Does Anyone Else Here Think There Is A Spiritual War Underneath All These Conspiracies? That Fundamentally, The Real Heart Of It All Is Way Beyond Our Understanding? Has Anyone Else Found That Their Research Has Led Them To (I know this sounds bad, okay) Jesus? Bear with me please.

13  2013-05-03 by [deleted]

I know this post is not going to be popular with most people on this subreddit because not many people feel the way that I do. I was brought up Catholic, and then became an atheist when I realized it was bullshit... but after studying (obsessively) conspiracy theories, I ended up looking into the whole satanism thing a lot (trust me, this is bigger than you would ever think), and it kinda led me back to Jesus. I'm certainly not religious any more, and if I was I would probably be a buddhist, but I have started believing in Jesus again, just because it is the only thing that makes sense (also, my Mother is a hardcore Christian, and she has some amazing insights that she came to because of her faith, even though I disagree with her on most things). It is really hard to explain, and I'm certainly not trying to convert anyone. I just want to see if there is anyone else out there who is coming to the same conclusions as me.

There is one guy I want to mention though - he is not well known but he makes great videos. He is a hardcore Christian, but he has some amazing information and while I'm freaked out by him, I'm really into his stuff. His name is Keith Thompson and he came to my attention when I was sent a link to his video that debunks the first part of Zeitgeist - really amazing and well researched.

Anyway, I'm looking for people to talk to about this because I think I'm onto something, but I really feel like I'm on the fringe here. It's lonely. I can't really talk to most other Christians because most of them are totally ignorant and have nothing to offer as far as I am concerned. And I'm not Christian in the traditional sense.

It is worth pointing out (in my defense) that Bill Cooper was a Christian - and he was the man. Alex Jones (yeah, I know) is too... and Ron Paul... so I'm not that weird if you put me in that context I guess...

Anyway... if you are in the same place as me, holla cuz I wanna chat.


I'd go so far as to state my belief in a currently waging, epic battle between the forces of Dark and of Light. Dark is currently unraveling at the seams with infighting and paranoia. Light and Truth are winning, with many minor (and a few major) victories already.

The balance has tipped in favor of Love over Fear. All's we gotta do is watch them blow themselves up :P

The current ppl in power (real power see builderberg), are satanists. They only care about selfish gains at the exploit of others(including other ppl, animals, nature, the planet). You are onto something. The awakening is happening. Also I think that Jesus traveled to Tibet, and learned from Buddhist monks about the power of the third eye (see pineal gland). I also think that the teachings from Jesus are instructions to opening the third eye, and entering a state of "Christ-consciousness". Also the ppl in power know that this attainable by anyone and are actively trying to prevent it(see fluoride in water.) I know it sounds crazy, but I think you are really onto something. Also sorry for wall of text. :(

We humans, as the most intelligent species on this planet, are supposed to be the protectors of this planet. Of the life giving power that it has. So it will continue providing us, and all our brothers and sisters of lower intelligences (animals), with the essential ecosystem that is so delicate and dependant on ALL the things put in place by nature.

Instead, at some point of time we started exploiting it. We have rolled far away from the forces that have put us here and that will sustain us in the future. We are no longer in sync with the nature, the universal energies that support life. We are on a path that destroys, and diminishes life.

Once you swerve far enough from the healthy living, you enter the zone where destruction is in charge. Same to body and mind.

I will follow your suite and say, this might not be popular with a lot of people, but this is how I see it. We have ventured far away from our nature. Greed and who is better and who is the best is the general mentality of the world now. Things will get weird!!!

The teachings of Jesus (and Buddha and other "enlightened" people) often revolve around the concept of free will (and also the paradox of faith). A lot of modern conspiracies are about keeping people ignorant to "reality."

What about free will? I have always had trouble accepting Christianity because it seems to emphasize "God's will" over free will, and it doesn't make sense to me.

within the paradox is the wisdom... allegedly

You are not alone.

It did with me. I think it started with reading the Dumbing Down of America by Charlotte Iserbyt, then went on to full time research of which I discovered some incredible documentation that anyone with internet can find out for themselves that pretty much proves a lot of what was considered "theory": The red scare was not just a "scare". There is a group intent on demoralizing and demeaning the American people, and others- it's one of the reasons why you see every single ad or TV show with a bride that only strapless gowns are shown (trust me, this is going somewhere) the egalitarianism abounds- the reason why "Les Mis" was so hyped (why? the beginnings of the Sorbonne Experiment/Revolution and anti-Christian revolutions. "Bourgeois" is code for Gentiles. Right now reading "Under the Sign of the Scorpion" by Juri Lina. Free online if you look around for it, think it's on But to answer your question, yes. Scripture says that Christ is the Truth, also states that those who seek the truth shall find it, and it shall set them free. Those who earnestly seek the truth SHALL find it- and it SHALL set one free. That was my first intent, I knew something was wrong, something "bad" happening yet I could not put my finger on it. Through my search for truth, it was inevitable that I found Christ. No, not a neo-con in ANY way shape or form, but once non-believers here "Christian" they instantly assume I am one. Could not be further from it.

