We are witnessing a Coup d'Etat in the United States

89  2013-06-12 by [deleted]

Today there was ANOTHER leaked memo, this time alleging the U.S. State Department covered up pedophilia, sexual assaults, illegal drug trafficking, and "endemic" solicitation of sexual services. The timing of this memo is incredible, especially after the revelations on the IRS, Benghazi confusion, drone strikes of Americans, PRISM, the BLARNEY surveillance system, Verizon wiretapping, AP wiretapping, Fox News reporter wiretapping, and so forth.

What is going on?

My theory: the rogue elements of the shadow secondary military state, in particular the NSA and related Pentagon departments, are battling for control with the civilian side under Obama's control. We are witnessing a coup d'etat in which the shadow state is attempting to remove Obama/Clinton and put forth an even more controlled system of governance.

This is speculative on my part, but it explains the insanity we've been witnessing recently.


I think you have to go deeper than this. Start studying Deep Politics. With all of the recent revelations, do you really think that Mr. Barack Obama is anything but a puppet of The Establishment; and by The Establishment, I mean the permanent government.

Stop and think about this for a moment: in the USA, we are enthralled by "left wing" and "right wing" politics with its controlled discourse and its controlled opposition. These are two wings of the same beast. There is a "Conservative" arm of The Establishment made up of the elite in the DoD, the intelligence agencies, and the military-industrial complex. There is a "Liberal" arm of The Establishment made up of elite groups like The CFR, The Tavistock Institute, Academia, the Sate Department, etc.

I believe in one conspiracy: unchecked greed fueling dynastic consolidations of real power. These dynasties are headed by international financiers.

It is all a part of the show; an atmosphere that is the product of social engineering by those wielding control of true world power through high finance. You need to command an equal or greater force to stop the momentum, and with a heavily fluoridated population enticed by their Brave New World, I don't see a real revolution coming any time soon.

Thank the gods!

I say, let it all barrel on. Ordo ab Chao. Things will probably get much worse (full blown neo-feudalism for the "first world" with the eventual re-emergence of a strong mercantile class) before it gets better (provided, of course, we don't mutually annihilate one another through internecine conflicts for fun and profit).

Down vote me if you like, but I'm a huge fan of the so-called New World Order: I think it will arise out of the trance-formation of our current society pushed to its farthest limits.

Fascinating, my friend. I LITERALLY read and enjoyed that two times. Say more things, Sir.

What gods do you worship?

Worship is really just identification of one's self with the object of worship. I make my gods in my own image, and I worship those as I give them qualities I want to cultivate in myself.

Then again, you might consider me an "occultist."

i worship the norse gods and it's a free country man/woman worship a snail if it makes you happy

Agreed. Worship as you will. It makes no difference to me!

Well written walls of text are good ways to convert people to destructive ideologies, well done.

I think it's called NLP.

And I thought NLP was only useful for tricking women into having sex with me. LOL.


Lemme know what you think of my analysis here if you wouldn't mind, you seem to have a level head on your shoulders.

Well said

The "liberals" have always been the crypto-fascists, the Neocons are the 'useful idiots' who like to shout and yell so they can take the blame.

Damn. That was really insightful and concise. I too read it a couple of times. Thank you for your thoughts on this!

Thank you for reading.

Interesting technique my friend.

you may be interested in this.


The New World Order is simply the projection of American ideals and values across the globe. Then we can be Star Trek now.

If it's going to destroy us, why are yoy a fan of it?

I'll tell you this: I don't think the current course can be easily altered from the base of the pyramid where the majority of us work and toil; not without mass coordination of effort from the masses. This has been achieved in the past, at various times, by numerous prophets (real and imaginary) and founders of religious sects.

But the results are predictable. A theurgic sect degrades from gnosis and becomes entrenched in dogma. That dogma then becomes a vehicle for corruption. I am all for personal ambition, but I don't think we need to exercise that ambition through exploitation.

It would be far more effective to change course from the top of the pyramid. If I roll a ball down a hill, a slight change in course at the beginning, from the top of the hill, can have drastic effects on the final position of the ball as it comes to a stop. That same amount of effort lower down the hill doesn't necessarily produce such drastic results. Shifting a few degrees at the top can make miles of difference at the bottom.

Perhaps I have been a student of Hermetics for far too long to regard destruction as an axiomatically bad state of affairs. What will really be destroyed?

