Formally boycotting Alex Jones

33  2013-06-30 by archonemis

I've been avoiding him like Black Death for a while now, but he's just gotten to be too much.

He's as much a fear mongerer as anyone on CNN.

It'd be nice to have less negativity and more positivity.

Constructive steps toward a positive, reasonable and attainable goal.

Rather than a lot of histrionics.


It's sad in a way.

Alex Jones was the first person whose voice I heard speaking out against impending tyranny. I was raised in Austin and followed him since around 1997. When he predicted the 9/11 attacks he got my full attention. But like you I have grown to harbor negative feelings about his entire campaign. He is extremely religious. He reports on invalidated scenarios as facts. He is entirely too angry and aggressive. I have come to realize that he harms the search for truth far more than he helps it. He has become the bane of the truth movement. He is basically the Bill O'Reilly of conspiracy theories.....

What a shame.

When he predicted the 9/11 attacks

I didn't know of this, is there any links to that. i wouldn't mind reading it or watching. Prefer reading though just in case he starts shouting

He warned of an impending terrorist attack and mentioned airliners as weapons and the World Trade Center as a target. Tried to get people to call the White House. This was in July. 2 months before the attacks.

He also mentiond Bin Laden being used as boogeyman.


He doesen't claim being a prophet.

Its just a matter of doing your research and seeing where the agenda is going.

I'm sorry but not once in the video did he say World Trade Centre is a target. He mentions WTC in the context of the bombing that happened some years before. All he says is the government will stage terror attacks in the US, but its not hard for a conspiracy theorist to make that claim.

He has a history of this too:

He says a lot of shit, and if any of it comes out as nearly true, then his fans trumpet it as an accurate prophecy!


Cheers this is news to me! Thank you

I watch the whole video and he didn't mention anything you claimed.

Nowhere in this video does he predict anything. The airliners as weapons I'm pretty sure he's referring to northwoods which he still rambles on about to this day. When he mentions the WTC it's in context of the 93 bombing.

This isn't prediction, it's post-diction and its the bread and butter of his genius business plan. Warn of impending woes constantly, when anything at all happens weave it into your narrative like it was a prediction and then do your product plugs.

I wouldn't mind his religiosity if he didn't come off as petulant. His tone and style of rhetoric, oddly enough, remind me of /r/atheism. It has the ring of rigid and unquestioning dogma. I get the impression that he can't be bothered with trivial things like theology and the symbol of Christ.

For the sake of comparison, when Bill Cooper said he was a Christian I took him far more seriously in his statement than Alex Jones. Bill Cooper studied the early church and read the Bible in context. When Bill said he was a Christian even the way he said it suggested that he'd actually spent some time on it. As where when Alex says it he sounds like he's on a TBN infomercial.

But yeah.

Alex will take a claim and then report it as fact. That's the opposite of journalistic integrity.

He does talk about real things often enough, but I no longer feel like filtering for his bullshit.

O'Reilly is a good comparison.

How can somebody be a conspiracy theorist and religious? That makes absolutely no sense to me.

I believe Bill Cooper predicted 9/11 before jonestown

he's also likely controlled opposition, being that most of his family is CIA/NSA/etc.


He ain't no William Cooper.

Alex Jones is bad news.

Bill O'Reilly is a level-headed gentleman compared to Alex Jones.


Tides go in, tides go out.. You can't explain that

As much as I say Alex is on point

He's as much a fear mongerer as anyone on CNN.

I will completely back you on this

I agree with many of his positions in terms of being aware of what's going on.

But he does nothing other than huck his water filters and T-shirts.

I'd have more respect for him if he went to jail for his beliefs. He talks about the evils of The Feda and the banksters . . . and he takes frickin' VISA. I bet he pays Federal Income Taxes too. I don't think he's willing to put his money where his mouth is.

I am intrested would you rather have sponsors for water filters or coca cola?

I mean you can't expect everything to be free and his staff working for nothing.

While you make a decent point with accepting federal reserve notes or credit cards its completly unrealistic to think you could make so big like its today.

I don't think he's willing to put his money where his mouth is.

He is at least working 6 days week since about 20 years, i think that shows how dedicated he is and put his money aswell in infowars.

I like his store, though the water filtration systems are outrageously priced, RAD Eliminator Pro Filtered 28oz Sports Bottle at that price I can't afford BUT to get radiation poisoning!

Apparel is completely unnecessary (oh wow I listen to Alex Jones, woopde do)

DVD's are ok with me cause it helps spread info. E-foods is cool cause, you gotta eat...

Short Wave Radios he needs to find a radio that you can HAM on, since communication WILL be key in the upcoming events

Him and "his staff" are paid handsomely by their Zionist bosses.

