I am not happy. (Beware, read at your own risk)

31  2013-05-20 by [deleted]

I am not happy like I used to be. After countless research on ancient history, to conspiracies, assassination of JFK, JFK speech on secret society, Triangles in many corporate logos, why american education system is in a shithole compare to other countries, Nikola Tesla FREE energy device, Coral castle, the pyramid of giza, and etc.. I cannot look away from these evidences, I tried to reason with myself that all of these cant be true, but I cant...I just cant... the evidence are too strong to just simply look away. They hid the true history of humankind, the wrote their own history book and they preach it well. They've done a good job, perhaps a very good job. Everyone seem to be too busy with their life with work, kids, money, and TELEVISION. People seem to be too busy to care or to know or to be aware to even thought about the world "what is wrong with this world..."

I am very sad, I can't feel any other emotions, I am barely happy. I am not happy like I used to be, I have friends and I live a normal teenage life, I have a job and I have a lovely girlfriend, but I am still sad because of these shits that I know about the world.

I can't even take college seriously..I saw the flaw of the college system, why can't anyone see this shit? They make you take shitty classes that you dont even freaking need for your major or career, they want you to waste more time and pay more MONEY for them.

I cant just simply look away and forget all of it nor can I just simply stand up against the illuminati.. I cannot risk putting my family in danger.

is there people like me out there?


You gotta strike a balance. How many of these things that you're so sad about are within your control? I would guess very few to none. Start doing things that empower yourself. Learn skills that will help you foster a sense of mastery in your own world. Do things that will foster real relationships and help you to build life. It happens slowly and the sadness will surely linger, but you 'll grow stronger, healthier, and happier over time.

Build and work hard hard to maintain personal relationships. Stop watching television. Take time off from /r/conspiracy. Get off of youtube. Go read some poetry. Fly a kite. Pack a picnic. It won't make you happy, right away, but it will give you a break. Go out into the woods for a while. Turn off your phone and listen to what's really going on around you. In the northern hemisphere, it's Springtime. What better time to discover the wonders of life all around us?

It's quite possible that even the "truth" that is making you so sad is also a big, fat lie. Sit with that uncertainty and try to identify and hold the emotions you experience. Then, move on from there.

A life lived in fear is not lived at all. Find your inner thing that gets you hungry for life. For instance, I garden. I spend as much time with my kids as I can. We camp. We hike. We share stories. We learn about nature. Spending time in nature has helped me to see the patterns that expand life and allow me to be a part of the expansion of life and goodness.

Find out what your thing is and go do it. And for goodness' sake, turn off your damn computer.

You are the hero of your own journey. Make it a journey of discovery and victory. Follow your bliss.

You're right I've spent too much time on this darn device and on this mysterious thing called the internet, but I learned things on the internet that high school has never mention or thought me. I learned the beauty of nature through Fibonacci sequence, golden ratio, sacred geometry, water is capable of feelings, many patter,s galaxyy and more more more. There always a good thing and a bad thing to everything, why everything has to be so...ying and yang..

Yep, I should spend more time outside in nature with my friends and the gym.

thank you for your respond, I really enjoyed it.

Exercise is great for mental clarity and de-stress. Endorphins are kinda nice also ;D

Finding balance is all good and such. But do not confuse peace of mind with blind ignorance.

The person is seeking empathy for carrying the burden of exposing very real threats to him/herself.

Of course find things that make you happy, that should be intrinsic to life itself, the pursuit of happiness. Do not, however, ignore it out right and above all else trust what you have observed for yourself first to the ideals of other men.

You are just in shock at this point. This exact thing happened to me a few years ago while I was in college. I lost interest in a lot of things and felt as if I should become a martyr of sorts. There is something I heard in a documentary about living despite the paradigm we live in. You need to remember you can not change the entire world you were not born in to that position, but that is a good thing because if you were born in their positions you would not be the good person you are today. More and more people are waking up and becoming aware of what is going on and that is what we need to wait for. Spread the word and hope people latch on. Although it seems very dark right now have hope that good will always defeat evil. Also remember to keep humor in your life cause that can be a saving grace when the world seems bleak. Best wishes.

Thank you for your understanding and thank you again.

