Ok, so I tried to share the awesome /u/161719 comment on Facebook, it's being blocked as abusive. As a skeptic, I am now convinced. MIND=BLOWN

79  2013-06-08 by [deleted]


Whenever I try to post this it either refuses the link, or has me do a security check and then links it in such a way that returns a 500 error.


I copied and pasted the text and it worked so far...

My friend sent me the permalink to that comment on Facebook Chat and when I click through, it fails to load anything on the page. Completely blank. Had to copy out the URL from Facebook's URL referrer wrapper, then it worked fine.

Posts just fine on mine. Apparently, if a lot of people ctrl-v the same thing to Facebook too quickly it gets auto flagged as spam. Try altering the post by saying something yourself at the beginning and then posting.

Why does it get blocked? They don't want people to see that they are all thinking the same thing?

Flagged as spam.........or contains enough keywords to flag for review and then is subsequently denied.

Anything is possible these days..

Why are others able to post it then?

You have all now been added to a secret list of potential threat against "freedom". Please assume the position and prepare to be black bagged.

fuck you guys reading this secret threat list. fuck you.