So, I've been anti-vaccinne. But, I was convinced at the health clinic to get the Meninigitis vaccine since I am gay. I'm so upset that I let them convince me to do it. I already have problems with fatigue and such. Am I fucked?

2  2013-06-27 by [deleted]


Also, they are only giving this to gay men. Eugenics crosses the mind..

Yea, it sounds like something shady as fuck.

Keep monitoring your health stats and let me know the results in a week

Edit: I'd notify your local news station and Alex

I mean it's all over the internet. It's in NYC. They call it a "gay outbreak" here.

wtf please link me

"meningococcal incidence among NYC [men who have sex with men] was 50-fold greater than the age-adjusted rate for the general population"

Could it be they are targeting gay men with this vaccine, because the infection rate is a lot higher than the general population?

just google it.... how serendipitous.... a media blitz during pride week.

so very familiar..... same city and everything.....

Beelzebub is up to something.

What do you mean?

what do I mean indeed.... what could i mean? what other "gay outbreaks" in NYC have there been? Have there been any other gay vaccinations in NYC?

Perhaps a google for "nyc gay outbreak vaccine"? Nope that appears to be plastered with an insane amount of coverage on this topic.... wow thats a mysterious amount of content for something....No we must be missing something..... perhaps..... a year

  • 1975. Oh what a year. Lets just add that to our query.

Google: "nyc gay outbreak vaccine 1975" Oh wow... what a difference that made.

I know!!!! How did they convince me. I rejected like 5 times, and the nice lady kept being concerned so I was like fuck it. I feel like I failed.

Here's Sophia's tried and true gay vaccine..... don't let em shoot it in your butt and don't eat assholes.

Take care, love your fellow man, but don't forget the beautiful creatures that gave you all life... brotherhood and fraternal love makes a society stronger.... but only loving those pretty ladies make a society grow.

Lol you are actually crazy I think.

And when you're out there without care

Yeah, I was out of touch

But it wasn't because I didn't know enough

I just knew too much

Does that make me crazy?

Does that make me crazy?

Does that make me crazy? (wow look at those tats)


Notify a news station? Really? Cause a hysteria? What good is going to come of that.

Exposure, people will refuse to get it. Saving who didn't get it if this is something bad. And since they are only doing this to one type of people and in secret, not explaining exactly why... I suspect this to be

How about secretly educating people around you so that those that make this stuff... will foolishly invest their money into a flopped product never to do it again? A hysteria only makes this manufactured story more profitable to Beelzebub.

Seriously, who on earth are you referencing?!?!?!?

It doesn't matter if you love him, or capital H-I-M Just put your paws up 'cause you were born this way.

That guy. He's got a lot of names you know. In this case, it appears to be an anonymous group of investors.... Sanofi-Aventis

Lady Gaga? Her fame will pass...

Yet the content of her message will remain. And I wasn't referring to the conduit of Lady Gaga... I was referring to the content of her message..

HIM, Beezlebub in this case appears to be named Sanofi Aventis...

What if this was the story... "A Secret group of men in France invested in a vaccine program, and they say you are currently having an outbreak. They have put this clear liquid in a needle and say you should inject it into your veins to save your life." How about then? Does the story sound a bit more..... suspect?

Sounds very suspect. I tend to try never to put anything in me that I don't know wtf it is or does on a scientific level

Now at what point does belief become science for you? When a doctor tells you so? Maybe my dear friend Beezlebub can have a talk with him... get him to believe in his clear vial of liquid... if I throw enough big words at the monkey trained to recognize big words.... maybe that will ellicit that happy feeling of doing well on a test, and he'll believe me... and then he can spread his foolish belief.... just like a virus.

You're gay. There's no need to give you any infertility drugs via a vaccine because they've already gotten to you through social engineering. Hell, maybe it was a vaccine when you were an infant/child. Maybe it was a cocktail of different chemicals that your mother had ingested/absorbed while pregnant with you. Maybe it's natural selection removing you from the gene pool because somewhere in your genome there's a defect (not the gay) that would harm future generations. Or, maybe you were just born that way.

