The JFK Assassination: Irrefutable Evidence, Who Wanted Him Dead, and Why

121  2013-06-04 by Three_Letter_Agency


In 1963, a little over 50% of Americans thought that there was a conspiracy on some level with the Kennedy assassination, that Oswald acted with others in the plot. By 2001, the number was 81%. Why have so many people questioned the events surrounding the death of one of our most beloved presidents?

If you can stomach it, take a good look at this stabilized version of the Zapruder Film. The shot that kills JFK is quite clear, an explosion is visible on the front right side of his head. Where do you think this shot came from? If you thought that the front right of the car would make the most sense, then your senses would agree with many of the witnesses that day. There was a grassy knoll located to the front right of the vehicle, a great place for a sniper to hide, as you can see from this Dealey Plaza diagram. The problem is that Lee Harvey Oswald was not located at the grassy knoll, but rather at the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository roughly 180 degrees behind Kennedy.

Over 200 witness testimonies were collected that day, November 22, 1963. This master list compiles 216 witnesses, of which 109 claimed to know the location of where the shots fired. Of these 109, 52 claimed to have heard or witnessed shots fired from the white picket fence upon the grassy knoll, and 48 claimed that they heard or witnessed shots fired from the Depository. 5 claimed to have heard shots from both, and 4 listed other areas. (You can crosscheck this list here, which hosts the transcripts of the witness testimony).

The official story from the FBI and the Warren Commission is that three total shots came from a window on the sixth floor, shot by Oswald. This statement is true, and there are plenty of witnesses who claimed to have seen or heard shots from this area. But based on witness testimony alone, not to mention the Zapruder film and dictabelt audio analysis, one would think that there had to have been a second shooter, who fired a fourth bullet that killed Kennedy.

I mentioned dictabelt audio evidence. In 1982, the National Academy of Sciences disputed audio evidence of a second gunman, originating from a microphone on a police motorcycle in the motorcade near Kennedy's vehicle, claiming that the dictabelt recording of four shots was actually random noise occurring minutes later. It is worth mentioning that the Chief Officer of Operations of the NAS at the time was ex-CIA director James Woolsely, who has been implicated in both the JFK assassination AND 9/11. Anyways, the assertion that the audio was irrelevant has since been debunked by a peer reviewed article in Science and Justice, a quarterly publication of Britain's Forensic Science Society, which revealed that the NAS ignored crucial parts of the dictabelt recording of a police officers conversation, showing that it did indeed line up directly with the assassination with a 96.3% statistical chance of certainty, proving a fourth shot from a second location.

There is a lot more equally flimsy 'debunking' of legitimate evidence of a conspiracy, as one would expect when there is no other recourse but to admit that the murder occurred. For example, the Zapruder film was proclaimed to be a hoax for a significant period of time, before the revelation that Abraham Zapruder had forbid the publishing of a few specific frames (the frame of Kennedy's head exploding had given him nightmares), which have been retrieved and included in the video I posted. Not to mention the video had never left his possession, he had only given copies to the secret service. And the ridiculousness of making a hoax video when multiple other real videos of the incident existed. Anyways I do not wish to respond here to every single instance like this but I would be happy to respond to anything specific in the comments.

So we have audio, visual, and eyewitness evidence of a second shooter in the grassy knoll. There are a lot more anomalous circumstances surrounding the assassination but there is SO MUCH DISINFORMATION out there that I decided to cut the wheat from the chafe, so to speak, and only address the most important aspects, as this evidence already speaks for itself. Everything else is icing on the cake.

Why Would Someone Want JFK Dead?

*By1963 there were plans on the books to withdraw from Vietnam. Between military contractors and mob interests (Most of the worlds heroin was produced in this region, the Golden Triangle, and the CIA is notorious for being complicit in drug smuggling.), the Vietnam war was a trillion dollar profit making enterprise.

*Kennedy was soft on Cuba, which was considered to be a very important asset to the CIA. Furthermore, he embarrassed the CIA with the Bay of Pigs by refusing to aid with air support when their assault began failing. He also rejected everyones favorite historical document, Operation Northwoods , which would have used false flags to incite the public to go to war with Cuba. He fired CIA leadership over this.

