The NSA knows everything... Of the Politicians, Judges, Bankers, Military, they know who are the pedophiles, the embezzlers, having affairs, taking bribes. Let it sink in how much power this represents, with no accountability to anyone.

430  2013-06-11 by [deleted]

How did it get this bad?

First there was Operation Paperclip where the CIA absorbed the Nazi eastern front intelligence unit, employing over 100 officers who had previously been an officer in the SS or Gestapo. This is hugely significant considering the relatively small size of the CIA at the time.

The Nazis had learned about the effectiveness of false flags to manipulate the public and began organizing a system of stay-behind paramilitary units in every NATO country and some beyond in a project known as Operation Gladio. False flags would be used for decades to create fear, marginalize leftist groups, and justify rigid authoritarianism throughout Europe and throughout the Cold War.

The CIA immediately began putting the Nazi research on propaganda into use, with Operation Mockingbird. It was a resounding success, and public opinion has been deliberately manipulated ever since.

The CIA would continue the research of the suggestibility of humans and how to manipulate them with MK Ultra.

The five decades after the cold war was a constant stream of American abuses of power and simultaneous propaganda of 'defending freedom and democracy' abroad. The entirely opposite is true. The CIA was involved with 30 coups of government, nearly every one to prop up an authoritarian government that would protect capitalism. The enemy of the Soviet Union would be an excuse to constantly militarize and pump nationalism into the populace.

The Vietnam war is a case study in american abuse of power, the control of the military industrial complex over the media, and domestic campaigns such as COINTELPRO and Operation Chaos to silence or marginalize any dissent.

Iran/Contra was a case study in the existence of a shadow government above the law and without checks and balances, and also in the slumber of the public.

When the cold war ended, they needed to find a new enemy. Operation Gladio was so successful that a new, massive false flag plan was hatched.

Immediately after 9/11, George Bush signed off on a state of emergency, which activated the continuity of government, that is still to this day in effect. The rule of law was officially dead, the American people more nationalistic than ever, and the military industrial complex grew by trillions.

The shadow government that had been developing this whole time knew the people would figure out the whole gig. They have no intention of giving it up. So they have been militarizing the domestic police for a couple decades, and developed the Department of Homeland Security into the massive behemoth that it is today. The capabilities of the NSA were turned against the populace to identify political dissidents.

Once the public wakes up, which is happening right now, they will try to use these institutions against us. It is our duty, each and every one of us, to help wake up the population. The power of these institutions is not absolute. They still rely on your average American to do their bidding. They will not be able to get the Average Joe to shoot on citizens or round up dissidents for FEMA camps if there is a nationwide awakening and we take responsible steps to remove the psychopaths from power.

he most important thing is to get people to understand that what is happening right now is not partisan politics. They will try to turn us against each other but we are all in this together.

Today, take action to make a positive difference.


I just got called a "fucking moron" on this subreddit for hinting at what you've done a very thorough job of mapping out with references. Thank you for this very informative outline.

People like to come on this subreddit to cause trouble because they don't like things that conflict with their world view.

Funny how nothing I linked to is a conspiracy theory. They are all documented historical events.

Edit: Added theory , because they are conspiracies. History is one conspiracy after another.

People like to come on this subreddit to cause trouble because they don't like things that conflict with their world view.

They're reacting aggressively to the cognitive dissonance and the fear that a lot of this information instills in them.

Try to forgive those people... I think most of them mean well, they are just afraid of what it means if they are to believe it. It definitely shatters their reality of right and wrong and justice in the world, which not everyone has had the life experiences to already experience.

The people that called you a fucking moron are Feinstein asslickers. I wouldn't take what they say seriously.

You're pretty spot on with one exception:

They will not be able to get the Average Joe to shoot on citizens or round up dissidents for FEMA camps if there is a nationwide awakening and we take responsible steps to remove the psychopaths from power.

The foreign (UN) troops that will shoot American resistance and round up dissidents are already in the country.

