Is There Evidence for a Wide-spread Academic Cover-up?

13  2013-05-09 by Harlequnne

I've only recently begun to research the Wide World of Conspiracy, and I find much of the information to be both fascinating and compelling--sometimes even both at once. But while there exists a lot of information about various governments and behind-the-scenes puppeteers, what personally interests me is academics. Now I know most people laugh at things like Ancient Alien theories, but considering how compelling some of their evidence is (some, not all. Some of that shit is waaay out there), I find the amount of mockery they recieve...disproportionate. I've noticed this kind of pattern everywhere that there is some historical theory that steps outside the bounds of Accepted Human History, and particularly in the cases of theories that suggest our ancestors were more advanced than we credit them with being, or that the history of advanced civilization goes back much further than currently accepted. SO, my point here is this: are these just respected scierists being butt-hurt that they might be wrong, or is there any proof that these fringe scientists and historians are being discredited to some sinister purpose? If so, what might they stand to gain from keeping this information under wraps? I figured if anyone could point me in the right direction, it'd be you, /r/conspiracy.


Excellent! I'll watch these when I get home and off my phone. Thank you!

In my city they just recently raided about 5 or 6 schools for a grade changing scheme. Something like 50 warrants. I'll grab the article.

edit: link

I am not an expert or authority on this subject. I don't really claim to know or believe any particular theories about human history, ancient or more recent. I would say though that I suspect that dissent in academia, whether it is science or history or psychology, etc. is often not taken well. If you are seen to be supporting, or worse teaching fringe theories and hypotheses, well then you are not likely to maintain your job and income level for very long. What university wants to have a professor giving their school a bad image?

I think that if there is any kind of coverup it is most likely held up solely through this meme in the culture of academia rather than a massive conspiracy in which all or most of the faculty are in on it. If a theory is ridiculous and there is no evidence to support it, and you are ridiculed for looking into it, then you won't go looking for evidence to support it. The ridicule itself isn't from an active conspiracy, but rather a cultural habit.

But again, I'm not an expert. I have not worked in academia. Just my own suspicions or best guess.

edit: of course I don't discount the possibility that there have been conspiracies to influence academia. Just that it is not likely all of the professors being in on it.

I think what bugs me the most are the fringe theories that do have a fair amount of evidence. Take for instance the accepted theory that the Egyptian pyramids were tombs, despite multiple independent sources claiming we've never actually found a mummy in a pyramid. How is it justified, then, that we still teach our children that mummies come from pyramids?

You should read Fingerprints of the Gods. Great book that talks all about the evidence our advanced ancestors left behind. The author of it is actually in Ancient Aliens, and is one of the more credible people on the show. But! I definatly agree with you, some things they say in that show are completely outlandish, but they other arguments they bring up are hard to argue with, especially when they are at the ruins, pointing at the 90 degree cut stone with lazer precision cuts.

Yeah, my fiance and I watch together, and sometimes the show just breaks my heart because you can tell they're just shoe-horning some shit in (see: Bigfoot.) to fill the time slot, and other times they're pointing at some brilliant shit.

Another interesting one (if kinda dry) is the Pyramid Code. I forget the lady's name, but she does a very in-depth exploration of the possibilities for what the pyramids might have been without ever delving into alien theory that I recall.

I'll definitely look into Fingerprints of the Gods, thanks for the suggestion! Graham is one of my favorites =)

No sources at the moment, on my phone at work, however I have recently begun researching how the archaeology academia departments in the middle east and south america have been facing tons of censorship, due to the fact that many of the prominent professors and scholars abide by the Quran, and the evidence that they have found goes against what is taught in their religious texts. So they sweep any findings under the rug. I would love to elaborate more on this later if anyone is interested.

Yes! I would love to hear about this! Any information as well on the pyramids that are supposedly being covered over by vegetation in China would be awesome, have you heard about this? I'm a little disappointed in myself that this sort of thing didn't occur to me. I consider a lot of the Christian opposition to scientific discovery to be frivolous, but I never thought about places like the middle east where the religious have a lot more sway over what can be done and said. It makes sense that they would try to hide this sort of thing though, and for all the same reasons.

It had never occurred to me until recently, as well, and it seemed so obvious! The most intriguing thing I have heard lately was in relation to the true age of the Sphinx in Egypt. Some archaeologists suspect that the monument predates Egyptian builders - and that they merely restored it to its former glory - and could potentially be over 8,000 years old! Interesting stuff. I'll come back with links when I get home later tonight.

