Why, if there are millions of people marching against Monsanto, not a shred is being covered by media programs (In america at least)

42  2013-05-27 by [deleted]


Seems like EVERY time someone says "this isn't being covered" I've already seen stories covering that topic. It's getting old.

People watch TV for 15 minutes and see that their pet news story isn't the #1 story nationwide for every fucking news outlet and then cry about how nobody is covering it.

I almost never watch TV news, and I know a lot of people here don't either. I think its a generally good decision. But one of the downfalls of not watching TV news is not knowing whats being covered on the fucking TV news.

I didn't see one thing on fox or cnn. Maybe I just missed it but I think it's a fair assessment that more people get their news from tv than print.

Places I saw it: cnn hln, msnbc, abc, npr.

Or was it cbs rather than abc. Was a network but forget which

I haven't seen anything on actual TV and neither have a lot of people I asked about (Not saying it HASNT been on tv but I think we can agree its been brief). It's something that people should know about and I think somewhere along the line someone is stopping coverage of it.

Stop watching TV.


So your complaint is that it's not on TV, but then you admit to very rarely watching TV? And you don't think your sample might be a bit too small?

I admitted my title is incorrect most likely due to my scarcity watching tv.

Not only are people complaining about this not being covered, but they're downvoting you for showing that it is being covered.

You can't have it both ways...

I think its because the coverage was disproportionate to the mass (yes, the weight - like that song The Band sang) of the protests that organized itself so seamlessly and effortlessly across 50+ countries to resist what is nothing less than a textbook example of corporate cronyism, regulatory capture and the obvious and expected outpour of apathy from the majority of the western world in response.

You know there very well, highly likely, could be a time when these laws are no longer in public, similar to some of the laws we hear whispers about from whistleblowers (endangered species) and even the secret interpretations the govt holds close to their chest for many of the laws that are public.

So how are we going to spend out time, arguing over semantics and swapping links or can we please return the slap to the face given to every american by monsanto in the name of greed and profit and all at the expense of the whole fucking planet.

(Blah blah they aren't killing the planet, or they are, it doesn't matter because it is getting killed and that's the REAL issue at stake)

the secret interpretations the govt holds close to their chest for many of the laws that are public.

What? Which government? What laws? What is your evidence that these secret interpretations exist?

He said "programs", but then you knew that.

Because it was?

it didnt get as much coverage as you would expect

much more than the corporate advertisers want on the MSM.

if they had their way, there would be no internet coverage either

I agree. Although I am mistaken in my title, coverage has been very brief and pictures of babys from twitter is not something that should be news worthy when something like this is going on.

Because there weren't millions. Just a few thousand here and there, not really any different to a PETA protest or any other groups who have a pet peeve. The people who did turn up clearly have been misinformed about GM and food science in general. Genetic engineering isn't without risks, but the benefits almost certainly outweigh the risks. Much of the opposition to "GMO" food is based in a misunderstanding of the technology. The problem with all of this anti-GMO sentiment is that it is going to create a mob mentality against scientific techniques that have a shot at really helping humanity. Monsanto may have made some mistakes in the past, but it isn't the fault of the science, it is the fault of past business practices.

Here's a quote from Norman Borlaug:

"Some of the environmental lobbyists of the Western nations are the salt of the earth, but many of them are elitists. They've never experienced the physical sensation of hunger. They do their lobbying from comfortable office suites in Washington or Brussels. If they lived just one month amid the misery of the developing world, as I have for fifty years, they'd be crying out for tractors and fertilizer and irrigation canals and be outraged that fashionable elitists back home were trying to deny them these things."

Something to think about.

I personally couldn't give a rat's ass about genetically modified foods.

I was under the assumption that most of the uproar was because the grains can't be reused year to year, must be bought yearly, reduce the amount of genetic diversity, and disrupt farming.

That the company has used heavy handed and illegal methods to expand their control, and profits.

When someone has a patent on something as fundamental as food, crops, corn....and viciously defends their patent, sometimes through dishonest means, it's dangerous.

The small time farmer is the one most at risk. If some seed from another farm blows into their fields and grows gmo crop, and it tests positive, they can get sued into oblivion..

The small time farmer is the one most at risk. If some seed from another farm blows into their fields and grows gmo crop, and it tests positive, they can get sued into oblivion..

This is not true, and has never happened.

Wait til I tell my friend who was adamant that this happened.


I've heard the same story, and can cite Michael Moore's "Capitalism: A Love Story" as a source. I know it's no CNN, but I've also never heard of Monsanto denying its aggressively litigious practices. Got a source for the claim that this didn't happen?

