So my company is telling us not to read about the NSA/PRISM scandal.

70  2013-06-10 by [deleted]

Opened up my laptop, and there are multiple conpany wide emails from our security manager saying she was "contacted by the Defense Secuirty Service concerning the latest news about the NSA and phone records and to NOT ACCESS any website advertising this info. These websites contain classified information and any access will be considered a security breach." She then reiterated "This is not a hoax! It is the 'Guardian' website based in the UK. However, do not access any sites with the subject line as the info could have been picked up by the media before any notifications." So uh...we're not allowed to read anything about the NSA/PRISM scandal because it's a security threat?


ATTENTION: Do not pay any attention to the man behind the curtain. That is all.

Thank you for your compulsory cooperation.

Are you in the airforce?


Probably Because it is a Conflict of Interest and if a company works or is any way related to the NSA they do not want to be involved at all.


"Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain": Wizard of Oz

OK news flash. If the documents are in the public domain, they are not secret anymore. I dealt with secure transmissions and documents in the military. As soon as something is compromised it loses its clearance because it cannot be trusted anymore to be secure. It is that simple.

Now if your company has federal contracts then the reason is they don't want to lose those contracts and wind up behind bars or worse.

Yeah sounds like it's just a CYA policy.

Sounds like your company higher ups work for the NWO.

This is probably in reference to these documents.

Quit your stupid job.

Where do you work?


Couldn't really expect a different answer. This is so strange to me.

Is the acronym BAH?

Are it's initials g.o.o.g.l.e.?

At least you have a phone with 3g right?

You shouldn't be working at that company then. No one should.

Screenshot(s) of the emails would help (but not guarantee) your credibility. Just throwing that out there.




You must be trolling. The time is just a time, and the client is just your standard MS Outlook. Names are blacked out.

I still have the link to the screenshot from my history. It wasn't deleted. I won't repost it though, in case there was a good reason the comment was removed. (If it was a mod action, what is the reason?)

OP delivers.


Edit: OP un-delivers. All posts and from OP are deleted. Is this his doing, or was he banned? </totallynotaconspiracy>

Yeah sounds like it's just a CYA policy.