*Kennedy supported a coup against Portuguese dictator Antonio Salazar, who was propped up by the CIA.

*Everyone's favorite reason: Executive order 11110, returning the power to print money back to the federal government. Regardless of the intent or application of the executive order, the facts are that it prevented the private Federal Reserve from having sole control over money creation, a battle that bankers had been fighting since the founding fathers. The order was quickly reversed by LBJ.

*Kennedy supported the liberal Sukarno government with billions in aid. After his death, America would prop up and aid the murderous Suharto dictatorship, who is responsible for between an estimated 200,000 and 1 million deaths.

*Ally of Patrice Luamba, whom the CIA assassinated.

*Supported the independence of Guinea, which was considered to be within the Soviet sphere of influence.

*Kennedy took many actions trying to diffuse the Cold War, such as revising SIOP-62, the US's plan to use nuclear weapons against every Communist country in the world, even if Russia was the only aggressor. It is important to understand that the continuation of the Cold War was critical to the continuation of the military industrial complex, they could not exist if there are no enemies to fight (Parallels to today's War of Terror are significant).

*Horrible relations with the head of the FBI J. Edgar Hoover, who not so coincidentally was great friends with LBJ.

*Was about to end the Oil Depletion Allowance, a huge Oil industry tax break that is still in effect today and worth billions. LBJ and Hoover had many, many oil tycoon friends. And when we mention big Texas oil, we need to remember the Bush family, who was recently funding the Nazis.

*Far right elements, institutionalized in places such as the very influential American Security Council, who's members included the former Joint Chiefs of Staff Lemnitzer, who was fired by Kennedy after he proposed Operation Northwoods.

So this list is not entirely comprehensive and if you guys can add more in the comments I would certainly appreciate it, as I love learning and adding more information to my arsenal. But I have already established that essentially every major center of power in America had a reason to want to kill Kennedy, and that these power structures would certainly have the power to orchestrate a cover-up.

Who is responsible?

When we look at who benefits from each policy that changed from the transition of Kennedy to Lyndon B. Johnson, a few names pop up repeatedly. This section is pure speculation and cannot be proven, but I think there are some interesting arguments to be made.

*Richard Helms. His biographer described Helms as a 'gentlemanly planner of assassinations'. Helms was instrumental in the creation of the CIA, helping tailor the original 1949 bill that gave the new organization vast, sweeping powers to perform covert operations. At the moment of Kennedy's assassination, Helms was overseeing a (failed) assassination attempt of the revolutionary Cuban Ronaldo Cubela. There was significant public backlash when this coincidence was leaked. He was deputy Director of the CIA at the time of the assasination.

*John McCone. Became the Director of the CIA after Dulles was fired following the Bay of Pigs fiasco. Industrialist who profited immensely from World War II. He has been described as an 'Ardent Cold War Warrior'. Known member of the powerful secret society the Knights of Malta. Joined forces with the Bechtel corporation to profit immensely from WWII and subsequent covert wars in the proceeding decades. The essential Military Industrial Complex man.

*David Morales. Cuban exile, anti-Castro, and a CIA operative. He has been widely accused of organizing the assassination by a large amount of researchers. Anecdotal evidence from another Cuban exile shows that Morales was furious over the lack of support from Kennedy over the lack of support during the Bay of Pigs, 'having to see all of the men he recruited and trained wiped out.'

*The Mafia. They had the means, motive, and opportunity (As did the MIC). They were furious that Bobby Kennedy was named Attorney General and was prosecuting mobsters at an unprecedented rate. This answer does not preclude any of the previous ones, either. Here is a wikipedia article detailing a few joint operations of early intelligence agencies and the mafia. It would not have been the first time the CIA and Mafia colluded, and would not be the last.

As a closing statement, I am relatively new to investigating JFK so if anyone out there has more pertinent information or constructive criticism, please post it!


You left out the Dulles brothers.

Yes I did! Writing an update now.