Life is ultimately about happiness. Every decision we make is in some way shape or for a selfish reason that we hope will at some point down the line make us happier, or at least make us less sad. There is a ton of crap going on around us and at times it's hard to keep our happiness in sight. With murders, mass killings, war, economic and financial instability, it is many times hard to realize that while the world can be a terrible place, our world doesn't have to be. While some of the ideas you posted are indeed terrifying if they are true (not here to debate that), take a moment and realize the positives in your life.

You have a job. You're making money and able to support yourself in some sort of way. Take pride in this. Being employed in this economy is nothing to sneeze at. Even if it isn't a job you enjoy, it's a starting block, and you can move from here to a job you enjoy more/hate less.

You have a companion that you can share experiences with and whome you care about. There are millions of people in the world who are devestated daily by the fact they can't find someone to enjoy their life with. Don't take this for granted. Spend time with her and enjoy her company.

You're young. The world is a blank canvas and you can chose to paint it however you'd like. You can do anything you want to do. You can chose to be a mechanic, an engineer, a teacher, an artist, a writer, a journalist. You're life has barely begun and you can go wherever you want from this point. Does it matter if you're a slave, part of the 'sheeple', or if you're being mind controlled? No. If you can find a job you want and enjoy the time you spend on this earth, then you've achieved success. Sure the college system isn't great. You pay a tremendous about of money to take classes that often times suck. But if you're learning something you want to learn about, it isn't too bad. It's a means to an end.

Pick a path in life that you're passionate about and follow it. All of these conspiracies are distractions that are good to be aware of, but often times bad to be involved with. Focus on your life and focus on your happiness. The rest doesn't matter.

Good luck my friend

You're absolutely right. I sometimes failed to see the things I have.

I shall believe in the me who believes in me.

I know how you feel. It seems almost everything is rigged against us, so much of our world and history as we know it has been a lie, and we may never know the whole truth. You cannot have control over any of these things, and you have to accept that. It seems as though the veil has been lifted and you are seeing our world for what it truly has become. It may seem bleak and hopeless now, but you have to find things that you enjoy doing that help you disconnect from the aspect of all this and have peace. Maybe some things that you liked doing as a kid before you knew anything that has changed your paradigm. Keep learning as much as you can, personal skills that can benefit you in different areas of your life. Focus on relationships and non material sentiments. Things will get better for you

what a great feel in your message, thank you, today I am going to be more positive

You are not happy because you are less ignorant now than before. Many say ignorance is bliss, and it is to some extent true. When you didn't know and weren't questioning, you thought your world was like "they" (TPTB, the MSM, your parents and schools) told you it was. Now that you're finally waking up, you're realizing just how shitty and fucked this world really and truly is.

It's a prison. You're realizing and waking up to the fact that you - and all of us - live on a prison planet.

I recommend, among other things, beginning by reading works from the East by people like Vivekananda and Ramakrishna. They begin from the understanding that this world is not our real home and we are not really meant to be happy here. None of this is religion, btw, so don't think I'm talking about anything like that. It's philosophy - particularly Eastern philosophy.

With great power comes great responsibility, and you're feeling the weight of the great power and the feeling of great responsibility that comes with beginning to REALLY understand just what is happening in this world.

Keep at it, bro. Keep searching. The feeling of "heaviness" (even depression) will stay, but it will also get augmented as you keep learning and reading with great strength and an ability to DEAL with the heavy weight of the things that you're beginning to know.

thank you, I will see what I can do!

:) Good man.

Here is something I wrote for someone else who had a very similar post to your own. The other posts in here gave some seller advice, I simply wish to add to it and to tell you, you are not alone my friend...

............................................................. It's a long war between the truth tellers and the liars.

Many aboriginal cultures do not even have a word for liars, they call them "half-truths". The intent to do harm is exclusive to an individual and an individual is the product of experiences. Try not to hate those who speak without thought or believe what is fed to them, they are victims of another's will.

It is a morality struggle, and morality is where the war will be won. Talk, discuss, communicate, do not fear conflict, embrace it.

If you truly love those who have been lied to and misled, than have the courage to tell them. The only thing that allows evil to triumph is the indifference of good men.

Fear is the illusion. Hang in there, you are not alone.

Talk, discuss, communicate, do not fear conflict, embrace it.

This is the correct play. Everyone else getting upvoted saying "find balance", "out of your control", or 'happiness is the goal of life" are a part of the problem. By sweeping the mountain of evidence away in situations like the child abuse of Saville, Isle of Jersey, Church, Penn State, etc we are all enabling the abuses to continue.

