Skype, why you should not be using it.

32  2013-05-23 by [deleted]

The NSA was offering billions to anyone who offers a reliable eavesdropping solution for Skype. source

Then Microsoft buys Skype for $8.5 billion, more than twice what Google or Facebook were offering. source

A month later, Microsoft was granted a patent for a "legal intercept" technology designed to be used with VoIP services like Skype, which enables silently copying communications transmitted through them. source

MS moved Skype's supernodes to its own in-house data centers, getting rid of the decentralized P2P architecture of Skype (which was hindering eavesdropping). source 1 source 2

MS continues to state that the move to this new architecture is to ensure stability/reliability of the network. source

However, they continue refusing to comment on whether they eavesdrop on the communications, and their ToS/privacy policy make no guarantees about this. source

MS buying Skype for a whooping $8.5 billion, makes it a telecommunications carrier. And under CALEA, "telecommunications carriers and manufacturers of telecommunications equipment are required to modify and design their equipment, facilities, and services to ensure they have built-in surveillance capabilities, allowing federal agencies to monitor all telephone, broadband internet, and VoIP traffic in real-time." source

Going back to the initial point, it now seems that the NSA's offer no longer stands.

What should I use then?

An alternative for your IM/VoIP needs is Jitsi. It's open source, supports every popular protocol, and out of the box full end-to-end encryption (uses OTR for instant messaging encryption and SRTP and ZRTP for XMPP and SIP encryption).



Which prog?


If you have an android device, try Redphone for calls and Textsecure for texting.

or use xabber or gibberbot for texting.

I can confirm Whisper Systems is a respectable group

These are only encrypted if the other user you're calling or texting has Redphone and Textsecure install, too...right?

Can I still beat off over icq?


Do you seriously think they care what I say while I play with my mates and share spotify music over skype?

no, no one cares about you.

No but start doing things like talking about murdering politicians and trafficking guns and narcotics and I guarantee you they will start to show an interest in your conversations.

Yea, they wouldn't want any competition.