How can I give you evidence that something didn't happen? Attempt to find a primary source that shows a lawsuit based on the situation above, and you'll fail to find any.

but I've also never heard of Monsanto denying its aggressively litigious practices.

So by not denying it, this somehow proves it? You're really gonna take that line of logic? That's the best one at your disposal?

Got a source for the claim that this didn't happen?

I'll give you aaaallllll the time in the world to think about what's wrong with the logic of asking for a source to prove something didn't happen.

Back up, brother, I'm not the conspiritard that thinks Monsanto is the biggest sack of shit on the planet. I'm operating under the assumption that the interviews that Moore did in "Capitalism" were legit. Have you heard something discounting them? I'd love to have my opinion about Monsanto changed, because GMO is an exciting field. I just can't back a company that's pursuing the kind of questionable litigation portrayed in Moore's documentary.

So are you saying the dudes he interviewed were lying? I find that possible but unlikely.

The things this guy mentioned are legitimate concerns, and are not all the results of irrational GMO hysteria. People who came here from 'tooshort's link, ease off the mob mentality.

Luckily, friedsushi, the "suicide genes" that cause the second generation of plants to be sterile haven't been commercialized by Monsanto or anyone else. However, they may have used the threat of it as leverage to make some pretty exploitative contracts that forbid farmers from saving or selling seeds from their harvests.


WTF so Indian farmers aren't committing suicide because of GM crops?


Man...if you're not part of the Monsanto upvote brigade then you've certainly attracted their attention!

Look at our posts! You were at like -15!

edit: Something seriously fishy is happen her.

So, Eyesareitchy. You've answered 14 questions and have got half a million pounds. You're just 1 question away from that million and it's all to play for.

So, your £1M question: Why are the anti-GMO posts on /r/conspiracy getting downvoted?

a) The illuminati are mindcontrolling people to vote and post in-line with their agenda.

b) Monsato is hiring people to defend themselves on forums, and many more to vote down opposition.

c) People on the thread think that the claims of the anti-GMO lobby are exaggerated and don't believe there to be a conspiracy in the media not making a big deal of it.

d) The Jooz!

D... NO B!!!! I said B!

Obviously the jooz...

The Jews Did This.

Monsanto spreads seeds of love. Monsanto spreads seeds of loving nutrition. You love Monsanto. You really really do.


Yes, thank you for your valuable and well thought out input Weetdastic.

If only those silly GMO protestors from the western white elite class of the world had ever known true physical hunger, they would then go about crying out for Monsanto to produce more 1-planting-only GM food crops so that they could make sure the hungry got to eat only as long as they could first pay Monsanto to make nature work for them again after it stopped working one season after buying their genetically modified organisms.

If only Monsanto could spread those seeds the world over for ALL foodcrops! If only those elite protesters knew the good works Monsanto was doing.

You are a shill and a liar. They make genetically modify foods to genetically modify YOU, or at least to modify your actions to benefit them by taking control of the plant process. This is one the most despicable enterprises in all of human history, and that is why there were worldwide protests against it yesterday in 400 cities.


You start out sounding like somebody with sane ideas who is just losing their temper a little...but then...

They make genetically modify foods to genetically modify YOU

And thats where you lose people.

And thats where you lose people.

That's where I don't care. Nice response though.

Just kidding. I think most people, saving you and your friends, have the intelligence level necessary to interpret the use of a metaphor. Nice attempt at juvenile/childish/crazy belittling with no substantive input though. Maybe some day your brain will become more functional and you can join us here in /r/conspiracy as more than just a fly buzzing around a pile of shit(anything including the name "Monsanto") contributing nothing but an annoying buzzing noise and shit-larvae droppings.

You are not as clever as you think you are.

(And I didn't belittle you. Not even once!)

Tell me though, what was the metaphor in the quote that I missed?

Tell me though, what was the metaphor in the quote that I missed?


You are not as clever as you think you are.

I am as clever as I think I am.

You've obviously the superior intellect. What was the metaphor?

Apparently, he's 'infinitely intelligent', too...

Looks like we have a badass here..

I know I have the superior intellect, that's why I didn't tell you what the metaphor is, but it completely takes apart your criticism. It should be pretty simple, you're not clever enough to find it on your own? Maybe your assumptions are wrong.

not that it matters "you've obviously the superior intellect" - yep, who cares though? go back and read it again.


You're not as clever as you think you are brah.

I love doing my up vote / down vote shuffle down these convos. Seriously though eyesareitchy don't even waste your time, they just come out of the woodwork.

