/r/conspiracy has been talking about NSA surveillance for the past 3 years and here's the evidence to prove it.

229  2013-06-24 by [deleted]

We're often known as a bunch of "tin foil hatters" to other redditors. We've been consistently mocked as "loons" and "idiots" yet when something finally comes out in the open , we don't receive much credit for it, so I've put together a list of links that show just how long we've been talking about this NSA surveillance and why people should maybe start to listen a bit more instead of mocking us. My question is, What else are we right about?

Posted two years ago: Keith Olbermann - Whistleblower Mark Klein Exposes NSA Spy Room At AT&T, all data streams are being monitored - May, 2006 - [5:11]

Posted two years ago: It's two years old but here's a video about a real hero, the man who revealed the NSA was spying on all Americans. - [8:01]

Posted three years ago: The NSA spies on all Americans illegally. This includes, landline phones, cell phones, internet and probably everything else they can use Government whistleblowers are threatened with prison or worse, if they reveal this Conspiracy

Posted one year ago: NSA whistleblowers warn of secret spying programs that can target anyone

Posted 6 months ago: [NSA Whistleblower: Everyone in US under virtual surveillance, all info stored, no matter the post](www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/145f68/nsa_whistleblower_everyone_in_us_under_virtual/)

Posted 11 months ago: Three former NSA employees expose ‘mass illegal surveillance’ in court

Posted three years ago: Watch what you write, watch what you say: This summer the NSA will begin work on a 1 million-square-foot data warehouse designed to house trillions of intercepted phone calls, e-mail messages, Internet searches and other communications

Posted 9 months ago: Justice Department sued for hiding secret NSA surveillance program

Posted one year ago: The NSA Is Building the Country's Biggest Spy Center

Posted one year ago: Whistleblower: The NSA is Lying - The U.S. Government Has Copies of Most of Your Emails: NSA whistleblower William Binney believes domestic surveillance has become more expansive under Obama than Bush

Posted one year ago: NSA building massive $2 billion heavily fortified spy complex tie this in with the ISP's announcement and you have the monitoring, analysis and storage of all communications in the United States.

It's pretty clear to see that /r/conspiracy has been onto this story for sometime now.


Nice work.

I've wondered how far back some of the posts go, but honestly I've been to lazy to do the foot work.

Yes, but those were posted by "conspiracy theorists."

Yes... And the rest of America has known about it since at least 2005 when the New York Times reported on the surveillance supercomputer in a hidden room at AT&T... Some just forgot about it.


Yes... Yes they have. It was in the papers, in the news, in high profile court cases... Hell, Bush even admitted it publicly. Everything you're seeing this month has been done before, six and a half years ago. And then people stopped caring and pushed it to the back of their minds. Many will probably do so again, and then we'll be having this exact conversation yet again in a few more years.

America doesn't have a few more years. 18 months at the outside.

I know. You don't have to be a conspiracy theorist to know the NSA had been collecting out data.

Don't forget about the HBGary scandal

Did you know a prominent mod of several sub-reddits was involved in that and snitching on Lulzsec?


Give us names! We need to know.

I bring that up every time some mouthpiece tries to reiterate that 'shills' are simply figments of a CT's fever dreams and paranoia.

I don't recall ever getting a rebuttal after bringing it up.

It really does seem that conspiracy theorists are quite often right - or at least close to it.

More often that some might think, the "crazy conspiracy nuts" have noticed, researched, learned, and documented the truth that others would deny. Then, maybe years later, all of their "wild speculation" turns out to be completely true.

That doesn't mean that everybody with a tinfoil hat is a well-informed genius, and that doesn't mean that every little thing is a huge clandestine operation. But I think people who normally dismiss things like this are starting to pay attention.


It's zionists, not jews

/r/conspiratard is a big straw man circle jerk.

hey at least we're smarter than those dumbshit truthers am i rite pass the bleach

  • Almost every Conspiratard ever

I would argue that more do actually accept this as happening with recent events, and it is becoming apparent that they are all rolling over and accepting the situation without lube.

I was talking to one of my friends about this and his response was "are you really surprised?"

And I guess that's true - nobody is even surprised. We've lived in a state with an infinitely powerful government with its military set to perpetual war for all of our lives. We just accept it now, don't know the difference. I can't even say that I'm somehow above that, I don't know the difference either.

I think that's been a lot of people's reaction - shrug their shoulders and say "I'm not surprised, but there's nothing you can do about it"

People felt that EXACT sentiment about the British Empire once upon a time. An insurmountable military force, endless wealth, limitless powers. But, they forgot one thing: evil only thrives when good people do nothing.

And, also, that the enemy was mostly an entire ocean away and there were no planes back then.

Makes ya wonder what else we could be right about too.......

You would think that the NSA thing would give us a lot more credibility to the general public and make them look into other things we are talking about.

