The most significant potential of PRISM, is a silent but deadly tool for insider trading by wallstreet fat-cats.

64  2013-06-18 by venikk



The rich are in a war with small businesses because they can create value that doesn't go right into their pockets. Sarbane-Oxley ended the IPO for the most part and basically forces all internet companies to be absorbed into an existing fortune 500 company when they get big. Obamacare offers many loopholes to corporations that give them a cost edge over small business to implement the requirements.

I learned an interesting term from a link submitted earlier today (Regarding Snowden's disclosure) that may be relevant: Hangout / Limited Hangout.

Actually this was likely done long before PRISM ever existed by a previous program called PROMIS.

Just cut some relevant parts out of an article/investigation written by Mike Ruppert. Lengthy but interesting read.

...After a series of demonstrations showing how well Promis could integrate the computers of dozens of US attorneys offices around the country, the Department of Justice (DoJ) ordered an application of the software under a tightly controlled and limited license. From there, however, Meese, along with cronies D. Lowell Jensen (also no stranger to FTW's pages) and Earl Brian allegedly engaged in a conspiracy to steal the software, modify it to include a "trap door" that would allow those who knew of it to access the program in other computers, and then sell it overseas to foreign intelligence agencies. Hamilton began to smell a rat when agencies from other countries, like Canada, started asking him for support services in French when he had never made sales to Canada.

The Promis-managed data could be anything from financial records of banking institutions to compilations of various records used to track the movement of terrorists.

From a later paragraph...

The essence of those documents was that, not only had the Republicans under Meese exploited the software, but that the Democrats had also seen its potential and moved years earlier. Nowhere was this connection more clearly exposed than in understanding the relationship between three classmates from the U.S. Naval Academy: Jimmy Carter, Stansfield Turner (Carter's CIA director), and billionaire banker and Presidential kingmaker (Carter's Annapolis roommate), Arkansas' Jackson Stephens. The Tyree diagrams laid out in detail how Promis, after improvement with AI, had allegedly been mated with the software of Jackson Stephens' firm Systematics. In the late seventies and early eighties, Systematics handled some 60-70% of all electronic banking transactions in the U.S. The goal, according to the diagrams which laid out (subsequently verified) relationships between Stephens, Worthen Bank, the Lippo Group and the drug/intelligence bank BCCI was to penetrate every banking system in the world. This "cabal" could then use Promis both to predict and to influence the movement of financial markets worldwide. Stephens, truly bipartisan in his approach to profits, has been a lifelong supporter of George Bush and he was, at the same time, the source of the $3 million loan that rescued a faltering Clinton Campaign in early 1992. There is a great photograph of Stephens with a younger George "W" Bush in the excellent BCCI history, False Profits.

came here to mention PROMIS, ... exactly this same article even!

This machine could be used for everything. Markets, thoughts, actions ... everything. If you knew every piece of data in the world, and you could write software to run queries and collation programs etc.. you could aggregate the information and be a god.

Imagine computers harvesting our data and watching us as an omnipresent overlord making decisions about our life and death, both individually and as a whole.

You just know this is like Google to the people who really run this world...

The secret government needs secret funding for things it doesn't want any oversight over. Insider trading assures infinite secret funding. Iran-Contra except permanent income.

Makes me curious if this might not be part of the reason that the economy is so bad. Uncontrolled shadow government growing and siphoning more and more money from gaming the system. What started off as millions has becomes billions or trillions.