WTF? Think about it for a second...

7  2013-06-12 by no1113

It seems like the fact that we haven't revolted en mass yet very likely means that we as a populace, we as a citizenry, actually never will. I mean look at what's going on with Edward Snowden for instance. This is a direct, first hand, proof positive, in-your-face example of the fact that the government that exists in this country not only keeps secrets - dangerous, destructive secrets - from the population as a whole (a thing which in my book is already a hanging offense and should in and of itself be enough to cause the population to revolt right off the bat), but it actually takes those individuals in the population that work toward informing the rest of the people that such caustic and cancerous practices exist in this nation (Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden as but two of the more recent examples in a list that is enormously long) and prosecutes, jails, and/or actually even kills them.

What the FUCK, people?

The fact that we, again, have absolute undeniable proof that what I am saying here is the 100% truth and yet as a whole we still sit here and pretty much do absolutely NOTHING is further proof that well...maybe the 0.1% are right about us. Maybe they are right about how they see us.

Maybe we are sheep.

Maybe we are good for nothing but serfdom, servitude.

Maybe we aren't really worthy of much other than continuing to be stupid, moronic lemmings manipulated and cajoled into dutifully doing exactly what the masters of this planet condition us to do.

Yes. Of course there are some of us trying to do something. There are some of us that march, that demonstrate, that post videos online, that have intelligent discussions with others and have good analysis of just what might be happening. There are those that even make attempts to live a healthy, sustainable life against the dictates of the common manipulation at the hands of TPTB. Hell, look at the very activists that I just mentioned above! Those guys are absolutely proof that some of us are REALLY doing something. However, where has all of this lead us as a planet and country? WTF exactly is happening? Ultimately, we're STILL enslaved. We're STILL in the state of manipulated serfdom that we're in. We're STILL going to wars for these manipulative pieces of shit. We're STILL allowing ourselves to fall for and be indoctrinated by this paradigm of separation that is keeping us divided, at odds with one another, and easy to conquer and rule over. We're still living under this fiat currency bullshit that we've been indoctrinating into thinking we "need" as a society and as a people - as a planet - in order to survive. Again, wtf?

There are pockets of humanity that are making sporadic efforts against this obvious evil that exists on this planet, but the fact of the matter is that humanity as a whole is still very, very much under its grip.

And all we keep doing is circle-jerking on websites like this doing what we'd like to THINK is "making a difference" and pat ourselves on the back saying it's "spreading awareness" when, in fact, what we might be doing is essentially not much different than what those we criticize as being "blind to the truth" do because, in the end, the result is the same. We're all still ruled over as a country and as a planet.

In other words, what's the difference between the person who knows that the reason they got thrown in prison was because they were set up for a murder they didn't commit and the person that has no idea whatsoever why they got thrown in prison yet doesn't really complain much about it, doesn't try to get out, doesn't try to educate themselves, and just stays in there like a dumb sheep passively taking what comes until they simply die? What's the difference? I'll tell you what the difference is:

NONE. There is no difference. Why? Because they're both in fucking prison and in the end, if the one who supposedly "knows" doesn't fight to get themselves out of prison (legally, by breaking themselves out, or by somehow destroying the entire prison itself) then they'll both stay in there and rot in that prison just the same.

So in the end it doesn't make a difference.

Right now, a good portion of us in this subreddit are similar to the person who KNOWS why they're in prison and has a much better understanding of the ins and outs of the country/shitty prison system than most.

But, again, what difference does that make if in the end all we're doing is ultimately talking amongst ourselves and jerking each other off without actually taking some real steps to band together as one, take the prison system the fuck out, and set ourselves free?

Anyway...rant over...

TL;DR: We as a people aren't actually doing enough - or even anything - to band together as a whole and TOGETHER bring the evil in this system down.


If you combine The Psychology of Authority + Political Ponerology: A Science on The Nature of Evil adjusted for Political Purposes you will arrive at exactly what the world of humanity faces today.

The Psychology of Authority

Damn. That was awesome. See now THAT'S a good example of an activist making good statements and good presentations. It involves the dissemination of powerful ideas. However, there comes a time when we need to ACT upon those ideas, and I keep having the feeling that that time is literally upon us now and we are NOT acting.

