Do you like documentaries that aren't produced and distributed by the mainstream media? Check out /r/DocumentedTruth - Upvote for visibility (No Karma)

290  2013-05-10 by MTCONE

/r/DocumentedTruth is a subreddit for people to find documentaries that explain what is really going on in the world. There is no downvoting, and obvious shills are banned.

Documentaries are upvoted based on their value. /r/DocumentedTruth/top will eventually have all the "MUST SEE" documentaries, in order of importance (ideally).

Please come by and check out the sub, and feel free to submit videos that you feel like everyone MUST SEE.

Thanks /r/Conspiracy!



Still better than Fox News

any other news channel is just as bad as fox

Bad? Yes. Just as bad? No.

Just as bad dude. Theyre all the same. Have you ever seen msnbc.

I understand they are all horrendous, and complete bullshit. But Fox takes it to a slightly different level.

I used to watch MSNBC when I thought being liberal was the intelligent thing to be. Before I woke up.

What isn't better?

Wow, Fox News downvote bot?

Could just be me

Finally, a place where you can freely be critical of the historicity of the holocaust.

The original crisis actors.

What actually did happen during the Holocaust? Were there really no gas chambers? Way less than 6 million Jews were killed?

Come to /r/DocumentedTruth and find out!

So it's a veiled neo nazi gathering place?

It's a place where people post videos showing the truth. The truth is that the Jews lied through, at minimum, exaggeration in order to coerce the UN into stealing half of Palestine and giving it to the Jews. And things have only gotten worse for the Palestinians since then. American history books completely falsified information to garner support so that people like you and I would never question if Israel is legitimate.

check out

  • Wolfgang Benz (Hrsg.): Dimension des Völkermords. Die Zahl der jüdischen Opfer des Nationalsozialismus. DTV, München 1996, ISBN 3-423-04690-2.

for a thorough study on the number of jewish holocaust victims.

You rant like Alex Jones ;)

Please go back to begging fat chicks @ /r/GoneWildPlus for dates, and leave this subreddit to the people who think.

I get real action on there and I like thicks girls is there something wrong with that? No shame in my game :)

I guess that's easier than having an education and personality.

You're making personal attacks yet you don't even know me, it's the Internet sir ;)

I have read all your comments.

Your IQ is not difficult to guesstimate.

You're still intellectually hanging out in a black and white framework. The next level involves the ability to be dynamic when it comes to perspective. You're stuck in a simplified consciousness loop.

Says the Fox News parrot.

Sigh, as I said I don't own a television ;)

You're doing great at proving my statement for me. You're simple and predictable.

It doesn't matter what you claim concerning owning a TV or not, you still parrot everything Fox News says. So, the evidence speaks for itself.

Nice try, brain dead.

The only thing that I've found is that at least some of the camps were not gasing and mass cremating Jews. So the number would have to be less. Six million is 6.0x106, so you only have one significant figure there. There are a lot of people out there that would not be interested in find out that maybe only 5.0x106 people died or 4.0x106 . I have no idea of the exact numbers but it appears to be less.

Exactly. The truth, no matter how much it offends people.

"A" version of the truth. The burden of proof is too high for you to claim definitive proof. I, and a lot of others, believe the holocaust happened but, unlike some, I will always look with an open mind at different interpretations. Only weak people are frightened of different opinions.

A voice of reason amongst a cesspool of truther zombies, it's a relief.

Now days. Truth offends practically everyone. The majority seem to love living a lie over the truth.

much easier to digest, and much less thought required.

much less thought required

Haha, you don't say?

Aren't the downvotes on the comment cute though.


I didn't even know that was a word


Fifth submission down is a documentary about Titanic and the "truth" behind her sinking. This is the same documentary I picked apart a few months ago without even watching, then watched to I could pick apart even more.

So, as with anything you look at, please remember that it isn't always truthful, so get out and do your own research.

As an aside, if anyone would like information on why that documentary is complete and utter nonsense, please feel free to ask and I'll gladly share.

EDIT: My apologies, I didn't know this was going to be as controversial a comment as it was. I have attempted to rectify this as much as possible, but I realize it isn't always possible to fix everything. Please bear with me, check out the comments I have left below, and if you have any other questions I would definitely like a chance to answer them as soon as I have the time.

the sad thing is that for many people watching these videos is the research

Couldn't agree with you more. Please see my reply to mosarmini for more information about this subject in particular.