Its all the blackwater soldiers that didn't make the cut ;)

He thinks that the part of his comment where he pretends to take the opposing position is a metaphor.

Man's a genius.

I know the secrets of the universe and to prove it im going to not tell you. Booyah who is the superior intellect now bish.

so Monsanto shill #1 calls in Monsanto shill #2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 to respond to me in this relatively small and unknown thread on the /r/conspiracy subreddit, huh?

as well as finding a way to get a small comments thread -57 downvotes in the scope of a single night.

thanks for showing us who you and your friends are.

No, you're just being an idiot. You know, sometimes downvotes are earned.

Sometimes they're earned because someone trying to look very clever is made to see that they are not, and then they go and call their friends who are in ideological opposition to the one making the crier look less clever, so they all jump on a bandwagon and role around together reinforcing each other's banalities and petty mindsets, then they come and press "-", and get together laughing about how awesome they are for letting someone like me personally dictate their lives for however much time they spend on me and trying to recover the loss in clever points that encountering someone with an IQ over 85 caused for them.

It's not even an issue they are arguing, it's just about personal internet clever points - which is why these people are not yet in /r/conspiracy, because they have not progressed to that point mentally yet, and are still mainly self-focused, and caring more about personality than principles. More about belief and faith than reason and reality, and more about reinforcing their own group delusion than entering into conversation that requires logic because it is about a place called 'the real world', where individuals and companies do not serve your best interests just because you would like them to and think your favorite US-presidential candidate should hold them accountable and keep them honest.

This makes about 8 or 9 friends called from the original poster to make petty and near-meaningless comments to a thread where they aren't really doing anything but reinforcing for themselves the group mentality of superiority which can only be maintained if they remain together on said bandwagon, because if they are separated(as I am, posting alone, not calling friends to downvote you and tack meaningless angry nothings onto your posts) they cannot stand up to anything but arguments where they try to focus on grammatical errors or faulty uses of the word "object".

So, what was the metaphor?

Metaphor is a type of analogy and is closely related to other rhetorical figures of speech that achieve their effects via association, comparison or resemblance including allegory, hyperbole, and simile.

Now reread that definition.

"genetically modifying seeds to genetically modify you" - meaning, it doesn't have to be a literal rhetorical object. I go on directly after that sentence to explain that it is hyperbole meant to imply genetically altered foods that alter your body(which they do) and alter a private entity's control over the plant process on planet earth. Hyperbole is the use of exaggeration as a rhetorical device or figure of speech, if you didn't know.

Funny how Monsanto shills are working overtime to shut down negative press online - no other group with worldwide protests against them has people in /r/conspiracy on the largest social news aggregator in the world to shut down debate and call in 5-10 others to make one-line negative (but unsubstantial and petty) posts in response to anyone calling them out. You jumped on a completely meaningless part of my post to try and remove credibility from it, and all you did was show everyone that there is a monsantho shill train that can be called overnight to add 10 comments to a relatively dead and unimportant thread (but it's real important to the peple being paid to monitor it!) and dump 50-100 downvotes(until a comment is hidden) in threads that don't even have that many commenters.

I don't think you know what a metaphor is.

so Monsanto shill #1 calls in Monsanto shill #2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 to respond to me in this relatively small and unknown thread on the /r/conspiracy subreddit, huh?

as well as finding a way to get a small comments thread -57 downvotes in the scope of a single night.

thanks for showing us who you and your friends are.

You're out of your fucking mind here, dude, I'm in highschool, not a shill, and I'm pointing out the fact that you have no idea what the fuck a metaphor is, given that you did not use a metaphor but claim you are. Calling me a shill is like calling your sixteen year old neighbor a shill for telling you you're being stupid.

I'm out of my mind for suggesting that a multinational corporation desperately trying to maintain public press (or quiet in the press about them as this thread is about) would try to nip bad opinions in the bud on the largest social news media site in the world during days of protest against them which is global? Yeah, it's not like they have a whole department paid to dedicate themselves to doing things like that. You're right, I'm sure nutso-off my rocker little high school buddy. I'm not the one being stupid, and I'm a lot smarter than you are if you are incapable of making these connections on your own. Also, funny how you have all been online and able to respond the moment I make a response to you. Almost like a group of people paid to be here for certain hours through the day.

Metaphor is a type of analogy and is closely related to other rhetorical figures of speech that achieve their effects via association, comparison or resemblance including allegory, hyperbole, and simile.

Now reread that definition.