The time is upon us. Knowing is not enough.

Where are the lawyers at??

Usually protecting the criminals, unfortunately.

Society is a religion. It is the worship of jackels by jackasses.

I would personally say it's more like the worship of jackals by sheep that, through much brainwashing and indoctrination, have lost sight of the fact that they are really lions.

I've always wanted to ask this sub this question. So, you just lead a march to the White House and took over whatever you wanted in the first place. Well, what now? Are you going to be the new government and not lie to us? Did you ever think that the world is better off being lied to? Maybe we need to be told it's all going to be okay to go through with our lives. Just something I've wanted to ask for a while.

TLDR: What do we do now?

So, you just lead a march to the White House and took over whatever you wanted in the first place. Well, what now?

That's really a wonderful question. Of course, I personally am no genius or even close, so I'm not versed in all the specific technological things that can change society for the better.

However, I do know that there are a lot of people that ARE skilled enough to make it happen.

I would essentially get people like Jacque Fresco from The Venus Project and Peter Joseph from The Zeitgeist Movement - to name only two amongst many different types of innovators that I'd bring to the fore - and simply have long term discussions about how we could change society for the cleaner and for the better.

Of course there would be differences amongst them - as there already are - but the end result would, again, stretch toward a cleaner, sustainable, healthier civilization.

Are you going to be the new government and not lie to us? Did you ever think that the world is better off being lied to?

The world WOULDN'T be better off being lied to. Simple as that. That's already been proven over and over again via the world we currently live in now. That's not to say that there wouldn't be a lot of growing pains and that things would have to change significantly in a world with open, truthful communication, but keeping open, truthful avenues of communication is the only thing it seems that will ensure long lasting stability.

Maybe we need to be told it's all going to be okay to go through with our lives.

HELLL motherfucking no. No way. We need to be told THE TRUTH, and if the truth is that we're fucking ourselves and could be a lot better if we but take a good long truthful look at ourselves and our faults, we will either 1) vastly improve toward the better, or 2) destroy ourselves because we can't handle the responsibility of being honorable and honest. Either way it's a win win situation because if we have what it takes as a civilization (which I know we do), then we will simply get better, grow, and improve...and if we DON'T have what it takes to lead an honorable, truthful life, then I personally feel that it's just as well that we destroy ourselves anyway because we're little more than a bane to existence that way.

Just something I've wanted to ask for a while.

I think it's a very valid thought and consideration. Thanks for asking the questions.

When learning about atrocities committed by other nations at different times Americans like to say 'we would never let that happen here.

Sadly this is easy to say, talk is cheap.

But when you talk about revolution what example can you give people to convince them it is a good idea? They almost always end terribly and with even more evil people in charge.

You are asking people to put their families lives at risk and for what outcome? A totally unknowable one.

The government has prepared for a large scale insurrection. The only way to change things is to somehow get through the propaganda and instill a sense of empathy and love in an attempt to negate the anger and fear which is ingrained through media from an early age. The people must change for the government to change.

Attempting to force that change won't work unless you can convince the massive banks that under your planned system they will make even more money.

When learning about atrocities committed by other nations at different times Americans like to say 'we would never let that happen here.

Sadly this is easy to say, talk is cheap.

Correct. Ever so easy to say. When it's happening to you it's a bit more difficult to realize you are the direct victim of the very thing you swore you would never let happen.

when you talk about revolution what example can you give people to convince them it is a good idea?

America itself.

For all of it's troubled past, this country was founded by people coming from a land that was taking undo advantage of them. These people decided to go against the conventional wisdom at the time that said "Don't rock the boat! Don't fight against the monarchy! Just do what they say! They're too powerful! You will loose if you try to oppose them!" and they said "How we're living right now is even worse than the possibility of defeat," and they revolted.

A growing number of the people in this country are really not far away from having similar motivating factors.

Granted the Fed eventually sunk its diseased tentacles into the marrow of the new nation soon after its formation and began to bring it down again, but this is none the less an example that can be given to people of a group that realized the governance of the country it was coming from was NOT anything that was good or beneficial for them, and they decided to actually fight against it.