I remember you :)

We had an exchange on r/conspiracy about this subject the last time this video was posted.

I actually respect you and appreciate your input which you usually express eloquently...but I have to say, you are very passionate about debunking this particular conspiracy.

I understand there is some evidence against this conspiracy and that this documentary isn't beautifully made.

However, the fact that you wrote "This is the same documentary I picked apart a few months ago without even watching" is very telling indeed.

Look, I understand you feel very passionately that this is a load of crap, but please, for all of our sakes, get off your high horse and tell us why.

Help us understand where you are coming from!

This documentary raises some extremely valid points and some bizarre unanswered questions. Sure, they probably didn't get it all right, but at least they are asking questions in a way that's getting people to think.

However, your blanket dismissal of the film does the appeals to emotions instead of facts. You claim that you've already debunked the film (without providing any of these claims or even a link to these claims...hell, I had to do that for you), and then you use this to attempt to discredit the entire sub.

You're going to have to do better than that.

Unlike you, I've chosen to keep an open mind about this subject. I'm perfectly capable of dismissing every point in this documentary as false or fraudulent...if the evidence is forthcoming and persuasive enough.

Similarly, I'm prepared to embrace the majority of the findings and claims in this documentary...again if the evidence is there.

That's the difference between you and me.

I'm actually curious if you don't mind shedding some light please

Of course! I apologize for the length and sporadic nature of this, as it will present you a lot of information I've posted several times before in a very different format than was originally intended, but it should give you enough information to see what's going on with this conspiracy theory and how wrong that documentary is.

So the basic idea is that in September of 1911, when Olympic, the first of the big three planned White Star liners, had a mishap in which a small warship of the Royal Navy, the HMS Hawke, was pulled into her propeller suction, causing her bow to collide with the much larger Olympic.

This cost the White Star Line a lot of money and with the newer Titanic on the way, the decision was made to switch the two nearly identical ships out so that the newer Titanic would become the older Olympic and vice versa.

This would allow them to claim insurance on the newer ship and save them a ton of money. On the evening of her decided sinking, several ships were placed in the area to retrieve passengers and save all on board, but none of them showed up because they were too far away and Carpathia came to the rescue from the Cunard line instead.

So Olympic was sank and Titanic continued a long and successful career on the North Atlantic.

Below are a few posts I've commented in about this subject in the past. I apologize for not linking directly to my posts each time, but I feel context will help out as much as possible.

The following are from a thread about the conspiracy itself, so first is a link to the whole post, with all comments (to which I replied to some of them, in random places) and a couple specific comments with my longer replies.

It could also be noted that in one place I assume there were around 2,000 employees working at Harland & Wolff, the shipyard that built Titanic, while in reality there were about 2,000 working on Titanic alone and probably upwards of 5,000 or more.

I picked apart a few months ago without even watching

bells going off

Haha you think?

Please see my reply to mosarmini.

No thanks.

Well, my apologies then for not taking the time to type out a detailed enough reply before going to bed.

I have taken the time to do that now, but if you won't read it, maybe I can interest you in the following, which is a very detailed paper written by Titanic & Olympic historian, Mark Chirnside. This paper goes into great detail about the Hawke collision, the theory of the switch, and the differences between the two vessels. As the cover page states, it's 9,900 words.

My apologies if I came off as insulting last night, but (and I know this is no real excuse) I was tired, didn't feel like typing out a response right then, and thought that no one would take the time to read my comments over 12 hours after the post had been made.

I am trying to rectify that now, but I cannot do that if the person I am working to clear things up with will not acknowledge my attempts.


Would you please submit this to /r/DocumentedTruth?

Subscribe first.

Why did people down vote you for this comment?

Ask everyone at /r/Conspiratard

Zionists and their shills don't like anything I have to say. Spend all day downvoting everything I say and submit.

My avg comment karma score is probably about .005

Excellent idea. My contribution is Surviving Progress, the full doc. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it.


Hey submitter!

Just browsed through a few pages of the titles... what are you trying to do? Make me waste my days chained to my computer???

No, seriously, lots of interesting stuff there - just added my own submission "America: Freedom to Fascism" (professionally done documentary exploring the IRS, the Federal Reserve and the validity of the Federal income tax).


Also, like the idea of "no downvotes". Frustrates would-be censors

Thanks for your support!