I read this originally in an old book about philosophy and the "secret knowledge" of the ancients from the nineteen-twenties, can't remember the guy's name now. Interesting stuff, anyway, and nothing like a good wikipedia rabbit hole to kill the rest of a boring shift =)

One science that is covered up is Plasma Cosmology and Plasma / Quantum Redshift. Astrophysics and popular science trumpet the Big Bang Theory as proof of the creation of the universe. In fact, there is no proof of the Big Bang theory and Plasma Cosmology is infinitely superior in every way.

For proof, just check out the works of Dr. Ari Brynjolfsson and Dr. Anthony Peratt.

There's truckloads of Academic corruption going on. 2 Books to get you started.

Samuel Epstein has proven in his book NCI and ACS that the entire war on cancer is rigged so that tax payers pay for pharmaceutical research while ignoring minimising causes and ignoring real cures to cancer. Like any war, the money is in the continuation of war, not the peaceful resolution.

Jeffrey Smith's book Seeds of Deception proves the corruption behind hiding the toxicity and catastrophic consequences of GMO food. Monsanto and other GMO corporations have very influential friends.

Education has been compromised since at least the early 20th century, this was proven by the Reece Committee on Tax Free Foundations, they found that the big foundations were working in tandem to compromise education to "social engineer". Their ultimate goal was a World Soviet Government.


Uhm....I don't really know. I'm not a hundred percent certain I know what an NGO is. But I'd be interested in more information.

Things like intelligent design and "ancient aliens" aren't kept out of science and history academic fields because of some cover-up. They're kept out because they're not science and not history, respectively.

OK, see, this is exactly my problem. This is just a statement. You've offered me nothing that disputes any of the evidence I've seen. Also, I didn't mention intelligent design, because I don't think it fits well with evolution. It seems like a way for people who are still caught up in a theological view to try to shift to a more scientific one without really changing their beliefs.

But simply calling these things "not science and history" because they don't fit in perfectly with the accepted timeline they're immediately dismissed as impossible? That's not a real argument, it's just "oh, I think that's silly."

*Edited for clarity and god-awful grammar.

It's not that they don't fit in, it's that they're baseless quackery. "I don't see how the pyramids could have been built, therefore aliens". It's a lot like intelligent design; ideologues use gaps in well-supported theories to prop up speculation.

No. Clearly you've not done any real research, just looked at the various memes and mockeries on the internet. A lot of ancient alien theory is more about explaining things like these figurines found in ancient tombs that fit modern aerodynamic principles, and digging in to ancient stories that have some very strange descriptions that could possibly be modes of travel, misinterpreted (see Spaceships of Ezekiel by Josef F Blumrich, an engineer who set out to prove that the things Ezekiel had seen were NOT spaceships, and after intensive research changed his position). I'm not even insisting that aliens are necessarily the answer, but there is some strong evidence that some advanced race, be it early humans whose knowledge has been lost or someone else, was around in what we consider the "early" days of human history.

Glad to see someone so ready to defend the Ancient Alien theory on r/conspiracy. Another mysterious enigma is the evidence of nuclear blasts in ancient times. I always thought that was so outlandish, but the Mahabharat describes the radiation sickness right down to the finger nails falling off. Pretty interesting. Keep fightin the good fight.

I'll admit, a lot of it seems hard to swallow on the surface. But the things that have most struck me, like the aerodynamic figurines and the particle accelerator blueprint of Mt. Meru, I've then gone and dug into for myself. The more I read the more convincing some of it becomes, and I can't for the life of me figure out why no one seems to be paying attention to any of it.

I think it's Tsoukalos's hair, poor guy.

I think the darkest conspiracy we face is that of our hidden history. There can be no doubt there are clandestine forces working to ensure we do not realize the true history of life on this planet.

It's just like in 1984. When you control history, change it whenever it suits your needs.. you control everything.

A Mexican is an alien, to an American.

When some group of people that is not "your group" is responsible for some event, then by definition, aliens were responsible. They are "aliens" because they are not your group and you don't know who they were, or you would refer to them by their proper name.

So, claiming that "aliens built the pyramids" is a quite fair and accurate statement.

Not the wrong word necessarily. A lot of Ancient Astronaut supporters are open to the idea of an advanced human civilization as well. On the flip side, that doesn't preclude extraterrestrials.

Only if you're playing semantic games. When the "ancient aliens" people say "aliens", they don't mean "non-Americans".

Well, no, actually. My point was that the word alien is the wrong term.