Right now the United States is quickly on its way toward becoming not all too dissimilar from the type of country the founding fathers fought against.

That right there is something that can be told to people to convince them that it is a good idea to stand up. We are about to turn into the land that this country was created in order to get away from in the first place.

They almost always end terribly and with even more evil people in charge.

So it's okay to allow things to continue as they are? Might as well continue allowing yourself to keep getting ass raped by the current system? Somehow that doesn't seem to jive with me even a little bit.

You are asking people to put their families lives at risk and for what outcome?

No. I am telling people that whether they know it or not, they are CURRENTLY putting their families at more risk than they could possibly imagine by doing nothing and allowing things to continue as they are.

for what outcome? A totally unknowable one.

Therefore stay in the dark KNOWING that you're going to be enslaved instead of fighting to open the door to the cave that you're in and hopefully get the opportunity to stand up for yourself and make a better life for you and your family? Is that what you're saying?

This is the talk of a fearful sheep. This is the talk of someone who would rather keep the one shilling they and their family are given to eat and live off of and continue barely scraping by with just that as opposed to fighting for a better place for themselves and their family. The risk involved in the endeavor is, unfortunately, enough to keep you resigned to your place of subordination, but the fact of the matter is that if you were to pick your head up for but a second from the darkness that you've been indoctrinated to accept, you would realize that there is a LOT more that you and me and all of us should be getting. There is a lot more peace and liberty and love that we should be able to experience, express, and impart to one another. It might take serious focus and work to achieve it, but at the end of the day, you and your children are MUCH more likely to be able to raise your head and see the sunshine of a much better life than would EVER be the case by allowing yourself to remain down spending the rest of your days in the wholly subservient position we've been indoctrinated to except as "just the way it is."

So I don't think that the future is really all that "unknowable".

The government has prepared for a large scale insurrection.

This certainly seems to be the case. Yes.

The only way to change things is to somehow get through the propaganda and instill a sense of empathy and love in an attempt to negate the anger and fear which is ingrained through media from an early age.

Why is it that you have worked so diligently at attempting to combat what I've been saying when the real point that I've been trying to make is that what you're saying above right here is EXACTLY what I myself feel needs to be done as well?

Perhaps you are under the misguided impression (maybe because of the manner in which I myself phrased things) that I'm all about "Fighting fighting fighting!! War war war!! Guns guns and more guns!!"

The absolute best way that all these problems can be overcome is if we as a human family were to simply all come together as one and learn to work and love and live together with one another independent of our seeming differences.

My willingness to fight and go to war does not undermine my feeling that violence is still NOT the best way of doing things by a long shot. I would prefer for all of us to simply come together in, as I said, global (or at least national) noncompliance in the system. That would be SOOO much better.

The people must change for the government to change.

This is 100% true, sir, and part of why I made the OP is because I am imploring us TO change. That change, at this point, would ideally come through peaceful noncompliance and noncooperation in the system on a national and global level, but I am also not afraid of picking up arms and going to battle if peaceful means are not possible.

Attempting to force that change won't work unless you can convince the massive banks that under your planned system they will make even more money.

The banks need not even be in the equation one way or the other. Granted it takes a greater level of wisdom and elevation (and, again, global/national togetherness) on the part of the masses, but if achieved, it can signal a world that can exist independent of the banks in general.

Attempting to force that change won't work unless you can convince the massive banks that under your planned system they will make even more money.

These are not the words of a free man.


Maybe of a realistic one?

Maybe of a subverted one, knowingly or otherwise?

By continuing to pander to the banking structure as it is, and that's exactly what he's recommending, you fix exactly NONE of the problems causing the collapse of modern society.

If your goal is reform and freedom, then no. None of what he said could, by any lights, be considered realistic.

The forefathers of this country and our early politicians fought the establishment of a central bank tooth and nail, because they know what it means when one is established. They were PROUD to fight the bank. But then again, they weren't raised from birth to be the bank's bitches under the umbrella of unfettered pro-bank propaganda.

You want realistic. Disband the Fed.

Good luck with that.

