For The Sake of Argument. Lets Say Chemtrails Do Exist.

12  2013-05-28 by [deleted]

From a friends facebook:

Let's say, for the sake of argument, that chemtrails actually exist. Here's what I don't get: why are conspiracy theorists just sitting around and moaning and bitching about it? The thing is, if you know what you're doing, you could almost overnight get to the bottom of the plot. For example, using a DIY spectrograph, you could determine what was being dropped; you could also write an app for people to record chemtrail sightings, their time and location. From that, you could probably determine who was in on the plot by whether or not they consistently were out of the region being dropped with chemicals. If you really believe that these are chemtrails, a determined conspiracy theorist could completely unmask the plot with real evidence fairly easily. But of course you won't, because you either don't really believe your own conspiracy theory, are afraid of it being falsified or prefer just bitching about something you can't even prove exists.


Just google "chemtrail air and rainwater lab test". Hundreds have been done out of the "conspiracy theorist's" own pocket to pay for accredited lab tests.

I like this.

If you can point at any besides the mt. shasta soil tests and the phoenix air quality tests(both of which have been conclusively proven flawed), I'd be amazed.

Already been done. Barium and aluminum-oxide are almost always present in samples collected from purported chemtrails.

Again, echo chamber links.

You are nuts. The evidence has been collected and presented to government people who refuse to listen.

This one is the best

Another good one

Those are all echo chamber links and thus irrelevant. Especially since they are all youtubes. Who brings youtube videos to a debate?

I own dvd copies of the last two. They happen to be available for free viewing on youtube.

He's asking for scientific studies with visible sources.

Thank you. A good independent study conducted by a disinterested 3rd party who does not care either way.

The last two have also been completely torn apart by people who actually know what the hell they're talking about. MJM has a financial motive to create movies that are convincing, not factual.

Total bullshit. They are award winning documentaries.

LOL. The only awards they've won(2) are awards given to other conspiracy "documentaries". Seriously, google "what in the world are they spraying debunked"

I have. What a load of crap. It is meant to pacify gullible people who desperately want to believe the government.

That's completely silly. If you read the debunkings with an open mind you see the claims made in WITWATS really hold no, at all. It has nothing to do with "desperately wanting to believe the government", instead with being rational about the claim that the long white trails in the sky are actually poison being sprayed on us by the gubberment.

A study was done a few years ago to correlate sightings of contrails with meteorological data. A team of spotters was recruited across the US who provided daily reports of trails in their area – length, duration, frequency etc. This information was sealed until weather data for each location could be downloaded and analysed, then a team predicted what they thought the likelihood of contrails would be for each location based on factors like temperature and humidity. They were all able to predict with almost complete accuracy when extended contrails would cover the sky, and when there would be none. The truth is, there is a simple scientific explanation for every phenomena in the sky. No conspiracy needed.

Word, thank you. Seems like a reasonable response. Can you provide a citation?

Here's a survey being done in the UK:

Seems like it proves that contrails can do everything that chemtrailers say they cant.

Seems I'm erring towards the contrails.


Also during periods of history such as this there is also a general mistrust of "official" channels, weather they are objectively accurate or not. A cultural contrarianism if you will.

it's the geoengineering debate. There are plenty of health and safety issues here.

Of course there is such a thing as chemtrails. Of course contrails are often mistaken for chemtrails. Of course spraying barium and aluminum and aerosols into the stratosphere should be up to public scrutiny. Of course nobody is going to want to admit this is going on. There are proven consequences (with vocanoes as the tests).

Companies involved in geoengineering are going to make a LOT of money. This is a very real argument that needs to be had.

Indeed. I for one can't wait for green deserts and all pollution minimized.

i don't think solar management mitigates pollution... Especially not when you are talking about spraying aerosols and heavy metals in the stratosphere.

To be honest I have always had Chemtrails on my back burner only because it wasn't in my usual wheel house of subjects I explore.

This just made a blip on my radar, my eye wanders.

Thank you for all the information everyone.

Right on. I find the subject interesting though I err on the side of skepticism only because I understand that the general public asserts things and usually get it wrong. Being that I have a background in aviation and understanding how jet engines work, and the content of JP-8 (standard grade jet fuel) I find myself mired in aspects of this subject which I know definitely are either true or false, but other ones, I just don't know, hence why I am here. Plus it's fun.

Here is a counter question:

Let's say, for the sake of argument, that they were NOT deliberately spraying heavy metals into the atmosphere. Here's what I don't get: if they DID decide to take the world's vote and go ahead and begin spraying heavy metals to in the atmosphere to "stop global warming" would it look any different than how the skies look today? (It would look NO different)

Would there be ANY scientific reason to put heavy metals into the atmosphere? Even a child could think of more than one, how many reasons could a scientist come up with? (Possibly more than a child)

Has the military performed classified projects in the past? (Yes)

Do they need your permission to perform experiments on the weather? (No)

Have people tried to influence the weather since the beginning of time? (YES)

Im all about GeoEngineering.

Some of us aren't

I know, thats why I only speak for myself. GeoEngineering is extremely promising provided it's done safely.

We live on a water planet, with vast expanses of desert. I was this planet green.

Don't you think the people should be given a chance to vote on this? isn't it our right to choose whether or not we want geoengineering?

Yes. Unless of course (and this is not the case by the way) we were headed towards catastrophe and the populace was too stupid to know what was good for them and the act of geoengineering saves their ignant asses.

I say it's time that people start talking about it out in the open.

Indeed. I for one can't wait for green deserts and all pollution minimized.

He's asking for scientific studies with visible sources.

The last two have also been completely torn apart by people who actually know what the hell they're talking about. MJM has a financial motive to create movies that are convincing, not factual.

i don't think solar management mitigates pollution... Especially not when you are talking about spraying aerosols and heavy metals in the stratosphere.