Trolls have been quiet since "NSA story" broke

104  2013-06-10 by inkandpaperguy

Is it just me, or have the trolls been uncharacteristically quiet lately? I am a bit sad that this sub is so right about a thing I wish was merely collective paranoia.


Checked the pertinent MSM comment sections? They're all there working overtime, rehashing the "if you got nothing to hide" meme.

I love uncovering shill narratives, it helps to dispel their tactics quite easily.

I have gone to the default strategy of asking the poster (if the account is on reddit) if their IP is coming from Eglin air-force base. It has had some funny and quite unintended positive effects during discussion.

Cool. I like to ask them "how much is your soul?" to induce some much needed introspection.

At .003 cents a post I don't know how much introspection they are capable of, but good on ya' mate. Keep hitting their narratives where it hurts and if you want a buddy for the ride just send me a PM.

All hands to the pumps!

I have met many people in real life that truly subscribe the the concept of "if you have nothing to hide"... People I know are not shills. It is mostly older people around 50+

No matter how much I try they just do not see the problems with their train of thought.

The lives of others good movie about the East german Stasi railroading a guy who had nothing to hide. Senior party member wanted to fuck the guy's woman is all.

I am 48 and must sadly, agree with you. This "numb" is happening in Canada too. I wrote this comment yesterday ...

This is the best time to be capable of free thought.

For me, it is also a sad, lonely, dark time to purge the spent aspects of one's life. Extended family, business associates and acquaintances who are "friends of the brown shirts" are not helping the cause. Think about all of the stale, old ideas we cling to, based on religion, propaganda and tradition (some of statism's most powerful tools) and you will see the amazing opportunity to illustrate personal integrity for our children to model.

The time is over due to stand up and speak the truth in our social circles and communities. Since 9/ 11, I have discovered a personal truth. Anything you fear losing is already gone.

Its totally ridiculous, because in America today, there is not a man or woman who does not have something they wish to hide.

how many people will now not sign that petition because they think it will one day be used against them in some way in the future? I for one have been like this for years knowing that the conspiracy was real. while Jon doe now knows this too... it's a defacto panocipan prison that's grown 1,000,000 fold overnight...

I think that's a valid concern, but even then, look at how the GDR went down, eventually.

Or perhaps the NSA story is the shill story, and they are quiet because the masses are distributing their disinformation for them.

Something is going on under the surface here. There is no way this special forces trained guy (Snowden) was able to leak this stuff without Big Brother knowing about it.


It may be that this is their way of saying "imagine what the Stasi could have done, had they actually had a complete record of everybody's life -- let it sink in that we do -- then think very carefully about what you will do about it".

In other words, it's not a leak. It's a threat.

Absolutely. Advanced conditioning. Fear level to increase. The public has been told what is happening to them and when they do nothing or very little about it..."Mission Accomplished."

Fucking bastards!

Or, perhaps, the public "attempts" to do something about it and all hell martial law is officially declared. The military industrial complex has tons of data about all of us, high tech military weapons, control of the media, and a one world government agenda. "Mission Accomplished" ?

If there must be trouble let it be in my time so that my child shall know peace. - Thomas Paine


Such is a tragic fact of life.


It's all I want. I don't want blood in the streets. I don't want to hang anyone.

I want to impeach those responsible. I want my Bill of Rights strengthened, not diluted down in the name of perpetual war.

Perhaps this means the pubic should do something then; such as marching with a theme. Perhaps that theme should be "restoring the fourth" and the march could take place on a day otherwise set aside for vacuous pomp and selective memory shaping?

Haha, fucking poetic.

I'd rather die fighting than live as a slave.

I'm thinking it may be a ploy to identify the black sheep. I have been surprised how many of the non-awake people I know are shrugging this off, some fence-sitters will be stirred though I'm sure.

Here in the UK I passed a newstand earlier, one paper had the headline "Whistleblower!", guess which? The Guardian. Most of the rest had a headline about Simon Cowell getting an egg thrown at him on the Britain's Got Talent TV show (American Idol type shit)....

News. Really?

it's also not news. he hasn't revealed anything that wasn't assumed to be happening by anyone that follows this stuff

Yes, true, but look at it like this: it is no longer assumed, it is now confirmed.