"genetically modifying seeds to genetically modify you" - meaning, it doesn't have to be a literal rhetorical object. I go on directly after that sentence to explain that it is hyperbole meant to imply genetically altered foods that alter your body(which they do) and alter a private entity's control over the plant process on planet earth. Hyperbole is the use of exaggeration as a rhetorical device or figure of speech, if you didn't know.

Funny how Monsanto shills are working overtime to shut down negative press online - no other group with worldwide protests against them has people in /r/conspiracy on the largest social news aggregator in the world to shut down debate and call in 5-10 others to make one-line negative (but unsubstantial and petty) posts in response to anyone calling them out. You jumped on a completely meaningless part of my post to try and remove credibility from it, and all you did was show everyone that there is a monsantho shill train that can be called overnight to add 10 comments to a relatively dead and unimportant thread (but it's real important to the peple being paid to monitor it!) and dump 50-100 downvotes(until a comment is hidden) in threads that don't even have that many commenters.

I guess since you're in high school you not knowing this doesn't make you any less clever, but you're not really in high school, are you? That's EXACTLY the mocking and simple response I would provide to anyone calling me out for doing what I was paid to do "I'm just an innocent little kid defending the Monsanto corporation you're crazy and I'm only in high school! Stupid!". It's a perfect way to shut down the person you are arguing against, which is the whole goal of a "shill".

This was the most orangered inbox replies I have ever had in 1 night - 6 of them - and I open it only to find out it's 6 different people in a dead thread with less than 100 posts in it in total, trying to defend Monsanto or add to discrediting what I type ..in a thread on the /r/conspiracy board that isn't that interesting, all of whom try to pick out some rhetorical object I use and act as if they've undone 'my cleverness' and I'm crazy for speaking ill of Monsanto.

You still haven't said anything about your metaphor, you've just defined hyperbole and metaphor. You made no comparisons in the post where you got all high and mighty about GMOs. I said nothing about your hyperbole. I just pointed out I'm not a shill, given I'm fucking 17. People are not trying to shut down your negative press, nobody gives a shit about what you, I, or anybody else says behind a faceless reddit account. To assume otherwise is paranoid and absurd. I didn't lock onto a meaningless part, rhetorical devices are important to making a point. You locked onto it, what with making a point to tell that guy that he missed your metaphor. You need to go outside, dude. Your metaphor also didn't exist, as I've reread your post multiple times, unless you're comparing monsanto to god, there's really no comparison here.

You're an idiot and you're arguing like one. Go and educate yourself on what hyperbole looks like. Stop trying to argue with me. It's incredible how you'd lock into one meaningless-nothing line of my post which is besides the argument I am making to begin with, and then get stuck on it as if there is something to be won or lost there. Go away or go and reread my post and express yourself in a way not centered on a piece of it that you don't understand and which is not necessary to the overall post/posts.

I like how your metaphor admits that this thread is a pile of shit.

so Monsanto shill #1 calls in Monsanto shill #2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 to respond to me in this relatively small and unknown thread on the /r/conspiracy subreddit, huh?

as well as finding a way to get a small comments thread -57 downvotes in the scope of a single night.

thanks for showing us who you and your friends are.

If only those silly GMO protestors from the western white elite class of the world had ever known true physical hunger, they would then go about crying out for Monsanto to produce more 1-planting-only GM food crops so that they could make sure the hungry got to eat only as long as they could first pay Monsanto to make nature work for them again after it stopped working one season after buying their genetically modified organisms.

Most crop seed is only used once, i.e. subsequent harvests are from purchased seed. This is due to it being relatively inefficient to collect seeds from the plants.

Crazy person is crazy.

so Monsanto shill #1 calls in Monsanto shill #2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 to respond to me in this relatively small and unknown thread on the /r/conspiracy subreddit, huh?

as well as finding a way to get a small comments thread -57 downvotes in the scope of a single night.

thanks for showing us who you and your friends are.

It's how the internet works, son. Someone posts something batshit crazy and other people notice. It then gets posted elswhere on reddit with people going "look at what this retard believes" and then eventually, people come here, laugh at the retard, then go about their daily business.

Only you think we work for Monsanto because you're the only person here with paranoid delusions.

The thing that you should take away from me is that you are the dumb one, and you are the crazy one, and that is why you speak, type, and think the way that you do. It's also why you are a participant in /r/conspiratard rather than /r/conspiracy.

Common tactic that. Ignore everything I just said and then talk about something else, because facts are really pesky aren't they?

Tell me why you went from thinking I'm on the Monsanto payroll to asking why I'm not a participant in /r/conspiracy? Is it because actually looking through my posting history would prove to you that I'm NOT on the Monsanto payroll and that your earlier assumption was utterly incorrect?