Now, before the LGBT community comes down. on me for saying that, I just want to say that I have and have had gay friends, employees, and relatives (my ex-wife and current wife happen to be bisexual. The ex-mother-in-law is a lesbian and we suspect that her mother was also a lesbian as well). I say, no man or woman has a right to stop any other man or woman from pursuing what makes them happy without physically or intentionally hurting others. That is the meaning of Liberty and Freedom, and it's what this country has lost over the last 30 years and needs to find again, fast.

Dr. Brain Wave.... fantastic response.

Born this Way is probably the greatest of the subtle population control creations.

The LGBT community comes down on me all the time....considering I used to be one of them till I realized labels are for fools. And men get old and gross and ladies get old, graceful and beautiful.

I'm not fully gay and I intend on reproducing with my own sperm. So, I don't think I was socially engineered.

since I'm gay

I'm not fully gay

Confused much? Or just bisexual?

I'm just me. Bisexual.

You do see where my confusion came from, right? Also, there's no way that they would know that you are planning on reproducing unless you told them. I don't think this is a case of eugenics or population control in the sense of sterilization. However, others here have brought up some really good speculations..

I'm also gay and refuse them outright

I did too. I really don't know what came over me that day. I refused it the last time they asked me, and this time they asked me over and over. It was a nice well-meaning lady and I didn't want to offend her. Blehhhhh. I'm usually very prinicipled and passionate about issues I care about. I have no idea how I let that happen.

I don't know why I do stupid shit ether (I caved on a flu shot 2 years ago) Just walk on and never do it again. Best advice I can give man

Wait... a vaccine targeted at gay men.... gosh it sounds so familiar..... so very familiar.... i'll leave that as an exercise to the reader.

Ever heard of a gay man getting meningitis? Nope? Me neither. Convinced by Beelzebub to get all up in your veins....

Let me posit for you a question..... you're out with a beautiful young lady, sweet... caring... yall are having a great time and ya'll get a little silly and are on the cusp of continuing your good time in the nude.... do you at that point say

Hey pretty lady, I know we're having a good time.... but you see I got this label of mine. And This label says, that I'm not having a good time.... So not tonight you see.... this label means I can't have a good time....

See most people don't let labels/words prevent them from enjoying themselves... and as a result.... men having been having intercourse with just about anything since the dawn of time. They are designed that way. So is selecting people for their self assigned "gayness" really all that scientific? Nope. So much for the science of this vaccine.

What should actually be selected for is the amount of foreign DNA you allow into your blood stream. Because that's where you actually have the chance of getting ill. Probably not from meningitis, since that is a pretty swift illness.... but hepatitis is reported to be common amongst those who have a lot of fluid exchanging intercourse (gay or straight) with a lot of different partners. Basically, to be blunt, keep your mouth out of others asses and semen out of your butt babe.

Knowledge will set you free from fear.

Fortunately, there’s a vaccine – the CDC recommends that all 11 and 12 year olds be vaccinated -- which is why the doctors decided to issue their warning, now, just before Gay Pride weekend celebrations.

Gotta make sure all of those 11 and 12 year old gays don't get gay meningitis while having gay sex with the gay men at the gay parade.


The entire article is about meningitis infecting gay men and vaccinating them prior to the parade (you know , because it's just one massive "they took our jobs" gay orgy in the street) and then they switch gears to preadolescent boys. I don't see the connection.

since I'm gay

I'm not fully gay

Confused much? Or just bisexual?

You do see where my confusion came from, right? Also, there's no way that they would know that you are planning on reproducing unless you told them. I don't think this is a case of eugenics or population control in the sense of sterilization. However, others here have brought up some really good speculations..

Lady Gaga? Her fame will pass...