It bothers me that news sources that I've trusted have betrayed my trust and all, apparently, for the dollar...

52  2013-04-27 by [deleted]

I used to believe people like Stewart and Colbert were using sarcasm and comedy as a tool to relay the REAL news to us forward thinking citizens in order to prevent their being censored by their 'commercial overlords'.

You know, with tongue in cheek they can point out the American people's erosion of civil liberties (Constitutional rights for those of you confused about the different ways it can be said) and that "the man" has found that he or she doesn't need the American public for anything other than being re-elected, and certainly doesn't need us for input as to what we need done or what the lawmakers need to do.

Stewart and Colbert (et all) with their appearance of being 'common folk' was, for me, dashed when they started touting gun control, in that I believe gun control to be solely the demand of the "one percent" who, in order to protect their lofty positions, are stating they don't want all us unwashed masses to reach the boiling point and to have the ability to do something about it.

Not only have those two, and lots of other news 'commentator' puppets, mentioned gun control on a nightly basis, they have pounded on that pulpit with a vengeance. They have made it, in no uncertain terms, to sound as if anyone who disagrees with any and all measures the government comes up with to circumvent the second amendment, is a knuckle dragging mouth breathing fully functional retard and makes the LAWFUL American citizen an object of ridicule and scorn (a tried and true method started somewhere around the Nixon administration and perfected under Bush-Clinton-Bush-Obama nightmares).

This bothers me. It bothers me greatly, as now they festoon the bully pulpit of gun control (and that is exactly what it is) while throwing a bit of this or that to make us, the viewing public, believe they are still "on our side" and "against the man".

The man. The RICH man who controls the power and money. The RICH men who control the government and loathe the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as it takes away their power to screw over the common citizenry of the United States, or the peasantry (their rich folk term for all us serfs). The one percent against whom the ninety nine percent will be powerless to stop or control; it's hard to muster strength to rally when your every moment is spent in survival.

I'm sure at some point someone explained to the news 'pundits' that if they want to continue their cushy jobs and make their phenomenal money, that they would 'tow the party line' on certain key issues, the most recent being removal of defense weaponry from the citizenry. I suppose I can't blame them now that they've seen how the one percent live and have become the one percent... they LIKE being rich! And who can blame them...


For all the hype coming from the news sources about how the government "doesn't really want to take away guns", and how silly it is for Americans to even consider the notion that Americans would EVER have to resort to guns in order to curb or get rid of a "government no longer responsive to the will of the people", I was and still am chilled by the pictures that left Boston of armed military patrols scourging the streets while telling the citizens to "stay inside" or "stay out of our way".

I was completely shocked by the pictures of military men AIMING ASSAULT WEAPONS at innocent civilians, and paramilitary thugs forcing people from their homes without warrant or even probable cause.

I am very worried by a president who states that assault weapons should NEVER be seen on American streets or used by the American Citizenry because they simply aren't needed and all the while on the flip side having no qualms about sending poorly trained yet heavily armed military personnel into the streets to be used against the American people.

I am appalled that while using and assuaging the cloak of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, that our "of and for the people" government used military force to ransack private houses, hold private citizens at gunpoint with zero cause, and to point loaded automatic weaponry at unarmed citizens as if to target and shoot them (to the person taking the pictures).

So on the one hand we have all the news sources tut-tutting that "you don't need an assault rifle to hunt deer..." and on and on, and constantly reassuring us, as if by script, that it's stupid to think the American citizenry would ever need to use force against an oppressive government.

And on the other we have reality; we have pictures of the drone using, governmental military action against the citizens of this country in a manner that stripped away EVERY right granted us by the Constitution and the Bill or Rights...

Just who am I supposed to believe? My eyes, or what I'm being told? What I saw taking place, which was house to house warrantless search, or that the government continues to tell me that the military will not be used (as per the Constitution) inside the boundaries of the United States and that no LAWFUL RIGHTS of American citizens would ever be revoked or abused.

