How has the "Guardian" and the "Washington Post" been able to leak the PRISM papers without government retribution?

39  2013-06-23 by [deleted]

Obviously most media outlets would not have printed this information. What makes WaPo and Guardian so elite/ballsy they think they can take on the powers that be?


Maybe because they know it's not a huge revelation and they're just selling fear. The leak is very similar to what was already confirmed in 2005...

Maybe because they're part of the system and were told to publish it. Don Graham, CEO of The Washington Post Company, is also on the board of directors of Facebook...

Any "credible" news organization was penetrated by the CIA a long time ago. The Washington Post is no exception.

Their trying to distract us from Turkey and other protests because they don't want people getting the same idea. So they are trying to shock us in to not acting.

One thought would be that they haven't made anything "personal", at least personal against a single individual with enough clout. They can report on political parties and nothing will happen in terms of repercussions. They can report on the "big banks" or a single big bank and nothing will happen. They can report on a group of corporate entities or a single corporation and nothing will happen to them.

Whenever they attack a group, those in the group will pass the buck, in terms of guilt, from one person unto the next until all accusations are forgotten and no real fiduciary harm will come of it. That, or blame gets passed to an unsuspecting scapegoat and no real harm will affect the group.

If a media agency, which is yet another large group, does catch flak... the same result occurs. Nothing for them to really worry about.

However, if they go after an individual, or select small group of individuals, then that is where shit starts getting real. The higher the "social/political cache" of the individual(s) the higher the retribution.

Edit: Blowback is inversely proportional to the focus diameter of the spotlight and directly proportional to the intensity of the bulb.

1st amendment maybe?

pffffffttttttttttt someone still thinks the bill of rights is relevant

It does to me.

well me too, but that shit just doesnt matter when dealing with LEOs anymore

Most of the people in those organizations are decent people who truly believe in 'the system.'

Once information is out you can't put it back in.

In this case I think that the damage has been done and there's little to be done about it.

I expect that some new news item will be trumpeted in the near future.


Because they aren't fox news. This administration cares more about politics than anything else. James Rosen was investigated because of this puny article.