Is anyone watching this PBS special about the Boston bombing?

2  2013-05-30 by [deleted]

What are your thoughts?

As I am watching this, now 21 minutes into the show, my first thought stimulated by this program, "Great, now PBS has become a mouthpiece for the current administration."

I know I'm not the only one thinking this.

There is an upside, I suppose. Once our viewing leisure time is reduced to 9th grade level film-strips (yeah, that old), all we will see and-or be exposed to for, "entertainment" is red-pill antidote. Back to the "upside"; at least PBS we will still have Nature and Antiques Road Show. But "they" will probably find a way to have a hand in those shows as well.

I need another red-pill, now! Please, Citizen.


I am working on my Masters in Anthropology and I can tell you without a doubt that "race", as you think you understand it, is a completely artificial construct. I am "white" and I assume you are too. It's possible that I share more genetic material with a native Zimbabwean than I do with you. It's just exposure to a particular environment that dictates pigmentation and other adaptive physical characteristics that you associate with a "race".

The point of what he is saying is that "race" is just word play and that we are all evolving all the time. So, if you move to Africa and have offspring, chances are after enough generations they will be black and look like native Africans by all accounts. Same goes for dog breeds. It's all selection to the environment. OP's ancestors are black. Same goes for all of us. You fucking retards.

The point of what he is saying is that race does exist, even if you want to eschew the use of that word in lieu of something like 'continental sub-populations'. Besides, as an anthropology student you already know that Indo-European and Eurasian peoples benefit from an introgression of DNA from Neanderthals and other now extinct hominid species. Moreover, blacks (or sub-saharan Africans) do not possess these genes. That is but one of the many reasons why race is real and relevant.

Those conducting his brainwashing, they are doing a bang-up job, I must say.

Good goy.

They made Reddit appear like a site full of overzealous, juvenile racists. Wow.

You seem to be implying that there is something wrong with being racist. Guess what, there isn't. And one only feels guilty for wanting separation of races, because we are taught from day one, that only THE most evil of men in history, wanted their race to survive.

Racism isn't hate.

Racism preservation.

Racism is pride.

Racism is what you're told racism is, and should be.

Racism, just as with Nationalism, as you are told, taught, and made to believe; to believe that these are antiquated ideologies, movements, and states of mind.

They aren't, and people need to begin uniting, and separating themselves from those, not of their mold, and a less than equal cast.

'...people need to begin uniting, and separating...

Wtf are you rambling about? Ah, you must be one of those overzealous, juvenile racist types... But what about the human race?

You were right about one thing though. Racism isn't hate, it's ignorance. Same with nationalism. The fact that these are such antiquated ideologies makes it worse that some of us still adhere to them. In this day and technological age, such 'isms' should be going extinct...

"[R]ambling", right.

With your invocation of absolutist doctrine that there is only, one "human race", I am inclined to believe that you have not researched anything regarding the matter, of your own volition.

It's either that, or you're a minority (racially or otherwise), and you honestly believe everything you have been feed with the, "you're so special and important" spoon.

'...people need to begin uniting, and separating...

That's pretty straight forward. Please, inform me as to which of your learning disabilities is precluding you from understanding what I have said; simply for future reference.

So, here, I'll dumb it down:

What is it that I would like to see to, "unite"? Race. Race coupled with ideology(ies). Subsequent separation(s) would then be delineated based on like ideologies.

What is it that I would like to see separated? Races.

Is this simple enough for you to now understand?

Please, enlighten me, as you seem to be an authority on the matter, what is so, "ignorant", and "antiquated", about one wanting to be with a the same of kind, and like of mind.

I don't need sources. I don't want anecdotes. I just want a well reasoned argument as to why, separation(s), as I have outlined them, are bad.

Also, just think about this: you believe me to be an absolutist, which I am not, and it clearly evidenced with what I have said. Yet, you have bought, hook, line, and race-baited sinker, everything you have been told is truth about upright walking apes, and human beings.

I feel sorry for you.

And? What does that even mean?

You're wasting an emotion, so, now what? That's your issue, not mine. And, you're wasting your energies on someone who has actually put time and effort into examining such matters. Don't feel sorry for me, as I will not pity you.

My simple wish: get curious, remain curious, make others want to follow suit.

You need to smoke some weed.

I am high as fuck. I really have no idea what that has to do anything Are you suggesting it makes one passive, accepting, docile... liberal?

Weed, as you put it, only serves to reenforce my beliefs. Once you have abandoned acceptance and tolerance, your world becomes bigger, grander, and more amazing than you could ever know.

I think you need to really relax and take a long introspective look at how ridiculous you sound.

Maybe shrooms could help...? Really though, I think he just needs to prune some people off his friends list and diversify a little.

The guy is obviously lonely. Who invests the time and effort to convince people of your idea in such an inefficient way, and by inefficient I mean lashing out at people with vehement hate and distrust.

He could be seriously suffering from depression, we should be nice to him honestly... I genuinely feel sorry for him, that isn't normal behavior.

I have an asshole, you have an asshole. We both have elbows and knees. Would you care to get together and compare? They are the same, yet different, in every possible way. I am relaxed. I am at peace.