I saw a picture of a soldier in an armored personnel carrier that was parked on a street in front of a house that military or paramilitary men were pulling the residents out of the house at gunpoint and more men were streaming into the house to search it, while the soldier in the personnel carrier aimed a gun through the bedroom window at the person taking the pictures of the scene on the street, as if making up his mind whether or not the picture taker should be removed as a threat.

This is America? That could have been a scene from a Jewish ghetto in Warsaw. And the government doesn't want the citizenry to have high capacity weapons for defense (stop the nonsense about hunting, please...)? That scene is EXACTLY what happened when the nazi troops purged the homes of Jews.

This is America?

Thank you for your intelligent response.



Jon Stewart Crossfire This was Jon on Crossfire way back when it still existed he made it pretty clear that his show is comedic in nature and that its shows like crossfires duty to actually cover news.


"or more accurately, from time to time they DO disseminate actual news and trustworthy commentary - far more accurate than can be obtained from the "serious" news sources"

you cannot weave a fabric without the cross stitch. The fabric of reality is weaved with truths and lies. but what is a lie and what is the truth? just mere threads undulating perpendicularly.

you respected it as a news source because you agreed with most of its opinions. But now you don't and appear to have been shook awake.

they are merely doing their jobs. shaping public opinion.


"I respected it as a news source because they told me things no one else would."

right. that's the bait and hook. we all fall for it.

"and it's news that disturbs the powers that be because it let's 'all us loyal subjects' actually know what is going on."

What if I told you that this information is pre-approved by the powerful. Nothing gets aired unless allowed. there is a market for that type of news thus they created it. the powerful are not waking in their boots. its like fishing. once you bait the fish you have this dance of pull and release. if you pull too much or for too long the fish realizes and lets go.

we the people could cut off the head of the dragon and 7 heads will replace the original. the world will never know peace because it is the nature of the planet. humans merely act upon the influences of mother earth.


the powerful do keep that in mind. that's why we all have tvs.

I hope we figure out how to turn the battle into the dance.


there is always time


Drudge is a gossip queen, and consistently and embarrassingly wrong on so much. His selective headlines exude bias.

One must look outside the USA for ''real" news.

Matt Drudge? Facepalm.


i find him to be reactionary.


Amazing how this observation about credibility of alternates to the MSM got 10 downvotes. The neocons are buzzing like hornets today all over /conspiracy, defending the powers that be against citizen disgust. It's mandatory for them to support guns against citizens, and removal of guns from citizens. You touched a nerve in them.

Our entire world economic system is based upon organized legal gambling in a global stock market betting on currencies, precious metals and commodities and the innate nature of humans instinct to acquire and hoard wealth somehow surprises you?

they never truly lied about their purpose, it's just that we the viewer are ignorant of its symbolism and the original meaning, the original intent of the words.


being ignorant of the symbol or of one of the meanings (mostly the original )of the words used is on the observer not the entity. is it a lie of omission to use a bitten apple as symbolism? no. just because the observer is missing information doesn't mean its the communicator's doing.


if the observer is ignorant of the symbolism used and/or does not know one of the definitions of the words used, it is on the observer and not the communicator.


that the communicator isn't lying by omission in that case.

and that I need more coffee. Lots of coffee.


working on it:)

Bottom line is dont ban guns to general public guys. If we won't need to use them against our government we need to make sure our children's generation retain the option to overthrow a tyrannical governent.

We live inside of a controlled system. It is hard to make any progress on getting out or making it better.

Many people dislike guns because they can be used to kill/main people. There is not a lot of utility for a gun in a modern urban life. If you live on a ranch, then you need a 22 to take care of varmints, sure.

Your assault rifles will be of little effect against their drones if it comes down to it. Your high capacity is their pop-gun.

That said, they will try to disarm you and control you. We should try to fight back, but the political process is controlled too, so there is not a lot of room to fight.

We are living in a militarized police state. Hitler won.

I haven't watched Colbert recently but I would think that his show would be super pro-gun in a mocking way since that is what his comedy charicature is all about.