I don't think we will all annihilate each other, but I do think our over stimulated masses are going to need courage to walk away from an exploitive central banking system. However, we have become soft with our Reddit, and our modern conveniences. We are already deep in our neo-feudalism. It looks like the wealth gap is the largest it has been since the Dark Ages. Perhaps we are in a new Dark Age ironically illuminated by iPhones and Androids.

Yes, I am a bit cynical. I see people everyday just grunting away at their lives. I think they are perfectly content to just remain exploited. If that is the case, then the masses have precisely the government they deserve through their own apathy.

I have to hope that there are more people in the world that are starting to hope, and dream, and plan a New World Order (I hate that term - it was co-opted by the intelligence services) that doesn't have us crushed under the weight of debt slavery. However, I have absolutely no sympathy for those individuals who took on more debt than they could handle out of pure consumption - I certainly don't pity these fools.

this is not only going on in the US.. in the last 5 months now it's been know to the public in Norway that 6 journalists have been under surveillance by the intelligence agencies and they couldn't even explain it to the public AND we just had this anti piracy act implemented 2 days ago AND our government has soon made it legal to store info on us plus the same PRISM shit has been going on all along as well...

so the US is nothing special....

God that's horrifying.

and here is a picture of all the CEOs for the PRISM companys acting like they don't know dick about shit

can you find Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg?:P everybody is in this picture:P

"The U.S. government does not have direct access or a 'back door' to the information stored in our data centers."

Yeah, cause they don't have to. They use the front door, and they get away with it.

And all of these people who say "So what! I have nothing to hide!" Will be regretting their lack of action down the road....

or their children

Can someone make a meme of what is going on in this picture pls? Thanks

make a bunch!

I don't see Jobs, but Zuckerberg is to the right of Obama. Marissa Mayer of Yahoo! is on the left of the photo, and I see Larry Ellison of Oracle (fitting name, that).

jobs is on obamas immediate left.. the skinnyest guy at the table.. there are more pics from different angles....

Do you have any knowledge of Ukraine and the smaller poor countries around it? There is something really interesting going on over there in that it is trivially easy to pirate content of all kinds. The big producers don't seem interested in selling over there so likely its not even possible to buy content. There was some kind of law or directive passed in Ukraine to shut down pirate sites and then the government websites went under massive attack and apparently from what I was told the government actually relented. Its like everyone has just given up on the matter.

I know that most of the pirated content i find on piratebay is from Russia, Ukraine, Estonia and even China. I'm sad to say that i don't know much about what's going on in the eastern block, but i can remember people protesting in Ukraine and Poland..

the anti piracy act we got in Norway now allows private company's (hollywood) to do their own surveillance of IPs and all that shit SOPA and CISPA would allow in the US

So would you say that the Scandenavian countries are all right in there with this new type of police state? I just don't know much about that region because its much too expensive for me to linger there on my current income.

It seems to me that most if not all of the new justifications for locking down the Internet are based around either piracy or terrorism concerns. Far Eastern Europe doesn't seem to be terribly concerned about either of those things. It can be difficult to do business in Ukraine but it seems that it is much more free than is commonly understood. They really are a bunch of disillusioned people over there after all that they have been through. They seem to have mostly given up on having an overtly functional system and instead just do want they want. I think that this makes them a bit resistant to the copyright and patent racket. With their disillusioned attitudes, high intelligence and general lack of money it creates an unusual situation.

I wouldn't say that Scandinavia is turning into a physical police state, but rather a surveillance state, but then again our own police will soon be able to carry guns. all this data storage became a hot topic after the tragedy at Utøya. and Norwegians in general are like sheep when it comes to forming an opinion.

I'm not willing to give up my basic human rights because of piracy or terrorism. the movie industries need to adapt to the new market and terrorism is a fucking bad joke.

I already know that our own intelligence agencies here in Norway got access to our FB profiles and that they are bombarding us with trojans and malware just as much as any other agency in the world.

Personally I prefer to be in the company of Norwegians more than my own people. I've noticed something really cute and interesting about the people in that they seem somewhat unexperienced or unable to immediately comprehend, or identify evil or antisocial behaviour in a way that it seems to me that most Americans are able to. In time I'm sure that a Norwegian would realize that a person was fucked up but more likely the Norwegian would assume that they personally were not understanding something that was going on. So I'd say that your people are more likely to assume that a person is not a monster, to give that person a chance if they deserve it or not.