Trust me...when I was in Austin for SXSW a few years back and saw his fucking mansion on a hill I knew that he wasn't doing that badly--and that his masters are paying him quite well.

saw his fucking mansion on a hill I knew that he wasn't doing that badly--and that his minions are paying him quite well.


I agree with 99% of everything the man says, just damn man. Fead the fear much?

And this was a travisty Don't blame it on a cold, the mere fact you brought up a comparason like "monkies dancing on the head of a pin"? WTF!!! Where did you get your smarts? Take a note from Jesse V

Don't get so hyped up dude, it only hurts us!

Note: I AM talking to Alex Jones now and you guys ay /r/infowars better let him see this or we really will boycott him. I linked this to Infowars

Edit: I fully believe he should formally apologize to us all for the way he acts, through his radio show

/r/infowars is not in any form run by infowars or offical affiliated.

You are not talking to Alex Jones...

Edit: Seriously? You think that you are entiteld to a apologize from him for telling like it is on piers morgan or on his own broadcast?

It isn't what he says. It is the way he says it. He makes every thing sound so apocalyptic. This isn't necessary. You would almost think he is going to keel over from high blood pressure. I much prefer the young fellow with the British accent. He is much easier to listen to. I don't feel the need to boycott infowars at all. I just don't like listening to Alex's hyper tone.

Agree entirely, Watson is a much more credible speaker. How many times has jones mentioned the way he shouts and gives some excuse about how he's just so passionate he can't help it. He's smarter than that surely...

It's part of the sales pitch, the way he talks. like preachers and side show barkers, they have to speak in a different way to attract your attention.

I understand that. But surely the subject matter should speak for itself. He is, after all, dealing with heady topics. Not to mention that after all this time he is quite well known. I think it is time he progressed.

Others speak their truth quietly and clearly and are not turned off by the ranting. See "Storms Clouds Gathering" on you tube for how it's done.

I have seen those, thank you. Yes, others do in fact speak softly and quietly. So, I pay mote attention to them and prefer not to deal with Alex Jones hyper high blood pressure sales tactic. It is a real turn off.

This is legitimate critism and i agree with your points.

Alex Jones takes all these conspiracies personal and gets mad about it.

I think that is a natural reaction after seeing this stuff going on for yourself.

Ok, His website has been formally addressed.

Edit: I will be listening to his show tomorrow in hopes of hearing of this, I will keep all who wish to be updated, updated

Ok, let me get this straight.

  • You appreciated that Alex Jones was right.
  • you do not appreciate his personal style.
  • you do not appreciate that his staff is unwilling to work for free
  • You do not appreciate that he has to make ends meet, and in order to do so, he has to huck some products.
  • You appreciate that he has not disappeared behind a paywall, much like Bill o Reilley
  • You do not appreciate his tone.
  • you do not appreciate the fact that he takes visa.

Ok, I get that.

What I do not get is why that makes him bad.

I mean, just in my view, purely personal, he has gone a bit snickers, but that does not mean much.

I, as a single person, appreciate that at least someone comes and says the really hard things, and takes whatever pains it needs to at least get them heard, including making himself look like a redheaded buffoon. I accept that even though he sometimes gets stark raving mad, even though it sometimes is a bit embarassing to hear god brought up in that kind of debate, I think it better that someone at least has that debate, then to have that kind of debate disappear entirely because you can't agree on a speaker.

To end this with the wordsw of a wiser man then myself: "

First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for the socialists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for me,
and there was no one left to speak for me.


Me personally

you do not appreciate that his staff is unwilling to work for free

Not true, pay them

You do not appreciate that he has to make ends meet

Not true. Some things are outrageously priced, yes. But not everything is. And I said that apparel was unnecessary because you can't find a practical use for that other than being targeted

you do not appreciate the fact that he takes visa.


What I do not get is why that makes him bad.

Because every time I try to tell someone what's going on, the first thing out of their mouth. "Oh your just another Alex Jones freakshow"

The way he acts drags us down, causing unprogresses

As a starter, apparel is among the easiest ways of making some money, and the most usefull. get a decent hoodie, or a decent shirt, and I will be sure to wear your swag in years to come.

Well, maybe the problem is not with alex jones, it's with your way of explaining things? check for the following signs: - do you approach uninterested parties with news about catastrophic events in the near future? That cauises the gut reaction of questioning everything you said in their first response to you. "Dude, the banks are crashing, twinkies are extinct, and Steve Jobs performs in a tight leather combo for satan. RUN FOR THE HILLS!" "well, my local credit union is doing well, I never liked junk food, and I happen to think that it is amazing that steve jobs came back from the dead, why must you hate everything?"