We must shine a light on it so that others, who are blinded by the "mainstream", can see more clearly. We don't have to reveal some huge truth, we have to get them to think critically. Question the official story and plant some seeds, then have some evidence/proof to back it up when they want to know more.

You gave me such great hope, I will hang on it. Thank you

Wow, this made me choke up for a second, very well said.

I hope for your sake you realize that all of this stuff you're talking about is simply bullshit that people write about to sell books. You really shouldn't take it this seriously.

Reading about conspiracies is entertainment, nothing more. No one is really giving you the information you need to fight the NWO or whatever. They're simply selling you books.

Be the change you want to see.

I understand, I have been following the community for a couple years now, I realized our government was terrible when I was in Afghanistan. I really got into all this stuff recently again, hardcore. Everything else kind of got the volume turned down, I think maybe its a little obsessive, but as a leader, sergeant in the National Guard,(Not naming the state) people look up to me and what I have to say, and surprisingly enough they listen, I feel as if it is partitive that I be involved and teach people. Did my grades suffer this semester yes, very much so. Figure out a way to channel the sadness that we all obviously see happening around us. Become a leader in your community or group of friends, get more involved and learn to channel that emotion to a positive outlet.

The same has happened to me over the last couple of years. Take solace in the fact that you are not alone. It's like waking up from the matrix. You've been awakened to it's existence and are starting to see how it all ties together and manipulates every aspect of everybody's everyday life. But now knowing what you know, you can no longer go back to living in it, blindly believing this is the way life is supposed to be. You've been awakened to your need to serve a higher purpose and to help others do the same by spreading awareness.

This nailed right in my feel, Thank you.

Also you have to realize that standing up to the tyrants, will bring some degree of danger. Ive already made my decision, I understand at some point, all this might get to the point of, I/ we could possibly die. Much like our forefathers I believe if I die fighting for all this, It would be for something that matters and will be remembered as such. I train, to survive, and lead, and secure a better future. end rant, and string of advice i guess,

Smoke weed everyday, that will help

I am very sad, I can't feel any other emotions, I am barely happy. I am not happy like I used to be, I have friends and I live a normal teenage life, I have a job and I have a lovely girlfriend [...] At least you're not saying

I am very sad, I can't feel any other emotions, I am barely happy. I am not happy like I used to be, I have no friends and I don't live a normal teenage adult life, I have a no job and I have never had a lovely girlfriend...

TL;DR cheer up kid. It gets worse.

umm, I do have a job and I am 20 years old and I do have a girlfriend.

He didn't say that, he said it could be worse.

my point exactly.

Clearly the fact that a pyramid/triangle is an incredibly stable structure, thus symbolizing the company's strength and stability couldn't explain the fact that many companies use it, could it?

Nah, too simple.

How about Freemasonries symbols in band albums?

Occult symbols are cool, mysterious, and dark. It's why Metallica sings about The Haunter of the Dark or great lord Cthulhu. Or dragonforce sings about dragons.

The eye of providence comes from either ancient Egypt or Buddhism, though Buddhism doesn't actually associate a picture with it. The eye wasn't taken in to freemasonry until the mid 1700s, about 400 years older than the approximate age of freemasonry (the late 1300s). And a few thousand years after the eye of Horus was created.

just imagine the world you want we have the tech we have the man power and we have will now just imagine what we can do together as one in solidarity. Now be the change you see inside yourself don't dwell on the bad things there time will pass and then we will have our chance just talk about how bright the future could be as oppose to how bleek our reality truly is. We can beat them and a lot of us are waking up to a america that is not what we were told. It's when the majority of people waking up is when we are in deep shit my friend.

I like you, thank you, hope has been restored.

Fuck this doom and gloom attitude.

Here's a quick list of major (and by "major" I mean FUCKING HUGE) factors that you have in your favor:

*Opportunity *Support *Time *Lack of responsibilities

You are ahead of the game right now. Take advantage of it!

I've felt the same as you for a while and have came to the conclusion that if I can't change it all I can do is spread the message. I don't have any control over what our government does, I don't have any control what news people read or listen to, and I can't make people understand. It's a little hard to believe all this is true but it is. Most people are just blind to the evidence. Stressing yourself out will do you now good except for an early grave stone.