"...not wanting to go through with the Bay of Pigs and wanting to get out of Vietnam--that's why he was murdered. Because there's so much money that was made in Vietnam--tons of money--and that prolonged the war without reason. Eisenhower warned us about the military industrial complex and Kennedy understood it. He came in office and inherited the Bay of Pigs from Eisenhower and the CIA and some of the people in the military lied to Kennedy about what would happen in Cuba. So the reach of the CIA has gone beyond it's charter. He fired Allan Dulles, the head of the CIA. He said I'm going to shatter the CIA into thousands of pieces because they went beyond their charter. They're supposed to be covert--they're not supposed to be starting wars. Even Harry Truman was appalled at what was going on because some elements of his government were getting nazi war criminals into our country illegally--subverting the will of the Nuremberg trials--because we wanted the neo-nazi scientists. There's a lot of dark stuff--but it's in the public domain. There's thousands of pages that can't be released until 2075. But there's an interesting thing in 2014--England's statute of limitations on certain things can come out. And what we're going to find out from that is Allan Dulles--who was the CIA head fired by Kennedy--was later on the Warren Commission...Allan Dulles should have been hung for treason for what he did during World War Two. He worked for the nazis throughout the war--hid money for American and English bankers. He was one of the most contemptable people ever--Allan Dulles."

--Richard Belzer in May 10, 2013 interview with Patrick Gavin promoting his new book Hit List (watch last 3 minutes of interview)...

Nazi scientists...yeah. Not quite. More like to save the architects of nazism, and protect the ideology. Adolf Eichmann, for example, and most of the SS top brass and true power players were saved and brought over with new identities. The SAS that captured and executed a Heinrich Himmler swore that it had been a double, so they believed. Simply wanting Nazi scientific capital to fight the evil Soviet Empire is the perpetuated half truth that covers the worse intent. Both Eichmann and Joseph Mengele (amongst others) were found in the CIA nazi sanctuary of Argentina by Israel's Mossad, much to the discontent of the CIA.

Prescott Bush and John F. Dulles began working with the Germans in the 20's...I think it was all about money for them--Prescott had the Thyssen account he worked on at Brown Brothers Harriman FROZE under the Trading with the Enemy Act in 1942...after WWII the OSS (pre-CIA) hired Reinhard Gehlen to spy on the Russians and it is becoming apparent the Germans and the Americans knew where many of these Nazis were after WWII...Eichmann, Klaus Barbie--possibly even Bormann and Hitler (who knows!!!)...

Yes, this ties back into the British war by proxy against the USSR via Germany and the war against the Jews by the Christians. Don't forget the role of the Catholic church in the ratline to Argentina.

returning the power to print money back to the federal government

This is by far the most valid reason, stopping a war would have cost some people billions yes. But getting rid of the Federal Reserve and eliminating the income tax would have cost the private bankers trillions. Think of every single American not paying income taxes, after all after waste almost 99% of your income tax goes to paying the interest on the National Debt, which goes to these private bankers. And they are not even controlled by American bankers, they are controlled by foreign interests.

JFK had nothing against the Federal Reserve and Executive Order 11110 did nothing to reduce the Fed's power.

Executive Order 11110 was part of President Kennedy's plan to stop producing silver certificates and replace them with Federal Reserve notes. The executive order was necessary because of the new law that Kennedy signed that same day which removed the Treasury Secretary's power to print silver certificates by his own authorization. To allow the continued printing while the Federal Reserve notes were being readied, Kennedy signed the order, which delegated the president's authority.

G. Edward Griffin, author of the anti-Fed book, The Creature from Jekyll Island, also rejects the theory that Executive Order 11110 had anything to do with Kennedy's assassination. See his article, "The JFK Myth".

Here's a newspaper article from the time:

"Kennedy Signs Silver Bill"
Spokane Daily Chronicle, June 6, 1963, p. 34

Colorado Springs, Colo. (AP) — President Kennedy announced yesterday President Kennedy announced yesterday the signing of a bill permitting the gradual melting down of silver bullion reserve for use in making coins.

The measure was signed Tuesday but the announcement was delayed until Kennedy reached this silver producing state on the first leg of a five-day, five-state western trip.

Under the new law, pushed by the administration, the Treasury will be able to retire silver certificates paper money no backed by silver bullion as the bullion is melted down for coinage. The silver certificates would be replaced by federal reserve notes.