See, the thing is, you can't possibly consider yourself to be wrong about anything because that may highlight your own fallibility. Because of that, you'd then have to accept other things you believe may not be true. At which point, it's a psychological house of cards.

So, please tell me why I'm a 'Monsanto shill' other than the fact I didn't believe what you were saying earlier. Because that's hardly proof, is it?

It's also how payed shills work, son. They find a post that opposes the corporate entity they are employed by, ignore what is written in it, and call the poster crazy even though he is basically saying that 2+2 does indeed = 4.

None of them are really able to converse, they'll try to find a grammatical error in it and get stuck there not realizing how sad a strategy that is, son. Yeah, son. Son, ya' see what happens when someone isn't able to use their mind is they become like you.

I'm suffering from paranoid delusions and I'm out of my mind for suggesting that a multinational corporation desperately trying to maintain public press (or quiet in the press about them as this thread is about) would try to nip bad opinions in the bud on the largest social news media site in the world during days of protest against them which is global? Yeah, it's not like they have a whole department paid to dedicate themselves to doing things like that. You're right, I'm sure nutso-off my rocker. I'm not the one being crazy, and I'm a lot saner than you are if you are incapable of making these connections on your own.

It's not like corporate entities would want to direct public opinion of themselves and curtail any cogent negative criticism. No, no, that's basically the same as suggesting that the moon is made out of cheese and that the president is the antichrist. You're so right, much righter than me. You're so smart, and you're so right! You're just so intelligent and I'm out of my league. Maybe if I go over to /r/conspiratard and figure out how to post "lol! dese guyz tink major korperations of da werld arent serving der best interestz! hahaha fukken idiots! haha!" I can get on your level.

If only I could be as smart as you I might be able to go around reddit in teams calling anyone who disagrees with me crazy while not being able to direct any of my anger at their post because I'm not actually intellectually capable of opposing what they say, only calling them crazy for stating plain rational facts and ideas. Welcome to your life. Who is the crazy one, son? What an embarrassment to humanity you are. The reason I think you and your group work for Monsanto is because no one is dumb enough to do that on their own time ..but you're telling me that you are..


I don't care about you, I don't care who you really are, what I do care about and find interesting is that the only post I have ever had a brigade of ad hominem attackers spamming my inbox from is a post about Monsanto. Ever. In years of redditing, that's it. Not even a very popular thread, and a post without any real inclusion of the "theory" part of "conspiracy theory". This is what I find interesting.

I know you are from /r/conspiratard because one of your friends saw that I was actually a lot more intelligent than all of you, that you were behaving in exactly the way you believe /r/conspiracy posters behave, and informed me that that's where all of you came from. It stopped when my grammatical error(which wasn't a grammatical error, it was a 5-word example of the use of hyperbole as a rhetorical device clarified in the next sentence with factual information) was cleared up and none of you children could make yourself feel intelligent by talking to me.

All of you from /r/conspiratard vastly overestimate your own importance by PMing me, have some serious issues with self-aggrandizing, are overly emotional, don't use their brains thoroughly enough, and are easily tricked/toyed with and trolled. You're one of them, stop messaging me. What kind of disgusting little fuck doesn't have better things to do than harass someone who says Monsanto isn't the new Christ.

You are the only people who would ever PM me this way or stalk my posts in groups, you're fucking weirdos or you're paid to do what you are doing - one is the rational conclusion, the other requires you and your group to be severely unstable individuals acting in concert, and you should stop harassing me. You kids are the only people who do this shit, and you're pretty fucking crazy and lack in reason.

"it actually makes me feel quite bad for you" ..how do you think I feel about you?

No one really knows why stuff goes viral, or why some posts on Reddit hit the front page and others don't. It isn't an exact science. What you've done however, is attribute this to some giant conspiracy.. which is fucking hilarious.

But I'm going back to my original point, because you don't have a leg to stand on there. I want to show you as the crackpot you are for calling me a Monsanto shill. But apparently you don't care enough to say either way anymore, even though you were SURE I worked for Monsanto earlier. Why has your tune changed? Is it because you might have been wrong about me?

You're more intelligent than all of us, but are unable to prove that I AM a Monsanto shill? Seems legit..

I'm not PMing you. I'm replying to you in the thread. PM stands for 'private message' - something I have not sent you.

If it's the only rational conclusion that I'm a paid shill for Monsanto, then how come my internet footprint says otherwise? Do you really think I've spent the last fifteen years on the internet creating a false identity just so I can eventually corner 'thereisnosuchthing' about their Monsanto conspiracy? Yeah, because that's logical and makes perfect sense.

