Please cancel your cable television subscriptions. It's the only way to send a direct message to the idiots running our news stations.

93  2013-07-01 by [deleted]

Without an informed population, democracy cannot work. We need to send a message that Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are not important to us and we distrust the talking heads that are lying to us. Once you shut off this stream of disinformation, you can then seek the truth on your own.


I did 2 years ago. Once the spell is broken, and you see a show again at someone else's house, you realize just how dumb the T.V. people think you are. I can't watch T.V. anymore, it makes me feel disgusted with our culture.

Almost all sporting events, and anything trickling down from the AP which includes national and local tv/internet/radio news broadcasts consist of completely compromised and twisted information. Do not trust the MSM.

It was the commercials that got me... so many in a row that I would forget what silly shit show I was even watching. And then they would "pop-up" a little ad while I was watching the show. I paid for cable, saw commercials and had more commercials while the show was on.... not again.

Netflix is what cable tv was originally designed as. Since you paid for the content, the shows were commercial free. That didn't last very long.

Soon, everyone will have a camera in their home and everyone will pay a monthly fee to watch tv. Except in the future, there will be no tv, only watching other people live. But you'll be a reality star and will receive a commission on every viewer you attract. The end result will be we'll end up a nation of Honey Boo Boos, unwed pregnant teens and people who search abandoned storage sheds for a living. I can hardly wait.

omg this is too true, everytime i go over my friends house, his whole family is watching something stupid on a giant TV, while eating some sort of unhealthy crap. I am literally watching them become sedentary, overwheight retards.

baby boomers would sooner die than give up tv.

/\ Not this one.

nor this one, I got rid of cable years ago.

I'd rather die than watch TV.

why you young whipper-snapper, I'll show you!!!

I cut my cable a long time ago. My parents however will never cancel their subscription because that's their only source of news

Nah, Babyboomers: they would screw over there Parents Generation and the Childrens Generation just to have the Status Quo.

I haven't had cable TV in 9 1/2 years. I wouldn't give those bastards a penny of my money.

Journalists are cheaper than prostitutes.

Not only did I cancel my cable from Comcast, I also cancelled my internet with them as well (in favor of a company less likely to share my info). I have to say, I do not miss it at all. Any information I want can be found online, and from a variety of perspectives (unlike the controlled MSM).

I urge everyone to do the same. You will find (like I did) that you simply don't need it . Get apple TV or Netflix, and watch what you want, when you want. You'll save a shit load of money, and send a message that we are done with them.

I'd also like to add that you should consider closing your bank account in favor of a Credit Union. I've never been happier. Better service, and NO FEES! I wish I had made the switch years ago.

As soon as my contract is over, VERIZON is NEXT!

Did that five years ago.

But I needz my Oprah and my Jersey shorz!

Cancelled 4 years ago. Dont miss it at all.

Waddya mean? I havent watched TV in years. Netflix once every couple of weeks is fine. I see the media (and cable tv, etc etc) in the same light as tobacco companies. Making me pay for something that's bad for me.

I haven't prostrated myself to a cable subscription in my personal dwelling since mid 2005. I don't miss paying for garbage one bit.

I hate TV and NEVER watch it.

The problem with doing what OP suggests, though, is that the VAST majority of us with high-speed connections are limited to ONE my case it's Comcast. In order for me to get my Blast circuit for $75/mo I must subscribe to basic cable (at least) also.

One thing that I can recommend for people who are in the service area is a WiMAX connection through a company like Clear (NOT a plug; not an employee). They provide service through the massively overloaded Sprint network I believe, but their service is inexpensive ($35-40/mo) and fast (12-17mbps) depending on the time of day and the load on your home tower. It's a pretty good alternative to Comcast/TW/WoW and the like--meaning the cable oligopily.

If anybody else has a suggestion to get Comcast-like speeds without paying Comcast (and not hijacking a Comcast customer's WiFi AP, hehe) please let me know; I'm all ears.

I've heard I clear. Although the thought sounds good, it wouldn't work for me. I live in the sticks with no cell phone reception for miles.

We just got high speed Internet 5 years ago.

That is sad...

I'm sorry, but unless you live in the center of a major metropolitan area, Clear is rarely ever an answer. You'll also find you're back to the days of your wireless connection getting bogged down around 3pm when all the kids get off of school, if you get service at all.

I still have TV because the service we use bundled Phone, internet and TV. I don't even have the cable box plugged in lol

They tried to get me to pay for the same bundle. I told them to fuck themselves just out of principle and got only Internet and phone.

I haven't had cable television in 10 fucking years. Why the hell does it still exist?

Canceled DishTv a few months ago. But I'm coming over to your place when SEC football begins in September so...

I love my local bar for that.

I've just begun the search for the perfect one now so I'll be a regular by kick-off.

TV free for three months. Always thought I'd miss it. Feels like I never had one.

Liberating isn't it? T.V. Is like junk food. Once you kick it, you wonder why you ever consumed something that made you feel so crappy.

I got rid of cable a while back and a few years ago we got rid of our tv. People are shocked when they come over and notice we don't have a tv. They just can't fathom such an idea.

cable TV subscription? i've NEVER had one of those, what do you think i am, some kind of braindead sheep?

I can't afford cable TV in this economy. I have digital rabbit ears though. Should I break an ear off? lol..........But seriously, I haven't even turned that on in a month. I do watch the news at work though. I yell liar a lot.

You don't have to get rid of it just don't watch that channel. Hopefully Benn Swanson changes all of that when he gets his own prime time news Show.


When you pay your cable bill a portion of that money goes to CNN, NBC, and so on. By paying for cable you are supporting these channels and their owners even if you never watch the channels.

Almost all sporting events, and anything trickling down from the AP which includes national and local tv/internet/radio news broadcasts consist of completely compromised and twisted information. Do not trust the MSM.

When you pay your cable bill a portion of that money goes to CNN, NBC, and so on. By paying for cable you are supporting these channels and their owners even if you never watch the channels.

nor this one, I got rid of cable years ago.

It was the commercials that got me... so many in a row that I would forget what silly shit show I was even watching. And then they would "pop-up" a little ad while I was watching the show. I paid for cable, saw commercials and had more commercials while the show was on.... not again.

omg this is too true, everytime i go over my friends house, his whole family is watching something stupid on a giant TV, while eating some sort of unhealthy crap. I am literally watching them become sedentary, overwheight retards.

They tried to get me to pay for the same bundle. I told them to fuck themselves just out of principle and got only Internet and phone.