The new law also would permit eventual melting down of silver dollars for use in coins of smaller denominations.

In addition to signing the administration bill, Kennedy issued an executive order permitting the Treasury to continue use of silver certificates for as long as necessary.

When we look at who benefits .... from the transition of Kennedy to Lyndon B. Johnson, a few names pop up repeatedly.

The man who gained most was Lyndon B Johnson!

I can't believe you're complaining about "disinfo" and yet you are whitewashing LBJ out of the picture. He was not just the principal beneficiary, but one of the main conspirators.

Haha well I'm under the impression that disinfo is generally deliberate...

I would argue that political office, especially for LBJ who didn't run for a second term, was less motivating than 11, 12, 13 digit profits (although I need to research how much LBJ gained outside of office). But you are right he should be listed.

LBJ didn't run for a second term because Vietnam destroyed him. He was a shell of his former self by the time he left office.

It is also possible that LBJ did not run for reelection because it would allow him to end the war without politics, peace talks which that Nixon sabatoged, it has been recently revealed.

But yes there have been associates say that casualty reports would keep him up at night...

Which prompts the question, if he had a conscience, would he be so eager to assassinate JFK? Of course this is just baseless speculation.

You have too much esteem in human, or animals. A person can easily have a conscience, some moral code, and assassinate or kill another man.

Not so easily if they have a conscience - no. This, for me, is not about having too much esteem in humans. It is me having esteem for me. I know that I have a conscience. I also know that I would indeed kill a human being. However, there would have to be justifiable reason - which, thankfully, hasn't happened yet in this life - and it would be unfair to call it "easy" one way or the other.

And I don't think I'm all that different than everyone else.

if you are stuck in a situation what can you do. He might not have been a planner but he may have known or was approached about the kennedy assassination, would make sense why if he was so affected by the casualty numbers that he didnt pull out of vietnam because he wasnt making the decisions other people wanted to stay in the war and had enough on him from the kennedy assassination for him to keep quite. Or was kept in line with the threat of what happened to the kennedy happening to him or both.

That or it was spewed propaganda, your classic "leaked" info showing a humane side, showing that the president cared for the soldiers and showing the people that this is not some cold hearted top brass sending people they dont care about to their deaths but rather a leader leading etc etc bla bla you know how it goes

You would be wrong. E. Howard Hunt gave a deathbed confession fingering LBJ as did his mistress.

Oh yes I do remember this. I will def add LBJ and mention this in any future iterations of this post.

You forgot George HW, Allen Dulles, and the list goes on and on and on... There are documentaries on Netflix that have done much more research. You could literally just watch one of those, and quote them (with citations). There are many members from various secret societies, which JFK also warned of in one of his famous speeches. Many skull & bones, politicians, various middle men, nazis, mafia, many CIA and many industrials were collusive. They somewhat failed in 1933/34, and weren't going to this time.

More Info (I'll be updating this comment as I do more research)

People of interest

*Allen Dulles. Served as the Director of the CIA until the Bay of Pigs fiasco. Humorously, he was on the Warren commission that investigated Kennedy's death. He was instrumental in Operation Ajax that was the Iran coup in 1953, among other covert activities. Also instrumental in Operation Paperclip, bringing over hundreds of top Nazi scientists and engineers to be seeded in the military industrial complex. This is important to remember! At the time of Kennedy's assassination, there were hundreds of Nazis operating in America, in the very institutions that had reason to kill him! Dulles German wikipedia page mentions that he was a lawyer for I.G. Farben, one of the companies that owned and operated a concentration camp in Nazi Germany.

Don't forget the testimony of Judyth Vary Baker!

She was Oswald's lover...Oswald was likely working for the attorney general, who happened to be Robert Kennedy at the time.

Imagine being RFK and having one of your men fingered as a patsy in your brother's assassination.

He must've known he was a marked man.

The secret project to develop a cancer weapon to kill Castro is a huge aspect of this story.

Why do you think Jack Ruby claimed to have been injected with cancer in prison shortly before he died of extremely aggressive cancer?

Judyth Baker met "Sparky Rubinstein" and knew that Ruby and Oswald were actually friends.