One time I was speaking at length with a Norwegian guy and I was telling him about hwo some thing are in America, the obesity, work places, antisocial behaviour, etc and it was obvious to me that I was in many ways coming from a super fucked up society. Overall I enjoy the people because they are fairly likely to have the ability to comprehend and for some reason they care about things. Having said that I could see the Norwegian people slipping into a comprehensive surveillance state that is totally over the top too much.

If I was an evil genius I would implement a system in Norway extremely slowly and I would make sure not to intrude or act overtly aggressive with the people. Then the general positive intention of the people would act as a cover. If I were evil.

isn't that how all politicians do their evil planning?:P

You speak here as if Obama and his administration are not part of the fascism quickly enveloping the United States. There is no Coup d'état going on by the NSA against the Obama administration.

Both parties are part of the same overarching plan to control the country and the citizenry here.

Obama is as much of a placeholder as Bush. My speculation is that the two factions of the shadow government, the NSA/Pentagon wing versus the State Department/Obama/Clinton wing, are battling it out. The recent leaks are in effect attacks of one side on the other, with the latest leak a blow by the NSA on the State Department.

I think invictus is closer to the truth. I don't think they are as "together" as imagined... If power plays occur in small groups amongst people we know - imagine what the power plays are like in higher groups with bigger stakes and more power/competition.

I'm SURE people's live are on the line and that the curtain is much darker than we can possible imagine

I'm SURE people's live are on the line and that the curtain is much darker than we can possible imagine

And this may very well be part of why both groups are being controlled by a bigger more powerful force - even if some or most of the players on either side don't know about it, are ignorant of it, and are actually sincere in their antagonism toward each other.

Like I mentioned to Invictus8, the ultimate goal of either group seems to involve a level of control over the plebs that really makes it six in one hand, half a dozen in the other. They're both going toward the same goal of control, just in different ways...just like the charade which is the Democratic and Republican parties. Whether they're the same or not - on the same team or "against" one another - the end goal of national enslavement will end up the same. Either way it'll be "mission accomplished" according to TPTB.

Obama is as much of a placeholder as Bush.

I would not disagree with this.

My speculation is that the two factions of the shadow government, the NSA/Pentagon wing versus the State Department/Obama/Clinton wing, are battling it out.

I would say they aren't because both wings are just as controlled by a higher power as the Democrip and Rebloodican gangs are controlled by a power above them as well.

The recent leaks are in effect attacks of one side on the other, with the latest leak a blow by the NSA on the State Department.

That seems to be one theory, but when it looks like the end game of either leak is simply more controls and constrictions upon the people of this country, then one sees that the end game is exactly the same from either group. They're both working toward the same goal.

" two factions of the shadow government"

But you didn't say that.

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.” - Frank Zappa

(Zappa's father worked at the Edgewood Arsenal chemical warfare facility of the Aberdeen Proving Ground. Due to their home's proximity to the arsenal, which stored mustard gas, gas masks were kept in the home. This had a profound effect on Zappa, and references to germs, germ warfare and the defense industry occur throughout his work.)

Didn't know that about Zappa's father. Interesting.

I also found it interesting that aspiring actor Jim Morrison's dad, the Navy Admiral, was instrumental in the Tonkin Incident (false flag operation that escalated the Vietnam conflict.)


I'm baffled by the circling of the wagons more than anything, though... Republicans like Saxby Chambliss and Mitch McConnell agreeing with Democrats like Dianne Feinstein and Al Franken on the surveillance system.

If investigations happen, they're in the crosshairs. They've known about this all along, so of course they're defending it.


I don't think anything is going to happen to obama. He's going to see the country slipping away and he'll tighten his grip. He'll tighten it and tighten it until none of us can breath. I really didn't have views this strong until recently, but i don't think it would be unlikely to see the FEMA camps this year. Maybe not that soon, but it's coming on the same slope as the singularity.

He's going to see the country slipping away and he'll tighten his grip.

If you still think this is about Obama, you're not paying attention.

It's not but he's the one being given the power of a tyrant. He's the top dog in our non-democracy.

In three years, Obama will be gone and it'll be someone else. You can keep going after the puppet if you want, but it's rather unproductive.

Ok, tptb then. Quit trying to mock me. Did you understand the jist of what i was saying? Why bicker with me over details? I know what you mean, but did you understand my meaning underneath my enemy-pointing mistakes?

We are witnessing a Coup d'Etat

The Coup took place on Sept. 11, 2001. Nice of you to join us.

I think there are factions vying for control, but that is always the case. Our democracy is designed so that will always be the case and we should rejoice that it is. If one faction ever has total control within the US Government, then we are in trouble.