When I drop my kids off at school and hear the PTA ladies talking about this NSA business and their tones are one of outrage, you know the wheels are coming off the cart.

the wheels are coming off the cart? No. I don't think so

No. I don't think

Inadvertent but hilarious.

you have a pretty weird concept of the cart


that you'd think this signifies the wheels falling off

Most your average PTA mom types only get bothered by their personal pet social issues.

The fact that they are talking about espionage against the American people is heartening. And the fact they are talking about this not as a red vs blue thing, but as a "holy shit my government is out to get me!" thing is a good thing.

Dismiss the bourgeois if you must. Disregard all anecdotal evidence if you so choose.

But I see something to be positive for once after years and years of seeing nothing but apathy.

you seem to be confused

everything you read is coming from the same places all the other junk came from before. sorry you are so easily duped?

How is me overhearing a conversation this morning and then posting my anecdotal experience in any way confirmation bias?

you're right. they must have determined it themselves and not from the various news reports. Some very informed citizens you overhead

So everything we've been saying turns out to be true and suddenly we've been wrong all along...its actually something deeper??

I'm with you... I've been wondering what the left hand is doing while the right hand is holding press conferences about NSA spying... seems big though... did you se how nervous everyone looked during obamas speech the other day?

Left hand is firmly holding the shaft while inserting the tip slowly.

It's not a shill story so much as it is necessary distraction from other important stories that they have tried to make sure don't make our front page, like Bilderberg and all the other widening Obama scandals.

What happened with the Bilderbergs?

What didn't happen it was the biggest protest to date with the Group going into a semi-public damage control after decades of pretending they don't exist.

Sweet. Do you have a good link? I can google I suppose, just hoping you all ready had it.

Well, everyone is forgot about the other scandals.

I had a few on the .gov Obama must resign petition post. Intensely trying to sway people that Obama wasn't at fault, that it was the rest of government that is corrupt. Calling people stupid and all kind of things for wanting to sign the petition. But doing it all smooth like, trying not to be obvious. ....Until I was called a Birther, even though the birth certificate thing was never mentioned.......The " we demand Obama resign" post got 129 down votes. ......Here was where I was called a Birther and then a rascist. Pretty way out shit.

If it is any consolation I have been called a Tea Paty racist Glenn Beck Randian for saying we need to impeach everyone involved going as far back as Reagan.

Because it is obvious that asking for a clean sweep of our federal government to ensure the Bill of Rights is no longer infringed makes me a racist reactionary interested in point scoring for the Red Team. /s

Yes, the Obama shills are out in force pushing the "Obama is just a victim" talking point.

I've heard that one too many times since 2009. Apparently, presidents' only job is to take credit for stuff they didn't do and to speak at graduation ceremonies and stuff.

Which kinda leads to the question of who is responsible for our regulatory agencies and military and such, but according to the shills, whoever it may be, the people responsible are the actual people responsible. Nothing to see here, etc.

Edit: forgot to mention... shills are pig shit, and they know it.

Post something about crisis actors and they'll be here like flies on shit.

On the plus side, I think this NSA PRISM disinfo campaign has awaken the public. Hopefully they STAY awake awhile this time.

On the down side, I used to be able to find out about at least 2-3 new interesting conspiracies/day on this subreddit. Now it is all taken up by NSA/PRISM crap. Which means whatever they are trying to hide in the wake of these "leaks" it is working.

Perhaps it is because the NSA story is a real fucking conspiracy, and /r/conspiracy is mainly talking about it instead of Jews and Sandy Hook and the people you call "trolls" are people who are interested in real conspiracies and just like to point out how stupid half of the content on this sub is most of the time.

Nah, thats crazy talk, clearly all the people who disagree with you are paid government agents here on a top secret psyops mission to give the clever illusion that people actually disagree with you.

A lot of the crazier posts on here are trolls trying to bait gullible people into responding.

Edit: Down vote. I guess my answer didn't fit his narrative. :\

Edit: Down vote. I guess my answer didn't fit his narrative.

Or possibly you are wrong and your post doesnt contribute anything to the conversation.

No no, it must be part of a downvote brigade. Yeah. That must be it.

you got some hurt feelings buddy?