Well put. Thanks.

Of course they're doing it for the dollar. Everyone is. Major stations like FOX and CNN, comedians like Stewart and Colbert, "alternative media" like Glenn Beck and Alex Jones... They all have the same goal, and that is to say what their audience wants to hear in exchange for the benjamins.

When I found out Stewart's brother was head of the New York Stock Exchange, I started having doubts.

Though I really stopped loving Jon when he had this big demonstration, went on stage, and, right before an election, did not so much as say "Be Sure to Vote".

How about "we don't need assault weapons to hunt deer" and we don't need our police with them either.

Don't like what you see? Join the third wave party, United Front Against Austerity.

join a local meetup, or create your own.

call for the 1% Wall St. Sales Tax.

that it's stupid to think the American citizenry would ever need to use force against an oppressive government.

it is kinda dumb to be honest, and the obsession with the notion is hugely counter productive to reasonable discourse; if the government need you dead then even if you're trained and armed like Dorner you've got no chance, if you've got a compound they'll just burn it down like the Dividians or turn it into a hole in the ground as if it were a Pakistani school...

The establishment have whole mountains hollowed out with command bunkers and secret bases; the entire city of New York armed to the teeth couldn't get inside these doors and that's an old one; we don't even know where the rich and powerful would fly off to on their jets if danger threatened.

A few old boys with muskets are not going to take the republic back, and if they did they'd probably only install a more violent and despotic regime.

we need to move forwards away from the old systems and into the new, we need to understand how powerful we are without guns, we need to as a society understand that our every action and every penny spent is more effective way of creating change than all the bullets in the world.

I want to caution you from trying to make an argument for your rights, and then at the same time dictate an enemy.... there is no need to dictate "the rich" as your enemy.... "the rich" have provided you with a very fair system, where you have insane upward mobility as long as your put the time and effort into learning one of its many industries.Very simply, the society you live in, while dominated by the rich, is fair.

You can make the gun control argument on rights. Make it on defense and security. Americans having guns is the single most fundamental defense against a government that doesn't represent the people. It is a right that we fight for on its MERIT ALONE. There is no enemy. THERE IS ONLY THIS UNALIENABLE RIGHT TO DEFEND ONESELF. THIS IS FUNDAMENTAL TO OUR COLLECTIVE DESIGN AND EXISTENCE.

If you are willing to step forward, past that principle, into declaring one of your brothers is an enemy... then we will be headed for a battle.... but if you are willing to step forward.... on PRINCIPLE ALONE... your brother will not feel threatened and will join your in your fight for a greater idea than either of you alone.

Yes massah. The rich be my benefactor.

Very simply, the society you live in, while dominated by the rich, is fair.

Hahahahaaa. Ahahahahaaaaaa. This is so ludicrous as to be farcical.

It's not. You don't know what tyranny is... you're being convinced its tyranny by a few limited news stories, and it is not tyranny... its corruption at a more fundamental level than your government...

And i'm not your massah... i'm your brother that's trying to help you see the path your thinking will lead us to.

You're helping me by telling me I should be grateful to the rich for what they have given us, and that it is fair? I thought Ayn Rand was dead. This is just sad.

NO SIR! I did not say be grateful. No doubt your brothers decisions have been somewhat selfish. He knows that, and he knows that when you figure it out and get mad at him, hes going to be in the best position to whoop your ass. YOU SHOULD NOT BE GRATEFUL FOR THAT.

You should NOT, however, victimize your brother for that... YOUR BROTHER IS A PRODUCT OF A SYSTEM THAT WAS DESIGNED BY HIS ANCESTORS to get to this eventual state. He is no more at fault for its eventual boiling point than you are at fault for your fathers not recognizing it and stopping it dead in its tracks.

If you convince you peers to understand that both of you are brothers of a faulty design of your ancestors... then we can meet on the equal playing field of equality and build a system that helps us all, instead of forces our brothers into using the mighty destructive arsenal they have at their finger tips so the people get off their asses for the faulty system their fathers built which we are now enslaved by.