Glad you found the Truth. I did the same way you did. I'm amazed, really, and grateful.

I like your user name.

You mention the scripture saying that Christ is Truth... but I have a problem with using scripture as a credible source... I think some of it makes total sense, but not all... I think they changed/made up parts of it (I think the Catholic church is part of the over-arching conspiracy, and they pretty much controlled Christianity for a long time). Do you have any thoughts on that?

Scripture most certainly is a credible source. It's the inspired Word of God. If you're concerned about corrupted versions of the Bible then use the King James Version or Douay Rheims. Don't use any "Scofield versions" or any that are copyrighted.

Why should we trust King James the witch hunter?

it is what it is. I can't convince you- it's really up to you. this guy says it better than I can: if God is all powerful, don't you think HE is capable of preserving and inspiring His own Holy Word? God had the Bible written, FOR believers- how ELSE would they receive His Word?

Yes. All these conspiracies and suspected conspiracies are best explained by Judeo-Christian-Islamic religious prophecy.


Didn't watch the whole video you linked since I'm already aware of Lucis Trust and Blavatsky. For what it's worth, the whole "powerful satanists" thing is severely overblown. Sure, Satan is the prince of this world, but you don't have to be a part of it. Don't allow demons into your home (TV) just don't give Satan any power. I think Christians lose a lot of clout when they start spouting unprovable ghosts n goblins rubbish. Demons are real, but they aren't monsters with red eyes- they are Jealousy, Sloth, Gluttony/Greed, Lust - and so on. Some people carry around "Death demons": smoking, skull images are everywhere! in art, t shirts, tattoos. Tattoos are symbolic of rebellion, which is satanic, in fact Satan is an icon of rebellion (against God). I don't buy the chemtrails thing until proven different. I don't buy the flouride thing til proven different. I weigh each conspiracy with sources and research and documentation, as we all should. Wonder if you've looked into the anti-Catholic conspiracy and that it's been told the most formidable enemy of Communism and zionism. I recommend the anti-NWO priest Father Coughlin if you've never heard him also I am not Catholic despite my promotion.

Satan(Kronos) is Saturn, The age of old, who's esoteric cronies keep him in power through the (now/future) Age of Jupiter (Jesus/Zeus) by keeping Zeus distracted with sports and women (and the people of this Age).

My research into mythology leads me to believe these "Gods" are archetypes of the human (and beyond) collective/quantum (sub/super)-consciousness. that come and go under various names laden with slightly different cultural symbolism over the Ages of Humanity.

Encoded repetitions of an underlying archetypal network of symbolism (or perhaps concentrations of conscious intention) show us games of the past and future and how the forces of Old keep evolution hindered by the cultural veil wrapped in a linguistic maze.

Hidden in your DNA is the truth about everything, that is, everything is true or false, or both or neither.

These Gods are as 'real' as intent makes them.

Exact same thing happened to me, i was on the "Do what thou wilt" lifestyle for a while myself.

How did that work out? And did you become a Christian in the end? What led you there? How is it working out?

i swear to god it was Dec 14 2012, it was some shit dude and if i told you, you would never beleive me. legit though, the apocalpyse, or revealing of things, did occur on the 21st of 2012, 7 days after newtown. There was a shift in thinking when the NRA couldn't give an aproved answer to prevent school shootings. A call for gun control has split are country, and the second amendment is one of the last god given rights as americans that hasnt been infringed upon. Im telling you i beleive the downfall of our american babylon is imminent so i would be at least prepared to survive on your own for a week. last bit if advice would be to reread the bible, read the prophets, read them as prophecy and not as face value.

me too. Christianity was lame, it was wrong, they were "brainwashed" and so on. When I read the Bible those same arguments were listed as Satanic whispers in non-believers ears and hearts. Once I accepted that Christ was God- and that I am a sinner, and quit rebelling- my entire brain changed. It was weird. I suddenly felt "awake and aware" everything made sense. Another thing, I used to hate babies (true lol) now I think they're the cutest thing ever. I started to respect life. BUT- back to the OPs whole deal here the point of this thread, YES very much yes- getting into the conspiracies thing got me actually truly saved. I learned too much- it was really intense. Too much truth, it was so overwhelming what I read about. There was only one way out, and that was my soul security. How much proof does a person need to realize this world truly IS evil??

You are NOT alone buddy! I have been posting and talking about this problem to EVERYONE I know and I am rejoicing in the fact that you have posted this. In fact, your spiritual journey is similar to mine (rejecting Christianity...finding buddhism...then a renewed interest in Jesus Christ). I will make a special effort to give you my two cents about this issue as it is extremely complicated but very simple in the end!...I'm at work right now so I will comment later!