So again, please provide proof that I work for Monsanto. Really, I want to see it.


YES, I am INFINITELY more intelligent than all of you, deal with it. All that is subtracting from that is the fact that I am even still talking to you. You need to go and reread my what I wrote to you, because for one, I didn't "ask you to join in /r/conspiracy", and two, I didn't say you "are" a Monsanto shill, and we are long past that presumption now.

Please provide proof that you've actually read the post you were replying to before you hit reply by addressing what is actually written in it and the ideas actually conveyed in it which you do not seem to fully grasp right now. Go back and reread it all!

I'm still talking to you because you haven't answered my original questions (and i'm having fun, as are all the people at my work, reading your responses).

Why do you think i am on the Monsanto payroll?

If i'm on their payroll, then please explain why my 15 year internet footprint disagrees with this.

You've called me a paid shill in almost every one of your responses!! How can you not remember this? You wrote them yourself!

Infinitely more intelligent you say? Intelligent enough to mistake a PM for a reply... lol.

You are so fucking stupid dude, here, go and reread the posts that you are replying to. This isn't /r/explainittomelikeimfive.

If you are unable to read through and understand them, then you do not meet the intelligence requirement necessary to participate in this discussion(as low a bar as that is, having been set by you and your friends). If you are seriously unable to grasp the concepts being typed out there, in those posts, and you still think that I am accusing you of being a paid shill employed by the Monsanto corporation, then you must be below average intelligence and I don't believe that you could possible have a job that allows you access to a computer or the internet, so it looks like I just caught you in a lie.

How embarrassing it would be though, for me for you, if you were really reading stuff like this aloud to coworkers. You must be the loser at work that everyone kind of tolerates but nobody really respects. Go back and reread the posts that you are trying to reply to.

Yes, I am infinitely more intelligent than you. I know that you think you are the only person on reddit and quite possibly the only person the world aside from me, but there are others in existence too who have been PMing me along the same lines of your posts ("you're crazy Monsanto doesn't have a public relations department thereisnosuchthing hahaha rofl you're delusional major corporations don't use the internet to influence public opinion or inject themselves into debate where ever they might see their company name on the largest social media site on the planet after facebook and we all know that Monsanto has nothing but great ideas and you're so dumb for thinking Monsanto would do anything bad ever ever loL!"), so I'm not keeping track of your names.

You are delusional and you need to take stock of and deal with reality. You are no longer warranting my time and this discussion is an idiot trying to find a way to enjoy intellectual discussions that he isn't able to be a part of because right inference and correct reasoning isn't something you're capable of. Deal with it. It's "fun" because you don't really understand it, but you do "get" bandwagon following and mindless dittos, which is all /r/conspiratard is. At least /r/conspiracy tries.

And yet here you are, still replying to me.

Oh how your tune has changed. You've gone from "ZOMG CORPORATE SHILL, DISINFORMATION, MIND CONTROL" to "I never said you were on the Monsanto payroll. That's pretty funny considering the proof is only a couple of posts back (unless you edit it of course).

I'm not reading these aloud to the office. I'm copying the text and emailing my team. It's been a source of much amusement this morning.

I also like, how every time I reply, your response becomes less and less intelligible, as though the rational part of your brain is trying to peek through the fog of delusion, only to be stymied at the last moment, enabling you to parrot the same things I said to you a few paragraphs back as your own original content. Come on dude, get some originality.

You still haven't answered my original question either.

Why do you think I am on the Monsanto payroll? Just because I disagreed with your earlier premise does not constitute proof. It just means I disagree with you.

This shouldn't be difficult for an infinitely intelligent being, especially since you're also infinitely more intelligent that Stephen Hawking and Einstein combined. :)

I'm sure everyone you're emailing these things to is kind of weirded out by you. You can't make simple connections it seems(like when someone uses the word shill as "group of people associated with one another all coming together in support of a corporate entity named Monsanto" - which all of you did - in my naive hope that you weren't actually that stupid as individuals, and that weird to be doing that on your own free time, I hoped you were being paid to do so, and it is a perfectly rational assumption as that is what fortune multinational corporations do, pay people to shape discussion about them whenever possible, and if that is not possible then attack and attempt to discredit anyone speaking out against them using meaningless and petty tactics that only work on the dumbest of the dumb), and even though every single item in every single one of your posts has been shut down by the intellectual behemoth currently trolling and educating you, you're still pretending otherwise.