"la-la-la...cant hear you. fuck your mother...hurrr durr....."

you do know that I am laughing at you right now don't you. You might not do so well on eharmony after all.

Either they are quiet to allow for the greater message of the NSA story to be carried, or they all got assigned new jobs by Microsoft's PR team to make the X-One seem like gold.

If the XBox One is always on and always watching then if it watches an underaged kid fap to online porn does that make XBox child pornographers?

International dick pics day!

If I was a kid with a Xbox One way back when... if I knew that the thing was watching me and possibly had someone doing it, I would try to fuck that machine daily.

"Yeah, who is taking the metadata now, X-Box. Yeah, gonna call you Pamela Anderson from now on."

That's heavy, man...

I didn't have a run of the mill childhood. And my junky parents would have sold that XBox One in a nanosecond.

if my child attempted sexual coitus with a computer I would probably sell it too. That or buy two.

I think the misguided, unpaid trolls are either demoralized or working overtime in r/politics and r/worldnews as well as in the comments sections of MSM sites.

I suspect the pros are simply spreading disinformation in an attempt to muddy the waters--unless it's a planned leak in which case... yeah. Spreading disinformation.

If they are unpaid then it is criminal that they would work overtime like they are in r/politics.

The paid shills can't really do any type of damage control on this one. Only hope it blows over.

They don't get paid enough for this type of shit.

Q: I mean, how can you stop the rain?

A: 2 billions rounds of ammo.

interesting and good point. i think everyone is just kinda in a state of shock and/or they are unable to counter the landslide of populism on this one.

I guess some felt it was a conspiracy, but Dan Brown wrote a best seller (In 1998) based on some facts about NSA doing this exact thing. I feel like everyone "knew" this was going on, but as long as they were not told, they would just look the other way.

So far, no one has been able to point out a single person that has been arrested or convicted of a crime based solely on the information obtained from their social media and internet communications. Not a single person. Not one.

The Boston Bombers used all the social media networks, talked openly about how something was going to happen, surfed the net to find out how to build a pressure cooker bomb and executed their plan without a single hitch.

This doesnt seem like a very effective surveillance network if you ask me.

PRISM isn't for prevention of future attacks, it is for blackmail and silencing dissent.

And since 2007 it has yet to do either.

How quickly people forget the DC Madam...

A possible reason for this particular whistleblower's story to get attention, when previous ones were never really covered extensively in the US media is so they can convince the general public that this is legal and so they can use this is to try and convict people.

Prism was not in effect when Palfry "committed suicide." In that case, the government used other totally illegal means:

In October 2006, United States Postal Inspection Service agents posed as a couple who were interested in buying Palfrey's home as a means of accessing her property without a warrant.[7][11] Agents froze bank accounts worth over US$500,000, seizing papers relating to money laundering and prostitution charges.[11]

And please, for the love of all that is holy, dont link to an Infowars article to support your opinion. That just makes you look silly.

At least one shill is still here.

Prove me wrong:

Give me one example of someone being arrested based off of the information that the government obtained illegally from the social media networks.

Standard Operating Procedure for the tinfoil hats: Ignore evidence, transmute opinion into fact and name call the person that said it. Way to toe the party line, Sinominous. Your puppet masters will be proud of you.

Plenty of young kids and veterans are often targeted on media sites. Are they formally arrested, perhaps not. Maybe they just fucking kill them all behind a shed somewhere. You seem awfully confident of your awareness, despite throwing out overly pretentious words that don't quite fit, and ignoring your own advice bigot. I say you owe 'Sinominous' an apology, tell them you're sorry for being a dick.

Once again, Ad Hominem reigns supreme here.

  1. Sinominous is accusing me of being a shill.

  2. I attempted to re-direct the conversation back to my original claim - so far there have been no convictions of anyone based off of information illegally obtained through Prism. PROVE ME WRONG.

  3. You decided to jump in and be a white knight. Thats adorable. You can suck your apology out of my ass.


You dont want to prove me wrong because its easier to call me a shill than doing the research.

You aint worth the steam off my piss boy.

Translation: I cannot argue the point.

Translation: Shill, shill, shill & shill again. Find some better bait.

