I am new to this subreddit, but i have so many things to say and have been inspired by snowden to come clean. I have almost ten years active duty and have guarded norad, psd to generals and celebs. missions with spec ops. What do you guys wanna know?

30  2013-06-24 by [deleted]


And how soon do you think the shit will hit the fan. What do you think will go down next? Thanks for joining the Dominoes that are falling to tell the truth!


not far in the future but i think we got a few good years left, but when it goes it is really gonna go.

Does this fit in with the Agenda 21 plans for post 2015 in any way?



The man's not an oracle.

When it all starts what kind of people will be weeded out first? I imagine that there will be some sort of order to everything.


With all the talk of fema camps, surely they want certain individuals there or dead. I'm wondering what types of people other than terror suspects. Druggies, people with criminal records etc.


this is why i went in to private security, they gave me a vest and training at the very least i think it will buy me some time, not much but maybe enough to get clear of the city

I just want to point out that looking at this thread some time later, some asswad has come along and downvoted all of the OP's replies.

ryan1231984 has been very generous and honest with his thoughts and has provided us with a lot to chew on.

Fie on you downvoting troll, you are not one of us. We support ryan1231984.

And who are you?

And who are you?

Did you have to take the test where you are asked if you are willing to fire on US citizens?

Even I know a US Marine that was asked that question on a written test. When he objected & gave the test admin some shit about it, they said "it was a mistake, it's not supposed to be on there."

Was there any particular incident/event that drew you here?

What made you want to 'come clean'

1.) How many people, you reckon, in the military would fire on their own countrymen?

2.) What have you heard about 'Home Grown Terrorism'?

3.) What's the strangest thing you've come across so far?


1.) most if not all

You're full of shit.

The people I serve with would never dream of doing that. Orders be damned.

You're sadly naive, I'm afraid.


Seen a lot of "brave" men put their own lives and the lives of their "friends" in utterly needless danger just because someone with shiny brass told em to. This is no morally different then firing at angry "threatening" civilians. It's easy for everyone to talk big. I've seen that. But very very few can deliver. The military selects yes-men and weeds out the independent thinkers. The result is that the very few people who want to resist won't be able to make a difference. Hell we've already seen it happen at Kent State.

I think it's different when all your troops have a very personal stake in where they're fighting and who they're being told to kill, though.

I agree but that only increases their impulse to follow orders. Imagine: US in chaos, food scarce, money scarcer, riots in the streets, both activists and looters. Common service member has food, stability, family is safe. He's told to go stop the chaos. From his limited perspective it's impossible to separate the activists from looters and rioters. The choice is to kill a chaotic angry threatening stranger or sacrifice the security and lively hood of his family. Pretty easy choice at that point.

If they had deltas in this subreddit, I'd have just given one to you.

I never thought about it from that angle before. Thanks for enlightening me.


Don't put your trust in the officer corps. They've been rather well purged and brainwashed at the higher ranks. The junior ranks have no real power because they can be bypassed by the senior NCOs who answer to the generally zombie-like field grades.

1.) most if not all

I have no clue what military you served in, but you are doing a disservice by being in the sub spreading such blatant bullshit.

I mean, yes, because no one has to fire on fellow citizens it's of course easy to say fuck you! But I feel as though history defies the idea that it's impossible. The holocaust would be a good example of successful demonizing of a minority in order to make the very thing you deny possible. Look how the media looks at gun nuts, conspiracy theorists and even foreigners. The amount of disdain is to make you see them as an enemy no? I mean, officers across the country fired on and killed plenty of black people when we felt they were "less than." You even see how police officers treat peaceful protestors. Are you telling me that military officers would never act with such impulsiveness? Because the terrible pictures that came out from Iraq of those boys torturing prisoners doses me with a heavy amount of doubt.

They would have to demonize the majority of america, and the Military is a micro-chasm of those demographics. Some people propogate the "brainwashing" that american soldiers and sailors undergo, but all of that "brainwashing" is just making each individual soldier / sailor feel responsible for US Citizens.

As the defining order in the military is to "protect and defend the constitution of these united states", no, I do not think they would blindly shit on their own ideals just because they were asked to. The military today is vastly different than it was in the 60's and is largely "instep" with american political trends on both sides of the aisle.

I think you're seeing this from the perspective that our armed forces and government will remain as they are now. That justice will prevail and men and women will have a CHOICE. But that's not how it's going to work. People will be threatened, loved ones will go missing and die, torture will become rampant until people are too afraid to say no. People will be too afraid to stand up. Because that's how other countries in other times have gotten there. Fear and pain warp and twist us. No one is above that, and those who manage to will meet swift ends. I might be wrong, and maybe american soliders of today are superior to all men who came before them... but if they are not, that potential cant simply be dismissed.