I do think we are starting to see action from deep, hidden places; From factions that have always had tremendous power but have tended not to use it. There has always been a very secretive, very powerful intelligence and defense community sitting just out of sight, keeping the balance. I don't think we should fear this community, I think we should be hopeful that they are about to take a stand to rebalance things.

It makes a lot more sense if you understand the motive.

In the next decades we'll by and large lose petrochemical energy sources, as well as have to waste enormous efforts on merely surviving in a world with rapidly changing climate. This will more then half collective wealth worldwide, as at the same time populations go up by another few billion. There will be mass migrations, biosphere die-off, revolutions.

And the biggest hit will be technological unemployment - by 2050 more than 75% of jobs will have become irreversibly automated, and very little in terms of new forms of employment will emerge. We'll only see unemployment go up and up from this moment onwards. My estimate is that real unemployment has effectively gone up 1% per year, since the late 1990s. Probably over 1% per year. This is making the investor caste gruesomely rich, and everyone else has to compete three times as hard, live stressful lives.

We as a species COULD maybe hold things together but that would mean the rich would have to sacrifice a lot of their amassed wealth. The elites are completely not in favor of such a scenario. The 1% would rather see a sizeable portion of humans "die off" by gradual extinction rather than they lose more than half their affluence.

So what do they do? They have somewhere at the end of the last century, used whatever means at their disposal to grab power. They are by and large successful. My worst case scenario is that by 2100 population numbers of natural human beings will have decreased by over 50%. The point is that we make sure they haven't decreased by over 99%, leaving only that 1% alive as some form of post-humans.

Can someone link the "leaked memo, this time alleging the U.S. State Department covered up pedophilia, sexual assaults, illegal drug trafficking, and "endemic" solicitation of sexual services."?

Didn't Shillary resign?


I think you're onto something invictus8, seems like this is all co-ordinated. I suspect the Bankers aren't happy that Obama hasn't sent troops into Syria yet.


I'm not framing Obama as "some civilian hero fighting for us." He just inherited the same structural position as Dubya Bush, and hence has enacted a broadly similar set of policies.

That doesn't seem to make much sense since Obama is obviously in collusion with the NSA and is defending their actions.

Throughout history the shadow government that has initiated coups has been from the military. My only point is that the most likely candidate is the NSA and related departments in the Pentagon system, and that one interpretation of the various leaks is as a behind-the-scenes battle for control.

Given that coups have typically come from the military, one would have to ask who the current regime has pissed off?

You know how when a large ship sinks a big vortex forms around it and sucks everything within a generous radius down with it? (If not, try chucking a stone into some water and see what happens, as a visual aid)

Maybe it's time to start swimming.

Yes, but where to swim? We have no life rafts.

IDK, maybe Greenland and South America? You could always try the Bering Strait!

Cuba might be far enough away! Castro did say "history will absolve me" looks like he might just be right!

maybe one whistleblower is encouraging another? long may it continue! too many people know too much about the filth that is going on, about time it got outed.

i am very sorry you still think obama is on your side.

Obama, and any other President, is only on your side when it is politically and financially feasible to be on your side.


Or the communists that infiltrated our government and corporations over the last 30 years are finally winning the war of the minds...

Oh I am VERY convinced that there are communist elements in the US Government. Obama has ties to communists throughout his life, that son of a bitch.

Well yeah, anyone can make up and believe whatever they want.

But the NSA wing isn't the same thing as the Obama wing? That defies logic.

So you are saying that Obama/Clinton are the good guys fighting the shadow bad guys? mmkay.

No, they aren't the "good" guys. George W. Bush and Obama/Clinton are on the same side, and none of them are palatable.

Oh I definitely agree with you about that. I would take the tyranny all the way back to George Washington. But your post made it sound like Obama is the good guy fighting the evil NSA... Both are evil. I think we agree on that

Nah, I would take it back to Alexander Hamilton.

Then again, sometimes I'm like, "dammit ancestors, shoulda killed those fuckers when they got offa the boat."

Gosh. You should probably move, then.

the stupidity is strong in this one

Really adding to the conversation.

Why do you think OP is stupid?

What is your stance on all of this?

Don't bother arguing with the guy.

Yeah, I was just hoping to get some sort of conversation going, doubtful though.

Trust me, they are either trolls or just plain retarded. Probably a mixture of the two.

I think you are correct.

Yeah, I was just hoping to get some sort of conversation going, doubtful though.

i worship the norse gods and it's a free country man/woman worship a snail if it makes you happy