I am in the military and I will die before I shoot U.S. citizens and you can take that to the bank. Don't give a fuck who reads this.

I do think the service branches of the military will fracture if it comes to armed revolt, but I know with certainty that DHS will be killing Americans with wild abandon. Also there is a hypothesis floating that before revolt occurs the government will absolve itself, form an American Union with Canada and Mexico, and it will be foreign militaries doing the dirty business of killing US civilians on US soil.

Then God have mercy on them because there are a whole lot of weapons in this country and every time I look at the ammo cabinets at Wal-Mart they are empty.

If you think this is the end-game scenario, the foreign militaries don't have a chance. Especially when our service members (current and former) get in on this. I have no doubt there are patriots who uphold their oath of defense to the American people amongst the military.

That's why I feel this whole gun control thing is scary. I believe these recent shootings are false-flag, and will continue, until Americans demand gun control. Then the armed population defense goes kaput.

We defend the constitution from enemies foreign and domestic. foreign....and domestic. Take the time to train us and then send another country to fight against an armed revolt inside the U.S. See how that works out for you. smokeyrobot you're correct. The ammo is all gone... and I know who has it. The vary people who defend the constitution. Bring it on fuckers.

Isn't the Federal government buying up a large amount of ammo. If they have it all then when you need some you'll have to go and ask them for it.

There is a group here in Lexington MA called the oath keepers, all former service men, police, and firemen. They've sworn to uphold constitutionality and not bear arms against civilians. They are also officially identified by the government as a terrorist organization. That breaks my heart right there. You know when the hammer drops they'll come round up people like that, like you, and like me, in the dark night.

If someone came for you one night and dragged you away, would your neighbors even care? - Jello Biafra, Full Metal Jackoff

The Government has been classifying donestic groups that put the needs of citizens first as terrorists for years.

Best example? The Black Panthers.

My hero.

Fight on brother

I vaguely remember being told that a soldier's (or whathaveyou) first and foremost duty is to the citizens. The people, above all else, are to be protected.

God help the shadow government if they use foreign troops to kill but even one American.

God help the American government is any protestors start getting shot.

Long live the duopoly! Long live the NSA kings!

God help the American government is any protestors start getting shot

ummm. The American government has a history of shooting unarmed and killing protesters. They have done this in the past with little consequences and that was when Americans were alittle more awake. Now, they can kill protestors left and right Americans won't give shit. The government just has to label them as "terrorists" which they have already done. So their fate is sealed already. We have pre-oked all the conditions for the government to commit a massacre against protestors or any minor "civil disturbances". Now Just wait for it. Thanks to PRISM data mining program, they could find them, kill them and disappear them and we would not even know about it. We have an Uber police state that can intercept your communication before you finish typing or uttering them. Welcome to Hell.

Kent state is a great example of that.

So were the Wobblies back in the early part of the labor organization.

Was that the pinkerton incident?

Somewhat, Pinkerton would identify the leaders. Hired killers did the rest. Business during that time operated more honestly, you knew if you stood up against them you were asking for hell.

I somewhat remember learning about the labor strike(?), where they ended up shooting a killing a few workers.

Awesome, thanks for the links.

That is just a few. Our 8 hour work day was paid in blood.

Remember that the next time your boss tries to exploit extra work out of you.

Def paid a lot more than we have to today.

I think it has been long overdue for the American working man to get reattached to his roots.

So make your politicians beholden to no force or private faction, did Madison not tell you this in federalist 10?

If you can give 40,000,000 to Elizabeth Warren to guarantee she is beholden to no force of usurpation, then you can do the same around the country.

Yes it will cost a substantial amount of human, political and economic capital to take back your country from three organs of government [and their hangers on], all hell bent on perpetuating their stagnant bureaucracy at any cost, but it has been done and it can be done.

