Devil's Advocate: What if Edward Snowden is part of a larger plan?

26  2013-06-23 by atypicalgamergirl

I posted this comment in another section and while at the time I was only about halfway serious, I have had some further time to think about it. Now that we are seeing who is assisting Snowden in his escape to safety - I can't help but to take my previous thoughts a step further.

Bear with me here, this may seem like a silly spy movie plot - but let's play devil's advocate. What if the experiment extends to not only gauging how the American public will react, but how other nations will react? What if Edward Snowden is an agent leading the powers-that-be straight into the heart of those who seek to expose far, far more nefarious secrets and plans and protect others who expose them?

It is a chilling thought, but I would not be surprised to see 'heroes' become the most potent weapons against those who support their apparent causes.


To be frank I don't care. If he is a spy or if he screws chickens is not really an issue. The messenger can be as rotten as they come but the message is proving to be true. That he might have another agenda doesn't change the fact of the underlying sickness the US now has. So even if he turns out to be a festering boil on the buttock. I'd still be more worried about the terminal cancer that is eating away at America now

But it seems to me that OP is actually referring to the same thing you yourself are here. The "festering boil" you refer to might be even more necrotic than previously supposed, and taking a closer look at Snowden's position in all of this might give an even clearer idea of just what is going on than might have otherwise been supposed. As such, saying that you don't care if he is currently an undercover agent STILL working for TPTB might miss the greater danger that we all might be in if indeed he is.

What he exposed is what many of us have already known for a while - that TPTB have the ability to monitor us to a great extent. And this is a good thing. I'm glad he did that, as are many. However, OP's wondering is not misplaced, as stranger things have happened.

there is always a larger plan. i thought back when he first leaked the info, that they were going to make an example out of him to silence other potential leakers.

Most of what he disclosed was either already known or suspected so, I would have to say he isn't what he appears to be. What the sociopaths are up to with all of this I cannot say. If I were more of a sociopath I might have a clue.

I've been thinking about this the past week or so as well. If even Fox news is covering the story at all, it has to be the story that we're supposed to look at. At times like these I always look to the other 'unrelated' headlines that most would not see.

This is a credible question.

This is correct and not silly. They're everywhere.

Reminds me of the talk that the Boston bombings were an excuse to test out the publics reaction to a complete military takeover and citizens being stripped of their rights. At first I wanted to say 'No Way' but the more you take a step back and look it definitely can raise questions.

Sounds very valid to me, and is a supposition that should be considered and not just discarded as "loony" offhand. Better safe than sorry as far as considering possible scenarios.

EDIT: The collective unconscious is causing similar thoughts to enter into more minds than just yours.

That post is absolutely absurd.

I think it's more likely that he's a Russian and/or Chinese spy.

This reeks of a KGB propaganda operation. The soviets did these kind of things during the cold war.

Why would Putin come out and defend the NSA spying, then?