down from the idea and I don't blame them for trying to cut down on trolls even if I don't 100% agree with their methods.

Edit2: Okay I said I was going to bed, but now all comments in this thread appear to have been restored. Mod response, please? I promise I'm not trying to raise a new fuss, I just want an official response.

edit3: I am really, seriously going to bed now. If anyone wishes to and is able to grab more screen shots of comments from young accounts, feel free, though I realize those aren't exactly infallible evidence. Hope to see some sort of official notice about what the mods have decided to do by the time I am online tomorrow.


This is hilarious. Mods and the users of the subreddit despise control and totalitarianism. Implement a totalitarian rule just because of "trolls" for the "protection of the subreddit".

oh the irony.

I fucking tried to help.

Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Blah blah blah.

Exact same thing happened on /r/anarchism a few years back. Humans are interesting things.

It's ridiculously ironic. Huge face palm

Just like America


Yes you can exercise your rights to free speech, but do it in a way I say.

Similar thing happened to OWS protesters.

Yes you can exercise your rights to free speech, but do it in a place where nobody will see you.

The main problem with this rule is that when a major event happens people won't be able to submit information.

And people who don't want to be identified across subreddits. Maybe some of us want to keep our transgender porn account different from our conspiracy and politics account.

The sub's owner, illuminatedwax, nixed it and it's gone from the sidebar.

It may be gone from the sidebar, but just take a look at the comment graveyard this thread is already becoming. Something is going on. It would appear they've decided to use /u/automoderator to implement the rule after all. It sometimes takes a minute or more for comments to disappear. 7 comments at this time but only 4 are showing up.

Glad there is something

Now there are 64 comments and still only 3 deleted.

Some were restored last night. I've not been near a computer since last night and tracking this on my phone isn't really viable. Maybe it's stopped happening, I don't know. I am still getting some message notifications that lead to "there isn't anything here" messages from reddit but I can't say if that's related.

Edit: Home and on a computer again. I just counted the number of visible comments in this thread. At the time of this edit, there are 59, and the post says there are 70 comments. Deleted comments that had no replies do not show up as [deleted]. Also entire comment chains that have been deleted won't show up. So that would be 11 that are not showing up.

As someone who is new(ish) to reddit, it would be sad to see the masses of new users punished by the destructive acts of a few...never know what good content could come from us.

But I would understand, and count down the days...unfortunately many destructive posters will do the same.



I agree with some of the posters here that will genuinely want to post when a situations arises and they can't but people have been taking the piss here recently. As its been said by the long time users, no one wants any comment that offers a different point of view to be removed. What we want removed is those people that don't discuss, don't debate and use personal attacks to undermine the discussion. The fact is that the number of those type of accounts increased dramatically over the course of a week and the mods felt that the number of those comments were detriment to the sub (which it was).

I'm sorry for the genuine people who want to offer their position even if I don't agree with it but I feel like the rule is necessary to maintain the integrity of the discussions. Its not censorship because views aren't being deleted, its comments that offer nothing other than inflammatory, anger filled trolling that promotes others to do it and drags everyone else into fighting. Other subs have got rules, it was already in the rules and before the 30 day account rule was applied the mods were already dealing with trolls and doing the exact same thing they have always been doing.

I.P. Block feature it up.

Let's see if this comment disappears. Account age 22 days. /u/plan2exist18

What I've noticed might have been a coincidence.

edit: screenshot

This one was gone before I could reply to it. /u/the_new_rational, 7 days

Aaand it's gone.

Stand up job on the censorship of a demographic you don't like, boys.

"It's for your own protection"

Who knew they were quoting themselves.

This sub will never be taken seriously if you ban people who provide meaningful discussion just because they're new while letting shitheads like this roam free.

It's back now, among a few others. They may be approving certain accounts at this point. That's not a bad idea and may vet some of the concerns, but it seems like a lot of work for the mods. I really do hope to see something from the mods soon.

i just use tor and one account to post here. why would you need more accounts?

It's more about the comments I might post than anything else. Though I did attempt to reddit through Tor at one point, I could never get it to keep me logged in long enough to do anything. 1-2 new page loads and I'd be logged out again, often wouldn't even be able to log in at all. Not sure why, I'm admittedly a bit of a Tor newb and just making new accounts is simpler.