I am afraid that your divisive condescending tone might get in the way of your goal.

Methinks you doth assume too much.

School-conditioned, big pharma drugged, jetsprayed with brain rotting metals. TV-softened minds. The founders of this country are spinning in their graves right now. Because they fought for what? So that iPhone-snobby latte-sipping hipsters could prance around while liberty goes to hell?

A big asteroid would improve things and the resulting cannibalism by starving survivors would help too. Sheep deserve their fates but the evil in the elite don't receive their proper fate.

School-conditioned, big pharma drugged, jetsprayed with brain rotting metals. TV-softened minds.

This, unfortunately. This.

The founders of this country are spinning in their graves right now.

Also true.

Because they fought for what? So that iPhone-snobby latte-sipping hipsters could prance around while liberty goes to hell?

Sounds about right, unfortunately.

A big asteroid would improve things and the resulting cannibalism by starving survivors would help too.

I'm not all too certain that TPTB wouldn't attempt a "FF asteroid explosion" so that they could pick up the pieces in the fallout and instill an NWO as the citizens beg and plead to be "saved".

Sheep deserve their fates but the evil in the elite don't receive their proper fate.

The real elite won't receive that proper fate in this life anyway. There is an indication that the very top TOP of the pyramid on this planet is part of a greater, off planetary order that agreed to undertake a "great sacrifice" in order to help humanity evolve spiritually. Although their final end goal is designed to, again, help humanity grow, the means that they employ to achieve this end involve such incredibly, traumatically difficult lessons that the beings imparting these lessons will end up themselves having to undergo a great deal of "karmic purging" over the course of many, many lifetimes in order to eventually expunge the damage they did to themselves in the process of this helping.

...Bet you didn't expect that out-of-left-field response, eh?

Here. Take a look at this

Step 1. Find secure lines of communication that are easy to implement on a large scale.

TOR can be used, although I read that a source can be traced via the exit nodes. In person communication seems not bad, but that can be bugged.

Any examples you can think of that would qualify as secure lines of communication that are easy to implement on a large scale?

Hmmm. Just read up about it a little bit. Looks interesting and possibly promising.

Until we get something like that going to restore our 1st amendment rights, I'm afraid we are just profiling ourselves for the NSA.

Boston, hit me up!

West Coast. Other side of the country. It's a small world though, and getting smaller every day, so things can still happen.

So, you just lead a march to the White House and took over whatever you wanted in the first place. Well, what now?

That's really a wonderful question. Of course, I personally am no genius or even close, so I'm not versed in all the specific technological things that can change society for the better.

However, I do know that there are a lot of people that ARE skilled enough to make it happen.

I would essentially get people like Jacque Fresco from The Venus Project and Peter Joseph from The Zeitgeist Movement - to name only two amongst many different types of innovators that I'd bring to the fore - and simply have long term discussions about how we could change society for the cleaner and for the better.

Of course there would be differences amongst them - as there already are - but the end result would, again, stretch toward a cleaner, sustainable, healthier civilization.

Are you going to be the new government and not lie to us? Did you ever think that the world is better off being lied to?

The world WOULDN'T be better off being lied to. Simple as that. That's already been proven over and over again via the world we currently live in now. That's not to say that there wouldn't be a lot of growing pains and that things would have to change significantly in a world with open, truthful communication, but keeping open, truthful avenues of communication is the only thing it seems that will ensure long lasting stability.

Maybe we need to be told it's all going to be okay to go through with our lives.

HELLL motherfucking no. No way. We need to be told THE TRUTH, and if the truth is that we're fucking ourselves and could be a lot better if we but take a good long truthful look at ourselves and our faults, we will either 1) vastly improve toward the better, or 2) destroy ourselves because we can't handle the responsibility of being honorable and honest. Either way it's a win win situation because if we have what it takes as a civilization (which I know we do), then we will simply get better, grow, and improve...and if we DON'T have what it takes to lead an honorable, truthful life, then I personally feel that it's just as well that we destroy ourselves anyway because we're little more than a bane to existence that way.

Just something I've wanted to ask for a while.

I think it's a very valid thought and consideration. Thanks for asking the questions.