You are not alone, your thoughts are not unique to yourself. We are all going/gone through this once you become aware of enough of it. I still have a family to raise and retirement to work on. All of the bloodlusting wars are not on you or me. It's true that we have to thank those in the military for our lifestyle. Had they not conquered the middleeast we might have had to trade gold for oil(See Hussein and Gaddaffi about not accepting US cash for oil) but as it is, we get to trade a worthless paper for their oil while we hold a gun to their head for it. But that is not me, if the world were different I guess I would be riding a bike to work or whatever, walking etc...

Im sure weve all felt this after opening our eyes. Its so strenuous sometimes and I debated with myself to just close my eyes and go with the flow. Itll be much easier and I would be much happier.

But I soldier through. By simply knowing whats going on, it undermines them at least a little and I find solace in that.

The first thing you need to do is stop playing thier game. Disconnect from the matrix, if you will. Social pressures for whats "right" (like college) are fabricated and should be ignored. Most people dont even end up needing their degree.

If you dont like college and think its a waste, quit. I did and got a job in my career field and now not only have more experience, money, and real world connections and experience, I have less debt and in control of my life.

And educate others! I find I have better luck convincing people about my tin-foil hattery in person than online (because everyone on the internet is an opinionated asshole). Most people dont know this stuff goes on, simply presenting it to them sets tjem onto the right path and leaves a glow in your heart.

Also, dicks

hahaa, I couldn't agreed more about the opinionated asshole. How did you got a job at your career field without a college degree?

Sorry for the belated response. And excuse the wall of text, im long winded.

Long Answer: Ill admit I have a leg up than most people. But thats only because I worked towards it young.

In highschool we had a 1-to-1 laptop program where incoming freshmen from then on get an apple laptop to help study and do work.

In anycase, me being the curious bastard I am, I began trying to find ways to bypass restrictions set up by IT. After I learned about proxys for the first time, it snowballed since. it escalated into an never ending back and forth between the IT of the school and myself where they would block accesss on something and I figure out a way around it and tell everyone in school. You can imagine 15 y/o me made these college grads very angry lol

I used my skills for good too, and helped some teachers and parents with computer repairs. What would have costed several hundred dollars at a shop id fix on the spot for less than half and make sure I they wouldnt have the problem again. So I built really good rapore early

Word got around and it landed me a duel enrollment internship program the summer of my junior year of HS. Id be woking at the town hall as an IT intern (paid) aswell as a credit towards my graduation.

I did the intern thing for about 2 years, thats when I went off to college (in hindsight, if I stayed at the town hall I would have taken my bosses position and salary 8 months later when he quit, i wasnt even 18 yet...sigh)

Short answer: I had experience. 2.5 years in working in government and 4 or 5 in freelance work. All before I hit 18

But that doesnt mean I found a job quickly though. I sat in my aunts basement for 5 months applying to jobs. After that didnt work I caved and got a job at a restaurant. I worked and applied for IT jobs for a whole year with no response. At this point I already bought a shabby car and moved into a crummy apartment in the ghetto. Its been almost 2 years, several hundred (yes hundred) applications with no success (i had an interview for a fedeeal gov contract but they never contacted me again). I was about to give up and go back to school when I sat down and sent one last wave of applications.

I got a response, went in for an interview, got a call back for a 2nd interview (with the owner, since he wasnt convinced I could do the job because I didnt have a degree) and the rest is history.

Granted I want to go into networking eventually, thats where the real money is. But once your foot is in the door, you make connections and rack up experience quick. And employers would prefer someone whos actually done the job for 4 years, not read about it in a book.

hang in there man its not just you.

Let me impart some unconventional wisdom (outside the box even for /r/conspiracy):

  • Consolidation of power is a natural, normal thing. Kind of like water rolling downhill or filling up a cup causes it to overflow. The purpose of the mindset of people who frequent /r/conspiracy, as well as (in different aspects) conservative and liberal activists in general is to put a check on the acquisition of power, and work to break it up when needed. We're simply at one of those points in our history when the feedback loop has gone on too long and needs to be reset. Don't think it's unique, but don't think it's not survivable or that there's no hope. The same thing happened in the 1850's with the anti-trust regs, in the early 1900's with the Oil companies, again with the breakup of Bell Telephone; it happened in a more liberal way with the formation of unions in the early 1900's to combat worker exploitation in factories. You just happen to be part of a generation that's going to be demanded to be heroes and/or villians. Which are you going to be?