Instead, try to recognise that ignorance is bliss, and that most of the times, there is a basic human right to be ignorant.

Instead, try listening to the conversations, and when they have a problem, or are wondering, interject with usefull information. That causes them to be totally stumped that what you said was actually relevant to their case, and will cause them to at least listen closely.

  • Try to talk calm, quiet, and a bit lower in volume then your other side. oldest troick in the book. Scream at someone like alex jones, and the first thing they do is shy away. Actually talk calm, nice and a bit quieter, and they have to strain to understand you, at least a bit, causing them to become more awake.

  • If you happen to have proof of more dangerous stuff, layer your info. Think of it like talking to Reddit. 12 page rant on reptilian lizzards infiltrating apple and switching their screens so they intentionally crack? Might be absolutely true, but the most likely response would be "op is a fagot" and "TL;DR" Half a paragraph, that adresses the problem, and leaves the other people room to ask, and you keep that up for 12 pages? winning, most likely best thread of the year.

  • If nothing else helps, and they continue to yell: do not yell. Never show emotion. Just show them your nicest smile, while you picture them having their heads unscrewed by a band of hungry Zombie cannibals wearing apple nanos. Alex Jones yells, and pesters people. You drop actually relevant information, stop if they show no interest, are open for follow up questions, and are not afraid to change your viewpoint if someone gives you good enough arguments, all of that while politely smiling?

People may just crown you their king.

Source: work in IT support. "No, I am sorry that I did not at once realize that you would leave your stick in the original packaging, and think it was virus protection. Absolutely my fault. See, I can offer to send you a new test version of AOL that we only give out to the VIP customers, if you just leave me your email. Why yes, I allways smile like that, thank you very much. "


I heard Alex recently say on his show that he himself is the "weak link" in Infowars.

He couldn't be more right. Every interview anyone else in his team does is better than him. They ask a question then let the person answer, something Alex is incapable of doing. He destroys most interviews.

Brilliant post - I listen to his doom and gloom and I feel like I just want to do heroine and die - Then I look outside my window and it's beautiful, birds chirping and kids playing, green fields

He's another "safe" conspiracy theorist like David Icke, easy to discredit and blames everything on the NWO or the royal family. Screaming truth in people's faces discredits your point to the mainstream but he can still say he told the truth to his followers, same as David Icke and holograms/lizards.

Many of them are paid by the government in some way or another, they get higher page rankings on google, seem to pop up everywhere and are there to discredit truth. I'm watching one on twitter who covers up for paedophiles. When the conversation gets interesting he tries to divert it to aliens or some wiki leaks distraction.

There's legions of these guys on the forums, usually got about 30,000 posts and they're there all day every day. It's a full time job - your taxes at work.

back up your claims with evidence.

Came to this conclusion last week when a woman called into his show saying some kids of a specific race threw rocks at her car, and he said he would have run them over (and worse). Then he said some things about demons and the world becoming hell and such. I've listen to his show for a few reasons (mainly because its hard to get an analytical and contrary perspective on current events and history). But yeah turned it off that night and haven't listened since.

Tl;Dr listener for more than a decade pulls plug, insists that love is the message. Not fear. Definitely not demons.

Edit threw not through.

Alex certainly is not perfect. The way i see it is that anyone doing anything is better than doing nothing. If you dont like the way AJ is doing it, then i would suggest getting out there and do it better yourself and stop being an armchair patriot.

If you disagree with him, he refers to you as a "sheep" and not as a person with a different viewpoint. Someone from the Young Turks stated that about 30% of what he says is believable, the rest is just nonsense.

Someone from the Young Turks stated that about 30% of what he says is believable, the rest is just nonsense.

this is why you are a sheep because you have never done research for yourself.

and you, weedtastic, have?


Just because I quoted someone else, does NOT make me a "sheep". I do not listen to Alex Jones because I find him to be a raving lunatic that is so irrational, I wonder why he isn't institutionalized. I was being nice by saying what I did, not a sheep, but nice.

Indeed. It's much closer to zero percent.

OP, your reasons are sound.

Let's not forget that Agent Jones is COINTELPRO all the way and works for two MAJOR Zionists--George Friedman (CEO of STRATFOR) and Jeffrey Smulyan (CEO of Emmis 'Hebrew for Truth' Communications).

Even a TINY bit of research into Jones shows the truth about him and why his CIA handlers/employers will NOT let him discuss Israel in a negative light.

