A Few News Stories that CNN.com Seems To Think Are More Important Than The Protests In Turkey

34  2013-06-03 by [deleted]

All these headlines are featured before any mention of the Riots/Protests in Turkey on CNN.com as of this Sunday evening... I just thought it was quite telling (this is just a selection, it is not everything):

Smugglers drive grim trade in dog meat

GOP chief: Party ‘open for repairs’

Swimmer swept over Yosemite waterfall

Tree climbing bear shot near Boston

Family: Girl with failing lungs ‘left to die’

Bruno Mars’ mother dies of aneurysm

Pistorius family 'shaken’ by photo leak

Baptists leaving Scouts ‘en masse’

Ala. church askes Scouts to leave


Well, they obviously don't want us Americans getting any crazy ideas to do the same. If shit went down like that over here, the elites would be fucked. I'm sure Americans have a lot more guns than they do in Turkey.

Shit like that NEEDS to go down over here.

how/when does it happen? what will the tipping point be? Most americans are docile and enjoy their comfort, they dont want to risk anything, no matter how corrupt their government is.

And the system of oppression is designed to keep it that way. Always taking liberties in small increments, or after some horrific event that serves as a catalyst. They will never willingly give us a galvanizing circumstance that turns the bulk of the people against them. We will have to create it.

I do not recommend that you thoroughly research some entities and locations where GMOs are being grown and inserted into the food supply without being labeled, and I do not recommend that you burn them to the ground. Clearly, the disapproval of poorly tested, unlabeled GMOs by the overwhelming majority of the people is causing all kinds of labeling laws and stringent testing regulations to be ennacted. The proper legal channels for those changes are obviously working perfectly, and will continue to.

I also do not recommend thoroughly researching corporations and other entities known to be avoiding their share of the tax burden (apple) and using public welfare programs to avoid paying their employees a living wage (walmart), or causing numerous, documented environmental catasrophes and then avoiding the financial liability of cleanup by legal technicalities (exxon, BP), and then destroying the property of those entities while being very cautious not to harm innocent people in the process.

Things like that would, of course, be very illegal and wrong, and I do not condone them.

I do, however, recommend that you become organized with a small group of friends and family so that, in case of an emergency, you are all able to help provide each other with whatever you might need to survive. Know someone who likes to garden? Someone who's a gun fanatic? Someone who knows his or her way around an electrical outlet? Someone in construction? Someone with some remote land out in the country? Get together with those people and create an emergency plan, so that if shit hits the fan, you won't all be running around like chickens with your heads cut off until you run out of resources and die. Make sure that you all know what to do, what supplies you should quickly round up, and where to meet. If the internet and cell phone service goes out, don't wait around for word-of-mouth confirmation that something serious is happening. Put your plan into action. Rather laugh off your over-preparedness later than mourn the lack of it.

Keep an eye out for camping supplies at yard sales, store a few dozen canning jars and lids, try your hand at some simple gardening in your yard or window sill. Get a box of chipped or broken solar cells off of ebay for $5 and see if you can figure out how to make some small panels (it's about the simplest electrical work imaginable, and very cheap to learn. There are plenty of youtube videos detailing every step). Make sure you have an edible plant guide and some maps. Take a camping trip and work out the kinks of what other things you might want, balanced by how much you think you can carry. If a revolution happens, you don't want to be in cities.

And get this stuff going now. There are too many details involved in long-term survival off the grid to try and plan it out if/when the time comes.


the most docile people I've ever met are the Americans. Don't give me crap about the southerners and whatnot. Nobody would do anything.

Can people who post this stuff please start understanding that the news is only going to show what earns them money? The news isn't there to give news anymore, it's a business. All of us here know that you shouldn't be watching the main stream media, and we all know the types of stories that should be on there that aren't.

How about this; if you post here, stop going to main stream media sites, stop watching it on TV, and encourage other people to an alternative to pick up their information.

Or you could click "International" at the top of the page and see that Turkey is the top two stories of their international edition.

In fact you could just set the international edition as your default and not have to be bothered by as many nonsense stories.

US News is a leading indicator of our civil decline.

Possible better titles for this post:

A Few News Stories that CNN.com Seems To Think Will Have Higher Viewership Than The Protests In Turkey

Seems simple enough.

A Few News Stories that CNN.com Seems To Think Will Sell Better Than The Protests In Turkey

They are still a company after all.

A Few News Stories that CNN.com Seems To Think Are More Interesting Than The Protests In Turkey

Not everyone holds the same priorities as you.

A Few News Stories that CNN.com Seems To Think Are More Locally Relevant Than The Protests In Turkey

That's in Turkey. The ones you listed are all in the US (as far as I can tell, considering you didn't give any links to the stories. If I cared though I'd look them up.).

A Few News Stories that CNN.com Seems To Think Are More Out of the Ordinary Than The Protests In Turkey

Protests in the Middle East? Practically a daily occurrence by now. Religious turmoil over Scouting policy change? Doesn't happen very often.

A Few News Stories that CNN.com Knows From Pageview Data are More Popular Than The Protests In Turkey

I would imagine that some of the story sorting is automated based on popularity.

Just some things to think about.

Ah, you said it better than me. I wish I'd seen this comment first.

I every time I "stop by" CNN they are pimping their Jody Arias story or some other celebrity or crime story. They have become the national enquirer of news.

Oh I wish they would carry CNN International. Obviously they dont think much of their American viewers.

Alternative view. A lot of Americans simply don't care about it, so they're showing them other news items instead.

CNN: Jeff Zucker (President), Wolf Blitzer (AIPAC alumni), Dana Bash, Larry King (ex). Firing of Rick Sanchez, Firing of Octavia Nasr.

CNN is owned by Time Warner, whose largest shareholder and Goldman-Sachs' largest shareholder are the same guy. The same fk'ing Israeli – Aviv Nevo.

Its a network of Zionists, what else did you expect?