First of all the world is not dived up between Light and Dark...Good and Evil. That is a dualistic approach to reality and is incorrect. The reality of the situation is a trinity...good versus a cold calculating evil and good versus a passionate hot evil...also known as the Christ impulses versus Luciferic impulses versus Ahrimanic impulses. The two dark powers delight when humans confuse the two and in fact most people confuse Luciferic powers with Christ impulses because they "appear" to oppose Ahriman. Further details found here and with a picture of the only statue that represents this "trinity" This is the essay that started it all for me ( and although I don't entirely agree with it, it is an excellent overview of the world's situation in regards to the "problem of evil."

I have started to think that strings are being pulled (to influence what happens in the world) in ways that are beyond our understanding - a smarter intelligence is as work. For me, to dress this inability to understand in Judea-Christian story, is just like ancient peoples making up stories about the after -life as a means to deal with their own fears. To try an unravel the difference between fact and misinformation or understand who benefits by manipulating these things is too hard. It's like asking my cat to explain the difference between republican and democrat - she doesn't have the machinery to process the question, never mind answer. Still it pays her in many ways to be sceptical e.g. is that person coming through the door a friend of foe

I've found these two videos interesting, as they cover similar subjects to the one you linked:

I can't say that I have any firm beliefs about Jesus or even mysticism or new age stuff. This is kind of the edge of the conspiracy theory world at which I begin getting uncomfortable. When things begin to blend from people and greed and power into the paranormal or supernatural. I've been around and interacted with enough people to believe there is some really weird stuff out there, stuff that hasn't been explained, therefore of unknown origin or intent. It's an area that interests me a LOT, and I have what I think is a healthy dose of fear around it as well.

If there is indeed a spiritual war ongoing, I hope that we have some hidden allies because most of us are clueless about any of it.

Generally I sort this theory about a spiritual conspiracy away in my mental folder of "potential disinformation/fearmongering/distraction/manipulation/superstition" and dissociate from it in order to maintain normal operation. If you'd like to talk about it though, I'll listen and try to compose whatever thoughts i can to share.

wow a christian american???!!

this post is bad and you should feel bad

not really on both fronts

did this turn into /r/christianity all of the sudden?

Spare me, please!

dear god, skip the link then, no one likes assholes

This is one of the reasons that I started to reconsider my stance on Jesus... to come out in public and say you are a Christian feels like social suicide... I mean, I'm sure it isn't... but it feels like it would be. This guy's comment is exactly what I was expecting. There is a real hatred of Christianity and God etc. right now... look at r/atheism - I know a bunch of people who feel the same way. I recently noticed that seemingly every successful comedian in the UK (except Russell Brand) is an atheist, and they can make the whole idea of God sound very silly. It feels like an orchestrated media campaign against God and Jesus is going on... and I don't think this kind of thing happens by mistake.

I am in exactly the same boat as you. I think there is some truth to the entirety of the bibical story (forbidden fruit, Jesus, God, etc.), and conspiracy theories have brought me back to some extent. I'm also not willing to view every detail of the bible as credible, due to the history behind it. However, I feel that there may something to the big picture.

To me, evidence suggests Lucifer is an alien, and he is on Earth leading the Illuminati. But that sounds bat shit crazy, so I really don't know what to think.

The comments posted on sub are like none I have ever seen.

I was mocking you because something like 70% of this country is christian and it's not at all unusual (nor controversial) to come out as one.

It is rather unusual for someone to come to religion on their own.

It doesn't mean anything that more people are indoctrinated from their youth.

You are right, that has nothing to do with the conversation here.

I'm sorry but you're mistaken. I think maybe on hospital forms one might fill out "Christian" as one's choice of religion, but in real life it's open season on Christianity. One can comment on boards full on hate for it, that if same insult were toward gays/blacks/jews/etc the FBI would probably be at your door.

Uhmm, I'd work on your reading literacy if you see hate.

I'm sorry but you're mistaken.

Yeah? How's that?

It looks like at the latest measurements, it's 76% of this country. I'd work on making a point if I were you.

One can comment on boards full on hate for it, that if same insult were toward gays/blacks/jews/etc the FBI would probably be at your door.

I think it's you that's mistaken. Talk about an exaggeration. Let me know if you'd like to have a real discussion, I'm not going to bother otherwise.

all right, I dare you to stand on a city streetcorner with a sign that says "Ask me about Jesus" preferably in a strong liberal city and see how that works out. Personally, I see more anti-Christian rhetoric going around than anything else. Any message board, comment board, news- people in general, it's there.

You don't think that's a reaction to the general dominance of Christianity in this culture?

By the way - I live in nyc and people don't look twice at someone with such a sign. get over your persecution complex, please.

speaking of hatred of Christianity- take a gander at this guy: Who is Mikey Weinstein? "Mikey Weinstein reportedly described his anti-Christian organization MRFF: "We are a weapon. We're a militant organization. Our job is to kick ass, take names, lay down a withering field of fire, and leave sucking chest wounds on this unconstitutional heart of darkness, if you will, this imperious fascistic contagion of unconstitutional triumphalism." " do a web search of this hateful prick. He's literally making physical threats.

please, don't pray for me

stop me faggot

Actually, I'm gonna pray for your sense of humor

doesnt matter got prayed

case in point

right on this is starting to go there. We need to stick to the subject