  • Don't believe everything you hear about Tesla free energy/pyramids/etc. They're not only a waste of time and energy, but a distraction from real problems: i.e., regardless of the validity of these claims, creeping powers of the state and corporatocracy need to be resisted and mitigated. Regardless of any repressed technology/knowledge out there, it's not debatable the current political and social climate is one that leads directly to fascism. You can choose to fight in a battle or you can choose to fight the war.

  • Go to college or don't. Whatever you do, be useful and make money and make the world a little bit better while you're here.

To add to what zfolwick said.

I would put heavy emphasis into investing in yourself. Grasping larger concepts and expanding your language. Get interested in cultures in general like Anthropology cultural or social. But whatever you do, like zfolwick implies, improve yourself any way you can.

They have drugs you can take if you want to go back to sleep

Yeah and if you take them you will lose your 2nd amendment. But if you are directed to take them by one of their doctors and refuse to take them, you can be institutionalized.

Maybe you're developing schizophrenia. You could try r/atheism if you're just waster though.

i feel the same way while currently enrolled in college...most of it is total bullshit. and everything else

keep going to r/psychonaut and you will stop worrying, visit r/conspiracy less, and find what you were looking for. You're on the right path.

this is the illuminati. your days are numbered and we are on to you.


Our chances, sounded better :]

If you think this is bad, eat a few grams of psilocybin mushrooms and think on it. Your head will explode.

Could I see some of your proof?

Edit: I wasn't saying there is no proof I would just like so see or hear some of his.

Evidences of what?

When you say research, do you mean your own independent study of original source material, or reading the latest paperback from the conspiracy section at the book store?

No offense, but how much time can you have really dedicated to 'research' as a teenager? Honestly, it sounds like you are looking for excuses to avoid the work that college classes would take. Frankly, much of the stuff you've read about these conspiracies is complete bullshit. If it is making you unhappy, find a new hobby.

as in, I read articles and examine videos and pictures, not just conspiracies stuff, I research both sides of the arguments.

Personally I love seeing thru the matrix like it was transparent, some hud ui, goggle glass of truth, tv news is pure comedy, people's banal conversations on subways or trains or in a queue for something, likewise. Zombie sheep, working jobs they hate, chasing shit they don't need with money they don't have. It's glorious, as a spectator.

But we've all been thru the phase you're in, it passes... After you accept there's no quick fix to this situation we're all in.

Or there's always the blue pill? You just need to find Morpheus!

Can you elaborate on the "flaw of the college system"?

What kind of career do you have in mind?

You are part of the great awakening. Right now those in charge are making a desperate grab at more power and further enslavement of humanity, but to their own detriment. It is becoming increasingly obvious to the masses to the point that soon only the delusional will be able to deny what's happening. As soon as we stop recognizing their power they have none and that time is coming. So buck up! The further the monkey climbs the tree the more people can see it's ass.

Nothing a few prescriptions from your local doctor cant fix. It will mold you into the human they want. Or do what the others don't want to do get out Exercise, and eat better you will be amazed.. good luck follow your heart.

Marching thru life in a chemically induced fog isn't a fix for anything, it's a band-aid, a very lucrative one.


I am 51 years old and have been a unknown sheeple until a few years ago. For all of my life that had started out in the 60's, it was embedded in us, a little, to not trust "whitey"(I am white). That was the beginning of where we come to today. So even though that was always in the back of my mind, I had no idea how deep the shithole was. My whole life has been a total sham to this point.

First off it was 9/11. Never questioned, just accepted. Got curious on youtube on people saying it was a scam. Didn't give it much of a thought until then. My life has not been the same ever since.

Never in the history of life "as we know it" has there been a way to communicate so instantly from person to person no matter where in the world we lived. We have gone from town criers to television prior to the internet and all the way through the history the news was controlled. The internet took that away and "they" are now losing.

We just need to wake others up. I for one, from being in an older generation, find it harder to show the truth to us old folks and people stuck deep in their cults. These are the challenges we face as we wake up the people that have been asleep for so many years. With knowledge there is power.

Also, just go out there and prove how wrong the religious are by proving how good of a person you can be without having to follow some book or some other icon.

wow you are incredible, I'm feeling a lot better now, thank you!