So if we all know that nearly everything the government is doing is wrong...

19  2013-06-06 by TheWiredWorld

Then why are the people letting the government still do it?

What is wrong with the human spirit? There is so much bitching and complaining but - nothing is being DONE.


What is wrong with the human spirit? There is so much bitching and complaining but - nothing is being DONE.

We've been domesticated, we've lost primeval senses and instincts and we've been socially engineered. Everyone has had a massive dose of brainwashing from years of mainstream news and even now in the face of massive scandals, people are reluctant to even speak out about it in FEAR of what people might say or do. The only time you feel alive is when your on the edge of existence these days. People have lost the fight inside themselves and become passive.

You've heard it countless times... "What will it take for people to get mad?" And the answer is, nobody knows. The amount of open and naked corruption is staggering. There's been countless, huge scandals in the Obama administration and its gets watered down, diverted and spinned away.

I hope you understand that the protests around the world (Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Turkey) are in direct relation to the US Government's policies and procedures. Governments around the world are run by global corporations via the US Government's dictation. People around the world are not sitting back and taking it, only people in America.

And England. I have even less hope for us then I do America. I see more Americans talk about change then I do Brits. We have this toxic attitude of keep calm and carry on, well fuck that. As an example we are so brainwashed that you even mention the queen and for some reason she is the noblest woman alive, when in reality she could not care less if her citizens die and to me at least she has failed in her duty to protect her people 100%.

Corruption must be exposed and pulled down instead of tolerating it in all walks of life.

America is the Galactic Empire, on a profoundly smaller scale of course. We, the people of reddit, have to be the impetus this country needs. Our government and its policies are fucking evil. And the fact we are allowing corporations to literally decimate environments and poison the air we breath, the water we drink, and the food we eat is both disturbing and reprehensible.

Come on guys, we are all connected not only through the earth in which we inhabit, but through the very creation we call the Internet. Why the hell can't we fucking organize something, before it is simply too late?



Really great have knowledge...

I thought "Mind" in Latin was "memor" though, and "religare" means "to connect".

mass majority of the population is afraid.

or busy watching sports, american idol, and drinking latte. And also a large percentage is looking towards the awake ones as loonies. Also anyone speaking up would be considered traitors and terrorists. so Yeah, fear.

Zip ties, batons, shields, pepper spray and complete lack of humanity and logic on the other side. They will bash your head in. Think about it.......let’s say a protest is staged. And you decide you will go. What will be the first thing on your mind?

Bread & Circuses. The vast majority are still fast asleep. Maybe this Verizon thing will slap some faces, we can hope. Need more like it.

Doubtful, most of the people I know don't care because they "don't have anything to hide."

Complacency in their limited lives and confined freedoms. Fear of change. The generations coming of age have been programmed from birth that this is the acceptable norm and to accept and conform to this life of capitalist fear and greed at the expense of their true freedom.

What is our 'true freedom'?

Not living a life confined by fear and oppression.

I don't live in fear and I am not oppressed?

If you're asking then I'd say you are.

You seem to think I do though...

I think the answer is that collectively there is not enough suffering across the board to cause any meaningful social change. That is the only silver lining in the situation of the greedy bastards running shit the world over. Their greed knows no bounds and will eventually be their downfall.

oh damn that's brutal but accurate in my opinion.
And to comment on the greedy bastards... I also feel that they will be at each others throats soon, fighting for power among themselves. They'll make mistakes I'm sure, so they will probably be responsible for their own downfall.

I will be marching on my capitol in Atlanta Georgia with Adam Kokesh. It's a start.

Society is a religion. It is the worship of jackels by jackasses.

So if we all know that nearly everything the government is doing is wrong...Then why are the people letting the government still do it?

Cuz we're weak bitches. We're sheep. That's how we've been conditioned and indoctrinated to be and we're too weak to get up off our lazy asses to fight it en mass. That's why.

What is wrong with the human spirit?

It's been subverted to a great, great extent in this day and age by forces interested in enslaving us.

There is so much bitching and complaining but - nothing is being DONE.

See my first response.

Maybe all the chemicals in the air are slowing us down or the fact that we all have our own agenda to tend to (for example... Go to work, pay bills go to work again..) that we feel that there really isn't anything we could do. My vote doesn't count mentality. Everyone needs to realize what's going on and act upon it. Unfortunately there are too many sheep being herded.

I disagree with "nearly everything the government is doing is wrong". USA is one of the wealthiest, most stable countries in the world, generally high standard of living, most people around the world want to come to USA. Infrastructure generally works okay, institutions generally work mostly, EMS works, lots of population has good skills, lots of natural resources. We (including the govt) must be doing SOMETHING right.

Sure, there are a ZILLION things we should be doing better. Wealth inequality, climate change, energy, healthcare, ridiculously huge military spending, stupid drug policy, etc. But don't lose sight of how many things are good in this country.

And don't think "things are worse now than they're ever been". That's not supported by the historical record.

i agree with you, however, if you look into why we're the wealthiest, most stable country in the world, you see that it's because we're imperialists who export our evil around the world in order to make life here comfy. we've ruined so many countries' chances at self-rule, we routinely kill anyone who upsets the power balance, and we then come in with our corporations to loot and pillage our way to more comfort. the countries that are revolting understand this, but it hasn't hit home yet. it will once the economy crashes.

i think it's equally important not to lose sight of how we got to this level of comfort, and it's not just because we're the only innovators on the planet. there is so much blood on our hands. to allow that as our means to this comfort is...despicable, as a nation. when the chickens come home to roost, i think we deserve everything that the world wants to throw at us.

Oh, sure, we've done LOTS of bad things. But we've been doing that since we first became a country. I think OP was talking about the CURRENT administration/Congress, or maybe the ones in the last 12 years or so. And other countries have done the same things over the course of history, yet OP wasn't complaining about ALL governments or ALL countries.