If Lying To Go To War Is Okay, If Warrentless Surveillance Is Okay, If Targeting American Citizens With Drone Strikes Is Okay, If Government Merging With Big Business Is Okay, If Torture Is Okay, If Taking Away Gun Rights Is Okay... If All This Stuff Is Okay, What Is NOT Okay?

113  2013-06-12 by [deleted]

It seems like anything that the government does is immediately defended by the mainstream media peanut gallery - I just wonder if there is any single thing that they would not be okay with... Where is the line that the government would have to do in order for the media to turn?

Of course, this is just a rhetorical question... the msm will do whatever they are told in the end... But the question does help to give (me, at least) some perspective on all of this.


What Is NOT Okay?

sovereignty, enlightened citizenry, parapolitical awareness, food and water awareness, bearing arms, self-sustainability, mineral rights and economic independence, criticism of criminal globalist financial/drugs/arms cabals.

Damn. The truth hurts.

Been getting my ass kicked by it for at least three years now, too. Bitch is unrelenting, like Muhammed Ali.


I slept for pretty much the great majority of my young life. I'm 23. :/

This is such a great response.

and political incorrectness

Bearing arms is encouraged by the gun industry. But only the arms THEY make.

Revealing government secrets. /s

questioning your government is not okay citizen

Psychedelic drugs to expand your consciousness. Unless you're part of the criminal elite and go to weird ass orgies and rituals in the woods. Then its k.

Dont forget about the hookers and drugs.

To ask questions!


They use the alleged trump card of terrorism to illicit compliance from the masses who take not the time to know the true inner workings of those things.

It actually goes well beyond those things. Health care will systematically be controlled by insurance providers when everyone is on a HMO. Education in public schools is a joke and instead of learning students now prep for tests and nothing more. Entertainment is now popular using the least common denominator and the make up of or food is getting worse and on and on. ...people are clueless. State and Federal intrusion into our homes is seemingly at an all time high.

It is my opinion that it will never be not okay. People have been conditioned and indoctrinated to the system and accept it. Those who will be left to fight off it ever comes to that will be s fraction of the 300 million in this country. Most will not have the will nor fortitude to persevere through such a contested culture war.

I think we have a problem.

Prosecuting pedophiles.

someone could make a good infographic of this

"How does something immoral, when done privately, become moral when it is done collectively? Furthermore, does legality establish morality?

Slavery was legal.

Apartheid was legal.

Stalinist, Nazi and Maoist purges were legal.

Clearly, the fact of legality does not justify these crimes.

Legality, alone, cannot be the talisman of moral people."

-Walter E. Williams.

Fags polluting the sanctity of traditional marriage under the guise of civil rights. Pfft.


To disobey your loving government. /s

What isn't ok?

Not paying your taxes via unapproved IRS loopholes.

Smoking weed and protesting all those things that you said are okay.


Nah, you're allowed to disagree, and even to say you disagree, as long as you mumble and no one listens to you. You're not allowed to BOLDLY disagree.

Calling it a dictatorship or tyranny.

Nobody will do anything until it's too late. The majority of people won't wake up until martial law is already in place.

Taking away the TV.

Pointing out that Obama is just like Bush will get you banned from Democratic Underground.

Apparently shining a light of open access for the citizens of a hypocritical leading state of the "free world" is NOT OK.

breaking the law is not okay. these guys think that everything they are doing is legal. seriously.

The golden rule: He who has the gold, makes the rules.

When you make the rules, everything can be legal. Also, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

hopefully, child porn.

Well they did get up in arms when it was found out that the justice department was monitoring phone lines of those reporters. In other words, they could give a shit less unless the government starts coming after them. Of course the government was quick to propose a "shield law" granting reporters immunity from charges. That'll probably get them back to towing the government's agendas.

Talking about it.

Not funding them is not ok, aka not paying taxes

My question is why do you live with it? Move away from it.

It's pretty difficult to move when the government has all my money.

Because there is still hope, and that is the one thing people will always cling to . I love my nation, not the government, not the laws, but the people, the land, the idealized version of democracy I grew up learning about, and my heritage as an American, why should anyone have to leave their own country because of the twisted way politicians try to pervert justice? I don't care if you were born in your country or moved there when you already had gray hair, if you are an innocent citizen you should not be forced away from the place you love by your own fear. There is still hope for change, it has happened before and it can happen again.

Damn. The truth hurts.

and political incorrectness

Nah, you're allowed to disagree, and even to say you disagree, as long as you mumble and no one listens to you. You're not allowed to BOLDLY disagree.

This is such a great response.

Bearing arms is encouraged by the gun industry. But only the arms THEY make.

The golden rule: He who has the gold, makes the rules.

When you make the rules, everything can be legal. Also, absolute power corrupts absolutely.