Censorship. It takes many forms. I see its in this subreddit now.

3  2013-05-03 by [deleted]

I noticed that whenever I post a comment in a thread on /r/conspiracy, it registers as zero. No up or downvotes, just zero.

I noticed this on several other people as well. And when I attempted to upvote a comment that I thought was relevant to the conversation, it didnt register that upvote either.

So is this some sort of new policy that the moderators have enacted on people that they disagree with? In addition to judging the comments of a Redditor under 30 days not as important as those that have been around longer, and the new super-secret-extra-special sub-subreddit that limits who can get in and prevents anyone from having a dissenting opinion...

By doing so, the moderators of /r/conspiracy have enacted Draconian policies of censorship and the elimination of constitutional rights - the very things they argue against in this subreddit to begin with.

Oh, and I know that my comments may be seen as a violation of the law that says that we are not supposed to make eye contact with the 300 pound gorilla in room, but the level of irony that this laughing stock of a discussion group creates absolutely astounds me to the point that I had to make a comment.

/r/conspiracy has become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I am quite amused by this.


Yeah we had a public poll about it a few days ago and the community agreed to try this new feature out.

Do you not see the irony of this?

bitter tasting irony

Not really.

"This subreddit is a thinking ground, above all else we respect everyone's opinions and ALL religious beliefs and creeds. We hope to challenge issues which have captured the public’s imagination. From JFK, UFOs, gulf of Tonkin and of course 9/11. This is a forum for free thinking - not hate speech. Respect other views and opinions, keep an open mind. Our intentions are aimed towards a fairer, more transparent world and a better future for everyone."

...Unless you disagree with the consensus. In which case, you don't count.

This subreddit - that attempts to highlight the secret organizations that make up their own rules - is run by a secret organization that make up their own rules.

That, to me is ironic.

You know what that means? /r/conspiracy is run by the joos! It's the only logical answer.

Which wouldn't be bad. They are a genuinely good people. Never forget that.

Comment scores are hidden for an hour. Am I missing something else?

People here seem to think the votes aren't counted at all, which is wrong. They are just hidden for 1 hour.

Nothing to see here, folks.


Yeah. I know that now.


I learned you deleted your entire comment history. That's interesting.


LOL. There's some other reason why you did it, but it does seem very curious.

As to this thread, as soon as I learned how this system works, I deleted the original comment as the questions were answered.


So why exactly DID you delete your entire comment history?




He must be under the control of an MKUltra drug, making him behave irrationally.

And not surprisingly, my other comment has been removed. Pretty rich in a thread about censorship.

Lol so check out the differences between when I'm logged in and when I'm logged out. Somebody has been removing my comments in a thread about censorship.

OK, if its a temporary thing and the number shows up after a period of time, I can support this.

Im deleting this thread.

Yes its a one hour shield. After an hour all scores are revealed.

Did you mean to reply in iambic pentameter,

or are you a pro and definitely not amateur?

Looks to me like it was initiated by a new mod, a mod that doesn't even post here. WHY IS HE EVEN A MOD?

Also, if you think /r/conspiracy is going to believe that the poll was "public," and there wasn't bots upvoting whatever consensus the mods decide on, you must not come here much either.

He is a MOD because illuminatedwax knows him IRL and wants to have an eye on the inside because of the recent donbueno drama.

He (Solidwheatstone), incidentally is also the person who called illuminated on the tele and informed him of the hijacking of this subreddit. He is the person who helped us reclaim this subreddit.

I didn't trust him at first either, but after having worked with him in moderating this sub for a week or so, I can personally testify that he is a solid individual and we are fortunate to have him on our team.

Lastly, without SWS, this sub would currently be managed by donbueno, which means it would be a free for all to whichever clique wanted to dominate the discussion by calling everyone insane nutters and spamming the front page with memes about how retarded conspiracy theorist are.

Why not have a credible, familiar user (such as myself) be a mod? It would go over a lot better in here than having some random with supposed "connections" that only shows up after a questionable possible "false flag" against this sub...

Wow. I think you're onto something there..

So you're saying that tyranny of the majority is ok by you?

Where did I say that?

Public poll.

It's not just r/conspiracy. Lots of other subs are doing it, too, with varying lengths of time for scores to remain hidden. What's the time length here?

I think an hour.

I can't remember which sub, but last night I was reading comments that were like 8 hours old and scores still couldn't be seen... Don't know yet if I like or dislike this format.

I know when I see somebody making a good point being downvoted, I'm more likely to insert into that discussion, so not seeing scores is bad in that way.

If you hover over the [score hidden] mark it tells you. Moderators can set it to however minutes they like. In /r/conspiracy that is 60 minutes.

I like it. Unlike what OP is raving about, the votes are still counted. They are just hidden for a pre-determined amount of time so people's votes are less influenced by people that voted before them.

I didn't know a hover would reveal score. Good to know. Now to find a thread and do some first world anarchy

(e- tried it, it shows me the length of time the sub hides the comment, not the score. Oh well...)

The irony is awesome. So a group of private individuals conspired to squelch discussion about private individuals squelching discussion.

This could be funnier, but I don't see how.


We're talking about the new reddit feature that hides vote counts for a period of time. Whatever you're talking about is unrelated to this post. Even the /r/conspiratard link you followed to find this "deleted 8 hours ago by OP" post explains the new red it feature pretty clearly.

The only reason this could be funnier is if OP hadn't deleted it and everyone else could see how disconnected from reality you are.

Nah, it's still funny. I get why it's probably beneficial. That doesn't discount the potential for humor.

Only those who have forgotten how to laugh are disconnected from reality.

Trust me, I laughed. Just not for the reasons you seem to think.

I get why its probably beneficial.

Suddenly you become slightly better connected.