If you connect the dots, does it not seem obvious that prism was used to bust petraeus?

43  2013-06-23 by [deleted]

Iirc NSA was involved in the investigation and Michael Hastings was supposedly interviewing Kelly regarding her law suit.


How about Eliot Spitzer? Etc.

Prism will be used for political gain by whatever party is in power. I really can't understand why anyone would support this program.

A friend of mine who is very well educated said "why should I care? I am not doing anything wrong. "

I think many Americans like my buddy, have never felt their rights personally infringed so they lack any real connection to the big picture.

I think too many Americans are naive about government. They buy into the propaganda and view gov agencies as the good guys. The truth of the matter is that these agencies are comprised of people who look after their own interests. We have to limit their power as much as possible just to prevent abuses.

And Anthony Wiener. He was really going after the banks, and then BOOM every picture on his phone got released. Elizabeth Warren must be squeaky clean.

They could also theoretically listen to conference calls at Fortune 500 companies, for instance, and use that information for insider trading in the stock market.

Dianne Feinstein is head of the Senate Intelligence Committee. Petraeus was part of a larger purge inside the military. http://fellowshipofminds.wordpress.com/2012/12/03/obama-purges-u-s-military-command/

I have no doubt that this is true and that actually every death of anyone who is fighting for the rights of people is interconnected as well.

I really hope proof of this is on one of the 4 laptops Snowden has in his possession.

It's a farce to think you don't do anything wrong.

Everyone does something wrong. Downloaded a song once when you were 12? Lawsuit/Jail time.

Made disparaging/racist/immoral comments online in your teens. Potential for jail time.

It continues...

by who and what was the motive?


Working on that novel?