Deal with it. I'm a lot smarter than you. Go back and reread the posts you are mis-replying to. ALL of your "questions" have been answered, and you have been educated, only it's not making it's way through your skull. Now you're pretending to have a team, LOL. Einstein and Steven Hawking? Maybe not. You? Yep. I'm the one having fun; you're the one trying to prove something and "win" an "argument" and make a "point" that's been over and had the wind taken quickly out of it's sails for the past 3 or 4 posts in this comments thread.


You just posted this, and then you deleted it:

"You ARE the one being shown up, you're just oblivious to it because your ignorance shields you from the truth of any situation, and I've answered your original question over and over again in multiple simple ways."

I then answered with this:

Me? Shown up? At least i know what infinite means, can answer direct questions and don't get confused by the difference between a PM and a reply.

You've still not answered why you think i'm on the Monsanto payroll.

You seriously ARE this stupid. I have repeatedly made it clear that I don't think you're on the Monsanto payroll since finding out you're a group from /r/conspiratard supporting the Monsanto corporation, rather than being employed by them.

Repeatedly. As in, over and over again. I thought you were reverse trolling me and that maybe there was hope for you, but there isn't and you weren't, you're seriously trying to argue with me by saying over and over again "I demand you give me proof I'm on the Monsanto payroll!", as I repeatedly explain that that's not what I think, why and how I draw the conclusions that I do, my reasoning, and why I am more rational than you, and more intelligent than you are, and you need to deal with that.

Nobody there supports monsanto in the ways you are describing. You're just paranoid. How would downvoting do anything when somebody can just reveal the comment by clicking it?

You're the most ridiculous poster I've ever responded to and you should be ashamed of yourself. I guess you haven't actually read the comments threads, and I don't really care. What you are trying to argue is irrelevant and nonsensical. What is happening is a group of people coming to a thread about Monsanto and shilling all together against cogent criticism of Monsanto, while avoiding rational discussion, avoiding responding to anything actually written, and unable to do anything much but latch onto any perceived(though wrongly, in an unsurprising turn of events) grammatical errors to create a 20-comments long thread with a group of retards following it's every post.

You guys are the most pathetic group of redditors in existence, and you fit all of the stereotypes you think you're mocking ..only no one behaves that way but you! Funny how that works out, isn't it?

I like how you keep placing emphasis on 'intelligence' like it's a trading card. In fact, intellect has nothing to do with conspiracy proponents because I know a couple of highly intelligent people who also happen to believe in the chemtrail bullshit. It's cognitive dissonance at play here, not intellect.

And yes, you accused me several times of being on the Monsanto payroll. I like how you've tried to back out of that one. Most amusing.

Throughout this tiresome exchange, you've repeatedly made assumptions about me, my character and who I work for. I've not done any of that with you. I've merely called you on your bullshit.

It's pretty telling when someone doesn't have any facts on their side that they'd resort to assumptions, fallacious arguments, name-calling and mental gymnastics to try to 'prove a point'..

I have nonstop facts and you have none.

Monsanto spreads seeds of love. Monsanto spreads seeds of loving nutrition. You love Monsanto. You really really do.

because although people showed up, not enough did. and we need to be there everyday. for up to a year. That's how the Vietnam war and the Iran regime were turned around.

That way it would be far too absurd to ignore. But a one day march can easily be taken care of with a well funded media blackout.

Yeah, a small minority of Americans protesting is what ended the Vietnam war, not the half a million communist fighters and almost two decades.

i dont think you know what you're talking abouy

There's probably a lot of hush money to be made. Or it's the whole we own Blackwater thing.

Wake up. Because the people who own the media are also in the pockets of MONSANTO.

And thats where you lose people.

That's where I don't care. Nice response though.

Just kidding. I think most people, saving you and your friends, have the intelligence level necessary to interpret the use of a metaphor. Nice attempt at juvenile/childish/crazy belittling with no substantive input though. Maybe some day your brain will become more functional and you can join us here in /r/conspiracy as more than just a fly buzzing around a pile of shit(anything including the name "Monsanto") contributing nothing but an annoying buzzing noise and shit-larvae droppings.

I think its because the coverage was disproportionate to the mass (yes, the weight - like that song The Band sang) of the protests that organized itself so seamlessly and effortlessly across 50+ countries to resist what is nothing less than a textbook example of corporate cronyism, regulatory capture and the obvious and expected outpour of apathy from the majority of the western world in response.

You know there very well, highly likely, could be a time when these laws are no longer in public, similar to some of the laws we hear whispers about from whistleblowers (endangered species) and even the secret interpretations the govt holds close to their chest for many of the laws that are public.

So how are we going to spend out time, arguing over semantics and swapping links or can we please return the slap to the face given to every american by monsanto in the name of greed and profit and all at the expense of the whole fucking planet.