I think you're seeing this from the perspective that our armed forces and government will remain as they are now. That justice will prevail and men and women will have a CHOICE. But that's not how it's going to work. People will be threatened, loved ones will go missing and die, torture will become rampant until people are too afraid to say no. People will be too afraid to stand up. Because that's how other countries in other times have gotten there. Fear and pain warp and twist us. No one is above that, and those who manage to will meet swift ends. I might be wrong, and maybe american soliders of today are superior to all men who came before them... but if they are not, that potential cant simply be dismissed.

That is the most depressing future I've ever read, I hope you don't actual believe that pessimistic garbage you just wrote...

lol no, I don't think that's where we're headed. But I do think that history does and can repeat itself and to think that you are above such repetition is ignorant. If you're going to say it's impossible I'm going to remember that nothing is impossible and without vigilance you end up with drones in america and indefinite imprisonment without reason or time limitations.

Through your time in the service you must had had many experiences.

I'm curious if any of those experiences stick out in your mind for any reason.

I feel like this guy is a complete bullshitter.

And I feel the same way about most of the people sheepishly asking questions when there is absolutely no reason so far to believe him at all.


But what am I hiding from?


Like others have said it for. There is a temporary solution to this weight issue driving a battery. You can safely exit a vehicle moving less than 40 people.

First let me tell you how awesome you are for coming out of the closet in a difficult time, you must be very brave to do so.

Second, why the fuck is your grammar and spelling so bad if you ever served in missions with special ops?

Special ops like special ed or something?


Master Trolling... Too bad reddit doesn't give achievements for "most conspiracy theorists trolled in one post" or something.

I should try this some time: "I've been laying low for twenty years now, but the time is right and things need to change... guarded Area 51, escorted greys to Norad, provided security for inter-species luncheons. AMAA"

Seen any child abuse on the job?

Before "it goes" any advice for anyone willing to listen?

I want to know if you, and your co-military service men and women, would turn your weapons on your own people if ordered to do so.


That was a very disturbing reply.


So to take it a step further, we can assume that if there is civil unrest and the military is sent in to restore 'order', that the US service troops will see us as the enemy just like any other enemy and respond with brute force.

I am sad for my country.


Thanks for talking to us. You seem like a good guy and and a thoughtful person. I hope the next phase of your life is better than the last.

We're all treading water here together.

I have heard the opposite from family and friends that are career military, most of them are distrusting of the current administration and have said that during talks with fellow soldiers that they would not fire upon civilians if ordered to do so. Now if the shit hits the fan and everything is a free for all there's no telling the lengths humans would go to survive.


Should've noted the two family members I was specifically speaking of, one is my uncle who was a career Marine in an air wing unit, he said conversations like that took place mostly during the Clinton administration between he and fellow Marines in his unit. The other is a cousin in a medevac unit currently serving a second tour in the Stan, then there is one of my good friends who is in the 101st serving his fourth tour overseas, two in Iraq two in Afghanistan, they've all talked about it and feel confident that most of the guys they served with would not follow orders to harm fellow Americans, now that's under the assumption that the administration says "hey these protestors are terrorists, shoot them" it's easy to say NO, but if lines are blurred and there is chaos there is no telling how people would act, I think DHS would be used to deal with American unrest as opposed to our military.



I have buddies who were infantry in the marines.. they said they would not shoot on civilians, and their buddies wouldn't either. they talked about it. I think a lot of people who are in the military are disheartened by how the government is out of control, and thats not what they joined for. .

also the fact the the most campaign contributions from the military went to ron paul, I think shows that there's a lot of patriots in the military.

They don't need the military to do this, the police are now so militarised with armored assault vehicles etc. and they have zero qualms about firing on civilians.

Also there's the DHL forces, aka Obama's private army which he alluded to in a speech after getting re-elected.

See Argentina 1990's exactly the same shit is happening in America.

But honest.

What would be the best method of reaching service members and convincing them not to turn on citizens?


what if i was your family or you buddies family


but as for other service members maybe not all but most of them

Bro, if you're actually what you say you are, you gotta have some more faith in everyone else in uniform.

Standard question (Especially for an AMA):

What proof have you got that you are, who you say you are?

I appreciate it might be difficult to prove but I find it hard to believe a random online stranger that they are who they say they are.

Are the powers to be worried at all?

Can you tell us anything that isn't public knowledge yet?


Any programs, initiatives, technology, etc.


i did some work on ballistic ceramics years ago, this explains why our stuff was 10x better than what was in use and they turned up their noses at it

1) What can you tell us about COG?
2) Have you read 'Inside Laurel Canyon' - what can you tell us about military connections to the entertainment industry?
3) Is faking death and claiming insurance more common with famous/rich people than we think?
4) name a few recent false operations. were crisis actors used?
5) how much is the mainstream media/news controlled by the MIC?
6) was Charles Manson set up for murders he didn't commit. Is there more to the Polanski story than we know?


I can't believe people haven't realized that this is a troll yet.

This dick can't even spell manipulation and he's associated to the military. TROLL TROLL TROLL

Is the subject of UFOs/ extraterrestrials part of what you can 'come clean' about, or is your subject matter more to do with corruption and abuses of power?


tell me everything you know about drones and how they operate. more specific, what signal is used to pilot the drone.