Just be cognizant of the fact that the rich are not your enemies, but if you start treating them like they are, then this whole argument is going to evolve according to plan... they'll get scared.... and begin propaganda to convince you to disarm.... which you will fight.... which will errupt in war.

There are forces at work that are trying to make this happen.... they want disorder.... don't be played.... there is no enemy... there are only UNALIENABLE RIGHTS.


i don't believe in trickle down... i believe in a strong micro foundation of economics which is only accomplished by individuals like yourself creating value for the society in any way you know how.

Me and my industry have been trying to build infastructure such that any joe blow on the street with a dream can make a living... such that there is very little middle man in between him and the delivering of his products to his consumers.... We've built sights like Kickstarter, Fiverr, Etsy, Ebay.... all as a means to bring the commerce contributing ability to the individual without having to rely on a trickle down conglomerate of businesses....


And I ask that you don't attack the ultimate infrastructure that allows us to build this sort of functionality into our society.... Server farms, currency systems, shipping companies are all foundational to having this ability be brought to the people.... if you begin to fight those people that are responsible for these things, then we lose this ability to equalize humanity for a very very long time.

Again... fight for RIGHTS and PRINCIPLES... things that are greater than yourself... but don't be fooled into thinking its a fight against your brother...

Allow me to quote Rage Against The Machine.

Yes I know my enemy. They are the TEACHERS that taught ME to fight ME.

That means, those that teach you to demonize your brothers... ARE YOUR ENEMY.

You must live in a different country than I do.

What country do you live in?

No personal info allowed on reddit.

right o. take care.

They lost their relevancy when a democratic president got into the White House, they are partisan hacks. Jon Stewart Liebowitz's family are also major shareholders in the NYSE.


The rich, don't have a force strong enough to extinguish the light of humanity. All the bombs, chemicals, germs in the world are all probabilistic... and in the end there is going to be a very small few they simply do not have the power to destroy.... because they believe in something greater than their own existence..... THAT BELIEF IS UNDEFEATABLE..... so this attempt at fighting the rich is FUTILE.

Work on ways you become the RICH, so that you inherit the earth along with your PRINCIPLED brothers and sisters.






Your propaganda campaign isn't going to work here. These people are smarter than your emotional, irrational arguments that are based off an misrepresentation of the facts.....

there are NO real liberals in power nor fascist media.

Not one.


somehow i believe that you are just another paid shill on this newspeak site.

The reason Colbert and Stewart are talking about gun control is because a bill that was supported by 92% of US population failed to get past the senate. When you have such an overwhelming support by your voters, the failure to get it passed is quite newsworthy and should be discussed, because it highlights the corruption in politics.

This is America? That could have been a scene from a Jewish ghetto in Warsaw. And the government doesn't want the citizenry to have high capacity weapons for defense (stop the nonsense about hunting, please...)? That scene is EXACTLY what happened when the nazi troops purged the homes of Jews.

Time to get out your history books. Did you see the government rounding people up in ghettos, confiscating their property, raping women and children, forced labor? Me neither. Also, when the terrorist was captured then the police left and everything went back to normal. That's a luxury the jews didn't have. Comparing the two is fallacious (there's a great post on this sub about fallacies atm, go check it out).

Also you have to agree that if the terrorist would have managed to set off another bomb in Boston then everyone would have gone "Where's the police when we need them!?" Government might have used excessive force to capture him, but they were covering their own ass.

according to that link it says they surveyed under 2000 people, I would think they'd have to be more precise before expecting action in congress.

"or more accurately, from time to time they DO disseminate actual news and trustworthy commentary - far more accurate than can be obtained from the "serious" news sources"

you cannot weave a fabric without the cross stitch. The fabric of reality is weaved with truths and lies. but what is a lie and what is the truth? just mere threads undulating perpendicularly.

you respected it as a news source because you agreed with most of its opinions. But now you don't and appear to have been shook awake.

they are merely doing their jobs. shaping public opinion.