Honestly. And this is a theory. I believe everything IS a clandestine operation, haha

I've heard things about the NSA since 2003 keeping all communications. In the 60s the government funded the research and development of the internet. I believe the origins started in Nazi Germany (IBM anyone?) It is no secret about the Bell/At&t telephone was a government sanctioned monopoly from 1913 (what else happened that year?) to 1984. Today the "regional bell operating companies" are at&t, verizon, century link/qwest, alcatel/lucent, avaya, etc.... Now look at this link: http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/washington/2006-05-10-nsa_x.htm The whole thing is a honeypot.

But then why now does the MSM chose to make it public now? This is part of some sort of plot, they WANTED the public to find out about this , but why is the question I'm left with.

Is helps to distract us from many other topics like an escalating war in Syria which could easily lead us into Iran, Distract us from the failing congress as they are taken over by corporate interest in the public's view, and to keep the people busy thinking about Snowden's pole dancing ex... I fapped to that before the news broke.

Can we actually convince the government to stop funding rebels in Syria? I don't know if there's ever been a war that we've successfully prevented/repealed via protests. How do we stop it?

I feel that we as people cannot stop this without massive protest within the next month. 4th of July would make the biggest statement if we all posted up on Federal properties in our home towns for BBQ and protest. Then the next step is to not produce or go to work the following week, yet as 50%+ of Americans are paycheck to paycheck this may not work. But a protest of this ideal must replace the Democript and Rebloodican divides and bring the people together against a tyrannical power. Once freedom is lost in America world leader's guns and bombs wills blaze the urban areas into a more manageable population level. I predict this will be pawned off on the next president as i dont think we will be fully engage in Iran for a while. Our citizenry does a lot better if we prep them with years of propaganda before blowing up people in a country they can't locate on a map.

Edit: Kinda a tangent rant there, but I believe our entry into war with Iran will bring about a full loss of the individual American's freedom cause your gonna have to be with us or against us, and now with the NSA completing their plans just in time to be exposed, they are ready.

What I noticed about these old posts:

  1. No one is calling anyone else "tin foil hatters"/"loons"/"idiots." There are no skeptics/"shills"/"trolls" denying this information.
  2. Many of these appear in the mainstream media.

Great job compiling this data

But they'll call you racist for pointing this out, probably.

And those are the substantiated stories. If we go off of, second hand insider accounts this thing goes waaaayyy back.

This should be posted to r/conspiratard.


Did you see their new upvotes and downvotes!?

We should work hard to DElegitimize conspiratards, not the reverse. It's not much more than a raiding party staging area anyway.

I know, I hate that crowd.

most people focus on the fires, i like to focus more on hidden smoke be fanned out by the media/gov.

Umm. Everyone has been discussing this just as long if not longer. I'm not at all sure the purpose of this post?


You are not ridiculed because of this. You are ridiculed because of your insane, heartless beliefs of Sandy Hook, The Boston Bombing, 911, assumptions of false flags, governments executing people, FEMA camps and things of that nature. And now you are being rediculed for making a posting like this. Everyone has had their suspicions of the NSA. No credit to this subreddit. You did not reveal anything that wasn't known already.

The ridicule continues because scared little boys don't know how else to react when their comfortable little world from which they pass judgement is under real threat from an existential force they don't understand in the least.

You are transparent to more people than you'd believe, judging by your tone and self-congratulatory masturbation.

Well, no shit. This same exact thing was a huge story back in 2005-2006 when I think the New York Times had a front page article on it. Some people forgot about it while others didni't. The reason that this Snowden thing is such a big deal is because we haven't had any evidence of it that was this solid since 2006, thus proving that the program has continued and expanded under Obama.

Nobody who was old enough and actually paid attention to the news in 2005 was surprised that the NSA collects all of our communication.

My friends and family were surprised when I took the NSA thing in stride...

nothing will be done by anyone. you have three years of proof.

Everyone knows we have been, it's only because we recently stopped upvoting all the trash threads that people are starting to take us more seriously.

Enemy of the State (1998)
Directed by Tony Scott, brother of Ridley Scott

Tony Scott died last year in LA, under mysterious circumstances.

'Tony Scott was the best mentor - when he saw something punk rock that he could slip through the system ... he pounced.'

We're tin foil hipsters.

Throw enough shit at the wall and something will stick.

Hopefully, it's the meaty nuggets and not the undigested matter of a hastily prepared meal.

I.e. the stuff that is true vs. The stuff that is speculative and flimsy but appeals to some emotional need.


Give us names! We need to know.

You are not ridiculed because of this. You are ridiculed because of your insane, heartless beliefs of Sandy Hook, The Boston Bombing, 911, assumptions of false flags, governments executing people, FEMA camps and things of that nature. And now you are being rediculed for making a posting like this. Everyone has had their suspicions of the NSA. No credit to this subreddit. You did not reveal anything that wasn't known already.