All you have to do to shut me up is provide me with one piece of evidence. But you cant do that, so instead you resort to name calling, because that's all you got. It's the mark of desperation from a person that has lost the argument. Really rather pathetic, actually.

I'd call it forsight.

And that's why you will always be known as a conspiratard.

Aww, I love you too man.

Here now fuck off, you have nothing to add to this discussion.

LOL. Did you even read the article?

public information on the Zazi case shows that he actually caught investigators' attention because of an email flagged via good police work--not good NSA programs. According to these records, "the path to [Zazi's] capture began in April 2009" when British police found emails between various accounts and an Al Qaeda affiliate on computer they had seized.

This has nothing to do with Prism.

Yeah, did you?

When The Washington Post carried Senator Dianne Feinstein's (D-CA) claim that NSA surveillance programs had successfully thwarted a terror attack by Najibullah Zazi

I'm quoting a senator, you're quoting a journalists buddy. But let's take it a step further. At the time of the arrest, o you think it more likely that they credit a top secret program who's known existence would spark the shit storm we're seeing now? Or do you think they would pass the credit off to local detectives? Don't answer that because you're an idiot and I don't care what you're answer is. The only reason I am replying is to further marginalize you.

That being said, you aren't here to learn. You aren't here to pass on knowledge. Which means that you are only here to troll people so that you can garner some small amount of attention in order to feel good about yourself for a moment. That is sad. I wouldn't give a thimble full of worm piss to know the details of your life, but I feel confident in saying that you could benefit greatly from an eharmony profile.

Oh please: tell me more about me and my reasons for being here. You're adorable.

I'm overjoyed that you will be ignoring me from now on. Perhaps now a true discussion can be had without resorting to infantile schoolyard name calling from over-opinionated nutters like yourself that refuse to entertain the notion that they may, in fact, not know everything there is to know.

Now for the rest of us who are interested in discussing the issue...

I think part of why there were no convictions based off of PRISM data would be because it was a classified program, and since court proceedings are public record, they would have to admit in public that they were using this classified source to find convictions.

As such, if PRISM is/was being used in Law Enforcement, it's purely as "deep background" basically raising flags on people to investigate using traditional means that can be substantiated in a court of law.

That probably doesn't change immediately, since having information revealed doesn't immediately convert a classified program to an "open" one. They will still almost certainly try to maintain what secrecy there is around it.

The truth is we will never know for sure. Now that the information about PRISM is out there in the public, Im guessing that everything will change in how it all works.

You typed a lot. I didn't read a word of it. Fuck your mother troll.

I was curious as to how replying would further marginalize him, but now I see your plan fulfilled. A masterstroke.

"la-la-la...cant hear you, head in the sand. la-la-la..."

They are still busy being a bury brigade on our new page.

I've been busy.

No but seriously, more people need to understand that yes, your dumb ass is being watched and listen too 24 hours a day and 7 days a week and no it's not ok.

Trolls have been silent because this scares the living shit out of them as well.

Trolls or do you mean shills?


Amazing what happens when there's actually evidence of something.


It may be that this is their way of saying "imagine what the Stasi could have done, had they actually had a complete record of everybody's life -- let it sink in that we do -- then think very carefully about what you will do about it".

In other words, it's not a leak. It's a threat.

it's also not news. he hasn't revealed anything that wasn't assumed to be happening by anyone that follows this stuff

I'm thinking it may be a ploy to identify the black sheep. I have been surprised how many of the non-awake people I know are shrugging this off, some fence-sitters will be stirred though I'm sure.

Here in the UK I passed a newstand earlier, one paper had the headline "Whistleblower!", guess which? The Guardian. Most of the rest had a headline about Simon Cowell getting an egg thrown at him on the Britain's Got Talent TV show (American Idol type shit)....

News. Really?

International dick pics day!

I'm with you... I've been wondering what the left hand is doing while the right hand is holding press conferences about NSA spying... seems big though... did you se how nervous everyone looked during obamas speech the other day?

It's not a shill story so much as it is necessary distraction from other important stories that they have tried to make sure don't make our front page, like Bilderberg and all the other widening Obama scandals.

So everything we've been saying turns out to be true and suddenly we've been wrong all along...its actually something deeper??