Please help spread the word.

And keep submitting!

I hate the documentaries that have ominous music playing the whole time. Just feels disrespectful of my intelligence.

Yes it's interesting that a video about truth would need to use persuasive emotive sonics :)

holocaust denial, anti-vaccination idiocy and jewish world conspiracy drivel. if you're finished watching the submitted videos you'll truly be enlightened..

Another mindless supporter of the official narrative. NEAT!

Good idea. Although I'm not so sure about no down votes rule.

I am. This way it is simply a matter of upvoting all the best documentaries and leaving the rest alone.

Too easy for shills to bury good info by downvoting.

I'll check it out and see how it works. You might be right about shills. They've been out in full force here lately.

My instincts tell me this is a set-up, to spread disinformation. "Hey guys we've got truth over here! It's truthier!" Let us decide on the truth for ourselves.

I've watched a few of the videos. The one about the history of Israel is fascinating, and something you would never learn in any school in America. It's actually very good stuff.

Eh, it's a public forum. Even if it was seeded as a set-up, it is now in our hands as redditors to decide what is there, via the almighty upvote.

Yeah but the dude said no voting at the subreddit. Hey aren't some countries that don't allow voting? Oh yeah they're called dictatorships. Lots of things ok here get labelled propaganda and then some guy comes along saying "these videos are the truth! Look no further!" which is itself a pro-propaganda mindset.

Look I was just being an idiot stoner when I said this was a setup. The thing irks me is that truth is subjective...we end up getting narrow and elitist and dare I say sheep-like when we all just hail things as almighty truth(religion anyone?) and it's a closed case.

Information creation and interpretation is dictated by many things, time, place, culture label anything as "truth" is a bold move with a big set of trappings.

Oh I agree, there is no such thing as truth.

That said, this guy is just banning downvotes on this subreddit, because there are actually organized groups whose sole purpose is to conduct "information warfare" online. Part of this is suppressing information through coordinated downvotes.

Please look at the comment history of the person you are trying to explain things to.

You're wasting your time.

Man, he even has "troll" in his name. I'll be more careful in the future. =)

Very intelligent, since you obviously haven't watched anything over there. . .

Go back to Fox News

Who said I watch Fox News? It seems to frequently be your reflex response.

Easy to tell.

I don't own a television though :)


Netflix, lol

-implying that Reddit isn't media

-implying that Reddit isn't mainstream

You are confusing "implied" with "inferred"

You'll learn the difference when you get to middle school.

Now, now. You know how kids are so easily "overwhelmed." Check out /r/DocumentedTruth everybody! There's a lot of fascinating stuff there.

If you want to spread the word about the new reddit and it's truthiness, you may want to lose the condescending attitude and insults. Doesn't help your credibility.

Wait are you saying he shouldn't act like a totalitarian arsewipe? Hmm good idea.

mainstream media does not equal media. reddit is media, but it really isnt mainstream. mainstream is cnn, fox, msnbc, etc. so... you're dumb.

"but it really isnt mainstream"

Reddit did 1.8 BILLION page views in the last 30 days, with 28m unique visitors

Sure it isn't mainstream buddy. Sure it isn't.

Subreddits. If you think /r/occult is mainstream, for example... well, I don't know what to tell you.

Ignore people like that, please. They are here on a very specific mission, so you are wasting your time engaging them. It only serves their purpose, by causing a distraction.

____________________l> would you like to know more?

Would you care to submit those videos to my sub? We would all appreciate it.

its a bot


not really



Well, I have responded to him more than once. Not noticing that the message is always the same.

have you noticed his username? i always thought he was a troll account, until i saw he had actual links out of sheer morbid curiosity. asking "why are you gay" and linking to news sites is counter-productive i think, it discredits the seriousness of everything and makes it look like some little brat made it. thus, i am mildly annoyed whenever i see it. but then again, i dont care much for any bots on reddit.

Has he received any interesting answers?

you tell me. you might be the only responder :p

I guess I'll have to ponder why (and if) I'm gay, and get back to him then.

I've watched a few of the videos. The one about the history of Israel is fascinating, and something you would never learn in any school in America. It's actually very good stuff.

Eh, it's a public forum. Even if it was seeded as a set-up, it is now in our hands as redditors to decide what is there, via the almighty upvote.

Very intelligent, since you obviously haven't watched anything over there. . .

Go back to Fox News