It's not like it's a huge loss for me if they keep the rule, I am just curious and hoping to get a mod response.

Edit: Now this comment is gone as well. I didn't think to check the age on this account and screen shot it and I don't recall the name of the user. Hrm.

use vidalia i have no logout problems with tor+reddit.

/u/muckraker2, account age 3 days. I do believe your comment is about to disappear. I do need to give Tor another try, I use a different browser now than I did then as well so that may help. I'd still prefer to create new accounts frequently even with it working.

edit: Screenshot.

why would my comment disappear?

Log out and see for yourself. It's gone.

why are they being deleted?

The reason I posted this thread. Your account is under 30 days old, and it would appear they have decided now that the mods have been reinstated to use automoderator to shadowban young accounts.

This was the initial modpost about it but it's been removed and it appears that /u/9000sins also deleted it from his profile.

ok, whatever. If I can engage here I will. but going around deleting comments doesn't seem to productive.

Your comments are now back, along with some (but not all) of the other comments in this thread which were originally removed.

Spooky... did the 30day mods get reinstated?

You are 2 days old, my account is 4 days old - See your comment posted some 35 minutes ago. Interesting. Do see some other deleted comments though.

We really need clarification on this.

I will have to reference Tyrian's view of cutting out a man's tongue on this one, though they may have been at their wit's end with a moderation response to recent misconceptions, I personally feel this just made public perception worse.


Ok, I know I said I was going to bed, but /u/Sek101, 4 days. edit: and it's gone

edit: Your reply to my reply has be removed, but if you log out you should see that your comments are gone. Reddit does not show the person who had a post or comment removed that their content was removed, you still see it unless you log out or access from a different account.

Just in case the comment is reinstated in the future, those reading this should be aware that at this time the new user's comments are appearing as deleted.

Nice catch. I'd say pretty much confirmed.



If you log out, you should see it's disappeared. However, many comments in this thread would appear to be getting reapproved.

edit: screenshot on my end

The problem is the stupid posting.

I don't think chemtrails hold the same validity as say...the CIA officer the Pakistanis arrested for killing ISI agents in broad daylight who was snuck out of there...and then in conjunction with how ISI allowed bin Laden to live, you can see there might be actual enemies in the state agency. That's a legit conspiracy. Reptillians are not.

People who are unhinged and post 4am Art Bell shit are trolling. The mods let that sub be dominated by fantasy.

There are real conspiracies. If anything, this sub should be for actual Illuminati discussion.

Testing this as well.

Interesting, this comment is now showing up.

This is bizarre.

Some of the comments are now reappearing aside from your own. I find it very interesting.

You exposed them and now they have no choice but to remove the system.

We did it, Reddit!!

Comments are being hidden again, at least the ones I make outside this thread.

Hopefully it will never be implemented cause it's a terrible rule. In fact the less rules the better, this sub reddit should be mostly self governed with the mods intervening as little as possible.

Still no official response to this. If you want to implement the rule, go ahead, it's your subreddit. But the way it's been enacted does not provide much confidence in the moderatorship here. Behind the scenes decisions like this with little discussion does not seem fitting for a sub about conspiracies...

So someone can create a shitload of throw away accounts everyday and still troll away like crazy when 30 days passes. I'm not finding the logic in this rule. How about active users use the their reddit powers to police this subreddit.

I think they are going under the assumption that most trolls don't have that kind of attention span. The general consensus is that the trolling will calm down in here now that the Boston thing is coming to a conclusion.

I hope it has been implement, It's a good idea considering the scale of the problem and if it doesn't work out it can always be removed. At the very least they could 30 day auto-ban and retract bans if the person isn't being an arsehole, that would be the best of both worlds.

You should knоw thаt SubredditDrama has written about you.

«(Developing) /r/conspiracy seems to have implemented its new posters rule in secret, now that the mods have taken back power.», submitted 1.3 hours ago.

As of now, your link has a score of 13 (14|1).

SRD has no enforced rules against invading or vоting in linked threads, and tһreads linked by them have a tendency to suddenly aсquire large amounts of votes and derailing comments.

why are they being deleted?