PAC monies only go so far when the entire country has a stake in a race; turn state level politics into a national call for stopping the forces of faction and you have remedied that disease of anonymous and unlimited campaign financing so malignantly entrenched in the American electoral system. Spread the message of the Federalists with regards the disease of faction and the Bull-Moose with regards economic collusion to promulgate fledgling industries on the back of the taxpayer and the people will donate.

Awareness raising about the structural powers of veiled rule which exist in the Republic is good, but implementing a stagey for making lawmakers beholden to their constituents once again is the only natural progression of the rising progressive movement in America, and to do will require $40,000,000 with 80% of donations under 50 dollars (and 60% from out of state) again, and again, and again ad nasuem; so long as advanced industry exists then so too must 80,000,000 senate races in which apathy and a victory for usurpation are but one in the same.

And yes, some may suggest that we could pass a 28th amendment which would eradicate corporate standing in electoral politics by mandating public financing of election; but to that I say such a remedy comes only when the disease is already near remission; for if you have the senators necessary to pass such legislation then the need for large scale progressive capital is trounced by the organized efficiency of progressive leadership.

So fret not for the state of the Republic, for it is strong; but be weary that the remedy for our most malignant disease comes not from an ever accepting, while no doubt stringent and erudite, condemnation of the structural powers by that be, but rather from a never ending monetary fight to preserve the Republican charter of the now existing American democratic ethos.

Failing this monetary remedy, the disease of faction will continue to spread, as if a conflagration, until the oxygen, the living and breathing force of our most precious organs of government, is eternally exhausted.

If you can give 40,000,000 to Elizabeth Warren to guarantee she is beholden to no force of usurpation, then you can do the same around the country.

If bribing is the game you are willing to play then you will lose. Our opponents, the enemy makes money. How can you compete in a bribing scheme with money against the Machine that prints money? You will lose. It can print infinite money and control and access to the distribution of that money.

The answer against tyranny is the collective will of the people to stop it. Until every last American is suffocated by tyranny,until they have nothing to lose, they will not standup to the Machine. That is just reality. and this will be the exact threshold needed to defeat this tyranny. This is the law of the Universe. No great evil, power can persist without the equal failure of the opposite power and good energy. The universal energies always tend to go towards balance. People just need the WILL to power that energy.

Now that is a force I can get behind. Thanks for ending my bribery ambitions; I did indeed have a feeling there existed a reason for why such a strategy would not work.

But this energy of which you speak is indeed more powerful than money indeed; the question remains to be setteled as to the effective possabilty of rechanneling past sentiments and virtue, but I am open to the idea as I have felt the power of this enegry myself.

This law of the universe cannot be violated. Great kingdoms, and civilizations have ended to defeat great tyranny. Forces of the universe must always come to balance. The Will to power such an energy comes from awareness.You can't oppose that which you cannot conceive as being before you. This is the problem facing American collective Will. All Alarms that signal intrusion of freedom are ringing around them for years now, but they cannot see what and who is the intruder. They think,"it is nothing" and go back to sleep. But this intruder has been inside for so long that it is part of the system. And when they finally figure out that their system is the intruder itself, and actively attacking them from the inside , then can they take action. They will have to destroy the entire system to expel the intruder. This is the WILL required to defeat this Tyranny in America. The American system must end, to save Americans from it.

The universal energies always tend to go towards balance. People just need the WILL to power that energy.

And that will is actively sapped by the glowing screens all around us, injecting propaganda and apathy 24 hours a day.

The first step to Revolution is to "NEVER watch Television!"

I call a mistake on both of tour stances. This "the average Joe will be good" bullshit needs to stop. People need to stop kidding themselves. You know how many people the government employs, not even including the more shadowy agencies? Well including them, you don't think there's a whole shit ton of average Joes in there?

The foreign (UN) troops that will shoot American resistance and round up dissidents are already in the country.

The American military is 20 times the size of the entire UN military and police force. They only have 92,000 people all together (source - pdf). Their troops are pathetically equipped compared to American troops and most of them have little training. They have little in the way of air power or artillery.