Why was Dr. Mary Sherman brutally murdered the day the Warren Commission started taking witness testimony?

It's incredible that 50 years later and all of this shit hasn't burst into the mainstream.

More like it is fading from the mainstream.

To my understanding, E.O. 11110 was not reversed by LBJ, but Ronald Reagan's E.O. 12608

Yup you are definitely right. My bad!

Edit it.

Thanks for compiling all of this, great read.

Top 3 JFK documentaries on youtube...

  1. Attorney Mark Lane's 1966 book/film "Rush to Judgement" documents the accounts of about 20 witnesses in Dealey Plaza on 11-22-63. The witnesses all had excellent views of the tragic events, yet, had their testimony ignored by the Warren Commission. By the time the documentary came out many Americans had been effectively, and continuously, sold the OSWALD MYTH by the repetitious drones of the FBI and Warren Comm.

  2. "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" Parts 1-9 (1988-2003)...While Ken Burns was taking documentary films to new heights by covering the Civil War, Baseball and Jazz, the English produced "TMWKK" series which covers many avenues--some being shocking for their plausibility and others covering aspects which stretch science and imaginations a bit too much. Very telling that this was made in England--and that the last 3 parts were BANNED from American TV. Also notable is the number of witnesses who only speak out as they retire from their jobs--including 16 doctors from Parkland Hospital who all make corroborating statements regarding JFK's wounds.

  3. "Evidence of Revision" Parts 1-6 plus extras (2006)."Documents which define history should belong to the public, not private interests"...My favorite Epic Documentary Masterpiece which delves into the assassinations of JFK, MLK and RFK. The film has a wealth of rare, live footage from the days the events occurred as well as info from recently released intelligence files. "E of R" boldly steps into arenas that will challenge your thoughts on the history of American defense/intelligence agencies as they became involved with Vietnam.

The title of your post offers irrefutable evidence of who killed him and why. Contents are good but a little short of the advertisment.

Yeah I meant irrefutable evidence of a shooter in the grassy knoll. The rest was speculation I should have clarified better

You should post some counter-arguments to the counter-arguments against this :)

Ok so to get the other side of the story for conspiracies I generally go to RationalWiki and then just do a google search with "________ debunked".

I put forth three strings of evidence in this post. The first was the Zapruder film. This has been alleged to have been a hoax many times, as there was an analysis done that said that JFKs movements were physically impossible. This was true at the time... because Zapruder himself required the press to remove a certain frame of the bullet impact because the idea of the press saying 'see kennedy's head explode!' 'gave him nightmares' as per the wiki page. But the frame has since been recovered and the film has been determined to be real.

The second evidence I put forth is witness testimonies, which are public records. This website, a leading debunker it seems, claims that witness memory simply isn't reliable. But to have the same amount of people claim to have heard gunshots from the grassy knoll as the Depository, and not just a couple but 50 people each, it is simply intellectually dishonest to dismiss that much testimony, especially when it perfectly mirrors witness testimony of the gunshots of the depository of the official story.

Last is the audio. The dictabelt has not been addressed by any sources I have seen since the publishing of the peer reviewed statistical analysis from the London Academy of Sciences I linked!

JFK is just one of those conspiracies where there is no question that it was a conspiracy. RationalWiki can only link to Hanlons Razor on their JFK page, they offer no substantive analysis.

But to have the same amount of people claim to have heard gunshots from the grassy knoll as the Depository, and not just a couple but 50 people each, it is simply intellectually dishonest to dismiss that much testimony, especially when it perfectly mirrors witness testimony of the gunshots of the depository of the official story.

Is that really true or is the witness testimony being distorted? See this page, which links to this table.

I cam across this. The table that website uses is distorted. The one I linked to is not. They cherrypicked a poor source.

How is it distorted? What do you mean by "cherrypicked a poor source"?

The table you linked has 216 witnesses and doesn't say which statements of the witnesses are being analyzed.

The table I linked to has 243 witnesses and it links to the statements so you can examine them yourself. It includes all the testimony from the Warren Commission report as well as over two dozen other sources. It also includes summaries from 4 other analyses.