Good on you OP. I have "boycotted" Agent Jones for over 13 years now and have been glad that I did--especially as more and more connections to intel agencies and Jones arise. I started "boycotting" him right around 2000, when Bill Cooper was very vocal about what a "bullshit artist" he was--and then, of course, because of his utterly ridiculous show on the eve of Y2K telling his audience that Russian ICBMs were inbound. I then realized that Agent Jones was "installed" in his position by people who wanted to marginalize the "conspiracy movement."

He is nothing but classic disinformation--he feeds people just enough truth to sound credible--all while raving like a lunatic. Remember, Agent Jones IS the "face" that most people put on the "conspiracy movement."

And that's exactly how they planned's a perfect set-up.

EDIT/PS--I recommend everyone on here either try Shoutcast or one of the front ends for it such as XiaaLive on Android. You will find TONS of alternative programming by people who are not fear-mongering ZioSlaves. Personally, I love the "FreedomFeens" podcast--these guys are all about liberty and battling statism...and aren't controlled opposition like Agent Jones! It's a shameless plug but they are really good.

Alex started the chant '9/11 was an inside job', didn't he? Considering it wasn't exactly inside, I find this very telling. Controlled-opposition, gatekeeping, all the way.

Who is AJ's target audience? it's definitely not people that are awake. and I think that's who get's turned off by his show is the people that already know what he's preaching. I don't listen for the very same reason, because at this point I already know what he's gonna say before he says it and I've moved on.

That's Alex doing his job "Revelation of the method". Promoting fear of the government under the guise of informing the public.

If you think about it in those terms he's even worse than the government.

They're saying "Be afraid of us."

And he's saying, "Yeah. Be afraid of them."

Alex is a carnival barker who makes money by bellowing. He is the mirror Bill OReilly, two of a kind. Both are toxic and damage democracy just as a cockroach can crawl on clean food and ruin it with contamination.

All of these boycott Alex people are a bunch of sad pathetic retards. Alex isn't the problem.

I completely ignore anything the man says. It's pretty clear that he's either controlled opposition or just a blithering idiot.

It almost seems like he's a misinformation agent. By feeding the public fear he's easily drawing attention away from the real issues. He went on someone's show pretty recently, did his shpeel and then when the cameras cut, everyone claimed he dropped the act. Not buying it.

I don't think so. This is his job. He's doing it to make some dough. Nothing more nothing less

Histrionics is what made Jones... so he's never going to stop that (at least 75% of his airtime is spent just him ranting... THAT is what his show is about, him ranting). Also, people say they don't want histrionics and then they tune in because they secretly like watching the histrionics.

At the end of the day Jones is running a business and his end goal is to make MONEY. That's why every YouTube video he does is littered with ad segments pushing his products.

All in all though the world is better with people like Jones doing their thing because at least it makes open discussion about a lot of topics more prevalent in society.

I've never been a huge AJ fan but I really thank him for leading protests against the G20... I listened to him on Coast to Coast and it was super scary and depressing. He made the situation seem waaay too bleak.

Alex Jones is simply the stepping stone, hes the guy that gets your feet wet. You'd normally listen to him for maybe a month before you find other sources to get information from then you realize that he's just a fear pusher. I don't support his approach as I believe he his the perfect stereotype of what society deems a conspiracy theorist, at the same time though it works for him the and intellect he wants to attract and hold. Often when people mention him I will suggest others to go to and explain how he's just for "beginners".

Yeah I'm sick to death of him too. After his appearances on Piers Morgan and the daily politics where he just acted like a bullying cunt, making anyone who agrees with anything look insane I was done with him.

I doubt this sub would even exist without him. Or be 1/10th the size. Overall he does good waking people, I don't think anyone hangs on his coat tails for long after they awaken. Once you get as far as the Zionists you are done with A.J.

yeah sure, AJ is the source of all knowledge and no conspiracies would ever exist without him. /sarc

Even controlled opposition gives up a piece of usable information every once in a while to keep up their base.

The trick is to get the most out of what is there and leave the bullshit alone.

Edit, Case in point.

His reporting about the Oklahoma Bombing was better than any other

Others speak their truth quietly and clearly and are not turned off by the ranting. See "Storms Clouds Gathering" on you tube for how it's done.

yeah sure, AJ is the source of all knowledge and no conspiracies would ever exist without him. /sarc

Me personally

you do not appreciate that his staff is unwilling to work for free

Not true, pay them

You do not appreciate that he has to make ends meet

Not true. Some things are outrageously priced, yes. But not everything is. And I said that apparel was unnecessary because you can't find a practical use for that other than being targeted

you do not appreciate the fact that he takes visa.


What I do not get is why that makes him bad.

Because every time I try to tell someone what's going on, the first thing out of their mouth. "Oh your just another Alex Jones freakshow"

The way he acts drags us down, causing unprogresses