How big is 9/11 truth in your circles(espically norad)?

How many would in a emergency situation "just follow orders" ?


Just because it is secret does not make it wrong.

Snowden gave out proof of wrongdoing against the highest law of the land that was being covered up. You giving out classified material just because it's classified is likely to end with you in trouble with little support by the public.

Given OP's later self-posts, I think this is just a warmup to see how much the /r/Conspiracy community would let him get away with. You guys should be lining up to demand proof that this joker is active duty anything, let alone someone with TS clearance who's guarded NORAD, generals, celebrities, and worked with SO. I'm smelling gorilla warfare here, I only hope he doesn't come after me with his personal network of spies to make me his OVER 301ST CONFIRMED KILL

Are you on any anti-depressants?

Have you tried weed as an alternative to anti-depressants?


Just FYI, there are different types of weed. Some are bred to have a maximum amount of HTC, and those that aren't. Those that don't have the maximum amount of HTC have a natural amounts anti-depressants. Those that have the maximum HTC don't have any natural anti-depressants. So, if you have any friends on the medical anti-depressants (which are highly addictive) you may want to let them know.

It's THC not HTC, thats a smart phone company:) and the other cannabinoid you're looking for is CBD

Yep. Not the best and brightest... but I got the message across. :P

Obviously you are proud of your country and proud of the position you achieved. It must be an honor to reach such a level.


Is it fear, cowardice, pride or what that makes people who are meant to be fearless allow such scales of injustice?

How do you ignore the constitution? Does your training make you feel that "the greater good" is more important?

But what makes you not question those in power? Question those orders? Is the hierarchy system so strong that to rebel would be soul destroying?

As honestly I feel snowden has shown more courage without a gun then those who hide behind one. I think you would like to be the same, to be a real hero and not just a neutered guard dog. Trained to kill, even kill its own kind for a few scraps and a hearty pat on the nose.

Neutered in mind and soul, as you have to give up your own perceptions to allow those who know better than you to tell you what to do, when to do it, and never to question.

What the word now is people like you who have served and proved themselves loyal to stand up and say no more.

To regrow the balls you had chopped off to prove you can obey. And come out and say, I have served my country, I would die for my country but what you people are doing isn't for my country but for your own ends. I will not stand for it anymore.

I am sure there were a lot of awesome and morally strong Gestapo and speznaz soldiers in 1940's

I'm sure they felt that while disagreeing with their superiors there needs to be order. But it's not the generals that get disgraced after a war. It's people like you. The heros as long as it goes right. But if you are on the losing end, they throw you to the dogs.

Stand up please. America needs you more in the front leading than it does in the shadows.

Any scathing animosity I have towards those who remain silent is not at the soldiers, but at the soldiers who put orders of those too obese, too cowardly too craven above those of the people. And the soldiers who keep those idiots in power.

If you are a hero, be one. Not with a shiny medal to keep puppies happy, but by admiration of those who can't do what you do, or unable to as they are being destroyed.

I have had a few friends who, after high school, went into the military. Every one of them, upon returning, were entirely different people. They had this undying sense of self-superiority. Kind of like they were looking down upon you, like they knew something that you didn't know, or weren't worthy of knowing. These were normal people that you'd go drink a beer and bullshit with before, who came out with this "us vs. them" mentality. I knew one guy who was an exception - he became extremely religious, or a preacher or something, but he was a mechanic; he never saw action.

How high was your clearance?

EDIT: Why isn't this on AMA? AND, where's the proof (AMA always has a mod checking on that. This should as well.)

Nothing you have said so far makes me think you are who you say you are. So far everything you have said could be said by anyone. I personally know people who are spec ops and they take the secrecy side of their profession VERY FUCKING SERIOUSLY...honestly dude, you sound like some "conspiracy" regular who wanted attention, and even more honestly, most of the comments in here sound like you all are working together...they're just blindly taking a completely anonymous stranger on the internet at his word...really people? Even if you were spec. ops...you would only know specifics that we wouldn't...yet all of the questions and all of your answers are about generalities. So if you are spec. ops...what was your specific role?

Have the mod's checked to see if this guy is legit?

you're really just vaguely answering questions in a manner a lot of us would, really just having a conversation with people on r/conspiracy. not very useful.

could you give some personal experiences of tyranny that you've witnessed during your career in the military.. or something useful.

Name, rank, and serial number ;)


I don't think anyone's going to kill you for the generic answers you're giving. Nothing you've said even indicates first hand experience in anything secret.


Testing the waters with what? You said that you came here to "come clean" and you gave us things that are already public knowledge.

You have come about as clean as a hogs ass.

Don't believe you until you give us something of substance.

Nice try NSA

Let me test the waters with you, that will bring out whether you have any weight or not.... What is the role of Zionism in what is going on today, any opinions?

What do you know about the ZOG machine?

The man's not an oracle.