The ones listed inaccurately on their list, are correct on mine. It is as simple as that. Check it out yourself. The list they use is a prime example of disinfo: purposely obfuscating the truth.

As far as numbers go, the most comprehensive and accurate list is by historian Craig Ciccone discussed here but it is in book form and you need to pay so I didn't link to it. It lists over 300.

Maybe I'm confused. Why should RationalWiki attempt substantive analysis?

"The weight of evidence for an extraordinary claim must be proportioned to its strangeness."

Pierre Simon Laplace (23 Mar 1749 - 5 Mar 1827)

If I am the person making the extraordinary claim (e.g. The mob successfully killed POTUS without detection) then the burden of substantive analysis falls on me.

I feel like I have presented extraordinary evidence here. That cannot and has not been debunked.

You haven't even presented a single alternative narrative (e.g. the mob did it.)

The Russians, the Cubans, the Mob all wanted JFK dead? Can you name me a US president, alive or dead, that didn't have multiple powerful groups of people and/or countries wanting him dead? Just use Obama and Bush 43 if your history is rusty - can you name some groups/countries with axes to grind against either of them?

The part of my post where I list suspects and motives is all speculation. The irrefutible evidence in the title refers to a shooter in the grassy knoll. And the difference between JFK and every other president, is that JFK made enemies with the military industrial complex.

And the difference between JFK and every other president, is that JFK made enemies with the military industrial complex.

Every other president?

What about Eisenhower:

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.

January 17, 1961

Or Carter cutting the defense budget by $6B?

Or H W Bush cutting defense spending by 23%?

Still confident about that "every"? Sounds like you are rusty on your presidential history.

Yes, I am confident about every other. Bush started a war. Eisenhower and Carter both let the CIA run amok unhindered.

Why argue with the buffoon? Numerous documentaries have compiled this evidence, along with much more, in a far more compelling manner (because they're well researched documentaries). If dipshits on the internet don't have or know of netflix, torrents, amazon, itunes or how to research then fuck their pretentious, pontificating, self-gratifying quotes. They're just the typical reddit moron that don't know much beyond this hole.

i watched a zapruder film version that was heavily edited once, a persons legs in the back ground split apart in one frame. this isnt the version though.

This reminds me of a new novel called "Surrounded by Enemies: What if Kennedy Survived Dallas?" by Bryce Zabel, a what-if alternate-history look at what his administration would be like if those bullets had missed... His conclusion is that JFK himself (along with his attorney-general brother Bobby) would have become the ultimate conspiracy theorists, trying to figure out which of all those culprits was out to get him, and tried to execute him in broad daylight on a public street in front of a global audience... The president's obsession leads him on perilous twists and turns -- though he dodged the bullets, his political career ends up taking quite a hit... Because the author meticulously researched the subject, we're presented with fact-based plausible scenarios; because he's a screenwriter, the scenes and dialog make for riveting entertainment... Check it out yourself, see what you think... It's an ebook, an audiobook, and soon a trade paperback... Facebook: .

Total bullsh*t ..

The area behind the picket fence left screen of the Moorman photo, shows the Martin Luther Kings and Afro Secret Serviceman Abraham Bolden, spectators as E Howard Hunt and others fire on the President!

Jim Braden is thought to have fired the first shot, from the roof of the Dal Tex Building across Houston Street from the TSBD, he was taken in by a Sheriffs Deputy before being released.

Lee Harvey Oswald was blamed for killing the President, and Dallas Police Officer JD Tippit a couple miles away around forty minutes later, despite photos show him at the doorway of the Texas School Book Depository when the shots were fired in the first instance, and when the three tramps were marched by hours later.

William F Buckley was "Umbrella Man," who signaled the shooters all systems were go, his accomplice is believed to have been Corsican adventurer Lucien Sarti.

The “Badgeman” enhancement of the Moorman shot showing the corner of the rotunda wall, has Dallas Cop Joe Smith firing, in company with Gordon H Arnold, Andy Warhol and deaf mute Ed Hoffman & his wife.

As the limousine emerged from behind the freeway sign, the driver William Greer turned and looked over his right shoulder, he turned back and while holding the steering wheel with his left hand,

Retrieved something from under the dash with his right hand, transferring the object to his left hand and turning back around to look at the President, he brought his left hand around his body, and aimed and fired at John Kennedy’s head.