(Blah blah they aren't killing the planet, or they are, it doesn't matter because it is getting killed and that's the REAL issue at stake)

so Monsanto shill #1 calls in Monsanto shill #2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 to respond to me in this relatively small and unknown thread on the /r/conspiracy subreddit, huh?

as well as finding a way to get a small comments thread -57 downvotes in the scope of a single night.

thanks for showing us who you and your friends are.

Metaphor is a type of analogy and is closely related to other rhetorical figures of speech that achieve their effects via association, comparison or resemblance including allegory, hyperbole, and simile.

Now reread that definition.

"genetically modifying seeds to genetically modify you" - meaning, it doesn't have to be a literal rhetorical object. I go on directly after that sentence to explain that it is hyperbole meant to imply genetically altered foods that alter your body(which they do) and alter a private entity's control over the plant process on planet earth. Hyperbole is the use of exaggeration as a rhetorical device or figure of speech, if you didn't know.

Funny how Monsanto shills are working overtime to shut down negative press online - no other group with worldwide protests against them has people in /r/conspiracy on the largest social news aggregator in the world to shut down debate and call in 5-10 others to make one-line negative (but unsubstantial and petty) posts in response to anyone calling them out. You jumped on a completely meaningless part of my post to try and remove credibility from it, and all you did was show everyone that there is a monsantho shill train that can be called overnight to add 10 comments to a relatively dead and unimportant thread (but it's real important to the peple being paid to monitor it!) and dump 50-100 downvotes(until a comment is hidden) in threads that don't even have that many commenters.

I don't care about you, I don't care who you really are, what I do care about and find interesting is that the only post I have ever had a brigade of ad hominem attackers spamming my inbox from is a post about Monsanto. Ever. In years of redditing, that's it. Not even a very popular thread, and a post without any real inclusion of the "theory" part of "conspiracy theory". This is what I find interesting.

I know you are from /r/conspiratard because one of your friends saw that I was actually a lot more intelligent than all of you, that you were behaving in exactly the way you believe /r/conspiracy posters behave, and informed me that that's where all of you came from. It stopped when my grammatical error(which wasn't a grammatical error, it was a 5-word example of the use of hyperbole as a rhetorical device clarified in the next sentence with factual information) was cleared up and none of you children could make yourself feel intelligent by talking to me.

All of you from /r/conspiratard vastly overestimate your own importance by PMing me, have some serious issues with self-aggrandizing, are overly emotional, don't use their brains thoroughly enough, and are easily tricked/toyed with and trolled. You're one of them, stop messaging me. What kind of disgusting little fuck doesn't have better things to do than harass someone who says Monsanto isn't the new Christ.

You are the only people who would ever PM me this way or stalk my posts in groups, you're fucking weirdos or you're paid to do what you are doing - one is the rational conclusion, the other requires you and your group to be severely unstable individuals acting in concert, and you should stop harassing me. You kids are the only people who do this shit, and you're pretty fucking crazy and lack in reason.

"it actually makes me feel quite bad for you" ..how do you think I feel about you?

No one really knows why stuff goes viral, or why some posts on Reddit hit the front page and others don't. It isn't an exact science. What you've done however, is attribute this to some giant conspiracy.. which is fucking hilarious.

But I'm going back to my original point, because you don't have a leg to stand on there. I want to show you as the crackpot you are for calling me a Monsanto shill. But apparently you don't care enough to say either way anymore, even though you were SURE I worked for Monsanto earlier. Why has your tune changed? Is it because you might have been wrong about me?

You're more intelligent than all of us, but are unable to prove that I AM a Monsanto shill? Seems legit..

I'm not PMing you. I'm replying to you in the thread. PM stands for 'private message' - something I have not sent you.

If it's the only rational conclusion that I'm a paid shill for Monsanto, then how come my internet footprint says otherwise? Do you really think I've spent the last fifteen years on the internet creating a false identity just so I can eventually corner 'thereisnosuchthing' about their Monsanto conspiracy? Yeah, because that's logical and makes perfect sense.

So again, please provide proof that I work for Monsanto. Really, I want to see it.

I'm still talking to you because you haven't answered my original questions (and i'm having fun, as are all the people at my work, reading your responses).

Why do you think i am on the Monsanto payroll?

If i'm on their payroll, then please explain why my 15 year internet footprint disagrees with this.

You've called me a paid shill in almost every one of your responses!! How can you not remember this? You wrote them yourself!

Infinitely more intelligent you say? Intelligent enough to mistake a PM for a reply... lol.