I'm sure there are some UN troops that come to the US for training from time to time, but I would be highly surprised if there were even 500 in the country at any one time.

Oh ya and who might they be? Where are the foreign troops that are supposedly invading?


Operation Gladio

This time, it's personal. Summer 2013.

they have had this power for decades. Let that sink in. in fact let's blame the NSA for all intelligence failures. Like 9-11.

I'm not so sure that 9-11 was an "intelligence failure" - at least not from the NSA's perspective.

Means to an end?


I agree whole heartily. But now, the discussion of what really went down on 9-11 can be discussed without being dismissed as a tin-foil hat conspiracy theorist.

I hope so. But 9/11 is the rosetta store for the public face of the coup against our government. I think The Powers That Were will continue to try to interfere with public discourse about the topic.

Well I think there's a lot of personal manipulation of high government officials. Blackmail. J. Edgar Hoover all over again...

definitely in the realm of possibility.

Who would investigate that? I think it sounds worthy.

The title says it all. They have dirt on all the dirty politicians. They can all be pressured/blackmailed to do their bidding.

I often wondered when popular politicians suddenly left office (or died in a plane crash) if it was because they had a secret that they didn't want exposed. We need to accept that politicians will make mistakes and if they are good leaders we need to forgive and forget. The OPost makes me want to cry because I know it is true.

Are there not politicians, bankers, etc that are part of this unaccountable shadow government? I can get the "JFK effect" on those that break ranks, but assume that there must be plenty of loyalists and true believers also.

Maybe they are only let in because they can be controlled by their vices.

Eyes Wide Shut stuff then?

J Edgar Hoovers wet dream.

Applebaum calls James Clapper General Keith Alexander the most powerful man in the world. edit: name confusion

He's calls General Alexander the most powerful man in the world, not Clapper.

If the NSA knows so much, and surely tons of people talk about illegal activities on the internet, why don't they act on it?

They only care about powerful people. And they are acting on it, right now. Extorting every politician with a vice, a secret past.

How do you think they have been granting themselves additional power repeatedly without any interference from politicians who actually care about their citizens?

I usualy dont coment on links but this one is worth reading ..thanks

I'm in Canada and this is creepy to me... Avid gamer also and turned away from the next Xbox because of the whole kinect thing (and the DRM/Always online bs).

This is awkward times we live in. I really don't want to be watched, monitored on my every move, recorded on my every sound... ugh...

Since the government knows everything, don't they have a duty to act? And by not acting, would there not be some legal precedence that could be used to make them accessories? Well, I guess laws aren't really being followed any longer anyway since this is clearly a violation of our constitutional rights. Oh well. Back to the TV. See ya.

Yep but I don't want to die so what can I do about it

Start with informing people. Be as concise, clear, and non-confrontational about it. Do your research so you can respond to any rebuttal. Once the numbers are strong enough we can consider the next step to take.

FUNNY PEOPLE!! All those in this thread repeating how some pathetic ex-service man will defend them from the government. 19th century guns vs. 21 century drones... Drones that are not much different than laptops and tablets and can be mass produced in millions of copies on the Pentagon 1+ trillion $ annual budget. Capable of reaching any point in US in 3 min. And they only need to kill one person in ten thousand, if that. The rest of the people are just born slaves, take away their leaders and you can do whatever you like with the sheeple.

Facebook knows more

those that know the dirt, hold the puppet strings.

Having data does not necessarily mean having information.

Information is the coordination of data. Data fuels the flow of information.

Agreed (though not sure what "coordination of data" means) but has no bearing on what I stated.

It is all stored, and having dirt on someone powerful is just a few clicks away

Information is the coordination of data. Data fuels the flow of information.

Agreed (though not sure what "coordination of data" means) but has no bearing on what I stated.

It is all stored, and having dirt on someone powerful is just a few clicks away