Sure doesn't seem like it, ranting and raving like a lunatic on the internet. You should go outside.

I am outside, it's a lovely, lovely night.

That is the most logical thing I have read. Thank you for sharing the state of which your night is in. And I concur, it is lovely.

Yes, most of us have assholes. The human genome sees to it. The functional differences between the different races of humanity are quite small. The differences we carry in our heads, however, are quite huge. This is why I feel that racial stereotyping is useless, but cultural stereotyping is legitimate and illuminating.

I believe in the racial ethos of Star Trek. It doesn't matter that Uhura is black, because she is on deck and on point and a smart officer. It doesn't matter that Chekov is a scrawny Slav, because he is a good helmsman. Culture, not race, predicts individual success.

I would rather team up with people who share my goals and ambitions than people who happen to share my skin tone.

What a sad, small person you must be. I too feel sorry for you!

Oh I understood full well what you meant by 'unite, and separate', and there's no need to dumb it down, it's quite dumb already.

Enlightening you would be a task I doubtfully have the patience for, but, to answer your question... The ignorance is the arbitrary superficiality (thinking skin color can tell you everything you need to know about a man), and 'antiquated' just means something has been around for a really long time, perhaps too long. We are all the same 'kind', humankind, regardless of race, creed, religion, or any other label used to compartmentalize people.

As to the problem with separating the races... Segregation promotes prejudice, which is the perpetuating factor behind racism. Children growing up in all white, or all black, forcefully segregated communities will grow up with an innate fear of other races. How is that good?

Btw, what is there about any given race to be so proud of? How much of an accomplishment is it to be born anyway?

Separate the races? Did some non-white bang your wife or something?. It's 2013 man, try to keep up. I didn't know someone could be so smug and ignorant at the same time.

Correction, racism is ignorance. Pure ignorance. Maybe add stupidity to that. The day someone finds a logical and intelligent reason that we should treat people of different races any differently whatsoever, tell me. BUt I don't think that will be happening for a LONG time.

cue "The Bell Curve" zealots.

Dude, I'm not sure if you're actually serious or you're just being satirical by adopting each adjective I listed.

"[E]ach adjective"? So, please, tell me how many adjectives do you believe you have used?

Put your CCAF to some use, and learn how to dictionary, faggot.

How stupid are the redditor's that bend your troll-shill ways? I'm smarter than you, I promise.

Gona hafta tri hardr.

Yeah, you're so fucking smart. Smart enough to think your race is superior to all others.

Superior, I never used that word, not once. Good job, super-sleuth.

You don't even know what racism means. You are the one that has bought into bullshit.

Soild, soild debate.

I never even used the word solid, solid, or debate. You're not only dumb, but dumb as fuck.

rac·ism [rey-siz-uhm] the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.

Go back to your hole worm.

That isn't an insult, by the way. Thanks, though.

Go take a "shower".

Hurr... book published and edited by Jews, it contains unbiased, and un-compromised facts and truffffz. Durr.

Go back to my, "hole worm"? Okay, well... I would, if only I knew what that could be. Is it from where you hook-noses crawl out from the sulfer pits?

I am familiar with a worm-hole, but something tells me you're attempting to sling an insult of sorts at me. I'll let you know if one proves effective.


unintelligible |ˌəninˈteləjəbəl| adjective impossible to understand: dolphin sounds are unintelligible to humans.

So, you're telling me that you're stupider than a dolphin; good to know.

Thanks for wasting more of my time.

I didn't make you do anything, you did it yourself. Blame no one but you. Typical liberal faggotry, blame everyone, and everything, but yourself.

Have fun ruining the lives of others, just so you think you can "make something" of yourself, faggot.



get it straigt. Sheesh.

book published and edited by Jews



Okay, Little Tin Hat. Very verbose. You are the big man on campus. Thumbs up.

"Verbose". Nice.

Wh[y] the fuck do you keep putt[ing] random [p]arts of words in square brackets[?]

They are not random. Take an advanced writing course, you may learn how to English.

Bro [y]ou must be ser[i]ously tough an enlightened.

You're the one taking me seriously.

One day you will look back on this and laugh... And if you never do, I hope the world can forgive and forget your existence for the good of mankind. Please don't breed for our sake.

On a sub dedicated to conspiracy, doesn't "believe" in conspiracies.

haha... christ.

God isn't here, PRIEST!

Why is hating other people for the color of their skin good?

Race, it isn's only about color of skin. If that's what I wanted, and wanted to say, I would have said just that.

Race is more than that, far more.

Imma rephrase that: Why is hating other races good?

Then what is race if not more than a different skin color?

Everything on PBS is propaganda, including Nature and Antiques Road Show, even the kids shows feature social and political agendas relevant to bringing about the NWO. Most of the shows are big money foundation funded.

How is Antiques Road Show propaganda, I would like to hear that explanation.

PBS is government funded.

Antiques Road Show is on PBS.

Connect the dots! It's obvious.

How did I not see it. Duh Doy.

You get it.


I am outside, it's a lovely, lovely night.