What it means to have a privately owned Federal Reserve and a monetary system based on debt.

28  2013-06-02 by Three_Letter_Agency

Check out this Global Debt Clock over at The Economist. Apparently, the world is 50 trillion dollars in debt.

Who owns all this debt? I will provide some context before an answer.

Who Runs the Federal Reserve

(ex)Congressmen, Dennis Kucinich, once claimed that "The Federal Reserve is no more federal than the Federal Express". How true is this claim? The 'Skeptic' and 'Debunker' communities will admit to the Fed being privately owned, but point to the fact that policy is partially governed by the Federally-appointed Board of Governors as evidence that it operates in the interest of the American people. The actual policy setting committee is the Federal Open Market Committee, which consists of the 7 members of the Board of Governors and 5 Federal Reserve Bank presidents (The other 7 Federal Reserve presidents attend meetings and participate in discussions but do not vote). It is important to note that the President is required by law, as per section 10 of the Federal Reserve Charter, to "have due regard to a fair representation of the financial, agricultural, industrial, and commercial interests... of the country" in his Governor appointments (And I want to emphasize, these are appointed officials, not elected officials. Not one person involved in monetary policy is elected by the people). Once appointed, Governors are entirely independent and cannot be removed due to their policies. The FMOC meets 8 times a year and its minutes are secret. At these meetings they must come to a consensus on policy, and their decision is only meant to "provide guidance to the Manager in the conduct of day-to-day open market operations", where 'manager' refers to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. source. Beyond these 8 meetings a year which set guidelines, the 12 Federal Reserve banks operate independently and are owned privately.

To fully understand the implications of Federal Reserve ownership we need to understand how the monetary system works.

How The Monetary System Works

The Federal Reserve can print money out of thin air, simply by an OK from Congress, with no tangible assets backing it.

This money ends up in the accounts of big banks, either through loans, or the buying of bonds and securities. Then through fractional reserve banking, these banks are able to reap massive profits off of loaning this money out repeatedly and only keeping 10% in their reserves at any given time.

The "big deal" here is that there will ALWAYS be more debt than there is money. We have a whole political party dedicated to paying off the national debt. Such a proposal is an impossibility! If the debt is all payed off, there will be no more money! Every single 'Federal Reserve' note in circulation is owed back to our central bank, at interest.

This is not just a United States system, nearly every country in the world have a privately owned central bank. The very top of the pyramid we find the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and the International Bank of Settlements

Why This is All Important

There are two types of people in this world, those who have debt, and those who own it. The former have has this type of power for centuries. Names like Rockafeller, and Rothschild. We have all read about them in the history books but have all but disappeared from contemporary news. Most people have just assumed that they have lost their wealth and influence. For example, the wikipedia page of the Rothschilds state that "The family's wealth is believed to have subsequently declined, as it was divided amongst hundreds of descendants." NOTHING could be further from the truth. They have been consolidating power this entire time, and continue to do so with periods of economic recession and depression, whereby they reap the assets of those who cannot pay their debt. We naively refer to this as the 'business cycle'. They have enough influence to keep themselves from the public eye, enough influence to obfuscate and hide the predatory nature of their institutions from EVERYONE, starting with their control of the media. THESE are the people who own the federal reserve, and every other private central bank in the world.

They are our 'owners'. 'The Powers That Be'. I am currently working on writing the "Peoples History of the CIA", and the history of the CIA is one covert military operation to protect the interests of global corporate power after another. They are working for the Federal Reserve, more aptly, the people that own the Federal Reserve.

What it means to have a monetary system based on debt, is a social hierarchy where the top level OWNS everyone below them, in a very literal sense. A ruling global elite who have their hands not only in the monetary system, but in the media, in academia, in the military-industrial complex, the education system. They are the invisible hand that is guiding world events to divide and conquer, to produce a dumb and complacent populace that allows them to live high and mighty off of earths natural resources.

These are the people who own the 50 trillion in global debt, as all of it can be traced back to a privately owned central bank

Thats all I have on the subject now, thanks for reading.


you are free: free to wake up when the alarm goes off, free to go to work, free to pay your taxes, free to pay your mortgage, free to pay your bills, free to watch t.v., free to drink to forget.