Understanding what to do: Planing

5  2013-06-03 by Zenof

Ok this is my 3rd time to call you all to plan, We need a mass effort if we are going to keep working to stop this before we are too deep. We might even be able to do something with THIS, I don't know

Things discussed in the first post: nothing


Communication: We need to lock down a good secure line of communication (backup purposes only) to turn to when/if they shut this down. We have a verity of options to choose from. Internet down: Ham / CB(?) / sat phones($) / cell phones(risky) / dump phones (could be costly? Time consuming, will need to hire ppl to help update phone number database) // Net up: onion (other website?) / here ^ Open to suggestions

Intel: gather, compile into a multi sited database (thinking onion) give (known?) people access ^ Taking suggestions

Structuring: Still up in air, no1113 said everyone lead / 1 head can be squashed many heads can thrive. I gave a equalizational answer "x% of x# people to be in "power" for x amount of time" ^ Open to suggestions

Lets talk. :)


Freedomcontroller.com is apparently the way to go if you have a Unix system.

How does that work? I am still in favor of something like http://nightweb.net/

That might be a good alternative, but only for Android users. I don't have an Android, so I am unsure of the scope that freedomcontroller is capable of on Android.

the author stated he wants to keep it modular. the bad thing about android is google on commercial devices; if you flash something there are "google-free" ports for that. then you could let a 3W peace run 24/7 and access by ssh or just when at home.

freedomcontroller uses lamp-stack. that is a no-go if it is crucial to have a database. the www is a prime example: GET and a simple server is enough and it works; bittorrent too. it is a protocol and you can have simple or complicated clients. and the protocol has a core and periphery. the lamp-thing is also hindering diaspora. I have to update flash, browsers, oflfice packets and p2p-tools. da horror when there is also lamp to update.

the core idea to spread social graph data via RSS is whats lacking on facebook (and almost every platform out there). if it works fine, friends could also just link to localcloud-URI/friendname/topical-tag/rss and I have only the tagged stuff in the feed and not their family fotos.

Thank you

They use CBs and other short wave radios in South Africa. I imagine that will be our only option when the time comes, here, as well. Unless of course we can figure out how telepathy and our unity consciousness works, anyways. Maybe we should all just get together in a public place and do a shitton of DMT, LSD, and shrooms.

word to that last bit

I'm probably like the worst conspiracy theorist ever. My solution for everything is just to do a bunch of psychedelic drugs and think about stuff. lol

I'm so thankful for all the truly friendly and intelligent people involved in these communities, working towards a better world; the people doing the hard research and risking their spirits and livelihoods. I hope that there is a place for me in said better world, when we finally overcome these obstacles.

The wonders of psychedelics are truly wonderful

You could be our chemist. LOL

I would just be happy tripping and experiencing this reality with you guys :] I'm definitely not smart enough to actually synthesize anything.. but I do grow some mean shrooms.

read "doors of perception" by Huxley. it would be right up your alley

Ahh, I love Huxley, I will definitely check this out this week :]

Been there, done those. But it's remembering the revelations (that make sense) and teaching them to those around you.

assume all communication is monitered. we need some sort of cipher.


so that would be for online communications via email? how secure is it? edit: this is the first time i have heard of it/read into it. i know,i know, im a scrub.

A security expert was quoted as saying "it would take over 2 human lifetimes to crack pgp encryption" he actually gave a larger number, but yea

Unless they aquire your key block (completely unguessible)

awesome. i also liked the ham radio idea, but like i said, we would have to assume its monitered. a cipher of morse code could be sufficient for radio communication. if you got other ideas, throw em out there

packet radio in industrial frequencies or infrared links. enough ideas? :D

there is no such thing as enough ideas

right, but in this area, the ideas have to work.

secure, but stupidly unsave. You blurt out
1. you say something you don't want to have public
2. you know how to encrypt
3. they know the social graph

At least if you are in a city or better, a town, there is the possibility of a enrypted mesh network. (and on top of thst, something like cjdns, freenet or direct vpn)

cjdns, at least until everything is bugged, that should do it.

What is the "this"that you are talking about?

click the link

My bad, didnt see it.

I guess I just don't understand what is going to happen. Will they just start attacking citizens or what?

its gonna be like whats happening in turkey, so take a good long look at the photos of police on civilian violence

I guess i'm still slightly confused. Would we not need the thousands of people taking to the streets first to make this happen?

there will need to be a catalyst of course. I am thinking that they are arming themselves for potential riots during an economic collapse. think cyprus.

That would def make sense. Especially if we stay on the same path we are currently on.

Exposure was a way to stop it, this is likely the last piece of exposure that has a chance of stopping it. After this it's too late to stop it from happening, but not from staying.

We need to inform more people. The masses need to be woken up

When "THIS" happens, communications are going to have to go low tech. We're going to have to rely on messengers. People to people if we want to fight this. Intel will be a crucial front though, so it will be the intel gatherers, and the dispersal teams relaying info to the streets. We will need PR teams, because the spin and burn against us will make OWS look like a visit from the pope. Structuring into teams with equal members keeps us dispersed enough to function continuously. Local teams may be shut down, but there are others. We will need a variety of teams on the streets. Literature, flash mobs, medic response, tactical. I know there will be so much more, but if this is groundwork, we need to start with the ground and know what kind of battle we will be fighting. Will we need shields? Will we need armor? Will we need signs and numbers? will we need a peaceful assembly, or civil disobedience?

Perhaps a meetup would be better than working out the details on a public forum, huh?

That would be ideal, except a missile would hit us / also we don't have but a few months left, earlier topics were communication and origination structuring. we haven't really said anything violent yet

I've got two words for you: ___________ ________. You think I'm jokin.

We need some...

I think they got their Schwarzenegger movies mixed up when naming them.

right, but in this area, the ideas have to work.