The Three Tramps were E Howard Hunt of Watergate fame, Charles Harrelson father of television actor Woody Harrelson, and Charles Frederick Rogers wanted in Houston Tx. for killing and dismembering both his parents in 1965.

Ted Gunderson was FBI Bureau Chief in Dallas when President K was murdered, after the shooting he was filmed in possession of one of two rifles on the sixth floor of the TSBD, he was in Memphis when Martin Luther King was shot..

And in Los Angeles when Senator Robert Kennedy was slain, he was part of the Franklin Case cover up that goes back nearly thirty years, whereas Rusty Nelson testified Hunter S Thompson paid him $100,000 a time, to film snuff killings to the tune of around fifty dead!

Jim Lehrer lately anchorman at PBS NewsHour, was in Dallas that fateful day with former PBS co host Robert MacNeil, both part of the White House Press Corps.

MacNeil's testimony has been used to prop up the official story ever since, he remained with the motorcade and says he heard a single shot then two more in quick succession, he says he went straight into the portal of the TSBD, where he encountered a young man he subsequently identified as Lee Harvey Oswald, who he says directed him to the nearest phone!

Lehrer says he stayed at Love Field outside of Dallas with Air Force One .. the computer enhancement of the Moorman shot, as well as identifying shooters E Howard Hunt and Dallas cop Joe Smith, and the presence of Andy Warhol and the Martin Luther Kings man & wife.

Similarly reveals muzzle flashes from as many as twenty firearms, including Smith's shot from the corner of the Rotunda Wall, and the "Oliver Stone" flash from further along the fence line!

Alex Jones Admits CIA Ties.. we know CIA brethren E Howard Hunt, William F Buckley, and George HW Bush were there, another could have been Jones' Dallas resident sire .. we allege former US Marine marksman Jim Lehrer might have fired as well!

At plus eighteen hrs, around 9:30 pm on the evening of November 23, 1963, Australian radio played a tape recording of the assassination..

Wherein Mrs Kennedy's voice was clearly heard calling "hello Coretta," followed by a volley of gunfire, the presenter explained Coretta was the wife of one Reverend Martin Luther King, he played a slowed down version of the tape, and asked listeners how many shots they could hear, he said he counted about nineteen, his studio guest said she counted twenty two.

That was the only time the Luther Kings were associated with the crime, until whispers were heard, at the time of the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago, where after some short time later Luther King was shot dead by sniper fire, while standing talking on the telephone on a hotel balcony in Memphis.

The theory is although he was feted and fabulized, by the same Jew press refused the evidence located him with the shooters, that propounded the Lee Harvey Oswald / lone assassin scenario, there was no money, ol' MLK was broke.

He went to the source had roped him into the conspiracy in the first place, read George HW Bush, and asked for dough to be told there was none, so he attempted blackmail, presumably assuring GHWB if he was not paid, everyone would get to hear about what went on in Dallas, he laughed him off.

So Luther King took time out at the 1968 DNC, to drop the bombshell of his own involvement, and was shot down for it! JFK Assassination Nutshell

So this is a pretty good example of the disinfo I mentioned in the post, albeit taken to an extreme...

If anyone wants to read through the domain of the first link /u/highsckooldropout posted, it is very easy to see how he cherrypicks poor sources, uses outdated information and circular logic. I came across it multiple times in my research.

That is one of MartinTimothy's sockpuppets. He is famous for Black Propaganda.

Two conspiracies exist side by side, the primary conspiracy which includes the still living Abraham Bolden, GHW Bush, Jim Lehrer, and Jones senior, and the secondary group which includes all those newshounds, political commentators and CIA plants, who turn from the same evidence!

Both conspiracies are capital offenses, means the OP will be required to explain his reticence in the face of the evidence, in a duly appointed capital court situ, convened under the auspices of the US Justice Department, with the rest of the disclaimers, in proceedings that will be expected to result in the handing down of thousands of death sentences!

Thanks for so clearly labeling your post as

*Total bullsht .. **

I'd say it lived up to its billing.